HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-08-17, Page 10.4692-320 Year .e Clinton News CLINTON, 'ONTARIO; THURSDAY, AUGUST I7th, MI The News -Record to any . address. in . Canada to January 1912 for 25 cents. THE HOME PAPER When we hand your watch to you, after it has keen repaired by us, we believe there is a sense of mu- tual satisfaction between as, that the ?bori4 has been done well, as 7bell as s/i lied 'Oor4men bnonv how. `That is our aim, satisfaction, not .alone in a watch bought from us but in watch work entrusted to us, a trial solicited. W. »*.. .Y(etlqar jeweler and Optician Clinton. The , OF CANADA. '. INCORPORATED 1869. Capital Paid Up - S6;2oo,000: Reserve and Undivided Profits - $7,200,000. Total Assets - - - $16o,000,000. HEAD OFICE, MONTREAL. 190 Branches and Correspondents throughout•the World... INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. R. E. MANNING, Manager = Clinton Branch. 11111111, The MOLSONS . BANK INCORPORATED 1855 • Capital Paid up $4,000,000 Rest Fund - $4,400,000 Has 78 Branches In. Canada' and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities in the world. A GENERAL .BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED:. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. .' Interest allowed at Highest 'Current Rate. • Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding,. Manager 1 THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. The regular monthly, meeting of the Women's Institute will he .held at the home = of Mrs. Chambers on Tours 'day afternoon air three o'clock. A good atiteduance is requested. ., ABOUT WATERWORKS. To have half the (canes ie town connected with the waterwoos sys- tem before the close of the season is the goal of the department for this year and it looks as though this may, be accomplished, as they now only lack about 25 applicatons of the necessary 300. There are a nuin- ber of householders who intend to use the town water in 'Phe neaa future ; why not make application a, once ? SPREAD OVER TWENTY YEARS. The town council on Monday even- ing passed a bylaw for $3,500to defray the cost of an addition to services *ill be entirely of males, COMMITTEE ROOMS. The headquarters ct the local C nn servatives. is t'he rooin in the Royal Bank block, formerly occupied by the Y: Id. C. A. The Liberals are located in the store in th•e Searle block next ifioare'smusic empoiCum. THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 80c. Oats 28c to 30c. Peas 68c to 7i4. Butter 16e to 17c. Eggs 17c to 18e. Live Hogs $7.351. ONT. STt CHURCH. The pulpit of this church will he occupied next Sunday by Rev. Mr. McKelvey of Trowbridge who will makes an exchange of pulpits with Past s. Co ns. o sri The choir next Sunday .at boyo the C. 0. I. Debentures to that a- mount will 6e`' issued . and f►ayi cents of $269,07 annually will in twenty years wipe our both principal and interest. Thine expenditure will so increase tiie .efficiency of the 0. 1. that the Governnient graut will bulk moreand the ex'?enditure for permanent improvements will not , be SG, much felt as might at ffrst glance be supposed. THE NEW; ADDITION. The 0.• 0. I. board mat on Mon- day evening and appointed Major Mc- Taggart, Postmaster Scott, Dr. Thoanpscn and Principal Treleaven a building committee to 'prepare the plans, make otherpreparatory ar- rangements, and suppervise the erec- tion of the two-story brick addition to the C. I. It will be built at' the rear of the present science room, and will run' east and west so that the complete building will be in the form of an H. The hoard is bound to have the 0, C. L up-to-date in all re- .41 e-•" specie. I. FIRST RECEPTION,. Mrs. Russell E. Manning gave her initial recepti_on,in her home on Victoria street; Thursday "afternoon fast, when, despite the sultrinen of the weather and the summer • absences from town, a large number attended to extend their good wishes and a welcome • to Cline5n. Mei). • Manning was assisted .in receiving by her. • sis- ter=in raw; Mrs. Arthur A. Fisher 'of Denver, . Mrs; 'J. ' E. Cantelon, Met. A. T. Cooper, and at the refreshment table by her sister-in-law, Min Wilbur. N. Manning ;and her niece, Misr Gladys Manning of London. The rooms wese .prettily. •decorated . with ee palms and yelic,w garden. flowers. Mrs: Manning will hereafte;e observe Aw NEW r FALL HA' Ladies' Coat Sweaters Men's " Bog's cc cc ee Men's 20th Century Shirts cc cc es cc Rain Goats Underwear Semi -Regatta Shirts Silk -lined Gloves Hats, Etc. Five Doz. Men's Negligee Shirts, made from sam- ple ends. Sizes 14 to 17, with .75 and $1.00. Shirts. to clear at 59c. See Window Exbibt. THS MORRIS'H CLOT KINS CO. Huron's Largest Clothiers "A Square Deal tor Every Mau" 1 I her regular "at home days, the "first Thuw days.•' WHAT INTERESTS THEM. "The Westerners," remiarked Mr. W. N. Manning of London, formerly cif Clinton, who had just returned from a business • trip extending over several weeks through the western provinces,. "are really interested in t nothin `but wheat h a and real estate, Before going out there," he contin- ued, "I was led, to believe that the west was almost in a state of , rev •hellion with regard to , reciprocity,as a matter of fact they are not both- ering attout it4 • at all, The ' coining elections are not exciting . theme in the least and when they come around thee will voter. Grit and Tory as they have been in the habit . of doing, if they, , take , the • ecouble to Vote at •all. As I said% before, real estate is about the only subject that arouses. an enthusiasin." WESLEY CHURQIi,' On Sandell lnoitaing the ' Sunday school and morning preaching service tem conebineed, the pastor nieaching the S. S. lessen for the day inst3ad of preaching elle usual sermon. The in- termediate glasses met in their :class roomsas usua.. This . arrangement will continue for the remaining two Sundays of August). Service at el- even a. m. and no S. S. sessicn in the. afternoon. ' Inthe eveningthe pastor preached an impressive wirnion to a good con- gregation. Before the sermon Mrs. Wm. Cantelon of Indian Head, who was vi,):ting in: town, sang a solo Wiry Blea+t'ngry. Miss; Leila *aver presided at the organ in the absence of Miss. Doherty. At the League muting on Mo•i- day evening Mr. Robt. Irwin gave a veity earneet and intC;reesP:ng report of the meeting of thiel Sunnlmer School recently held at St. Thomas. He tats of the enthusiaan engendered and the impressions received from meet- ing with and hearing addresses from the .roturne'd missionaries and others Who had a part in the pvygram of the; " proceedings, Afton the addreu Mrs. Cantelon of Indian Head sang "Face to . Face," The president oe-. cupied the chair. Next Mondays evening Miss Annabel McE]wan will give an addrern on missions and missionary work. As Miss Mc)lwans ha mads a special study of this subject her talk is sure to be both intertesting and inspir'ng. The League intend holding their annual picnic to Hayfield ow Tues- day next. The Ladies' Aid are picnicking at t3urk s today when grey are the guests of Mrs. W. 11, 'ltllyar at her Calnjl. The gentlemen: are expected, roe turn outto practice at 8.6'l tomorrow evening, wit c.it) fail, BASEBALL. The Zurich 'tall tear, "took the local nine into camp" on Friday evening . Past and :made a complete job of it. The ball, tossers of Zur- ich, Dashwood and 'Hensall' deserve all they . ger and when they trim league leaders so much, rhe more 'cred- it tc thein. our locali nine has its off dart as the • very best teams in. the major leagues .have. BAPTIST CHURCH' The subject at tee service in the Bagt':st church last Sunday a. m. was Pure Religion, Pastor Wylie tak- ing bis text. from James 1 : 27. Rev. R. MacCallu!m of Waldemar and Map- les s churchen preached in the evening. taking for his subject the Lordship of Christ. His discourse was much appreciated by the large congrega- tion. Pastor Wyllie preaches at, bath services next ° Sunday. . •, THE IRISH COBBLERS. The Huron Farm' Products Coati- pany has already shipped 1500 bush- els of potatoes to various ,points in Ontario: They .were', the early variety known as the Irish Cobblers of which the Comipany retains quite • a -quantity •for next season's seed. The Irish Cobblers: :are nicely and alto- gether • tasty, popular potato°. in shorts for which there is a brisk de- mand. The Company 'will soon ' be busy With the later varieties of pot- atees, A GREAT' DAY AFTER ALL. Rain fell heavily Tuesday a. m. and the weather outlook Cor the day was not at all promising;. but St. Paul's S. S. had faith- teat . the elements would not .ia unkind to thein and they started • off for klie Iakeside,. filling every available conveyance. And by and by the clouds rolled away, Old Sol shone fccf.li in his most genial mood and the day was one of the 'most delightful of the. season, There was thus, nothing want- ing in regard to .the weather or nth- k erwi.,, either so theionic was - pan unclualified success.- FIRTH—EDGE. uccess. 'FIRTI--EDGE: o MIs The''marriage f i h Amy Isabelle Edge to o' Mr. Thomas Firth, was sol- emnized :at the home 'of .the bi'de's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Edge, Ede, Hill, at 12 .o'clock, noon, on We'inesday, August 2nd.. Rev. Dr. Farquharson was the officiating iiiin- ister, and was assisted by, the bride's •uncle; Rev: James Binnie of Tweed. Only the ymmediate relatives were 'prleseait'}. The. brilhe was unatt(enided, and 'Wen a dress cf cream ' liberty satin, with pearl and crystal . trim - 'Ming. After the lunch, the Tiede and groom left by the aftarnoci+i train to spend a few weeks in Nee:thern Ont- ario. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Firt''i will reside in Clinton. --Durham Chronicle. JUNIOR MA TRIC. RESULTS. The •results of the inatrieuietion examination have been iesued by the Department of Education. The stand- ard of mat'ciculab:on hat been • raised 4o 40. percent, on each subject . and fifty per cent on the total. irhe large iivantrer of successful " candi'datee is very satisfactory. The following candi- dat'ss of 'tree Clinton Collegiate In- stitute passed :—Full Matriculation— J. J. Buchanan, H. S. Copp, J. P. Glen, L. A. Smillie, J: H. Sturdy, E. M. Turner, L. J. Wasman, . R. N. Welsh, Mabel Brown.•-=Part':al Mat- riculation (at least nine out of el- even, papers) -L. Beaton, E. M. Brown, H. R. Cantelon. 'Etitrtinez to Model—Jean Chidley, Norman Blatch- ford. Copies of the annual announcoetient ot the Collegiate Institute giving hill particulars• of courses, fees; and' reg- ulations of the beparttnent ofEdu- cation, " u- cation, and other informal"ioi of in- terest to students may be 'had by ' ip application to I rine` ak 'Treleaven, who will also be glad to .receive np't- iee from any who wish to have student% to hoard. Many, students" when enter- ing apply to . him fore,.. inforinration. concerning boarding houses and a list will ' be prepared, of those willing to afford accobtinodation. Kindly state how Many ti`udents you have rooin fort and drop a card in the posse office and your name and street will be putt on .a list fofL„1bee Convenience ot papild. LITTLE LOCALS. The News -Record to end cif year 25e. How does your sub. to The News - Record stand, dear reader i The label tells the story: For Sale, Wanted, Lost, Found, E4i., .ads. on pago five cost but 1fU�le but bring good results. Considerable atone has been brought ire fen the Street. Department but n'weh more is still needed and as soon as possible. The regular meeting of the. W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Crich, Hurcn street, tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, The execu- tive meets at 2.30. Personals. Miss M. Manna, Te'ronto, has been tlie guest 8f her slitter, , Mrs. S. S. Cooper, the past week, Misr Olive Brooks of Mitchell visited over the week end with her grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cant - e'en, Passing of - l Gabriel e Elliott. The passing of Mr,' Gabriel Elliott of Goderich '. township on Thursday Imbruing last means a breaking of another link connecting the present' with the pioneer past. The family located in that township when he was but aninfant and there he grewto manhood, Marilee and settled down to the activities of life, In his mature years he took ' part in municipal life and for a long per- iod occupied a seat in the council and was reeve. Municipal life ap- peai,s ' to have had more attraction in those early days than at present, ,a,nd recollec' onr, . of strenuous nom+- inaelon meetinp,s at Hcy etesville are tee, green. in .the recobection .of the remaining pioneerf Mr. Elliott was at times. outspoken and when • thr occasion required it he could cell a spade by. its .proper name, but he • was big hearted and kindly 'and had friends on every side. •A One type of man: was "Gable" Elliott who wild' long be held . ' in kindly reznemberane, by 'those who knew' him Th e Farmer Candi date 'Turned boWn. There was a clop) . run in the West Huron Liberal Ccneention yesterday the vote standing Cameron 69, Me - Milian 61. It• is understood that the towns went : solid or almost so for the lattryer. Big Money. in Horses. On an average the Huron farmer sells a horse —• a se a year at, a price .that a few years ago he had little • ex- pectation 'of, • A • higher price he does not think possible. To • anything that bring • would u . b g abo t a lower one,• , witch . 'a corresponding drop . 'in profits, he ob- jects. He therefore wishes to preserve ex- isting conditions, that is to. retain the Canadian marketfcr the., Canad- ian horse. Briefer stilI,. he• wishes to leave well enough alone. Distant. Fields Are Green. A statement has been issued, by the Ingersol Packing Company' giving the price of hogs delivered at Chicago and at Ingersol for the pa,a12 ten yearn and it shows that peep year with ' the solitary exception of 1902, the price paid the Ontario fanner was greater . than t'hab received by the . American . hog grower, , But it is not necessary t'o go. out of our own .county foe comparison for Mr, David . Cantelon has right along been paying the farmet!a in the dis %let 'about. Clinton a highee price than the Chicago market could . quote Herm farmers raise hogs in large numbers and the' Canadian ian hog will to them thepolioy of market for the Caned - appeal, Stanley Township While he was driving to Clinton on Wednesday Me. Wm. Reid's horse be- came frightened by a traction engine and making a sudden jump it broke away from the rig and ransome distance before being caught. Both tugs were broken and Mr, tteld's it:ght hand was considerably bruised To't in hanging on to the animal he was pulled out of the On of Mar. V. M. Diehi's draught snares gave birth to a tifree legged foal on Thursday night last. The missing leg is a front one which retells the youngster's gait somewhat, but i4 hops about quite actively. Scmae/ circus chap will be buying the' colt by •and hy, perhaps. Miss Kathleen Thistle of Strat- ford is the guest at present of her friend, Miss Ida Reid. About People You Know. MISS Edna Lavis visited Goderiou. friends last week, Mr. Wesley Walker and family+ visited Winghain friends over the week end. Mr. Henry Baker was in Oshawa for a few days last week visiting rel- atives. Mrs. John Howson of Medicine Hat, Miss Marion Gunn was a guest at Alta:,is the guest of Mrs. Haw - the (wane of Me. B. Macarthur of son. Ilensall last week.• miss• Ida Boles rolls/led on Saturday Me Arthur Bean of Regina is speed- after several weeks :sem? in Mus- ing a holiday the guest of Ills koka. mother, Mrs. Bean of letwn. Mrs. Walter King is this week vis - Mrs. Watt of Fulton street spent •.a iting her son, Mr. Robert King, in couple of days with Londesbora London. and H'arlock• friends the forepart Mx. Frank Boundy of Galt is spend - of the week. ing, a few weeks with hire aunt, Mr. George Cook, who holds a Mrs. Thos. Judd, rc'aponsible positian with the Robe. Misses Ruth and Marjorie Maratb Sinn Co., Sienese/1Toronto, is spending' : are visit/ ng the 1VIisses Fannie and his annual vacation at his horns in - Aany Hcllyar at their camp, town. Mrs. (Dr.) Hassock and child c,f Inner - Mrs. "Archibald of Toronto, who has kip are the guests' of the lady's been visiting her sitter,.1ltrs. Far- brother, Mr. G. D. Robhrtien. ran, foe the past poupl'e of months, Mr, and Mrs. _ Albert Mc'rre:1 were in, has gone to GodN:ich to visit Guelph on Saturday, attending the friends, fune>sdFoat tEie formmotherhis. Mrs. L. Greig has returned after Ross rrester. got oerne's of finger spending a month or so: at the ers caught in a cog wheel the , cher merme r home, in the Georgian Bay, day and has since had to holiday'. or Mr.' and , Mrs. J, T, Clark of Mrs. 0. Johnston and Masters Oliver Toronto. and Earl visited at Zurich a couple Miss Bessie Crawford,' daughter of of days the early part of the week, Mr, Geo. Crawford of Londesllorc,, Miss Elva Etty1 ,of Mitchell spent a is visiting her nous, ns, Misses Fla- few days the past wen's the guest ence Johnson and Helen Crawford of her cousin, Miss Edna Wasmann, of town.,Misses Berrie and Eva Brown of Mr. and Mrs, John J. Ward, Matte: Georgetown have been visiting teueir cousin, Miss Amp, I•Iowson, the past few days. Rev. Jambs Livingstone a' Mitchell, ' topnerly - , of Ratt'anbuee street Miss Edna Wasmann returned home' . church, Clinton, was . taken suddenly on Satut'1ay after. spending seveealt 111 last Sunday while at Windsor,. days with , Bluev'ale and Brussels IVIr..and Mrs. W. Clueas and three friends. children, St. Louis, Mo,, have been Hiro. Susan Crawford of Londesboro I visiting thelady's hroticzr, .MI. W. is visiting . her daughters, Mrs.; Ed.et D', Fair and other friends in town, Johmsten and ale) Mrs. David Craw.- Mr. Walter Jackson returned ' 4a ford of tO% n. ` Brantford on Tuesday after a pleas- Miss° K. E. Brown, who has been ant ten days" spent at •the• pareetal Mrs. (Rev,) Feer Jones of London fele: the gut';t of Mrs. J. A. Irwin. Miry; McQueen of Port Arthur is vie-, ie.ngi her sister, Mrs. Jas. McRae. Miss Katherine Archibald of Elora is. the guests of her aunt, Mrs. Far - ran. , Douglas Ward and Miss 'rhurstin . et Woodstock ° were guests Monday, and Tuesday, of the Chief and ldrs, Wheatley. ' teaching for the -past year . ncai+ kerne .in 'town.and at •Burk's camp, North Bay, is spending' a part of • Mr, and ' Mrs, F•.: B. Hall and tam - her vasa?icn visiting I:Iullett+ sly, town, and Dr. and -Mrs:. . Mee friends.. Gi'agor and family of . Constance Miss Harnshere, who has been visit- picnicked at the P,ekeside yesterday. ing :her sister, Mrs.. W. H. Ilellyar, Miss Jan Chidley' returned on Friday at their camp at . Burets for the . front a three weeks' Stay at ' Bay - past couple . of weeks; ' a..tuaned . to field, where she was the guest 'of .. her honie at 'Niagara Falls on Mon.. Miss Jean McTaggart, day. • • , Mrs. J. W. Hessian and her son, Mr: John T. Hewitt left on Monday Masten John al ' Stamford, Conn,, for Kinloss township, Bruee ccrinty., ere guest's of Mr. IHessian's par - where he. expects to remain for a ents, Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. Hessian, coupleof weeks or .so. Mrs. Hew,. Huron street, ' • itt -arid tee fancily went up .last,Mr's: Duncan af Toledo, .Ohio, former - week: ly of • :Clinton, •has . been visiting Mr. arid Mrs: L. Murch ard return- friendsintown and is new the • ing to Stratford after having dwelt . guest of her 'sister, ;Ws: J. Mil in Clinton for . a year or more Mr. ' ler ' of Carlow; " Murch has already gone and taken Miss Bowlby, who •has been a guest. a position and • the family will 10- at Wesley , parsonage •for the past low next° week: Mr: and Mrs.' ' few weeks an& who has made many Murch resided in S.teetford for some f:r:cnds " during her Fe:ay in town, years after theist marriage: left ''yesterday morning for her Ws. E. Ford and Miss Jessie home in Wind.,9r, •' leave next week for Winnipeg, where Mrs. (Capt.) Chambers, who with they'' will . visit tter several, weeks her daughter,' Miss Mary; and . Miss • with the foriner's son, Mr: Ae.hur Eileen Mcllroy, have • been guests of Ford;, who is a prominent journal- Mrs' and Mrs; W., T. O'Neil for '1st in that • city. They goby.A Nor- same little time,. returned toPort thern Navigation Co's boat' from . Huron. on :Monday Sarnia,_ being'. ticketed through by Miss Isabel Strachan, . whci has been ,Agent Pettiscm; . • spending the •past , ix weeka old so MTs. F. •.W, Cutler came up. from , . visiting in Goderich and in Clin- ton, returns .to New York on Fri- day.' Mrs. J. Johnstone and. Miss Isabel will udcom,pany Miss Stieach- an as far as. Niagara..• Me srs, Harry Fremlin and +1. F. Cudmore are delegate• and • alter- nate., • respectively',• of Court Pros- perity A. ;' 0. F. to the high 'out►t" meetingi . n Peterbo:'.i next` weak. One or the other of them. will • '+o and - either will "Ste a capable rep; e!• sentative. Dr. Worthington, who': has . been at- tending to the practice • c' "Zr. : Agnew of Wingltani, .,during the let- -ties at-tials Absence in the• • west; las re - tamed homy° and ;has : had charge \of Mr. J. E. Move 's drug stare while- the latter holidayed aeMark- ' dale last .week. • Mrs. Wm, ' Cantelon and' sons, Mast- ers Reggie and Harold, of Indian I-Iriad, who have been .visiti:ng . friends tri town tor several week°,, left on Tuesday for Toronto *hare they intend staying tor a 'tiane. They will also take a run tp to Toronte this .week too'" move her household furniture to that cit'¢ where the family expectto live, Mr, Cutler and Fred having come back • front Saskatoon w'here they wenn 'same the to 'months ago. Mrs. Cutler is accompanied by her dao- glliter, Miss Emily. • Mr. W. N. Manning, London, who has been: on a business trip to . the 'VAa"4, retu;ried on " Friday and n1en' the ween • end with his wife and fatal?! . who were the guestu during his absence of Miss Jennie ''T'ay'lor. Miss Harriett' accom- panied her fathen. to 'the west and e. 'visitd an uncle at Chrystal City;, Men, Mrs. ' D. Junor ma her daug¢iter, Miss 1"tarl Junor, left the other day to join Mr. Junor at North Battle - ford, . Sask., where they expect to make their home. The family . have •)t"sidedin town or vieirl'ty for seve'-al years and have many friends here who weiie sorry to 3"e then go and will be glad to welcome them back. OriIlia beforome,e leaving"' Tor their ;Mrs. Robertson, Monterieft Stastate.weutern h Sergt. Moo -e, Montreal ; Mr, Wan,, Mrs: (Dr.) Jackson and little son re, Moore, Toronto, and Messrs. R. A. turned Saturday from a visit and Al' re Moore, Winnipeg, who with friends in Kincardine :.and were nailed hcrne bq'' the ill'nit,s of P'aisfe'r. They; left" the following their mother, Mrs. E. Moore, 1,''t Thursday for Toronto, where they for °heir ai;speotive) homes this will spend a few days beforo going week.—The very many friends of north to Midland, where they will the family will be glad to learn be, guests . at the bonne of Mr. that Mrs, Mooi', has somewhat iaii,- C. 11. Adair. They were aecompan provti.. by M. cson's nnoer,l'h Mr. Wmi. MCKown of Los Angeles, Mrleds. P:. Wrs, RollJaawkay'. Caiifo:atia, was in town for a few Mr. and Mrs. .Herb. Alexander rev, days the past week vine:ng his turned home Saturday last fro n brother, Mr. Alf, McKawn, and seven-weer:'s trip through the west, numerous old triemds e:n t'own and They went as 'far as Banif and Cal- 'vicinity. Mr. MoKorvn left Clinton gary, then'ner#di to Strathcona and eight years ago but two years. Edmonton and eastward bound a- since he paid a visi•e' to the old gain they passed into Nc'rth Da- home ahome town, pleasant tnetnor:es of Dote whes, they met relatives at which' neither time nor dia'".ince can more places than one. At man)* obliterate. IIC noted many changes. points tier ran across fornit+'t The town Melt impressed hint as resident. of Clinton from whom having much improved, ti's his cid they received a warns welcome. Our chums are in slumbers lass and *In. ' citizens saw 'tie country at ittt Misses them. 'though now living, in bx+;t and wore impressed by itt astotrrer country because of elimatic progressiveness, but after alt they eeinditioins, Mr, McKcwn says as aro glad to be back in their cosy did a eortain illustrious Canadian : 'bonne, not any bette.±r pleased than "A British subject I wan born, a we are though to )tave thein in ,>t'it British subject 1 will diel." tctidst again, Rev. 'W. G. Richardson, B. 4,, ' of Arthus, is spending his vacation at, home. Miss P. Johnttoon of the Babylon; Line visited relatives in Detroit last, week.