HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-08-24, Page 4is L", I 4 f Cliaton News-Rew4 00derIch TovOnshlpGood positiviao. • � ��i���i�Ilr�ii�►. WA has Mr. William Wauefloia Of tho 5 t* Mr. 114rold 1% resume, u,$, THE TRUTH ABOUT BEANS WRINGS A T ���FI��Q� The, Clinton Business College is a. OW, b*s sold his` eighty acre, farm Wolk after a two wcekW i0liday.n The Ridgetown Dominion published Rev Mr, Arge of Lobo occupied wol#%y It* 11 a chafe of seven k I c 1 to Xr. John Ashton of the Base Line Miss X. MOOM of VIWA)u Is tile in tbo ecutre of -i'lie greatest bean the pulpit of St. Andrew's chuteb on Business (alleges locate4 intheclojes kic $4,500. He U4 -owned the P1400 pol�l of 'her cousin, Miss 1,3ta Me- growing section of Oata*io had the Sunday lase. of Loudon, IPOU4:1100, Welland aid ,gar tbirty-fm7e oars but noir put- Brien. Rev. W. T. Cluft of Sirratford o4- they towns "of WalkeXon, Orangeville, POW# nw%ng to town And. taUe life Mr. 4An4Mrs. J. Johnston of CIIA- k4lQW1119 cupied to pulpit ce Trinity church Wingb%w and ClintoA. Owing to its a"Im in tot . ure. t;vn visitial at Mrs. John Johnson's. The Torouto Globe on Tuesday teat- on Sunday Morning Past. high grade work it is affilloteq with on, Sunday. u *,a on its front page a#. 0,144 6.0 the -Cow4mrcial Ir.,ilucators, Assoclat- Mr. and Mrs. A. XacksoocC Auburn I Miss McIntyre of Strathroyt '4 06 Ica of Canada lit is franyl admitaad dealing with bean,; And reclproci%i guest at •Mrs. Parsons, that owing tc, these connections Uva London JR00.011 Sti4dayed at Mr. R. A. Govier's. deliberately o I er4tely calculated to decolve the 'Air. Joba Whiadon wa.'s, in Goderich stuilogts get the very .1 M s;- Lowery, Sr., has taien up her beak growor 1n that, It only -presents kept positricous. 0:, 1W. Barge And faimily of Clin, Abode with her brother, Mr. C. Bea. one ,s do of tha case, and that . this bu Monday. Fall openings Are on Aug. 28tit, and t�p visitto4 on Sunday at Aft. else's 0,0M. we welconie her to our midst. chasguo is correct we are ready to bftm-o-s. Harold Pollock And Orval Sept. 5th, but, at this school .each Mr. arg Mrs. J. Freviriaix of CWt- subm' who Wesitlan of Detroit are home oil a student is instructed pv*vat;L1Iy at his JWr. Jobn Stanbury, ori BOPffeld I It to the judgment of all -,oe4 Ms. many friends on ton spent Sunda y al the lime of read what follows visit. or 'her own desk. Students3 may en - lied on Mrs. J. Johnstca. The Globe is astray in arae first A large number of the visitors and ter Any' day. Many atudents study *.be Read 9his wcel�. rtly Air. T. H. Hardy has dimosed of place when it says the "usual, crop residents cat the village took in the all at home and Others pa; w.i his farm to Mr. R. Woshfor a hand- in Kent County alone is estimated at Italia day at Gland Bend last wc�,,k, licene and finish at #ho College. As some figure. 00,000 bushels." 450,000 bushAs is. Mr. Iwac Richards of Brussels vis- Spotton. Colleges Are the largest Mr, john, Buchanan of Grevi to vii- Mr. E. McBrien spent Suutlay at nearer the mark, but pass that t Red,, his mo 0aer in the village last v.almirs, in Canada and have thirty, rAlip, got a threshing outfit, 4,1=48 at his home here. - The Globe proce�ds to say week. years ctwrieaceo It would be well vroork in 1-bose parts. miss Clifton has retoamed rt�) her for young people to get their train - in Prosperity a04r a pleasant "At 1phe present time-tho, Canadian) Mohths,ago the directorri of the Ing ,,here. Mr. Spotton last year Aber, Mr. Chas. farmer is called upon to pay tol? of Ba)1.,WIod Fall Sbow SelOOt-d Sept- trained over 1200 yvung people And vis• it with her b.4.,. 45 cents to Uncle Sorin s custlams cot- 27th and 28th as their dates for.us. What so Clifton. I psicced them Jn good positic. miss Claim Bigpla spent Sunday •a,1 tees for every bush. -I' of his beaus he 1911, Seafortlij Godelo.chi and Zurich hhas dcu.t for -vhousands of others. TH I, wlarke�a in the UrAted States. De- took the week earlivi but the choice her Home here. spift this beavr taxa if barrier lie finds by the Doxinion, *overnment of Sept. - iioan do for you. Mr. Piddle Mille"d $Pent*511ndayl wjli� it neoessarr each yjeav to seek access -.21st as -rhe date of the general ol- Lddleg. friends on the Base Line. * to the Anicricari market for his sur- actions caused a shake. up. 6oderich Xiss Naegle of Goderich Is the plus produci. In the years ending went ahead one day and Seaterth Stanlev Township guesk of Miss L. •Sinclalf. , ' I Homw Tho Misws Turney cit Westlield wereMarck, 101P and 1911, Canadfav boans,and Zurich track Ono wit =t, the latter Mrs• Ed. Ralbilei5oh., wilt of A visitors at Mr. J. Cclborne',i last" were eieportiad to the United States butting, in on our 4 dates. It wasul former blacksmith in, . Blake ' visited week, to' the value of $24,633 and $40,024, A very nice tdting 0� do considering friends in that plate this w eke Journal respectively, according to the coTicial that the Fairs covet- alrdost the same 51issk Fe;il Beacom ap,� Master Der', report of the departiment of trade ground -And it has caused the efir- Misses S. Allan and Annag.ei Mae- visl,'.,d Clinton friends -Saturday and, don.11d, who spent a few wooks irl and camailorce. ectors of our Fair to postpone it DA-4-patterus Sunday. ht Afichigan, retuxn4fl last week. Mr. K. Mair of Clintoo is visiting "The Canadian -farmpr finds. no mar- until. OctObf-or 10th and 11th. T y Sabbath .school picnic Of friends around Mre- kvt for his beans in Britain. In the mli;0 haVe got in sateral. dayacar- The Union , are 'sold by us 41,vo years in question the official Ifer bili! in doing so$ . )would stave Blake and Varna, which was to be 14 the driaith of Robert Fulteu at , 01w pos',!,"hPned re o-als, show that the total value of cOnAICfWd with other'Fairs hich held, on 'Friday last, was his, hdwla here -last -Friday, this vii- Canadian beans exported to Jibe Unit- they did not care to, do. owIT9 to, the death of Rev. MiN, Qr�• 1Ulige lost ow of 4,.ir oldest inhabl- ed Kingdom,. whero there duty, Thursday of this, week is Bayficld',s Johnstp"'s father. It is to be h41d tantE.�. qud a most vespected (C.tizen Wd only to a paltry $214. To civic holiday and all places of bus- in Bapfeld talay. The funeral was held last Mondav, a[- al"Oun . Air. Jas. Allan had a bei ort Xcc�i restrict, the Canadian bean -�.,oduccr mess will be closid. ' tsimoon at 11he borne, the Bertxton�o- e day (graming brick .for the new resi- Ing, delivered hy Rev. A.,U. W1AIt5,i to the British market would be too Mrs. Thomas Cameron has return -id 6erx.�e he I,& erecting, paralyze the industry. -0 Souelt- Several of 1.11he Coilgregational churdh. The boon' visiting friends a have left this neighborhood burial was at Richmond cmu0terl'. Linder the reciprocity' agreement amptice.l• for the west. A-mcing them . were Decaaa id -was born at Richmond krill. Canadian beans havo access k1a. the -Mr. .- Jamieson has returned to Joseph Bacchler, Mr. and Mrs. Sol. near Toronto, , Canada, and eamL, to United States markets Tice' of duty. Brooklyn, N. Y., After spending ?�O Ja6obe and daughter, Verna, 'Earl Lexingoton, 'Mich., at the ageoi twee, This mens, that the 45 cents which September designs weeks w0h. his Tamil in. the lVhite Delgal,11, Leonard Sparks and Win. toy -one, He was married -at hexing the Canadian farmer now to . .1 1 , . I now on sale. nd Uncle4Sain in tariff duty upon every City. Pollock. ton to, Mahala Tdackldrn of Riohmo Mxj. F. Heath Born to Mi. and' Mri. Jacob 'Hill, Septembor.16th� 1853, , and and bushel of :,pans he markets in the gave a card party Schwnio'�zeutru n on Sunday last, The fall quarterly- them have boeen bram one son and Unfted States will -remain att home to a large number of invited guosts thre,.% daughters '. JQs--pb A., of Yale, in hire own pod;et. Ito will :stay in On Tuesdap Afternoon from ftree va twin girls. style Books, including Midh. ; Mrs. - Henry Ashley., � of Ray ; Canada to be Vont in Canada." six O'clock p - m., whW a numbew of Born to Mt., And, Mrs. Ed:. Stelck a coupon for an 15c Mrs. Nelson Binghpm, of * Laird, , Take paragraph one—I'Dospite the prizes were, 'offered iu the gamed ' of 00 Monday, a daughter. pattern, can be -, had Ment., toiniouriy of SummerhM, Out -v heavy tariff the Canadian bean giow- Five Hundred, hila, Graham , Modr- The fa�Wllss of John Drysdale, house, Mrs. Charles and Miss Austin Wro.' O'Brien, F. W. Hess and G, S. a.ido ; and Hate, . residing at h6rae, 6r finds it necessary each year to I ItoWard Are tihis week emplag. In' for . 20 Al) of the childrEm wete present' * at seek; acee,41 4o the American market were the successful winners. A the pinery,'b6low Grand 'Bond. dainty lunch was also provided b Ae funeral, There..were also foul: two hs surplus produce." The Globe T Mr.-Allian Dcoglass of BruccOold is The Ladics' 19orne, grandchildren,' two cl whom' are .th ' pves bor.-d.tAly the value the hostess. this 'week visiting life sans in the on �. of Journal for Sept. has living. they are J.'N. Binklward and theboaris exported from Canada to A ver), unfortunate accident oc- I Delghhwhood of Blake. 92 Pages. M+3. W. H. Townsend' of Montana. the United States for ypars. en& -.ng currL-4 on lifouday afternoon of this Rev. Air. 18awers of Brucefield ao- There is one � groat -grandchild,. Leola March 1910 'and 1911.. But.why did week when blastor Jim Drelimann cupied'the pulpiti.1n. the Presbyterian, FultoSh, 'of Detract, four years old, not The Globe give. toe imports 01 brake his log. ilie was playing witili church lash Sunday. Price 15c. Mr. Fulton and his wIf6moved to beans into Canada, not' only Loxnl the a number of other child.4-n and in 'Mr. and Mxj.''Ed. Boyce, Sr., raov- Richmond thirty-three, years ago, and United : States but all other coun4 jui6lp.ing off 9, fence the accident ed .their housthold -effects to Egmand- lived on a4arm two Miles * w0ab of tries ?" Let us answer ; Vacause it took place.• vi -116 on Tuesday last. town. until two years e no when they wouid desbioyi the argumbnt thht Can Mrs. (Dr.) -Sheppard and •doughtier, took up their residence in the Nil- ida, has a surplus of beans for ex- Miss Bessie Sheppard,: of Ontaio'.o, lage. Mrs. Fulton survives her hUS7 port, and would show 'that Canada California ;• -Mr. abd ' Mrs. - Edward S. more 0 r 09 .- bandReview, Riduriond, Alildh, Imports- from. the U,' beans Rutledge... Of Cleveland, OIC.o Mi. Varna. , than it ex:ports, over and abo' -and Mrs-111owellanddaughters,. the, above large' The Methodist S. S. will hold their 6nports tram" Greab'Britain and other. Misses -Howell,. and, son, Mr.." Fred annual � Picnic at Bayfield on. Fie.4ay. Howell of Hamifton Mr. and Mra .CLINTON tlqr�ore diatric% Saskatchewan, was countries. Let us give the fi&reg and Rev. Mr. Searle, a id -i s�o-fiary iron swept, by A cyclone. also lot us -ask how In the face of Nairn and two children ;. Miss Welimir China, who is home 0 S n full'Ough, tivill them the farmcrs can rely upon any- of. Detroit ; Mr. Gordon Barr of Cal China, #1 occupy - the 'Methodist, pulpit. 6asun- gary, va. ; Miss Dunsmre, Strad - °+ �h*nw'thatrappoar in the Globe ? day next. Accordin 'to the official itooports, 61 fo.7d Mrs. (Major) Combe and . two . 9 The W. M. S. of the AUbhodist, church hold a very, successful quilt,- io'.& department of trade and corn- children, C aton, and Mr'. Wigle , of BIG MUE BIGIALUE. ina::ee from 'which The Glohl. +.,akas Windsor are guests*at-, .Mrs, Solui. Ing in the town hall on .Thursday; f Its• export figures, , in, the years it Forguson's, last. Fahr quilts were quilted and a Aus"t lwky loll Terms ONE CASH' IR w w N'S, I PRICE "own ONLY Linen Specv-j'als Specials does , not mean here that we 'have made a reduction of 15 or 20cper yard on each linen. We rarely redtice Staples our prices on because our prices are alWayi.rock bottom, buc We say Specials because of the price quoted, ' Half Bleached I Table Damask every line special value 25c 30c 38c and 50c. Bleached TWe Damask alf pure linen beaut. iful designs 50c.65c 75c 850 $1.00, with napikins to. match. LINEN TOWE.Ls Values that cannot be surpassed at Joe 12Y2c 15c 18c 25c 35e and 50c each. goller towelling at 5e 81c 10c and ' 12el• and better linens up to 45c per yard, SHIRTINOS AND PILLOW COTTON 72 inch Sheeting bleached and unbleached at 25c 28c 30o 32c and 37io per yard. Pillow Clotton plaha and circular ail the pop- ular widths at closest price I so Shirtings, Tickings,. Cotton'adeg, Debems Shirts, Overalls, Underwear, Soxs ties Collars and braces in great variety, BIBAUTIFUL PRIniums g-ven awayfree to every Gash purchaser s4ftrart girl wafted to learn the business' 0. Xarch 319t, 1911, exceeded that of Thur and Air.. S&Tnlue? Lewis of Slap- 71! VVVERA it A. KR "ir"s ton, . Devon, Ue, England,. are visit - our oxports to . the U. S. in the . 111. 1 Goderich, two, years' . miado .so much Of byj The Ing . th-cir. uncle, -.,Mr. John. Wbiddon of . Aug, 21--liba. Adam - . .� .1 Beek addMJ3ed th6 ccqu'cil Thumday AM 'Globe, and the, writer in The Giobe this village. h ­ when e,6utlined A, sche%ne by which We Merit a..-C6n know this and.Topressed it. Dr. L. A. Moffatt,- Di. K. Mae: porwei could- be developed byj the gvv- In bushels we 'imported -from the- Learl, , W. G. Harding, London Mis- d ses'A.: and, E. Vincent, Woodstock ernment, from the Maitland River, and U. S. in the first, year mentionp this, used in conjunction wfth lohe 23,157, and in't'lle second .26,621. Mrs. W., L Bell, Elora ; Mrs. W. H. Y Our imports Trudge6n, Mkt3m Martha Frano.,s hy4ro-welectric,, to be sold, for niuinieip� and exports (U.. S. at indit'stria . 1 Purposes ab.$25 ' Pei wo, . years' tinuance• of our, only) for The Globel.s t: Trudgeon at Oklamalis Cii�il, ok- horst-potwer, ' with rates adjustaWe stand as follows : . . larmalia, ; Mr. And Mrs, Will Morrow Exporb-.-35,055 txsbels, valued' at of Goiderich Miss . Hrilen6 Austin . and each. year and straight hydro-electrid niece, Miss May, Austin power from. Niagara Folli at $34' $6407. of Detroit, per liorsep . ower on a.. minifri I minimumImpor�s-49,778 bdshq.'.s, valued at are guests at the- CoTrimercial.. M ., con - $128,030. Mr, As busy 'gottinr, surnOtion Of. 900 trade for fall, Thi's Advantage in rateslindu6ed the 'But even the above does not or ready for the season''s tell. the evaporall, , 'the whole bean -'story. The :Globe 'iEt Operations(, nut,..does nos' expect . to council do withdraw abylaw,• which was to have beciii voted upon, when it says we export very` be openfor busiT#3ss unti2after Labor . day by which. John Brudie of the few beans 'to Great Britain, but why Day and . from then on it wili be lull as -extent as 'th to If good reliable me is it* silent 'about the qua' pushed :03 as Salt King Co. Is Offering power rchandiseJowe6t possible prices; ntity •-'of , 0 the town for lighting, 'and pumping fe� teack will Perm t. A car beans that we import tram. Greali availa;b,, 1. P02ooes at ' a rate $34, per horse - fair and square.'dealin careful attend Britain . arrived this 9� on and a sincere or by -th,.t -wayi ' of. • - Great Of coke for Phe' furnaces a -Mi . timurd ccrisumptica of Britain week, nower on a desire to please you ,are thh3gs you like, we can count During The. Globe's two ydars"1910 MisS Helen. Austin and her niece, $25 horsepower, any unusedipart of y which could be resold by the town' and , 1911, endinig March, the govarrt� Xis'! May 'Austin, Detroit, gave. a In - quantities ,less: t4jan - five - horse - you for a customer again this fall, A • good time to moot reports tiom .which it dance lit the pavilion Monaayi evenm Ing. There were a.large horsepoweri larger., aanounW tv . be the figures it.olioose to give, show number� pMs- b3i the, BrcdiLt . Company' to' put us to the test N early in the. segson. Come, wheri that, . Canada ' ported from Viteat 111"3 and the music - being good Aid the sold Im : factoilft direct. Britain 50,870 bushels of - beans, vai. lunch dainty, , It is need1wo to, say - we begin to show the new goods. ued dt $75,824, while , all M,oyed Memselves, Tho franchise Was'tv run.for thirty g6ng back a 3 twelve months • M)s. and Mrs-Ra',mSaY and dAughtdr, years, with, the rate :adjustable to year, to 1900, in the;, wo imported 61,418 bushels, "valued at Miss Emnia, ot Rochester, N. Y., are. meet soul outerc6mpetktioin. every $83i687. visiting -friends in the village. lom . yeam.' Nior doei this finish the chstpters of . Messrs. Sam. McEwan, 'Geo, King the bean story. omitted by The and John DavidsoA left for the west day On tho harvesters' extur-, Fir -Efeetions Glolie. evious To other countries than the U. S. Sion. in Canada. Newest Styles are a"Jim and Great Britain in The Globe's Mn. anO Mrs, William' Ford 01 two' years, 1910 and 1911,. ending Clinton Are guests of Mr. and Mrs. No statut-bry. 'provinion exists in March, Canada exported 9346 .bushels Wm. Poster. Canada setting any specific Mine- be' of beans, valued at $16,585 '? but Mrs, Grahani. - -Moonhouse and Miss tweets a .. diswylution And noUlinatiOD, St Canada imported 52,130 bushels, val- C. Baxter give a 'Progressive, euchrd but it is generally thirty days, ways Showil here, fire lied at $68,698. .. . party on Vie Queens hotel' lawn on 11CA1011911 there have been cases where But let us come down a little lat- 'Monday Afternoon. There was A keen the time between dissolution And or than March,, 1911. We have the 60MIXtitioll, Miss, Helen Au, -.tin * of voting has been shorter than this, government 'returns for April and Detroit winning the la64es' pifze, -a Here is the record I I May,, 1911. fancy Apron, while the - gentlemotes ' 1878,-DI690lutic1n, August 9 Poll - Great Qlaantities of new fall merchandise has already During the two worAths Canada ex- Prize was won by Dr. L, A. Moffatt Ing, September 22. of London, A, dalaty0unch'was then 1882-DISSOlutiOn, May, 18.;. polling, been entered into stock. New fall driass goodg, New Ported to the U. S. 701 �)Ushals of served and Ono d the most pleasant June 29. -beans, valued at $1473, add to ofter Januarys 15 counbries 201 bushLfs, valued AV functiorn of then sidason -cune, to An J887.--Vss0I11tI011, Silks, Now Coats, New Skirts, Now- Golf Jackets, New end. palling, February 22. !$268. �891,_Diw�oau, on, Felipjary. 8 Flannelettes, New During the same two months we MW. (Dr.) Sheppard of Ontario, J V r ISheotings, Nev� Towellings, Now Britain 166g Callfbliaia, and sister, iMvs.' HoWbIl Polling, June 28, r. imported from dreat ta Hosiery, and New Underwear. We will be pleased to bushels, from the U. S. 2504bushelg of Iralni5an are guestj at the Com- l800--PdssOfutIOn1 April- 214 ; Pell- ' t mo Ing, June .23. And from other couittrits 4029, tL rcial. 1900, -Dissolution, October 0 ; poll - 'have you come and inspect all. tsotal of 8095 bushels, L valued at Ing, November 7. $11,771. 1004.-Dissolutioa, 84ptoinbet 20 ; With Canada then Itnporbing three McKillop Towashio p&VIing, November a. iimcm As many beans t it expor0a, Mrs 'Aelkens and daughb�r, My'. ttlo, 1908: --Dissolution, Sept6mobe* 17 ; The Globe's contention tbatf it is fteessikity each ,ear %at the Canad- Of Logan ]five been visiting the Um- POW", October 20 - tan besh trove seek Access to the ily of Mr. Samuel P0608, M American markc# for his surplus pro- Mr. And Mrs- Bailey, and daughter, duction IS wide df that Mark. Vibat Beigsle, of 131anSbard bav6 been vi!*3- WKILLOP TOWNSHIP. co, arison h AOS to Sell Our wo And 'fault with is not so meh Ing 'At, the home Of Mr- J, J. the Globe's mrainea argument it, Irvine. the typhoid fever PAMettg ;et lr favor of its Party's policy-wo muNt Mr. Samuel Dhome 013L a Walton one has died, and others avidson is Goods. oxpodt that -as its auppoession of the visit from Manitoba. are, in a w1o6t condition. Mrs, (1,50d and two liijblo Children Theo Bennis Brothers have gob A, MW • impo-v�a and its desire that the fav leer look m@A,.,Iy on 10be *&d of the, of TCOTOnto aro visiting, �*elr friend, traction englno for th*shing our. .. .. ........ viestlon", Mrs. 1*11. F` I -have gone all over the. store, and have- laid Out sums 'BIG BA,,cAiNs in nearly every department. You know1tY6'story about the Early. Bird. Below - is a.'. partial . 140 of soma of the rare bargains I slightly used side board worth $15.00 sale price $10.00 1. solid oak: parlor table .5.00 .2.50 .1 ft,ocy flower stand 7.50 gi 4.00. I V.(mndvh chair; ped 2.50 1.15 I VvYandah. rocker., red 9.75 3.00 1-1,4igree easy chair upholstered in good velour $7.50 for 5.00 I 3-plece verandah- seb,settee, arm chair,: rocker 15.00 1112.06- I.fancy roman chair worth 11.50 0,00 :1 rocker early! English finish, upholstered seat; solid oak frame' worth 5.00" 3.00 2 Mob. bed -room chairs cain seats 4.50 3.60 I fancy rattan chair 11.00 Q 7.00 I VV6ran6o refrigerator txs6d.less' than 3 mos. 21.00 11 15.00 I largo kitchen cabinet Worth 91.50 11 17.75 I baby carriage, rubber tires, fancy parasol,, 12.00 $10.75 I hall mirror; surface -oak, 4 hooks 75 " &75 1 hall rack,, dark wood, large' mirror, 2nd hand 8.00 11 4.00 I crib bed worth 2.75 I square piano all refinished, solid rosewood case, as good tone as A, new Ono fully guaranteed worth at a snap $176, sale price $90.onl easy. terins of payment with a guarAntee to take back at eatne price on a new piano Inside of three years, I Upright fano by the Mend lasohn Piano Co. used less.. than �N'� rnitb Months reg price $375 will accept on. pay- ments of $6.00 per month $225 don't miss this bargain if you want something good.Sonie Ends of.Linoliums at a 61)eClai price. 2 soiled rugs size 3 x 3J yards, keg price. $12,50 for $8.00. Japanese matting rematiatits at 10 per cent off Stair tarpiot. worth 05C aiao:13106 per yard at 60c and 30c a yard. A snap on Tapestry Curtains All new stock, A. visit through our immense stock will be of interest to yon-Combatid look tbirtingh ow, furnished home, the only store out• side of a city showing a complete furnished home. We are the only authorized reprdoontativos for the Effisoh Phonogrnplis and supplies ib the district. A full stock of instruments always onhand, VWurb Framing and Upholstery promptly attended to. The Store dogwo 011 oulklityo W W alkel P1111181hono &A 4 ph.666 2t3 F-r"Ns heftier lend Undertaker 1 On namell 1910, and 1011, endf.ng March Canada Imported beans 4rom -the Uni�! ed. States to the value $55;806, Mrs. I. Macpherson and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bonthrow, of Detroit wo di the guests of Mr. -aiid, Mrs-. asanio socl,,I Ainiv was spent by pleasant, the. -ladies, there being A goodly, numr. 'T Lis O BARGAINS. of. -tiv And $72,233, resp.m C13". : Charles who are spending t1he sum- leer present.. . The value of imported. from mer here, the the U. S; 'in, the ohd'yeaf ending Mr. John W. Whiddon of.Port Ar- 111 u Xarch 319t, 1911, exceeded that of Thur and Air.. S&Tnlue? Lewis of Slap- 71! VVVERA it A. KR "ir"s ton, . Devon, Ue, England,. are visit - our oxports to . the U. S. in the . 111. 1 Goderich, two, years' . miado .so much Of byj The Ing . th-cir. uncle, -.,Mr. John. Wbiddon of . Aug, 21--liba. Adam - . .� .1 Beek addMJ3ed th6 ccqu'cil Thumday AM 'Globe, and the, writer in The Giobe this village. h ­ when e,6utlined A, sche%ne by which We Merit a..-C6n know this and.Topressed it. Dr. L. A. Moffatt,- Di. K. Mae: porwei could- be developed byj the gvv- In bushels we 'imported -from the- Learl, , W. G. Harding, London Mis- d ses'A.: and, E. Vincent, Woodstock ernment, from the Maitland River, and U. S. in the first, year mentionp this, used in conjunction wfth lohe 23,157, and in't'lle second .26,621. Mrs. W., L Bell, Elora ; Mrs. W. H. Y Our imports Trudge6n, Mkt3m Martha Frano.,s hy4ro-welectric,, to be sold, for niuinieip� and exports (U.. S. at indit'stria . 1 Purposes ab.$25 ' Pei wo, . years' tinuance• of our, only) for The Globel.s t: Trudgeon at Oklamalis Cii�il, ok- horst-potwer, ' with rates adjustaWe stand as follows : . . larmalia, ; Mr. And Mrs, Will Morrow Exporb-.-35,055 txsbels, valued' at of Goiderich Miss . Hrilen6 Austin . and each. year and straight hydro-electrid niece, Miss May, Austin power from. Niagara Folli at $34' $6407. of Detroit, per liorsep . ower on a.. minifri I minimumImpor�s-49,778 bdshq.'.s, valued at are guests at the- CoTrimercial.. M ., con - $128,030. Mr, As busy 'gottinr, surnOtion Of. 900 trade for fall, Thi's Advantage in rateslindu6ed the 'But even the above does not or ready for the season''s tell. the evaporall, , 'the whole bean -'story. The :Globe 'iEt Operations(, nut,..does nos' expect . to council do withdraw abylaw,• which was to have beciii voted upon, when it says we export very` be openfor busiT#3ss unti2after Labor . day by which. John Brudie of the few beans 'to Great Britain, but why Day and . from then on it wili be lull as -extent as 'th to If good reliable me is it* silent 'about the qua' pushed :03 as Salt King Co. Is Offering power rchandiseJowe6t possible prices; ntity •-'of , 0 the town for lighting, 'and pumping fe� teack will Perm t. A car beans that we import tram. Greali availa;b,, 1. P02ooes at ' a rate $34, per horse - fair and square.'dealin careful attend Britain . arrived this 9� on and a sincere or by -th,.t -wayi ' of. • - Great Of coke for Phe' furnaces a -Mi . timurd ccrisumptica of Britain week, nower on a desire to please you ,are thh3gs you like, we can count During The. Globe's two ydars"1910 MisS Helen. Austin and her niece, $25 horsepower, any unusedipart of y which could be resold by the town' and , 1911, endinig March, the govarrt� Xis'! May 'Austin, Detroit, gave. a In - quantities ,less: t4jan - five - horse - you for a customer again this fall, A • good time to moot reports tiom .which it dance lit the pavilion Monaayi evenm Ing. There were a.large horsepoweri larger., aanounW tv . be the figures it.olioose to give, show number� pMs- b3i the, BrcdiLt . Company' to' put us to the test N early in the. segson. Come, wheri that, . Canada ' ported from Viteat 111"3 and the music - being good Aid the sold Im : factoilft direct. Britain 50,870 bushels of - beans, vai. lunch dainty, , It is need1wo to, say - we begin to show the new goods. ued dt $75,824, while , all M,oyed Memselves, Tho franchise Was'tv run.for thirty g6ng back a 3 twelve months • M)s. and Mrs-Ra',mSaY and dAughtdr, years, with, the rate :adjustable to year, to 1900, in the;, wo imported 61,418 bushels, "valued at Miss Emnia, ot Rochester, N. Y., are. meet soul outerc6mpetktioin. every $83i687. visiting -friends in the village. lom . yeam.' Nior doei this finish the chstpters of . Messrs. Sam. McEwan, 'Geo, King the bean story. omitted by The and John DavidsoA left for the west day On tho harvesters' extur-, Fir -Efeetions Glolie. evious To other countries than the U. S. Sion. in Canada. Newest Styles are a"Jim and Great Britain in The Globe's Mn. anO Mrs, William' Ford 01 two' years, 1910 and 1911,. ending Clinton Are guests of Mr. and Mrs. No statut-bry. 'provinion exists in March, Canada exported 9346 .bushels Wm. Poster. Canada setting any specific Mine- be' of beans, valued at $16,585 '? but Mrs, Grahani. - -Moonhouse and Miss tweets a .. diswylution And noUlinatiOD, St Canada imported 52,130 bushels, val- C. Baxter give a 'Progressive, euchrd but it is generally thirty days, ways Showil here, fire lied at $68,698. .. . party on Vie Queens hotel' lawn on 11CA1011911 there have been cases where But let us come down a little lat- 'Monday Afternoon. There was A keen the time between dissolution And or than March,, 1911. We have the 60MIXtitioll, Miss, Helen Au, -.tin * of voting has been shorter than this, government 'returns for April and Detroit winning the la64es' pifze, -a Here is the record I I May,, 1911. fancy Apron, while the - gentlemotes ' 1878,-DI690lutic1n, August 9 Poll - Great Qlaantities of new fall merchandise has already During the two worAths Canada ex- Prize was won by Dr. L, A. Moffatt Ing, September 22. of London, A, dalaty0unch'was then 1882-DISSOlutiOn, May, 18.;. polling, been entered into stock. New fall driass goodg, New Ported to the U. S. 701 �)Ushals of served and Ono d the most pleasant June 29. -beans, valued at $1473, add to ofter Januarys 15 counbries 201 bushLfs, valued AV functiorn of then sidason -cune, to An J887.--Vss0I11tI011, Silks, Now Coats, New Skirts, Now- Golf Jackets, New end. palling, February 22. !$268. �891,_Diw�oau, on, Felipjary. 8 Flannelettes, New During the same two months we MW. (Dr.) Sheppard of Ontario, J V r ISheotings, Nev� Towellings, Now Britain 166g Callfbliaia, and sister, iMvs.' HoWbIl Polling, June 28, r. imported from dreat ta Hosiery, and New Underwear. We will be pleased to bushels, from the U. S. 2504bushelg of Iralni5an are guestj at the Com- l800--PdssOfutIOn1 April- 214 ; Pell- ' t mo Ing, June .23. And from other couittrits 4029, tL rcial. 1900, -Dissolution, October 0 ; poll - 'have you come and inspect all. tsotal of 8095 bushels, L valued at Ing, November 7. $11,771. 1004.-Dissolutioa, 84ptoinbet 20 ; With Canada then Itnporbing three McKillop Towashio p&VIing, November a. iimcm As many beans t it expor0a, Mrs 'Aelkens and daughb�r, My'. ttlo, 1908: --Dissolution, Sept6mobe* 17 ; The Globe's contention tbatf it is fteessikity each ,ear %at the Canad- Of Logan ]five been visiting the Um- POW", October 20 - tan besh trove seek Access to the ily of Mr. Samuel P0608, M American markc# for his surplus pro- Mr. And Mrs- Bailey, and daughter, duction IS wide df that Mark. Vibat Beigsle, of 131anSbard bav6 been vi!*3- WKILLOP TOWNSHIP. co, arison h AOS to Sell Our wo And 'fault with is not so meh Ing 'At, the home Of Mr- J, J. the Globe's mrainea argument it, Irvine. the typhoid fever PAMettg ;et lr favor of its Party's policy-wo muNt Mr. Samuel Dhome 013L a Walton one has died, and others avidson is Goods. oxpodt that -as its auppoession of the visit from Manitoba. are, in a w1o6t condition. Mrs, (1,50d and two liijblo Children Theo Bennis Brothers have gob A, MW • impo-v�a and its desire that the fav leer look m@A,.,Iy on 10be *&d of the, of TCOTOnto aro visiting, �*elr friend, traction englno for th*shing our. .. .. ........ viestlon", Mrs. 1*11. F` I -have gone all over the. store, and have- laid Out sums 'BIG BA,,cAiNs in nearly every department. You know1tY6'story about the Early. Bird. Below - is a.'. partial . 140 of soma of the rare bargains I slightly used side board worth $15.00 sale price $10.00 1. solid oak: parlor table .5.00 .2.50 .1 ft,ocy flower stand 7.50 gi 4.00. I V.(mndvh chair; ped 2.50 1.15 I VvYandah. rocker., red 9.75 3.00 1-1,4igree easy chair upholstered in good velour $7.50 for 5.00 I 3-plece verandah- seb,settee, arm chair,: rocker 15.00 1112.06- I.fancy roman chair worth 11.50 0,00 :1 rocker early! English finish, upholstered seat; solid oak frame' worth 5.00" 3.00 2 Mob. bed -room chairs cain seats 4.50 3.60 I fancy rattan chair 11.00 Q 7.00 I VV6ran6o refrigerator txs6d.less' than 3 mos. 21.00 11 15.00 I largo kitchen cabinet Worth 91.50 11 17.75 I baby carriage, rubber tires, fancy parasol,, 12.00 $10.75 I hall mirror; surface -oak, 4 hooks 75 " &75 1 hall rack,, dark wood, large' mirror, 2nd hand 8.00 11 4.00 I crib bed worth 2.75 I square piano all refinished, solid rosewood case, as good tone as A, new Ono fully guaranteed worth at a snap $176, sale price $90.onl easy. terins of payment with a guarAntee to take back at eatne price on a new piano Inside of three years, I Upright fano by the Mend lasohn Piano Co. used less.. than �N'� rnitb Months reg price $375 will accept on. pay- ments of $6.00 per month $225 don't miss this bargain if you want something good.Sonie Ends of.Linoliums at a 61)eClai price. 2 soiled rugs size 3 x 3J yards, keg price. $12,50 for $8.00. Japanese matting rematiatits at 10 per cent off Stair tarpiot. worth 05C aiao:13106 per yard at 60c and 30c a yard. A snap on Tapestry Curtains All new stock, A. visit through our immense stock will be of interest to yon-Combatid look tbirtingh ow, furnished home, the only store out• side of a city showing a complete furnished home. We are the only authorized reprdoontativos for the Effisoh Phonogrnplis and supplies ib the district. A full stock of instruments always onhand, VWurb Framing and Upholstery promptly attended to. The Store dogwo 011 oulklityo W W alkel P1111181hono &A 4 ph.666 2t3 F-r"Ns heftier lend Undertaker 1 On