HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-09-22, Page 1THS WINGHAIVI TIMES.
VOL XXXIII.--NO. 1702,
TAILORING is our business,
and it would please us ex-
ceedingly if you would step
is for a look at the elegant new Over -
coatings, Suitings, Trouserings, etc.,
for Fall and Winter wear. Tho pat-
terns are the handsomest that weav-
ers' wits could produce.
Come in to see the new
ideas, a n d talk the
matter over with us.
Quoting Prices for tailoring means
nothing. as you know, but what you
can get for your money is every-
The best dressers in this commun-
ity are our steady patrons, and if you
favor us with your order you will be
in the hands of skilful tailors.
Come in for a look and
a talk, at any rate.
In Hats and Caps we have all the
latest styles, and when. you need any-
thing in this line you should not buy
elsewhere before seeing our big range
to choose from. Prices 50c to $3.
New Underwear, Ties, etc,
arriving daily.
flomuth Bros.
Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers.
Isened by FnArtx PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 3,000 1000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,414,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United. States and Europe.
allovted on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
Deoeniber each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
B. Vanatone, Solicitor,
Capital paid up, $2,250,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,000,000.00,
Total Assets, $25,000,000.00.
We have the purest
and best that can
be procured
Give us a trial
and be convinced.
R. A. Hutchison.
Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 60, 76, 100. 160 and 200, acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a largo amount of
money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
J. A. MaoKENZ1n,
Insurance Agent, Holyrood.
President— BON. Wm. Grnsolc.
pine -President and
General Manager —J. Tn1lNntfnr..
Assistant Gen. Manager—H. M. WATsoN
John ?rooter, A. B. Lee John S. Hendrie,
Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Birge.
Inspector—$. 'Willson.
' interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and up-
wards, and Added to principal on 61st May and
With November each year.
Special Depeltits also received 'at entrant
rates of interest.
' DilOE INBON & xtoti KU, bolioilors.
I have just had listed a large number of first-
class farms, which for location and convenience
of every description cannot be beaten.
Now these farms are for sale at a very rea-
sonable figure, and I nsk the intending purchas-
er of a farm to come and see me, and I will
show hint as good farms for the money as he
can buy anywhere in the country.
Remember, I .10 not take farms to sell at an
exorbitant price. If I do not think they are
worth what is asked for them I will have no-
thing to do with them. it is property thatwill
sell that I want, and that is what; I have got.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
Accident a1I Fordwich.
Mr, W. F. VanS
accident at For
afternoon. He war
ing of sheep at th
was on top of the
was suddenly shu
Mr. VanStone wa.
his face striking tl
of the face was ve
the skin broken.
home Saturday e
been confined to
ne met with a nasty
with on Saturday
assisting in the load -
0. P. R. station and
ar, when the engine
ted against the car.
thrown to the ground,
{fo steel rail. One side
y badly bruised and
Mr. VanStone came
ening and has -'hoe
is room.
Good sir -roomed ho
to 0. J. Maguire, real
se t • ent. Apply
s : e agent.
Harvest Ho
The annual Hary
connection with th
dist Church will be
The pastor, Rev. D
in the morning, t
"God's Wagons."
D. Perris will own
preach ou "The HI
the Divine Being,"
the leadership of J
ranging special mu
In the morning the
Mr. Frank Hill and
the evening a solo
and also au alto ob
debt is now reduce
Trustees are lookin
the debt,after next
ie Services.
st Home services in
Wingham Metho-
eld on Sunday next.
Gundy will preach
sing for his topic,
In the evening, Rev.
y the pulpit and will
vest, a witness to
The choir, under
A. Morton, is ar-
c for both services.
will be a solo by
lso a quartette. In
Miss Hattie Reid
gato. The church
to $2,900 and the
to further reduce
nuday's services.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Thanksgiving Day.
The Dominion Cal
afternoon and fixed
for Thursday, Nov
year it was in the
but the earlier date,
prove satisfactory.
net met Thursday
Thanksgiving Day
2nber 17th. Last
nonth of October,
it is said, does not
Housn To RENT.—Good comfortable
house to rent, with all conveniences.
Apply to R. VANSTONE.
Farmers bring a
peas, and barley to
which will be open
and where you wil
market price for al
ng your wheat, oats,
Gregory's storehouse
every business day
receive the highest
kinds of grain.
Re-Openin Services.
The re -opening se ices in connection
with the Wingham resbyterian Chnroh
will be held on S day, October 9th.
Rev. R. E. Know s, B. A., of Knox
Church, Galt will reach at both ser-
vices. On Monde evening following,
a tea -meeting will • a held, after which
Rev. Mr. Knowles ill give an address.
A special musical rogram is also being
A Visit o Clinton.
The editor of t
day in Clinton, o
of the county, an
change in the pl
nearly ten year
buildings have b
nese section of t
prove thetown's
The new post o
trally located a
red pressed bri
office is very 0
finished off in
Wesley Metho
ing of red pres
block Is an im
King Edward
spot with a ha
blocks, A lar
lithio sidewal
dateness. W
slightly large
revenue than
to• date town
ont class Olin
but still it is
and has man
are all alive t
from a libera
TIMES spent last Fri•
e of the oldest towns
found a considerable
e since his last visit,
ago. Seyoral new
en erected in the brid-
e town, and they im-
ppearance considerably.
co building is very cen-
d is a good building of
• The interior of the
veuiently arranged and
atest style. The new
ist Church is a neat build-
ed brick. Coombe's new
rovement and the new
(tel fills up a vacant
dsome building of cement
e amount Of now grano-
gives the town alt up -to-
ile Clinton may have a
poet office and customs
Ingham, it is not an up-
ike ours. Wingham can
n in very many respects,
first cissa inland town
good business men, who
the benefits to bo 'derived
nae of printer's ink.
Rooms TO RENT—Five rooms, suitable
for dwelling, in the Macdonald block.
Moving Tel phone Office.
Last week offici le of the Bell Tele-
phone Co. visited Wingham and made
arrangements fo the moving of the
local central ()M.:. The premises now
occupied by H. Chisholm have been
leased for a nu ., ber of years and the
office will be to • : ted there, separate from
any line of bu- ness.. The change will
be made abon the 1st of November.
We have not et learned whowill be
the local mana er.
FOR SALE -50 well-bred two-year-old
Steers of good quality and a good kind.
Can be seen at M. Lamont's farm. Ap-
ply to D. Stewart.
Bowling Seaforth.
Two rinkes of W ngham bowlers went
to Seaforth on Tu sday and played two
friendly games w' h two rinks of that
town. Mr. Thos. ell's rink, composed
of L. W. Hans , Wm. Holmes and
C. Knechtel,lost Seaforth in the morn-
ing, score 20-8. r. C. Knechtel skipped
for this rink in t e afternoon and won,
score 24-10. IS D. T. Hepburn's rink,
composed of J. . Doyle, Ed. Nash and
J. L, Vanstone lost to Seaforth in the
morning, 19-4, and won the afternoon
game, score 24- 9.
Fine Mi strel Company.
Next Tuesday evening promises to
a red letter eve t to the lovers of od
amusement. T os. P. Kelley'sBi; ady
Minstrels are h e for one perf• mance
and from the in ication t looks though
a' crowded hon. won w come them
when they ma their . o o a Wingham
audience. Th perfo nee throughout
is a decided n elty i. lie way of amuse-
ments. Dane g girls, Man in the moon
girls, Honolu dancers, the march of all
nations and e acrobatic couple. All
are included ' the performance as given
by this talent d organization. These are
only a few of he many up-to-date feat-
ures that the bow contains. It is one
long laugh fr m start to finish. ' Popular
prices are th rule for this engagement.
was there offered to the ladies of Huron
and Bruce such an opportunity. Slaugh-
tering the most fashionable of Dress
Goods right NOW. If you want one,.
three or five Dresses it will pay you to
drive 25 miles to King's. G. E. KING.
Death of Res ected Citizen.
Next Week is the
ham's Big
Everything is i)OW
Wingham's fall fair o
Friday of next week,
and 30th. The ground
good shape and buildi
put in good repair. A
bas been built, as well a
the attractions, all of w
aid the spectators at the
this year promises to s
ever held in Wingham.
ship is larger than ever
should mean a large i
exhibitors, who will be
the increased prize list.
are away ahead of those
and include, for the aft
30th, tests of speed: -2,
2.30 trot or pace; gentle
double hitching race.
Troopers, who will giv
riding, sword using, et
Vaudeville Co, will give
front of grand stand, co
ing, dancing, etc. The
zone' Band will furnish
ternoon. The usual px
will be beld at the agr
evening of Sept. 29th.
also giving a special priz
single drivers and als
from J. W. King, Arch.
T. McPherson,. for the b
"Dividend," "Pride of
"Prince Charlie." Ex
again award the prizes ix
departments, Mr. James
on horses; Mr. Wm. G.
Grove, on dairy cattle
M. McCallum, Shakesp
tle and swine. Reme
in opera house on eveni
by Art. Bondo's Vanda
hall and seats on sale at
store. See advt. in auo
ing full list of attracti
effort to attend Wingh
Thursday and Friday.
at the Trains office ev
pleased to receive en
Ime of Wing -
bout ready for
Thursday and
September 29th
are being put in
gs cleaned and
uew horse ring
a new stand for
ich will greatly
fair. The fair
rpass any fair
. The member -
afore and this
niber of new
encouraged by
The attractious
previous years,
noon of- Sept.
5 trot or pace;
an's road race ;
The Mounted
exhibitions iu
Art. Bondo's
performance iu
Fisting of sing -
Ingham Citi-
usic during af.
enade concert
ultural hall on
he directors are
of $25.00 for
special prizes
aterson and J.
t colts sired by
orniug" and
rt judges will
the live stock
romarty, Galt,
aidlaw, Wilton
d sheep; Mr. J.
re, on beef cat-
er the concert
g of Sept. 30th,
ille Co, Plan of
IcKibbon's drug
her column giv-
e, and make an
's fall fair next
The secretary is
y day and will be
ies early.
This week we re ..rd the death of Mr.
W. T. A. Fishleig.. hardware merchant,
and one of Wingh m's highly respected
residents, who die: early Sunday morn-
ing, in his 30th yea . Deceased had been
ailing for some we re from an injury to
one of his legs, ca sed by striking it
against an iron par of a truck in his
place of business a few weeks ago.
There appeared to : no serious injury,
but the pain becam gradually worse.
A Toronto specialist was consulted a
*short time ago, but the treatment did
not give relief. On S turday au operation
was performed, but t was of no avail as
the poison had gone through his system.
Deceased was a son If Mr. Wm. Fish-
leigh of Chesley, a.. a nephew of Mr.
W. R. Hobbs, of .ndon. He came to
Wingham in Marc , 1903, and purchased
the Smith Sc Petlii k hardware business,
having prior to c.ming to Wingham,
conducted a ha dware business at
Hagersville. He ad built up a good
trade during his si .rt residenco in Wing -
ham, and made a arge circle of friends,
who heard of hi:. sudden death with
much regret. In July 1902, Mr, Fish-
leigh married Mis Hinde, of Hagersville,
who, with one oh' d, are left to mourn
the loss of husbad and father. Mr.
Fishleigh was a m mbar of the Canadian
and Independent oresters, and an ini-
tiated member Maitland Lodge,
I.0.0.F. The fun ral service was held
On Monday evenin at his late residence
on Maple Street, •eing conducted by
Rev. Dr. Gundy, stor of the Metho-
dist church, with t hioli body the late
Mr. Fishleigh had . en connected. The
remains were cony: yod to Loudon by
train on Tuesday m. ruing, two members
from each of the so 'eties of which do -
ceased was a mem •r acting as pall-
bearers. The Tuner: l was held from the
residence of the dee :ased's aunt, Mrs.
Field, Talbot street, Tuesday afternoon,
the remains being la d to rest in Monet
Pleasant cemetery. ` ev. It. Hobbs, for-
merly of Wingham, onducted the ser-
vices. The floral • i erings were very
beautiful, and incl ded wreathe from
the business men f town, from Mait-
land Lodge, I.C.O. . from the hockey
Club and others. he bereaved rela-
tives will have the incere sympathy' of
the townspeople ' • their time of sore
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East St. Andrew's Church.
Glasses supplied.
Burglars in
Burglars visited W
past week and ent
hotel and Walton M
1301110 time between
Sunday morning. .s
was taken. We unit
not the first time tha
Wingham have been
the past few mon'
should be made to
gham during the
red the Exchange
Kibbon's drug store
turday night and
each place money
stand that this is
business places in
roken into during
is, and an effort
aptare the guilty
Fon SALE.—Park lots 42 and 43 in the
Wingham Town Plot. Possession given
this fall. For terms, apply to R. S.
Campbell, on the premises, or Box 94,
Mildmay, or at the Trams office.
Transfer of
r. C. J. Maguire,
has made the sale of t
this week. Mr. W.
brick cottage on the
and Frances street h
Rich. Anderson at $
Hastiugs' house on
been sold to Mr. Fre
Through J. A. Mort
has purchased the b
Norris estate, corne
rick streets, and W
chased the Varney
street. Through b
Ezra Hart has purel
house and lot on Ca
rear of the school ho
County Pres Association.
A meeting of th- newspaper men of
Huron county was geld at Clinton on
Friday last, for th purpose of organiz-
ing a County Pres Association. County
associations have . en organized in many
of the counties of Ontario, and Huron
county, (one of t = best in the Province)
should not be hind in this respect.
The Association - as formed, with the
following officer • :—President, W. H.
Kerr, Brussels P: st; Vice President, C.
Saunders, Exeter Advocate; Sec.-Treas.,
A. E. Bradwin, Blyth Standard; Execu-
tive Committee J. W. Vanatter, God-
erich Signal; J. Mitchell, Clinton
News -Record; McLean, Seaforth
Expositor; Watters, Fordwich Re-
cord ; H. B. Elliott, Wingham Times;
Auditors, Mr. Hilton, Clinton Now Era
and T. Appleford, Seaforth News. The
objects of the ssociation are for the
holding of sever 1 meetings during the
year and discus questions that aro of in-
terest to the pe it pushers of the county.
Huron has eigh -en newspapers and the
association sho d be a strong one. An-
other meeting i ill be held at Clinton ou
November 25th when it is expected that
every newspape • iu the county will be
represented. firer. Bradwin of the
Blyth Standard is entitled to the thanks
of the newspapmen for his work in
this matter.
and all disorders arising from im-
perfect digestion are to be feared
no longer.
Dyspepsia Tablets
50 cents per Box.
Every box guaranteed to give
Walton McKibbon
Next door to Post Office.
2 Lowney's Choeolates—fresh,.
eal estate agent
o town properties
. Brockeushire's
orner of Victoria
been sold to Mr.
,200. Mrs. S. M.
ictoria street has
Stricker at $075.
n, Mr, G. C. Hanna
use and lot of the
of Shuter and Pat -
D. Pringle has pur-
roperty ou Leopold
. Abner Cosens, Mr.
teed Mrs R Walker's
erine street, at the
A Pleasan
A very pleasant e
Tuesday evening o
number of the me
Sunday School
gathered at the re
and presented him
ver tray, upon whi
ler, M.D., by the
Wingham, fie reco
services in their b
ing the presentatio
by Mr. A. Cosens,
by Mr. A. J. Alders
appreciation of the
ler in connection w
Union Sunday Sc
which the doctor ha
indefatigable and
The recipient of the
was taken by surp
thanks to the donors
membrance. Sho
also made by Rev.
Wm. Lowe. and otl
was a most pleasant
ent took place on
this week, when a
hers of the Union
xcursion Committee
ence of Dr. Towler
•ith a beautiful sil-
h was inscribed the
nted to W. B. Tow -
Sunday Schools of
ition of his valuable
alf." . Accompany -
which was made
as an address, read
n, expressive of the
rvices of Dr. Tow -
h the work of the
of Committee, of
for years been the
ergetio secretary.
apdsome gift, who
ise, expressed his
for their kilidly re-
addresses were
Dr, Gundy, Rev.
rs. The occasion
le throughout.
A boon to the effli
again. T. P. Smith
be in Wingham at
drug store on Th
"one day only." If
feet in your oyesigh
see him. Examinat
and avoid the rush.
ted; he is coming
Eye Specialist. will
alton McKibbon's
sday, Sept. 29th,
•ou have any de -
it will pay you to
n free. Call early
e. Death of Th • as Holmes.,
ne of Wingham
gassed away on S
person of Thomas
year. Mr. Holmes
to his bed for some
death being a grade
system. He was o
men in this section
came hare many ye
and for upwards of
been a resident of
that time had b
financial bnsiness
ronto,Mr. Holm=:; {-
editorial staffs of .•
Leader, the forme
newspaper publis
Holmes always to
in newspaper wor
contributor to in
Holmes had sere
councils of Wingl
nosh and in the e
of the Huron (Jou
others was succe
'the gravel road,
through the lin
While Mr. Holm
much to his ow
friends, who
time with hi
ceased is surviv
(laughter, his
him in !!larch,
the family are
ter, Wingham
Brussels; and
Sarnia. The r
Toronto on
interment mad
James' cemeter
pioneer residents
urday last, in the
olmes, in his 83rd
had been confined
veeks, the cause of
1 breaking up of the
of the best known
f Huron county and
rs ago from Toronto
hirty-five years had
Ingham, and during
n engaged in the
Before leaving To -
as connected with the
e Colonist and The
being the first daily
ed in Toronto. Mr.
k au active interest
,and was a frequent
ny newspapers. Mr.
d in the municipal
in and East Wawa-
ly days was a mem-
ty Council, and with
ful in 1859 in having:
uth of Wingham cut
i and made passable.
s confined himselfeeery
office, he had many
ry often spent some
in social chat. De -
d by two sons and one
if e having predeceased
902. The members of
ichard Holmes, barris-
Dr. W. L. Holmes,
Mrs. (Dr.) Kinsman,
nains were conveyed to
uesday morning and
in the family plot in St.
Presbyterian Chu h the scene of
Pretty White • ster Wedding.
In the Presbyter
ham, at 12.30 o'clo
this week, was con
age of Mr. Claude
the Bank of Rami
the late Rev. Dr.
Miss Nellie Macdo
ter of Dr. Macdon
The church was v
with banks of fer
besides other plant
sion, At the ap
strains of the wed
Mrs. (Rev.) J. J.
the wedding party
the bride being giv
Rev. D. Perrie, ass
Laing, of Copies
groom, performed
bride's wedding
Chinese satin, and
ary veil and carri
roses. Miss Carol
of the bride, was
attired in cream si
and Lelia Horsey
bride, acted as bri
was supported by
Woodstock. Dr.
Mr. W. 0, Fergus
as ushers. The
the wedding party
of the contracting
whom were from
to the home of the
a dainty wedding
of. The bride w
large number of
presents, which e
teem in which s
friends The ha
afternoon C.P.R
to Toronto and t
up their residen
has been a life -1
ham, and one of
ladies of the to
formerly conne
branch of the B
and Mrs. Laing
monial estate w
of a large circle
tauces for a pro
age through life
The Crusade Against Consumptiori.
Rev. P. Cli on Parker, of Toronto,
preached to la go audiences on Sunday
in the Method st Church in the morning
ana in the To n Hall to the Presbyteriau
congregation n the evening. He also
spoke in both laces about the ravages of
the whitema 's plague. He said that
between the ges of 14 and 45 every
fourth person that died, dies of con-
sumption, geu rally after a long and
wearisome dise se which wore out the
resources and trength of the family.
On Monday eve ring, Mr. Parker held a
meeting in the .9 wren chamber and gave
! an addrees o "Fighting the White
I Plague." It w s, he said, a very wide-
! spread disease t kiug off one in about
!every seven tha died. It was not her-
! editary, as had een thought; the only
i hereditary featt e was that persons were
born with Wea lungs and could not
! throw off the ba alli like those who had
!good strong lun 8, and so they succumb-
! ed to the disease The disease was very
I infectious, the infection being in the
spitting. There should be a crusade
! against spitting n the sidewalks. Out
I of the seven infe tious diseases to which
i we were subject there were more than
three times as ny died from consump-
tion as from t other six combined.
Those suffering ould not be quarantined
because it was s ch a lengthened disease,
but they shoal be moved, yet there
was no place to eve them in the whole
of Canada exce • the Muskoka Hospstal.
In this Free Ho pital there were 74 per
cent. of cures d it was the duty of
for caring for t eir own consumptives to
support that 111.pital. He was trying to
get each ono t preimpt a bed and in this
way lend a h nd in the footwork of
stainning out the plague. A vote of
thanks was giN n to Idr. Parker for the
lecture and a ommittee of ladies was
appointed to se the council and get them
to undertake t endowznent of a bed.
The following adies were appointed:—
Mrs. A. E. S zith, Mrs. Peasant, Miss
Kate Fisher a d Miss Waddell. Mean-
time any cont 'buttons to the work may
be given to any Of the above ladies or to
A. E. Smith.
n Church, Wing.
, on Wednesday of
mmated the marri.
. Laing, manager of
on at Berlin, son of
aing of Dundas, and
ald, youngest daugh-
d, M.P., East Huron.
ry prettily decorated
, and white asters,
and flowers in profu-
ointed hour, to the
ng march, played by
astie, of Belgrave,
ook their positions,
away by her father.
sted by Rev, A. A.
n, brother of the
he ceremony. The
ttire was of cream
she wore the custom-
a bouquet of white
ne Macdonald, sister.
aid of, honor, being
while Misses Amey
little nieces of the
esmaids. The groom
r. H. P. Taylor, of
. R. Macdonald, and
n, of Loudon, acted
remony being over,
and guests—relatives
arties, quite a few of
ride's parents, where
eakfast was partaken
the recipient of a
ostly and beautiful
ideuced the high 08-
e is held by many
py couple left ou the
train for a short trip
e East before taking
iu Berlin. The bride
g resident of Wing -
he most popular young
, and the groom was
ted with the local
nk of Hamilton. Mr.
nter upon the matri-
h the heartiest wishes
f friends and acquain-
perous and happy voy-
Woman's issionary Society.
The Woman'
connection wit
dist Church ha
year. The me
increased durin
receipts were fa
vious year. Th
just commence
(Dr.) Towler; 1
(Rev.) Gundy; 2
Ford; recording
corresponding s
treasurer, Mrs.
Missionary Society in
the Wingham Metho-
just closed a successful
bership has been greatly
the past year and the
in advance of any pre -
officers for the year
are :- -President, Mrs.
vice-president, Mrs.
vice-president, Mrs.
cretary, Mrs. Morton;
retary, Mrs. Howson;
—Auction sale of team of hoses, two
wagons, harness, household furniture,
etc., on market square, at 2 o'clock on
Saturday, October 1st. A. Kelly, auc-
tioneer. D. Showers, proprietor.
Mr. Thos. Field
ose Field,who afe
have been very si
week, and up -to t1
press there is no
ditiou. Mr, and 1
and Mr. John W
with fever are doi
other trouble sets
recovery. Mr. R
Iven Johnston li
list for some da
the sick will hay
soon be able to b
nd his sister, Miss
11 with typoid fever
k during the past
e time of going td
ange in their ma -
Ds, who are also ill
g nicely, and if no
n are in a fair way to
ert Groves and Mr.
ve -been on the sick
e hope that all
speedy recovery and
around town.
More than likely
it's here. --
That medicine you
tried to get at so
many plac es and
couldn't. Our vari-
ety is p(iretty large.
We don't often dis-
appoint — never in
quality or price.
Druggists and Opticians
This popular institution has an
excellent reputation for strictly high
grade work. Our graduati 1 are in
great demand. .
Enter this month if possible.
Magnificent Catalogue free.
Settlers' Low Rates West.
Via the Chicago and North Western
Railway, every day from Sept. 15th to
Oct. 15th. Settlers' one-way second-class
tickets at very low rates from Chicago to
points in Utah, MOD tana, Nevada, Idaho,
Oregon, Washington, California; also to
Victoria. Vauconver, New Westrniuster,
Rossland and other points in the Koote-
nay district. Correspondiugly low rates
•- from all points in -Canada. Full partic-
ulars from nearest ticket agent. or B. H.
BEliNETT, General Agent, 2 East King
street, Toronto, Ont.
—Trerns and Weekly Globe till end of
1904 for 35 cents. Good chance for new
subscribers to get cheap reading matter.
—Times and Family Herald and Week-
ly Star till end of 1904 for 45 cents. New
subscribers should take advantage of this
low rate.
Wingham's Leading Shoe Store
Foot Impressions
The impression you get of a well dressed person
with sloppy Shoes is not the best.
Often it isn't the person's fault, either.
Many Shoes are made to sell, only.
No good stock or workmanship to insure shape
and wear. Only a smooth outside to catch the eye.
Shoes n ot bought at the right place—that's where
the trouble lies.
Are you getting all you desire or expect for your
shoe money ?
If Not, Come Here
The latest styles, the best Shoemaking, the best
leathers, and the most reasonable prices you'll find right
Nan, Woman, Boy or Girl
This adv. is for you and for anybody and every-
body interested in good Shoes.
Headquarters for Trunks and Valises.
The Shoe Man.