HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-08-17, Page 44 Clinton Nears -Record Coder. tch Township 'rhe News -Record to end of year 25e. Miss Jennie Tierney of Winyhanx and Mss;# Mae Tierney of Blyth have been visiting at the homes of Miss Gertfe Oodles and Mrs. D. Eascxn. aklr. Janata Harrison has bought a * w threshingg outfit from D. B. Wat- son of Clinton, who represents the maaufacturers, and it was put to work for the first elite on Tuesday Was very Satisfactory to all concern ed. Mr. Watson has also sold a new en: Willis 13e11'afarm, and the result engine and wind stacker to Gilbert Maks, Messrs, Males and Harrigan are in the very' first yank when it eoeces to threshing. Mrs. John Colborne is spending a flew • day's in Seaforth, the guest of her daughter, lea., E. Williams. The News -Record leads for Town aed Township News. Only a Few Hammocks Left These will go dur- ing August at Bar- gain Prices. A good opportunity . to get a comfortable • 'bhanymcck. CoopeF� CLINTON floimesvtile. Mi. St. (liar~ f'ouzens, of the ed- iteei:al staff of the Cleveland Daily wife and little News, who with era w i claegaitzr have bean spending a holiday. with his rants all the parscnage, have returned to Cleveland. The shrill note of the steam 14 tesh- Holmesville Rev. Mr. Couzens and family have become consvortlably settled in the parsonage, which has beea ai.-decoe- ated tad otherwise made ware com- fortable for thoer reception. Miss Edith L. Couzens has decided to wive lessons in piano and organ er whist;e is again heard in the at,. her home, the parsonage, and is early meoaing ea>4ing the hands to awe ready as receive pupils, as will the t'hreshipgS. ba seen by a card in the adverti:i ng N. W. T a.'wartha is .still hustlingcolumns. of The News-Roc»rd. • the egg business, large consignn+rents The township council met on Aug-' being, shipped daily, to Montreal, gust 7th, with all the members prey - Mrs. Win. Mulholland . IS visiting, nt. Minutes were road and approve Chicago friends. ' ed. The clerk was instructed to write Mr. E. S. Couzens, cashier of 1+ae to. Blyth Telephone Co. thee they+: Standard 'Mfg. Co., Cleveland, n withwerenow prepared to pass a by-law his wife and little son. enl yi g a allowing them to .extseed their sys- tem to Mr. ,Andrew Sheppard's. , •holiday visit at the parsonage girth his parents. Mr. Goo. Huila had the misfortune tc. loose his driver the other day. While drivingalong in apparently wad mettle itsuddenly stopped and to,pled over dead. Mrs. Atkinson of Vancouver, B. 0., who has beea visiting at the home of her father, Mr. E. Levis, left on Tuerelay for her home in, the Coast City. Dr. said Mrs. A. J. Courtice and children left on Tuosdavi for their home in Winnipeg after a pleasant visit al the fonmer's parental home. The west seems to agree with A. J.. judging by his avoirdupois. Reports say that the grain this year is turning out fairly well to. the amount of straw but is hardly+ up to the yield of former years, e he ex- treme heat having unduly hastened its mat+.eety. Mr. George Gould has been appoint- ed secretary of the " Cheese and But- ter Company, a good soloction. The patrons of the chose factory are quite satisfied with the price of cheese this year. The' last ..'ale was 121c per lb. which mean considerably. over 20c a. lb. for butter. The cheese factory brings in some $8000 in wady cash,each year to its patrons' and shareholders. The weekly. output of the factory just now is abc.ut thirty-two hun- dred undred pounds. This . is better than a few' wee'ss ago but much smaller than earlier in the season before the .pas- tures failed. A visit to the factory proves of tenterest and Mr. Williams, who is el charge, is most courteous to callers. Everyt'sing in and about ths building is' kept scrupuously clean and fresh; so that a look through is a genuine pleasure. Such an in- stitution in the neighborhood is a great convenience to the farmers and the wonder is that .a greater number do notgo in h. more exta:isively for dairy, tanning. Most ,of them seem to consider dairying but a side issue. At the quarterly board sheeting :on Monday week it was voted' un- animously to give our pastor, 'Rev. Couzens, $900 per :year. With the ad- dieion of Bethel, . Hoknresville (emit den. den- now pay the 'maximum Confer- ence salary. • BIG VALUE BIC VALUE Couch & Co. New Knittop Petti- � coats are now on display 13reezu Baafiic ld Happenings. Trinity church held their annual Miss R. M. Woods spent the past lawn �sociai on the rectory grounds ,on week in London. Thursday evening last. Th© hand 1 Mr. T. J. Mars will d':spose t.•f some vine -clad rect'ary s d,'the spac-, his sunnuer ootdages on the terrace ions grounds were tastefully decor -1 on the 25th Inst. They command a OM with teintiag, Chinet Tante yns,1 view of both lake and river and etc., and wile) the crowd of happy t would he a (;god investment for those people, many of the ladies in pretty, who spend a few weeks each sumer light gowns, presentedt d an attractive by the he lel- r i ng waterside. Y and picturesque sight. Ted was ser- the :way,it is not actually necessary, ved frau the early evening un@:1 the to wait until ,she 25th for any of most tardy arrival was amply sat- the ccattag s may be purchased. by islad. The supper was good and "a private sale before that time. bundant and the waiters courteous Mr. John Cameron,wno has been and attentive. On the grounds, was in Port Colborne for some time a booth where ice ,cy:ain, and fruits past, has returned home. cquld be obtained and seecned io do Mr. Bert Govenlciok and Misses a thriving trade. The Junior Guild of Reeve Kernilrhan of Colborne was also had a booth on the lawn where GladysGraSoaforth speees and Cassia k veret!t snt a few daycs the pastt Township Telephone System give the The Clinton Band was 'in attendance guests o Miss Ray Goven- Colborne System connection . at and their music was much .apnrecial'- lock, who is stmrmering is etre 11 Clinton. After due consideration a Motion .was passed giving Colborne perunisaicm, to build a trunk line of thea' own la Clinton. present .requesting ghat Goderich a lumber of articl:'a wore on sale. week the The Knittop petticoat :is the Ideal petticoat for close fitting Styles. As its name implies this petticoat has elastic knittop that fits the hips with perfect snugness and: , that is absolutely free from wringling or bunching. ' " Remember Our Knittop P.etticoat is guaranteed, not to say one price $1, 50, A FE AUBU.ST SPECIALS BEST EN(ILISH ' PRINTS 10 We offer all our best En- glish.prints during Aug- ' ust for 10c a yard. ' 100 LAWN WAISTS FOR 49c. 4 dozen white lawn waists good quality lawn neatly trimmed, while they last 494. HOSIERY 2 FOR 25c Good Cotton Idose sizes 81 to 10 two pair for 25e. wee- mit- flUSLINS.%_:.PRICE Any muslins left in store at exactly 14 price sever- al good patterns left, " • CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES Children's gingham -and Chambre dresses at greatly prices reduced p during August. GINGHAMS 9e You .choice of all our 121 and 150 Ginghatns during August 0e. Bylaw No. 5 hying the tax rates' was passed- The rates are as fol- lows. : ollows:: township one and three tenths mitis, county two .add two tenths Mills, and ' general school oneand nine .tenths mills. • Tho following accounts were passed Robt. McAllister, removing and re- pairing bridge at. Sowerby's, $2150 Ben, Lindsay, fillin% in gravel at Clvishoiam's bridge, $18 -Canada Ingot Iron Culvert Co. $157 -Wim.. Mustard, lurnber, $56.60--3as. Spackman, cem- ent work, $46-J. W. Yeo, overseeing cement won's. $11. . Counnil adjoured to meet the first Monday iu Septem- ber. at 1.30 p, m. ' -N. W. Trewartha, Clerk, Summerhill. Mrs. John Johnson spent a few days last week with heends in Clin- ton. Miss Clifton of Prosperity is the guest of her. brother, Mr. Charles Clifton. • The Ladies' G-ui11i will meet at the home of Mrs. Lawson on Friday af- ternoon. Mr. Hauryn Hayes took in the harvest excursion tothe west on Saturday. Mr. and M•r. S ` Cox of Hullett spent Sunday at Mr. R. A. Govier'r.. Mr. Chas. Bambie.dge and sireier, Miss Mary, gpen:' Sunday with friends in the village., ed. The evening was teirea.',nrfng and vi ge. several times a few drops of rain Mrs• (Pr.) Monteith of Stra4inrd, fell, but this did not prevent the 'Miss Mabe:' Turner, Brucefield, Miss crowd from gathering, and when a Barbara MFIvor, Clinton, and Miss shower threatened someone would be Marlpry Mclvc'r, Kippen, are guests sure to exclaim optimistically : "Oh. at Mrs. Parsons. it will only be a sprinkle l+' This M'+3. L. Roberts and two children. proved true untie the evening wasal- of Blc,omangdale and Mra. 'Wilfrid most over when an elect•':e sten, ac-. Macdonald and child, Berlin, are vis- cosnpanied by heavy rain, came on ijing at Mr. D. Mac donald's. and those • who had not already start -1 Mrs. Holmes, Miss Loin and Mase ed for home we; a obliged eo seek ter Harold Holmes of Clinton . ars shelter. The evening was quite a guests of Miss Cameron. succes;n, though, in spite of the Mrs. Thomas King has returned at- storn. The proceeds amounted to a- ter spending a week with friends in bouts $120. Gerrie. Rdv,.. W. T. Clef!', rector of St. Mrs. Bert Willi o'clock Seatoaith is James' church, Stratford, will preach the guest of Mrs. H. Little. in Holy Trinity church, Bayifield on Large congregations attended the Sunday next at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. A cordial invitation is anniveksary in connection with St. extended to all to attend the ser - Mrs vice. . •Marc G. Stilwell left) on Mon- day for efelrese, Stal+3 of Idaho, where she expects to remain for some months. Mrs. Stilwell is a bjl several summer visitors who dur- native'of these parts, a daughter+ of ing their stay here have shown a the late Thomas Stinson of the Sau- willingness to assist in the service of tie' Line and is deservedly held. in August nth, 1911 Andrew's church cal Sunday last. El- oquent sermons were preached by Rev. J. Tolrnie of Windsor both a. rn. and evening and the chola, ex cellenf at all timore,was especially so on this occasion. It was assisted the la ghost respect by a wide circle of relatives and friends, who were srrrry to see her go but will gladly. welcome he's back again. But having scld her beautiful ' place on the Sau- blo that line does not now "possess ther7vme a o and attraction for her n her sone has located •at Melrose. The funeral o1 the late Gabriel El- J.. McGregor and Edgar Butt,Kip-. El- liott of Gone r.ch tcwn.r.'rip passed pen ate guests at the Commercial. through the village on Saturday at-. Dr. 'Sand:•:son of Detrciit last week ternoon las,' on the way to Bayfield joined his wife and family, who are cearoteyy. Mr. - Elliott was well guests a,' Mrs. ' John Feegusonle. Mr. Iderb Oakes left on Saturday known and respected in our village, Miss O'Neil and 'Miss Ethel Elliott for a. trip out west. 'anda memberfrom here a.+tendedthe of Windsor are the guests of the lat- Mr. and Mrs. T. Archer were guests ' obseugtuies. The last time he was in , B•ayf e d was at' a meeting of the ter's parents,'Mr. and Mrs. Edward Elliott. Cemetery Company of wheel he was Mr. Charles Dupes of Saginaw is a digester.. • visiting under the parental .roof. The News -Record is Bayfield's fav- Ms,: A.n Catlin and entaly and Mrs. orite local paper and there is always Williaiiy. Sturgeon and chi}d• left for an especially large crowd: at thdt,, St. Thomas to visit friends. ' :postoffice when it arrives on 'Thurs- The News -Record leads for Town day evening. The reason of The and Township News, pleasant/ surprise pa't'ty on Wednesdays News -Record's popularity is that it evening of last week; when the mem excels for clean Towri and Township here of St. Peter's Chu.uh assembled. news, to mark . their appreciaticn ot the services which they, both have.rend Ab' the Monthly meeting of the erect in connection with tele work W. F. M. S. of • St. Andrew'n church,. and. to express their regret which. is the president in the resale; a vote of universally felt over their , departure thanks was ca tried .to Mrs. Heath for her kindness in giving a talentfrom the neighborhood Early in the pros •tidings Mr, Wm. teain; aid of the society: Several Dunbar read an address and Mr. Jos: ntranre ry were present at .the met- ing.' . on behalf of the parishioners, ing.' Miss Rankin gave a most in presented .Mr. and Mrs. • Lowery with teresting account of her visit : to a' .beautiful:: mantel clock and :case Trinidad amongst the missionaries k their ' *ark. 'The officer of the n r forks; t which anda. of silver knives and fo q • Mission Band return thanks to Mrs. Mr. Lougee veryi excitably` replied. During the evening tea and cake Graham Mooreheff se fir her: thimble was :supplied by the ladfea and a party in aid'of funds for the Mis- most enjoyable time •was spent. . sion Band. The foltowing was the addressWestminster Grove has.,:teien re- .: Dear • Mr: and Mrs. Lowery It is christened. and its in future to be Severe. Years Pain with sincere regret that we, the known as Hurn. Park. The new. Fruiri Acute .Neuralgia. mienibers (A St. Peter's Church; Swan- name is more euphonious and will trierhill, have learned' of your intend of course stick: ed departjure from our midst': While NIti: and. Mrs. Harry Walmsley of Cured Through the Use of Dr. Wit- we one and `•all heartily congratulate Mimic° spent a . few days of the past Rants' Pink Pills. • you on' your welhmerieed. promotion weak visiting at the foxmei s to on important and lucrative pos- old .:home here. We are al- Alton in North. Bay, we qui., ways glad to' see the Old. Boys and not but view with 'much an- the Old Girl's' back again, .if even: far' xious . • concern the. iraiparable onlyt a brief visit. • . loss which we ' will. thus sus- Mr. and. Mrs. George, Brownlee have taro. The success of our church Worec reearned Po their home at Seaforth. depended very largely upon your after spending. a Yew weeks in our untiring zeal .and' effcirt all its or- balnnly village 'as, the guests cf Mr. ganizations claimed your ready ,aid'. and 'Mrs. Harry •Little: As: with As. Superintendent of the Sunday everybody else :who come here, even School .yeti 'have shown a deep in- if only for a day' or •so, they think terest and love ,for the ycning conte. DaT'field is all right. r at .d to your care and of the fruit The improvements in the new . office Of your lattors enernity alone will of the Sterling Bank in Dr. Woods' show.. In your capadaty as President brick block • are about complete and of the A. Y. P. A. you were suc- Manager Beattie and his staff are cessful in building up a strong ,and' now comfortably and conveniently talented society of young men and located. . women thereby lifting up and. en Baker King is worked airn'ost a°i nobling tha:r .lives.. For many years his feet those days: to. cope with the y6ii held the position of church War- : demand for .his' bread. Ile snakes a den performing the duties With much good article, hence the big sale. And courtesy and ability. We i,elieve that his ice cream 'Coo, pa-Aimee:l:y. of a in all the work which yon have been Saturday evening, always gods quick- teiabled to accoirrulish foil God, Mrs. ly,. Lowery has ably helped and enecur- Mr. Alec. Thomson of. the state of aged you ; to her we , owe a deep Louisiana is the guest of his brother, sense cf gratitude.. The Ladies' Mr. Jas. Thomsons ' Guild, over which she presided for . Miss M. Campbell has been. visiting (several years with tact and ability, friends in Toronto. will sadly mess her wise counsel and Miss Maud Sterling, trained nurse, will be mob the poorer for lack re Toronth, is home on a visit. her ready help. She was ever wilting Among thore who left here ' lash to spend and be spent in :furthering week to assist in the western bro- thel good cause: The help which each vest were : John Spencer, Wan,. Mac - of you have rendered as members of donald, Bruce Moore and Harley the choir cannot be overestimated Atwood. and we fear that your places will One evening last week a numrber of his hard, if not impossible, to fill. the catapors from, the north side of Itt recognition in a very email way the river indulged in a dress parade of your ccmi'bined and most 'valued which., while affording themseltves services we ask your acceptance of much enjoyment, gave at usdmeat tc, the aceompanying clock and case of the spectators. The. hobble skirt! silver knives and forks: We sincerely Was, in evidence and ' so was the treat that you both will find in pour harem, though. only tht.se who keep new hone, as you have found a- p'o'sted in the fashions.; could pro- m,rntgit us, sphe+its of usefulness, perly classify it, and, may it be Where you may ccilttinue to accorn- told, there were fair damsels who plish emelt labora of love. We had; for the time. being, discarded heartily wish both of you and your skirts entirely for . male attire. It but trot's long and prosperous days was b t a teeny la tk rne of the 0 and earnestly do pray that ,'ho Mese little diversions of the young people sing of Almighty God, which alone which cause their camping ertperienee' can make you rich, may he your to be longer renreMbei ed. pally portfoir. ►igned in behalf of 't*Cnty-five cents will pay a sub - this mehnbersa-David Barr,. Joseph tcription to The News 1'tecord to the Rapson, Warders, red tyf 1011. song. The collections amounted to over - three hundred dollars. Mrs. (Dr:) Rogers and . daughter, Miss Madeline Rogers, of Brucefield, Mr. Chas. L. -Welsh and wife, Misses Constance, Edith, I. and Norah Wetshi and .Master Part ,Welsh of Stratford, M . Upshall, London, Mae E. Forbes, Clinton, John Hawtcho:nne, Seafc.r h 1 of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gc.vrer on Sunday. Most of the fawners have finished harvosting. Mrs: Thos. Lee of Clintcm is visit- ing under the parental robf. • The home of •Mr. and Mrs: J. H.' Lowery was the scene of a very, Hdlmesvllle: . Mrs. H. R. Forster of Locust Still came- : up cn the L . O. L. excursion on Saturday and remained until :'rIon- day the gtm'st of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. leo. Tiewartha and Jenkins received a carload of egg cases from Montreal on Tuesday.' They expect to com- mence fattening chickens for Septem- ber. The News -Record .leads for Towns and Township News. • • Neuralgia is not a disease -it is only a symptom. It is the surest sign that your blood is weak, wat- ery and impure, and . that your nerves are literally starving. Bad blend • is • the one cause---gocdi, rich rid blood its only cure. There you have the real reason why, Dr. Wit - Rains' Pink Pills cure . neuralgia. They are the only medicine that con- tains, in correct propor,ti,cns,' the' very elements needed to maks •new, rich, red blood, This alone reaches, the root of the trouble, soothes the jangled nerves, and drives away ` the nagging, stabbing pain, and brace up your health in other ways. Mr, 11. Brennan, an ea -sergeant of the 2nd Cheshire Regiment', now a resident of Winnipeg, Man., says : "While serv- ing with any, regiment in India ona hill station, 1 contracted a severe cold which brought • on acute neural- gia, at times lasting • for three weeks. I was constantly suffering al'niost every+ linlonth in the, year for over seven years, 'the pain being sometimes sb severe that I weighed I waa dead. On my return to England I seemed to get no bolster, though I spend large sheers of money for medi- ca:+ advice and rrieditine. Then I carne to Canada, and about' a year ago saw; the adverti'stment of Dr. Wile liams' F'.nk Nita in' a Winnipeg pa- per. Although I had begun to think myl complaint was incurable I told my wife arab I intended giving the Pills a fair trial. I was; suffering from tensible pains when I began taking the, Pills, but !iefore the se- cond box was finished the pain began -to disappear, and under ai further use of the Pills it disappeared en- tirely, and I have . not had a twinge of it during the past year. Only those who have been, afflfeted with thcr terrible pains of neuralgia can tell what a blessing_ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been to me, and you mays bee eure alien constantly, .- - , commend them eio other hrieres" '' These Pills are sold by all Medi- erre dealers or by nail at 50 gents aM boy" or si,� hexes for $2.50 from The i Dr. 'Brilliants' Medieiee Co., Bread Ville•, Oat. Terri `s CASH ONE PRICE ONLY L NEWS We are layingplans for a big fall trade. Already new.goods for the coming. season are .popping up their heads and others following in rapid succession. YOU APPRECIATE The sense of security you feel when trading here. Its our business policy to gain and hold the confidence of the people. You may be as sharp as a steel trap or sntirely ignorant of values, it makes no difference at this store, neither gains or loses one cent on the article you select all are treated alike no trade tricks or sharp practice is tolerated. We may be deceived sometimes sometimes we may deceive you but never intentionally. We take no credit for this. Thirty Five years experience n. Retail Dry Goods has taught us that this is the only way to build. up a business. The benefit of the experience. stands for your protection. • 1 TWO OR THREE Smart, respectable young girls wanted to learn the business. OUR MILLINER MISS SIPES'. Who has given the ladies such splendid sat- isfaction for the last two seasons is at present in Toronto' securing everything fashionablein the Millinery line for Fall and will resume .- her position here on 1st September. MEET ME AT 1RWIN'S THE: PEOPLE'S STORE Ole i A „ „- IST OF IIARGA1XS Al Wihr's Furn!ture Store I have gone all over the store and have laidout some BIG BARGAINS in nearly every department '.'You know the story about the Early Bird. ' Below is a partial list of some of the rare bargains :. 1 slightly used side board worth 1 solid oak parlor table 14 5.00 1 "fancy flower stand 7.50' . 1 Verandirh Chair, red . " 2.50 • 1 .Verandah rocker, red • " •:3.75 $15.00 sate price $10.00 2,50 4.00 175 3.00 1 Large easy chairnpholstered in good velour $7.50 for 5.00 1 3 -piece verandah set,settee, arm chair, rocker 15.00 " 12.00 1 fancy roman chair worth. 11.50 " 9,00 1 rockereearly English finish, epholstered seat. solid oak frame_ worth 5.00 " 3.00 2 Mob, bed -roc n r'hairs rain seats " 4.50 "• 3.01) 1 fanny rattan chair ° '" 11.00 " 7.00' 1 Worsman refrigerator used less than 3 mos. 2L00 " 15.00; 1 large kitchen cabinet . • worth 21.50 " 17,75 1 hall mirror, surface oak, 4 hooks " 5.75 " 3.75 1 baby carriage. rubber tires, fancy parasol": 12.00 " 0.75 1 hall rack, dark wood, large mirror; 2nd hand 8.00' " 4.00 1 crib bed - r worth 3.75 " 2.75 1 square piano all refinished, solid rosewood case; as. good tone as a new one fully guaranteed worth 'at a snap $175, sale price $90 on easy terms of payment with a guarantee to take back at some price on a new piano inside of three yearsM.. 1 Upright piano by the endelssobn Piano Co. used less than Ninth Months reg price $375 will accept on pay- ments of $0.00 per month $225 dont miss this bargain if you want something good.Sonre Ends of Linoltums at a special price. 2 soiled rugs size 3x 3e yards reg price $12.50' for $8.00. Japenese matting rernanants at 10 per cent off Stair carpet worth 05c and30c per yard at 500 and 30e a yard. L snap on tapestry Curtains all'new stock. A visit through our immense Stock will be of interest to you. Home and look through our furnished home, the only store out- side of a city showing a complete furnished home. ' We are the only authorized representatives for the .Edison of instr Phetr ugrnphuments s analdwsuaysppliesonh. in theand. district. A full stock - Picture Framing and Upholstery promptly attended to. The Store tare. of Quality. Phone 28 W. Waikel Furniture Dealer end Undertaker Residence Phone 140 i 1