HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-08-17, Page 8i t- Pee • NEW SEAT.ER. COATS FOO LADIES AND CHILDREN Our first shipment of New Sweater Coats' is now here and is the fin. est assortment of high class garment@ we have ever had the pleasure of • showing and you will find it tirade well spent to .have a look at these coats an!d get our prices before buying. Don't forget wear? offering some Bile Bargains in Boots and Shoes and Olothing.durfng the balance of August. , Also balance of our Su miner Dry Goods at wholesale price. SMALL PLUMSTEEL MORE PROFITS B ROS. BUSINESS The great Money. Saving Event of the year STILL CONTINUES a, A With practically all of the bargains of the past days of the sale and rnany more added and prices in several instances cut still deeper. We are determined to close out every possible .pair. Only a short time remains in which to do this, hence these unusual offerings. If you have ,attended this sale you know that every value and every price is exactly as advertised. If you have not as yet taken advantage of this money 'saving opportunity, you cannot afford to put it off another day. MEN'S OXFORDS reg : , ' . , $4.00 goods for $3.00 BOY'S OXFORDS reg , ......... , . $2.50 goods for $L90 YOUTH'S OXFORDS reg $2,00 goods for $1.50 WOMEN'S OXFORDS ate off WOMEN'S PUMPS reg, . $3.00 goodlefor•$2.25 Girl's oxfords and pumps ate off. Special • line Women's spat. oxfords at A price. . These prices mean dollars saved for you. FRED.- JACKSON .f. soframmesnomminsommamiumum Qur Specials %r Saturday a�dthe following week CR NOIR • THE GREAT. FLY EXTERMINATOR -takes away the worry of your cattle and horses by driving away the flies. Kills Vermin and Lice. Regular, $1.00 cans 75c. M..A_CH=N S CONNER BALL BEARING,-IDEAI -= VOLMER,- BONNIE,-ONE MINUTE, -THE 13EST IN USE, -I0 PER GENT DISCOUNT FOR GASH. The balance of our Screen doors and Windows at cost. 13AT ;ZIAN 3 331R•08., STOVES and . HARDWARE ik••a•N••••••••••••••4•••H•N•••••••••••N••••••••4 B Hoover. Nelson Bali UNIQUE DESIGNS In - house furnishings are in demand by time of artistic tastes. A visit here will disclose s i UNIQUE QUE FURNITURE THAT ISDECORATIVE i t but not overly dear, Merit lsvhatw Ins these days, s > ' and it's only merit that gives us our liberal patronage 1 MERIT IN FURNITURE,ME IT IN 'PRICE fThe cheapest spot in Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture. i oover & Bali 1 Trt.ix=aviv-crxty ..6a.Tx) vermizixt.A.z. cox. 14 • .. .. _ - ,. _... ..-y y...�.x�r;i.��.��: i.��►Jl.vlaYJ►tYYIC�j �Yii• OTTALiE ROCKERY doesn't have to be the ex pensive kind. - Cheap white ware is just as ber. viceable and more ecop- p rnical. When you plan your trip, to cottage, camp or picnic see our assortment of white china with colored .band --red or blue. The quality might surprise you and here's a sample of the prices : Cup and Saucer 80e doz Bread & Butter Plates60c " Tea plates • 70e Dinner Plates 05c Platters 25e, 350 and 45c each' All good shapes. W. Dr. FAIR . CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Bast Miss Barbane Mfeiver is spending her holidays at Bayfield. Miss Olive Harland of Toronto is visiting friends in town. Me. Ike Rattenbury is spending his holidays at tele Canadian Soo. Miss Sadie Steep on Wednesday vis- • ited her father who is foreman in the flax mill at Seafoaeh, :Miss Helen Doherty has been visit- ing friends in balmy, breezy, Bay- field during the past: week. , Mr. Frank Jackson of Barrie visited last week with his parents, Mr: and Mrs, John Jackson in town. Mr, Harry Steep of Godarich and hie son Harry of Michigan were . guests of his cousin; Mr. David • Steep, on Saturday last. Miss Kathleen' McConnell, daughter, of Mr. James McConnell. of Blyth, is spending. a few days visiting her cousin, Miss Edna McCaughey. Miss Leona Potts, Fort William, and Mrs, W. B, Whitely and babe, De- troit:, arevisiting at the parental home,. Mr. and Mrs,. George Potts, Mr. Wilfred Hleywood • of Brandon, Man., has been visiting during the page'' week with 'his. aunt, Mira. J. Wi. Moore;• of town, and with other relatives • in; the viciniey. Miss Rena .Pickett is enjoying a well earned holidays frcan the esaoting duties in ..connection with the „post - office. During ,het absence Miss Mae East is On duty all' day. Mr. J. P. Sheppard, after- a Month's' visit with his uncle, Mr. Henry Baker,town, and rola/elves in Goa - oriole township,, left on Thursday last to :again return to Winnipeg. Mrs. M. E, Callander of Hart/hey, Man., is the guest of her sister, Mrs, John Cuninghame.. Mrs. Call-. ander .has been visiting her dau-, gheer and sister in . Jackson, Witch. Mr: Arthue Jackscn : of Chicago, who has been .the geese of his parents in town, has .gone to Barrie far a few days' ffri'iing but will be ' in. Clinton again before returning 'to Chicago. • • ,, W. N.: Manning of the Manning -Sher- lock Organ Company, London, Ont., was in the city the fore part of the week, •conferring with the kcal. agent, J. H. Robinson. -- _ Wetaski- win (Alta.) Times. Mr, R. Rowland returied last Sat- urday from a pleasant six -weeks t?:ip to England, the old home land. He looks as if he had 113- ceived ranch physicial benefit .from the jaunt and the laying aside of .business cares for the time be ng. Mr. Charles Tebbutt, formerly' a teacher at the Dickson' schct 1, but. now at the O. A. C., Guelph, is vish ng friends in town over the week c'nd. Mr. Tebbutt has ac- cepted a position for 1912 on the staff of the Stratfcrd Co?iegiate Instdtute at a salary of $1200. - Galt Reporter, • Mr. Charles Tebbutt, who has far some mronths'been taking a course in Manual Training at the. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, is now visib:ng 'relatives and friends in Clinton and the neighboring tovin- ships. Hies course concluded With the ensuing term and after .benew year he `takes charge of the Man- ual Training department of the ' Stratfori Collegiate. . Messrs. J. C. Henry,, Prank Forres- ter, W. reL Wiltse, . Martin O'Don- nell, Jr.,•and Murray Draper .have gone out on the western • excura;on. Whether or not throe have gone our to labor in the flowing wheat fiats Of the prairie The NewseRdaard is not prepazedto say, but Clinton boy's usually "make good" ie. what- ever calling they engage. Howoie'r, in mat of these eases it is merely a question of "suing the eountry; " It must t, eerie +.fed that Huron is endeavor:ng to do a noble rh"care in taking off • the abundant+ western harvest when from this one point to considerable' a number should go out. 'They following is probably not a coeni Tote list but these at least were ticketed through last week and this by Mr. W. Jackson, 0. P. R. agent : John Spencer, el. At- wood, W. Mct c wer;,. Geo. King, 5, Metwan, 3. C. Henry, prank Forrester, H. Fawcett, J. Pickett, J. A. Dempsey, C. Miller, G. Car- tier, Earl Lawson, W. 14. 1�Vfltse,. W. Robinson, Ogle Miller, Martin Young, J, Colclough, Vie. Colclougb, O'Donnell Jr,, Murray Draper, P. J. Davidson and M. Moore. • Cintas, News.Record • Angst I7tb, I 1 NT SATURDAY At Half Regular Selling Prices • Saturday we put on sale, Remnants and odd sizes of Dress Goods, Staple Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear,, Waist Coats, etc. from both stores at half their regular C. selling g .ricesCome me early and secute the best 'bargains, Remnants * Price 'Remnants of cottons, sheet - fogs, towelings, satteens, wrap-. parette, gingham's.rents, flan-. nellettes, dress goods, etc at 1-2 price. $1.25 Taffeta Silk 08c 100 yds black taffeta silk, stamped guaranteed, splendid weight and highly finished, Reg $1.25, Saturday 98c. Fancy Parasols $1.25 40 only Ladies Fancy Silk and Linen Parasols inall the popular colors and plain white worth up to $3.00 choice of the• lot for $1.25. Deep Cuts in Children's Straw Hats. Out go the balance of ou Children's staw hats as follows.r Regular 25c for 19c Regular 50e for 39c • Regular 75e for 59, Regular $1.00 for 79c ' Regular $1.25 for 890 Regular $1.50 for $1,25 25c Tan Hose 19c Ladies tan hose flat weave, mercurized finish sizes. 8 to 10, regular 25c, cles.ring at 19c pair. +'1 Wash Suits for Ladies • •Half Price. lb only Ladies .wash suits made of •good quality linen and daintly trimmed in assorted siz- esregular $500 for $2,50 regular „$.900 for $4:50. Table No 1 Oddsizes of gloves. hosiery, belts collars and underwear, reg 25e. 350 and 50e. Choice while • they last 19c. Deep Cuts in Satteen Petticoats Cleaning up the balance of our black satteen Morrey and Regal Taffeta Petticoats at the following prices ; • Regular $1.00 for $ .79 ', L25 " .89 1.5'1 " 1.19 " 200 " •1.40. " 2.50 " 1.89 3.00 " 225 Ladies Coats less than Cost. Ladies Wash or Luster Coats in Linen color well tailor- ed and good style regular $7.50 for $5.50 regular $7.00 for $E.00. Table No. 2 Odd sizes of gloves, hosiery, gloves. collars, corsets, etc. Reg 50c, 75c and $1, choice while they last 39c. 25c Linen: Suiting 15c • Linen suitings iu plain and stripe in all the popular colors, reg 25e, Saturday 15c. Off Whitewear. Friday and Saturday we will clear out t he balance of all white wear at. 25 per eent off. • 15c Gingham 8c 150 yards gingham in stripes and checks, wide, width, good , firm cloth, reg 1.5c. Saturday 8c. FANCY PARASOLS We cleaned up -a Manufacturers lot of Fancy Silk Parasols about two dozen in; the lot, no two alike worth -in the, regular way $3.00 to $3.50 Saturday your choice $2.25. KAISER GLOVES We are carrying a complete stock. of Kaiser Silk Gloves for women - in all -shades. Both long and short length double tip fingers Kaisers guaranteed at 75c to $1.00 LOVES GLOVES. Our stock of Loves ,Gloves is now complete in both silk and Lisle in :black and colors. For the past three seasons we have had the agency. of LQves Gloves and they. • have given our patrons the . very best • of satisfaction prices range from 25c to $1.00 BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. 135.E CASH: S' L Q1R► r • Ten National Specials. By. • Arthur Hawkes. • The News -Record hair arrernged for (a, . series of ten- special artichee by Arthur Hawkes, . editor of The' Brit ash News of Canada, and one 'ofj the foremost writersin the . Dominion dealing, -with different aspects of Can- adian ' nationality. The . Tem National specials will • be • on the following titles : ' Why, I am a Canadian. Canadian•. Nationality in harness. - What we can teach the Americans: What the Americans can teach us. The Brains of John Bull's Junior Partner. - . If' I werefaxnving again. The Imgperial Imenigrent and bi:s Political Religion: Double • Running Otawa' from the . Count+ee. Suppose you were Sir. Wilfrid. - The Canada you will never see. Mr. Hawkes will spend the next six weeks in Ontario and G uebec in close touch with the' election, . and he will writs- specially on the campaign for The News-Rizerd Mr. Arthur Hawks, Varna. Miss Blanche Tebbutt. of Holmes- ville was the guest of Miss Snowden at the parsonage over Sunday:' The Work of Township• Officals Increased. Owing to the Municipal Telephone Act which placed the control of rural - telephone systems in the hands of the .township counoils a great• deal of extra work has been imposed. on township 'clerks and officials. The County, of Peel was one of the first ccounteee to grasp this fact and to increase the pay • of these • officials because of the adtlitional work. Oth• er counties lin this ,peavince have not been soliberal • r s : careful no ey0 but have .retained baeir . offleials at thein former salaries, blind tte the fact that theie work has doubled . and brelyled. Township clerks and treasur- ers are complaining. -theb an injustice is deme them in this regard and ask that lee attention of councils be drawn to the fact. Peel County, has looked after this matter from the beginning and has set other counties g g in Ontario an examine by proportion- ately ince sing thee salaries of till- Dials inasmuch as their work has been increased..--Brampeon Conserva- tor. " Henri Lauzon was Killed on the scenic railway; at King Edward Park, Montreal. ' ., Fred Lefebvre. aged thirteen, was. drowned att Haileybury while a man stood by and laughed. Edward Marglnn, a Duart teamster, fell from his loa+1 of gravel and was found dead an hour later. 'The Lords passed a vote of censure on the ;Liberal Government in re- lation to the veto hill and the Roy- al guarantees. Sa4nuel BBarnctt, a well-ktrown ho- tel -keeper and cat3rer,•dierl suddenly at . han:nes. SirStWCatilfrid Laurier will open hie campaign on August 15th in one . of the southwestern ridings of Ontario. The veto bill passed the House of Commons again . yesterday with some g y Y minor amendments, and will be pre- sented idr the, Mouse of Lords today. Hallett Happenings. Miss • •Bridgee Cummins of - St. Augustine has been spending a few days with fi .ends . in this locality: Mr. and Mrs. James Hews anddau- ghtcec of McKillop Sundayed with. friends co the 4th. - Mr. Amos Cole of Goderich town- ship visited Me. John. Reybolds on Saturday and . Sunday,. The many friends of Mr. Were. •Tay- lor of the Gravel .Road regret to heat: of his :illness., Messes. A. J Holloway and Paul freeman of Clintlm spent Sunday. wiltli Mr, and Mrs, George Carbine:• -There are about 225phones sin Mullett and the number will ler' soli increase. This has • already. added $2500 to the tax lel and • gives: the township treasuaar so' much;, more work. Miss . 'Jean Daymont of - • Clinton spent Sunday and Monday the guest. of her friend, Miss Lizzie Shanahan,• who is, ab present - i joying a fort- night's holiday at her• home. Mr, and Mrs.: Align and Mr: and Mrs. John Reynolds of Detroit, 'ac- oenryanied by Mr. and Mrs: Jamiios• Reynolds of Goderieh, spent Friday with . %lunette and Clinton friends. Constance Mrs Thos. Andrews and sen of Gerrie are visiting the former's daughter, Mrs, B. B. Stephenson. Mrs. Petrie of . Clinton • has been visf .nger nieces, M>,HenryHenny Tay- lor - for and Mrs. Alex. Leitch.. Miss Thomas of Bluevaie is visit- ing her friend-, Mrs. Joseph Proetor. fides, Ii. Proctor and bay of New Liskeard arefsitin Mrs.James v g am Proctor and other friends in :the neighborhood. - Mrs. Adams Glazier and children of Stapleton visited the forrner's sta- te:, Mrs. Thos. Pollard, on Satur- day. Among thosowho left here for the: letiee last week were : Chas. and Joe Riley, 'Geo. Carter, Fred. Mil- son, Charence Andrews, Carl Law- son aEd Retold Sundercock. It is said: r a that mord will follow. Tho W. M. S. hag a quilting at Mrs. Gee. Stephens' on Tuesday; af- ternoon.. Dame RumiOri states that a certain young mean in the west end is short- ly to take a life partner, a former resident of the village. Miss Maggie Riley and Charlie and Frankie Riley spent a week tree guests of their sister, Mrs. Chas, Huggitt of Beeeelleld. Arthur Blaine's, butcher for Mon- teith Eros., Itosseau,, fort 24 years, died as the result of a runaway. ' vgone .It" s s Medical John Ivy is reported to have iris tln,, to St. Anne's shrine' a etippld from advises instatlatlon a disloeaind hip and returned cured.'. plant. Londesboro. Theo annual harvest: .home f f estival I• in connection wfbh Burns Presbyter -- fan church will be held' on the lawn of Mr. • Robert Hamilton, • con. 10,. on the evening of Wednesday next. Supper will be served teem six to. eight o'clock • and there will as • well be an: oxcele rat program. The Citi- zens' band of Clinton will alto be in attendance. Don't forget the date, Wednesday next. Tuckersmith Township Mr. and MILL Cyrus Turner of Car- berry, Manitobat are viisiting with their talatives here. Mr, J. Traquaire c' iiensall spend last week with his college diruniy H. (Plheen.. ' 4 Mrs. Goderich is vis- iting with her relatives in this vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. John ,Macdonald mid fancily returned tri their hone in Dee trete last wea'c. Mrs." John Layton of Seatorth spent a few day's with friends here last - week. Mrs. Wright is spending a *reek with her sister, Mrs. R. Pidwes. Robert White had the telephone in - steeled at his residence last week, Miss 8. Stonehouse of Clinton Sun- dayed with Mrs. Henry Carter. - Health O .c .- tib er a filtration