HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-07-27, Page 8• 1 Casaba Noimi-iitador4 ilay sr,* WE k A FEW SPECIAL LINES WE ARE NOW SELLING IN LARGE QUANTITIES SEWER PIPE 4, 8, 8 and lainches, aloe fittings. ... WASHING MACHINES Th a Ideal, One Minute, Volmer, Connor Ball Bearing, and Bonnie $41 high class reacbinee. Screen Doors and Windows, BRANTFQRD RUBBER ROOFING One, two and three ply, the best in the market, Cheaper than shingle& garden Hose, Nozzles and LaWn SPrinklers, Rope all sizes. Machine Oils,. Berger's pare Par14 green, Sure death to the bugs, 30 cts per Ib, CREONOID Drilree away the files and kills lice on horses, cattle . and poultry, regular $L00 size for 75 cts. ) 10 por cenVidiscoupt On Washing Machines, Screen Doors and Windows, andaasoline and Oil Stoves, STOVES and HARDWARE IO1iAOE ROCKERY doesn't have to be the ex. pensive kind. Oheap white ware is just as) ser. viceable and more econ. °mica'. When you plan your trip to cotte.ge, camp or picnic see our assortment of white china with colored band -red or blue. The quality might surprise you and here's a sample of the • prices: Cup and Sattoer 80c doz Bread & Butter Plates60c " Tea plates 70e Dinner Plates 95e • Platters 25; 35e and 46c each All good shapes. 'W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best • To call and see the result of a determined effort to produce the Best Shoes -Shoes Ise overwhelmingly good in every feature that counts for perfection in style, fit, durability and everything else that goes to make Woes througbly satisfactory, that you are assure ed by far the hest values here. . Really there can be no doubt in your mind, onceyou have tied them on and looked them over, as to the supetiority of our Sunvner Oiforde and Shoes. Store closes at 6.30 p. m. FRED. 'JACKSON Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings: sosiamonsumsimmoninsomoss 1 . . „. v.......",11.....+..••••••••,••••:••••.•••••••*•••••••• . . : MEN'S DUST COATS Have you seen the new dust coat we are showing for 'men ? It 'is . , krurt the thing for these hot dusty days to protect your clothes. It is neat and strong, yet light and cool and no one who does any driving t • should be witheuiene. Specially pricedat $1.25. . Z • • CHILDREN'S PATENT PUMPS • IHaving jastreceived another big shipment of children's slippers our stook is again complete in sizes and our assortment good. We have • • Ohildren'aDongola Kid slippers at from 25c per pair up and Children' • t SPEC;AL PRICES ON ALL LINES \ , • ' MEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHILD- : REN'S SHOES... Come in anti let us show you our plan and quote you pi ices on a New Made-to-Your.Measure Suit. • Patent Pumps from 85e per pair up. • SMALL PLUIVISTEEL 1MRE BROS. BUSINESS PROFITS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1144••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• B Hoover Nelson Ball E DESIGNS - I In house furnishings are in demand by those of artistic tastes. A visit here will disclose ,a4k61, IUNIQUE , FURNITURE THAT IS DECORATIVE but not overly dear. Merit is what wins these days, and it's only merit that gives us our liberal patronage MERIT IN FURNITURE MERIT IN PRICE 1 1 1 xrettritay.exn ••1145••••••••41444.41.40.•4140...+0 .• ***40 •••• .4.4 *N. ip.“ The cheapeet spot in Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture. Hoover & Bali Mr. "Jack" Lawson has returned feornt Stratford. Mrs. Luke Lawson spent the • week • end with Auburn friends. )Iiss Emma Lavis . was a visitor with Brussels friends last week. Olives Johnson Jr. 'has returned fro% a pleasant stay 'in Toronto. Miss Carmichael of Staffa was• idle guest latat week of Mrs, James Ma- hal:rye • Miss IVIcLaran has gone on a• trip lo the west. She went by boat from Owen Sound. Mrs.W. Ross and Miss Helen' have been visiting the past fortnight a? Detroit and other points. Mr. Eddie Sheppard of Gordon ez, Mackay's • wholesale establishment, Toronto, • is home for a fortnieht's hotday. • •. Misses Margaret Davis and Dm'ma Southcombe have been guests during the past week of Mrs. W. H. }Mira ber camp at Burk's. • Wee. Lal. Paisley and Miss Bessie McEwan left on Saturday last for a montens vacation with friends • in • Detroit and Evart, Mich.• Mr. and Mrss E. Carter, Miss • Lizzie Carter and •Miss • Florence Garrett attended the funeral of the late • Philip Willows of Blyth last week. ••• Mrs. W. H. Farquhar, of Halo& spent • a few days in. town last week as the • guest of her sister, : Airs. J. B. Little, and' her neice, Mrs. J. B. • Milie* i • Mr. and Mrs. Enneerton and • their • daughter, •Mrs. Johnston, and son of Fort William are visiting this • week with Mr. and Mrs, John Fen- merton of Bennie • Mrs J. E. Brooks and ilwo ,sons, Charlie and. •Harry, and Master Ralph Chapple, • of Anti:nen are this week • the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Cantelon. • • •• •• Mal. Ed. Ball, who has been in town for' wine time owing to the • illness • anddeath of her mother, the late Mrs. Hayward, left this week for • her home in Detroit. • Mrs. E. Floody, and •son, , Mr. Ed. • Floody Jr. of Toronto were in town Friday and Saturday, the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. D. • Cant- elon, and other friends. Messrs. Roberto Irwin and •. Meuse:yr • Jackson have returned from •Ste •Thomas whore they attended the • Slimmer Schoen They, also epent a • few days with London fiseends. Misses Edna and Lulu ,Prest of Tor- onto returned to elixir home • on Wednesday after spending a couple of weeks at the home of 'Mr. Robt. Pearson of tbe • 2nd of Stanley. •Ms. Alfrol _Goodwin and daughter, • Miss Winnifred, left on •Tuesday for MeTaggarb, Sask., where they • will spend a few months swith Mr. Goodwin's two sons, Victor and • Douglas. Mrs. J. Gibson and little son • and Mrs. J. T • Ross and :three child- ren of Toronto, who have been vie. • iting, at their respective parental • homes in town, • returned ti Toron- to on Saturday..• • • • Mrs. Andrew Gunn, formerly of Clin- ton. and sister-in-law of Dr. Guise, has been granted a •perniit for • the • erecteon of a $25,000, house on Wei- • mer Road, Toronto, one of the fashionable streets north of Bloor. Mr. John A. Cooper, editor of bhe Canadian Courier, Toronto; was in town over Sunday, bhe guest of his Mother, Mrs. Wm. Pooperi, whose family circle for the time was com- • plete with the exeeption Of Mr. It E, Cooper, who is in London, Ern; Dr., MacCallum, who, has been spend- ing a few weeks at the hostel of his father-in-law, Mr. John Wisernan, left on Monday, for Kingston, at- earnpanied by his wife. It is hie • intention to /Treace in that •eitye That he rrs3.y be abundantly She- Cesful •is the wish of leis • many Mende hereabouts. Mr. Eph. Butt of Saskatoon, who roe- • tently went to the Old Country, in connection with the estate of bis grandfather, returned this Week. He landed in England just lam days •after the coronation. lib says rural England is just where it was one hundred years' ago, an the meth- ods of farming and living are ex- • tremely crude. Ile did not see a stove all the 1..me he was there. Unwire& of people would, emigiette but they cannot get money enough Ahead tp, pay teansportation, 4 1 e.„ ours tick Sonia 111 1111 :s4.rxitTra).. Fit011 2 TO 7 O'CLOCK 71P1I'll'i•ll""i'',""el~O,11,14460,600",'•Abeh GOOD HEAVY PRINTS Prints, light and dark • colors, wide width, regular 1,0e. Saturday / for.quick selling 6c yd 41.1*Wit(wegiii 50 and 75c Silks 19c • 25 Waist ends of fancy silks, no two alike. regular 50 and 75c values clearing at I9c per yd. 175c and $1 Corsets 49e • 25 pairs women's corsets in ' long and short styles, assorted . sizes in grey and white. regular 75e and. WOO values clearing .At 49c each. - Deep Cuts in Satteen Petticoats • Cleaning up the balance of • our black satteen Morley and • Regal Taffeta Petticoat.; at the following prices : • Regular $1.00 for $ .79 • - 1.25" .89 •" 1.59 .1 1.19 " 2.00 " 1.49 • 2.50 " L89 it• 8:00 ." 225 25c Tan Hose 19e Ladies tan hose „flat weline, mercurized finish sizes 8 to 10, regular 25c, clearing at 19c pair. $2,00 Gowns for 98e 12 only ladies fine white cot- ton night gowns in high and low neck, embroidery and lace trim- ming, regular $2.00 clearing at 98c each. Come early Friday for these, 25c and 35c Linen Suitings 19c. , 25 pieces of new linen suit. ings in plain and fancy colorings • regular Zec and 35c. clearing at 19c per yd. • • • • /Prints at 8c 25 pieces of good strong Can- adian print full width and good patterns clearing at 8c yd. • 22 PIECES FANCY MUSLINS., Muslins, Ginghams, Waistings, $ ete, regular 15e to 35c. Saturday quick selling lac yd $ ebeeeneeneeeeeensiesineeeseenerine • White Waists 89c 15 only ;white Lawn Waists in the new Dingaling style wee well assorted worth in the regul- ar way $1.25nlear at 89c each. ' Deep Cuts in Children's • Straw Hats. •Out go the balance of our Children's straw hats as follows. Regular 25c for 19c Regular 50c for 39c Regular 75c for 59e • Regular $1.00 for 79e Regule. $1.25 for 89e Regular $1.50 for $1.25 • Fancy Parasols $1.25 • 40 only Ladies Fancy Silk and Linen Parasols in • all the popular colors and plain white worth up to $3,00 choice of the lot for $1.25. Wash Suits for Ladies • Half Price. 15 only Ladies wash suits made of good quality linen and daintly trimmed in assorted siz- es regular $5,00 or $2,50 regular t.900 for $4,Q. • Ladies Coats less than Cost. Ladies Wash • or Luster Coats in Linen color well- tailor- ed and good style regular $7.50 ' for $5.50 regular $7.00 for $E.00. • Peter -Pan Waists $1.48 We passed another ship- ment of Peter -Pan Waists into stock for Saturday's selling. Dutch collars, daintly trimmed • with white tan and pale blue collors and cuffs. These are very new and especially priced for quick selling $1.48. FANCY PARASOLS • We cleaned up a Manufacturers lot of Fancy Silk Parasols about two do zen in the lot, no two alike • worth in the regular way $3.00 to • $3,0 Saturday your choice $2.25. KAISER GLOVES' We are carrying a complete stuck • of Kaiser Silk Gloves for women in all shades, Both long and short length double tip fingers Kaisers guaranteed at 75e to p.m • LOVES GLOVES Our stock of Loves Gloves is. now complete in both silk and Lisle in black and colors. For the past three seasons we have had the • . agency of Loves Gloves and they have given our 'cations the very best of satisfaction prices range from 25c to $1.00, . . BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. 34ra- cA.E41-1 BTC)17-2, , . 1. Constance. • • Mr. and Mrs. • Andrew Love • and daughter of Walton spent Sunday as the guests of • their daughter,. Mrs. •Edwin Britton. • . • • • • Miss* Annie Clark of Seaforth • is visiting her cousin, • Miss • • Emily Clark. Mr. and Mrs. W2n. Pear of Clinton were she guests of their cousin, Mrs. H. Cololough, on Sunday last. • Mr. and Mrs. Nichol and kr: • and Airs. Haire an daughters of Walton visited Mrs, Ed. Britton on Sunday. Harry Regan is having the xoof ot. his barn reshingled. Reckless Auto Driving In' Causes Accident. aoderich, July, 24th. -Two people were injured and the livee of sevea3,1 more were endangered when an auto- mobile caused a runaway, of a band- wagon of berrypickers on Waterloo street this afternoon. The rig contained nine people re- turning from d • dare •fishing and berry picking and when the auto. (time up behind the startled horses dashed to the ' side of the road and, turning short, turned *he rig completely up- side down and broke away. with the front wheels. The occupants were all held in the rig by closed in sides and it is Mir- tioalous that aei many esdaped injury, Miss T. Macdonald 'received minor Cuts on the head and Mrs. T. L. Re- kie •sustained • some injuries io her side. The horses ran until stopped by a telegraph' post. Lawn Supper * The Ladies of ite Women's Chris- tian Temperance Union will serve a Lawn Supper on the lawn of Mt, 3. A. Irwin (forderly occupied by Mr. Jades. btoMath) "on Priday, evening of this 'Week. Supper served from 5 lo 7 o'clock. Good Initisie Admission 25 cents.• Come, bring your fa'ends and have a good tOmO. Proceeds in aid of the new "Pranees Willard Heine for Itonieless Gide," Toronto. Londesboro. The News From Londesboro Rev. John Richavlson of icipper)and Roe. P. W. Spence, former classmates of Rev. Mr. Pearcy, were visitors at the Manse rine week. Rev. , Spetree leaves in August for Jerusa- lem, where he will spend • some nuniths in stedy. • • The regular meererg • of the Wom- en's Tristitute *ill be held next Thurs- day afiermoe at the tersidence of Mrs. Mains. The subject, "Nursing • and Care of Infants," will be taken by Mrs. (Dr.) Allison. The ladies. are all cordially invited to attend. Miss Bertha .Brogden is visiting Au- burn friends this week. Re. W. T. Pearcy is • spending Sun- day BA Kendal, a former mission field where he is taking anniversary :ser- vices. • • - The Lcndesboro Threshing Syndi- cate began tree season's operations. on ithe farm of • Mr. Joseph Manning • ol • the Ilth con. on Saturday rash The grain was of a • good sample. . The • Sundicatc.: expect. a busy run front now until the snow .flies. Doing • good e work, ' doing it quick and doing it well is why then have so Many pat- rons. John Nbet is again the 'mana- ger with Ab. Radford and jet Cook as assistants. They are husilleee, all of them!, and will make the • straw •fly. Mrs. Charles Crawtord,we . are pleased tio learn, is hnproving, Mr. Crawford wishes -to thank those who so kindly assisted in caring for his wife during bee illness, Rev, J. R. Mann and Mite ?damn of Auburn were visitors at the manse on Monday. Mr. Eph Gray and faniiln left on, Monday for Luddington, Mich., after spending a few days on fee homestead here. Mr. J. Johnstone • received his threshing ontfit co .Monday of this week and will commence threshing, one of these days. • Misses " M. and E. Lyon left on Tuesday to visit friends at Ottawa, going Via boat from Hamilton. Seveiral of the farmers en the 13th ton, were hailed out by the storm on Wednesday of last week, • Miss Ela:e Mile is clerking in Mr. J. 0. Lounsbery's store. • • Miss A. BCH and Mr. Will. Tamblyn returned on Priday of last week after • spending a week at the Sunnner School at St. Thomas. Miss Sadie McCool returned to Tor- onto on Monday after spending her holidays at the parental home, and with her sister, Mrs. 3.1,, Awde Winghatri. Griffitiks is visiting friends ab Respciet. Miffs S. Coombs returned home on Saturday after spending a few weeks wit het sister, Mrs. Merritt of Lon- Hullett Township Mr and Mn. Joseph Carter viteted Vale cousin, Mr. Norman Caren cif Seatorth, last week. • • Miss • Sadie MeCeol and• laster Frank Brownlee of Toronto retusied to the eitn on Monday after speeding their holidays with the former's" par- • Miss Sadie 1VIeCool visited her slat- er, • Mrs. J. L. ,Awde of Wingham, a few days last week., Mrs. Will Rose of Petrolia is Visit- ing her sister, Mrs, Albert' Vodden, • Miss Jennie Beck of Goderieh is -vis - Wag with her Mint, Airs. S. McOool. The hailstorm of the 19th inst. wilt not soon be forgotten. by those who were hailed out. It dame eight days earlier than the terrine storm of lase year. , • Miss Marjory -.appine of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Miss Julia GloUsher of Triton* is visiteng under, the parental roof. Miss Elva Brown visited a few days With her cousin, Miss Naneyi' Craw- ford. Mr, Dan Weber of Myth was in the vicinity last week, • Mr., and Mrs. Isaac Marwood visit- ed Wa,wanosh friends a short time ago. Mr. Milton Plunkett has been visit- ing Ashfield friends lately. Mr. Martin Aranoteeng irreends tak- ing a western toe* shortly. Mr. Oeorgo Densteadt of Auburn has been -tinning Mr, Lawrence Matz- er's new house the past we*. TM News -Record leads for lItrilett and Londeshoro news. don. • One of the largest weddings• var. held in our village took place • on Wednesday . afearnoon of last week on the spacious lawn 'of Mr. William• • Brigham, • when his daughter, • Ada May, was united in marriage with • Ernest A. Adarns. • The ceremony was, performed under an aroh of et.er- greens by Rev. .JH. Osterhout, 13. A., B. D. The wedding March item Lahengrin was Played by Miss Bow-' den of Toronto. The bridesmaids were : Miss Olvetta Brigham, sister of the bride, and Miss Zella Whitley of Grerrie. The groom, was supported • by Messrs. Roy Stackhouse of Blyth and Howard Brunsdon, cousin ,,of tale groom.. The biede, who was given away by her father, , looked sweet in.1 duchesse satin veiled with ninicn and ?deemed -with pearls. She wore a tulle Veil oven Niles di the valley and • carried a shower bogget of roses and. canna:Womb The *beidesnexhis wore pale blue satin vied With • ninon and pinn :mune trimmed with, • lace and insertion and marled boquets sweet peas and maiden hair • fern. During idle signing of the register, Miss Bbtvdeir, soloist of the Metropo litan church, Toronto, sarig, • "0 Fair, 0 Sweet and Holy." The bade and grodm are both well known and deservedlyi popular in this community. The bride has been for some time an active worker in thee Moihodist churl& . and a valued raw, - her of Me choir. The large number of useful and Valuable presents testify to the pop- ularity of the bride. Ammig the pre. sorts waa a beautiful piano from the - bride's tangy. The groom's presente were : to the bride, a bracelet sot with pearls, to the bridesmaids, noir chain anh pearl pin, to the grootth- men, tie pins, and to We soloist, a pearl pin. Guests were present • from Toronto, Londoe, Wingbani, Clitition, Seaiort15,, Blyth, Graelerre aortic, Auburn, Cer- lew. The happy couple tort on the 70 train for Toronto and et•her Points east, the bride wearing a beautiful biscuit-eolored • ttavelling suit with. white picture, hat. 11.