The Clinton News-Record, 1911-07-27, Page 64 July VKRY A"KNT4AINV%o BOGUS CHEQUE ARTIST" ­ 0% the 044 ft Herbert Tree can THE "MILK411 MUSEUM "AN, AX, TO CIRINOV be alert enough on ocession. Oft It he Tworito, Illionlis Viotil"Ix" by 4I*VJW LITTLE NELL This phrase Is *b04nt-minded. Sir Herbert took % h" frequently taxi, "d x4ve the driver thO, address, 0 W"torn Sharp 'flectlan Of Photo* eatti. 4 BeBALMIA FrAuklius but tRt• or Wonderful 04 tributod, to Thftugboiit the journey be was rood• sired by Pgrician fth"Imigtgr "I'low first Used by Charles Minor_ jut lotte1% and when the bOU40 be BY *k04110 Of tile old rubber atskmV 00064 bless dadda, m 4mmg, oisorgo, lk)ru in 1.780t died in 180"114 9 , curs III an essay ttO wee dOir Ablow the the. Was XQlU9 •to was rouh*d the Cab trICk. a Vancouver awhadler viethn. rutpro generstionx of English p*cp4>Irislu'-414 . outitleci "Who'll turn root Of many form of #topped and the driver came and, Pie Will find much to Interest them in mud then there was s, long Pan". Grl4dSt4UQ?" 0491110,11Y coutribu. 40POliedl the door. Still reading, . Sir bed three Toronto banks to the tun*':the wonderful collection ted to the 'WIlkesbarre Gleaner,, •4 *Awe" oxmi of .40 of photo, The little box raised his. head from country no Herbert looked up Abiltracteil AUT. The his mother's lap And #bQwfd R very. wepaper published in the ly ands of 414COVOry w40 MA40 ',grAPh4 gathered by Bir BOUJAIWU 44411"s anugmt of said to amas red face. in of Pennsylvania in I$,,. Z, e4 chauffeur: "Come, when QUO Of the oh4ques for ;846. was Stcne. "What Wee dog, John?" asked M The author say# that when be was human wismy, fill come jut." returned to the VAncouviar branch ot, Armeil with a recording gramo. ma Fulton. Am- A little boy he 00.71e, this Parbilsin citizen, who to A winter morning by 4, man w DEMAND FOR LIGHT HOROE$ the, bank of Nova Scotia. John looked, round, but Plate and er. Was ACCONted One cold It 414 not Schoolmaster by profession, spends on JiJS Should with an Axe take Jous for the bank. officials to liI3 Ip • The demand ,sure hours lying In 'Wait for (tlqe=had left the kitchen. He tried Dr, More* 4. ad for all -light horses of realize that A forger- bad; been at street -criers,, Do "My -Pretty W7,/' Aid, be, "has Your lopproved style and 'tireedlog it keen SiWhm he bears the tears. t instead of V'Qrd$ came father a grludstorieYPP Work. DrAt with Frerob equiv4lcn Indian in the Old 0 d & Company bx�k t for or "yes sir," ountry, abd prices rule said 1. very high, at the Loudon sales, the Canadian Bank of Commerce, the coal -man's call, MRmula, Fulton, took his hand, yo� 'are, Among he' promptly raised him up a , It fine little fellowlpf said the sales at Tattersall'o we twenty the chequeln question was Made pa - POUTIces, On them, and gets them to room, , I and ltd him to the, 11 1 will Root Pill to Ay AbOilt Into his instrument. Al m Ater she called, upon jt?ok You let me grind my Axe -horses which brow ht rices ranging Able at the Bank Of Nova Scotia. The , out. Already "Dadda, comqome'�rnot al minute." next day Iwo other eheQUe%L QUO tOr lie has collected the calls of Ilia bird- - Pleased by the e PROFITS ON IfGLADSTONE from 4500 to $1,070 each, eLM(I in'aLlIst $847 And ' Dadda Ful emplIment Of ,fine ,# of forty lit the same Sale, the lowest A the other for 4,845, dravta on stied seller, the vrgptabl.e carrier, the ton laid down Jils PAPor, little fellow", 160. the some bank, r L, I and walkcd to. the toom, the gentlaman,# bidding thorougmy teded price was 060, reached: Vaucouvex fish wife, the basket -maker, the old- was done by t adstorh14" has beaten -all' clothes man "Just see wbat's under the bed," he boy, Water b6ing topt frout Toronto, Where -like the first, the window -Mender, the on pro- yean "Cords to biographies. The cheque S814 gamma Fulton. red for him. and the grinds they had been, cashed. flower-mau, and tone kept ty Pays ftrea, the man who Under- He went down on bin knees and blistered t Vent by the pub)l�ber$r to the proprie, Royal The artist provided himself with takes to repair a In motion until the boy's hands were hAve been proved qt, Aorg ot the beak. 18, to the G14 repair all kinds of broken looked louder the b # be, smiling gentle Although, no doubt, avert' railway L Printed private phequos bearing the crockery. troy bed. M&U Xepp- There ing; P hie flattery meanwhile, Be. cum! Wag #afe gmd cortalin *6140 fAM1IY,—tOr the first year's ac- 10OUIP410Y Would gladly convey His name "Win. Braid & Coulpau In this way be means t , A little black licap near the wgs4. tore u 'bOuutil%g WAS greater by. several i Majesty and the queen free of Charge, ted."L and Y, Limi- o prepare a lie crawled under the bed, tools hold the 0ndilig Was done the 0011901� L drawn on the complete museum of be for cotipAoon, aW Uouxn� pounds than; Longman,* our rotate pay exactly the same price Vancouver upeoch. which of 14 And dragged it into the, jig , r4ug, aU4 after the the .y, $100,000 cheque to Ma e. an o Nava Co'a, 0 even na, to some public "Who brought this. here?" he A proper edge 04 It the man Ungr oleo$. OR WMdred ftgul)lq* caulay A% Anybody else for A Special tralp, Each at 04 by 11 , raid, man, institution for the instruction of the e $Ar the profits on -the third and fourth In addition to, the first-class fare of Agar," and , ;countersigned.by I'Llonal generationsS somewhat Sternly, 4, 1741celatmed.— vulntmes to come. ""Now, YOU little rascal, you#. Try thein. of lits Historr of FAll the children V�ro noxa crying. ad the truant; cut to school 4uglA#dr, �every passenger by whom they may ., 11play. Hilary," he or$er was slightly In be. Accompanied In their respectivq error, AS the .UA q Of the Van George WAS the eldest --he WAS 0. # 25c, 4 box, THE, ELEPHANT'S TRUNK. sultes. company eouver FOR RE plump a rue it or you'll Is "Wia-, Braid 0 READY REFERENCE Plum little fellow of nlue—and the ;all thor says that he felt very He, however, dispelled, all sooplol4n. by others looked to him to re 17 NaturAIN0 consider the elepbants The QL ply. much wounded And never forgot the leenlo Jewels "Oh, dad, it Vag IYW"dooix In the' incident, And ever afterwards When trunk thoi Most marvellous Miracle -of Among the jewels. the Queen using 4 forged rubber stamp -a e Certain Old-time,. Close P. Ik,' A ot!r the An Explanation, of couldna wa. an. most tame of the Vancouver;braiuch boy$ were tormentin, It, nd isome, big he saw One Person 4t aontsIns-Over'4,600 M48. values IS a chain of pearls pre Bank of Nova Scotia. All three .81bl!cal Words 130 . flattering Another The Panadian batik presented we Were he Said to ilimselfo ales—a. great many more than Are to hot as a wedding present by the cheques were made payable to C. W, gleln' it a wee rest fist till the Axe to grind.,, "That man has} A" June %tawrmat for (0044 14 the entire human body, By woman of twenty-three Engilob, coun, English, presumably an alias of the Here Is a bandy table furnished by Morula the mouth ct a shows the offect of 4 general sixpauslon In business aid of -these muscle$ the trunk will ties,. Thirty thousand dollars, was Mau W11 Cashed them At three oepa, The Chrlst!a-1 World which it would Dadda looked closely at the little re Old thr4qghl, y;4 ' " t the ccon-tryl. uproot trees Or. gather grass, lift & subscribed, but only $25,000 was spent rate b 0 terrier, with Its coat and legs all In the churchyard At Plyintree, De. aultION institutions In Toronto, be well to slit out And pasta in your oil 0LAP9111 Or a not, kill AL man Or brush on Bible for ready reference;--. splashed With mud, an saw that one 6ft A fly. the necklace, and the other $5,oft It Vag natural that the forgeries 0OU14 .4 a yew tree Whose age IS Ca IS 44 a useful as a hand was.divJcled amongsit various. charitlea not be detected A it journey Was About twiguty- of Its Paw$ Was Stained with blood. until they reached the He lit oulated at 1,000 years, 'and which is Ifilb all ItA fingers to. supply. the els- 008sa by 11fir, Majesty.. bank's branches at Vancouver to , I three and ofte-fifth miles, ted up.'the 409 tenderly, carried 4 thb oldest in the country, r pre- QhAut with food, and, bolus hollow, is The culprit had at 'least a- week's All English mild, it to the kit4D . hen, and placed It on the doubtles Used 0 a,auatjon DIGGING BETTER THAN SOARING sentati011 to the Bank of Nova Scotia. . A Sabbath day's journey was about rug before tile. fire. He, I gave it some I Pump. No other ;� *A, han a single Member -or organ start of the authorities. Many Lost Dogs t A cubit was nearly twenty-two food, And then it Jay down as it it 40 Q And so useful. Inches, could keep awake no longer. DuringTHNPOP-ULAR the first three months of AIr0sey0L Says Men Cannot Meet Irl The children were sr-tistled, and, TOURIST ROUTE 'A hand's-breadth was equal to three this Year, 7,405 dogs, most of them R UT, the Trackloss Skies.- THE CITYL BEAUTIFUL And five-eightbs' inches. went to bed happy. "strays," were received at the temp 'Home for los • A finger's-breadt!)< was equal to one The little 46g- was very 'lame, Votary t Dogs In Batter - A, Ruby Wedding There Is more to be got by digging Canadian ea a Inch. was.al]OWCd to ;stay With the Fultons. sea. Xuskoka Lakes �n about With. Co That rare event, a ruby W464din g, clown Into the earth, or. working upon CHI re, Approolating the A shekel of silver was about fifty. until It coWd r' in- Lake of Bays 'Was. 'celebrated In Valfour, Allag Its surface; than there can be had by Value of Civic Beauty, cents. fort, Beef for Britain Village, ooariRg Up Into the boundless Skies by 31at Tamagam '$h0ausey, Orkney Xslaudg,, to A shekel of gold w Nell ' as, the childred named her, For the quarter ending march"- Algonquin Park 'Was given a good bath in the wash. last, 1,634 406 cwt. of recently as V� 'by'Mr.--and Mro-John Orever. They the aid of dirigible balloons or aero. Several 'Canadian cities are rballs- A talent of silver was $623.$0.L beef was im planes. There. are no precious mines In to some A talent of gold was $3,809, her tornAnd tattered ported into Great Britain, a record were married. In 1841,'and their re� 9 e.extont the need to make house. LS112 lost Maianotawan, River to explore In all the vast expanse of themselve . 1. Apiece of sll;ier, ora look, and loecame trim and smart. qu Anttt:� for this period of the year, FrailefiL River apective ago$ Are. ninety-one and air, nor to there any, i beautifuL. Among, thece, Penny, was ninety-four 'years. are n Invitation to pro- tuirteen Cents. She'and 63 children were soon fast Georgian Bay friends, li'licy 11) • fitable Industry, There. no level in St. John, NIX,, and Lethbridge, Alta., A farthing was three cents Yea, to gather round gave evidences Of that. Traffic Observers Lake Coueltiching 4 the trackless skies where man with, recently gav A'mite was less than a qudrter of a the fir-, and Plav on the-1warthrug. Kawartba Lakes, -do.' man may meet, Where *a can help In cent. As tile, dais Passed Dadda and For the traffic celiSus -Of tlie City ROUND TRIP Private W. . Lethbridge many People turned other or be helped. There can s one, cent, G, Giflord, Royal Gre-u- one an A gerall W4 11TAIUM-A Fulion bzgan to'look serious, of London nearly 300 observers wpre Toronllioi,. Von the Prince of -be to brotherly love -where there areOut, 4. few'nighto ago, to hear 'An Ad- An ephah, or bath, 17 at Nell. They were very required to watch 52 roads, 14 other HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS. .41!061� on."The City seven poor, and 'Wales. Prize .at Bisley, no public highways 41th - dwellings, Beautiful," . And gallons And live pints. had no Monty for a dog -license, 0 walking ways, 18 railways, TO THE WEST e -there Is no chance to meet And they were advised to "get a good I;LudT. A firkin was About eight and seven- they he 6 tube what U to sc4be gardener to Plan, things.,, d to malc,� up their minds to, otations, and 2 stairways.- AT LOW RATEiS grasp the friendly hand or eve eighths gallons. solid No -]I a�vay. They often'tA)ked of VIA SARNIA OR CHICA" give and to receive the passipg word. In St. John the Pally Telegraph A hill was one gallon and, two plate., the naatt!�r wllcn the. children were Are Your* Kidneys —George Birdseye, recently gave a long editorial In Which An omer was six pilits, asleep without bQJug able to 'decid� Mormons In England Literature, tickets and full inforara- it- said that a requisition of civic wall- A cab was three what to.do, Non froth betng-is 11 .., pints.' n the United Ringdorii there were Any Grand Trunk Agenip or �-qaiWorkiug P6perIy?-.j,' a condition of things which "l liatD tat disappol last Year, according to official returns, address A. F. lit the weaus Duff. District pa$sen- "O-ol pay won PF-NciLS AN15 DIPJ-l`THERIA will ensure that the maximum sold Dadda Fulton, "but Nell in it YOU ;t 18,228 Mormons. to hl4e Sure of HOW TO KEEP YOUNG u, gor Agent, Toronto, Ontario, There's been ;3 lot of 'fgueising" about A recent outbreak of ill'plithe beku0 be.intr6duced into the life of go." ria -at our city.,, theuinatism and: ;rheumatic 11mWs gen'er- Bacup is attributed to the sucking of Expect a good,long, useful Wei It Was. Saturday afternoon. The At the Art Gallery but you can be clead sure that little IeB.dL. pencils,, - The Pencils Ili them•' In the rush of modern. lite" con. Hold your thoughts persistently. d1nucr- fthes had been washed -n Average of 3,047 persons visit *117 ra� Inues - the editorial, I � I shed and A pain* Acragg'your back came trom de- selves Are harniless. . What.. caused r a], , "Its.' amenities, Gorge, Elsie, and. Put aii By. ad litles, Keep, In the sunlight; 4othing bee John the National Gallery on each of the. especially new countries, are too Atful. or sweet rIp"s In the 'darkness creased kidney action° the• mlschl6f was tile. saboolrehildren's * In n were given their weekly hRlfPennies 207 free 'days during 1911, easily forgotten. Our and sent out to spend them., Nellw&s The kidney's duty is to filter the bloc babitL'of - suelting. dirty pencils and hOmes become . Simply. refuse to grow old by count. out 'the im A merely' refuges .from our work, and Ing your, Years or anticipating old not allowed to go With them, she Not a Bert THROUGH TOURIST PUILMAt; unties collect0d by.' then '�assl:rig them oil to each otheri , our 'Places of work represent the age- burled herself -gar, the returning. blood stream—d ' just '' The very - first legsdn every child jr-. Refrain from. all, kinds UP Ili front' of tile f1ra 0 it of stimulants and blinkc-'d at the dancing flames� When arrested in Rerun re —TO— like - Absorbent cotton in a funnel - filters, should be taught is not to put a poupil which is nut everything and sedatives.;,. they will shorten*yopr c8ptly a reducible minimum of the `LIMOUJ�tidg from directly of In the life. Dadda J�Iulton'put beggar was found to possess in polluted water. In Its mouth.1L i. 08 siubo. WINNIPEG AND EDMONTON If It was known that, n�lakjng. of a on his cap, took -Aillen. fortunes." One of the best preventives of old her in big arms, and went out. When which he admitted had been, gained by the kidneys not'w6rking you'- the severest Puidshment would follow The .Telegraph Makes a he reached the. closemou begging ate bound for one of two course Pencil strong ap- age Is Onthusiainn and Interest In at th he looked s , sucking,. thw habit could be peal for heading If the 'child P M -j july 11LA hetes and Bright's Disease or Rhe'uma- rooted out proMptly, At is practically the,impulse ImOulge toward fairs of the day., about to,ses ren were near. Froar Totionto It Ah,.there they we e' the other Vh,, via Vhiftgo� t1sm, Lumbago- and Sciatica beauty, . And in Conelualou' It L -Says: A�old fear in All 'is varied forihe of and 25 The .for Impossible for any •-teacher, however Bid 3 25th ; August 8 mer course, is usually fatal, 4 "Surely lthe city beautiful will ili-ve expre'Splon; it IS -Of .the street looking -at St. Paint and Minneapolis. InfI117 and the latter vigilant, to prevent elfildron, borrow- the greatest enemy the good bit things in 0- window of a sweet-sho Ver Low Rates. its always pa you need not have followers and golden money will of the human race: Ing one anotber'i pencils, -but not destroy all Memory of th4 Golden . Natur and ivinting to buy the lot,,* P. S they - both ca". be easily be a very diff a Is the great rejuvenator; her Winnipeg Exhibition Dates, July vented.' q . I. tuot. to difficult task to see Fleece. , St,' John Can become,ln time spirit lie hurried down the street and was I . I Th that the Title ones keep,'thelr penella Js ever 1,oung. Live with her; soon Out Of. 12-22, c- very best. presctiption for all kid I and paint bri:sbes out of tllej• A city, not merely an aggregation of study'ller; love her. He Walk d on f.:r eight a long •time till he ire streets, 'Where wealth accumulate 'Contemplate beauty W all Its form IS, iched Glasgow r mouths, N .7.�Mey, troubles is ��,j s Stone Root Com- -1 on cornpotwd I your'll . fe, ng Williams'Statue and ran away . —�uskoka, Like of Days, Irlilini is nQ "patent" inedicin Ogg; Then he put Nell down near I THEPOPULAR.ROUTE— add, men decay,' but, a place e. where and you will drive everything that Is, rue man and women may dwell in ugly out of Nell did not waste A minute, but To Algonquin . Park of Stnl?root, 13ucliu*, ,juniper and other I STA prosperity., -cultivating those precious Avoid excesses of all kinds followed him at once.- Dadda Fulton I '. items figs of - Tz 0' ; they. gaini, - proved �ahje. More than HIO, things in life which epshrine the best; are injurious.: The Iong-life must �e 'Bay., Ka*ar%a Lakes, Ma' Georgian CITY OF:TOLEDO, sr,, thought and the . . tried to slip 111to. the %a ganctawan, 'that It has been proved 'by thousands beat expression of a tem regular- life, underground' River, French . Rivet Etc. who have had glad relief front. its use. LUCAS COUNTY the Vorld�--flae books, fine buildings, railway station, but Nell was too Th�i�es Low round trip othing quite W miserable as Frank J. Cheney snakes fine music, line Paintings sharp for him. 'She 901 r tourist rates, be oath •that SURPRISE FOR THE HOME 011. caught tip to I onvenionie train sienvice. UT� asked A draggin results of sick .-Aidneyi, het is rohicir partner 61 the firm him and trotted C You a* his side.. re tri of Loads for Donkeys tore fftt so Iftig.-with your own future p, j. 'Cheney .& The Cross, whsve when on neglect so simple a precaution, Co., doing, business At the Yarmouth MadAy, of the Erie Railroad, very bu�y. Men and rmouth Town Council It was born in women were standing about or' jost. 'as, a pr1asaut hoin6 treAtine'ilt with' Nyal's in the �Ditiy of Toledo,. CaUnly and WO, iecoutly proposed that :the don. -two con MUuele, Indiana. He had linS each, Qth AN I%" For full Particulars' and tickets Stone Root Compound when. results are Sta* �aforbsajd, and that -said sing who lived on a farm OUt_r Cars, er qn the pavement. M6r*Nft--ft b apply to � the ageuts at Clinvon. edr-taip. IV. firm keys on the should. not be, side the city, vans, lorries,'and barrows were will, pay Me stem of OHV 14UN� 1>]�,yl) 60.1owed to carry. persona weight Passing''from every. Corner. A, 0. Pattison, Depot Ageit.• it soothes bladder. irritation, More than eiglqt'Stone, 119 had One fall," said. Maddy, "the boya. Dadda Fulton John Ransford,. To gives DOLLARS for and everp. case. ad.-betn working very, hard. and their tried to get Away Town Agent, u,Ves and cotufoirt At., night, and Makes of CA -from Nell In the crowd, but she kept fife ciace. more enjoyable. tairh' tbat ca)inot be curod, -by A Fa father -told - them they -M.Igbt take, a: too close to him At Iasi, f.Ah 9 T -T I I, Fat ["come load Of a (--; * # I ;kidneys, liver and bladder are all 0 al I s atariin unfe. I'k, ... Own, sell UlAm and I US. .like re M Lord 'Floward de Walden is one who has - done' -something very *Petldent upon-bne Another, and Nyalla� PRANK J. one of keep the money. CHENEY. England's vealthieft peeig... His. 1w bays, oil reach'ing town, wrong, he jumped On a car going east st9im. Root- Cow und 1.4 particularly Sworn to, bolcirgi me and htood and hurried 0 substiribed come is $1,260,000 a year. Around for an a Upstairs. When 9n9d to helt) Zem all. 1i time, d finally sold he in. my re reached tho .: -top . lie presence, this .6th dxy of D&- the apples. Then they. wandered in turned And saw �-elcr and Guaranteed by W.. S. it. camber,-. A; V. 1886. Mo the King". and out of the attiresPoor, Nell -standing at the � Croe' for, two or three o and Holmes, J, E. - flovieyj W. A. A. W. GLEASON, The King of Spain .is the only hours trying to find something to buy gazing After the car as' it she did, not Mort- I Y - WhAt WoConnell, clitilloti., - (Seal.) arch who does not. sign his to take back- home 'finally I know - to do. She was such, A Notary Public. name. He bought hilt they. forlorn-lookirig little' creature that. Hat's C tarrh 'a merely signs lits'edicts, "Yo at, m6y,'— a bushel of -Eat APPIcs. Da Catarrh ore is inter- "l, the King." ..Urday Evening Pest. dda Pultoh felt very miserable. ai, nalliy, and Acts diredtily ca the blood. having deserted her. and 'Mucous 'surfaces of the system: Keir Whena BoyA- Huilt Stadium He was very'quiet that Afternoon . • Send as he sat In his woodeuArinchair with XAMMV, for testimonials fred; When a 'boy. . Mr. keir Hardie WAS pHavIng a. sealing capacity tor.40,000 his feet On the fender and a n6v, s - J.:. C 14 RN8, Y & ' CO., am - Ili taking I s 6(*tat "Toledo 0. employed ng around hot rolls Oro.. And standing room for all Paper In hlb'hafid. of a morning to his Waster's b - the Turin old fiy�ill Diuggistsj'75b. other 30,001, the stadium at ' ets.` He work UStoln — h1l I Mamma Fulton had gone out to �Uy akei-Hill's Family PiRs" for con- ad. for -a IGIasgow baker. 'tp tion is the largest of :Its kind' the- Sunday, dinner. - eVe. t p, a t, 1 O'n. who.-Daid him 60 or, 15 cents' a. week.' e W011,10'' Suddenlythere was a great-niolge on the stair. . He roses' and A.—AA *r... OF' 1011. 14 F 1p "It 8 TO IS floafn T UAW TORO I ORO a fo,0&ft&d&. alo ITHISTS— I?LHNDID HANDS - 9P. SARN in Loridoia—' M MwiJ160touty,