The Wingham Times, 1904-09-15, Page 6rl:• 0 THE WINGJLt1ITIMES SEPTEMBER 15, 1904 Women oeldom Fare up motley for Childrenr my day, kx,ranse they can't get out to If 8rnnI thR blow It in when it, rains, AA Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. biro bank of II unilton have purchased * -site for new (Wilma. at Brantford. 'Wash greasy disltew, petit or pats with hese f Dry Sotwp tt powder. It will re move the grease witli the greatest oast, 3t. H. J. Rntlatut, Manager of the Bank of Hamilton at Watkfer, Man., was arrested on the charge of misappropriat lag funds. lltailway officials estimate. the number 'oaf outeide visitors to the Toronto Fair ihas year at 163 000, an increase of 12 ; ter cent. over last year. Cil .Ga.. CS'IC° scat R. = -el.. . sena the The Kind Yru Have Mays Bought signature of eae2 '' 3 . .s• of A. Canadian Pacific offl iai estimates the wheat yield for western Canada at 4:5,000,000 bushels. Three sad a half million acres will be harvested this fall - The essential lung healing principal of the pine tree has t-.teelly been succesbtally separated and reeved into a, perfect ,roues meaiein"—Dr alt 'o(Ie's Norway Paste Syrup. Sold by aa amulets on a guarantee of satisfnetiou. Plica 25 *ants. The St. Mary's voters' list which has been completed ie the largest list ever to mpiled in the town. There are over 3100 nemesia the book, the jurors num- bering 541. Mr. 11 i. K. Cowan, M. P. for South Essex cotsfirms his appointment as solici- tor for the Grand Truuk Pacific., and announces that he will not again be a oaudidate for Parliament. Bears tea The Kind You he Always Belil Signature P " ;7 of Changes are being male in the Dur- ham Cemeut Wori•s which will enable tbe managers to turn out 150 barrels a day extra without more coal or more men, The present output averages - 24 barrels a day. Mr. Henry Weddows, who has been a respected resident of Lncknow for some four years, died at his home on Havelock street on Tuesday :Horning, Sept. 6th, after several months of great suffering from cancer in the thoat and neck. Deceased was a hard working and indestrious man and his widow and two children have the earnest sympathy of all in their great less. Many people say they are "all nerves." easily startled or upset, easily worried andirritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give anew nerve force to shattered nervous isystems. Very great sympathy will be felt with the widow and other relatives in the sudden death of Thos. Brophey of Gode- rich about 12 o'clock Wednesday night +of last week and the intelligence of the sad event is a great shock to the com- munity. On the previous Monday last Mr, Brophey attended the Sons of Eug- land picnic at Point Farm, apparently in his usnal health, but that evening took to bed suffering from a recurrence of his former trouble, cerebral meningitis. Doan's Kidney Pills act on tl;e kid neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They core backaches, weak back. rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of tbe kidneys and bladder. If it is considered desirable to do away with the present system of electing county commissioners, and have the Mayors of towns, and Reeves of townships form our county council, the several councils •of the different municipalities in the county will be obliged to pass a resolution not latex than the 1st day of October next, abolishing the present system. if the change is deemed advisable councils should give the matter attention at once. 46 -at Spea'..;, or iiself ii Cures Sick Hea.a.acees att Cures Nervous IIeadache t....... Cures Neuralgic I:cadache 44,14k.:L„,,E0te., Cures Summer Headache 61eNX4Stat Cures Bilious IIeadache Cures any IIeadache kat. C ee Pleasant to Take &NA& Is AbsolutelySate . ‘li►i Gives Speedy Relief 'dig, Sells for lee n box Sample box sent free 'este H1tltaan XkI: lr uY Ca. Ierrr Montreal John MeGaban, a well -digger Strath- allan, wag irnprisnned in a well at Wood- stock on Wednesday afternoon, and was dead when the reseuiug patty reached him. The Metropolitan Hotel property at Exeter which was recently offered for sale by public auctiou was purohased by Mr. Jame* Oauapbell, of Hibbert, for $2,250. —Timms and Weekly Globe till end of 1004 fur 45 cents, Good chance for new subscribers to get cheap reading matter. When you do not relish your food and feel dull and stupid after eating, all you need is a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach putt Liver Tablets. They will make you feel lige a new man ams give you au appetite lutea bear. For sale by A. I. McCall & Co. Ashfield township has issued a writ against the county for damages alleged to have been sustained by a washout at Port Albert which is said to have cost the township $500. Mr. W. N. McKay, manager of the Bank of Hamilton agency at Atwood, was married on Tuesday morning, Sept, 6th, to Miss Flora Fenwick., the weddiug taking place at the residence of the bride's sister in Kingston. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. Lam- Liver Pills are the ladies" favorite medusa Pl They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billlousness, and Dyspepsia wltuuut Rr1 ing1 purging or sickening. Farmers keep your laud clear of sow thistle. 'Tis said that when this weed stand business either it or the farmer must get elf the land. It is giving troy ble in various parts of the province. A compilation prepared by the pro- viucial health. department shows that between 1669 and 1002 there were 75,- 918 deaths in the provinces from con- sumption, and only 66,240 from all other contagious diseases. " sPILING MEDICINE. As n spring medicince Burdock Blood Bitters has no Equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Mr. T. T. Wilkie, L.D.S,, died at the home of his son, Dr. Lorne Wilkie, Ger- mantoe n, Ohio, on Aug. 16th, aged 80 years. The deceased was a resident of. Clinton from 1802 until recently-, and practised els profession there for many years. An event of more than ordinary in- terest Took place at the Methodist par- sonage, Hensail, on the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept. 6th, it being the occasion of the marriage of Mrs. Ella Scott of Heusall, sister of Mrs. (Rev.) Scott, to Mr. John McArthur of that town. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. George Grigg of Clifford. DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25CaCATARRH CURE i3 sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently carts Catarrh and flay Fever. Blower free. All dealers. or Dr.A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. An illustration of the demand there is for poultry is given by Mr, .Fred Elford, who states that while in Toronto and Montreal a few days since he was ap proached by wholesale dealers who wero anxious to contract for all the poultry that could be raised at the various Poul- try stations of the Dominion, at 13c per ib. dressed, f, o. b, at point of shipment. The Goderich voters' list was first posted up by clerk Johnston on Tuesday. Part one, which comprises persons entitled to vote at both municipal elec- tions and elections to the Legislative Assembly, comprises 794 names, and part two, which gives the names of municipal voters only, contains 423 names. There are 430 jurors on the lista On Tuesday evening of last week the neighbors observed smoke issuing from the roof of John Mosseau's barn about 3 miles east of Hensail, in Hay. In a very short time the whole structure was in figures and was totally destroyed to- gether with the entire erop, and some of the implements. The barn which was a fine was erected a few' years ago and was exceptionally colavetiient and well constructed. The fire is supposed to have been caused by the heating of damp grain in the mow. The barn was insur- ed in the Hay Mutual. letAleaolmit WANTED, Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this count,' and adjoining territory for well and favorably known home of soli financial stanrlirig..S;t00ft straight Leah Salary and Sxeweea .s, paid ch Monday by eheck Atitttpfrcm hfedgrattfra. Expenses shanty advanced. Position permanent. Address. Manager, 810 Como Black, Chicago Minoie The festive hobo toils mute ?wither do' be spin; yet. Salutuoa in all his glary was not arrayed like one of these. They Make you Teel Good, The pletisantpn,•getive effect caper ieuoeil by all who use Ceatubei•lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, awl the healthy ccuditti,n of the body and mind whish they (reef" makes cue feel joyful, For sale by A. I McCall. & Co. Mr. Jaleph Peart, a well known regi• dent of Stratford, is dean, aged 72 yenta and 10 months, He formerly lived its Toronto and St. Mary's- He had been thirty-two years to the employ of the Grand Trunk. Becanse her hasher d went to a base• ball genie despite her protest, Mrs. Charles Evans, of Monterey, Iowa, committed intone by taking poison. Her body, as it fell to the fleor, struck her 10 months old daughter, crushing it to death, `U.DDENIY ATTACHED. Children are often attneksd maidenly by painful and dangerous ('olio, ('ramps, fliairhoen Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantiim, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure euro whiuh should aiways be kept in the house. A quiet wedding wag cell brated at the home of Mr. Thos Phair, Gorrie, on Wednesday evening, Sept 7th, when his eldest daughter, Miss Ella, was united in marriage to Mr. C. Gerbig, of Har- riston, The ceremot,y was performed by the Rev. E. A. Hall, Five thousand dollars are being expen- ded in painting and decorating the inter- ior of Formosa Catholic Church, Ar- tists front Holland are engaged in doing the work and when it is coutpleted For- mosa will have the finest church in On'. ario u'- ario outside of the cities, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nichols of Millarton was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday, Angus+ 31st, when Miss F. J. Nichols was united ii marriage to Mr. Orville tJutehisen, of Torouto, in the presence of about one hundred guests. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. R. fiance of Bervie. Dysentery causes the death of more people than small pox and yellow fever combined. In an army it is dreaded more than a battle. It requires prompt atsd effective treatment. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remei'y has been used in nine epidemics of, dysentery in the United States with per- feet success, and hos cured the mostl malignant cases, both of children and adults, and under the most trying con- ditions. Every househcld should have a bottle at hand. Get it to•da.y. It may save a life. Sold by A. I. McCall & Co. Ara RIM Dawn They Are Liable to Get Fever or Pneulllonia. Keep Your Little Ones Strong and Healthy with. Ferro- zone. Perm's can't afford to neglect the heniteottheir ehildrea, for if disease fastens itself on rhe clnld of tender years it may be the bbgiuuing of a long trate of serious sit'ketas, Ferrozrrne is a remedy that Another's eau rely en, .Ind' every t'htid will be benefitted by nstnit it. Mrs. Henrietta L:.flan►e ott Quebec, writes; "Last year my (taught ur, aged sixteen, wits run down ton' looked vt ry pool ly. Site wes worrying about her exams, anti she didn't feel strong enough to srutiy very hard. I got same Ferruzone aid it made a wou• tearful uh>tnge iu ,14arto. Ferrozouli Rave her strength and toned her up splendidly. I am very grateful to Ferruzuoe and koow that children would be utuuh strouger if treated with Ferrozoue." Mrs Janes E. Devine of Frankforil, says Ferrnzone has no equal for strength - toting children and writes: "QGhen my little daughter was weak and misernbt; 1 gave her one Ferruzenu tablet et meals She improved at once, and before takiug Ferrozoue a week gained it weight, and enj,'yen a splendid appetite, I never nseo any tonic that gave snob gaick and per- ulAnenL results as Ferri zone." Every child can be made stronger by Ferre z we :: hub acts on the bleed atilt strengthens rhe entire eysteut. Ferro zoue is the Fort of toile thus builds up stroll: healthy trames; it gives a chile energy anti spirit and drives away weak Lees. Every mother should give hal' children Ferrozoie, and give up all IJb- solete treatment .lure bitters And cod ):ver oil, which are hard on a child's stomach. Just oue Ferroz rue tablet at meets, easy and pleasant to take. Results are sure wbeu you use Fern -zone, Refuse any substitute, and insist on having Ferro• z ne which atone can build up and cure quickly. Price 50c per box or six boxes tar $e, 50, et all drutrgists or by mail. froth N 0 Poison & Co.. Kingston, Out. and Hartford, Conn., U S A. Children Crow Strong On Ferrozone A new line of steamerets pre jetted for the trade with South Africa. Two steel ships of over five thousand tons each are being built in England for the line. Both are to be ready before the end of October, of this year. Be clutch, Not a minute should be lost after a child shows symptoms of cholera Wan - turn. The first unusual looseness of the bowels should be sufficient warning. If immediate and proper treatment is given serious cons• quences will be averted Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the sole reliance of thousands of mothers and by its aid they have often saved their children's lives. Every household should have a bottle at hand. Gat it today. It may save elite. For sale by A. I McCall & Co. A pretty wedding was celebrated at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Robertson at Ripley, on Thursday, Sept. 1st, at 11:30 a.m., when Miss Sue Hunt, sister of Mrs. Robertson, was married to Mr, Alexander Craig of Toronto, Rev, R. I Hosking, pastor of the Methodist church, performing the ceremony. Get busy, my boy, if you wish to Tho Proper Treat -intuit For a make a mark in the world. We don't 1 Ankle. . mean busy at smoking cigarettes, hang- ing around stores and saloonb but busy at something that will do you good. when you strike out for yourself. All kinds of business men are on the watch for the busy young men. They are needed every day in the year, The busy boy keeps oat of mischief, keeps from cultivating bad habitat, keeps his mind clear and his reward will come just as sure as two and two make four. Watch the busy boys of your acgaaiutance and see if they are not the ones that get the positions, and almost walk up the ladder of success to fame. .. •r+(tttatr . , 's , Plump, Rosy Children" are children that et the right food to t-- whole- some, nu 'ti s food—easily digested f d. Mooney's. Perfection Cream Sodas are splendid food for grow- i;lg children. Made of Cana- da's ana- das finest wheat, cream and buttcr—they are more nourishing than bread, and easier to digest. Always crisp and Appetizing in the moisture-preef packager. At all grater*. Sprained As a rule a man will feel well satisfied if he can hobble urouua on crutches two or three weeks after bpraiuing his ankle, and it is usually two or three months before he has fully recovered. This is an unnecessary loss of Limo, for in many cases in which Chumbetlaiu'sPaiaBalrn has been promptly and freely applied, a ,complete enre has been effected in less than a week's time, and in some cases within three days. For sale by A. I. McCall & Co. -� -r A very pretty event took place at the home of Mr. Allan McDonald, Queen St. south, Kincardine, at high noon on Tuesday Sept. 7, when t.is daughter Catherine was united in holy bonds of wedlock to W. Samuel Miners of Point Edward Mr. Angus McDonald of Fort William, brother of the bride, acted as groomsman, while the bride was support- ed by Miss McLean of Kintail, Among the priscners arraigned before tbe magistrate one morning was alt Irishman, charged with disorderly con- duct. It was a plain case, but he made an eloquent appeal for clemency. "I'm afraid," said the magistrate, "that fate's against you." "I don't mind that," replied the prisoner, "so long as ser honor's aid me." And for once his hong was moved to take sides against fate. 1)enfnese Cannot be Cured. By local applications, as they cannot. reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to euro deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When 'this tube is inflamed you have a inmbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire ly closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the ihfiammation can be taken ont ahct this tube restored to its normal ton- dition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but aninflam- ed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any Case of Deafness (Caused by catarrh) that ean:ot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Core. Send for circulate free, 1'. J. C1tnu7s'l?` & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by drugggiisEts, 76e. Take Hall's Family Pills for eonatipai- tion. Robert Reith, M P , the great horse- man, has b('eu sAreeput;; things et the St. Louie Expositi Its, He won all the Principal prizes in the b.toltuey class, fee total of his twinnings nutnnnting to $990, besides winch he received thrt+e tliplornas• In the eotnpetitinn for the grand chem. pion pr:ze, two CiLnad•no horses won both priz•'s and dipl,Itnes. After a painful illness of several mouths' duration, borne with pnfliech- ir►g chrisMau fortitude, Thtnntls S*'wtiril of Clieton passed away CO Friday. Sept 2u1 at the age of 53 ,'enrs, D oeai+ed was of English birth, end has been a rtes• ident of Clinton for a number of yease. While employed in Oollii•gwood a couple f years ags he caueltt,ould, from wl ie:l he never recovered. Bears the Tea Kind 1'iu 8aee Ahrravu BOtIgrt Signature .r of • -4-1` R Miss Maggie O'Neill, who• ha* 1 eon connected, as a teacher, with the scbocls of Clinton for ebodt 25 years; and with the Model for at least 20 years, has tendered her resignetiuu, which the Board bas reluctantly accepted. Hots tnneb she has conrributt•d during these years, to the morals, as well as the edu- cational development of her seholars, will never be known, but it has been iu no small degree, her aim always having been to give them 'the highest ideal of life. both by precept and ex ttople, IIer health has been far from satisfactory for some time, which is the cause of ht r retirement, roe Ooer Sixty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymi]lionsof mothers for their children wll'.'; tt'ethiuse, with perfect success: It soothes the ehilo softens the gums, allays all pain, aures wind colic, and is the test remedy for diarrhcea. Itis pleasant to the taste, Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty. five resits abottle. Its value is incalculable. Yesere you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Rev. J. E. Alavety,pastor of ills: Kemptville Methodist church, writes to the press as follows regarding the home pape i? —I have been led to wonder bow a family can afford to de without this weekly visitor. Wo may dispense with many things and not sutler much loss, but the home greatly needs the local news which can be gathered from no other source. Let noun say: "1 can -1 not afford it," when it comes at less than! two cents per week. To brighten the home we need this weekly guest. Next I to the Bible, in my jndgmeut•, is the,' newspaper in the borne. To be an intel- ligent citizen we must read it. Intelli- gent citizenship means familiarity with the public press. The local paper, at I least one daily and one church paper should be in every home. Let none say I "I cannot afford it," for you canuot afford to do without these, Many may say: '•I have no time to read the paper." I think • we succeed better' when we take time. Wo need . these papers for our own personal benefit, for the profit of the home and for the geod of our country. CATAR 17 H ESCAPED A DANGEROUS SURCICAL OPERATIOI 1 276 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, Can. TEE OXYGENATOR CO., Toronto, Canada. Gentlemen,—I am most pleased to certify to the curative properties of ' Oxygenator. ' I first began using it for Catarrh in the head. Raving -` - FSR QOODBEAIT To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for mere, women and children than Ripans Ttsbules, They are easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people—but; .o the plain. every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need, Ripens Tabules have become their stan- dard farm 7remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est r im"dy 'with a long and successful record, to c• -n; t.i.tLgest'n)n, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn _a .,Llpation, t • .ensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, • oi" .+tion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular iatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver conl- • 't�, They stregthen weak stomachs, build up t ,a f-'wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe- ld sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives . on tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans j'. biles. Your drl ;gist sells them. The •five- c..rnt packet is eta .,;h for' •an ordinary occasion. The Family Bott?k tic cents, 'contains a supply for a year. ,r setae, K.8.0 '}&. K;trK I!C "1;:K 8c`'•FC K?''t3t� i'C ..:K 2'�� BLOOD DISEASE CURED. If you ever contracted any Blood or Private Disease, you are never cafe until the virus or poison has been eradicated front the system. Don't be satisfied with a Co 'kpatch T" by some family' doctor. Our Now Method is Guaranteed to Coco y.©to Names Used without Written consent. •; Cured When ail Else Failed "Could I live my early life over, this testimonial would not bo necessary, though I was no more sinful than thousands of other young men. , Early indiscretions, later exces.reo, exposure to contagious diseases all helped to break down toy system. When I commenced to realize my condition Iwas almost frantic. Doctor after doctor treated uiebut only gave me relief -not a cure. Hat Springs helped me, but did not cure me. The symptpms always returned. Mercury and Potash drove the poison into my aystent instead of driving it out. I bless the clay yotir New Method • Treatment was recommended to inc. I investigated who you were l first, and finding you had over 25 year~' experience and re- sppnsible financiaity. I gave you my case under a gu:irantco. You cured inc permanently, and in sic years there has not beer. a sore, pain, ulcer or any other symptom of the blood disease." 25 Years in Detroit. 250,000 Cured. M. A. CONT,EY. We treat and cur. Varicocelo, Blood Poison. nervous Debtitty, Stricture, Impotency, Secret Drains, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultation Free. Question Blank for Homo Treatment end iloetts Free. DRS. KENNEDY & KE GAN 148 SHELBY STREET. %DETROIT, MICR. a ,( J. ;ter. a.z• DR. SPINNEY, Founder of Dr. Delaney & Co. CONSULTATION Homo Troattnent, CURED TO STAY CURED. If your blood has been poisoned with any hereditary or ac- quired disease you are never safe until the virus is eradicated from the system. Don't trust to family doctors, patent tnedi- cines, blood purifiers, mercury and potash, etc. They will nev- er cure you—though theyniay help you temporarily. Have you blotches, eruptions, running sores, bone pains, itchiness of the skin, sore throat, falling out of the hair, dyspeptic stomach, weak heart—We can cure you. 'S AFTER ,A YOU CAR PAY ���'E ARE MEC. u3 Yeti ,�S!2 �'.i 86 Cn Our VITAI.IZ;':D TREATMENT is the result of so years experience in the treatment of thousands of Blood Diseases. If we, fail in curing you, you need not pay ns a emit. We Cure Nervous Debility, ittcod Disecsc9; Varico- cete and Strictures, (without operation), Soxdal Weak- ness, Urinary, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. 0 FREE. BOOKLETS FREE. List of Questions sent for DR. SPI 290 Woodward Ave., 9 J EV CO, Detroit, 6ElEi:tot*, i5 subdued this loathsome disease. I then turned my attentionnos tol a large as ypussuccessfully that ey removed e my ab••••••••O•A••••••®•®•O•• right nostril, which was euccessfa.hy removed by the local application of " Oxygenator" thereby 'd saving ninth pain. danger and expense had it been q removed by surgical process. • I have used your remedy in my family (of 8) for a number of years, and can highly recommend it A for fevers, colds and throat troubles -as a gargle, ! when warmed, it is invaluable. • I remain, yours truly, G. H. ROBINSON. 0 • • • • A GERM KILLER °, Bold by- • • • 0 • • • • • s • 0 • • • • • A LOCAL SALESMAN for Wingbatn, Ont., and surrounding territory, • to represent• • "Canada's Greatest Nurseries," •J • 0 • • • OXYGENATOR - OXYGENATOR CO. 22 Harbord St. - Toronto WANTED Newest varieties and specialties in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals and Roses. A permanent sitttation. and territory reserved for the right ratan. Pay weekly. Handsome outfit free. Write for partio- Mars, and send 25 ents for our Pocket Microscope, Just the thing to use in ex. atnining trees and plants for insects. STO11Tt '(WELLI21TOTONT rONTIIILII Ntrlt$IEltill5$ over 800 Acres TORONTO, w ONTARIO 000003000000000000,00000 00, W 0 • 0, g The Ti JobfF ,1 , 71 t. v+,1': Our Job Department is up-to-date in every particular ; and our work is guaranteed t o g -i v e satisfaction. Estimates cheerfully given. Our ,Specialities. COLORED WORK LETTER HEADS LEGAL "BLANKS NOTE HEADS PAMPHLETS BILL HEADS CIRCULARS I3001K WORK VISITING CARDS ENVELOPES MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO THE TIMES is the best local paper in the County of Huron. Subscription: $I,00 per year in advance—sent to any address in Canada or the United States. An advertisement in the Times brings good results Address all communications to— ' 'RE VVINGRAM fl1VIES nice ?hone, 11'o. 4. Raaideitee Phone, No, 74. WIN(IIIAMe, ONT. 0• 0- u • •. • • • M • • ••w • •• • *. •- a 3 • 0- •• • •- • •. 1 1. /Oeireso •mm1lNs eseeseses R 0e410640*ieSi114ii0111111.*11sS.1.