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The Clinton News-Record, 1911-08-31, Page 5
A. 11 , 8 i 'i IL Avat. 314419X1 1. C%toa Ncrvr -RecoM 0 ni "i' i Eli FOR SALE OR ,TO RENT,-Tfm F.A'FA FOR SALE -AT ONCE. 200 . — ! � ��--�----- I331OCKERNIaR--Tn iTap Town- ship,. on Aug. 23rd, Flo -40, dau- Te "Muce tlotlel At Londesboro. This iQ a tspiendi+A chance fgr n live: Possession acres In good state of cultivation in Stanley, 3rd ., 3 trite: fropa 11� Thte llohel'i Exhibit �lit� man. can be given Clinton, school 40 rods. 1.00 acresI - .., ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Sauwel at Dace. For further particulars cultivated, 10 acres alfalfa, 22. Merner, to Qeom,N Brock. RINTO►UJ --PHIPPEN-In Walkerton; apply too W. M. Myles, LeAdesboro, or L. Tyndall, Curator. --85 acres bush, rest fray and pasture. Large stone house, two-storey, -SAT TUN----,--- • �4419"N410491 Exhibition, TOM"to,: August 26 to Septa bar it on Aug. 15th, by lie Rev. M. J. slate woof, cement flcicr in cellar, Wilson: Alai, Rantoul Georgina furnace, woad -shad cistern talo - _.--WILI: air n- -�- The %issea. Louie Berg and Mabel The -marriage took place on Sat- Pbippen, both of Wiugham FARE[ FOR SALE-M.N. 8, WEST phone. One barrut85x56, windmill, ,PVelB I ►n. l o Piano Q! Purchasers g RINSaLX;► _TTALL--•In Hensall, on half of lot 0,• Mul'lgK, township, : p :l�yde of, Detroit, who have beoii spend- wide. mornfn of lash week at Norfsh utnpet•, waterworks* stablitt$ for Aug. 16th Bertha, Fall, .daughter Bout fining 50 acres, There is cn d4 head catltle and 9 horses. Sec. U6 a holiday at "Hall &rest," Brit- street church parsonage t0Y Miss Cerin- ' •, of Mr. and Mrs. J, Hall of Ex- . , ria Broad, returned to Detroit on da. Randall of Zurich Uo Mr. Louis eter North, t the farm a frame house 20x26, kit- oral barn 56x40. flap �bar>as 50x35.-. Readers of The Newt -Record ares eclall invited. ' o , Charles Rinshed OY Y Saiturdl y per sa �er Ignatia. Lat,on of Ggdelich. Detroit. Chen 18xi4 .and a sumtiner kitchen Apply to li7[alcOlm Mckhven, Box We welcome all VIshOis and request a careful in9 c• Mr. A. At. Polley is #laving cement and woodshed 24x14, bank barn a6, Clinton P. O. "'84 t10f1 of Our : roduct. ' ' The .steanner Ignace will make her TA7i'I,4R-ti12cIV�AUGHTON-At 'Lake- p last trip to Detroit op Saturday columns built far the pillars of his side Farm,' Wallace, $ask, orti 58x40 with stabling underneath and ...- new verandah. The platforan will be ; , cement ,flood with ben house. and pig . ot1C Pianos are Built to $iVe -iRletrG. 1,ug. 8th, byw Rev. Mr. Lrrxh of house. The land is cod clay loam, t also. g �ay PROPERTY FOR. SALE.--Rardware o cement Yorkton, Sask., Adrian Taylor cY. Satl8faCti011 and' thed do It. The sacred band concert. teen on On Sunday last Rev. Dr, Meldruuk Rhine, Sask„ to •Elizabeth Mo• entirely clear of leeeds, is well business for sale. in Bayfield. Two- tlie square .pn Sunday ni ht was of Chico P dirained with vile and in, a good story building, Store, workshop and We alone in Canada Ofl'er such ' . etWch enjoyed. u So filth the uipit of Knot Nanghi'on, daughter of the tare state of cultivation, no waste land. dwelling combined, :also stable 26 values. NQt1ce the Tti ig church at bot er,ices, prmchiug t•;- Roy gh There is one acre of -good. crcehard x $6, Three lots ith orchard nd superb designs, the high-grade material the u u 1 - will costae t thousand, ..dollars. at, McNau ton, Brussels, out. & e 1p a.. , , e req . a .1 , eight cellentt sei�mions on each occasion. At Mr. King, organist of North straat the opening of the .evening service a � Births and a naver failing well. Terms to small fruits. Terms vaasonable-Ap- ed tone and finish, citlirch. will give a recital quartette was givon by Messtts, Camp- suit the purchaser. Proprie.'ttor sin» ply tkr R: Rouatt,, Bayflold. -•74 ,on the new KING -fu London on Aug,1st tends to iye u g pp This 34th annual Dohert ' organ on Fradayy: evening next. Abell Tweedie, Reggie Blackstone, Don r g• ' to d o tP. rusfn A ly _ ,. y Exhibit w111 be In wiolia st. fl+aan aid Clark and Will Cha an. In, Rhe M and Mrs, Robert King, a on promises r o John Riley,Sr., .- ,barge of General Nlana Manager D, S, Toronib is expec'.ad'1a Pm daughter - au tem. Constance P. o. -•-85. Eastern Representative R. C. Willis Clufl'' assisted by _ :a�ssisb, anthem :olio were taken by, � . .. {, p. parts DOWNS—In Clilk?an on Aug.6th Miss Edith L. Couzens . The dahlia artd salvia tants for 8utlartd'and Mrs. Buggins, and ' g xcl%P , "Rock of Ages" was given as a to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Downs, a _. v6h* elp t iscit yQ famed, are not quartette b Mr. Jas. Tbom¢isara 4011, FARM FOR SALE. -THE UNDER, TE. AOHER 4F MUSIC' adoigB, f�irell this year, as then✓ are N ' HESSELWOOD-Near Dauphin, Man., signed offers for sale his splendid W. D'ohertu 01"gan & piano Co. not blooming nearly so abundantly as Miss Walter and the Messrs. Tindall. on Aug. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. farm of 181+j acres, an the 2nd con. pupil of Prof. Martin and student! I iltnitea "r°' -usual,. Mrs. Robt. Johnston is improving . M very .rapidly after her long and ted: Thos. Messeiwood, formerly of of Stanley; 2J miles from Clinton, of Alma College, is prepared. to give - ass Maud Watson paid a visa tt!tis Hallett a dau htez. lessons in piano and organ. Fupiis !Factories and 11ea4 Oftice, Western Branch, 14011th to her sisters Mrs. Straibaa' ictus illnms from throat trouble. g I miles' fram school. The farm is ' SA•L'TER-In Exeten�, on Aug, 21st, fa good . stella of cultfwatfon; and prepared for Unversitq� and Conspx» eLiN.TON, CANADA �g0 fiargraye Street and Misses Kate and. Tina Watson. Mrs. Isidore Salk and children and to Mr, and Mrs. M. F, Salter, a well watered. There are 10 acres of vatory, exa'ras.' Thorough tuition Winnipeg, Man, - Mr, Iilarry Diedrich, a graduate of hey sister, Mrs, Patrick Mahon of guaranteed. The parsonage, Holmes- the dwig store of• the late J, Wilson, Chicago, have been spending a week daughter. hard wood bush. Frame house in Ville, -91 � ,. with the Misses O'Neil. Mrs. Mahon WILLIAMS-In Wingham, on Aug. good repair, sun*ibr kitchen and pent his vacation the sweat of his returned to Chicago on Friday but ; 17th, ,to Mr. and Mrs, 1H'. G. Wil- woodshed, 1 barn 76x38, 1 barn trr� " parents in Cambria Road. ,: � _ Mr. and Mrs. BU ton and Mies El- Mr, Salk arrived .and his family will liam�s'L daughter. 40x32 on stone foundation, driving 1�1� 3zabeth Burton of Detroit are boli» remain some inrne yet. 'S0N At the Babylon Line, shed, pig peas, and 2 acres of good E are herr to d0 buQlnPNs The funeral t1cook lace of the late . Stanley, on Aug, 21st, to Mr. and orchard, -Apply to Robt. Pearson, all da and everyday playing in town. Then have travelled p Mrs, Wm'. Dowson, a. son. Box 231 Clinton P. o. -9$-8 y y y in Europe considerably and we very Charles Young an Wednesday of last ' . and Will pay the • Support the" Arch .. 11week fro'mt Uho residence of hisbrach- DE1a Mr. and Hap+ on Aug. 23rd, p S much enjoyed a call from them on to Mr. and Mrs. Frank E, De- - highest market • -Saturday morning last. er, Mr. John Young, Lighthouse. . staet t. Requiem Mass was celebrated Hamdan, a daughter+. MISS B.. IJIAY iZ'ANCE, A. T. C, M,, price. £or wheat If you have °'flat - Mrs. Camoron and her son, Mr. STELCK-In Hay, on Aug. 21st, to Teacher a£ Elocution, Physical. aT7d all coarse ,If ,„,��K b Rev. .Father McRae. Mrs. P. T. John Cameron, formerly science Hies y , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stelck a foot broken arch 'ter on the G. C, I. staff, have been Dean • kindly assisted St. Peters Culture and Dramatic work, Stud- '°�'�••° ' ✓stir 1n an �'jp�y*;h& the breezes anA 4t e - fine � daughter. prepared r7 grain y Or weak ankles O:lx choir du�ri the beautiful science. gaits re .red for' Conia3rvatb y Tho all'bearers were six nephews SC•H'WART IZENTRUB'ER -- At tthe quantity, ;hould;have a air sunsets on Old Hunan durng the p phirws : School of Literature and Expres- p halfdayl season. Mrs. Ca.aueron was Alex. and Chas. Young .of Porter's- Bronson Line; flay, on Aug. 20th, cion,- Toronto, Glasses commencing .—BUY YOUR FLOUR Of our Arch Sup- wMILI in town the guest of Jun a and Hall, Harry+ . Chishol�in and 'William: to Mr. and Mrs: Jacob SchwarP4- Sept. ist, Telephond $1. —92 AND FEED HERE. .Mrs. Doyle. S g Young of Colborne and Clifton Aus- entruber, twins -(girls,)' y . ,..,, its fi y shoes. fitted to our Ur. Stonme, an arf.st, who is stay tin and Wiiliaire Chisholm of town. '• Deaths —SALT IN BARRELS AND BAGS. . iii at Parka House, in ” g Interment was made in Colborne �� , g gettin some ' AUCTION SALE. -- T. GUNDRY tne�ooreAze cemeter+ when+ Rev. Father McRae TAYLOR—In Mullett- on Aug. 30th, has brim imtructed by Mrs.* ,aJwomra,ys�oa Sine sketches of Lhke Huron, y � T � S" � LTTER C0 � •ftx�� � �' Mise Mae Lundy of Blyth is spend- also oflioiated, The late Mr. Young William Tayloa, aged 44 years G. W. Wray to sell by public auo- e ' . Ing, her holidays with -her uncle and was born and spent his youtli at and 5. months, tion at Tot 24, 25, Base Line, God Telephone 64 THE BLDVAToa g1TEp t T AND LET US SHOW O ' '.. . aun5, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore. a Hill and later farmed at McRAE-In Clinton, on *Aug: 26th,. erich township, on 1`huraiap, Sept. I I You .. �` I. � North streets church' held. a con- Taylor's Corners:. Retiring 'from the Arthur McRae, aged 70 years: 7th, the following artkilos, namelyri � \ gregational picnic to Merrasetumg Park farm he moved into town where he DORRANCE-Ia Seaforth, on ,Aug. mare 7 years 'old-sugposery to be These Arch Supports, when careful.l.y fitted On. Wednesday afternoon •£ last continued✓ to reside until hin death, 21st, David Darrance, aged- 89 ' in . foal, colt 1 year old, 2 milk COAL WOOD CEMENT to the .Foot and Shoe, strengthen the. weakened "I" He was a. quiet and unpretentious week. It was a floe days and P years, 2 months and 22 'days; cows•- .supposed to be in calf, 2 y muscles and bring grateful rel 9f from pain and . - A1tD5 the outing was veryt mmuoh ani- n He is survivt+3 by, five brothers WARTVICK-In Mullett, on .(Aug. cows due to' calve in October, 2 - and two sisters : Jamen and Won,• E. 21st, F Opposite the G. T: R. Station-. _ strain: joped by a large numbs+i of M4ry Anmta Allen, relict of steers nsiug three, 2 heifers rising. 1 , \ ribs congregation, for. being a half •of Colborne, Alex, a4 KintaiT, Jahn the late John Warwick, aged 82 two, 2 s'beers rising two, 2 spring We ve furnished` relief to many Feet and we're holiday there was a good turnout.: of .dawn and Henry cf• Goderich years, 9 months and T3 days.- calves, 3 fall calves, sow with 10 just 'received . . at'tbe service of every Man and Woman au#%rin -.'- The wreck of. the Tecumseh has. township„ Mrs. McGratban of. town JOHNSTON—In Morris township, g � p, � small pigs,' so hens, Set.- of fortis one carload of from fallen arch: he>� raised .and towed to a' point and Mrs. P. AusUin of Kingsbridge. Aug. 17th, Thomas Johnston, aged harness, set of single harness, robe, 7 ., above Goderich. On Maida. week the W. C. T: U. L>aamp Coal See, disp,a,,� 'of the celebrated Scholl Arch', held a •meeting in Te nlierance hall 81 }+ears, 4 mortis and 8 days: oreatm•,seperator.nearlya new, Massey- for Threshers,• $uppOrts 1D wiYldOW.' Ali'.eizes carried in stock1.:I I'll Miss Olive Stoddart .of Holrnesville Hharris 'binder, Frost. & Wood allow Is spending her vacation at the resi- which was addressed by9 Rev. Mr. or, hay, rake, seed drill, cultivator,1. The Very best . � . donee of her grandpareniis, Mr. and Greene of Clinton. LOST. -ON' S�ATURDAY.:.NIGUl' land roller, diskt..harrow, scufflars,.t ]fore. D. Stoddart. The Doty- 13ngine Works haws "closed set of iron harr�Qg�9, walking James Twitchell - &.'' I ItQn. Mr, and Mrs. Dames of Oran ttpille for two. walks. The employees of the last Belt, wrath enalmellod buckle. t6 •Pbw, g , Cuban Coat. of Arms: -Please return gapg. Plow, 'riding .ulow, fanning A THU;R FORBES . have came to Goderich to reside. Mr: works held a :picnic at Blacks to .Mrs. M. D. McTaggart, --94 xgill; puiper, wheelbarrow, sett of - . ' Dawes is a member of the C. P, R.. Point on Saturday.11 Phone 52 j.bob eigl s; `wagon, hayrack, pigrack, _ `sba8 of engineers. They reside in Fri�ait the Dawson City' News we r watertrough, -2 iron pig troughs, Sucow. . to ..Jas. Hamilton: . the ,house lately occupied b , Mr, J: copy Me_ following item, .the -bride t „rs y FARM FOR SALE -Lot no=t! half. WANTED - SAWING CONTRACTS y P. Y. . SEED WHEAT FOR SALE -= THE buggy,. citU. , daisy o. urn, butter -- i 26 c IQ Moorf4•, _ in' rile 'case being a slater of Mrs. . , on. 12, Mullett, .consisting of by the '' 1000 feet,, .anywhere in Rojiii. Johnstonof 1!awn : '.'Aaron un�lersigmed has 'a lf2mted, quantity worker, washiwa machine, ,a number . ,50 acres: All seeded down except' Huron count beginning Defcenilbcr p, g' g We have to thank Miss Doris Had- g of Dawson Golden .Chaff seed wheat.' milk pans, large iron kettle, 10' acres. Sma)n orchard. Frame 1911: -✓McEwen• Bstos:; Ba hold. ns for sendingus while in Muskoka the pas i,ngers .by stead- Selkirk on This should make splendid seed as 'house and bank barn• with'st;ablin forks; shovels, shades, hoes, ladders, - y a souvenir cavi from Hotel Briton Tuesday+ eve>tning. was , Mrs. • Bertha ,, .chains, and other articles too nuanr• '' g' --90-7 • Coultis, Who on W, duesda ever it -was fresh froait the .Model Farm On Gravel road 1 • mile . north of ,ntiM Lake of Bays. I p -two ears ago and is free from r:ous tto mer0lon. Terms of sale P Londesboro. wile from school Mrs. Gatenb and her daughiter, Hing became albs bride . of Mr. F g t . Y , All sums :o4'ten dollars, and under . Mrs. Fowler, have returned from a y p sinhit. •Price , $1.00 per'-, bushel. - i Apply on the Gu Luker. The event took lace cash, over, that amount six months premises or address Loren' Tyndall, Clinton P. 0: --94 . Richard Shaddick M 1. i at the home of Mr' and .Mrs. •A I.ondesboro P.O. C inosi+ enjoyable visit to relatives at credit an furnisht:ng apprpveia joint -75 _; a'. Windsor and Detroit. Arm'strcng, the ceremony bef% pe¢ - iyotes. A discount+ ofi 5 per -cent. - . - , -Architect Langley of Toronto was formed. by, Rev. R. H. Hibbert of Vex . a nqm• on exE+lit amvouzi+ta. -- A nd buy your Grah_te the Methodist church. The r HOUSE. FOR SALE-SP!f ROOMED `'� ware Tinware in taws last week exarniRing th© groom Mrs..tin W. Wra pro rietress • T.. China " Camderou "property, which the Hos- was supported by. 'Mr. F. A. Whit- rough cast• house on Orange• street y P `'' + ' . Gundry,. auctioneer. Land Etc. " &t 1118 :5'C Plumbing 'Hot ,.-Water, Water , pieal Trustee Board are I%ink g: of �ney. and .the. bride byt, Miss. Rosman. —attached is one half ' acro of, � f . f y. ;: round and a barns= . l to N. . 1Qc...15c ;and , t ; pr. urdha�ing far an hospital., ,aiding,. The bride; who formna.y. resided. in g a APP P , , I store. :, Coke Erie stre �.. Gaderich; Ong., Tian: bees living ..for:. H_E R �: v E � -Sham 'and � Hot Air The gru,ent premises are too small eb. 4 , Small profits' and quick REVISION OF VOTERS . L.ISZ'. -- and the. grounds will .admit. of but some tiimte at Lloydmin§ter, Sask., .__- time I - Meas- • . Notice is herebyi given .that a Court Ifeating• returns is our motto. Tittle it any enlargement. The Cam- and came from these to meet 1►er . , . W111 be held pursuant.to the Ontar= . urec by minutes and' . eron propertyv would make .an ideal husbar, Mrs. Luker is posses.>•.,i of ASTRAY THERE STRAYED V t is List Act his. honor GALVANIZED IRON WORK; ROO.F'� . hos 'U�l with its fine rounds and .it fine musical, abilities and training and from the gremnsds Gf:, the wind,,, is O e '' hp SeCOIldS� 1nStead_. bf ING AND . EVETROUGH•ING. g the Judge of the County+:Court of nn is hoped the deal will through. her presence Dawson will..'be �niti� signed, Lct .25, 'Bayfield Line, God- hours -thee Howean is the court -o4 We have ever lvAiri - that is U. L p go g the County of Huron at the . town. Y g r COOK✓ :ropA Miss Isabel. Strachan left last week an ;acquisition to ,musical circles: The eri& township, - on: o>' about July 'final appeal. . new and up-to-date, in the . -ship- hail,. Varna, on Friday,- Sept - for New Ycsk having spdn? a few groom is one of Yukon's old timers. : 10th, one rod, p.3arlhig steer. Any a ter 1st 1911 ab 11 o'clock a: m. The HOWARD Watch has alas:. In plumbing and heating business. , " . -�� t -- weeks here and in Clinton.. . He• cammie here in 1900 and: has` barn information of: its whereabouts will ,ro h.11 ilar' and det rmine conn hints accuracy, design and finish it shows the ' .. . On Saturday while Mr. Whii,. An- engaged itt mining and :in the aur be thankfully' received byr Ben. Rath- , s'' ns the Vo- ;spirit of the men who make it. Esitimates given on all contract_work, Of errors, and-ornis i0 in TO.' THIS PUBLIC step was digging a conduit far rile trade. He wa an active worker in well, Varna P, O. -94: tar's. List of the Municipality of It,haa traditions and a history that. . purpose of putting water servfice in- the Methodist church and is held in the Township of .Stanleyfor. 1911, Americana are proud -of, HAVINfr BOUGrfiT TES to Pridham's stare, he struck a stone high regard by . a large circle of"� WORI{SI�O)? I)EPARTMET?T OF ° � � � � ' Dated ' at Varna, this 2rd -dap oY Every Hownrtn is adjusted as a fine . 'wall, cd which no orae_ seemed to .friends, all of whom` join in wishing NOTICE IS MEREBY GIVEN `THAT: ,u usb 1911. J, E. arnwelt watch -cased and timed in its owe. THE ROWLAND HARDWARE . .I BY;M &BUTTER know and the purpose, for which orig- himsti:f and: his bride many y.,& . of a Court will be held pursuant tC T 'g she Cierl* ` case at the factor . BUSINESS, WITH - WmHICH. I inallyr built is not apparent. happy married life." The Ontargo Vaters' Lists Act by °.n i . . Printed ticket y kef the rice SANITARY, PLUMBERS. HAVE BEEN CONNECTED. FOR . - A number of ; town famnilfes have Mr, Willard Dickson of Toronto is His Honor the Judge 'of the County to i to Let *us show pr this dire SEVERAL YEARS. I AM PRE-: . Been carmping at Attxills' Poinii fur- a' gltestl at Hotel Bedford. Court of the County of Tiuron, 'at v� aratch. _ y PARED' TO RECEIVE ORDMS. - FOR SLH. (FOOD St%. ROOMI�D ins August. _ the Council chamber in the Town . �►N�•M••Nr�N�____ FOR THE �HECLA FURNACES; We regret to . say that Mr. Hata of Clinton oak >yda the.11th da house, with pantry, cellar and �/ g y y , 44o y, y � nn n/n� PLUMBING EVETROUGHINf'r Wi its + woodshed. Hard and 'soft water. A. U , UU , + e gg; ,who returned from Winnipeg Leadbury o£ Siyptember, 1911,. at 9 o clock a. c rttd'- PUTTING . UP STOVES .',AND soave: weeks ago afUer having spent - mt,; to hear and determine coon- ., acre lots. All In first-class , c i JeU18iG/ anplD�U�/Clll'p,IuaUG'YOf I TY 'YEARSREPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL,,. some. time in an hospital there, has Mrs.. Nesbitt of LisUawell is visit plaints of errora'and emissions. in tion: --J. Tucdcer, Eredel�ick strdet, the V tars s Marriage L�eenses. OF W!IIICIi WILL RECEIt o Li t of the Municf al' Clinton. -89 not yiet .recovered his wonted vigor. ing at t(he home of her mother, Mrs. P i*, . . . . .. MY PROMPT ATTENTION. a. .1, We trust the cooler weather of .the Kinity, of :Clifitan-Jor 1911.,Dated this 28th Our Seven Colleges have been CONTINUANCE Oh' THE. PA'r autumn will restore him. Mr.. anco :Misses Eva Scott arta day of August, 1911: D. •L.. Milo • . . . established during the past 30 RONAGE' GIVEN THIS DE- . i� .0••••••••09•••0•••••*• ears. The lar est trainers in Mr. Frank Turner of Winnipeg is Jean Archibald visited. halends" . in Pherson, Town Clerk. . -94 `Fon SALE -A ii hi. P:, PORTABLE • .. • :. • Q g PARTMENT ' IS RESPECTFUL- . visiting his brother, Mr. Harold Tur- Winghain last week. , stte'am engine, In good working• •° • ad 1 over: Onto our connec- . • . • an LY' TLEQUESTED. tion al ioi we' do @ ner of 'the Signal.: Mr. Albert McLaughlin of Seaforth order. Also set c8 sleighs 'for con- • The Preference for • . I better for our graduates than . PROMPT ATTENTION WILL The following . of the Boys' Scouts visited , at.:the home of his Uncle, FARM- FOR SALE.---TH-E UTTDER veyanca in winter, 2 good d�rfve � r ' an other Schol: 'You 'nay BE GIVEN TO URDERS LEFT • ' will atb.ad tike Toronto Industrial Mr. John Scarlett, on: Sundayi. dersi�i e. d offers fon .sale his 'farm belts 1 circular saw .and framo. • THE 0 study all at Koine or partly at I AT ROLAND'S H'ARINWA1EtE , under the coananand of Second Scout,.. Miss Gertrude Campbell of Con- ' of 147* aurds, being lot- 12 and A .snap for quick sale. --Seeley & hota�e and iir,ish at the 'CoUe e.. STORL; Master Currie : Watson Straiton, stance visited her aunt, Mrs.. Me- west half of lot 13, Bayfield Road, West, Clinton: -90' + Affitliated with The Cmmerciaal Educators' Association of Can- �T D JOHNSON Kenneth Hawkins, Harry Tu4ford, Ewen, .le "t+ week; Stanley, This is a first-class farm 6 • ads.. It would be well for von • D. Morris Swanson, John Van3tone, Mr. and Mrs. Coulter visited , .' ab w0h. .plenty of water - and first- . � . � to investigate before choosing. Bruce Noble, Maitiland Pridham, Al Mrs, Hudlo'e on Sunday.. class' buildings, all now within the VOR.SALE, SALE, 'ON MARY STRiEET A 0,B • Exclusive right far Ontario of riothe world-famous Bliss Book. fred Roach, Harry Watson and Allen Mr. This Scarlett relearned. tO. Clan- last ten .leers, Also lot 24, north 0H • n S stem which is un - goad dwelling house, containing • • I keeps i� , Sinclair. ton on Monday. to finisli' his. bourse boundary of Mays, consi:ifting'of 119 � yy seven rooms, with good cellar, ceanr • e uuled. It is Actual Business BABY CARRIAGES Chester Elliott, soar of Mr. and in the Business Cotlege there. acres.. The village c8 Blake tis ent cistern and good well. of hard ' • ..� • from m Start to Finish, and the 0 L 1 Mrs. G. M. Elliott, w•ho Lias be•a for built on the cors,r of Uhis farm.In,.ORANULATED • student keeps same books as • water on the' lawn.. For further � ps � some time on the staff of the local Church and school within half a 6 • Chartered Banks and Whole- RE -TIRED WHILE . YOU , ,•'„ fotimia 20, inquire of Mts. E: Fall, • • sale houses. Enter an time. ' WAIT AT SMALL COST. branch of the Sterling bank, has aG Visitors too Toronto at Exhibition mile, aayd only 8l miles from the sox 220, Aylmer. --87 • 1188 been created by • y ' + thriving village of Zurich which •. I Individual instruction. . c�rpted a position in the Dolce of the time ought not to fail to take a g g • • the sugar itself • Big Mill. imp to Scarboro Beach Park,. the makes it a vory; desi'rabb property'. • • Fall Terms fCOill Aug 28 . "-2 NEW BICYCLES . ' Mr. and Mrs. John ,Pharis and theft great armusemenU re.Wrt at tho east -Fort furtheit particulars apply to g : Manufactured by FOR. SALE. CH`EAp.- pet parrot left for Long Beach, end of the city, J. C. Reid, Varna P. 0. -94 FARM FOR SALE. -ON THE LOX- 0 • 'write, call or phone for partlenlars. Cal., last week. Searboro Beach has• had the tnost don Road, Dire mile south Of the • ._ _THH i town of Clinton; A first 'class • 0 = CLIWON - WATERWORKS SERVICES On Sunday last the semlices in prosperous seasons in;its history this ores choice = .0 �{f INST ' North street church were hold in the summer, and visitors who have seen POR SALE. FRAME ROUSE AND farm of 182 a , a o pro 6 Canada Sugap Ref rain UQ ALLED. LETS DO IT , auditariwm, though the organ Was not It " ?t9fon+ will be struck by the � acrd cif land,, situated on the pei�yy, Musts be sold, as owner has 6 5 0 Bllsliness College ' von YOU. 11 yet readyt four use•. At bhB morning nta�ny improvements. The Scarborcv London Road, J mile south of Clin- oUher interests to look. after.'- 0 LIMITIaib • G.ao. SpoTToN, - PIMSIDUN.T service the, pastor took for his text Inn is generally considered to be one ton. 7 rooms, hard and soft water, Apply+ to H. Plunisteel, Clin+on. • • Miss B. F. Ward, Principal . ,� -88 t MONTP.9AL, - QUEBEC A. TU[2N R i the words from Nehemiah : .:So, we of the very best v.)0aurants in tt:ie stone foundation and large cellar, ,e • *N"#N"#*"#* *# NNH • 4 built the wall," and his sormoh Was city, and during exhibition time will small fruftt.� For furthi-r particulars _ _.. __ • * . . - impressive and earnest. Tho choir and a•i;.eially+ cater to out-of-town guests. apply to Fred. Hayward, Clinton. •• and • sold by s congregational singing Was good and Tho vaudeville eiti:+.:rtaintr.,ent Is of the 92 FARM F`OIt SALE, -T1IE t?NDER- 0 � 0 �diiAng the offertoryMrs. : Bdnson gra r V• 1, O N IBI L , NATIONAL Glean'e>ttt of Torceito tendered a solo Exhibition; the pe,x.iianent houses of of 135 acres adjoini the town of o :aware class as that put on at lie sl eel offers for sale his fibs farua • in has rich and pieasang 'Contraltro atnusemenb s PA,tZ AnyUhing else• in FARM FOR SALE -`the l xecutor of Cpinton, The farm is in a, good � • voice, which was much appreciated, Canada. Tho Park itiself is one ut the the Southctonnias estate offers for state cf oultivatiOn and has good, r "fie Hub 6rocbrs+.'+ Is .6 IFORTLAND, NT' Mrs• J, P. puma will receive on prott rest on the eozwtitient�. sale 50 acres, being east half Of buildittgs-�-brick house, bank barn, + "" ''" �'""""" 4:x I& fifst and third ThuAidays, lifter A visit to Toronto'would not be 100'28, con. 6,` Mullett. This is a drii('ing house, pig pert, etc., - all ; The bandiiti Of this a ' the 15th, at her home on, Britannia complete without a ride' down tra bier, first-class farm, well watered and comparatdvely View. A first-class 6 above sugar�tas beer!' • Road, Bleach which is ,in ai:,out the saline improved and w1th good btaildings, young orchard contaitdo all kinds • the motto of blit success, . ' .. A. Fresh ear lust recelved, which will be aold •at reitsonablo' - I• Mr. 'Frank Tana of Seattle has been rotative position its tho east. of the Also the undersigned offdrs for sale . of fruits, also small fruits. The # • f * u 6 • • 6 6 6.6 r 6 6 0 6 6 6 6 his vacation alitli ills broth -'cit' As Exhibition Park is to the lot 29, Co.6, Ilu�ette, consisting of farm is Well fenced and well dvaln- prlet�l3. Empty base Charged for f19 1UC eRcllr ti18 X�C to be . 9pomdtiig y b .w..,..-. repaid oil tilt ✓crura of rile eirXil t bap, dr, Inspeetot ''C+0M. Orta day Mr. Torn gest and. Going tram mi park to q0 acres, These farvis may be ed and is a very desirable home, p p q pby order of t1ho •em*ht a,couple of small-moutlimi Ilt'ass ( suothe�r,you /sed practleally all thil"J, bought together Or 00PArstely.-- Four further partieulswo :poly Oil cement C"om lttl . int altr,andj the largestrof wiiibb is to 06 of tile, SOU% tihrt of 'I" Apply to �� J. SouthnoWbo, Cliti- the piretnd#&. or laid!* �Olrta Are you # NewswRecord P y . ,wei +l eight pouu4s, !Queen laity, tat► P. t), w-89 Torr N Clt`,00)l P, a. i dt Subseribor i'• so t r -ANDREWS 4