HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-08-24, Page 20000000.
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Aug*At Soikh, 19a,
I . - - � __ .90"d ' - '--- ' - - - - - . I - � I ; - L � - - - -;.-.-.-arr I
I . . COSTLIEST WTVRES, I YOM, of ftfforing . ,
. .� ' ' "'
I ,Huron, County Ne wl., s",(iathered - A 04OW04 Caso 0 ONUOA In ow , I
� .... I ..... I . . . , . I Fabulou , 'I "'T H"
. . . I . . .11, 1. , I " 4 Pricts Paid for eamo cf the Omy fatherhad c*t*ry* * tbo U"
.. , ' arvatest Production$ tor a. long time. It was suclit & 6"**r-
, . '
' ' ,
,., r . ' ate:,oase tb*t be d1dwt Ictlow WbAt to
I /I , . ObOuld 1,0!'d Lansdowne succeed in 430, A 1114frI9111145 rleCOMMOV604,
, , 1 I but one 11
.. I -1.1.1 .1 '_ I e� W getting $500,000 for big famous PIC- Uwdlx 04roaparim. He got a bottl&
. 1. T IT. ture, "Tba 'Mill on ther Rampart," by ImMolidW017. *no as soon AN ]WOOM-0 �
, . 4". I—.. , 11 11 1.11 � I for N s**Record Readers , '"'014h t0ing it he I heletr 12111144111
. .. I I
. .. .1 . . 11% I . Uembr4r.4t, he ,%*III have, established Oter 0 use of two ot
I . I ft I . . F .
L I I , I I I ., :: . I � I " -1 4 - _1 __ a record in the worldor art which it Is was completel3r eured. no was xo 4 I
. -, I ... � -- safe 10 eay will not be easily beaten, well Ploan4 he has ever *Inc* recow- ,
.1 .
. % I . I mended Hood's Sarsxp"I"" Pelle
I � . , 1310th . I liensall IS04forth . even in t4se days of ftney PrIcce Aline Levis, P. Q.
, .
� I Mrs. T. Gosm" and 4aughter were * I � I and fietitictuo values. The previous Get %wg'd% Sarsaps.rilla today. Oold I
-, I . � Xiss Reld of TavistooX ba Dr. WGIIIIII has decided . 6y All drug,9110ts everywherg, � I
. - 8 !4
1 .11 - . . : 'impanied borm from. , been . to take& record price was th 00 paid tw4
,,, � .. ac� F�.olilo Stanleyk the guest of - cle, � o $360,0 � I
... I 1 �6 Y00'r. A Where they 'Were 'visiting friends, ,by W. OrtWelu, , her un. Mr. J. Post . gradulate course In New York Years ago for "The Duchess of M.Ilan,lp I
I ., 11 InsRCtOr And Mrs, J. A. [Toplor V�11 $4. ' and will leave about jftt� Ist, Mrs, by Holbein, a picture which. measures ' ' ' , .--,% . , -1. �
Havo roa. ? Fmw The News -Record of ThoWas, who are Spending a fort- Mr. Thos, Berry 1mves this week M40innis and fs,)n will remain , �
.. I I.. , .
I . In only 5ft. 101n. by 21t. gin. The price, ;` BEAUflif'' DOG 1
. for the Old count I . YING THE S�'
I Seaforth. t
I I 1, . I
SroXen Out e - .,Jiugust 210, t895. night in town. rY for the purpose therefore, works out at about ;187 per : t .
. 8 5. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. 0idley ,m,at_ of purchasing horses. I Miso Peters of Windsor has ,bccR square inch. . 1. .
., . T;,, Your f4ce cove;m4 with I ;Clinton, Aug. 21st" I 9 ,. re The BOY Scouts' have been c . the guest of Mrs. )3rintc. . 'I ,A Veterinary Surgeon Undortakos t*,' ;'
ly, vtslteoii friends At London and amping . For Raphael's "Ari.sidel, Madonna
. _
I pimplis,blotcbes.orntsh? J?oor Exeter. at the, old Swimming 11ole in Me -1 Misses Colson of Guelph have hWri *Sr,0,000, e al to 4 : Remove Canine Wrinkles , .
.1 � .
con4luon pf your bloct& will Mr. W. G. Sinith d1lave to Itirkton I F'Wali's buRb. The bOys bad thg'�Ile guests ottheir brother, M.r. A. I.,,. wA qu . 70 a square Inch, ! . . .
. c*u , I re ti4p last Wtolnosday I The, lawn social Zi, under the a4- .s paid some years ago, Titiall's ' We bear a good deal about mA
_ oetbo 04 a Pl(AS11 � I roll '
.. � pe facial d4.@ff , � olson, portrait of Arlosto, was secured for the- , , smago,
� . gvretnari%s. tinte of tboir lives. C
akt %1414 0.104804.0 thiycorll A, � And his daughters, who, were pil a SPices of the R, 0. Chuxch m- Thfir :1011orto And proscriptions Jell
� ! . Mr. Chas. Ugolmoond of panilsville Mrs� ' National Gallery for $i6o,000, and ol All elL -
1;99 Y weekwas an immense SUCCCOS. , who has
.,d modir,itXG for your 1.�Iqod visit there, returned with him, , da , G - McL. Chesney, lated to transform. even the plainest
I [ $275,000 was the cost of three other woman Into 4 thin v. Now,.
will clear Your coomplexicta like His many friends will bfJ Pleased The proceeds ampunted,to abce.vt $304.. Intends moving his family into. town. 1 been spE%. ... . pictures In the national collection-' � � g og beaut, � I
,Maglq. 1, . to learn that Mr. Robt. U0DO, Who' Clixitolt Wvd nifdered excdIltiat o*isle They will occupy the KiPpen parson- been spending Some months. With her Holbein's "Ambassadors," Velasquez's. , as It appears. the cartine race to being
I . laimilarly taken in band under the
_L for the ocear , parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pickard, :'A miral Pultdo Pareja 11 and Moroni a -auspices Of a veterinary -surgeon ilk "
I Of the many blood'purifiere met with such a terribld accident ;E ,ion. ari" . 4 ,,
-wo sell ,Ra.kalof Slotod-,Tabf , I - tlicr Mr. 11030. Bulla,xl, Who holds a in Calgary, has returned h-clome. 'Italian Nobleman." , prospectus the.
I shorivo time ago, was a4le to take . Aknongsil ,e who wentw.bst with Paris. At least, In a I I
. lets are. undoubtedly thep. most a . drive last Wednesday. I the harvesters c)Azmrsion. wexe : Mes- fine Position,. in toile 0. P. R. shops in . I it 'was only a few days ago that a I
I � n. following list of, charges Is drawn up:
� . ' Mrs. will W Stacey, of Hamilva other of"I"Itlart's portraits-th4l of a
effective, We are. f Brandon,. Man., was. home for abrief was the , no "Alteration of the, shape ot the r4uz-
.. I smillor with who has -been quitdA srs. W. Scott, J. Moon, B. Colclough , guest of her Young man In A red cap -was sold for
$Ilp -formulmof t � Mit. father, Captain xle,150 francs. :
, . bip ,remedy and- Mrs. Trowell, ' $150,060, while. Lord Sackville sold a
� AAd son, ,J. Pratt and J. Moon an - "Insertion of wrinkles, on the face'
-knoto what It will do. It pud- ill for several days, In recovering. , d v E. Dawson, last. week. famous Gainaborough kit t , l
flee and enrichce tile; bloodol - Dcputyoalleeve calitelou, was ciast of SO13* . � . . I Mr. D. A. Cantelon returned last � he same of a, bulldog, 80 francs, I � ,'�
t . . " Mt- Charles '8`lOQIc bus returned -disc
, . builds up the entire sysitem and Toroutb 1p.0 week apple prospecting . . week after a months'. tr:p through .time for $200,000. The muctk ussed ; "Change of the sixe of the tall, 20
- . - . 1-1 the west. from a trip to the"west wil Ro4eby "Venus," by Velasquez, which francs, I .
, .
Imparts p. Uealthy color t9cliteeko and .has alread commenced buying in 'l I e're he has measures but 48%ln. by 691%kin., was, � . r, "
,litters. it may be remembered, bought for
am with Oe Rexall that district . Y ... Miller's Grip Powilers Cilre. * Fo Tho following leli, last week for the been visiting his sci-.18 and daug .1 "Removal of superfluctuo hal 0,�
, d lips, $old . . r I Miss Pki o om at $66 pe francs per .hour, ,i ;
, gwaAtec. P pack4ge, �000', Sale by J. H. 14civey � West, severalof them golag by ,Ohio- ied pan,- $225,006, which works out '24nge of the color of the skin. 30'
, ,, � I pr . � . Mr. Coltman and Rev. Mr. Ford j. I ' . her father on the,.v,"Ip. ouip, will square Inch. . . �',_ . I �,
. . I .. I ' ago , John Funs Coafad -5 ,in reipaWn with% 11 francs," I ,
xchauged pulpits laot Sutiday, e ren . - I I I . TWO, Sa .
W. S. R. HOLNIF-S.. F , I I . -_,� DleW, Geo. ReichalCl-, Lewis Kalb- . er -stil'"Ir (0)i a time, There are far bigger records, In re. There is Some hope 'at last evei*,!
- I, . I I
,, I I . , � I . fwg� , I fledsh, Bert White,- FA ' gard to square Inch value, however, -for the verle;st mqngreAl . .
. I , . Munn a,arry. Col. Alex� Wilson was'. jr . I
I I . � . wifigham N ., -';11.-l(,utO "Napoleon 1. at the Co.mPaign, of �
I I I Miss E �rtrna Green of Landon is Vic f . - . . . .
I THZ MMQ. $TORE - . I I Dourail, J4nIes McBride, John -,,-:.,,- last week attending 1.1,o v:r1e !vatchcs, Paris," by Melesonler, a picture whIc*4 , I .
. _. . . , ' guost of Miss Angie pricken4en. measures nly 121/1tin by 92%kin., waW - 0M
, �, . � , r C�. I Mr. and Mrs. Robt. West quair and Jack Kipper. � jig from there P) t)ttZL%v ' - - '
- .
. -_ and ' goli The 0 . S ETHIN6 HKE A PL46UE .
� . I .. .. I., I . - Brickeladell dauk,liter .left for Portage la , prairie . I x1fle . temn of the. Sea a. Sold In 1882 for - $30,000, or P75 per ' . 1.
, . I � . I � . I I : � . . Mr. and Mrs. Geto. F. . . I .forth cadet corps square ineb,..Rapbael's "Madonna of . . �
. .-- � !, . __ .- WiJ I I I
I j., ! . . 1. � I . . 11 .. and two. chilodien retwitacd to . London last (week I wberi6 they expect.t.to. take � I . I 're Also in Tor, � ii*, alit.1 t,%,sk part the House of'Oileans" was sold for An AdvAncing Horde of Locusta. ka- , .. �
esterday. � I I .. . . I 1;.1 ,l,
I L . I up tUoir residence, , . I I A well kmown Des Moimeg - - in the nntches at -Otta-wa as well. $30,000 In 186'o ($325 per square inch), � . sembles a Paric Cloud I �1 �� "
. , Wman . . _F I I
I While Millet'o "Angeltis," twenty years 1/1 I �
X X l,X,(% X X XXXXX,XXXX4`� y Air. Israel, Taylor expects to re- Mr. Wm. Bone, Ucr-dr, is building a at ter suffering TrilmNibly for1wo days The- tiMli Was composed col' Wilfred - , , rJF1 .1
. . . i
X J - � X turn, from .Vinnedosa, Man.., in, about substantial and comfortable residence k0m bowel complainli, was CureA. by Rjobards,con, * W. Pparson Grieve', John later, was sold At 9, riieasurement val- ' A locust Invasion is � an event no., ''I i
I I I � I
. . . 11
�� . I a week, . . , .� �h Frallecis street. I I r � oiner dose of Cha"erlain's C,ollc, Chol- Hinchley, John Dicksai, T. and 0. ue of $298. The "Connestabile Ma- 'easily forgotten, . . . . .
. � . HAL 11 I I . Mr. Johii,T. I-Tarfand bas becill con- The A&-liculti.iral S,ocicty* is 11aving era and Diarrhoea Remedy, 'For sale Dick, D-. ROid and J. R. Ta . don a," by Raphael, was bought by tb,.? � The first sign of the approachino ..
. . I I . y1oll. - czar Alexander 11. in 1870 for* $62,000. : army is usually a long, dark cloud on- ,
... . . ,. � . : � 11 fined to tho'house for some time. a new b4ilge buR,4 across the Alaitl.,,40, b5i all deafars. . � I I ., .- ... I It.only measures about 7in. square, : the horizon. As It comes nearer, It Is, �L J,
I I �� I 1.
� I 7 , I . ? . I - gives the astounding figure of seen.to be composed of countless mil., 1:1
. . and LEO
f,TRATFORD, ONT. . Mr. Jag. Young .has engaged in the WIll. Rintoul had the coniox-act. L . . I L
. . . . . I I . . . . N(I.ff 1 $1,2965. The "Three Graces." by Ra- j.101113 Of IQCU$tg On whirring Wings. ': �,�
bo4i- and, shoe busiul in* Lon -des- Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy and family . . I life for a quarter. Miller s phael, was purchased bk the Due d'Au- Soon the cloud Appears overhead .9
_ L- . * Compound Ilt, , , And,
FALL TERM I BEGINS. boro �axid The News -Record , can have bevil;Pnlaking a tlour of the Mari- I . . Exeter L . . in Pills.. r, or sale by male for $125,000. As it is only G%An. IS sufficiently. tliiek -to obacuw the , �
L L 97 L heartllyl� recommend him, L to I th L e time Provinces, They took boat, Ir . . .J. E. Hovey, Dxiggist. square, Its measurtement value MUSthaL sun, Now we are in the. midst of La I
I .
I I AUGUST 2 . .,H peop�u in that Section, - - . Tou)nto to 11allfax. 00 Mrs. Gladman and Mito." Edith Kerr put down at $9,775. * . - dense sWatm of flying, whirring lete � 1 4
X I X MISS J. Wit . Of. Pcitv:tutrei have beeri'visitlin,v Mr. . In contrast to these extraordinary .custs, wlaI6 dash into our faces, enter L �
. �
, L , '
son of Willis chwk.b Mr. and Mrs. Cox cj' Michigan are W, F. Glactmoan, . * , prices, it is interesting to note how our houses, -and fill our rooms with. ,
I � ,
0 Thwe is a great dcknand upon. 0 gave a very interesting addrem to vkllt . . . . KIppen mearre w(votl, the f their presence; tile air is'simply Alive.
0 us for trained help. Business 0 . Ing - rolatives in Winibarn and - Mrs. (Rov.) NIV. M,'Nartin ot.LoTidon . � . � . . .: I -_ ces received by the
� the E. L. cw: 0. E. of Rattmillury vicinity. Mrs, Cox is a daughter of . � art.1sts themi,elves; Wbpn Jean Fi'ah with them. All open wells must be '''.
0 men Stalk that our graduates 0 and Mrs' (Rev,) Cranston and babe Miss. Waggic Millis. han been ongag- cols X -Met painted the world-f4mous Instantly covered, Or they will, be pol- I
0 are the best. We havel tbreel 0 h on Blondayevening. He14 Air, and Mrs. Richard James �f -town. of PahTwr,ston visited friends in town Old to teach near Nierma, ],,,)gin "Arigeltia" he was delighted when he. luted. by the Insects. �: . . .
. . .
. �
subject was Africa .and the misi6n- A. H. Mus -rove, lol. L�.- A.,, Address' recently . . . I .
0 Departments - COMME RCIAL'O 0 � . I I I . � count)% . . received $360 ,for It, Thirty years , .Powis and turkeys, 'however, wel-
-0 SHORTHAND and TELEGRA- 0 ary work 'being done there, by. " the ed apublic vied,11,114: in Welland' Weanes- . l . . I � . later the picture brouglit over $115,-. come the - ailvaucing hordes; they. Sim- r
0 PH`Y. " The Asairlon for sixt 0 Malay. scoietics.. The .address rcfiect-� day eveningl. I . I I . I.. � . Mrs. Wkn. . Welsh, an old. and respec- Henry and Joseph Day,Mau, � after 000. Sir Joshua Reynolds Fold "Mrg. ply'. fatten on the, locusts. But their ��
. ed great credit on Miss Wits .� ' . * I � .. . I 16d i "lident-of E iet�r, passed away, o Pon -ding the SuMnior in the old honic Siddons as the Tragic Muse" for $750,. flesh becom 0 . 'tainted by this diet.'
. .
0 months is $55 and for one 0 1 .. gn's a- The I appewoance of the kaodonald �atrirday . Week.- aged eiE�Ityrthr 11 s es 6 � 11
.. I bility, And., knowledge .of Vici Dark .bl,cl�k has been Improved by, the I . I ee here -on the farm, retartiod tc, Whitc-' A picture which .ultimately sold,for as to be -qult�,'unsaleitble,- arid evetk 11
. . .
0 year $80. Investigation ,mill 0 . . I a.p. yeairs,'. She leaves a family- of three wood, ,Saskq la,41i Tuesday. , over $110l:000, Romney consIde'reid- their eggs. have an unpleasant, taSte. I
. .
0 prove to .your satisfacli"Icift 0 Continent and. the vote of 'thanks lication of a coa,t of Paint, Mr. Adam sons and filre daughten.f., Mr .bus- � I by, . They $250 a handsome sum, for one of his, AS soon. as locusts make'their Appear. ' 1,' I
. given �. was .a heart ) mpression of'tbe . . . I . were accomlianied I
0 iihat there is no better Busin- 0 ly - Schaffer did the work . . � Jamci MAYO! portraits, - pictures which in . later ance In a locality, the price of eggs
I 0 ess College in Canada. Get 0 members' ippreciation.. .. � I . I .1 � .. . � I � �Iaad died several,yerms AM. . Their brother.' - Humphrey, . 'drops to one-balt or one-third of t eir
I .
. . .1 . . .. . . ? who is years were knocked down for over . h .
0 our Fr&- Catalogue NOW. 0 There was an interesting game of. Miss, Gieenway ;of CXI,ysital. Lake, Afrs. Richard Harvevi, anotilar car.� farming, South or,WjjitC1wOCd lasked $15,009 each, while Gainsborough ,aras former value. i . * . ,
' .
I cillcket on the. grounds here . last Mhn.;., whort has h-larl attending Alma -ly .pioneer - -of Huron county; died in, them. to *tkkeL tw,O -ruml with theTh, for quite Satisfied with $500 for. certata . 'Pigs also feed oil locusts, and their I .
X X � , College, Stf. Thomas, is a visitor at Exeter oli Thurs t, plcturOg which In after years brought fksh.also becomes affected; ,In' fac
. day week after an him ,. 'He -was offering .$40,, per nim ci. , . t.� I I
X D. A. McLACHLAN, PrinelpaL X' Friday! betwtim ' Clintork.and, 'Oxe�tr, Ur Goa. Vruikshank�. , - - . . ,. I . . lorty times that amount. . ,all -animals seem to -be adyerxely*af, 1.
X . X the home .team winnilig by el -lit ' *. . , ., . 's: caused by a Mrs. John. D' * I . . - fected, for borses bave a strong,aver- ....
. . � illness of ,Several week
� I , .
XXXX XXXXXxXXXXXX wickets and one rum - - 0 . Mr. and., Mrsi 4. J,.Mitchell left tall. - . I . . �, . . aym8n and daughters . I � .- . sion-to graFs which has'been polluted
. I . � were in. Exeter I st Sa-�,xrday . at- ' .
. ' ' ' . I I a
1. �
- . last weer. for. tile Wa3t, .beinr, Rum, Mr. Normiarl Kell w . .. . REFRIGERATOR WiTHOUT ICE -` by locusts, and,'Unless vety -hungry,
I : The following' paskligers, left. c;i mo - 04 -man d. Dash .00a un.ding the. f uiler,al , of bvr sister, I �- . . I . .. will not touch it.-Ahswera. -L '. � I
� 11 ned i1a Manitou, Mjiu.,:-by, a tole- I!, the .new j.Udlbr in Molsons. bank, I th ' . . .�. . . � . ..
, .
�1 . . the excursiOn to Modtoba yestl.,fday, gram. an . n � ouncing tho serio.Us illness . . .1 . c. late Mrs,.Haa7eT, relict 'of the � � , I . �. . � I . . �. . I I .. .. I I. . . . Jo � .1 .
being ticketed thr6u'gh by 'W, Jack- � of their , ' . . . 'A quiet weddirig-was' solemnized * late Joseph 11-ary yj of Uftorne. Mrs How to M "Cooler" for Sunirner � I
,,,)n , Lynn. . - on . le . .. . ake a ,. . ' I -
n agent fj� T. .. . , . I the 10th ipst., when : Miss J.'eunie *Bra ladyt, fell .. Use . T Vv.0 SEAR CUB6 -
. . R. .4, E. . . ck Harvey, Who. wus an o2ld .. . . . .. I . . .
. .
FLOUR .ANDFEED son; tow On Wtiidnesd,�p 41 last weeki atbigb daughter and brok' . . � . . � .
p . Ritmball And Wife, Jas. Lind,%ay, A. - . I I of Mr. and Mrs; Thos, Brock7. a her, thigh bcnc about a .. . . k couple - of bear cubs, I four weelts
. . powell tiction, wedditg bellis rang merrily. at of town., and, U'r, E � . * cooler can -.be made "t of any
. . Betts, Neilson,' Yea . Thct-,.. - . Me A old, captured b� D. -S.
� I - � �tt Davis of month Ago.. Mrs. Daymen and Mrs, box tb
� . . . Jones, of Fljr,t
WHEN Yoi,' NEED ANY- ' the bmt, of Mr. end Mr�j. Alex. Me-� - . at has for Its sides slats Iiistoad Lake,'.north east of Athabaska Land- �
, . . . martry ..Akarq, ".r... .B. Weston,. R. ' Exeter -Narth were unikid- in "rr- Hlairris, Of Exciter are the only two 'of solid .boardi�. 'A peach cratb rhakc j
THING IN THIS LIN!-', WFj ChurchI1, H. B, Turn' Ewen', UVC87ris, Waen. tsheir. daughter - Miss 'Verne': Qua do han'� go'lle. t sistl.!rs rge familp . (it a very satisfactory one. The box once Ing; were taken to Edm
I . or, Geo. Win- n .O. left ' icf` a IA ' Onton, where
WILL APPRECIATr-. Y(Nua terg and - 111. - X Ing. . . . . . .Annie, was unite.d.in, morriagea to lage I . �. . ... . .. �. . rolenaid'. women ,.vifo yu' . - they excited Iinuch Interest. 'Tbe �bubs
. .
. . Wilfrcd Fryfooggle,. son of, VT. amd . . � � . � I . ade' the besii chosen, ail tbat,ts needed In the way. Were. eight Inches in height and. 6*e '-
I . . . . . ' * . .
ORDER. . . A special meeting of - the Clinton I miss,- Verne-.Quande has yone' t(i of Wives f6f several of Vie success- Of OnStruction IS t6 Add as man' . . ,�
. , . Mrs. - Dani. Fryfoglo of. .W10elhalp. � . - Y foot in length, . � , . (. .
I Young PEPPle's Local.'Union' will be. The �eremony was, Porto - Saskatoon to take, charge of a do- ful pione3rs. of UsborlIe. .Mrs. Har- shelves inside its desired, arid a door . . I . . I i , �1-
w 1. . , on binges. �rhen cover tile door, Sides . I I , 11
BRING YOUR GRAhl HERE held .in. Vattenlyury street * rn �d, ,by Rev - ' in a lakr.e .*aepaTtmental Vey ]Caves to.micturn.-ber loss se'vetal and back. with burl P. or some Simi- I . - . . I -_ . . . �.� .
I .. . church W. J, W,E43t in, the presence, of thte partment_ . , . ' so . VIloM . lar material. -, A . .. q I . . . I . . - I I : . .
Oil Tuesday- ev(ninp, nw.l;'�, when Miss immediate : rclal;.'v�s of . the storo there. L -fore. WaNing. k',Xeter ns'and daughteig- amcing . I I . '. I I � � .. 11
. I .
.1 WHEN MARKETIN"I'T' V01111, I ,. 0 . a number -of. ber telends -gathered , at nvay''be.,mentioned, Cbil,rlesi of Huron- , Oil the, top placit a Pail., preferably . . . � . WRY. ,11P�SITATE �.O . � "
. W1. Washington will 'g,iT.e a repart of 6ontracti�; parti�,�., The young i)CO- . . a . . .1 . . I �
GRAIN BRING IT TO US. "�:ie great bittritational'O. E. Cop- 'dale, Thomas and. .1.)esph, millers, enamel, -and from this pan hang wicks . V� ...
. her home and pre-4-oted her with : I . . ' �',
. . pie � ard: , both well and ,favo,rably goid . foun Exeter, Wesley, -Harwo , ,made of strips of flannel four or five, ' I . ,or " I
. . � .. tain pto and an ebony. hair 11*9 Sask. TArs, An Offer that Involves No .Risk . I 11 i
HIGHEST PRICES VAO). v0BtiOII held in Bost'��- lasti month. kno' � 0 inches -fn width, These wie s should. .
� wn and 0cir man'V fTiends, fixtend . . . � : Hot ey, Exeter, Mrs. 'k
I . . . I � , brush.... . . � . V g on the inside � . . ece.pt, It. - ." ".
. 1. . . . A. I , . . ... , .. .. _', ,
. (ter, a .. M vs . BlarlAiford, i1lsborm� Mrs. It. bottom of the . ,
. . Special? IntisiC, Is% being provided and hearty, - ,milgratl1ations. Tue!cer and - have one end restin Those Mia 'A.
411-Yn a plea�ant tinie 1 �ntieipato,d. . . I . �- I
� .pan, hild the Other hang- . .
. .1 . 1.
.S , I Wedding trip ..to Deti.loft and ,other Mrs. Sheere has.,lo,turned. frow Fort' Down and 'Aliss Harvey; HbLrWelf, lng� over the edge of the crate' and ' ve that our rp,m_., 1; . �;
On Sunday incs:ning another 'old point(;, All' Where shi spent several , , '. - I .- . We. are -so Posit,, .
ei. � I . . . ey - will take. up residence in Williamll .. , � * -the, bitrIap. �Tfi n fill.th&- I �
- .
ru1?D-&MoLE0D Pion 'i, passed away in t�be I person. Winr,,ham, � . . . ". Weeks .visiting her* son Nelson. " � Sask ... . . � � .1 . . touching . e edy-.willl comploOdly Ilrelleve consti- i , .,.."
. .
� . . I
. I � � . I ci! Mrs. J. G I lbbings, Widow of the ' ' I .. 1. .1 . . * 'Campbell I in . & I Mrs . , Charle I s . . .0 . ole4 . and I.. pan 4.1th..water. ._ - he placed1n a pation, .'.no. matitiar ho . v,r cbroti I o it, , s, , :. 11
. I An electric, 11, syst has bcica�.in_ -Mt. and M daughter The cooler should
- - . . . brL "I . rs. Sirbon . . . . . : 1,
ate J-6pas, Gibbings. : She. was etg�- . . . . may be 11nat
I I I s�tilled in the hC13Vital, 4whicht I quiii� Miss �Mff;s margarett t f. r w�t; offer ba, � furnish I
. 9 I . Vaiii.returhed ?ast week after a . .of Toronto :spent 64 cool pla,ce, where the wind can blow � ,
tily-1cur yea:rs .of Age. . ,She ,was a I ' . Wnth-.1'. stay pleasant 11wo .woickitj *,vi ,upon It..'The Wicks * -I itv Of all 0,ist if it fail,i. ... ip�", �
a convelulin6e . to Votli Patients: and- I "N 0 r I . I at nelgina-.... . . I . siting, their : absorb the water ... I � . �
native of. Suffolk,. England, and ciiine staff, :- .., * I 1. cousins, and distribute It through the mesh of 1� Constipation, .is cau�od by,weakness
TWOWAS WnTi I . I I -1 -,. Erics' Mrs.. -Win, Ron I
. . . . - country in 1829. In. 183-1 - . . .. 1. .1 . . . AM. 0 , cn,: has returned' tb Ro-. _ . . ryi, and thwo, the. bu.rlap.by capillary attraction. i of the herves and niuselva of the.large ,. I I
.. to this �1 11 . I . '.I oboster N. MY., after a pleasailtvisit in Mr.. Alex..�.S-mith's a,%. well ' . . - I . le
SHOEMAKER she was mar;p� Mrs. Chas., 144ra,iison ayi.l - (liholmn . p . . , . . . . as The wind'eauses the. moisture to ova- � intestrne.,4 � and, descending colon. To ..
. .od., to bo'r.,Iate bUS7 With Mr. and Mrs, W..G. 'Bisset. ' other. frionds a4il atatuiffitances. . porate, arid'the evaporation reduces I.' . I
out are spending a IT, Intfi wilh .1,blative. . . I . I '''' ;
, . band' drid they imAlediately, set .. . . � ,; I � . . I i expect a. curc$ 371011 mustf, Alierefore' `*"
BOOTS AND SHOES REPAIR- tO,'m1gke " . in and friends in'Godprich, ., . Mr. and Mrs. -.Alex, Yager, who . .. . , ... the -temperature- inside, the refrIgera-. Itone ao and strongthenAillose o,rga,nCJ,
. a home for t6emselves . . I .. . . . . visitollik. th., I foriner's mooth- .. � .. . � I . : . � . : tor.: A. writer In The Youth's Com-" . i
ED Cie �Turc-n 'Tract. Mrs. Gi Mr. - . have been �. � 4nd restore them to hoalthlex act- �
WHILE YOU WAIT. .bbings R. A. 'Graham ',oft last w,ek , - urned last' week to their ' When your. *buslness beconie's panion, In describing such a' cooler. . I
' : br hore, . rei ir4- . I .
. . 'Came by boat to Ocider-ch, and her for -California ir). selt"le -til,� al"14,77IS asserts.'that It will fcoiep:butter hard. . 1,vitfl. - . : . . .. .. .. I I . . 1.
. -onto driving ,of h . 1',j . so I � Grahani. - homeAt Swift Current, Sask. Theyi some and distastful,. you ar,e. ' not an'd hrm on the warmest dais In surn.- I A-0 di. .
, � . I .
from To . no . the late Pii,vid . . were ace4jimpabiled -by Mrs.. Yager and- well. M-illier's Clcitn�ipound- Iron Pills, mer. If this be true, as It.probably is, ; erlie . S . C -A our, guarantee.. Thvy ale *
� . I '. . �
. a Cow. FA)m Berlin to 'Clinton at . . . I �. I . I . .
I have a few pairs of my own ,.. .1 . -_ , , . Mi;0, Tillie Yager. . I 1. will .make it a. pleasure to. itlj!ad t -surely the idea is one well worth try- . .
I .- .
I this t1mv it was '-s0id, Wish., the I I . . . 0 __ ndy' and �re particular
. . � I I ,r caltm like ca
I . . Dr. Rou-Iston intends leavin-r,- on a business.,, Foil sale by J.. F',. liciveyl I . , .. . . , _ ,
I .
make of Shoes left which I : $ctlilcrs having to , to] low .the blaze 'Miller's Dri i k ' 'a 'bome trip- io Europe shortly6 - . . . � I ... . 1. . . . . . % . . ly,ldeaf for chilldren. They acii dis.w .�
� - markn an the tre,es. Mr. and n Cure ,is. � , . Mot.tggisi; , .. I . . '. . . .. I . . . . .. . I ,:. �. . .
' ' 1. Mrs. treattmomlo an,d does not anecce.�,,.itatl.. 'Mrs Shirley Babier. of . Belgl:l-avel * , , - . � . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . lectly �on Ilie nerves. and -muscles , of .
. . I . ..- I . . I -
will sell. for cash or exchange Gibbings first settled about a mile I-oing coupteq up. in a gold Cure � es-: visitolit friends in 'town last weCc, �.. . . . .. � . I � . . . , ��; tile b6NV(i*,.,. They. bate ii, . �
I I - I
* �
for wood. Come- in all I d .%-,a - from ,G.ode*.q:ch but ,later remoNVA to tablishiment to-.% weeks with conse- , . . . . .. . I . 1. -1 . . . . . . . . � . I . .. . I aqUon on the other organs oi glands. .
� I . f rill . I I � . . . THE.' WESTERN FAIR ' i
a .a which afterwards became a quent publicity and comffnent, owing .. . I � , . . . . . .- _ . . .. . I I DR.. . OVENS, M. D.o, I. .R. C. 11 , They dcw not purge or cause iany - in-
* . . � I � � . .. - , . . ..
I � � I .1 '.. . � I . . . I I ;,. . . 'Eli�,' Specialist in' Diseases O! tbp - convenience, whatever. They, will - pos- I
. them. All. sizes and different part of. i,thei town ' of- Clintcn. I TheY to absence from business. Pci:o -,BIC . An or& -nary :ease.of dfarrhoicea call, Big. I."JectlAcal Exhibit Wil"', Be One,, ' .
. . were the secon1family � ict sottle hore, by J. J,',. llov* . I . ' . . .
weights. . - . 1# cy, Druggist. -.1 . � as a- rule, be dureol'by a single d6se ' - -. �Ct' the Features. P. . . . .Eyej Ear, -Nose and Throat, Will itii!cly overecunct(ebro-nic O'.r habitual .
irst ' . . � � . I . I '
I . that*of 1Xr. Vanderburg being * the f I I . � - . .. I . of'Chamillerlafh1s. Colict, Cholibra aud . I . I I I I. . . . . . - .� � � COI1S'.7.1,P.0'.on ' and the nTriads of as- I.
, C, I . . ono� Ai, bric, time, in 1837, ' , Mrs. . z . � . ,be at Hot m..sl Drug Store,'Clilo( it . . .
. � � . I I I , . I I I . , . . ': I � .. I socrated ;or dependent chronid ai" '
I . I GIbbings was alone' fo . .. . . . .1 �. . I ., �. Diarrhoea - Rctr(My. This romedy -has . :Th.,v : rrti4rtagemptO Of , the . I . . . ' . . . '.
I r weeks Nvben . , , � ' I .WeS01m On, Tuesday, August, 15,. ,.S�op.eniber nXints., Try 'ReVall �Olderlles. at our ,
hot husband with,citlier sdittlers . , . , . Cot Fair alo,,' progrPi,oing nice' I . . . .
STORE OPPOSITE . �. � I . Belgrave ' ' no, supericti . for. bowel .riplaints, IY Witt' Ulo .12 :00tober'. 10, November 7 and -tislim: q' ,zes, Joe and 2.5c, Sold
. .. . .. I in . I : . . . � . .. . For Sale li� .all dealer.'s.' 1. � . � Work of, preparaticel for- the . 61 It' I . . � . . %to , v. . -
I I . . i . . .
, .
. . . ' I
' toile . Hurcin Tract were called . .upon A, * * e'f our younj men' left on, . I I � I . r . Decent e exa .9 Ore.
THE POSTOFFIC . number i . . . a . bor 5, . It You require Gla�scs . only at, Oar storv�Th Re 1,1' t'
� popul r erhill-ition, which will on -e 6 S . .. . I .
E. .to protect thet frontier at, -'Waipolij, Saturday W , . . ill .. I .. I OP don't fail t6 st Dr, Ov n. . W.. 91 R. llojm�js. . . .
. I eek'for the Wc;sto. I . . � . I -is year Sep . . I I . . .
. Islan#; Thcoy were tbe,first Bible * . . I . . th t. 8th.. The. g's3unds - .. . . . . I .
I - I - . . . - - I - . � . . . .
' .Allss L. -FlUetY of Witigham, has 11ics-In .. i - will be 1411111d with hydro -c ctric __... ____ .- .- __ - -
. � . . - Ile . -_ . ____�� -
-lie dayis 61 th.�",gucst cJ Morris fricinds. I - ighlb, and will, be ,a regular t fairy e � �A^o~ I A 4 ,4-04,4 � . . I .
Christians here and in t " Zutich, - �
. Open Every Evening. Alhe Ciroidt Rider when it took the . - I . � - - - - - - - - - - - W4V%0%0yVV_oq_0_A_14 A-, 1 -ow W%ft*~ V%4%^OWM ..
- I
, .Miss. Ethel W'alsh OF Wingham was Agr, pjd.`�AXtl'of 14C.-of1don was. - a vig�_ lland, *The machinery, in., the uianulBc- * . 1 . . . . . .
I I . luia3ionaty, sometimos , afoot and, the guest'of Mi -M. Lilyt McLeati, . . . I I.. � � I � , .. . . .
'. .. sornetimm on, horsoba6k, a whole wock, .1. I �. IhSt ilior at. his holbe IbLst' Week� . . . tu-re.rs' and in1plenk-lit btfilding myl?� .Our Notto'This Year is , - ,The. Best Ve . .
. .. I Zurich is making preparations ,f or be run by hydro Po-we.r, arid the . � I I . I .. . .. � ..
I . . �� �� �E[ � � . I . . .
. . � I I � 11 .
. �p(onth to c6mpletdt his circuit, J her The Illustrated It, itey giv- aday (,,' iports exhibition Of firiatots ,and ; dynamos 1. . : ., I - � � ,
, .
home Was always 6pell to tile . nii.l. .6turd rectr on. Labor * . -.1 I I . . . I . -1 I'
en in the Methodist Chutch 'waf; well Day - I . I . .
. sionary of thii gcspel. Her, ' three attended. . .. . . .. -Misses. Kate . Mnilpbeil .d -�Auricl will, be well worth so.Ang.' The but'. I � . I . I 1� I . . I I .. .
. i . Precter are Visiting BLIrlin., friend Ing cont2ro Will' tak ' . . . . . � � - .
. .
sons artj' Williii-xil of Alms and John The LadLes' Guild 'Of Trinity Church " . . S . for ter-inaki e P'�Iaco in . . . . 4 I .
w few days. � the dafto� building where ample gcat� I . I � .1 � I .
. I I . 1, .
. . . .
. Th --,B 1'r *31- arld Thamas ,of *Aown, TT*r eldest son held' a, very successful quilt1rigg.bee A(, 'Mr. and Mfi. J. Ileverivy, , their son ing Accolulmodation. has bn= - provided . . I- . I I 4 .
. . - % , �
� . ..
IF YOU WANT THE, ,was tht- &4st White riale child ),,-)rn 16c �,)nlo - of Mrs. J. Vane= . . s the ' cbni- . . I _W� I � I .
0 . BEST in the Hvisan Tract, and as 'such was I . . . . Pt last Alfred and the',r daughter and ' her for ,tbe Public to, witnes , I IN .. I . I .
. . , . . . I
COAL AND PROMPT DE 1,1-V., . quite a Centro cil atilraction a Th it I day., . . . bu-sl'ond,r Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Grum. PeCtion ',and, be .comfortable. ' The . 1. %N _11L.- I . .
I - Conductor and Mrs,. Nethoryllave r . . . - ... ,. � . . 1� .
. I . e,' mot ot Ash1abula, Ohio, )lave been deliltOn'sttlitiOn Of title 'car" of bees I .. 11 - . . � � I �
4 `tl; . .. , /
.'Irne, turned to Sarnia, after a sbarit visit visiting Mt, and Mys. ftl..Beaver, of will agaill be a feature this - I'llar, . . . �
p� I I I . .
On Friday Teorning, 'Join, tolict,of wit6 tile formOr's parelits, Air. 4nd the 14th, con, , . I when the't 0oviernlront de"Olstra,tor, . I � . � I -��
PLY FROM US. the late John DoWze;0, passed to hor Mrs� Wrrl., . Nethery, , . . # .. I .
. . eternal home. The ot)A* event was on- I I . . � Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Stehibach weat Mr- Pettl.t, Will give practical illus- . I .
IS ----------?--,-� . to Detroit la'st week, Tbey were ap. tratiOns Of ]low tO handle and care . . .
. tirtly ulle).�)eottql. Heart tiiilute war, . . . . I
. . . COMPAIlied by Miss Laufa 'Steinbach, for bees, This is intensely inttm.. It's the -Na : ' ' , ��,
the Cause of llva*i. Her husband . IT Q110AS IIA19 - - who intends remaining foil some ttime.. esting and Should bo tivil. by all. It I .0 rne on'the Movement that Counts -
. I � - , At the. Young Pcop)els ,meeting ` ing a book
prolooeased liev about four years., , , in Will be located nea ' Ir 4, UYI NG a watch by tho case 'a like btiy�
STORE PROMPTLY AT- All the children reside r MY dalty build- I
. at 110TIlt cv- But Not. After The, 11air Roola Are ctmneet,jon Wi:tl' ., the EVangelicim ing. The exhibit of "Old- Vft,r*iosi_ by the cover, Book or watch., it is t1je inside that I
Ifig a %-w
_TENDED TO. . Cept one Son, who alscl'� resldm . Doid, church (m Tuesday . week ' R�,v, ties" in 13 unts, .In b * tch give first consideration ' ,,i
in Clinton, The funeral, took plac-i . � the illoSin building will Bgain. CO
. � on Sunday to Clinton cemetorv. Aev. W. ,c�.. R, I Morris I",'lines of' Now Yrrk City, be -a featurt' ,this year, The exhibit to the movement. %f you want the bcst MoVeMdnt for
J. W C I 101,11CS Vill t0l you that Who bag bvin visitin,* .his par. will be in 6hitr& of Mr.* W. '.,;1n,ith, your motiey --- choosle from our aaso"rtment of . ,.
. :4 Mir - Oraham of Bayfeld, fti� the ab- btl ,Sells a, g:atl many bottles of Par- lentil hcr(4 gave A Very cWoellent 4afJ- On -d any Person haVing an Intereatt . 1�4
OtOVelIS01.1 senee of Rev, Mr. SteWarb, 6111clat0d isian Sage because it gives satislad- drftl on Mission work in Africa. sho1ld Communicate with him at 1076 - V0 ' .
. - . �_ ;and the blearots were : Messrs. 1). A. tl(,.,, . , � � � I I 1. . 0 _ I ---- . � . � . Oundas street, Or the SeCtotary of . . WALTHAM WATCHJP-13 f
Forrester, Jame;- ,14cott, Geo. SWal- W, ,g. R�. 11cl,,nes r..,,Iarantees it il . the eXhibitiOn. EVerything lextiled . .
.1 � it ,, . I
- - . low, Thos. Cottle,. Alex. E,Wing and erg(licatt dgIldruff, 1) . I I . . We have "Walth"1111 Nvitclics, vi all grades at a wide rangeotprices-each watch .
, , I 1. stop falling and S,E1.'M1.,,D T(). GIVI.i, 1.11M IvIll be prope'rly Cared for and �t,_ (lie beat value possible at its respective price. And we can suit you With a ;
- - .1.1, ,:John McCla,htxty- splitting hair and itching soilp, or . . I A NEW .1; ONTAOR. I 11-117110d. PfJ10 lists, entry forili,scon- watch catse-plahl.
� !'money back. . . 't i l, . . , or fancy, solid or gold filled,
I . . � . , inte scoly cession privileges, and 01 Intorilialo. ... . . "11'.v Thile You Owned a woiltham", � I
. Paxislan ,Sage will trake hair grow 111 siifterto, n 016 eab�ng 10a oil al),01106to-on to thd secretoxy
8PZCTAL tift,85ION Cut$ atid bruises nia7 be heated in it Oe. hair roots are no', dead ; it 110'or treatment I I j-,1(id 'at� tile genL,ral offices, . I I VVILItliam W=oiirg the most dependablo of tim&plemn That .
q. P, R. H, X 0 imil no) mediel is rh .
if Y.,, I
" WE'ST. � about one-thilil tile time required hy,puft lite and i1toter Ilifto, doll ap�l seemed to do afty, good,,, wrif,21�1 11. r . . .00 r thein. It you Avant to ni'the your wateh
TO T1113, . I X t"estillent-let us sell you tut adittotted Walfhatu.
Ithe uquAl trtatIlleitt by applying faded hair, and is the rn:igt delight- X# YO1Ift9Pc?P,rS, Editor of tile �)un, . �--_____ ,
I . __ __ I
- 10 I I -1 I " I
11 ,
I I �
11 I
'I, .
.1 i
I .1 I
I i
August 12th. Fare out $10) bael( Chamb"lain"I Linallont. It is unan-jvl hair 'dressing in the world. t)lllr, Lake View Ohio. "The flrstio� few BUY It now. Now is tile time to 1. ... .
$18. V,gei)tld and cause's Stich 111jurlos 0 50 enits a large botVe. dofts of Ch borlainlq 4 and buy a bottle of VhAniborlain's Colic, VV .F" I .
, � M . f. tonlae,h ,
Special i9itcough coaches, lIQ without ma ,�. I' . * * NR r ,
Parisian -S,age Is trio. bete, wair Livtk Toblaft gave surptponto Tetie,f Cbolej�
laration. This; I'mi- I 0 a and Diar-.10toea.RtmedY. It - . - - . I I , . ,
Vbr till jhform,ttlon apply to ,Ytipn4, also relieves sortness of tile grower end beautifier, dandruff C11TO and the tew�d bolt1a seeilled to givelalmost c, tain ib be n2edol li, .
IT befoillm Jeweler 114, Issiter Marriage Licensis \
W. JACKSON, . -MUS(fles and theuinatic Pains. Foe'aild sca".1 cleaner known, Try it on hne a new S40mabb alld 01*Ctly good,1 the summer is over. ,rhl% reirihAy has ' .
-Town Agent 0. P. R., - Clinobil' sale by all dertlet$. . . - r 11 . . . � ,
. . our qrolley back plan, btalth.11 Fo sale.by all dealers, ' no SUPLIrlor. Vor sale by till d�alersl /i, - I
I I VVVVVV4%kftVV#V~AA0~ --.1 �NL
I . 0 ^AA0~AWV`4A00111^4^1kM01�f
I . # I I I I I
1. . I 11 . j,