HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-08-24, Page 5I s st 1*141811, CAWojat I* ow#- oil 5 , YARDS . I ... .. r !«'fir .. 41400►0,000""+""#"""""0' j� �' * LOST �-» BETWEEN CLINTON FARC FOR SALE--�( N. B, WEST tVAfbTTF•ia -� SAWING CONTRACTS I� 'xj�'E,+ are here to do �,1uoineve '..all Opposite the G. T. R. Station, Bayfield, a sills ttmbfella rvlth gold hall of lot 8, townldl% by the 1:000 feet, say.wbere iii dis<y 4nd every day The subleet of this s':etch,.1(r, Gab„ riel Elliott of thaBayfleld Ane, was f rom GO&" handle with the initiala, 'iM.L.D." on it. Finder please l%ve with gout pins, 60 acres. Theile is on Huron county, beginning Dapeoibm,r . ,rhe` fArm a frt4m# house 201126, lilt- 19X1. — X ,,wea B;ras., Bayfield. , and will prey the + born in Enufskilltrf, lrelaW,in tbiM year Mrs. F. M. Holmes, Vict9da St. obeli 18x19, and a suer lcitcben - �--90:7 highest market 1830, asci came to **lits country with;. —93 ' Aad woodshed 24x14, batik barn price for wheat 9MOISO A.:iflCit' AUN06 .atM"Ad•nt Ms paiteati when 'about nine mouths L*#"*"#*#"##"660000"0*"#"*#***,*"**#"�♦♦�i Just received . ne of 5$x40 with stabling underneath, and enl� all CQaI'8e ., �,,' (3 ',S' a old. Thdfl. located on *o 0th +con-' cement fioon with hon, house aadpig FARM FOR .SALE --The Executor of , ceosfcn of Galerich township, where I the f=llyi up, there being, six FARM Fi1R SALE. THE 'UNDER- house. The. land is good clay loans, : the Southocr. I estate offers for ,entirely clear of -weeds, is well sale 00 half �r2►ita 111 ally gliautity• ,grew We %ave heard that Chicago boas The Misses Moran of �asex ate sons and four daughters, Mr. Edliotll: signedoffers, for sale his splendid. fa of 161•* acres, Sul: the 2nd cgs. :acres, bein east of drafned•with tile and in a good loll 28, con, 0, Rull tt. Thls1: is a son. MtcLEAN-In'. Seaforth, on . 'Robust A(A ,moonstone s:► ton, cud; that ,bat now registered at hotel Sunset. being the seined born. In 1861 he . Stanley, , 2, ales froth Clinton, stste of cuitivatton, no vraste land. first, class farm, well watered and, f , gees is :bolus' picked up by Litany, um. Chas. Munroe was recalled to marrfel Miss Elizabeth McCultough '. of m The is hcultivati There one acre of goofs orchard •ved And g ufOrisa , Bl1Y YOUR FILOLIIt • . C when: Califoroaa, Wyoming b the illness of her sis- c h i Urs. reel`, u1 yo?n g Y, a the e Huron Rcad and st ,sled 04 .picked one up out of the sand. _� and ter, Mrs. s*ilsoxi his faun on the iia cold Line, where in stall of cultivation, attd g well wab�xed, TheF 10 acres of Yrar failing well. Terms to and a nc a (; Aisooiihe endure g ed ego`s e' suit the purehasex. Proprietor stn- . AND la D • E E., -- F p H R i arcus it tq, her ring B[x. and Mrs. F. V. flodg;�na and reuhrained' till his death. A++ flasad .era bard wood bush, Frame house in Winds to ylve up farming. ApPty 100 acres. 'Mese i�na� be y —SALT IN BARRELS AND BAt3S, pi litrtle daugi'iter, Ports, are ,spending .was a roan of sterling qualities, and We )Saud dash• week much ensure in goad repair, suu�imer klbchen and an premises or to, John Riley, Sr,, bought together or separately.-- xecofvinc a. friendly Call frtizn Ilio scone time in Muskelta. rdmarkable strength of c aracteae, of woodshod, 1 barn 76k38,, 1 barn Constance P. O. -`$5• Apply to, R. J. Soutbocrmba, Clin- _ Ki$wo M(raa of Essex who m•.,gister- .Mrs• A. Porter and, little daughter a ukindl l and lovable dispaSitlon, ,At Sunsot: much beloved by his famnlyt and those 40m32 inn is -a f9undatiolk, driving ton P. 0, --89 Lo s I `TER co *a Hotel, g.. 1Porter who knew* him Later in life shed pi pens, and 2 acres of good , g . FOR, SALE OR TO RD13T,—TOE Bngbaad, now occupies 31pr. Sine ldon Clenent of North Bay Mr. its in charge the $ter-' .best. �►as tlln i,r'lest, tins month of his ling Bank. he took a sexy active part to mhiai- g`ibe`d.--Aggjly. to. Robs. Pearson, Box 231, Clinton 1?, ti, «-93--5 Temperance Retial at Landesbora, FOR SALE. FRAME HOUSE AND . Telephone Pone 64 TFIE Si<rLEVt1TQiRc 1►artatsr Rev, and l+firs, G1eni+'nb, Mr. and Mrs. AxtCtux 1I, Clement cipal affairs being: comluissioner, Thin is a splendid Chance for a acre c4 land, situated on the a 3 $2.70 Bed rn Aug. 29 and 1, a�ep> ' councillor r - Stlarrkley street,. 'fVe entPect to kava and daughter, Nary, and 1VIr. H. B. , airrd reeve far uian years, • pleasure next Sunday evening .to Clement of Toronto are endin ' a whore he cmdervered to fulfil his #k+G spending livel man. Possession can be given ,London Road 4 male• south of Clin- at once. For further paridetilarsn 7 rooicns, hard and soft water, P1pJ�116' 1pg Rot • Water, Y Ifi 'CE A. T. C. 111. MISS B. MAY RANCE. hear lt[ .. sing vacation ab the home of liar, and duties to the pliilic in a very con- rF Arthur H. Clennlent Chwr,11, scielitlous and satisfacUor;� tnai>�tei,. Clgiitent i Teacher of Eioci>t'cmy i'hyasicai apply to W. M• Ryles, LendesbQM, stone foundation and large or L. Tyndall, Clinton. —85 small fruits, For furthin } Sham and dot Air t skt NnrtM Sts. method Mrs. of town. rIe was a staunch Ocuiservattve,• •'and the lture and Aram�atic Work. Stu particulars ry to Fred Ha ward, Clinton. ATl{INSON-In ' Exetox, oic August Miss Pb11ey has accepteii P0'S-1 Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Shannon, of in lils'earlie � daps tock a ver�i act- its prepared for Cona..rvasord. —� �y apply - Beating, , _ 3tioa of Public school `iiaaeher At Memphis, Tenn.,- are the guests of i,va iite?�st °]a- till Orange. Order of 1 School of Literature and E;xpres- TOT.Onto• Classes omnulencing FARM FOR SALE --AT ONCE. 200 Milkers and springers were in bort .Rowan. their relatives, Mrs. Edw1ard .6kaguhou the $aion, ;, S. Axid nail Miss .5 ny: d Lite,Line, He. kolzzdid, Colas +pod_ Ym Sept. 1st. Telephone 37. •-92 acres its good stiate of cultivation GALVANIZED IRON WORIG EtOpF• er' h Ilistxict T1re ic. church aboat five years' ago and was ' . Epwoxty, League Assoeiatiaak will Rev. J. A, and Mrs. Moatgolmxary in regular attendance though thei. tame_ -- in Stanliay, 3rd con„ 3. mules from 40 100 ING AND EV'ETRO G•'HING. . We have „ T. GUNDRY t a0 B17nth' .on Sept, 28Th al are spending their vacation as g fly; had attended there many years ' Clinton, school roils. acres cultfvatea 10 acres: alfatfa 22 ' ever Whin that ie y g nektr and u to -date is the > 27t*. guests of Mrs, S. Bissett of Salty pre�'l:ous- Mr. Elliott always enjoyed AUCTION SALE. — has bi!an fipstruoted by Mrs. s 4 acres bush, nest had and pasture, -- ; ,A . - - - pin ir'n And hen m i g A ting business, Rev. Roderick Murray of Chico ,ford Ifiefghts. good health unttfl •about four' year:, aA old 00derich boy, preached v0st Hon, Adam Beck received an ova- ago when that dreaded disease can,- G, W. Wray to sell by public nuc- Large. sE�ane house. two-storey, g 51ate as> cement flim` in cellar, "n a Esirimates given on all contract a bi frgai, the pulpit of North in the -Court, Houstt on his car developed is his face and though y `iThursday evening, th:o.e tion At bt 24, 25, Base Line, God- erich township, on '`Thur +lap, Sept.furnace, wood -shed,. cistern, tale- ► p���� work, ._.�_. streets ,lfletho4ist church on inday appearance on powder, ,plasters and surgical Miss. Alfie Lewis has returned ata o eratfona were all tried et he weelrP 7111 the following artWes names i phone. One bank 85x56, witidmfo, stabling fol -_ —_ __ L o spent last her studio aft r cam in for a�aano succtunbed to the mansil r death , an Mr, Cooley f Uetlkoii► Camping 'August mare 7 years old ,1 to be foal, colt 1 old, 2 milk ., Punrpet+, �vaterWoxks, 40 head cantle and 9 horses. Sec= �em EYAM & SUTTER • week at Goderich where he joined weeks with Mrs, Seager and other Thursday+, 10th, having suit- lir year caws. supposed to be in calf,. 2 and barn 56x40. Hay barn 50x$5.-� tir. • 'his. wife, who has been spending her friends. erect untold pain and agony for the with her aunt, Mrs. Pelf` The cottage`s along "the banks of g,•reatei part of lila ,line. FIe leaves cows due to calve in October, 2 1 to Matcolm McE'iven Box Apply SI/011>fI/1l)1l6?.64e SANITARY PLUMBERS, vacation , p OdacFaklatue, the Huron Have atitioned the' coun- besides his wife, a • 41ilpi of one n=ears rising three, 2 heifers i isiirg 56, Clinton P. O, r84 • lights, Y'- g am being pine- son, J. W, Elliatit of Clinton, and two, sheers rising two 2 Spring d f�oP�p,tp}f1e fps S ` �[ u j�. GRANITE ' field v siton toren some eeJkw . od Allan g the shordhand• which &o,,re six daughters, Miu. .J. W. Reid, Mrs. • ; we, mote witdir ploasure that Denry a great convenience, . .` . Gap• Clark, Mrs, J, E, Barnwell, wives 3 fall calves, sow with 10 , small pigs, 60 hens, set of double Z r Y/ FOR SALE—A BEAUTIFUL (;OUN- If ^ TINWARE • .Lynn, one of the sans of Mni.. Lynn, Master. Douglas Mabee arrived , on Burs. J. T. •Reid, Mrs. Ed. Chufax harness, set. of single harness, robe, no nnw, Masse y- . airy home halt a anile from Clinton, 12 acres c4' excellent soil fruit / D� ERTY ' .� _ Wallin tan stxe9t had the gooQ: fort -.Monday foam •Detroit and ii holiday- .residing in Stanley and Mrs. W g ' W. Fee tete bo win p>~izes fox his thorough ing with his uncle, Dr. Mabee, ab . of Zurichi• Another so¢i. Thomas. was `aeon•. .eraser p 3� r •Ilarrls binder, Frost & Wood , mow-• and garden. Fine comfortable i � , J� NO T RE,R, Stock A . I bred seock in Monterey Ccamity, Cali- the. Briti;.h Exchange: instantly killed ban years .ago this ,-"' E ' which shows that Denny+ is Mr. Matthew Elliott left an Mott- fall by -his team runn�ina away, The er • ha rake , 3^ ,seed drill cuitiwator, land roller, disk harrow, scutums, house, hard and soft water: Barn f d,S.baa VA/m 56x52 with stone stabling, 2 acres ....� _ � , j u a t received ' and to sell .quick we 4ornia • i ra success in that line. Tho day for the west on a trip for the funeral took place, on _Sall-arday, aft,:tr- �1u 'his set of iron. harrows, walking plow, ulow, fanning g g orchard, apples, plums, peaches, , , , , _ . OB eBPl cherries, strawborries etc, Will �� • . ' w 10(1 11rIziA are at Wary ' *�aliatas; ` Californta,i "Index'', speaks good of health, on and was vary largely attended .. . ' Mrs. Maud Moore, _•'Mrs. Charlie b his relatives 'An friends, The hi&lily 'of Denny s record. P gena Plow, .riding n3ill, puiper, wheelbarrow; set of s011 cheap, ilndnadiate ' possession SOW P]'IceS, . A d hter Mites Reid and Miss Falconer were at seavices were conducbad b the Rev baSsleigiis, wagon, hayrack, pigrack, given,—J. E. Henry, Clinton. --86 Ll Mrs. Johns . an • Aug . f .. ;colitis, b19;ts. Foote and her 'da�igb- Niagara Falls recently attending, . the Mr., Laws, assistetd b Rev Mr. watertrough, 2 iron . pig tiougihs, . y ------ One of fixe --' "' feta, t>!e Misses Foote, of ClA.veland, Grand Lodge. They inporte a glorious SnawBen,, Varna; and Rev, )P. J buggy, cutters, daisy nmrn,.. but,tet 4'' , worker washih machines number best equipped nn / n/,t ,rhe when. Here ' wei+a gvesbs of Al:tlu0. Mrs.. Reid visited . ab TlNson- Condell, Bayfield, and intei+me$t was , g a PROPERTY, FOR, in B E lold., dwwo- 9 SAP C7. L+ eaVl1, Pra�%4" t. . their ri•: lives, Mesdames Crabb AM burg, on her way , hame . and < Mrs: made in Bayfield cemetery. The b.;ar- of milk ' pans, large iron kettle, business for sato in Bayfield, Two- Piano Factories . i ipsrria n,, left , .lar Woodstock on Moore at. Stratford. ers were Mr..Jchn Stewart and • Ihi; tacks, shovels, shades, hoes, ladders, stor buildin store worksho and . in Caaaaa y g, P Ifancisy, .. visit Mrs. Johns'- ek;ster, Bliss Belle MacViCar returned foram five sons,in--law, J. Reid, George "chains, and other articles too num` �+ -dwelling combined, also. stable 26 �� , Mrs. Bain of that aty. Brantford last week where she was Clark, ,J; E,. Harnwall, W, Fee ai:d 0:0ua to mashies. Tertna .of sale-- a 36. Three lots with orchard and �'� . THE PUB�,1� . liist�t ,CharlotUa iieavane, daugixlmt inviUyd to attend rihe wedding of, her Ed. Chute`. A!1 sums of ten dollarse .`and under small fruits, Tensasonable—Ap- {, } p (� r HAVING BOUGHT TIM of Dr. 'and Ddrg..Reaume, of V@lind- cousin, Miss I�Iellie G: Gaxlyle, of u s cash, over that amAtuyt sir months ply lq g Rouatt, B®yfleld; —74• D�Ue�L� �]`I��Q fli U�,� UQ. R+pRKSHOP DEPAR'X`MENT ' ! ser, is spending her vacation at A precious -one from, s ha gone, . . Brantforii and Professor .Jones of the credit on furnasit➢:ng aiproveu joint ' TH'E ROWLANI? HARD4VA3 Pen 'A vofc+v we .loved is. stilled - �Glencliff, elle guest of Mrs: said the Ontario Agrleulbural <�Call'ege. „° A place is vacant in our home, iboties. A rtiscountt of, 5 per cant*. _ LlIDited. ,Miss Collison 'left Gleehulme, on 'Icor. 241144 on crrlit amou rs►.-- NOTICE IS I;EREBY QIVEN_'CId!�!T BUSINESS, WITH WHICH Z ittisses henry: - Which 'never can be filled.NE BII]rI. Heiler , . Riell Fullet and Monday . to attend the millinery - ; •Mra: G. ' W,; Wray, proprietress ; T:. :a bylaw was passed by the Niue, .Fhotorks . and Head office:, Clinton. HAVE-;;, RALEYEARS. IN C014CAM PRE,- ,. y God. in Tis wisdom has recalled friends; • of Detroit registtared . at Hotel openings At Taron'+a, Guti . auctioneer. fcipal Council of the :Town of Clin- •Wasters Branch, : 280 Hargrave St., PARED TO RECEIVE ORDM- S Sunset: The boon His- leve• hat! given, Winnipeg, Man. ' . ton an the fourti�nbh dap of Aug- FOR THE HECLA FURNACES And thoaigh' the body moulders here,. , ' The Misses Warriner, lwho are {�od� • est, 1911, providing for the issue PLUMBING,. EVETROU{1•HINCt,, , : • en visitors every season are reg- The Saul is safe Liu 'Heavpm. TtiCi[el'Smith TOWnshlp T.EACHTER .WANTED. — FEI ALE of .debenturos to the ,amount . . of PUTTING UP STOVES • 'A'l,)lp astbredt at the Park ,House. : . • . - . ---I ------. . .1'aachom :for, junior department •.. of $3500,00 .fon the purpose cd. erecting REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL The Woman's Institute: held their Messrs: S. Turner, 1. Johns and J. ' ..• Bayfield Public School state .cer- -an addition to Mie Colfaglate In- � L RECEIVE •♦♦ •♦4�•♦.1♦!♦♦♦N ♦♦e!• OF WHICH WILL ferric at arbor, Park on Murray.bteifded mhe Liberal' convert,-- Marriages, tificate, rs:cpenlence and salary. Det- sbitub* building for. gymnasiuun and MY PROMPT ATTENTION. A. annual p H y . Thursday of lasti, week, The' dray was tion. in Hensall on Friday la5br - ies to eammetrce Sept. 5th: H: ..other purposes, and 'that such be- � Y19HS CONTINUANCE. OF fiHE PAT- ; STEEP --In Tn Petro',ia, on y law was re isvare0 in the Registr. ' ideal,,,, as well as 'the ,hregze and •gall The' Mfsses iVatikell spent Sunday; : Prehmann, : Secretary Ba field.: ,--92 g y . • , Y. .RONAGE {1I. EN THIS DE- ` the • members enjoyed e#d the outing very` with their relatives here. Aug. 23rd•; Myrtle � Aldred to' Ed : y of 1-111- : on even Colleges - em • 1 y ,. W ..,es , e. ;ward ;'Steep, son of Mr, and Mrs. I office' of 'the.. Count 91 Our S g s PARTMENT IS RESPFCTFI3L- have been much and tl� high tea. They made Mrs: It Gibs u i of the I-I'uron . ttie 17th day, of August, 1 1. Any' established' during the past 30 • LY REQUESTED., arrangements far. dein sox<i0 work Road: left an Tuesda for'. a two- W'm Steep' of Clinton. . u ' years. The largest trainers in PROMPT ATTE TION WILT, ' . , • ge g y, REVISION OF. VOTERS LIST. =- mRatiion to quash ori• sob aside the which would MARKE �GIILFILLAN — In Us- art thereof `lies, .be Canada. Owin to our connee- go . bo make the � IrAlir- .months' visit • With her. sons . at cask, b i a on .August 16th Mabel' Gil- Notiev is herebpc, given that a Court same or any p. � BE GIVEN TO ORDERS LEF'L trtal tali a spiccess next mr'onth: atoon; Sash. o ui , g b tion: all oval ' uteric, we do .1: fillan daughter of .Mr. and. Mfrs; .' will be held pursuant"to the 07itar made within three Rivanths after the* }getter for .our graduates than AT .OLAND'S ' HARDWARE Tho Mitchell Boy Scouts enjoyed a Mrs. W. C. Londesborough and son ' g ivi k f to Voter's Lift Act, �y his F%lior, firsts publication of this notice and I any other SchiioL You may STORE. ,'4. few day.,( vacation ca r . on the ccompanied b Miss Elsie John, Angeles, Cal. r. C1ar 9 a a7• in'aP•� Arnold,-, Y the Judge of thy, County, Court. of cannot be ,mads` thereafter.- Dated stndq.all at home. or partly at • beach . t Goderich: They seemed' tat MaQuCan of Bracefheld, left on 'Mouda Los Angeles, Cal: 31 site Co.uiity of Huron' at .the town- this 17th •.day of August, 1911: D. rush at: the College: ♦ • TOTTtEN FINKB15INER Tn Staph- home and S JOHNSON enjoy^ the outing. Thvey were under last for a visits wid'n . Rev. J; . F. ship hail, Varna, on Friday, Sept- • , L. Macpherson; .Town Clerk. ,• Affiiliated� with The Cmmeicial T. the co nil of Scout -Master. W: Laudesborough, of Olivet, Mien. Fhr, on A-ugust, 16th, Clara Fink, ember_ist 1911 alt 11 o'clock a, m.,. ♦ 'Educators Association of (Lan- ' Strin "'Mr: A. F. Johns visited friends .at .hewer,. eldest daughter of Mr, and 1 , oda...It would be well for you " k fn r to 'Po (hilar and ' detdr line eottniAmints to investigate bofoie choosing. . �* Miss Mary Mackid,: daughter of the Constance, . Londesbr,To and Auburn. Mrs: Christian Fin be e , n Eaclttsive right' for Oritaria of .BABY.. ABR LAD S • Geo` a Totten of ,Weyburn Sask. .. 'of errors and omissions in the Vo- Mi Edith L CouZeas. -` 1� late. Alexander Mackid of Park4ale, last 'week. - g Y ' tier's List of , the Municipalitiy. of 111 SS • the world-famous- Bliss Boos:- ♦ . S. bp. the Rev. Mr. Burn. keeping. which is. un- . RE -TIRED' WHILE 'YOU'- . , formerly of Goderich, and g�iaiddau . the Township of Stanley far X911:' Business - . , ;; TEACHER 4F` M1,1S1C equaled,. Itis Actuiil ghter of Rev, 'Aleitander- Mackid, : oleo ' DAVM--BROCK-1n London, .on Aug: Dated at Varna, alis 2``3rd 'day of . ish, a AIT, AT SMALL COST: �f the first asters of ,Knox church 10th Ernest Davis item Start to Fin and the:" . , ,of Exet�+r P 1. Live. Stack Market. - , August, 1811,—J. B , Ilarawdl., • .pupil. of .Prof. Martin and. student' s'ttident Feeps same books .a is, to marry Mr. Gerald B., Dickson . North, to Jewile, seccad daughter %Town hip. Clerk. - of ,Alma. College, is prepared to give Chartered Banks and Whole . . . . W an time. —2' N BIC C of Paterson, N. Y,, in Ootober. 'Miss Toronto;' Aug: 21st,=ln . the ex of Mr. and Mrs.' :Thos. Brock, le:isons its piano and organ,-. Pupils sale houses. Enter . y NEW Y LES . -„'-Mackid .is •a well:known Canadian act- actations that ib, would .be impos- . of Exebar. ,-. = . prepared, for • University, and. 'Concur- Individual instruction. ALE CHEAP.— . P P P ress but she has decided to quit the sible to- ship battle, to thc-Old Coun,4 • p: FOR .SALE:-= GOOD SIX ROOMIIJIj vatory exams, Thorough tuition frAug• Fall Terms om Au 28 FORS IrE stage. tuy this 'week on - count of t'he Brit- Birth's . house,. with pantry, .cellar .and guaranteed. The parsonage, HolRnies .WATERWORKS SERVICES . MTs. L. C. McGorman` itiother • of ish `labor disturbanccv.,, only a, small SH'OBRAtyK-In Iiullett; on August. woodshed, -Hard .and .'soft water.. ville: .. --?1 'I write, calk or phone for particulars. INSTALi.ED. LET'S DO IT • Dr. McGorman of Poe., Arthur, is offering of maport cattle was" market- ?� acre lob. All iji first -clans ecmdi- LIN rely 1. FOR 'YOU- - 20th, to. Mr, and 1Virs: Frederick1. tFhe guest this month of Mra.. Mess- ed this morning. But , when the pews, Shobrook a San.: tion �J. Tooker, •Frederick strdet, r Wer. I became known that Lloyd -George had ' - - • Clinton. -89 C011e .e ' - [� s. "' Mr. and Mrs. Jas.- Stewart have elicited a setPlement, some;' of kit RICIARDSON—ln ,Wrngham;: on Aug. ROAL WOoD CEMENT 'Z g'uSiness g %� ri T�] �! tri west b, 1" i t th 14th;: to Mr: 'and Mrs. N. Rich- GEq. SPOTION, PitE91i)ENx' . L A. 1 V le l ; �,�gone osr a p. kir. and Mrs. Robt. Megawv era .on bigger eye`s eager y, V. i up, e! entire supplys. Sa keen was the nom . ardson; .a 'daughter. ... FOR SALE --A 14 H. P.. PORTABLE YARDS Miss B. F. Ward, Principal • ' a tri to California. g clition that as high as $6,20 was ARLHIBALD�--In paid Seafori+h, on Aug. 15th, : t+c Mr., and Mrs.. Andrew steam eagine. In . `good working . Opposite the G. T. R. Station, ♦+y�♦♦♦N♦�•N♦N �•♦♦♦♦ Mr W. Edward of Sault Ste. Maxie paid ,a flying visit to his relatives, for cod sto k the . hi test, price in weeks. 'Archibald,. a daughter, ' ' ord! r, Also. set cif sleighs for con- ' . . • ' ---�=— � litIesdatmes Collinson and Goldthorpe; `: McLaren, .There was also a very fair demmand COOPER -In Kippen, on Aug. 13th, to Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Cooper, a , veyanCO in -win ., . 2 good , drlae belts, 1 circular saw and fratav, Just received . ne of ., �,,' (3 ',S' a and Mr. D. recently. for good .butcher Cattle ,.at prices A snap •for quick sale Setyley ..4v 0 carload ___ I ' d. e " Mr. Leonel Parh�ns has returned from a visit bo Winnipeg, .where he ranging from $5.75' to $6 a cwt. Butcher cows, and. bulls we're also in son. MtcLEAN-In'. Seaforth, on . 'Robust 'West, Ctinton: —90 tll�p: Co1 L for . , rr . irl?1� guest oil Mr. Geo. H. Saulbs. was the gue Ottawa is active demland, and for the best of 15th, to Mx. and Mrs, Keitih B1. 'McLean, daughter. ,Threshbrs, . r rhe Very beat "` . ... . . .. Mrs. (Dn) Anderson of ._. gu tike Heb of Dr, and Mrs. Strap , title .class of, stock from; $4,50; to $5 a cwt was paid, 'The prevailed. .'': a TAMAN: In Exebar, ,iii August 10th, LEACHER . Vl'ANTEA .FOR S, S: ' ... .. . . . RifN2o . �. ` ` . T. Mn,'Ann Band, lately arriv-•1 Nw m' the 'Wil It ,Belief that there would be a stead; : niarketi y cattle• to Mr, and Mrs: A, : W.. Tamyan, a son. No. 5,' Stanley Township, dutias to efts!, .suin¢ner 'Vacatton,i .. _ ARTHUROI� BES I $3.65 turn 11ug. 26 to Sept. 9, . Bngbaad, now occupies for all kinds of butcher all coinanence State salary and. experience,'person- • a 3 $2.70 Bed rn Aug. 29 and 1, a�ep> ' ,•,:_ House.. z- Rev. Bir. Wonbgomcr reache 1 . , b y P .i this week,,with'advanced pricoi. .. Hogs were quoted at $7,70, I. o, b., Deaths. - .. al app licaticm preftared.—D. J. me-- Varna i', . . Phone 52 . Suceessoa to Jals. Hamilton. �,, ' 5 and 7, • . • • ' . from GL Nst'L - . • Knox church on Sundapi at bash sex- and $ti.10, fed.. and watered. ATl{INSON-In ' Exetox, oic August Clinohey, , Sec. -Treasurer,, —90 Accaint CANADIAN NATIONA�IL flees., Boaster Bert Cut4 sanN a Milkers and springers were in ]Sth Mxs, It. At+:fttsan, 'aged 82 O, 1. ~ HEREVRe:�. Xlli rn B IBITION, Rebs Limit ,; pretty sola ab the morning service. • hies Ida Currie is visiting her de nand . at $50.00 to $75:00, the su pl �i. tieing meager. P S, y ears: F Aug. 10th; FIA'RV Y --In Exeter, • • i i • • • ♦ • • M'♦ ♦ ♦ s ! ♦ •• • ♦ . tl is meas. Illtr 12 1911. . , eousina, the Misses. TI'unter of Bras• Sheep and. la�mbs.were ,also in goofs cit Caroline, ?Wakelin, relict of the h'OR SALE, (7N MA7iY S'T'REET A • • .' • used by minutes,! and Special firain Service. `... sels. the domand,. as high as $7 .lxi:ng Paid for' ' late Richard Hativey, aged 79 good dwelling house, containing • ' The preference for • :• • • seconds, instead o Special train jeaves: Chilton 9.221 . Reginald Blackstone is. now oar staff of t c Ppdential Insurance Co, IaAmbs• The receip?a ' were, 110 cars, 2,053 years and 11 months. Exeter, c Aug. 12th, seven rooms, with good cellar,.ceme ent cistern anal, goon well of hard • • hours --the Howaan is the court a4 a Aug.9 31 22'_5,2041,i . i Sept.Pt 7, it ere. , , . Driving seems to be a favoa.te cattle 43 calves 489 hos 1,1 C3 , + hogs, shetyp and lambs, and 20 horses. WELSH -In un Mary Thomas, relict of •elle late WilNiam•' Welsh, a �d 83 earn, 1 g' Y water, an the lawn. 'ploy further in- foiiiination inquire of Mrs. E. i2a11; • "�rTRE , • final appeal. The HOWARD Watch has c1dii, If► . FARM LABORERS EXCURSIONS $10' Going--� $18 Additional . pastime with aur suman,er guests Ana . • . . month and 19 dayis. Box 220, Aylmer, • - 87 . • • accuracy, design and finish it shows lite Rot t • ' . ,citizens as well, and the frequent •. _ . illCa, i spirit of the men who make it. . — ail s tiohs Torotr. Aug, 23 , roml ; rains of the past few weeks have r A Terrible �tecard : . ... • It has traditions asci a histo` that � • North Ba and West in fltttrdrla made it a real pleasure.B0H The Misses Toplea now occupy,,tae . Of Ghlitlt'gn!s Deaths, 'l'1;NDERS--NOTICE TO CONTRAC- •na FARM FOR SALE,• -SON THE ILON- Road, mile south of the • • Americans are proud of, . Every HowAito is adjusted as a fiat 25—Frons all stabions Toronto Aug.y East Orillia Scatia Jet. furbished• residence of Mrs. Jafttes tors, -Sealed tenders addressed • Secretary of the Clinton Col- , cion one town of Clinton. A first class',,, • EXTRA , • • watch=cased and tuned in its own and of acid - in Canada: 'Vivian. left Hotel A ver nether knows ,fie death. s. every ' urin little ones in Canada during .the legiate Board will 'be received un- farm of '1.32 acres ; a ciiafce Lino- W OkANULATE� rase at the factory. Through Tounist Pullman Sleepers . Mx. Mawree Henderson Sunset on Satutday, going by boat rate of the hot `,loner months 'far exceeds til Frida Sept. 1st for- the tun- 4., y'' P ' , brick to the pe*y. Must► be sola, as Owner has p t interests .to look after,-- i �e. s - 'P has been created y • Printed ticket etc the rice-� qa o s to t e. Lot us show you this d r to VVfunipeg and Edui'onkan via. Chi- Cage St. Paul to Wfndsoir. ` ' le f Chica foal O that of an other season of the year. The reason for this is that tho ex- lAitietion .of a addition Clinton Collegiate Institute, about otther Apply to II, Plu¢tisteol, Clinton, • .6 the sugar itself ♦ wtcave wvatch. gid , August 22nd. Sdipt. 5th and 10>,h Mr. and Mrs. F . fir paid a flying visit to their ,aunt, cesslve heat brings on those dreaded 35 by 70 feet t1wo .stores witch + y basement; also for the installation --88 • i Manufactured by ♦ .:" . A. C/I C7RIG A. - In coririeot,ion with >FIOMESEI'"d-� , ERS HXC'1,1'RSIONS. r ik�centl , Mrs, Mes Fie y burn- The ofd Abercarn, which was ttvtthises; Cholera fnfantuiu, diar� ntr and other .%tonmclt `been, dyse y of furnace and clop;tis in saints. plans and specititratiot►n ate being FOft SALE -THE UNIIER- a J ... THE ----w- , Jeweler and O l oidn Issuer � 8 Full partieulai� from anyti . Grtytkd I Trunk Agent or address.A. E. D 1! . g `' Lail has bt+en re- . td till the water' I' n used a i .a barge, bOt and bowel complaints. These coant� a» so ukckty and with such little q ..pteiiai?ed and will be ready for in- FARM siguctd offers .for sale his fine f}arnn 0 • + , Sugar Refining Co r_ e ..�... �ix rlfygB r;Gn8e3. � D. 2'.: A ., Torceito.. 1 Pitted and o Mise Nelson of Windsor is a guest warning that after baby, is beyond spection at Lille office of McTa Bart , g ll'0s•, Clinton, after Aug. 22nd.— of 135 acres adjoinio�g the owls of � Clinton: The farm is 1n a good ♦ Canada • . as the 'park>`i :house. 11+Ifss Nelson brou i,t leer a+sn horses and �:arriaE;e� help betfare the another z<:atizes he is ill.)luring thehot sttxnatr,�te 'months M. D. McTa ar gg t, Chaititc,an Cott. . ' state of cialtivatlon and lies good 'barn 6' ♦, Ltltatjrritn NATIONAL $ -witk, her. ,the mo:�hL,: mtust be continual) Ott. y Inst. Board, J. NY. Treleaven, See- builditiks brick hoose, bank t . lifD\TREAL, - biUEBly(7 6 ' 8i[r. ,, 1)rinkwator, who ,was m~ her guard to seer that baby s bowels .br. In Winnipeg, elle wile sprint ti Ate working, reg,'llarly ani! ixitw little 3 tetaryl. „ � drhiing house, pig pen,. etc,, -•- all coat5iparnbivetq new, A flrst�Olass young orchard oontainhng all kinds ly g � , • • t11y(XOCi by i a PORT'Ll N 1_0CEx E T ' •otitic nk 'Winnipeg hospital, Iias so ,stomach is kept, swn:lt and Vie,. far z+tcdwerea since his return to , Baby s Own Tabldts -shield alwaysbe the FARM FOR SALE --Lot sol th half 12, Hullett, of of fruits, also small fruits: The farm is well fenced a»dwell arairi- • /� •, T. 11r • , av El L ♦ i - . ^ adcrdnh ,fiat he is nowt ai7,ie to get kcipb in ,%'ie Ilene as they, are 26, coil. consisting is tt very desirabtt 'home. . f a 'orutch. ' aujother's ,greatest friend. A dost With the aid a , . J. and 'then will retvettt theay I#rylt, Gcarge Por{ilr aitid now P 50 aorob. All seeded down except lb' ,acres. Sma>ii arella'rd: 7s rahne ed and 1!'tit further particulars apply on W m• •�Tlab lwub tit'otbtV.►' * 6 , A. l�+ rash i;xr i11st xeeelved, whish Will be 'gdtci at 1"O,RtlOrablA ,l'uft,b, H. 'Ili rt haver been in 1,011400 its- troubles or if they do rolto on mud- ''house and battik, barn with stabling. the prenidsds or hddress John 0. 91 • •. .. - l 'b vieAs. Empty bags ellal•�ed for as 14e each, the 1Cly to l ` the Hi>sho with lccloreiice denlf' bhoy w^lt1 be quioklyi baniated tk„rtwtig Oa Gravel road i mile north of - Torrance. Clinton P. i The lianallnpr Of tlit� $t r ,, lrepaid till the xetltrn of the empty bo, a. b order Of the t 1. t to a sueeestox to t11t Rte', Mark by the Tablets. The Tah c�, are sold f�e W'6 by Wedicine dealers or by lnrxtl at 26 Londesboro, mike f. ani sc9i0ol, Apply'. on the premtscs or »,ddtess ,,,a .� _--. • a0ove fligaer hart beon r the motto of our tweeem. r A Cement Colpo fru . � tl Il y , "Cur.kiutl `eater of ,8t, Net recbar has as yet boas Cents a box from The `sir. Williams Richard Shtaddlck, Loudesboro P.0_ 'Rarvor W11634t, hanged 11101901, to • � K�� ss I ANDREWS 7'1' , chusrch. op ted, Medicine Co,, 'Brockville, sifts. x-76 kis bedpost at Smith's '�`a IS. w r • r � N • a � e * • 114t i it ie N