HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-08-24, Page 60
Mtoa Nows-RsoW
alts! BrItIsh pommisions, sand to, -v ralice or hoop the
Kith regard, to certain articles (in,
DODOS A BAD BARGAIN eluding cheese) covered by the French whole orstom
As has boon shown in, KItile, state -
In the pink of
ment above, New Zealand Is the DNEY Reelproelty Would Deal a, Heavy Illow second largest exporter of chaescl to condition.
to the Cheese Industry of the the British •markets, and It Is well
IMOWn that dairying 11; the New Zea- Tholr singular curative pro-
P1 iliuder's chief industry. France to
also famous for her dainty makes of pOrtle3 discovered by an Indian
cheese, such as Hoequefort. These tribe—Introducod to civilization
Trade In Canadian cheese, even to. two countries, while not yet as cele.
4k -_L Ki V 01 a greater extent than In butter, is brcled exporters of cheese as Caua4 —com.
D N Cy -ri, if C a, nearly a century ago
dependent upon the great export do.. 2I,re very large producers, and under pounded since 1857 In the
R, GHT-S DIS,,ACIV�f mand from Britain. Can. -Ida ships ReOprocity they would remain pro-
" re pijoi; wore cheese into the British market tested against Canada, as against the
Comstock Laboratories st
than any other country in thd world, open market tendered to them by this
and It to because of that great out- country. Canadian cheese would still Brockville, Ontario,
WX put that prices ir�nlaln so high and be subject to the foll0 wing duties, In
firm In the dairying districts, of our Prituce and New Zealand; V
Dr. N6rsers
ematern provinces, France.
The advocates of Reciprocity with, Hard Cheese 220 lbs. $2.31% Indian
A s mLo,. of intonEo, enthusiasm Mar- the United States would turn from the Soft (ripened) 200 316
d send our Semi -hard & other 200 2-891/2 Root Pills.
Visit - pleudW British market ail
o unE.Ininwits 'nomInation of Mr.
heese across the border to New Nork, New Zealand 20 p.c. ad valorem0*111 Guthrie as Liberal standard- poston, Philadelphia, vulcigo. and In view of the L facts, what would.have a remarkable record for
'bearer for South W-01liagUm. itric L r large American centres. They be the results It Canada' decides to
The condition of 1he Pope is some- argue that prices Are higher In the change her present fiscal policy? consistently curing cont
what improved but he Is not let roar United States than In Canada, and (1) The theft of 'Canada's export
'tint. Canadian choose makers will be �trkL.de by the United States. tlon,blllousriamandlndlgestlon
Adt to hold thpir present envl;tble , (2) The unfair competition of purifying the blood, ba L a isWng
1061tion on the British markets and foreign makes of cheese on Canada's
;;uPPJY the Stat6s too. own home markek and the degr4datlda headaches and clearing the
$109 35*ARO, $109 Canada, In the year ending 1909, of t he Canadian cheese industry Wdn, 25c. a box everywher
L shipped 176,408,960 pounds of cheese,' through the intrusion, .of the inferlot 20 e,
worth $22JO6,108, to' Great products of other countries,
TWreaders of this Paper 'Will. ba Britain.
The average value per hound was L9-
pleamid 0 kam that. there is at (3), The very great loss of ,Canada's
03il00 cents. But, had Clanada re- supreme position on the British
re -
least one 4maded disease t1ba SM0111ce ceived for her cheese an average price ruarket would result through the low. In Corea marriage Is even more
has, been, able to cure . in all its e(Itial to that received uy Via ch-aese- ening qf the standard of Canadian lmporta4t and essential for a man
stages, and that is Catarrh, Hail's ntakbrs of the United States for their- cheese, and with the fall would come than' it to fora woman, as, until a
Catarrh Cure is.the Only. positive e` ports to, Great Britain, she would a decided recession In , prices. The man be wed, he 19 a being of no no-
oura now known to the medical fro= have realized a total return of, only *toady, firm market, which prevolls count. If a father has not selected
Oamity. Catarrh being a constiltut- $21,753,118, or a loss of $352;990. In Canada to -day would be made, wsak, wives for his sons ere they reach the
I How, then, can Canada bonelt- In end unstable, age of twonty, he is'conslderedworth-
jonal disease, requires 4 constitution- the matter of prices by adopting the less and neglectful,
at treittiment. Hall's Catarrh Cure' Reciprocity Agreemenewith the United Last, Call.
is taken Internally, acting ffi, rvololy States? Mr. 411as Taylorparish clerk Of
upon- the blood• and mucous surfaces Tile following statement of cheese Professor Leacock tells the follow. Felsted, has retired on reaching the
of the syste . in, thereby dest.saying -tho Imports Into Great Britain in 196 is Ing story about a Young man who age of ninety, after fifty-one Years
. sufficient to. show Canada's excellent sometimes drank more whisky than of service. During his term of office
foundation of the disoase, and giving i1orition In the motheriand: Nvas good for him: he daily, ascended the - ell urch tower
the patient stliength by up 1,,eigiu He had been tasking a night of It to' wind the clock.
in . . . . . . 981,129i I Ile discharged
the.but had forsaken -his companions, He that duty 18,600 times
constitution and assisting nature France 790,152. and climbed
in doing its work. The propriEltO.43 Netherlands was acquainted with an ultdertaker 100 miles of stairs.
have so much . faith in its curatilve united States, . . . . . 636,443, ""Ined George, and got the crazy no -
Other Foreign Coua tion at three O'clock in the morning Although, no doubt, every railway
, tries 30,604 y
powwri that theyl offei One Hundred . tt-at he must see. this particul company would gladly convey His
'New Zealand . . ... . . 5,420,075, particular man.
Dollars for any case thati it fails to -Canada .. . . . . . . . . 22,106,108. A(cordingly, he found George's un- Majesty and -the Queen - free: of
sure. Send for list of testimonials. ()$Iaer British Possessions 81828, dertaking establishment, over whish charge, our rulers pay exactly. the
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO„ Gicrge had Ills sleeping apartments. same price as anybody cise,.tor a
Toledo, 0. $33,238,665. The intoxicated young man, rang special train, in addition to the fl�!t-
t what is -still more important than. "rsd rang George's bell, and at last class fare of every passenger by
Sold by, all Druggists, 75c. ke . h1m. The undertaker pat'his uvh,ln they may be accompanied in
Take Hall's Family Ffills for con- prices, is Canada's reputation for, av, o
quality in the cheese markets of h -'ad out of the• third -story window, their respective suites,
stipation. 131itain. The above statement Is con- expecting to find that his funeral
Sivtcds were required immediately: Grahame -White has un
clvslve evidence **of the reputable , dJat,-Iy,. Mr. der -
standing of C.thadian cheese, Instead, he recoghlezd his friend taken to deliver olnematograph films
'trade with the United tSates in this rank. ank. of the Coronation by aero to
Arldiur SbeTidan was committedfor article Vi . "WelleFrankl".Iae exclaimed cross Birmingham, Bristol 'and Rugby. ina-
ould * undoubtely 'Lend to
c 0 13*. "what do y)u want?" mediately the pictures have been
rik,�' at Orillia for tshe Murder Of -lower the standard of ur h esop 'taken they will
Ford. I Just WAR' tell You, George," said I be de'vel6ped and
Rom abroad. The retrogression re placed upon aeroplanes at Hendon,
St. Croix Jd'instone, the Montreal suit In two ways.. 1 nk, , "that you're .s la lash man in
aviator, was killeld at Chicagovneet. First, cheese from the Un!tbd States, 11w World I wan' to do business with." whence they will be transported .by
air to other destination,
The troms fired' on fac. morb I:t and also from France and New Zea-
Irn would mingle frvoly with t111(4
Liverpool, killing -.two and wounding , bome, made, article on tin Cmindhin 'Very Convenient.,
Benevolent old lady who has just
many• market, and dealers.would be only too• An enterprising builder was one ds y given a penny to a small rus,le:
tih In conversation with several 'friends, "Now, my dear, whit do you say?"
Britlih stolke lcadc:u have' issued a liable to ship forolgh.cho.f.-ge to Brit,
twent)i-fou,v hour OtlanatiJaii. 41a rail- as Canadian cheese. Thus, Canada% when lie was accused' of using iii- Small rustic', . With native politeness-..
rVllgtation would be Imperilled, fader firj6r materials in the .0 construction `Give 'us another!" Collapse of *old
way companaes. the present proto(!tI,,.,e tariff no V houses Which he had recently. built, lEdy,
in urs could be worked'agninst he OC which a gentleman arrived who
luiry industry A hot argument ensued In' the midst
A Good Idea in Hair SccondV, Canadian' cheese wnuldA.e, lived in one of the jerry-built cot-
irported' largely by . UnItcd Statos tages and the matter was jefe
..4b TMtMent, 0 f-alars. and-exliortod by Omni to the to him The strike in Bkitain. is still crit-
Old- Country as Aanertcaa circnoi,.: ':Weel, sire, " said be, "I can assure scat, , and all available I lable troops are held
The trouble with most women's hair Slowly but surely Canadi!s position, Ye they. are the malst Convenient
In that they won't take the time to 'would in - readiness, to protect railways..
give. it proper treatment. if You want Id. -be stolen -by her astute neigh- � bcoses I ever abode In.
your, hair to have that' look -of lustre tor' "But; said one' of the listenert,
and vitality, you' must take pareof it. One would be safe in, saying that 4'why COnveufont dae ye say."
You cannot expect to have sbi6ndm very little of the Can9dian *cheese Im- '"Oh, haud ser wheest till I', explain.
hair if you simply run a comb through
it In the morning—glve it, •a --orted by the Statop--woul(l bcl, con-., NN'hen first I cam' to bide ill Mr. Jer- SIMPLE RE',j)(EDY
dzib on
the outer edge with a brush—throw 'Miled In the..United Slates: Th,? deal- xy.'s b0se, I had to rise I' the middle
It Into a braid—sivitch it around the -,rs- -across. the line woulil usp our o' the nicht an' open the door to. let For Backache and k idne*y Trce.k;Nle
head—Jab in a few hair Dins—and let '11' oe-to heIp,'jthcI`r 0.%v:; C.'X1401 t(")dZ3'ocf the cat;* but the cat can -gang oot
It go at that.
Hair Is like any other growing.thing 1111ld,for nothing else, It Is well-known V"' come In noo thro' the cracks. an�
—it needs attention—it needs care—ft- that . The slinplest and most effective
at the Ainerica1i nuo-ket, for home 1211 saved it lot ol bother."
Ineeds thorough grooming regularly— 11011SUffilition, demands n ",(,rf warjohi
not Only the hair but the scalp. remedy'
edy' for. sic ' k kidney �
' s is BooWs
If You have the time and patience. if cheese, thAts Is -not mail* Ili Canada,. Kidnay Pills:' -If thcre.. is weakness,
You won't need any hair tonic—but F rem 100 'pounds of milk tin cheese; No Reseiablance. congostrion,, •-in0anviiatLon o surenab
most women haven't. The next best maker In the 8tat r
thing Is NYXI's Hirsutone. It is the . es makes about 11
best thing offered to - take the place potu6ds of cheese, wlierea . � In Canada, Now, Nora said the departing Booth's Kidnqp Pills quickly relieve
of hours of combing and brushing. . only 9 pounds of cheese are produced physician to & Irish. girl, who,was it. They, -gently
Cc It tones up the roots, brightens the. from UO pounds Of 'milk. :1n other nursing a bad case -of fever, "It. the stimulate, . tune
]or, Improves the texture and makes
It stay gracefully where it is put. words, the American cheese Contains
patient sees snakes again, gIve*h11h a and : str.�njthen.
Hirsutone literally revitalizes put.,, about '42 'wper' cent of •- water, ..'whilo'. eo,,e: of this medicine.. I
neglected hair I Ae.. shall be`in sick .'kidneys.
Your Nval . there is. only .36 Ver,cefit In the 'Cana- ac six," away'
Druggist cheerfully a r.1 V'C*
-rlrsutone' because. he knorec' The hour lor his return' arrived. -
ommends T Wa dianj harder product, . 'Thus, it "may
rn artistic bottles $1,00 ana 50c. be -seen that the. United States dealer The physician once. more. visited the backficht, rheu�,
Would have no othoruse for Canadian. sfek patient, and found' Win raving. matic pain. and
Sold and Guaran-Ileed W.. S. R. cheese, thari to 'export It. Ife bad been• so; said the nurse 'for V 41zzilleui, cloar.
bours, up an regulato
Holmes, J. E. Hovey, W. A. The unfairness •Ao'. Canada, of the go
McConnell, Cliii�on.
entire probosition .is still more mani- And dW you give him the I iedl- the. urine test'When the positions, of France and (line?" laqulred the ptivzled doctor. and
X( . -1v'Zeaalnd are considered. Asshield Nora shook her head.- res1bre a pdrfect. f hto.iting Of the
'above, France and New Z - 60&ud, "But didn't I tell your to give It to -blood. Best of • all', this relief ..
would.have free access to the -Cana- .him If - he saw snakes again?" de -
dian cheese market In the same way nianded the physician,
-States. This would be "But he didnt, say he saw-. suakes All druggists sell and. guaranbe.
MA&IOLY as. the -United eci- this tot Booth's Kidney Pills, 506 qox. Men -
so owing to the provision Ili•. the 13. me, dodliter," replied the back if they .fail to . relieve.
prcolty Agreement that all tariff ad- nurse, donfidently. " I -To said he saw 0Y
v6rtagos granted. to tne United State:, ro&w1alte-and-blue turkeys wid straw Write to The P., T: Booth Co. Ltd.,
One for each eVe*rfty aftent by Canada, must also be, --ra.ited t0, hatr, on!". -Fort I-, 'rie; 01 t.' f6t: -a free trial
1110W 1111e CanAdlan Produrerol Nutter
lVould Suffer It Reelprocity
IVnt Into Force..
What would be 1111A results It -can
ada, enters Into free trade in Butte;
under the Proposed Reciprocity
Her farmers would be confronted
with the cOmPOtitfolt On her qwp
markets of such Producing coautrlw4
its Denmark, Russia, Australia, Nevv
Zealand, Argentine Republic, Sweder.
and Norway, as well as the United!
Would this competition amount to
4 At Present the export, deniand,from
.xreat Britain Is the couirollf;ig factor
n the Canadt4.n
butter market, and It
s Interesting to note that the average
Prices' realized An Great Britain dur.
Ing the year 1,909 for butter. Imported
from Russia, Australia, New Zealand,
United States and Argentine Repliblic,
were lower than those obtained for
Canadian butter. In the raastter of
prices, then, these countries would bo
prepared to undersell Canada Pn her
own market as they do now on the
British market.
Great Britain in 1909 Importe . 0
4F.5,034i944 pounds of • butter, worth
$109,134,815,1roin the followlugcoun-
Denmark ............. $51,671,648
Russia ............. 14,325,A'56
France............... 11,292,185
Australia --, ...... 9,770,615
Sweden . ...... 71170,746
New Zealand 7,164,799
Netherlands 8,8119,999
Argentine Republic 1,907,801
Norway ............. . 797,481
Canada ; .... :. , 585;9.13
Other countries ....... � 568,292
The above is sufficient to show that
Canada, under the Reciprocity Agree-
luent, would be OPen-to a deluge of
butter froin countries whose arodue-
tion and exportation of that product
are the largest In, the world to -day.
AYIoreover, under Reciprocity, if
Canada's markof should be Inundated
Vt any thno, there 'would be no relief;
no outlet back to those countries who
bail sent us their, product. The fol-
lowing .comparison of tariffs on hut-
ter, If Reciprocity becomes law,sbows
that Canada gives free entrance to,
all her compettturs, but must pay duty
to all of tbeiri, except the . United
c tatog , it site wishes to send butter•
back to them,
Canada- -Free from Favored Nations
and British Possession, including
Ilvativirk,. Rimsta, Australia, Sw
den,, Now Zealand,
aland, Argentine Re-
public.: Norway. and United
States; otherwi.140 4 cents lier Ib.
Australia -•6 colit% per lb.
Now %ealand.—General Tariff .0,6 Per
cent. ad valorem. British Prefer-
ential Tariff, 20 per cent, ,id. val-
orem. (Canada Is entitled to the
B. P. Tariff).. . I
r)cnnlark --In hermettea.113, seftleo
VmWs, 4 7-80. per lb.; otheru
wise, free.
.Argentine Republic -4 2-5c. perlb'
l'u1t0d 'States—From Canada fr. e,'
otherwise, Cc. per. Ili.
S.wedea-2 2-5c; Per lb.
Norway—Miulmurn Tariff_ I 4=5c:' `pe -"r
AN ' Maximum Tariff, 3c. per ib.
rolssia--1 7-100c. per lb.
Canada's export trade .In.buttcsrJa
not so great at the present time that
her farmers can afford to linperil.
thf.ir 'dairy industry by a t-uriff
scheme that would, in all pr6babilit
mtko the Count,ry's imports In th0s
liclegreater than biyr exports. In
the, year eliding 1910, Canada shipped
only 4.615,380 poiinde of buttcr,ortb
$1,010,274.. -Can tda'6 imports of . but-
.1cir, on the �ot.iivr hand,* amountfid to
V,87,454 pounds worth $1(14,301,
TI , iqse Imports ..into Qxnada, last
yoar are' 91 -en 'below'� with the
rat`(�.'.& duty that had, to be paid on-
coming "into the country, and also
witil u,16 e anges In• at rate which
.Wbuld' be oftocti'd under -Reciprocity.
By . th.'ese. - chan-ges Canada would lolte
her revonup on all foreign shipments
fillp tho-D.omllnioa.
Z 0
Z6 CD to
C40, IN
-CD,=!60 CA
= ,, '. EQ
00 o c> t5
n '
ItN P3
�t�:W�_, C-14,
C4 V W
P. C$
M 6 0.
(0.4 a
ID 5
As far as butter Is concerned the
Ro(:IprocIty Agrement would moan
(1) Lower'prices for the Carindian
0) 7 h loss of what little export
trade he now enjoys.
t3) The 1090 Of What'small rev -
r -nue, now realized front Imports into
(4), A generat demoralization of
(lie dairy Industry In Canada, due to
file In,svitable lowering of prices and
mixing of foreign aid home grades
V, M. C. A. BLIV.,
Registered last season upwards of 300
students and placed every graduate. &ven
specially qualified regular teachers. Ono
hundred and fifty London firms employ
our trained help. College In session from
Sept. 6 to June 30. Enter any titno.
Catalogue irtee.
Forest -
al "oftUrA Conege
J, W. Witsmvitm Jlt. J. W. WlS8TZltvV
Cha" yho robdoet*d k6i6untw, P*dpal.
hL to
A"va SUN is, I
19,11n, R"cw on
,NOSCOT �. � t�t,1a� litllisei
fit India.
RG H IN WOOD Gold brinks, real ones. may be the
I means of restoring the ituciqut frame.
of Golconda. near Hyderabad, In
southern India,
once known 411 the
Tile Proyloce by the, Sea 1las a "pled -"pled- WWId over for Its goicivalue*, but
now a decayed city. The natural pit*
did Heritage In Its Forest TAand. nom which many centuries ago the t
Precious metal was extracted have In
Pourse of time, filled up with. water.
The -total land area of Nova Seada A, contractor recently obtained, per -
of Chi, 5,_
to 14,483,0Q0 acres, and scission to make bricks near the Blare
and acres, or 7,812 square raile,�, And ten kilns were erected. The grat
is forest area, Less than this quan'finished bricks aroused curiosity by
tity, is actually forested. land, though their Yellowish tint, and FAnalyals,
tnure Is suitable for 'forest Produc- jroved that they contained gold' dust.
-:au -'Pitty-six per cent of tho forms Du the basis of the yield. of the SAM -
!n Nova Scotia are composed of wood- ple bricks, the ten, kilns• will aggre"
-itte In weight about 12.857 pounds or
The counties of Queen'a and Lon- gold worth over $50,000.000. The,
ent-urg have yearly prodileca 50,(100,- We of the fled belongs to the Nizam,
000 feet of lumber for export.forelgii )r native ruler.
and local, and the consumption of IF t
that district would likeiv take as A credulous man
I , . was the, ceasus
much mrre for the last forty years. 'enumerator.
xe that the forest has tzli.trIbuted 'When Prawney the blacksmith Oe,-,
very largely to the prosperity of the Plaied he was 60,.he believedd him,
people, The shipbuilding Indqutry lespite the blacksmith's. robust ap-
has also Consumed a V'Pry large Pearance, for robust blacksmiths eel -
amount of timber, 11i wood pulp :nom show their age,
industry has. consumed ;0,000 to 25,- When Susan the spinster declared
fl(,O cords of wood yearly. she was 28, he believed her Also, de -
At a very early date In the settle. spite her croww"arUs and greying
mert of the eastern part of the main- hairs( for spinsters do not care to,
Mud of Nova Scotia large quantities show their age, either,
of bitch, spruce and pine timber were But when Isaac the Idiot wrote the
.;hipped from the port of Pictou, This figures I . 20 under. the heading,
lumber was all shipped at first. In "Father, it living," the Census enum-
the form of hewn timber. ShipbuJ)d- erator rubbed his nose doubtfuIlly,
ing began first as an adjunct to this and thought this was a little. ton,
timber trade—ships very roughly much.
built and loaded with timbr cargoes "You don't mean tosay," he ex-
being sent to the old country, where ctlatmed, "that your fAther Is really
both ship and cargowould find a 120 Years old?"
ready market. Gradually the pine be- "No o' course 'e 21n't!" retorted
.eame exhausted, and the t1tuber ship- Isaac complacently. '"But .'e would it,'
pod during the P41MY days of wooden been If livin'."
shipbuilding was largely birch, with
a proportion of spruce, battens cutin
the old "up and down" sawmills. tu. dulf
When Dr. Patterson wrote lits, his funnel is being
three-mile n
tory of Pictou county thirty years through the Pyrenees to let a V rencV
ago he stated that a little birch wag railroad enter Spain.
left In the remote portions of Pletoll,
but that 'the spruce was all exhaust- A collapsible boat -invented by a
ed, Since that day, with the advent F renchinan can be -folded to carry In
of - portable steam mills, there has an ordinary suitcase.
been probably three. times as much
spruce out even In Pictou county as
In the century Preceding
I The same would apply to both "From the vulgarity of ii,,)torlety
Cumberland and dolcheoter counties: good Lord deliver us," should be your
Less thana score of years ago It morning mcing and evening prayer.-
stated that the end of the lumber
trade of Cumberland county was . in Nothing Is more garrulous than all
kigbt.'owing to the reckless and In- old woman, except a Co
Judiclous' cutting of the lumber , inpany 'Pro -
men. moter's • *196 af ter her first drawing-.
'However true .this statement "may
hroom.ave been of thd 6hiracter of their I
,operations In 'the past, neither the re-
acuperative powers of the' forest 'nor
the reserves of standing timber Were
estimated at -their real value.' Tim-
ber lands have several times since
tten c:hanged'.Owners, and always at
values above their: original cost.
. The- forest products of Nova See-
tla—the figures of the census of 1901
are given—were valued at '$3.409,582,
In 1907 "thclr values were placedat
$3,750;000. In square and hat
timber,' $109,102, consisting chiefly of
-birch $47,783,. pine $12,923.L . maple
kiU and oak.$4,164, *Logs for lum.-
bbr,. $1,938,936, of which . spruce was
the largest ,Lin value, 1,27203; then
hemlock, $23�,814; pine, $144,907;
.Oak, $15,207; bark for tanning, .$12, -
SO; firewood, $1,094,257; wood. for
bulp, 48,320, .and other mlscellaneous
products of'consid'erable value make
up the total above given.
H& '1191jir.
"What do' you think the young wife, znn-
Df old- Moneybags has developed into? Montrwl, says.
She is always crossing or recrossing A horrid
the ocean. She, certainly keeps the, rash cian)e out all over my baby's face and
transatlantic line busy." - . spread until it had totally coveied his scoap.
You know, she was formerly a tele- It was irritating and painful, and caused
-phone girl.' soaps
the little one hours of suffering. We tried
soaps and, powders and salves, bpt he got
no better. He refused his food, got quite
S.wat That Fly. thin and worn, and was reduced a veiy
The transmission. of, disease by the serious :ioondition. I Was advised to try
fly Is no longer a mere 'theork, but -1 7Am-Biikt and did so. It.was *ond6flit
Is .01 truth that has been sclentificaltly' hoWit seemed'to coot and case the. childs
establlshed. burning, painful skin. ZaM.Buk from the
.Keep the'llies out of your house. very. commencement seemed to go. tightto
Get screens for the doors. and the the. spot, an& the pimples and sores and the
windows. Be on guard all the time:' irritation 'grew less and less. Within a
Depp screens over articles of food. f6w, weeks w,.y baby's skin was. Wed
Don't let files get, near the Pantry,. complotely. He has now not a trace -of
k1toli'an or Vlaingroom.. rads or eruption, or eczema, or burning
. Be doubly careful about keeping. sore. Not only so, -but cured of the WV.
'flies out of' the sli Broom. -Th.by are menting skin tr6able, he has improved In
hUbly not only to bring complications I general health."'
of new d1se-• set, biA to carry the in- Zam-Buk is sold at ill stom and rAeclirlm. ven.
valid's d1s6,',-o to many others. 'Torrson5oroa bxo1"xefmc$fr.m AmrRaikncuCt,
Those wl-o put in their screens for all skin diseAsesi cous bums, eta, owd tbroe%
prbmptly will be 'taking the best pre-
caution against having disease gerins
Introduced, into their ,homes by flies.
Ther6,ls more health Ina 'house
well screened than In. many a doctor'a
Cay a di"an Na - I Exhibition
August'26th, NT TORO 0 September 116
Ll" Stock W Ag*dtafe— Art—Gems from 'Euro- Allawfactures Greateht
Greatest show on contin- peau galleric.s—masterS display .'ver shown in..
ent' Special Prizes of from best: collections fn America! Goods man.
$500 each. In&eased Canada and'Unite.d ufactured while you
Prizes in all classes. States. wait,..
fftfivai of Erie Coldstream Guards Bahl— 'Wif 11011011th 06 Waresp —pictur
-ing the glories of the Cor,' Musicians . of the Royal Showing a battle between
onationderemonio. 1,500 Household, by special a Dreadnought and a
performers in uniform. permission of the King. Submarine..
L.V.R.A. lkegOta—Athletia SNrLq:--90Y Scouts Review--Vaudeville—Japanese Fireworka
Twtive Massed UllWary hands—Trotting and Pacing Races, etc.
lror all Information write Manager 1. O. Olkli, Clty.11oill, Toronto.
TH E. W E 'S Tt E R :NV 4 FAU R
Exhibition of Live �tnck, the Beat Rver Seen in Canada.
"111111 uelfteeiAl Attractions. including
—11till," FORSIS, and
stated On All RAil*AY8.—
LIM, LINq Itther informa.tioti fralai_�*
.W. P111.10, Prestjoyat, A. M. "UNT, SectatArx�
414. (11 .1