HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-08-31, Page 4• ton News-Rocord A CoOW Fighter. 9 r. Glardton Waldron has. accepted Ob. Bonin ibion i :West Tercets. tis •appose Mr. E. B. Osler whose rna- aority hem•tetlore has been so large that to ga up against him veould selioaosit seem lake a tic. etess u'ntler- taking. But Mr; Waldron, - who, by On way, is a member of the well- Ieuceivn Waldron family of the Lon- don Road, is :a Clever spea1 er and a gu!g4 fighter and can always he de - ended on to make the very best 'oi ,anything which he undertakes. Goderich Township Mrs. E. Wtr'saster and hes brother, M. Adam cantelcn, left on Tiles - day to visit for a couple .a° weeks in Toronto and about Streetsville. All Ready for School Opening, Tuesday Sept e MODEL SCHOOL. BOOKS. Millet's School Management.: 1 00 tf`ordy's Psycbalogv 1 25 Tiilley's Methods in. Teaching . 150 The Method of the Recitation......75 Prang's Text Book of Art Educa- tion. 7 Books 3 00 PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS. Ontario P. S. A.rithmetic.. . ;10 " Grammer.., . ......10 " English History,25 •• '" Canadian 11istory....27.. ,• " Hygeine .., .20 .r " .C'Speller 15 15 •t •• omposition.. ....., 111 " Geography ' 8E Optario Readers .4.6, 9, 14. .16 COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE: BOOKS._ Ontario High Schooi Reader...... .40 High School Eng, Grammes Elementary English Composition ,40 Ontaiio School Geography 65 Ontario Id, S. Physical Geography .60 Ontario 11. S. Ancient Uistory.....75 Ontario H. S. English History.65 Ontario High School Arithmetic ....40 Hall and Knights Junior Algebra . .50 Ontario High School Geometry .,:.40 Ontario High School Latin B000k.60 Matriculation Latin . 75 Whites Fiat Greek Book 1 25 High School French Grammer 60 High;lichooi German, Grammer r.. 7u Ontario High School Physics . 90 Laboratory Manual in Physics 35 Ontario High School Chemistry... 4'1 Laboratory Manual in Chemistry 20. Ontario School Book Keeping ...., . 311, Book-keeping Blanks 20 Hagfish Literature Selections, 1912 20 Atgher Algebra 1 90 Matriculation- Algebra 90 Trigonometry -(Hall mud Kuight)1 00. Calton's Practical Zoology' 1,50, Robinson's Hi, Western Europe1.06 Bergen and Davis Botany.•1.50 Fletcher &Nicholson Greek Prose1;25 Virgil Aeneid Book II • ...., .25 � Ratty Selections from Zeno phon.... .50 Baumbach Waldnovellen. .25 Labiche, Les'Petis Oiseaux ' 20 Minerals and How They Occur... 100 SumI. terhiii. The Ladies' Guild will Meet at the home of Ms. W. J. McBxien on Fri- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. Golder spent Sun- day with Auburn friends: Mrs. John Johnston spent a few days, last week with friends in Clin- ton. Miss Watkins of the Base Lite is visiting her sister, Mrs. Kilty of Clinton this week. Weir. Wm:. Jordan spent Sunday with friends in Morris. Miss Ethel Govier is visiting God- erica friends this week. Mr. M. Morrison and his men are building the cement butntents for Wallace's bridge, Mrs. Girorge Johnson spent Wednes- da}r the guest el her dade,hter, Mrs.' C. Dale, of the Hurcn Road,. • Mr. and,'Mrs. W. Biggin and family spent Sunday at Mr. C. Beacom's. Miss S. Tebbett was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Hayes, stilt week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lowery visit* ed friends in the village on Sunday. L. O. L. 928 will hold its regular meeting on Monday evening next. Mr.. John Ward and family of Clinton have taken possession of their new house. Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams and 1%lr. R. Colborne of Seafrrth spent Sun- day at Mr. John. Colborne's. On and after next Sunday, the ser - Vice in St. Peter's Church will be held at 7 o'clock 'instead of 7.30. COODBP CO, Porter's "Hili Miss: Grace Torrance baa gale 11a Toronto for :a visit. ' Miss Cress Elliott and Miss Anna Harrison are itr Seaforth for a few. days. Mr, Leslie Cox and Miss Addie spent Sunday in Colboree as guests of Mr. Ben. Cox. Miss Emily Pickard is very ill. Miss Minnie Proctor spent Sunday) a .vest at Mr. George Vander• hCirgh':s• Mr. Jas. Cox has purchased a hanisoan0 new rubber tired buggy. Miss Lily Thoi'v.'on is spending a few days with Mrs. John McLure of the first concession. Mrs. Siaadea 'and her two daugh- tors orf Joliet are visitors at Mr. Andrew Bennett's. Mir. and Mrs. R. Y. Cox and their son, Hiram, spent Sunday with Col- born) friends. Master Ernest Vanderhurgh visited lash week with Mrs. W. Winton. Mrs, Shaw of Detroit is visiting Mrs. Peter McDougall.. Mr. Thos. Ramsay of Detroit is visiting in 'the vicinity. Mr. and Ma -i. John Sturdy intend taking ,in the Toronto Fair this week. The News -Record to end cif year 25c. • Holmesville Mrs, J. W. Yeo left on Saturday to visit 'her daughter, Mfrs. H. R. For- ster of Locust Hill. Mr. and Mrs. A. Huller, Mrs. and Miss Sturdy and others are taking in the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto this wer. :. Mr. J. 11. Lowery, one, former and popular. school teacho., loft on Tues- day to enter upon his new duties as vice-principal of the North Bay Putaicschool. His may friends here and hereabouts wish him much suc- toss, . A Methodist ; picnic of the congre- gations of f'olmes.ville, Bethell and Ebenezer, of the Hc.'.nesville circuit+, was hold' on Wednesday afternoon. lamr`,. - Goderich Township Mrs. Alex. Welsh is .visiting .her. son Norman, a meomber. of the Tor - of will Force and Policealso, Tor- onto o 0 0 course, take in the Fair. M s;. Elwood has been. critically ill for.a number of days past. S. S. No. 10 have re-engaged Mr. E. Elliott of Bayfield ' .for the ensu- ing.. ydar'at a handsome salary. He has done good' work in the • section and the trustees .onsider themselves CLINTON lucky in scouring him. 41. • BIC VALUE BIC VALUE COCouctl. & • We Meat aCon- tinttance of your trade for fall. If good reliable merchandise, lowest possible prices, fair and Rquare dea1itag, careful attention and a sincere desire to lease you are thin slike we can: 'count. P Y g' you � you for a customer -again this fall. A good time to put us to the test is early in the season. Come when we begin"to show the new goods Newest Styles are al- ways Shown here first. Great Quantities of new fall merchandise has already been entered into stock, New fail: dress goods,. New Silks, New Coats, New Shirts, New Golf Jackets, New Flannelettes, NewSheetings, New Towe111ngs, New . tT• . llislery, and New nderwear. We will be pleased to haveou come and inspect. a11. y Comparison helps s to Sell Our Goods. • e Beudeid . Mho! Stella Copp of Clinton, who has been visiting her„friend, lfti;sa Eva Stinson, for the pasts three weeks, has returned to Clinton. 1V.liss Myrtle Stinson left on k ri- day for Lucan where she will spend some time. Rev. Mr. Made and Mao. Hinde en- tertained a number of their kiwis ee't the 28th inst. Mrs. R. Shurutur 'of Detroit is visiting lu!r sides, Mrs. Hinde. Mrs W. Buchan, after having been) for a few weeks the guest • of her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Woods, returned on Fridays last to her home at Durham... Mrs. (Dr.) Condit, Minneapolilst Mimiesota, and Mrs. Waldman, of Chicago are the guestx of Mr. and Mrs. Dan in the Wbita City. Mr. Hugh McKay =is attending the Toronto Exhibition this week. mli;ev. David Ross of Darlington, Enprand, occupied the pulpitof the Methodist! chuaah on Sunday morning last. The ano-tal meeting u° the Upper. Canada Bible Sociotty will he held in S. Andrew's church on Thursday evening at 7.30 when the agent of the Society will deliver an address. The resident ministers and also Rev. MA. Ross of Darlington, Eng., will speak. Ml are cordially invited tta attend. Mr. and Mrs. Rosi Beattie of Trout Creek and Miss Bessie Beattie of Ba.^ie are the guea 1s of Mrs. Lint - tie's parents, Mr. and gra. George Erwin, Mrs. Haystead of Detract is the. peat of Mrs. Maitland, whom is sum- mering in the White' City. Miss Alice Tippet15 left on Tuesday for Bea' in where she was secured a position. Mr. W. D. Gordon and wife of Midland, Mich., are guests at the •Auburn The StrAling Bank is now domi- ciled in .its new quarters on the north side of the main street. It is an ateracttive looking building and the intra'or is also up-to-date. Manager McIiveen is exceedingly popular with all classes of cur citizens and his genial personality' ha.t had not a little to do with the good business this branch does. The benefit. of spraying may.ln+ stmt in the os hard of Mr. Erratt just east of the village. Half of . his Commercial. trees aro heavily ladsn and oyes the Mrs. H. W. Erwin and son, Mas - whole he will have a good fifty, per ter frank, are . visiting friends at cent crop. And what is almost ! as Berlin, important, tree *fruitt• is clean, free Rev. David Ross of Darlington, from scab and worms. Anyone who Devonsoire, England, ie the guests of doubts the efficacy cr`- spraying should Mu Laws. visit Mr. Erratt's orchard and see Masters Thomas . Myers and- Wilber for Themselves the qua'l'ity of . the Erwin are Spending the week at fruit and the quantity. And, by the the Toronto Exhibitiion. way, the orchard was only twice Rev, Mr. Macfarlane left this week sprayed fnstaad of three times' as ;for a couple of weeks' vacation was intended, and the work wadone which he will spend: at+ hie • former by Asquith's gasoline, outfit. About twenty of our young .people. had, a corn roes.? on Monday night by the silo of the Maitland. Ralph. Munro is helping M. 'G.. E. Denstedt with his tinsmith work. • entertained a �T.Riddell Mrs. W. party( of young folks on. Tuesday e,ening. The . tennis club' go to Btyth on Thursday afterncon . to play ttlit' re- turn 'inatc'h with. the B1y''ih boys aXrd' gist. ; A - Asqsuith '& Son• are doubling ' tha size of their evaporator and .althcugh it will have a much grater capacity than title year's crop calls for, there are other seasonsto come which no do'ibt' will be Imam fruitful than. this ono and that of 1910. . Most t melt Stanled Township . Rev. Mi. Baird, wife and daughters, tll e 7ltfiexsep klloise and Grace Baird, Grand who are aWntiasaring at and Bendr spent a few days with, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stinson. Mr. Roy Dennohne of Blyth is spending a few days the guest of Mr. Harvey Reid. Mrs. A. Jchm ton and son of Galt are visiting at Mrs. Thos. Nichol - sea's. Miss Ruth Houston has returned horn after boing away on a weeks' vacation. :several have Wit this neighborhood for the west, among them being : Earl Ddlgaty, Leonard Sparks,Thos. Westlake and Chester Nicholson. Mrs. Dr. Sheppard and daughter, Miss Besse, of Ontario, Califcrraiia ; Mr, Ed. Routledge and wife of Cleve- land, Ohio ; Mr. and Mrs. Howell and 'daughters, the Misses Florence and Olga of Hamilton", and Mx. Wigle of Windsor spent a mount enjoyable even: ing en Wednesday of lass* week at the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. William Clarks of the Babylon Line. • The township -. council met as Saturday last but the business was chie,:l}i routine, passing accounts, by- laws for levying the rates and the telephone bylaws, The court of Via- vision vvili meet on September 9th at 10 _ a. m. Mr. Thor. hlcelytmont, a -native of the Parr Lina, but who has been living, at Edmonton, Alberta, foss saveral years has been; very ill of late. At last accounts he has some- what improved and the old fniends here hope he may soon be well a- gain. Mrs. W. L. Keys continuos to im- prove and is now able to visit among her friends near at hand. All' ams) rejoiced to see her able to be abouts again. Mr. R. Laing from the State of Missouri but a native of the Parr Line is visiting among friends Belga after an absence of forty Tars. The family lived an the farm • just south of Varna which is now oweed by Mr. Ward. The old redi:dents here • well remember Mr. Laing and these who were boys wing:, him at the tine re- call the fact . that he could trim them all at marbles and would at times corner about the whale supply in the set'slementt. Rev. Mr. Searle, who with his wife and three children is vtisitinn at ' the home of the• lady's sister, Mrs. Albert Robinson, occupied the •pulpit of the Methodist chtnt h on Sunday; evening last.. and spoke an. hour on the, social, religious and pcmlitical life of 'China wheae he was engaged in the missionary . work .for sixteen ytears. His address was very inter- esting and was listened lb with close attention. Mr. Searle's health was .broken • by his work in the Fai East Which he has. had 'consequently to. abandon, but he will kaake up min istoria." work near, London, this prov- ince.. If you sea it in The News -Record, it's, so., - BEGIN NEXT WEEK. • All who attend Sunday 'School 1 should' cut out the 'Suggestive Oues- tions an the Lessen, whial shall appear on page two of The News Record beginning wilt next week, Take them to ".Sunday! School with you and if the usual method of . dis- cussing the lesson appears to' be dull., fire some. of `•these questip'is at, tmhe • class, and t►iie dullness will be a thing of the past. charge. at Collingwood where he has been called to officiate at a wedding, Nowt Sunday his pulpit will be oe- copied by Rev. Mr. Turnbull who is suinanering, here and on the follow- ing Sunday the .Presbyterians and Methodictts ' - will ledld a union ear- vice arvice with Rev. David• Rosa as the preacher. • The " News -Record leads for Bay- field news. . Rev. John and Mrs. Kenner Celebrate Their Golden Wedding. Mitchell, Aug. 17th. --`rhe fiftieth ansrlversary of the "marriage .of Rev. Jahn and Mrs. Kenner wancelebrated on Tuesday+, Aug.:` 15911 at "The Pines."'Such an event falls to the lot of very few' people ant has been looked forwa +i' to for 'snonttis with pleasurable anticipation. Among time many guest's present were Mrs.. (Rev.) S. J. Thompson, Nanaimo, B.. C. ; Mr. and Mica J. H. Kenner, son and daughter, Stratford r, Mr. W. Kenner, 'Porcupine •, Mr. and Mrs. •Ei.. P. Kenner, Idamilton s; Inspector and Mrs. W. A. Bell and 'son, Coiling- wood ; • -Miss M. Reid, Loswibhiel, Eng., and Rev. W. Kenner of Peter - bora, who officiated at the wedding in St. Cob,mb, Cornwall, England, fifty years ago. Mrs. Thompson • on behalf of • the family, read a very appreciative ad- dress, which was followed by Mrs. Bell on behalf of , the Manila, pre - seating the bride and groom with a well filled purse of $5 and $10 gold pieces:„ The groom on behalf of himself and Mrs. Kenner pren:'nted to each of the gue'sts as a souvenir a ster- ling silver dessert spoon, suitably en, - graved, At • the conclusion of the addresses which aceempaii:ed the presentation of them souvenirs, tha groom marked the entering, of an- other fifty )'oars by presenting, his wife With a beautiful diamond ring. In the. evening a reception was • hold at . which over one hundred of the most promhiemt citizens of the down united in their congratulations and good wishes to the happy' couple. During; the day nuuutercrtis telegrams, letters and express parcels frost points more than 6,000 miles apart kept arii'.ving, showing the groat in- terett the gathering had aroused, oetslde the guests immediately con- cerned. The worthy couple who have thus past- d elleir golden anniversary ate well remembered in and about :Clin- ton, Mr. Kenner having semo wars ago been pallor of the Ontario street church". The News-iledotd to en Varna .. Rev.: and 'Mrs; Johnson •were in Walton on Saturday atl nding the funeral of the latter's father.' Mrs. C. Weeku"has returned after a pleasant viattwitchfriends int Lon- don and Glencoe, . • Miss Mande Lamont is the guest of her kgrandrni Cher, 'Mrs..:Esler. , Mrs: J. J, Keyes is the gueat .of. her mother, Mrs. Chas:. Logan. Mr. Will •Logan• was. a Ripley vis- itor over the week end. Miss Ph-imie Coy+ has been the guest of :Miss 'Phemie. =Logan:. . • • • Blgth Mr. and Mrs: J. Hoover and fain- Up; ai -it}i; of ,Clinton, spent Sunday : wi_th his cousin, Mr. C. Spafford.' Mrs. G. Doupe and daughter, Miss Allie of London, visited here this week being .the; guests of 'Mrs. S. H. Gidley:. Good Positions. The Clinton Business College is a worthy . link fn a chain of . seven Business Colleges located in the cables of Landon; Peterboro, Welland and the towns of Walkeaton, Orangeville, Winghaan and Clinton. Owing to its high grade work it is affiliated .with the Coanknarcial Educators' Associat- ion of Canada.. Ib. is freely admit AM that owing tco these connections, in students get the very best positions. Fallopenings are on Aug. 28th., and Sept. 5th,but) at this school each student is instructed privately at his or her ;own desk. Student's' may' en- ter any day. Many students study all art home and others partly an home and .finial' at the College. As Spotton: Colleges are the largest Venters in Canada and have thirty years experience, it wield be well for young people to get their train- ing /here. Mr;: Spotton last year trained over 1200 young people and placed them in good positions. What he has donee for :tihousands of others he can do for you. St. Helens. Miss Lizzie! Wellwood cif New. York is vieiting• her sister, Mrs. •George Webh. Miss Annie Clark started for ,the west on 'Monday, where she will im- mune teaching, after a pleasant visit under the parental roof. Mrs. R. K. 1V1iller and Mist Chute went to Toronto on "Saturday ands intend taking in the Exhibition, Miss Mabel McDonald cd Wingham is visiting friends around St. Hel- ens att present aftes which she in* tends bo teach in Zetland school, Mrs. Jas. Irwin and daughter and her brother-in-law, ;lVielvin, visited the foi.ner's father, Mr. Wdlliam. Woods. The annual Seng Service ed the Young People's BibI'd Class was held on Sunday night and was conducted. by the! Rev. Mr. Wast, ' Mt. Archie Barbour of 'i,uckhow visited hit itn'ele, M•r, John Barbour._ cirri Sunday last. Mt. and Mrs, Hobt. Woods visited of ryear 260, !ricotta at Aubu'rn on Sunday. • Varna. - - Miss Effie Snowden leave's today for a few weeks' visit in To-aento, Whitby and .other places. Mrs. P. D. McLaren and ,two boyss are the guests of the i!tadyt's mother,. Mrs. C. Weeks, ' Miss Winnie Thompson is thetest of her 'sister, Mrs, L. Belga.• Miss R&M Palmer is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. The union Surrlay. school' picnic was held on iFridav: at . Bayfteld. The dap Was: pleasant, though. not .any. too . warm; amici, the turnout was gooltl. As at : a picnic the preparing and eating of meals in a very important part) of the::pro-feedings, so. on this. occasion the early dinner and 'supper woo ` much enjoyed. A game of base- ball was played between arns and Bayfield• during 'the: afternoon result- ing ina victory for the latter, and afterwards the Varna boys :: choose sides and played football. Many en- joyed the boatsing on the river and the day passel quickly and pleasant- ly for all. Eczema Is: Caused By Impure Blood. Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Because They Make Pure Blood. Ask any doctor and be will • tell you that eczema is caused by impur- ities in the blood ; that nothing can , cure it .that- .does..not reach the blood -that naives and outward • ap plicat+ionn are worthless and a waste of Money. The reason why Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have alwayis been so successful in curing this most an- noyingtrouble is because they act directly on the blood, reaching the roots of the trotthie and driving; out all ' impurities. They banish eczemia, snit •rheums, and unteghtly pimples and eruptions, relieve the irritation and itching and give peirfect health. Mrs. A. Puling, of Milestone, Sask., nays : "I was afflicted with a blood and skin disease: which the dotter• called eczema, but which did not yield in the least to his treatment. 1 was covered with sores and in very bad shape. A friend advised me . to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and! after rising eight or nine banes I was com=plett ly cured. I can stronglyi re- coir tni nd the Pills to anyone suffer- itag from that trouble." A medicine that can make new red blood will cure not only skin troubles, but also anaemia, rheuma- tism, neuralgia, indigestion and a host of other troubles siniplgt 'err• cause these troubles are the remit of bad blood. Dr. Willianns' Pink r'i'ds make new blood and under their use blood and nerve troubles disappear. Sold by all rn tdieine. dealers or Jay mail at 50 mita a box or ' lx.Soxes* for $0,50 from The Or. Williston' MO - Wine Co., Bilaelkvillb, Ont. Terms CASH 1. ONE PRICE ONLY Linen Specials Specials does not mean here thatwe have made a reduction of 15 or 20c per yard on each linen. We rarely reduce our prices on Staples because our prices are always rock bottom, but we say Specials because of the price quoted. Half Bleached Table Damask 'every line special value 25c 30c 38c and 50e. Bleached Table Damask all pure linen beaut- iful designs 50c 65e 75c 85c $1.00' with napkins to ilnatch. LINEN TOWELS Values that cannot be surpassed at 10c 12%c 1.5c 18c 25c 350 and 50c each. Roller towelling at 5c 81c 10c and 121e and better linens up to 45c per yard. SIIIRTIN(%S AND PILLOW COTTON '72 inch. Sheeting bleached and unbleached at 25c 28e 30c 32c and 37i'e per yard. Pillow Clotton plain and circular all the pop- ular widths At closest prices,` Shirtings, Ticklings, Cottonades, Denems Shirts, Overalls, Underwear, Soxs ties Collars and braces in great variety. BEAUTIFUL PRIMIUMS even away free to every cash purchaser MEET:MEAT. I11I'S .THE PEOPLE'S STORE. dissirmiesw LIST OF BARGAINS Al Wdcr's Furllilurc Store ' :I have gone all over the store:and have laid out some BIG BARGAINS in nearly every department.. You know the story about the Early Bird.. Below . is a- partial list of soms of the rare bargains 1 slightly used side board worth -1 solid oak parlor table 1 fancy flower stand. 1 Verandeh chain, red •;1 Verandah' rocker, red .• ., it ..' $15.00 sale price $10.00 5.00 7.50 2.50 .• 2.50 4.00. 1.75 ,[ 3.75. " 3.00 1 L•trge easy chair upholstered in good velour $7.50`for 5.00 1 3, piece verandah set,settee, arm chair, rocker 15.00 "'12.00 1 fancy roman Chair. worth 11.50 " 9,00• , 1 rocker,early English finish, upholstered seat, solid oak frame ' worth 500 't 3.00 2 Moh. bed -room chairs cain,seats " 4.50 3.00 1 fancy rattan chair " 11.00 ": 7.00 1 Worsman refrigerator used less than 3 mos: 21.00 •" 15.00 1 large kitchen cabinet worth. 21.4 " 17,75 1 hall mirror. surface oak, 4 hooks 5.75 ". 3.75 1 baby carriage, rubber tires, fancy parasol" 12.00 " 6.75 1 hall rack, dark wood, large mirror, 2nd band 8.00 " 4.00. 1 crib bed - worth 3.75 " 2.75 1 square piano all refinished, solid rosewood case, as good tone as a new one fully guaranteed worth at a snap $175, sale price $90 on$ easy terms of payment with a guarantee to take back at same priee on a new piano inside of three years. 1 Upright piano by the Mendelssohn Piano Co. used less than Ninth Months reg price $375 will accept on pay- ments of $6.00 per month $225 don't miss this bargain if you want something good,Sonie Bids of Linoliums at a special price. 2 soiled rugs size 3x 3i yardsreg price $12.50 for $8.00.• - J`apenese matting remanants at 10 per cent off Stair carpet worth 65c and80c per yard at 50c and 30c a yard. .A. snap on Tapestry Curtains all'new stock. A visit through our immense stock will be of interest to you. Come and look through our furnished home, the only store out - Side of a city showing.a complete furnished home. We are the only authorized representatives for the .Edison Phonogrnphs and suppliesin the district. A full stock of instruments always on hand. Picture Praniing and Upholstery promptly attended to. The Store of Quality. Phone 28 W. WaIler Furniture Dialer and Undertaker