HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-09-15, Page 5TUE W NNGJXAM TIMES SEPTEMBER l"a, iI3U4 The people appreciate the high, -class values offered at this store, and our fair, square treatment. READY-TO-WEAR NOT NNADE TO ORDER BUT MADE TO FIT OVERCOATS. Gents' New Cravenette Overcoats, iu black, grey and green stripe effects, some have square pockets, belted and box backs, all sizes, 33 to 40 chest. $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 MEN'S OVERCOATS its nice stripe effeote and plain greys and blues and blacks, sizes 33 to 40 chest, some have talma pockets and cuffs ou sleeves, °the.re have belted, backs and square poc- kets, prices $6:50, $8.50, $10.00, $12.00, $14.00 YOUTHS' AND BOYS' OVERCOATS. In greys, blacks and stripes, all sizes from 22 to 35, all latest styles, prices - - $5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $10.00 SUITS SUITS SUITS .Just to hand, Men's, Youths' and Boys' new fall suits in latest .I stripes and checks, single and double breasted, all sizes in stook, 20 different patterns in each size to choose from. . Prices - - - - $5.00, $7.50, $10,00 HAT AND CAP DEPARTNENT. Just to hand the new Brown Pan Di)2 Fedora Hat, all the rage in the city sizes lies, to 744, urine - - - - $2.75 • Gents' New Black Pan Dip Fedora Hats, all sizes, price $2.75 STIFF HATS •• Gents' New Black Stiff Hats, three different shags to choose from. all sizes, price - - - - - - - $2.50 NEW TWEED CAPS. In all the latest colorings and styles, prices - .25, .50, .65 GENTS' FURNISHINGS. New string ties in all colors - - - - - - New Bows, right up to the minute New Hard and Soft Bosom Shirts, sizes 14 to 18%, colors teed -------- - Underwear of all kinds at Bargain Prices. .25 .50 guaran- - $1.25 The R. 1. CROWDER GO. Wingham's Best Clothiers. Dir Try Ceewder's Shoes. Try Crowder's Shoes. "eft i'l•d•'l 2•-1'41.4-o°+4.+ 4.+eete eete4.+•: •1 4. ++4-44+++++++++++++++++++.4-+ 4 ,i 4 4. 4 4. 4. 4. A 4. ;•A ,•1- .4 •:4 .'4. Specials for September This month will prove interesting to intending purchasers. All of our high-class Furniture must' be exchanged for money. 7 per cent is good investment, but 20 per cent. is better. 1 ?-cut Oak Sideboard, polished mirror, 22x44, reg. $50.00, for $45.00 1 " ' " t 6 " 20x40, reg. 88 00, for 32.00 1 " " " " 18x84, reg. 28.0:,, for 23.00 1 Buffet. swell glass door and drawers, 12x88, reg. 35 00, for 29.00 1 Genuiue i\lahogany Dresser and Stand, swell fronts 28x34, reg. 48 00, for 40.00 1 ? -out Oak Dresser and Stand 28x34, reg. 42.00, for 34.00 1 .t r.. „ , 2Sa44, reg. 45.00, for 38.00 The above goods are the very newest designs, and an inspection will satisfy you that they are exceptionally good value. Compare these prices with those of departmental stores, and note the saving:. Also special September bargains in cheaper lines of Furniture. Seg our Mattresses and ,Wire Springs. ALL BROS., The People's Furniture Store. •'•i• • 4 • UNDERTAKING ll• Brick residence, 5th house west .1, . . from Hamilton's Corner Dara Store, where night calls will + -., i receive prompt attention. ?.14+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 sAAAAAAAAWAMtAAAAAAAAAAAA AA/tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/MAAAAA FURNITURE BUYERS, REMEMBER The next 6 weeks will he of interest to you. Special prices on Furniture for balance of July and all of August. Just think! A good Oouclt, iu velour covering, stripe pattern, assorted colors, For $4.75, re alar i G 50 $R.50 re alar 8.r 0 $7.50 ,ra regular 9.G0 and a nice line not sogood for 3.75 $ We will guarantee to supply the above goods at these prices throughout July and August only. IN FAR LOR SUITES we lead in prioe and quality. Eyelet Suite guaranteed or money refunded. Note our special prices: Nice i - piece Suite, solid wit frames, done i velour, Bo odparterhss spring, edge nl sh bound, regixt r price t15 GU special rice •.,s 'Eng Suite, guaranteed, , $10.00 quality 61 635.00 We don't handle any slop upholstered goods; we buy in our own town, thereby saving a big freight charge. tar See our $°.'.00 Mattress. WALKER BROS. & SUTTON.' ilaeWeatetatAAAAMAAAAAAeasesAAAA YVVVSN h VVWW YVV S VWVW The Times TO JANUARY 1, 1905 25 Cents ta,VKleaasst. The monthly meeting or the Iiluevale branch of the Womeus' Instituto, will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 21st at 2.80 n.m., at the house of Mrs. Jtlo. Rolph, 4th line, Turnberry. The eubjeot for discussion to be "Cake Baking." Each lady is expected to come prepared to ask soma question. All the ladies cordially invited to attend, Whets All. Others Feil To relieve constipated headache just try Dr, Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Wonderfully prompt, and never cause griping; pains. For headache and hilionsoess nee only Dr- Hamilton'a Pills. Price 25e. I eaueoSS. While threshing at Purple Grove, ou Friday, Garner Stanley, 12th concessiou Kinloss, met with a frightful accident which may terminate fatally. In at- tempting to replace the fauniug mill belt, he was throwq with his left arm against the cyltuder sheaf pully, taking the arta off below the elbow, pulling off the flesh and leaving the bone bare above the elbow. He also received a deep cut on the shoulder, one on the temple, one, most serious, ou the bacti of his head, which affected the brain, and is con- sidered by the medical men the most dangerous wound. Mr, Starlit y is thirty- one years of age, is married and has three small children. o Tonsilitis is Doing Around And everybody is wondering what to do. Here is a simple euro. Use a gar- gle of Nerviliae and water as recommen- ded in the directions, and rub your throat and chest vigorously with Nervi - line, This has been tested and proved successful a thousand times. Nerviliite is a specific for tonsilitis and in fact we know of nothing half so good for break- ing up colds, curing tight chest and all musoular pains. Try a buttle of Nervi - line; price 25o. OLtNTON. A sad accident occurred on Saturday a short distance out of town, Mr. Fletcher McCartney was engaged in threshing for Mr. Badour, and while at dinner it is supposed a spark from the engine set fire to the straw and spread to the barn. It had gained considerable headway before being noticed. Mr. Mc- Cartney rushed into the barn to try and get out his machine, which was a new one. He succeeded in doing so, butwa,s so badly burnt that he lived only a few. hours. His clothing was nearly all burn - de off bis body. He had in the neighbor- hood of one hnudred dollars in his pocket, which was also burned. He leaves a widow and family to mourn his sad end. UODL1tIUFt Rev, T. Albert Moore, of Torouto, ad- dressed a meeting in the interests of the Ontario Lord's Day Alliance here Wed- nesday night, iu North Street Methodist Church. All the prayer meetings as ere cancelled in the Methodist, Presbyter- ian and Baptist churches, and their pas- tors occupied the platform with Mr. Ivloore. The address was of intense in- terest and roused a great deal of enthus- iasm in the union congregation. ..Mr. Moore, who is one of the two field secre- taries of the Alliance, is an enthusiast on Church Union as well, and delights to tell to hia colleagues in the ministry how the recent church union movement actually originated iu the Lord's Day Alliance office iu Toronto, in a little committee meetiugM . A. Dead TLr•ed I,'eeting And utter weariness are due to the blood being weakened through faulty action of the kidneys and liver. It's a surplus of energy, lots of red vitaliz- ing blood you treed and it can be acquir- ed quickly by using Ferrozono, the greatest strengthening tonic made. "No tonic equals Ferrozone," writes H. E. Jennings of Westport. "Last spring I was tired and depressed, had backache and lacked strength. Ferro - zone soon brought me to good health and made me well." Price 50c at drug gists. WESTi?IB.ty. Will and Archie Courtice, of Michi- gan, are visiting their sister, Mrs, A. Robison, Mrs. Benj. Brown and son, Everett, of Comber, and Mrs. Brown, of the township of West Tilbury, are visiting Mrs. W. G. Campbell, Mrs, Benj. Brown being Mrs. Campbell's mother. John Wilford, of Blyth, preached at Westfield last Sabbath, and Rev. J. L. Small, of Auburn, took the evening ser- vice at Donnybrook, as Rev. T. B. Coup - land was taking a week's holidays. Anniversary services wilt be held at Donnybrook on the 18th. Rev. Dr. Cook, of Clinton, will preach morning, afternoon and evening. A sacred con- cert will be given ou the Monday follow- ing, for which excellent talent has been secured, 8Lk rA. Mr. and Mrs. .Robert Crittenden, of Dyer's Bay, are at present visiting with Blyth friends. The council appointed Mr. Richard Somers coustable and tax collector. Salary $30 per month. Mr. T. B. I4icArter has purchased the Blyth photo gallery from Mr. H. R. Brewer and is now in full charge. A passenger coach is being fitted up for a temporary Grand Trunk station at Blyth. The appearance of the Bell telephone pots in the village was much improved this week with a fresh coat of paint. The work was done by one of the corn- pany's travelling painters. Mr. Henry Wettlaufer, who was a trusted and popular clerk with Messrs. McK tnuon & Co., for three years past, left on Monday afternooit for Stratford, whore he will take a six months' Course in the Central Business College. Rev. Edmunds enjoyed a ver Vpleasant holiday from August lSth to September .3rd. He spent nitre daye in Oman Grove and Ashbary Park, NewJar se t two days iu New York, three clays at Sara,. toga Springs and the rest Of the time in Niagara Pelle end Berlin. BLACK COSTUME SUITINGS FOR AUTUMN. eizimigummaxgatontraMa The unusually broad variety of black materials for Antonin gives the 'wearer of black almost as wide an assortment to choose from as that which is Offered to those who choose colors, Take the Settings, for instance : Irl. Brotideloth. we show the fittest qualities, and jet moat reasonable prices. Then we have Satin Amazons, Venetians, Oboviots, Fancy Mnhairs and Oatmeal Canvas Weaves, Call and inspect our large unci fabhioortble vane of Btactt Goods. Colored SEMI , s While we devote so much epees+ to onr Blac oods, we must not fail to mention our Colored Snitiugs. Never were eh pretty goods displayed. Brown, Green, Navy, Red, and Fancy Tweed re all found, in this depart - meat, Prices to suit everyone. We invite y to call and see our goods, Ladies' an[%/Children's Underwear This week we have opened np a large stock of Underwear, and the sudden change in the weather makes one feel that " an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure " Theretore prevent having to use a cure by buying a good snit of Underwear, Of gt•eat interest to mothers will be the knowledge that we have in stock "REUBENS' VESTS " for infants, They are free from buttons, and soare easy to fasten. MEN'S CLOTHING.. Remember that onr great Reduction Sale in Men's Clothing is to be continued this week. Corrie and secure a bargain. GLOVES AND HANDKERCHIEFS. Better invest in a pair of good Woollen Gloves. We have them in Lathes' and Children's, in red, navy and white, the correct fashiou for Fall. la Handkerchiefs we have the greatest bargain ever offered to the people of this viciuity. saucy 8 Hemstitched Haudkerchiefs for 25 cents. We are offering this to alt, Cali and purchase while they last. G-R.00ERIES Onr Grocery department is well stocked with pure fresh Groceries, and we can fill your order for anything iu this line. D. J'1. GORDON f1lllgliestt Prices for Trade. DIRECT IMPORTER. 0.1 ,taint's. Mrs. Thos. Maunders has been danger- ously ill bat is considerably improved now we are pleased to state and hope she will soon be fully restored. Mrs. Robert Shortreed, 9th line, has removed to Blyth where she has pur- chased a very comfortable home. Miss Jnlia Sharp, of London was home for a brief visit. She has spent the past few mouths as nurse at Ingersoll. Rev. and Mrs.Finkbeiner and children of Sebringville, were visitors with Mrs. T. Mauuders and family during the past week Mrs. Thomas Wilkinson and baby ilaughtgr, -Mils Florence Bernice, of Escaneb, Mich., are visiting relatives and friends at Belgrtyye and locality for a few weeks. They are welcome visitors. Mrs. •Jaynes Hsll and Mrs. Howard Hall arid two children, Misses Vera and Mamie, have ;gone„ to Toronto on a month's visit, and Diaster Harold Hall has returned after no- weeks visiting his grandparents. Go to the World's Fair Via Grand Trunk, as the trip ' , route ou the through trains will adi o the en- joyment of your visit. Thweather at St. Louis is delightful a this time of year, and you oul• make your trip now. Reduced at:- in effect allow stop over at Chicago, P atroit and Canadian stations. For ti.. els and fall informa- tion call on Grand Trunk Agents. Write to J. D. McDonald, District Pass. euger Agent, Toronto, enclosing four cents iu stamps for handsome booklet containing 48 pages of illustrated and descriptive literature regarding the Fair, EAST WAWANOSH On Monday, 5th inst., Mrs. G. Robert- son kindly entertained the choir of Calvin Presbyteriau Church, East Wawanosh, to a pleasant.ovening, at her residence, East Wawanosh. During the evening the'choir presented a handsome silver tea service and tray with au address to Mrs. J. J. Hastie, iu appreciation of her assistance at the choir practices on Thursday evenings. Both the Rev, Mr. Hastie and Mrs. Hastie suitably acknow- ledged the valuable gift and Mr. Hastie thauked the Choir for their regular at- tendance at the Sabbath services. Special meeting of Council was held on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 801, for the purpose of considering what was to be done about settling the claim presented by Samuel Walsh, lot 30, con. 5, same- titne ago, for gravel said to be taken, and for further damage done his proper- ty by township pathtnasters. Present, John McCallum, Reeve, and Messrs. Ellis, Beecroft and Wilsou, Councillors, and discussing After deliberating t„ a lhis t matter at cousiderable length, it was Wilson. M moved 6 v Mr.1st sec'd byr. oW Beecroft that Samuel Walsh be teudered the sum of $10 as payment in full for gravel he states Was taken in the years n for further diLma a done to 19 ande 0� 4,$ his property by township pathmasters encroaching ou same. Carried. M. Ellis promptly objected to this offer for a settlement with Mr. Walsh. The Council then Adjourned. P. PoloTEitrirr,b, Clerk. Try to Prevent Lung Tronble. It's the dried sputumfloating around in the air that gets into your lungs and causes consumption. A sure preventive is fragrant healing Catarrhozono, vehieh is inhaled right into the lungs, kills every germ, heals the sore membranes and cures thoroughly every type of ca- terrh, broiiehitfs, asthma and lung trou- ble, '.1 caught a ttevere cold which de- veloped into material acid finally settled on ray lunge," writes Mr. A. Northrop of Bedford. Catarrhozone relieved (thickly and cared We. 1 reoomaiettd tJatarrhozolte highly." TWO menthe treatment $1.001 trialsixe lSo. Quite an acreage of Fall wheat is being put iu this season despite the poor show - tug of the past harvest, A May kitchen is beteg built at Teas- dale Whitfield's residence, 1301 con, He has a fine borne and an excellent farm. The traction eur;ine of Win. Cole went through a culvert on the 001 con. oue day receutly. A new bridge had to be put in Miss °rarer is net enjoying her ususl degree of health but we hope a change for the better will soon ensue. She is now at J. P. McIntosh's, Miss Annabelle McKinnon has been poorly for the past few mouths but, her many friends hope she will soon be re- stored to her former vigor. Voters' .List Court will be held for Grey township in the Town Hall, Ethel, on Tuesday, 20th inst., before Juage Doyle. There is a large list of appeals to be disposed of. Hearty congratulations are' extended to Miss Rebecca McNair for having been successful at her Junior Leaving Exam- ination. She is at present takiug charge of S. S. No. 8, Morris, during the illness of Miss Murdie. the teacher there. Friday in'irnin;;, Sept. 2ad, Peter Robertson, eldest son of the late Thomas Robertson. Got 8, Oen. 9, gave up the battle of lif after a strenuous fight and passed over o the great majority. He had been iu - oor health for the past year from a stroke of paralysis, rendering him comparatively useless for to good part of the time. "Pete" as he was familiarly called, was born on the farm on which he died and as long as able was a very hard worker, in fact too much so for his own physical good, even if a goodly measure of success attended his toil. Ho was a director of East Huron Agricultural Society end wes an honest, upright man respected by all who knew him. Deceased never married and was in his 48th year. • Reginald Williams fell into the cylind- er of a threshing machine near Delhi, and was instantly killed. -Thins and Family Herald and Week- ly Star till end of 190.4 for 55 ceuts. New subscribers should take advantage of this low rate. FT Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of reef blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the ialarrow and somesay1 l red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fat. Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil. For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food, It not only feeds the blood -making Organs but gives there strength to do their proper work. Send for free sample. Pe. sco'r'e :c b0 V 1i, Chemists, Oatrrl*, sot, and $ r.00 ; all druggists. New Fall Goods es.% 1904 l'e* A FULL HOUSE. STOCK STYLE... , . QUALITY. „ THF VERY BEST PRICES ..,,.THE VERY LAR' E5V THE VERY NBWES•p TIIE VERY LOWEST - One iittntired and Nifty feet of selling space, Departments. BASEMENT. x+.4•06, CLOTHING --A large and well soleoted stock of Min's and B wt' Nuv Fill Shits, Rer'f.irs and Overcoats -at loss then city prices. See our stook before buying. FIRST FLOOR. DRESS GOODS. -The newest dress materials for Fail and Winter wear at easy prices. HOISERY AND GLOVES, -We keep only the best makes. UNDERWEAR-Bnnghi, direot from the mantifeetnrr.rs guarenteed to give entire satisfaction. See onr special liuee at 25a anti 50e. STAPLES. -Yon may depend mem hnying all kinds of staple goods at right prices, here, as we bought heavy before the adtr.uioe_-A0 eau salt yo, Flennelett•'s, Wrapperettes, Cottons, Cottouades, Denims, Ticking, Shirttngs, Flannels, etc., at olci prices. GENTS' FURNESIIII\GS.-New Collare. New Ties, New Shirts, New Braces, New Underwear, New Rats, and Caps. -Prices in this de- partment always right. BOOTS AND SHOES. -We keep everything in Shoes -except feet. New Shoes and Rubbers just received. GROCERIES. -A full Assortment of fresh groceries always in stock. Find out our prices. SECOND FLOOR. LADIES' JACKETS AND SKIRTS. -A. large stock of new Jackets and Skirts best styles at special prices. CARPETS. LINOLEUMS AND CURTAINS -We show new patterns in `ii floor covering. See onr New Liuolenms, 4 yards wide. Wont Tapestry and Brussels Carpets at cut prices. it E. ISARD & Co. ypypyu,��y Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Right geiods at right pr c ;s, M1IYRlY IY �I.YiYiYIY� W -- . } � a'vvavvvvvvavvvvvvavvrvvvv• t'vvvvavvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvt'ww 4 IROYAL G ROC E Ryli TTTT•TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTT China Tea Sets w • 4 This week we open up a package of China Tea Sets in choice decorations, fiftysix pieces to each set. in- stead of forty-four as usual. Set, $4.50 to $7,50 '4 Salad or Fruit Sets. China Salads or Fruit Sets, consisting of thirteen pieces : one large bowl and twelve small ones Set, $.2,00 TEAS. .4 4 4 1 Pure Indo -Ceylon Teas. Try a pound of our Perfect Indo -Ceylon Tea. We have drawn it beside Pack -1 age teas at forty cents. Our price, per lb, .30 •. � GRIFFIN'S AAAAAA,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAr 4 e+ve4••vw4•••••M••••••••• 0•444•4•40.•4•.••o•••••••• • 4 • 4 4 • O • • 4 • • • • • • 4 • 4 O • 4 • • 4 es No. 1 -Best Body. Hardwood, per Cord $5.00 • No. 2 -Hardwood, from Smaller Timber per Cord ...... . 2.75 4 No. 3• --•Hardwood, and Ash, mixed, per Cord........... . 2.50 • No, 4 -Ash and Elni, mixed, per Cord . ... ......... 2+ 25 �' No. 5 -Slabs and soft Timber, per Cord. 2000P Rough wood, chunks, etc., for funaces and hoe stoves.... 2.00 • (Nos. 1 and pcut front greentibur • Our terms fcr Coal aid WOCd are strictly crash. 4 . J.AiMcLeanJ ••4 • Wood and Coal Office, next Zttrbrigg's Photo Gallery; Phone 04. 4 Branch Office at A. E. Smith's bank; Phone. 0. Residence Phone 5a. 0+44...4.4.,41••,s.s+.... 4fri,♦•.4,,...4.,,t....•4*4+► WINGHAM Coal and Wood rd We are sole agents here for the Scranton Coal,and will guarantee every delivery to be 0, K. Just ask any person who has used sauce and hear whet they say about it. The following prices will not raise for 12 mouths. JuIy delivery per Lou lots and over, $6 80 August delivery...... " ,. •• wt; 90 September and 7 followiug months " " " $7.00 To take advantage of the above ricesord r smnstbeiu bythe fifth fth Of each month for immediate delivery or they will take the next mouth's prices. Farmers wishing to load and draw their own Coal will have 25c porton rebate. NOW FOR THE WOOD. • 4 4 • • • • • 4 4 • • 4 f 4 • at