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The Clinton News-Record, 1911-08-17, Page 5
I 41 1, .. A4i,pot 11th, (19II Clintba News-, ocord . 1-1._ ►tR�►MN►M► Mr R1►+NrsrH� *tl!l�if�"**t a Goderieh Townsh1p Llendo�e l ad STRAYED. s THEP•E STRAYED WANTED -a SAWING CONTRACTSIz�OR SALE. TIIAT SPLOW. 1) Itt the removal from earth of the Miss (lisle S healon has retuilned y p' mikes, lot 17, eon. 7, by the 1000 feat, anywhere in 14rw of 80 acres, being lot 21;"Basav • Mullett, a red yearling; 'heifer. Huron county, beginning Dticern9aM Line, Goderieh Township. 70 acres , T�p [� h Tate :Gabri9a Elliott'; who passed away fromt a visit with her sister, Mrs. Owner tray have same by, proving 1111• --McEwen Bil,>s., Bayfield. Cleared, �" lC at his. home ati the Bayiigkd Lino Wheeler, London. ro alit and paying expenses. �- y 45 acres seeded down. Oa 10 p Y g p -90-7 •rile farm is a comfortable frame on Thursday last, another of the Willi*mr Morriscan, 0114ton. P. O.•--00 , houstt, 2 barns, one 36x60, the either L ' ROME A. ,5KI('I,MINOS Corrospoxdant oldest and, moo. highly respoets•3. res 30x50. The farm, is well fenced, w. ott I idouts of Goderieh township weAb to FOR SALE. »- and Table. Willbe s00 SUITE FOR SALE -A 14 H.PORTABLEF 113 Souuth SALE -The Executor r rural and oste and being on a #M#�"#N��Ole 6M�I#N+RN1►�*R��►�N��#�i his reward, oltl heap. '' P a aoRn'hr estate offers - Ycir i ate slid situated, Tine„ Capt. Donio s .ins to have awak- The Bop Scout's' attended servile The late Mr. Elliott was a native . Apply+ tp Mrs. Cutler, Princess $Vain engine. In good working sale 50 acres, being east half of 2} miles ficin Clinton and 1} ficin t edr to the act fihati a feFr is. au in St. Georges' .church on Sunda}+ of Enniskillon, Ireland, having been. street, .92-1 order. Also set cif sleighs for con- foil 28, con.. 6, Hallett. Thio is a school, For further pa�rtigulars sp- r born thera over seventy five years veyaac° fa winter. 2 good drive firsr•class farm, well watered and ply on the premises or address T. absolu4e necessity to ccnvcy passes» eventnil when Rev. Mr. Jones~13a e rn ra to And from, .A.tiucill's ' Potat. mum preached an excelldut ser,a,oc ago. His parents canine to Canada belts, 1 circular saw and fracas• improved and w `h ,good buildings. II. Hardy, Rural Route Na. 1, „ when he was, less than a year cdd A snap for quick sale.-�Seole . 3t Also tie undersigned cders r 1 I Clinton.crease , Our : FOR SALE 0HEAP-ONE SMALL 4 Y gs► . for sale as Dr, Killoran of Toronto was. in freta the wse . 'Increase West, Clinton. --90 lot 29 con• 6 Hullety, consistin of Faith."' His sermon was fuT1 of seed 'and located on the 6th concession, bolter with pipes, nearly now. Also ' 8 •towax reowntly visiting his krotdier, heal' Porter a Hill . whore the family poultry 100 acres. These farms may be Lawyer Killoran• and wise admonition to the boye. a **all hen house and grew up. Mr. Wm'- Elliottt, the bought together or se aratel Mr. Ratcliffe is shill a Patient in wire. -Apply to Mrs, L. Murch, g' separately,- j:�/ C c F,.x-Minister Chas. E. Hyman of the hos iia! but as his: o eicat on 90un$est soli of the original family, Victoria street. • -92-1 •FARM FOR SALE --.Lot north .half' Apply to R. J, Sogthoombe, Olin- COAL ._ ■FOOD CEMENT i' -14(xdon is said to own one of the P p still resides upon the old homestead. ton P• 0; . -.,89 w�aai hnpst :sut�;s�fu+i snit he i0 rapidly $ - , . 2B, con. 12, Hallett, consisting of liandsotnest-yaclits which has ever Growing to tniauhood the subject - -•--�-^-• Y,�RD f ~entered Godeilieh harbor. Capt. Ben- recovering, we hope sopa fie see him bs b0 acre•. All seeded down ;except __ about his accust'umed ways. of this .sketch •married Miss Elizabeth 10 acnes. Small orchard. Frame Oppgstte the G. T. R. Station. ,masse, late .of the steamer Kin Ed Y AUCTION SASE OF SU'Mll+pER house and bank barn. with stabling. FOR SALE.—FRAME .HOUSE AND ^---- aw King Lighting a match to see the: tithe McCulloch ailed settled upon the fairs ! Cpttages.-=The underaigped will offer On Gravel road 1 mile north of ,k acre cif land, situated or, the Ward,, ct:cifµnands i . John Brophp, at two o'clock on on the $apfield Line, which he clear- for sales ''by public auoyion, on the Just received The Government, it is said, intends Thursday wprning last', set fire. to a ed and improved and which he con premises at ' Bayfield at 2 o'clock Londcsboro- •ir mole from school. London Road *, male south of Clin- .400n, to install wireless telegraphy couch, and• the blaze spread to the. tinued to occupy until the end. m n Friday, August o c k Apply on the premises or address tea. 7 rooms, hard and soft water, one carload of 0n our lakes, when,Goderich will -of window, curtains before lie noticed it. Deceased was a mem of remarkable P ° Y, gu.t 25th, a. Richard. Shaddick, Londesboro P•O, stone foundation and, lar cellar, Lump Cal number of Sumner Cottages, These : p o -course have. a station. Neighbors were able Vy put out the strength of character and sturdy self cottages are on the south bank, •x-75 small frut% For further particulars for Tllre811er9,. 10, Bert Smith has purchased Dun-, fire, before th9 firemen arrived. M. reliance, yet. withal of a kindly and overlooking both lake and rive= and apply. to Fred. Hayward, Clinton. —92 The very best Top's yacht Sha�mimrock. Brophy had onto hand painfully burned ;lovable disposition. He wasmuch bo, could not be more: desirably lo- Tiiei now, two-storey b u i l d ing , which Crying bitterly, Louise Lockwood, a loved by hiss fa,milyr and those .who cated. They will be sold separate- FOR SALN.- GOOD, ,SIX ROOMISD , , is being erected Qu the. burned Port- 14- ear -old lone know him .best. p qge house, , with y girl irosil Tozonto 1 or tther. = T, J. Mates Bay- pantry, cellar and " ATHURORBS tau of than Kensington factory, will arrivdd on the 7.05 Grand Trunk Mr. ' Elliott was a man who had old, -92 woodshed. Hard and soft water. Doherty • .soon, be ready for occupancy, train last Thursday night, having always enjoyed tho best of health + acre lob. All in, first-class ecaidi- 1a110 Phone'S2 . D.P. Strang and Miss Grace Strang been carried pas4 Smbringville, a half until about four years ago when his -- tion..= -J, Tucker, Frederick street, � � _ Sucoesson to Jas, Hamilton, ',b.aye gone on a trip to Muskoka. dozen stations down the line, in Buis- fatal illness :seized hien and since Clinton, " ' TENDERS -NOVICE TO CONTRAC- -# Pla :er -ilei os Athol nzoQuarrie of the Signal..staff take. Her destination is the .home that time he has been a severe and tors. -Seated tenders addressed t'a •° = 3s now h0ltdaying at the std htihiie- of R. C. Brawn of Kfn°ora, ail- she almlost cansUant sufferer. His suffer- . . ..sbead at Cranbrook. was sent back in the van of a freight, ings were borne with great paillence' the Secretary of the Clinton Col- I — re here.to d0 busineeg Ea The British Em.han is havin its legiate Board will be received un- 1`EACHER WANTED FOlsi S, S. �"' Wall day and every day'' .. Mr. Chas. Saunders Wok a partly but they were acute, and so much til Frida , Sept. 1st for the ooh No, 5, Sta,ule Township, �dutias to - • . re- P p y P., and willpaythe ,verandah repaired, to Bayfield in his launch' raeentlp. so that death came as a happy atructior4 of a brick addition to the coinnienca after summer., vacab[on. ' Mrs. Harry Edwards went over to The party consisted of 9v and Mrs. ease. hl hest market . Detroit on a trip last week. Saunders, Miss Josie. Saunders of He came of Anglican sUoak but Clinton Collegiate Institutt�, :ibout State] sa�arp and experience, person- , . Mr. A. M. Robemtson has returned g 35 by 70 feat, Uwo storeys wiilh al agplicaticm ,pref�•rrmd.-D. J. Mc- price for wheat town and ,Miss Mai'Sor•a Anglin and for many, pears he has been connect- basement also for the installation Clinuhep, Sec, -Treasurer, • Vagina P. - - ` aTlt� all coarse dreitn his outing with the. Boy Scout's Mr. Beat Templeton of Toronto,... ed with the Methodist Church the of flixnace and closrtts" in same. O• -90 • . much improved in health. They were The Azor, Capt. John McDonald, farmily attending at Cole's bhuaoh, In Plans and s ecffioatton s are being grAltl in any ,,-Camping in McQuaid's bush. arrived last week frobi'Bayfield with politics he was a slaunch Conserva prepared andpwill be ready for in- � � <it1aI]tltj�, Diss Gladys M°Quarrfe of Brussal� a cargw of 100,000 feet of hardwood clue and in his younger days an section at Uhe office of Mora rt. xis► the guest of her sister,. Mrs. Jelin lumber for the Goderieh. Luanbea and .Orangeman and took an active in- P ggla FOR SALE, ON MARY ,STREET A Lawson. Bros., Clinton, aft, r Aug. 22nd - good dwelling house, containing Milling . Co, Mr. Dan McDonald salla toreat in that Order, • M. D..McTaggart, Chairman Coil. seven rooms, with good cellar, cemr —BUY YOUR FLOUR ' Mr. Clarence Young, late of Los now, with his father, Capt.- McDOn- p •Deceased leaves beside his wife a . Inst. Board, J. W. Treleavdn, Sec- ant cistern and good well of hard I , * AND FEED HE, Angeles, has accepted a position at aid. �. • �Valkearille. - Wally of one son, J. W• Elliott' 'of retarp. water on the lawn, For .further in- ,/� On Thursday eveniuf•, Mrs. Adam Clinton and six daughters : Mrs.. J. foifmiation inquire -SALT 'IN BARRELS AND BAGS, Mr, •Le Tauzel is now able to walk .Foster emte+rtained scale friends tb ' mq ire of Mts. E. Hlall ice; up ti�avn and we tru;at he W. Reid, and Mrs. Geo. Clarke, Box 220, Aylmer. -.8T ". will tea in lienor . of .her guests, Mks•.. Stanley ; .Mrs. John Reid, Bruce- NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i. • scan be his, old self argaim. Kitty and Mgrs. Cullyford, •field • Mrs, Wellington Fee, Zurich..LOUIS .XV I. Mr. Harry Le Touzel" of New Yolk. Mr,. Cann comtractat for the new ' a bylaw.was passed by the Mun- Mrs. Ted. Cartes and Mrs. J. E. p FARM FOR SALE -CON. 8, WEST dins been here almost since the be- sewer, ha re istered at Hotel. Sum ici al Council of the Townof Clin- �. SU'TIER C�■r. ,� , g Hartwell, Varna, There was another ton on the fourteenth da of Aug-alf of lot 9 Hullt!bt town hi Telephone 64 TH'E EL)E3VAT0 .ginning of his father.a illness, He rev. . son, Thomas,• w•bo was accidently Y g ' 1p> intends returning to New York in ust, 19'11, providing for . the issue containin a0 acres. There is on ' . vilt to give Satisfaction. � and +�: !; Rev• J; YJre Stewart and little kileed by the running : away of his g g - :September, child .have returned a the manse, of debentures to .the amount of the farm. a frame house 20x26, kit- gleet' d0 it. . team about .six .years agtc�, . p• b : chen 18x14 and a strinhne''r kitchen .. d Mr. T. Wetherald orf Woodstock and $3500.00 .for the purpose .c4 erecting Napier, after a pleasant visit at the The funeral took place an 6aturday� an addition to tQie ColTe fate In and woodshed 24214 bank barn P�Ulllbl.il H dill grandson, Masher Rex, have been fornior's parental home,. g b9. ot. Water, •guesits at the Bnlbish Ea chaiige. Mr. Mrs. H'. ~ McKenziex of Brautfard afternoon and was very largely ae- sbitutte building. for gymnasium and 58x40 with stabling, underneath 'and • 9Vebherald intends sin .west to tended by the many friends .of the • other , and that such be- cement floor with hen heals azul pi W' Doherty Piano � 0r�en Co" � Steam and � Hot Air g g spend spent la* week in 'town the guest purposes, s g Jj _ some time on his son's ranch out fannily. The seavices at house and law. was regfslared. in'the Registry house. The land is cod clay loam } • " " . of Mrs. Hemp of Glen Cliff. P g Y Limited, Heaton there. Morrow have ur- graveside were conducted by 'Rev. office of the County of. Huron on entirely clear of weeds is _ well L• Mr. and Mrs, Laws ' Dr. Herald returned fro Van- chased the re:+:dance on Toronto St• H' J. Condell and Rev: Mr, the 17th day, of August, 1911. Any' drained with tile and in. • a .. 'good • of Bayfield and interment' was made moition to uash• or set aside the state of cultivation no waste land. GALVANIZED IRON, WORK R00$- •couver a couple of weeks ago an ' - -which was built by Mr. Murray; q : Factories and Mead Office :. Clinton. tends removing. to the Coast Cit in Bayfield cemetery... The. bearers same or an part thereof must . be There is 'ane acre of oofl eschar- ING .AND EVETROWHING. g y Calder now occupies, the li use y g Western Branch : 280 tiargravo, St., next month. I were : Mr, Jahn, Stewart and five in^ade within thxe© months after the and a ntv«r failin wall. Terms : to Winnie 1. g p g, Man. We have everyithing that is on. Elfin avenue formerly occupied by ngt first' publication of this notice and suit the purchaser. Proprietor dn- I sons- in-law : ,Jahn Reid, Wallington Masfteir pleasan Burdett has rertiifyfed Mr. and Mrs. Doak. ..ew and up-to-date in the •- from a picasantt visit with friends Mr. and Mrs. Wan. McLaren of .ITartn- Fee, Geo: Clarke, T. Chute= and Jr.. cannot he made thereafter. Dated tends to °give up farming. Apply and ,palatives at Ravenna, .Ohio. ilton have harm eats at ROM Sun E. Harnwelf. . .• this 17th day of August, 1911*. D'. on premises or to John Riley., Sc., ti♦NN♦♦#Nr♦♦NN• ##" plumb�in'g and heating business. . I IL Thus one b one . the stalwart Dr. Mabee, who has had sucha soli. 1Vlr:, Mi.Laxen returned to Yiuzn� A L. Macplfersons Town Clerk: Constance P: P. --85. serious time with his ammo, was able pioneers are passing,. over the bourne flitch but Mrs, McLaren and. dough- _. _ ._- Estimates given' on all contract work , to remove. the bandages last week ter are remaining in Goderieh for and leaving this fruitful land, which . and we crush ib will soap_ be full . theyt have done so much to build up. SALE.—ON THE LON» FOR SALE' OR. TO RENT.-ItHE" Y some time. .FARM FOR SAI.I . ` restored. and develop • as -a hen cage to theirTHIRTY YEARS, I , Mrs...Gabenbr and: daughter, Mrs. don Road, one mile south of the Temperance . l'-lobel at. Londesbora. v Mrs. Jahn Herr is spending a Fowler, felt for Detroit on Sabur children 'and to those who coins at- town of •Clinton. A': first class This is': a splendid chance .for a Our Seven Colleges have been B 1 A 11 . month in Berlin the guest of Mrs. te:i. - established during , the past 30 M & SUTTER' .. . g day . for a visit there. and at Port .. farm. of .132 acres ; a choice pro- live Alan, Possession cam be, given years. The largest -trainers in 'Cooper. SANITARY PLUMBERS. • Huron, pe*. y. Musi,be .sold, as owner has : at once. For further " particulars Canada. Owing to our connec- .. Hon. -Adam Beck is expected ' iii Mr. and Mrs. Atkin of Niagarar . other interests . to look After.-.. :apply. bo ' W. M. ,Hybl, Leadesboro, tion all over 'Ontario, we . do .� . ••' ° . town today to talk con the ITKAro) y,�alls are guests at' tthe. familyt horns L011d011 ROA-" Apply -to H. Pluahsteel, Clinton. or L. Tyndall, Clinton. -85 better, for `our graduates than .ilt Elevtrric Power schdme, of the lat,•ar that of the Kneeshaw -88- any other • School. You may UDANITE & TINWARE Prof. Geoffrey E. Holt, after aI faaitl Miss Jennie Grant has •returned . . study all at home or partly at Y- home and finish at the Colle4e. • . .. • pleasant visit with his parents, Judge Mrs: Kilt of f ills rden and her from a trip down the St. Lawrence . y g FARM FOR SALE -AT ONCE. 200 ♦ Affiliated with The Commercial and firs. Holt, left on Thursday for daughtme and her husband, Mr. `and, and up the Saguenay. Rivet to Chi- MISS' EDITH Z. COU7,ENS, PITPIL acres in good state of cultivation ♦• Educators' Association of Can . ' Calgary, where he holds the osition Mrs, Cullyford of Los Angeles, Cal., couiimi. This has become one of g oda:. , It would be well for: on . A of ' Prof.. Martin and student -of , in StanTe , 3rd con., $ miles from!r y •i of organist,of the Pra. Cathedral and trac most attractive and popular at to investigate before choosing. NOTHER stock were guests last week of Mxs. K'il- Algia College, : is,. prepared to give Clf4ton, school 40 . rods. 100 acres I exclusive .ri ht for Ontario of � A. . i M is also a member of the teaching ty,'s niece, Mrs. Adams Foster. Mr. water 'trips. _ lesscais . to piano' and. wggan, , Pupils cultivated 10 acres alfalfa 22 ' g # s ui s t received �^ staff of the Western Canada Cai1e•0. Mr,. Warr. Stanburp left on Saturn p the World-famous Bliss Book-• Cullyfbrd left his wl:fe. here, while he prep ed for University and Coa acres bush, ;, rest hay and pasture: keepingg Syatem,,'whioh is un- and t0 SeII quick We Prof. Clare of Seafarth, fonnnerl day, on a month's visit too Saskatche a uiileel. It is Actaeon Business �. R y visited the. mining. dieltict. . .servataxy exams. Thorough tuition Large, s9one house.. two storey, q lr a at war •organist cl Knox church, visited God- : . Rev.. -Dr... Meldrum azid Mrs. Met- Win• uaraii eed: The parsonage,. . HbIm�- ' c e t' . floor in cellar, goat Start to 'Finish, and the . . 1 g y . . are roar erich the other da after an :absenas r; t T P. • g slate woof, em n o Ardent. kee s .same books as Y druafi of Cleveland have been nests Miss Maud Wiltse of Clinton is vis- p lOw .prices, f toren years. k esNille. -91 furnace, wood-shAd, ..cistern, icier-. Chartered Banks" and �Vhole- o twenty yea cuing frierdds on the London Road. � . :, . of the form"'s "Mrs. Gibson. •phone.. t)ne barn. 85x56, windmill, sale Houses. Enter any time.; _ :.• I ..i ,,I Mrs. Gatzke of Buffalo, after spend] ..Dir.. Meldrum supplied the ul it " Mrs. 'Kellington, Toronto, is .,visit- s - in pumper, wa'terwor'ks, stabling- .fox Individual instruction. . , .i ing a couple of weeks with her hu.} S't:. Andrew's church, Land n; on ing her ;" daughter, lYLrs. " W. Stan - nn / //�'� //�� n Y1 's relatives in Plabtsvi)!le vis `bur...- FARM FOR SALE; T'HE UNDER 4if head calJtle 'and 9 horses. ' Sea Au 2$ '. (r• L V �Ol[: PiQ �`d Sunday+ and will do so, for the .two ;Y sigmoid 'ofeers For sale. his fine i�arm and .barn'56z40. Hay tiara 50s35.- Fall-TeTIriS fro i rr Lted last week with her sister -in folio ing Sundays in August: g 1. law, Mrs. A. Cox. 'Mr zk of `135 acres adjoining: the town of Apply to` Malcolm McEwen, Bo's r � '..Write; call or phone for particulars. . o" s. Gat a was Mr. Geo Young, left, last, week for -delighted to visit Goderieh 'once . Clinton.CDie farm is in, a good 56, Clinton P. �4• t I ON ado where he is a nest a N >a� �h cz, r Marriages es • �• g. g - state orf c�ulbivation and has" good i . M033. ' ' O ' H �P I �. •• I � � T THE PUBLIC his daughtea, Mrs. Chapman. 'Miss buildings -brick house, bank .barn, ' Mr. Harry, Wiggins, whose Ili- Vesta Youngaccompanied hex uncle NICKLE-CO'NNELL-At the parsgn- ausinesS C011e e ' P driAling house, pig pen,: etc,, •-••'all FOR SALE -A BEAUTIFUL. CO:UN- g HAVING BOUGHT THO ness detained hien in a Winnipeg hers- un his visit and will retmain fox a age, Stratford, on August 9th, - . its l far some v' b she Rev. W. -Willison W7ri.' J. coaniraratrively. . new:' A first-class firm. home .half " a' mile frown `Clinton. Geo. Srorox„ rRF1 rnErT @pORKSH01' ;DEPARTMENT. OF p time, is improving month. y t , rapid] in health since detain •'back Nickhe of . Ctintoai to Lit�,zid L. Young orchard contafgiialg all : kinds 12**acres cif excellent soil, .fruit Miss B. F.; Ward, Principal TH'E ROWLAND .HARDWARE y coming ' -'back tug .Edward Blake was .in dry- of fruits also small fruits. TliO , to Goderieh. dock last week. Connell of Goderieh Township.: " and' garden. : Fine comfortable '♦♦a�a♦N♦aN♦♦N•1"N♦♦N BUSINESS; WITH WHICH. I Misses Alice Morris Christine Mc- FIRITH EiDGE--On August 2nd at farm is ,well fenced and well da3in- ,house, harry and. soft water. Barn HAVE BEEN CONNECTED FOR Donald and J Miss Trainor went down to London g ed and :is z very desirable. 'home. 56x52 with stone stabling. 2 acres-- - SEVERAL YEARS. I . AM 'PRE= 11 n Mad Johnstone of . De- the residence of the brides par - last week to be present at. tape Old For. further particulars' apply on orchard apples, plums peaches, _ . . PARED TO RECEIVE ORDERS troit and Miss Charlotte Morris of Bo s' re -union, Miss Trainor., vibe ants, Mr. and -Mrs. Daniel Edge the . cherries, strawherries, etc, . Will FOR THE HECLA FURNACES, , Lansing,Mich. were y premises or address. John , guests in town Edge Hill, toy Rev. Dr. Farquhar has spentthe past four years in Eur- Torrance; Cii nton P. O. 91 sdll cheap, immediate possession PLUMBING, EVETROUGHING last awieek, returning t. their homes c,Pe� loacs .exceedingly well. son, assusted . bq Rev. James Bin- sell E.. Henpy, Clinton.. a-86 PUTTING UP STOVES AND 1) day. nie . t f Tweed, Thomds Fi h of . . REPAIRSALL KINDS, ALL Miss Mae Rance of Clinton, who Mrs,. Win: Manley Mark and little Clinton to Ahoy Isabela Edge. "-"-"- Ol `. WHICH AWILL RECEIVE r cru' recently returned frim England, daughter," Miss Mary, of New Ham- • ST,1rRlNY-ROGETtS - At MacklintAttention•11 is the guest of her relatives, • Mra. burg arer .tile guests this week of the Sok � on July 26th, Albexb Stur- FARMERS, PROPERTY FOR .SALE: Hardware . MY ,PROMPT ATTENTION. A and Miss Lawrence d ' , H; r- sk r ori f i and atUen ed the• formers sister, Mrs.. T. lxundr . dy of Salvador, Sa , fo m. y o s business. for sale in Bayfield. Two- + CONTINUANCE .. OF THE PAT-. .. The Clhnton Streer�. Departmout story building, store 'workshop and .: RONAG mE GTVEW THIS DE - dance given by the Mcnesetun Conod Mrs, Johns" and daugh,,,r, . Mrs. Goderieh township, eldest son of • �`... g: � PAR'1'MIJNT " IS RESPEiCTF I ' Club last Friday evening.' Jessie Foote and little daughter;: Mr. George Sturdp, to Waxy Ann wants several hundred cords of dweltitig combined, also . stableP 26 , Inspector Field, in cranking up his Marjorie, and Miss Fc,ote of .Cleve- Rogem, eldest daughter of • Mr. stone acid also' to hire: 25 tiewins x 36. Three lots with .orchard and : 1 - I �. LY REQUESTED. ; r small fruits. Terms masonable--Ap- . - PROMPT ATTENTION .WILL auto the athey day, had rho Tis- land are spending this wetix ggests: John Rogers of Goderieh town-. It -you have any stones to sell fortune to break a couple of smlalt of their relatives; Mrs. Babb . and s'aip. • ply:. .96 R; Rouatt," Bayfield. -74 EGIVEN and can bring it to town at ora. . H E R E V E R AT ROLAND'SORIIARDWARE TO y,,A bozos in his aria, Mrs. Hart leen: C�TT'S- H1ETHERIMGTOOM--A'b the, do so and you, will get $01.75 per : I STORL. • The Pirates a new bass ball ` Mr: Morrison has purvhased • the hoarse of the brides parents, 0 a • • 9 0 0.0`0 •., • • •. •.. time 1S meas . ,• Imams in town, played. a match with 1st tine of Ucxris on August 9th cord. a 0 W N c . old Hugh Johnston estate. bear the , �► , �: , ured by minutes and T. �. .JOHNSON l\ a7ON . Blyth the other da when the . score tledge, R.: A" . • Y Y harbor. by Rev. Dr, Ru Can you spare � a team. foal -a fent/ a The Preference for • t stood 10-3 in favor of the former• : Coutts of Win harm .0 Alberta SCCOIIC�S� lllStead Oi Capt. W. ' T, Trebhewnay . eXpxessses g dams at $3.50er day ? If so, a' .The players in that smart town wilt • 13'etherin Pan daughter . af, Mr: � ♦ hours -the PIOWARn is the court of pii4ites indeed. the int>�ntion of artin with his 8 ' g brio it aloha. consider them p g and Mrs. Root. Hether%n ton..: g • TRP final apptal. property near .Hotel Sunset. g • • The Howexn Watch has clam: In fine Woinan'a Instaitute are having Lcox up any- ,membea of the. • x BABY CA1lAES a picnic in Harbor Park t'oday:. Bnri�1S , Council or Joseph Wheatley,, Supt, 9 • accuracy, design and finish it shows the . RE -TIRED WHILE YOU • - Miss Mae Watson, who has been Street Construction. • • s irit of the men who make it. attending the summer sessicai of the a Kippen CARTER -In Tuckersir(th,. on August • � , P It has traditions and a history that WAIT, AT SMALL COST. . : 1st to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Car- -------=-- AmercandL. University, Toronto, was successful ' I 980 ,pre proud. of. , in passingher exam. as Mr, Arthur Logan has returned ter, a son. H 11 hH' physicial from Saskatchewan where he , has McXENZIE-In Stanley, on July 0 ♦ Every HOWARD is'adjusted as s fifle • trainer. She also took up the alit gad pre-emption 28th, to Mr: and Mrs. Win. Mc- ; � MASS MAKING QEGAN I •. EXTRA 6:. watch-castd and timed in its owt>, -2 NEW BICYCLES t: course. taken a homestead for himself and. a homestead for his Kenzie .a son. • GRAhTU'LATEU s Meat the factory. , FOR SALE CH} Al'.I Ii• Benscci Guest,, one of Gaderich'.'s ( ° hz other. The:., are located sdmn McGREGOR In Tuckersmith, on The Pho6niciane and Egyptians the 0 0 Printed ticket fixes the price` $4a; clever boys, is enjoying a wall-I•arned to i o. Let us show. oU this d;'s• twentytwo miles leech. of Mooseiaw. August. 7th, to Mr. and Mtts. D. Most Renowned Claes Makers a has,been created >by a � 5 Y Holi'd'ay visiting i n the British •Is'09. ductive watch. WATERWORKS SER'V'ICES This with what their Brothers hold P. Mc�Grego:, a daughter. Mr. Spencer Guest and his mother g , g Glass -making dates from the earliest 0 the sugair itself[ • ♦ - INSTALLED,. LE'T'S DO IT in that region will make s total of ANDRI±.WS=In Goddxich on Au usb ♦ , of Winnipeg are viaibing relatives in limos, and originated, no doubt, with 0 . . 6 A. �� ,�� F+OR, YOU. , r r " ) 1 Almost thirteen hundred acres in the 8.0 to Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Arid 0 Manuf acture- by t'i0derich just now. . - the Egyptians, as the oldestknown w+esd besides the 5iplendid farm of rows, a; daugh,far, specimens found are those discovered. , • dewe)erl n(ii�jT)rF &dn / Y ' : Quite a number of factory hands ono-htantlred and fif'eyi acres here. The r 8$1leYQf ' ' ' the tombs of Egypt, and the earliest 9 —THE— - - • Martis a LIQenseS, . frtzri town hand gone out' erg the • I_ieathS mention dates back to 3,300 B.C. ♦ • q A r V RNE SiAr'vest fields of the west, whole tatnil'p intend moving out in • . the fall. Phey will be minied iii this J' Second to the Egyptlans, the an• : • g a p_ .-. Mrs. Ruby and daurshter, Miss Riuby, . • . MORRI LL••• -Ion Guelph; on .Attgu;lt 'ellen people roost renowned for". the � Canada Sugar geftlflg Co _ _ _. , _ � neighborhood, but their mance friends • of Fort Rouge, Man., were the guests 10th Mrs, Morrell, mother. of Mr. manufacture of glass were the I'hoe- last week of the ladyea sister, Mfrs, wish them success in t,heilt new lydme. Albe C's Morrell . of ged hicians. LIMIUD 0 Gundr , of Pidtort street, Alr,ert Harvey has ri.nted tike Lo- Clinton,' ( The legend of that 0qoP16 rd0i cern• NAT I ONAL Y arm of .semis at 67 years. ;ing the discovery of tlie art is con- M0:1TRlirXl., QUEBLO 0 ` . Mr. and Mrs. (Hubbell and 10"ole 'gaA farm for a t JOHNSTON-Ta Colborne towms'hip, IsigWiltly retold. Some; P eniefan r • • • Miss Cecil of Ravenna Ohio- re tha $300 per yea 1. This is a. good, farm , chi August 6th, John MclCtrras 'traders, returning to their h me ins � • and should do Well and as he is a guests this weep of M:1. and Mrs. Johnston, youngest son cot' And. ship laden with soda, were campelied a and sold bar a 1 Burdett. (good Sarmeu he will leave the place to land on a sandy tract on ttie Syrian )' : _�` rcPv Johnston. ti 'fixj' T1 O1 NIRIr VCe were presented last we ak with EN I in good slitipe• coast. W. t./ lr !.r . SOUCFII-�Ici rristi oqi Arugµst 4rt1i, They bunt a tlrb ilii the sant] to pre. ' " • +��.�:......�..,_: Mrs. Logan and Miss Janet spent Robert Souch, a)&d 83 mars. a shelr ndeklace by 1Vlr:r. Blackstone,., y y part] their+ supper, and placed their : 9 9 • olein tis - by Miss Blackstone, frorti a day with friends in Exeter recent- BLAKE --1n Greytownship, oil Aug- cbrfktng pots on a .lump of bods. The „ „ ♦ t Tfit; Hub (iro�cery. A fresh ear just recel'v�c� Vvht h W111 be sold at reASOnbi Leeds, England, The gift is much ly. ust 9,t�1, Denniai Blake of Wal,Xar, sand and the soda wore both melted a • � s W » by the float of the fire, and, flowing • �� .+ prices,i✓'tY bats charged forus 10e each, the i Uc to be Appreciated lie the recipient and ad .Miss Mary, Murdock has r Utted aged 40 years, 0 months and 10. a 9 , � t p together, #armed a substance which, The handling of the rnirerX old others. from, VV-innipeg to spe�nct her vacatioli days• although they .kribiw it itbt, the ssallo�s �► repaid 011 cliff return C► t}Ig eYl4t 1Rg, iJ 01'Csr Ot`, tilO 'Airs. , •--In ; r ur a usb a above f agar bas been ti g p g . a the motto of our success. . a l� Y• 'A[r, Isaac Salkeld i� iiifiii"�rnirtr top- with lien All are Mleu,smddtia :ice �keef SC010t Isabella; 'Th �cot1� a ad C3 tr�dilb ,lssthe aolurlgln •of nn� �of�bryrr , Bltdclit �rJm aT1 .• idle finch a s�rere srtta° of iia 100%, 0cl p r I J ANDREW S ' ties. a • , I i ; , footling sir vra�il. yt►>trs�. � g � 11Uibat uboful oomruoaitler. � a • a +r a a e, ♦ � i a rli � a hl ti ifs r ' � , 1 4 N N