HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-09-15, Page 8torArdtrittiMd„eAerMrMth/eltneeOkrill1Wa(1101Alltilli COKbOUItl COR 1 A Picture " Pretty as a picture " doesn't mean much sometimes, but our pictures are the pretty kind, and the kind that keep their prettiness. Try a photograph from ZURBRIGG'S STUDIO WINGHAM. -§ Picture Training Neatly pone. m mems amaauana urate macoas 9taxwmw AN xi' THE WINGHAM TIMES SEPTEMBER 15, 1904 New arrivals in the Gloak Department The latest arrivals of note in the Cloak department are the new Fall Coats, fresh from our tailors. They are made in that inimitable ititchie manner that insures all the stylish effects. Prices, from $5,00 to $25.00.. Stylish and Gomfortable Goats for the Little Tots hetes Even the most doting mother could notwish for more stylish or elegant coats for the little tots than these we tell you of to -day. EIDERDOWN COATS. ZIBELINE COATS. BEARSKIN COATS. � ry`y� Iil BEAVER BLOC,.. ll ..,,.... Blankets and Flannels. The best that can be put into Blankets and Flan- nels you'll find at Ritchie's—:a11 pure wool. Of course there are wools and wools—some fine, some coarse. The finer it is the warmer, and the more it costs. See our assortment of new Dress Goods and Trimmings, Fur Ruffs, Muffs, Fur Coats,— at all prices. Alex. Ritchie. WINGHAM. MINOR LOCALS. --If you scant a good day's wort, come to Win ghem's fall fair cn Sept. 30th. —See adht. in ember cokinn kr the large lis t cf atuacticns at Wingham's fall fair. —Mrs, T. H. Race, wife of the editor of the Mit c1:ell Beeorder, died on Sunday ter sc•,veral weeks illness. ' The regular meeting of Camp Cale- ticnia. Sons of Scotland will be held on ]I&onday evening next. —Toe C. P. R. Limited was held np at Mibticn Junction, B. C., on Saturday, and the robbers getaway with $.6,000. —Many farmers are complaining of the potato rot, and large quantities have al- eady been lifted. -Thu s is the big week at the Western .Fair in Lindon. Many from this section are attending. —It is said this year has been bad for honey. Too m nth cold, damp and dull swathe r is attributed as the cause. --Don't fail to see the Cavalry Drill :and Vaudeville entertainment at Wing - ham fall fair on afternoon of September 20th., —Wingham's Fall Fair on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 29th and 30th. Read Advt. in another column for full list of ttMartions. r. S. Bennett, of the Wingham plaiuing mill is supplying the counters ',and tables for Mr. eo. Robertson's new store Bl tat h, a�„". . y —Some 576,000 people attended the Toronto Fair this year, being an increase ,of about 50,000 over the attendance of last year. Workmen are in Wingham this 'week putting in a new foundation ander the C.P.R. water tan's. The tank is be- ing raised several feet. —Mr. Wm. Linklater's little daughter bad the misfortune to break one her of atm on Saturday Iast,while at play at her ' home Lower Wingham. —Mr. John Skilling,of Teeswater,well- • Ittlown to many Winghamites is now re- ' Hovering from a severe illness of typhoid fever and pneumonia. ---Ball Bros.' special prize of $5 for best horse on the grounds at Wingham fall fair will bring a number of good horses in front of the grand stand. --The Seaforth Milling Co. will again purchase all kinds of grain on the Wing- liam market. They have already opened the storehouse and Mr. John Elder will *gain be in charge. -The annual western excursions to points in the United States will be hel on Sept 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. See G. T. Be adv[ in another column for portico - Mr. John John Fells, of East Wawanosh was successful at the Toronto Exhibition ,C irr securing third on a Clydesdale mare, 3 one second prize each on two ponies as two-year-old and a three•year-oi --Mr. A. R. Smith was in Toro. o last week buying a large stock of cloth - beg, gents' furnishings, etc. Read his vtr advt. in another column of this for prices on clothing, etc. Mre. David Welsh, of Lower Wing- waaa taken to Clinton on Friday nd had a serious operati u per - upon her by Dr. Gun a are d to learn that Mrs. sh is Jo- well as could be expected, re. 3. J. Cunningham was removed Toronto last week and on Thursday underwent an operation for the re- ef a tumor, at St. Michael's hospi- . Cunningham has been steadily ng sine the Operation, and we e will soon be 'able to return —Messrs. Moore and Brock have just finished building a cement wall under J1r. Matthew Waddell's house on Edward street. —Mr. W. T. A. 1'lshleigh is still con- fined to his home with his injured leg. His many friends hope to see him soon able to be at his place of busigess. — The Trustees of Zetland school, are advertising in this issue fora new teach- er for the year 3505. Applications re- ceived by Gavin Wilson up to the 6th of October. . Cellos. J'. Rintoul, of East Wa- lr,one of the best known threshers section is ening general eatisfae. sg the farmers this season. He serif -feeder attached tO his machine with the blower, makes the threshing much easier. Mr. 's now engine is supplying an s of polder. PERSONAL. Mrs, T. IL Ross is spending two weeks with friends it, /Detroit. Mrs. Percy Ilial speut the pat week with friends in Toronto. Miss C. Tooker left on. Tuesday to. visit her sister in Brandon, Manitoba. Mrs. Glanville, of 7.attessalon has been visiting at the hOno of Mr. John Mr. Ernie Lemmox left here on Tues- day for Smith's Falls, where he intends residing iu future. Mr. G, Powell Hamilton, of Guelph, was visiting with Wiugham friends dur- ing the week. Mrs. Martin B. Waugh has returned to Loudon after a short visit in Wiughatn and East Wawanosh, Mr. and Mts. A. J. Alderson have re- turned home from a two weeks' visit with friends in Detroit. , Mr. Thos. J. Elliott was spending a few days at Ayr, visiting with his mother, who has been seriously 111, Mies Struthers has returned home from a six weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Galt and Toronto. Mayor Vanstone and Mrs. Vanstone and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Burns spent Sun- day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gibson at Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McGee returned to their hotne in Owen Sonnd after spend- ing a mouth with relatives in Wingham and East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Helm returned home on Saturday after spending a month with relatives at Walkerton and Cargill. Mr. and Mrs. John Stein and Miss C. Smith returned home Saturday afternoon after spending an enjoyable time in Toronto and Milton. Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie, and Miss Mary Ritchie have returned home after a few weeks visit with relatives aad frie ids in Tweed. Mr. Elijah Higgins of Tnrnberry left Wroxater on Tuesday on a few weeks visit to friends in Portage la Prairie and other points in Manitoba,,.' Mrs. John Gray is +sw'ray on a few weeks visit to her daughter, sister and with friends at different points in North Dakota. Mr Edgar McGuire has been relieving at the Bank of Hamilton in Ripley ow- ing to the absence of Manager S. T Jack- son, who has been attending the,World's F ir at St. Louis. Conductor Quirk and Mrs. Quirk are enjoying a few holidays at Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Hamilton and other points. Mr. Quirk is one of the G. T. R's, oldest and most faithful couducto and Mrs. W. A. Campbell re ed home on Monday evening from their wedding tour. They leave this morning for their future home in' Winnipeg, and Will take with thein the best wishes of many friends,4•' Mrs. Jas. laugh and children left on Tuesday on a two mouths' visit with her brother, Mr. Haslam and sister, Mrs. Isaac Else at Devil's Lake, N. D., and also her sister, Mrs. Geo. Wetford at Mohall, N. D. — Mrs. (Rev.) Hall, of Gorrie, whehas Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Sparling, Miss been suffelmg for some weeks with her Delia Sparling, Mrs. W. T. J. Homuth eyes, bas returned home from London, and Miss Cecil Homuth, of Wiugham, and it is thought that she will felly re- were visitors at the home of Mrs. Myles gain her sight. Young one day last week. --Blyth —The many friends of Mr. T. T. Field Standard. will be pleased to learn that he is im- Rev. T. Albert Moore, secretary of proving as rapidly as couldbe expected, the Lord's Day Alliance, was in town We hope he may soon be enjoying bis on Saturday, and gave the TIMES office usual good health. a pleasant call. Rev. Mr. Moore was — The Macdonald Block is receiving on his way to Clinton for Sunday, and a fresh coat of paint, which will greatly while here was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. improve its appearance. A coat of fresh Towler. paint always makes a vast difference in Mr. Alex. M. Stewart leaves this the appearance of a building. morning for Winnipeg, where he will —A large number of TIMES subscribers attend the Medical College. Mr. Jos. called at the office during the past week 1). Stewart, who has spent the summer and received copies of our Dominion in Alberta will join his brother at Win- nipeg, and, also attend the Medical Number. We have still a supply on hand College. for subscribers who have not yetreceive -Mrs. Moorehead of Milton came here a copy. - on Saturday to visit with her dangbter, — In the past 16 years there have been Mrs. P. Tanslev and other relatives in 11 summers warmer than the present this viciuit ;. 0n Monday she received one and 4 cooler. The average tempera- a telegraeTnforming her that one of her ture for June, July and August, 1904, sons was dangerously ill, and Mrs. was 65 degrees, or 6 degrees below the Moorehead left for her home by the normal. afternoon train on Monday. tr. and Mrs. W. W. Inglis left Wing - am on Monday for their new home in St. Charles, Mo., where their son, Mr. Edgar W. Inglis is local manager for the Bell Telephone Co. Mr. Inglis was one of Wingham's pier residents, having for a number of years been connected with the woollen mills, and was an ex - mayor of the town. 13.1 WALL PAPER SHOPPING is Easy at this store BECAUSE yeu don't have to " kick" to get your money's worth. BECAUSE we have the largest stock of new patterns tobe found in town. BECAUSE we have studied your wants and have the styles you will like. BECAUSE we buy' in large quantities, which means lower prices to you. BECAUSE we do everything in onr power to make wall paper shop- ping easy for you, We are look- ing out for your permanent pat- ronage. Our speoial September prides will help you to paper one more room than you intended to do. All Paper Trimmed Free COOPER •& CO. (Successors to Alex. Ross.) SHAW'S SCHOOL ! The —Tire Wingham milliners will hold their annual fall openings on Tuesday,' Sept. 27th. The ladies are now busily engaged in preparing for this annual event, which is of much interest to our lady readers. — The Secretary has already received a number of entries for Wingham fall fair to be held on September 29th and 30th. Those already making entries live at considerable distance from Wingnam and are new members. rA. Ross received notice from the Ontario Government of his appoint- ment as Clerk of the 8th Division Court of Huron County. Mr. Ross will make an excellent official and his appointment should give general satisfaction —Twenty-five tickets odic sold at W ingliam for Goderich to parties who took in the White Star Line excursion LOcicatAN.—In Wingham on September loth, the wife of Mr. Zenas Lockman; a son. Bnxcxxi RtDGE.—In Tnrnberry, on Septem- ber 10th, thewife of Mr. Joseph Breckenridge; a son. BAIRD.—In Turnberry, on September 10th, the wife of Mr, Robert Baird; a son. SinELL.—In Turnberry, on September 10th the wife of Mr. Robert Shiell; a son. MEsSER—In Morris, on September 13th, the wife of Mr. Alex. Messer; a son. CARTER—In Blyth, on September 2nd, the wife of Mr Davits Carter: a son. CRAG:—In Mortis on .August 80th, the wife from Goderich to Detroit. Nearly six oy>fthl<S�'1)on�rr,CrTnl aliMrtnaUoik+;=. Harvey MOon August hundard people were on board the , the wife of I ewelf; a "Greyhound" when she left Goderich clan:Miter. on S : urday morning. POTTER—In Brussels, on September 5th, the wife of Mr. George Potter; a son, —J. J. Elliott, 'V. S., and daughter GARROw—InGotlerieh, on September 0th, g the wife of Mr. C. (*arrow: a eon. left recently on a driving trip to ib ea- Timmy—In Goderieli, en September 5th, the ford, Dundalk and Collingwoo nd wife of Mr. T. T. Leckie; a son. MCDOLGAr.T,--At Morrisbonlr of Toronto Solicits the chance to send a copy of its prospectus to every young man and woman who would like a little place in life. Your name and address on postal. DO IT NOW and send it to W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yonge & Gerrard Ste, Toronto. ALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. P ' Night calls at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property on Septt St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. while near the last name place on Sept. 7th, the wife of Mr. Peter Metougati: a son. he was again taken seriously ill and Mrs. MARRIED Elliott left on Saturday morning to care BAxnu—HARVEY—At the Presbyterian for him. Mr. Elliott's many friends will ehureh, Wyoming, on August 17th, by Rev. R. be sorry to learn of his illness. Hobbs, assisted by Revs. George Gilmore and G. W. Andrews, itev. Raymond Smith Baker, —Last Thursday, Mr. Wm. G. Gray, of Walton, to Sara Alice, daughter of Dr. and dray man; delivered at the TIMES office Mrs. A.E. Harvey, Wyoming. nearly two and a tons of printing paper. lav R v. Jas. Hua er, M.A., D e'Mr Sept,on 7th, . This was the largest shipment of printing Findlater, of Delmore, to Miss Carrie Roe. paper ever received in Wingham„ A DIEDshipment nearly as large as this ono was SimPsoN.—In Cnlrosv, on the 13xI1 ins[., diary received at this office a few months ago. Beatrice second daughter of Mr. in Mrs. Arthur t�impson aged 14 years and 0 months. The TIMES subscription list continues to FLuci:—ln Culross, on Aug. 80th, Mrs. Mary grow and we use much more paper. Fhiak: aged 70 years, —The many friends of Mr. H. Davis, Robertson, in his 48th earn Sept. 2nd, Peter Collector of Customs will he sorry to learn that he was confined to his home for several days through ilIness. Mr. TEACHER W ED. Davis had one week's leave Of absence and spent the time in Toronto, Hamilton,' fuffalO and other points. The constant walking was too much for one of his legs, causing inflammation of the veins. Mr. Davis hopes to be around in a few days. —The Methodists of Whitechurch held sueceesful anniversary services on Sun- day last and a successful tea and enter- tainnient on Monday evening. A num- ber of Winghamites attended on Monday evening and report an excellent supper and entertainment, Miss M. L. Rock, Miss H. Reid, and a male quartette omit - posed of Messrs. Greer, Lloyd, Hammond and attest, assisted in the program. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 18, con. 7,Township of Turnberry,County Huron, containing 100 acres, This is a first- class farm; has been in grass for 20 years. A spring creek runs through the farm. Apply to, H. DAVIS, Wingham. Applications for the pos ton of teacher for V. S. 8. No. 7, Turnh rr , for the year 1005, will be received by t . ndersigned secretary up to the 0th day o t t ctober next. School 8 miles from Wtngiia . Female teacher pre. ferrel ; state salary. GAVlN WILSON, Box 42, Wingham P. O.' STRAY PONY. Strayed from the premises of Adam John. ston, lot 28, eeneession 10, Turnberry, on or about Anguat 24th, a dark bay Indian Pony mare, with white stripe in face. Parties knowing an thitng of the whereabouts of ttheehpony will be rewarded by communicating Aeon Joniisrett, wingham P. O. FARM FOR SALE. FOUN _-,_s_-________.+ Last week ve gavea ewhihints to shoppers iuwhich we particularly emphasized onef rt • That two old pay when making your purchases to find out a The Bee larve n- e Keeler Co.—`.Phe le M nev. Savin;Store f thepeople o f During the past few days many new Paces have been welcomed at Title Busy Store, and pleased customers have made purchase after purchase that will advertise the Bee Hive for bigger and bigger business. THIS WEEK, There aro Trade -Winning Values in every department, Dress Groceries, Men's Furnishings; ' Goods, Clothing, Shoes, rHE undersigned offers for sale his farm, east half of. Lots 7 and 8, Concession 11, Turnherry. The farm contains 100 acres of good land;' 80 acres cleared, 10 acres hardwood bush, 10 acres of cedar. On the premises are a good stone house, hank barn, stone pig -pen, etc. Also a spring creek and two wells; and is well fenced with cedar rails. Six miles from Wing - ham, and convenient to church, school, post office and blacksmith shop. Easy terms. For information apply to RICH. WALLACE, Glenaiuian P.O. NOTICE TO REDITORS. In the matter of Jos Township of Tu of Huron, mill Notice is hereby gi has made an assignor visions of "An Act r the benefit of Ore R.S.O., 1807. Amee said Joseph W. Wal office in the Court H erich, at 11.80 o'clock day, the 16th day of S appointment ofInspe Directions with refer estate. Every person to rank; on the estate me particulars of cla (not declaration), an case admits of. New Hats and Gaps for Men and Boys. We put on Sale this week the "Latest Styles" in Mien's and Boys' Hats and Caps. This department is a saver for the people of from 10 to 25 per cent. on every dollar. 'Twill pay you to find out. Ladies' and Misses' Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets and Undervests.. Splendid values are shown in all these lines and a look through the stook will quickly con- vince you that it is no trouble to make a selection here and that it pays to purchase at this store. ' Three Special Lines Ladies' Wrappers. No 1—Consists of a line of splendid wrappers nicely made and trim- med and priced to sell at each $1.00 No 2—A. particularly attractive line in Blue and White and Red and White at each - $1.50 No 3—A very handsome line in lively colors at each - $2.00 NEW Fall Dress Goods All that is now and correct in style and weave are shown in onr Immense display of New Fall Dress Fabrics and while shades of Brown and Green piny a prominent part in fashions dearee many other colorings iu combinations of pretty effects are in strong evidence, prices range per. yard 25o, 355c, 40o, 50, 600, 65c, 75o, 80o, 850, 90o, $1.00, $1,15, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. We ask you to see our showing of New. Dress Goods before making your selection. Groceries. 2 Cans Good Salmon for .25 2 Shredded Wheat Biscuits..25 1 Tin Choice Table Syrup .9 6 Bars Pure Laundry Soap .25 1 Sewing Machine oil can and oil - • .10 We pay highest prices for Butter and Eggs. Ladies Collars, Collar Tabs, Handkerchiefs Many new lines of Fancy Collars and Collar Tabs have been added to our stook at extra value prices, com- mencing at 150 and ranging 20o, 25a, 40c, 50, 75c and $1,00. And in Handkerchiefs we show exceptional values at each 50, 8c, 10o, 150, 20c and 25c. Little prices for Mena'° and Boys' Clothing. There's been great selling during tho past mouth in the Bee Hive • clothing section—lower prices than • ever are the orders given for a quick ' clearance of all Suits, odd Pants and: odd Vests. ' Ladies and Girls Fall'. and Winter Coats. 1st—Vorreot Styles. 2nd—Newest Colorings. 3rd—Money Saving Prices are the • magnets of attraction in this depart- • ment. • h W.'Warder,ofthe ' nberry, in the County •n that the above-named nt to me, under the pro- 'pecting Assignments for itors," .being Chap. 147. ng of the Creditors of the ler will be held at my use, in the Town of God - the forenoon, on Fri- tember, 1904, for the ors and the giving of ee to the disposal of the laimingtto be entitled required to furnish to , proved by affidavit su ,h vouchers as the G. REYNOLDS, ff'of Huron, Assignee. cls, Sept. 0th, 1004. She Sheriff's Office, Gode THE THE BEE HIVE. E:.LER CO. Phone 96. WINGHAM, Ont. CANADIAN ORDER WOODMEN OF THE 'WORLD Camp National, No. 139 HOandtheir 9th Friday in eular ach mons th, inthe Odtl- fellows' Hall. All visitors welcome. R. MAXWELL, C. 0. R. H. CRowDER, Clerk. COMING! CCM, lit' __COMING[ T. P. SMITH, 301 'WIC E SPECIALIST Graduate New or, Phil eiphia, and Toronto .. teal Colleges. Call eat and avail yourself of his valuable services, as this is arae: opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested, free of charge.No guess work but a scientific certainty. guess cases auditrately fitted. ' ALT. WORK GUARANTEED. tiff never dull lit private atonies. He has also added a large assortment of Arti- ficial eyes to his stork. Will be at Fall Millinery 1904 We will be pleased to, welcome the ladies of Wingham and vicinity to our store on Walton McKibbon's Drug Store grir WIL'4GHAM 61TE DAY ONLY Thursday; Sept, 29th. TUESDAY PT. 27th when we will greet you with an elaborate display of Stylish Fall Millinery. • We feel confident that you will be delighted with our display. All orders with which you favor us will be carefully attended to. MissMacPherson FALL, 1904 Mihir, ery Openi g The ladies of Wingham and vicinity are cordially invited to visit our Millinery Retinas en ........., •r). r-11"1,. /.8'1'I ti . .4: « r "' . • , • aetc. .^ae-,F',1P,<,•1,. Tuesday, Sept. 27th' when we hope to have the 'pleasure of showing you the Clew styles fer Fall and Winter wear. The newest ' creations in the milliners' art are here for your inspec- tion. Your early orders will receive careful attention. Miss Boyd. Penn tstIier Rane. As shown, with the high closet and copper -lined reservoir, with corners richly carved, has met with every success. The Reservoir insures plenty of hot water for the kitchen, while the high shelf or high closet provides extra room while cooking and adds largely to the appearance of the Range. This is one of the best farmer's ranges we have seen; has large fire box, burns both coal and wood, has a good-sized oven, has six 9 -inch cooking holes—in fact a first-class range in every particular. Price, complete with high shelf, only $37.00. WE INVITE COMPARISON. STORE OPEN 7 'A, M. EVERY RAY. FISHLEIOH'S.HAROWA RE, ORES.OSATI'RO AY MIONEMBIENIMME DR. OVENS,,of London, SURGEON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES EYE, EAR, NOSE Ain THROAT. Visits Wingham monthly. Glasses properly fitted. Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated, Wingham Office -•W. McKibbon's Drug Store. London; Office -225 Queen's ave. Hours 11 to 8 p.m. Dates of visits—Mondays, July 25, Sept. 5, Oct. 8, Oct. 81, Nov. 28. House To Rent. A good, large dwell- ing, well located and in good order. Apply to ABNER OOSENS WINGHAM Machine & General Repair Shop is now reopened, and I have secured the services of a man of over twenty years experience is all lines of Mill and Farm Machinery; also Bio'9'Olea, Guns, Sewing Machines, Umbrellas, Clothes Wringers, Lawn Mowers, Scissors. flair Clippers Sharpened Saws Garonne(' and 1Fited Reys ittade to order trial solicited. W. G. PATON ' o eth% 'Si. 'WINGItAM, tr5ffttlfg ggfttigfg, '' PIIOTOS�!�1 • t We guarantee our work, in SLYLE, FINISH AND PERMANENCY.., ffThe latest styles of Mounts %% always on hand, 4 f Armstrong & Co's Studio %' WINGHAM; c f'! !'fia ' ff 'f•f�f' fc '. !' i%fit ' NORTH END BUTCHER SHOP. A PRIME SELECTION OP BEEF, PORK AND MUTTON: Also a large stock of Cured Meats or tho finest seleotiou. Also Boiled Home, Bolongna, and Davis' celebrated Pork Pies. Leave your orders early-. Highest cash'prioe paid for Hides and' Skins. THOS. FELLS. Opposite Skating Rink.