HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-07-27, Page 3FV , -tv , , IN "Kv.�--.i - II, I I'll '6:'11!, 11 �, � ) I --qwr �� , ww"" 11 . � -1� �17. 4�r�,77 7 T . , 1� I , I . d- - I . I � . , J* 2ft on . !�,­ I - N . - ­ ­- ­­ ­­­;" Wi;wl ­;;�-; . I- 01004 I -­-­ � , * I - I I . -Imm­ -----, -1 ­ ­ .11 11 ­­­ � � I t fX-XXXAXJQV" XIK)LKJV VVVV1%r�VV-.. V% 1, ,XJLXy ., , . I . , � I I "OUR WSRKLY NATIONAL ARTIOM tq R Do, ", I 91 A - . -LA , I -FO 1"'. NEEDYI, I I , C . DOW, ANADA LIARES R . , , 14 , � � � � � I , OO I I . � I I - .4— �, � � (CopyriNkt, by ruult6hers rress Limit*#, JKO,ktml�) . . � � . . ,� With'the enormous I growth of Can- of all killed, milk, ego, medicine, etc,, . are supplied to the Patients, and sev- I 4da, In the 4ost twellty-five years, with � ,., I . teen i1eedY cases received money . I � Its woresoe of,popuiatiou., of trade, oUn Well. for rolit. coalo, ate., during . I of Industr#1 4a.volopment and Of the Year. . . Jamul, "),11 And Au4tvidual, wealth, The Victorian Order -of Nurees. Co. : I there b4s been ik corresponding �loperate witil. thq Royal Edward Iliad- . tutQ to the extent Of aupplylug and I i . growth Of public- 4,0trIt and a utilver- pay -Ing iwa Auraeo. who vioit the t. .1, $al. 404rallpation that Canada ab4ll ,homes of advanced Cases,, And extra . . � have U finely-equIpped public !Asti- nurses for cases leading constant at- , I . .1 . tutiono for education, Moral, Physical. tentlon. Owing to the work of the � � a , Institute And of the Anti-Tuberou- .ad Intellectual as any In 00 World, Imls T.Pnvnia I th. A -m- f-- &..u-- I � . -- - 0 111A4X-V0LXXXX)00QM-­)-,10-*00tr i I . WHOIS WHO, , - IN CANAVIA I 1)�����,)000.0000 NIL X U SORD101.111. ICanada and especially Nov,t se,oi;14 lost one Of Its Moot distinguished lawyers. when, Mr. It. 4 Mraell was Made leader of the Conservative Party. Before lie had reached the 490 of 'forty, lie although, be had lived well, was a man of independent mean$, All -Of which were amassed by himself, He wan the recognized , head of the legal 'proteasiou of Nova SOO"4, "when be was a comparatively young Man, Besides being a Magul. f1clent politician, a wel&ulgh ,Peer- less lawyer, he to no mean linguist, '44 histOriali And ver� prolulneAt . . authority OKI constitution . Al questions, Above . all Mr. Borden to a wan f 11491104tIoned Integrity, His J44161'al mind enables 'him to Re6nly analyze A . questipli and 800 its Merits and -4e� I I . 00,�----- L., *Uwa W -Ho ,- - - - , r - I I I W CANADA I 000000000000000000000OQOO� - , . SIR W11WRIP UVRIER. Sir wilfrid i.gurter hae bealk ail years in Pgritilmouts. He first an, tored the Quebec T ,AgIslature in 1871, Wine returned from the constituency *1 ArtbAbasca. lie was there ri� elected 14 1874. Three 7e4ra � later be entered the Cabinet with the' Por � t - folio Of 1414144 Revenue, but W44 4e - I feated by a await MaPrity, upon pre, 'venting 1XIMPelf for re-election. Que bec RAIA then retUr � "' . nod him. This ,constituency he,$ been .Sir wurrWo tover since, . . 'Upon the aUCCOOSIve retirements of , Wr. McKenzie and Mr. UWard l3lake, 'In 1887, our present . premier, came leader of the Uberal and t be, . Opposition Party. When bell � It came into Power In 1896, be naturally �bgc Prime Minister, whiCh h,altjo,ame I be 40, - ......... -1-1-1-11— I—.. -0 I , p- ----;--------7--; . . � =a. - ­.- -­ . ---- IV - I :0 WAYAT4 SATTZ11 V lionslil. NATTYX rozo AT GU1tA1#. W - -!!�lmompo�ommom� 11 9 . I �— now *W Cowboys Calwtured the --" �the Antiolit Game of colt 15 NOW 1 I . I . .. , I I I 0 9 4 11 . spil)mbb rlftt� I A ( as=,$ 11, Comparlson. I .. 11 .. $ 1 . � PA"f who was the first Frosl4out 1 1 1 . I - as Creal" 0 _ t the Ropubliq of Venezuela, Was, � rho A ,�$ ths Only Man Who over fouglat . vat battle ,� ss� Polo to PlaYed At Gurahl (thres; Pit rchea up tile Qtfg4t Road) In Kash. r, Jr regularly 011oc . I L � — , � . .t . Make a ' ' on horseback. It is 9 Mattor Of history that Us, to whow I A A week duritam; the llumme ,a i iionths, who" the ground f ree from 040'W, � , I regula r rimt. . I . time habit of thi's AlOrs than any other Man, Apart from � Simon. Bolivar. Vollex uQla owes her Fach villager rides lit,;: own pony fabout 12 bands � i I palate-terapting Independence, Actually attac);:ad And 9 c4pturad with Ills Cavalry A fleet Of . any diatalics. up to 10 miles In the Morning, playo, 'I, � , I �, 4r beverage ships, � . � "WAO en4o"Ourtlif to crOso- . from 121- tO S or 4 p.rn., and th(. - - �n rides bact to his .home. Wllea there . ; , I . . .. . It . thlaollyar 0 Apure River In the struggle for . . Independence, but wits prevented from Is, a bot of a shop oillerA.IfRe it .p they have sId Is each for himself. Raeofill L . �, I * . - Wzr/2/7,//Z I dolug po byeoM . 9 a. eight Sp,,,nlgb gun_ ClIrkker lasts two hours uniess. nine . . - - 1300ts, Which Moved up .. I and down the stream lie 414. , 0011va'r Was In goals are scored first; If the ball 90QS betwe an the posts It counta do. I . W.fiLdLAK I Elm . �W- WFIWWIWI .. '00W �w .00. . df,apair, t � ,or a while. To PAez, who was 46COU4 In co, lumand, U9 4PP04104 , A go,'*: And if it can be caught In lbe hand In mid-air the Cateber scares .. I r . ' ALS: 9 for Coll . Asols, soying that UQ Could . 'A goal by riding with it In 'Ulf, hand I � never areas the river ,so lono no tile Spanish . gunboats worg there. "It only . . t(Aween the Poats-if be can. I.Tcr, Otte bothers 9 About "Ofroldea." fouls, or other -mik ,,, i . � 9 � Almlutelyme. mUd,mPffmw . ,XQ rVQal; .some (11044gull.4400 U44- auto I '- f,, ---,r --- -j-- ­- �,.­ .. - I I we could capture that o the rovolum . ,944 n Uoutrea have 4 �, ... . � . A tf, � ppfluff. - Oments of Euro. . J1 I adion names Ip to vL000ciate them Isa- 10 per cent in 4 year, , ecreaeod I I � . . . I,-, U'PeArY' leader Observed, 04tho root In spite of plentif . and delldom It f� I . would be easy,,, . . medlately, with princely beneractiong, The Winnipeg Geueral.Hospltal or.- . P � 415A(l sometimes worse, no. one will . ­ Z , . "I .. ��� ROZ 460MOO that bo Would have )rISS his We"41, Ill hard, knocko, Agurisbes, and I's . . . � . �, to the country. in Montreal, to take gallized. In 1872 and Ineorpora, � . -� . hoe 6, And .he according. It. I V, . . ., I I . I *lie InOtAtice . out . of Many. there Is .ted .I..'R.", game It he call help ab" 1 three y, later. Is One of the finest - -���,.�-n\�..",.,�,-,�..,..�.,.". I es � the Royal ,Victorls. HOBJ I Institutf sers .i ., Jy told his regiment of cQwboya to The game general -peclanygoodfor & Pita one ,Mk .. .13., starts with I I .� . founded now In Canada, And. when %\�,k��,----qgk'gg . .�; six or eight players, but by the time : I 4M. -Fen yvalra. ago. Ur the, Right Hall. ther proposed' , follow him, PAOXIIII13solt U40 been A WOW who dolet � :, ' . . I: V..."r � -- . �, .Lord Mount, Stephen an new buildings are erect- 01��\.A"�,,5 It finishes It tip no, uncommon isIgbt . .4 ,..� Cowboy, QA the faille, of the Orinoco . the Right ad it Will be equal to any, hospital. on N,2 sleep well, ftdor . �1 , ". Ron, .Lord 'Stratiloollfl, and ,.,-,t.. r to see twenty players taking part at I . . Mount this - continent. During the year 1909, I " 404 was the 140. of We men. OQ wilej. the same time, And needless t6, say . .. - '. I . �(Qfal, A magnificent building in �,-?-'Y` fit, mpT;rred his 4oroo . I . the daily average of patients in ,the' ., -�. ­,.. "I �S, ,, Into, the stream, tne game 10 fast some to -44. I . . . *hIch 40 Invaluable work Is qsirried . ­.�,�. Calling on his men to,follow. of the And furious all the W4. � ­ � .. .... . , , .,. I I . wards was 297,7, 0, very, high Per- ' v '. .A , .,:. .� t!rmt. � . . ? �, � '044 . . ", .�� , r 0 n �� � X N. `;1 !: U.UUU Cowboys I . . I -.!`� . . . , , Vantage for it hospital containing s2s W I � �., ... and t:h I ,00 E��.,-' , air .mounts, wh ell ,,,he local telegl.apb ma . � - "N . k- L . .1 . . "It is wiser and less expensive to bed$. ,, -, .-,�, -4.41;1 - are taught to swim as ,We,, � star Is the I I - I n . ""c At Q - .. I 11-.��\%IIN . . . � I .... ­`,'8A.X%T--X-.1.­ I . . The new Addltl h -, .."'L I 901opt there wee liot a olngl I As to Only Eurq"ean who Plays, except for . .J. ,\ "I I . L , , --g.-i�g!"i, I . 0 Man to occasional visitors and spor .� -N -1'1`�'Ng, ... .,."­".-­..\ � . . . Einve 011dren than to V,uniall. crim- capacity, of 320 bedso, And .will on- . ­ Pold out in tht Dealers . � , . .. .. ,t,smen Olt . I � . . I I . a Un*q'&G' assault upon tbf-Ir way through. To our Ideas the . - 1� . �. 140,101" 1.0 the MQttQ Of the -ChildrOU'A able the trustees to re.-arrauge the . . � Aid Society of Toronto, Whose prest" I the '111100ats, It. being n � I i. ­ dent Is the HOn.. J. K. MacDonald. , available space in the entire hoispt-. 11 ....... '.. Spanish fleet I 'Lo4t; the 8vine tv primitive, but It finds great I . �, , ..... - I. ­ . I . . I I � I � ML and provide various new and as-. . . . . . . Were fallen quite Un- favour In the eyes or all the natives, . , I , "'. The QbJects and Alms of the Society . . � .. awares, The -cowho . I . - .yg wriggled from ill inis part of the world, and one ' � I I., . I tt air Paddles to the Aecka *of the ves- , ". . I I A exists in' the heart% of the citi ens . . 4. , - � JOHN �7. �- , . are: to attend the trial 'Of 0411drO sentin.l. departments.' A. Warm regard , hae Only to watch the Same for a few . . ... .- I., -- ' � "' I III the police -courts, to. receive coal, ,for the z h ' 11 .... 1 sale, lot*mog their Mounts SWIM, bielt trJulites to realize how keen they ,111 . I I , � Winnipeg General' and t. a 1 4 ' . , , . . . .: , . �, . ,plAints A . - . tO 00"- Having thus cut off their I �, , . nd investlgate cases 0 0 I , ­ . .f At well-known gqqerous Western spirit . .. .. are, and absoill LABATT . � I � . . I . � . � . own.retreAt, It was 4 question of will , tely, devoid of nerves. . .. 11 ­ ,; . I leged cruelty to children, -to take ' to. eXpresgloi� in the, I ' , or die. They fought The greatest tragedy that can be- - OF LOM)ON, C,WADA , charge of des has found adequa . I tituto child Wn , I tall a keen.player on po . � " .1 .. I . ren and to voluntary confributiolle bj* which it 11 vr"1011 well, and every 1 . � . Znd ' good foSter-homes, for them, I ,. LAUM1, gunboat was captured.. lo day to to . . � , 'I . , 14 mainly supported. For this reason : I I . � � . hnvo no Pony, Sometimes It happens, I I . . . � I . I , '''� I SlubO 1891, 17,408 Cases have Come it exerts A strong and wholesome in- , has so honorably hold for such a . ' he -Wever, that tb , a. anim I is hired. ,---------------- . --% I . . under Its supervision. I R. L BORDEN. , , long period. - . a , I . 1 �.`i .... I I The I finance for, charitable effort on be- I I TiU EDIBLE CRAB . I exit and not retuimed in time. The . . . 1� 4% Toronto Hospital for Sick halt of.the Poo I I Sir %Wilfrid Laurier was �bo.m on I . the. player cal � ' In 01f A. GRAIN O� Wn%AT. I . . , I � IY takes his place . I ." . ,r. ,Including the 201 liciencies', This -As clearly evident In Nov. 20 At St. Un I I I 1 In . . ' � .... 1 ,� I ,011aldrea establWhed thirtY-Ave years infants. born In tile institution,,' In the county of' I r_1 I . - � -seasoned speeches - Agsomption, his father prac, omothIng. of the Curious Life of Tide foot. I I A 11,guyer Contill"I * . � . I I - over 955 children were cared The leader -of ' --------------- � - aw " a , - -* ago. IS. a Charity that makes Instant, year goal on . � �1-1011�,�: Here . .- �appeal to everyone for who can look for by It A clinic I the Opposliton IS ticed his . 880. Letters in, ,�. 1, . unmoved , for tubercular Pa- fe.asion of,land surveyeri, Hall Fish 1140 Animal, . . . � I � . . . . I . . . I Upon the sufferings ,of a' dents, Is noted for his kindness of. heart and His m0thop%o ;malden new . . System, in Salesmanship., ', - 8CrIbe4 and Four FIgures. . . . 1, , I ,� � . : . . . � ­ held - three times a week', his respect for the feelings at others, ,celle 'Martineau, Sir a was Mar- . I I . . I ,:�,. - - � - . - . I . �:,:, I I ;,ompe,tof a case are,admitted to the These he tries his , utalost * the only child, Sbe died -crab. to obliged to moult . � - .­ . , , I Wilfrid, being The edible "Young man," Says the automobile �, , 1. .11 I . 'a ai'llthe'. remainder are attend- hurt, unl6ss it be from not to soon after r rilanufacture Prayers have b"en I .1.11 .." ,�­ . � I . powe fault life birth , ' In. 186S cast Off its shell In se r to the new salea.man a' written and cn�- - , . I ��, �, . , ., � . . d th, own, homes. Tile various I I � the Promfer was any times during many r7 small objects; I �� . . . . * :. . � 4 4' "r' of the r t married to Miss Zo life. This MOUItIAg appears to b � vo , �11 �' . . I all d i - : . e Lafontaine of IlY the rapid-fire sales 'big made but Only One Person ever has been . . 11 I .. It . � I 'I )An, . el ' �'ne Ion , ties represents . t-13 who has tonished the organization . orvkv6d on . ti ��:,�";�. It by' the 'Pa Mr. Bordews Courteous, sincere . Montreal. I � A ullPlellsallt ordeal to Paso, "for the . he � ­.­ --.1--l".."'. auto 10 Interesting-, Canadians are . 8 In the two Months or his, emplc,y:. DaUent and Painstaking enough toln- '� I ,�,-:-3�,-:,:-;g-;- . and gental Manner, Wing for h I . �, , ' I ,* I ": �,,.- '... � ,.::, .::Rlx�i::i:.�, 1� Of course largely In the majority, at of friends, I hu 4 An a man is the Product of his edu- � tabs often die during tile act. Wile" ment, "I � Must congratulate you on scribe R Complete prayer on a grsi.0 of , ; . ', �;� ...... I.: ". . then CQUIe'Eugliall, Scotch, Irlsh,'ia 0 .... - .., � I I * � �11-X-Z"I.X I It Is probably oWing consider, what has aid- . . 1. 4, � ". , :I _: . � ho Cation, let us ve see, that they are not only. obliged your W rk.0, wheat One day Sir Moses Monteflore, , ..� � I'll . 'i,4�i K. i$: .. I ? M.1i, er- `�,�' �: "� - I - �,! to this . that he has only been ln� to escape from the carapoX o .1. � - . . . I . I . ... :,....., .ad' In producing Sir Wilfrid Laurier. r 011ell, . "Thahk you Sir," replies b I �; .... X : �1111 ... ... ...1. mans, Italians, . Galicians, Poles, t c ,.-rest Jewish' financier of 9ng- . . 4 ., -, ­ � a suited 111the Houze twice. Both timee The motherloo: ut also from the hard covering of their sales - the now . . ,q, � . . . . . . I n ! . Dallas, and What , seems curious a . boy, attended school I � baid, received a small n . 11 . . It was, ego, dellcat 0, Mall modestly. � . tin box in the-' - .1, , ­ �, �i:iK, '. � . entirely uncalled 'for, - In Ills native parish till tile age of a mouth -parts, and even know w or at � I , . . - . �.�-�;�' . . I I large number from,leelanId, . � a build -the beat auta Mull, 0,4 the cov I 11 - . Ill big phrs6nAl habite Mr. Por, twelve. He W gullet � turning themselves Inside . -the box was . � '. .... ,. .... .... . as then. Sent.- to. the , "A prayer for Mosoa�: Mo I 1-`- .. :.-- I ��. -,.. 1. 'The Margaret Scott' Nursing Mis- , in the market 11 Says the In written, 1.1 . . . ��,,- ; � � .... YN.... dill Is extremely regular, lieAs a total Protestan rut, as It were 7- it to not ' P . i�j 'L anufactu- , ' t School at New Glasgow strprising r( -.r, at -� , . I ; '', .. .1 .. : , SiO4. of Winnipeg does an excellent abstainer, but ii fond of his old briar . he ordeal. "but -even at that I , 11ora, by flattell Mordecai, son ofUllf, ' : . 1 .4�',.' : �� . that they perish during t . . 1. � . cannot un- ..., � - I ,.1. .. .Zor.a year. Rare lie Imbibed the first derstand can sell tell times lilwSch Scheinemann, of �etuial(,�m,­ ' , , .I I—. , -14. 9 ... - I draughts Of his splendid b , hpw you . ,,, , � .. eat homes , . admind- The crab' crawls up into some.. se- - as ina,ny machines as the very b �.o - ... and wirch,needed worU'ln the poor-. P Pp. This distinguished politician . ,::i ,", . - . : '7� of the City. has nourished many literary dreams, edness, From this School. to alutled nook or, Cove In- shall eat I Thi box contained a single. grain of .. � .; ".�.; . ....�� he ,Went to to - � - I Ow wAter Men we have had- Prldr to you, How I "I �1, �, , .. . I . The official' report for the year but owing to lack of time has not - L'Assomption . Co MQUIt'. out of th Wi`4Eat, On, which was, tnscribd, in 1. I " I t'. I � liege. . way of 'its hard-. � . I . remaining � do You do. It?" * : . ch6racters. so small that they"could . � I . .. � ending April, 1910, showed for 3,000 been able to axe seven years. shelled for- the fielplessi - 11 I . . . ­ ," . .1 I �. .. sallings of different vessels -steam- hope that at solne tim Well, 41r", explailis the n . 0311Y be rea� with the �jd I ... I ,­. � I auto them. 'Let -us In 1861 he�matrlculated , relaitves, - ew sales- . . . � ,I "�- 1 . I into McGill and graduated In law, , ,,, . ; In the near newlY-moulted, or soft-shell crab� If of P,Jw­ ..1- . . ;S . ships and , sailin -ships . a man, the light of! honest Pride In'llis a o: !, " � . .;S . ' Prful microscope,. 'the, 38' - - ` '� I ....s .. .. �g -from - the - fut.Ire he .. I�4: - .. may be able to give the being' the valedicto found, is'-davour6d -by them, as well 6 . llebrow . I - ­� " I :K.;- . rian of his class, . 14016rs of the. prayer, and the data of . I 'r ', ��,:` port of, st, John, Indicating. an im- world some of thb products of his anadialipublic life bag as of fishes. �ey(s, "I always ask the customer to I . , �'. I . . . . NO.Man In C aa by neveriLl speci ' " "". � � , I M,;,'--,',.-�-.-,,----g. .::i.`�,.",-� mense number of men requirini- to . I . . . . Vor- U ke a ride in one of the Year (Rebrew reckoning), 5645. . � � .. � '' - . , .. . our machines i I I !, � �. - I � , "g." - , I , , `­ . be looked after. while ashore­'Whon, fertile wind. received more atf6utioll at the hands tunately for -the Crab, the Soft co'Ver- the fJrst mov IS - Moses kept the . . I , . , . � �, itical ''Caluminato . rapidl�, and In a -few . . g ae- Prayer'., In, his. ,. ;� - . X. kill . . . er Of' POI rs. In forti I quainted with Its ridi dcsk. until be . I . � - . . I-V When - his a toward gettin I.: v . . �,. ­� . . - . We consider the enormous danger and the reins �6f' Government, he w Years, however, no Opp hours It has a ne* and stro . � I � �;� �. ", . . ...." ....... .......... ... I . turn comes to take o Ing hardens ng qualities, Of . died. and it is vllow . . . 7'., . - - .:;., . hardship -of the life of these fallitful ill be I Onent .-, has ng armour, coutso .he accepts the invitation I P.,rserved with'rellglous care by ';)lie I ,. ! -�.� .1 I ":111 "; I . . . . , able ta rise 'to the occast been go. b ' n fearlessly out Into then take him Out on the boulevard;. of 41B friends. . I � "" ­,� , . :: .: . servants, of our- commerce, *a feel Oil and ex- age as to otter a slander . ! �-,p "..... I ­ . . � � � I I :::: `, * , Pdnd. all his energies for the success- 'which touched .his, pers Uep water. . � .. I I , . I . I . . I .. onal honor, . . get arrested and fined for fast m ,- — . : '.., :�t.': , , ... .how great a debt'the country owes rut advaiiceinen ------ � and . . , , . , � 11 ,men's'Missidn of St. . . I . I. . . I � � . �, . John,. N. B., now Canadai I . right6ou'supas of his. character. . � I . ­ - I . �� , V, , - , . :,., ' ,. . . I . . . . " —. 11 'V � ". �; % . thbial, The Sea' t and betterment of . the. purity of -his private, life, or the rimning. After that there Is no ar-- � ' . . . � . , . . , in Its 'eighteenth * ,7��,--- 1 at . . . Canada's .Post offlca� � I �, . � _ �� --------------- � . I . I I . g Ime, , . .. . . . . ,� '11'�­. ,year -Is an � Inestimable benefit'to the .. .- I . I -- Boosthig. . � I q all . I . - " , I . -1 . . . I . . I. . 1. I I I . � . . . minutes 'later . the.. new gales-, A Devonshire lady Mee sent,t6 her . I I . � . . I I I I , ' ... salloks visiting the port. They have 0000006600000C,000000W0000 I W. n leaves the . "I 11 . I , 000,- y be coWn 2 a . . Private offtce-with a son a Pair of trollselos'by book past,, � I", . . I � .)oc Things .-ma g your way blOok of preferred ­StOcklucked away )vblch Is, ofCourse, I "I . the free use of reading,' Writing, and . I . . . I I � , . "I I ­ I . I I �4 - . I ... ' ­. 8 I. . ul!that they do not cheaper than par- - . I � ,, . . . recreation rooms, a fine hall'for an. . 5;1 I come fit his -biside Pocket. , I . . tertailimouts; religioils sefv 11-i . . -- I .1 . . . A -ANS WHAT C. u away. . . . � . - .. . � . . I � 11- ­ �. : tee afi�; § 'WHAT C NADI ,A `9 , I with them- There'are'tides an'D . . � . I � I . � ,� :. � at . kjs� with such force ae'to carry y Cat post. I , . I N , d tidea., 1,. � � � . I . I I . .The Postal officials Wro * -� '' . I . 90 On - I ., E - r . DOING'8 . 4, Cloth . tf, to %Aor: . - . '. �. i'' , � . .' Concerts � are held, vesse 3 0 AR - 'DOING ;� . I ARDI� Some are natural, as cannot be sent b � - . , 'ki ­ 'iT..'CdL VISR6 ' . ­ I � I I ­ I I . . . . . some a:re super- - Prestije and' . F DOOR post. . - IN � ., ­� " . . 1. H. "M1411rDj il laaga?lnes and papers'sent . ko .1 liatural and some are dangerous, .be- I ; . Irishmen.. . ,If You lbok �-1 the 'Post Offic I . � � : , Vounoer of the Roya a Inv Outb paper and envelopes , provided 00P0000,00000000000coclobood ­ . . . . I .: . .. . .. a Guide' I ... ! � t . , R will See - un - I . . . . I , . I I � . . . . � . I I . well known gailro,,id,'. President, . YO1 der what conditlows , - . . �. . "",:' atitute. . free, medicine supplied, . . cause they move with a force, which . A I I . . . � . I . money exa CANADIANS AND MEDICINE. - . CANADIANS AND Tn' Is too strong for our character. ,tud In lit$ stuody of'all else azt1ole's 'may be seat by book .. �' ' ' , . . . sea of men who Post." I I . . . : �, - , Yl . . . � changed and received for -safe keep- . . A STAGE. -will. "Dew . *Alv'und�r him, e � After a few.days the lady- r " 11 41 �: , . I . are of * uncontrolabld� air- ntertains a gr6at ad- ;,! I, , - child? Since its foundation the Hda, Ing, etc. 'Special . . Since the Goverli 'A I , eplleM * .1 � . . care Is given to . "'..0 .... It Is -a remark- or�General fustl- have -looked in the , I , ,::;:....'�:j: � cumstAilfte". ' This was fratlqu*fdr the Irish foreman. of a C I ��.;, i .:Ijii! . , pres- m ' 'Post orric; .1 � ,�,, .. . � pital has -treated within its walls 16, sluli. sailors 'and a. few ro'Nms 1)) tile I .,I.... -.i;,. that when . Dr, - Os- tuted dramatic and musical com�petl­ Won which first fell fronian ex . ulde' and find -that articles ,villich ' , .;,�:.'i'!.. .O...; , I . . .:" .. :*�, 10 , -P a. Institute are kept for any emergency .:�,.,:��.,;,�:n:�-',�".'i�,;�,'�,',"�'.':: the lips of gang of . labordrs who went, to 'any . � . . . . , � . 8.37 In . attents and 100,959 Out -P ' I I . . ter was appointed ti0hs In this country, ctilture of the WellIngton. The 40ditbr of a periodical. 1(.Irgtlls to show-hfa-in6n that be 'Ras t I - -!i�..-.`.'--�:.'-,:-`,, i.��,�",t.*�.�.*'..':�.,..�:;:��:, . " . are open at both ends may be Ban '. 1. ­ ves occasioned by *rocks. The ,,work to � ::::�,.,.,�.�>;�,�:��,.,�;�..'�,,,:.-'.,.�.".,.",.,�.-'�'�,�*.-�,'.- R 0 9 I u a Professbr I . - by book Post. And if trousers' � %.. dents. The Toronto Corporation.gi . ;.� 1. ' . I ..,�;,-�.':�.";.,.,�-:-.'.,.�"".".,�.'�,,��T:.!!., �.,. two great arts has made great strides remarks: . - the real. boss, One OrI11119 this fore- - arek , . .:?i�i..'..S-.,..;-: - . . - . ra . '.. �,�Ii` , I. -J , ".: I . .1 i. .". , , $18,000 a year to It, 'and the citizens of course undenoulinattonal and sea- , """ "%" � of Oxford Univer- and there To no doubt but that In tile "Old 0a , . .14f , .. - . " Its, who are forever Yarn, Man fou d that L I ". .. I ., , -immense debt men dying .11 �";,.o I .5!;A ' .his . gang had - �uj , . .'.,; 11 , 11W."I"I"' - n 'lot open at both ends I should like to - , ­-­ '. .. ., .. � $8,000, and It owes an .In port* are. buried from �.: ..,.,;.,.,;�..:�.�.:.!..,Z��..�..:,.,:�.,.. sity In 1905 the re- near future, stars will arise tl� do Ing. 'about, Are . . a know what. is.,, I . . I , i . . V..-;.::..;.-- ...1.&:1N. I )land, car o . � , ., 1) I of gratitude to its'Board ,of Trustees .t�!.­1"..'-;,.S.;5. ,,�2: eks and their .causes, n the .track Without'hi$ . I . ......!,. ,.,.1:...,.'. - I , , the. �Jisr '��44`5; "?, .� . port - which was � Ave a theory that 'what Is called a . . . . , "I ., � . . - . Ion .attended by clergyman - .*;.,.­� . credit to Canada, but our great act- b . ,� . �% " I of .. 0. -. orders. ., . . , � - the Has Ital to admirably equipped their own faith. This work is we ..%Y�M­ .... .:: ress, Margaret An I I . I - , I . . . .. . e -was . I . � I ", ' . � . ' 1. I 'Who put.that ban* car -r -r on the ' I , . - aYS of IndUceMen14 This One of the disasters that ti, asked. I P ]I- � :.'..'.*.�: . . . . . . . . not tru ' cir- . 911n.'Was born, be, �'boosting'l sea accounts for more than ,' - ; �,,--,i:-� In every way; it has an orthopaedle known to �PaSsOngers -who Cross the - it.; culated . that he fore - the d . rack?" he H67 all the pleasures of society , * ` ".. . . . . . . department which turns out all Made 'Oceftll by'Canadlan lines and deserves ' great exponent Oi ,tile.' drama ' .have CC- - pal bet g. the *art oir . .. -*,,,. , � " I 1�1­ 0ting deform ell possible support, . . I � was.: ell . P . I ­ :. ­ born In that .centre- of politictil strlfe Ding, - A "bboating'! sea IS a. sea that V or" priet's"I I � i" . . . . . was any good aft- wered respectfully. . , th - th app�ar a .Ile,. which - said that no . man . rrack In the long history of allip­ . "We d1d,' s6r," due of ill met ims- u,'cak"In . .. The'Xingaton GeneHil Res ital ' - . . - . . :':�, Ities, a gymnasium in .which various' . 63- er fbrty years of- -the House of Commons-.7when her runs heav I' - and if �. `W I.i called '- tr I ne. 1 .1.14, p , I I . � I 1. y after a stegmer, .eIV, he said InirlIg . . . . �' defeats are treated, and Et school -room serves: apeciall.-mention, not only � � faitier . wa's � ' I , shortly, 1 -take it off I I . . . . � � � . A .. I exl9tence . T h is ter a it does not actually "poop" the vesseli 119'in I . . � . ; .1 ';�,!r, , on .111, .. 1� . I ' good ad speaker In 1876. At , . 1) " . - I �. . I .. . . � I . . I -, .. � I � '. . I I . I I � I .�. �where children from four to, *four- tot .its standing and valuable 1. . brilliant Canadian Udation In Toronto and,Mon- Yet, by.the'roll of billow after' billow, . The laborers did so with . . I � � IL I . . . �,,I, teen who are well*enough for lessons =8 I I)R. QUER. Who, w trea.l.sbe entered .the School of Dram- acce'lerates.1fa Speed to a degree un- ficuli,*, , . . some dif-. -1 . . .11; i -1 , 1; 1, . I . tO''flio'cOmmunitY, but, also. . . - as born In � I . ­ . .1 . * .The agricii1turf.st's. l6a of a 'I. -dr * . I . *1 '.7.. . Are taught. And on the Island Is the because .Of: the Strange and' St. Ontario lit 1849, has'done more by Ills. attir Acting, of Now lork, mak .*Nowi,� ' IV, . someone'who has had' - %. I .. I 1. I O� I , . � ally -1 . - . I � -;: - - -beautiful Lakeside Home for con� bu cat 67th year.. T.�6 Main books, ind'lectur�q. to make the pro- � . . , a:g'in! " a fOrOlilan, "put In On d-` with ftp -ming all her life, in g I � ,� George's Medi I . Ing � guessed .Ly the navigator,' until fin gaid. th . . nilthliI 't I dIng . -A � . .. I . , ­.,..,J.1U....k , the ship, having uncongelously over- . . . . I . , at a% I .111: . M.- -.M& . , I . ....­'. ... . I I consista 'of the StrixAL46.'and tbasion. of medicine bettQi under-.: . ,90 I., . . . . I al gentleman ii * t�� I valeacents. . . St.�q ; .. I ".,,.�:.:,��.'....,. , . ' bis Ide a 1, - -W, - ,�";rl`, vwft. � , I - eor ' ... MZOZ., . . . .� , . � '' ,e , , .. -IN' rilp. Its cours6.'brings up upon -a r6ek .: - : ! ' .,,, � ­7-,­��� �' ' . -retired shop- , � ,�o� .,,,. .. . � . .ketper, - . . I . 1 ,%8 ,...� -X-;Q,. � . .. . Om 43 . at, hlddexx� reef.' .. . . , .. I . . . . N . ... . .� I No more terrible scourge affileta ga's Medical Wards f6i W -' .stood'and,appreciated than any other , . . I ' W, .. J , I . ..� I .. . � -.. I . . I ­ . humanity to -day than what I's known an, and the Yates' son Med- man. His degrees are many aild life . . ", I -,�!, `kN' , ,,and Is. reported .. ht . : . ­ .. .1 . . � I And SamP ­ . . . I � . ?� ":, .-V 1�%-:% L � .Lloldij, as 1,16it. � 1. . . , , RblI9 himself to Death' . � . I . I . I % . . IN .X � . . . I . . .f.-. as the White Plague, though since ,ilbal Wards for Men. The Watkins Practical experience as a student I � I . � - At.; -t N'10% � I`N',�­' . . .. . � I . .. . I - . I I . . . I - , il - I V, . ­.V,.�, 4.1... ZLL " . � :V. . � 11 , . . � I . 1. -1 � - . I, 7;�� .�. W �11. Ln�­I- . . I . ... . . Extraordinary- circumstances at- It Is 11 Wise t woman wh " . � ' . - - ---"-". . � .1 � . I refrafns� / ,�,�.. I . Wing contains , . '2�% � " 'L. *�.' --- ,a ' I the discovery of the open-air treat- accommodation ' f6k, great. - . , - . k 5,�g' . . . ., I " - . . . I . I ."m .. L I I :, , . private'a* . . I-, . ,,�kiz;�* , . � . � � . . . . . � .,'� . - - . . �% .. . . ­ . te�,dcd the suicide of a from Inducing her husband to'bripw . . . ', . W . . .1. I , — .'4 X . . -,, . . . . I . I , TION. - , * . `i'�!J'-"�� � '. . .1 ..... . , . . -3-k , , � ; the disease with the eyes of hopeless a charming ward' for- X�'i , W 'Ments Ili Qg6cr 'Fla�es. at the Hungarian .village Of Korcoll I hWolub. home. wjtbk . , �; .. went, we have ceased .to look upon, nd s6int-private patients, -and .' I 1. . ". I . . , 1� - " . I. NO"], church ­)xt ' � . 1. I— , . � -children. The CANXJ)IANT.-5 A ND JN�Erj �p ,�,�.�;�'. \'kl , . the atmosph6re'of I . .. I � , . INIOM6 Wing Is entirely Isolated and - � . J.- . ., ­�,� ".,�,, 1.,-- .-IM'Wi4)ft . . ... ' , nts On all sort,; b1m. -, , , . . 1 ! , . �,&w There' are 4"y recently, The inhabitants wer� . :, . . . !. - w i generations ­ .* . %.- .. ;.� �� -0 . ...., of Monlime ]34� . . �� I . There is used orkly for inf6etious disease I I.". . . . - . . eut-o,'-the-way Places, but One tba,t alarmed by the violent ringing of their . . . . . I �. I are many sanatoria for the .. I 1% 1:1 . . .1 . � ,8. Dr. -A. (04hamp Bell and the oveo k�,, , . $ . 1. *%% " it; really . . must - , . � " . . . ,.% j. ". . . . . �'. ­ I' I., . , I . I � , . W 1�1,, . I .: - I . treatment of consumption established v- . . ! ,.,... 11 '1*1 .X.k unique Is that erected It' a have . . I .� �� The Xluksthn General Hospital, is e, . . . . T ,*' church bell,.and thought a fire 1. � V , , -51, `,­---o.�� L . - � throughout Canada, Lake Edwardi the , ceptlomilly phone. � I . . . . , I I %, I river. . It stands ,in the . broken -out. As, however, Uone . . '. , fortunate In - Its inedica) . . ". . Parramiatta . ., . Canada! has .every reason to bp . . . . . . . I ...... . ..". .1, N �. . A project is .bil foot at.Wontreal to - . .. � ,�,'. , Cottage Hospital at Ottawa In -which staff, and In'the ma . . . � i . 11 . 1W., could be seen, Wfile of them w6nt to . I . I , ny citizens warm- proud �of her brilliant . student in A� . . - .1 . . . . . . . . .. - .... .. . River, OW -South. Wales, a stream' . , . .. , .1 at., Excellency Lady Grey Is much Ily Interests 1. , , 4, , - ': ­- . :. . the belfry- to discover the reason, ah I tunnel uu(10- fte, St.� La-Wronce ri I I . . - L � . I il-:-- . . I I ng � . . interested, GravenbuTst, Kamloops, A memorI4 to * the d! I e,.ents that have taken place .upon it. , ,fliere found the' body o Mr, 'C. H; JGoodnian of St. . . .1 . a at uguislied . ham 13611 -the Inventor of the tele. , 6 . � Thowas I I - I . , , j�,. Canadian , at tesman S . This monument,, which I'm`k,ltng.� from the, b I lut lice aLk I I.. . . ward Institute Ir . Oliver ell lilts 'done so much to . 0. the world-f(tmed 'ory whiiih he bad ba'gqd Ilf . � I , phone'. will , is In .iljon ( has boin,appo' &I Chief of po :".­ of Montreal for the'study, prevention Mowat, In 'the form of a tuberculosis . , rower, Stlarle, to . n . . 1.�� � 1* � . � fIngersoll. b I . 1. 1: H d In' Its welfare.; I Practical sclence--Professor A, Gra- ..... .. . known thewOrld ovgr for the rowl f the soktol�l ver I � revolutionize the social and liusiness ... I . I . I I I . . .. - 6 from the fact ­ . . . ....,. also um4u, - . . I . . .. - - I . , sanatoriUmAs shortly a be added to world, The doctor first saiy-the light .... 1;: - .that It bas � � . -, and cure of tuberculOsts, takes up t . '. ,: , I I , . the crusade against this Insidious Ahe Has Ital . .. . - � boon used aq� the %'Inning�poqt of tile - . . . — - . � - I I � . I. ..K.: . . . I . . P . I Ili Edinburgh, Scotland Ili 1841 and . , :�:..'-'..... , . . . . ��, . , " � "' , . . . � . . I . I enemy upon rather different lines and At Lixidsay, Ont., a very beautiful ��.�. races' for' the world's chanjplj)n�ill . I ; :.:.;.; . . `� . - - ��`- . . . . I out to -Canada Ili 1870,. where I : ".."'. P, . . . � . :­" . . .,,..,;`� , . 11 :...-.­....,;-., I I I 1; ex- ,d 'by ". .. .and Is still 'used as Such for local — -- -- , ­ ­ ,— ---- - I .. . . I I �:,%.� in vkhat is proving to be a less lospital haEr lately been erects came �, ,, he carried oil his investigations that i;,.,,..:��:,:.,.-.."..,'�...,,'.:..:',.*- I . � - . — -.-; .1 . .1 . X., .'1..�'....;,..:, .. at ents. 1. .1 . I . -- —, �. pensive and more permanently effect- Mr,. James Ross of -Montreal, as a conaumated not Only I'll the great Ili- , I . I . .. � I � � I . I I - 1. . � " memorial to his mother. I �,.,..",.�-.,,,.-.-..;��.�:.,,��.""."",..".�,,', , A , I ,. �. lve way. The -Institute was founded .. venticin with which his - name is as- . "":�.",..�i*.;.:i",!�-:;..:,..:�:�".:,I . . � I . � . : f L . I . ... � . * '� .; .:� ` '" .. . . , � ., ­..­­'­­ - . . I I , . . - � . . ; .. 11 . by Colonel Jeffrey H. Burland, and Th6r4 (a less suffering 'from pov- �,g,.--,..�,�-�,i�;--.,.�;�i; I I . I . � � '-be � mperor , ; � . ­ I I , ", I arty In the West, but each. sQciated with, but - tho phot,D bolip, . - :-:-,, .::!.,: T � t Gorfts Hiniself. . I . . 11 I P .....;;;;.:!::..:. -',�:::­.:;�W� 11 Z� I his sisters, Mrs. Henry M. Awl and 7 City ho,s it ;1. I � '�­, `��*.­;, r i 3 Induction balan600 , . . 1� ; -.M . . . . 1. . . I own hospital,. an and telephone 1, .-..-.-..i-,��...,...��.-�,�.,-.-.,-.-.��,�,�,:!?,?�,.... -,z: I . I ., . `;�;?*!'*;%:�.; . 7:.:�.:.��.:.,�.,�;k".:.;,.�.,.,%-,..:..:.i:�.Il'i,.��'.'.'.'I . . ,�'. Airs. E. V. Catliagne, as a melnortal -mqthod-of � .. . ... "'I.N.': ": -.--"' I . Tile "'llool -Pao" -says that an Ame- : X � . "I %,::�,.:O, ..-.�::.��..,-.,, ...2t.0% � 1. � . .1%.2. . ­� ."', . � . . I . V:. , , to their Darentsi and is. primarily a meeting -tile probe, .and (tvith, C.' X: 13 Z-,�$:%* I rican doctor recently � v e�l � I ... � , . si�eclal needs Of the Com- ,Phone. � 14e, oll) grallba- -;.:1�..;N-:'1 - 1. I I . " munity. has made 4 thorough ll.;,.:,.,,.:��.-.�".,;.;-,;,.:.Irr�.,:.: ... isithd the I . I'll .. a the ... "i".,�..".!-�.".,'�---..,�,.";.,..%,.,,..*.- .,,�,`�-i , ,. . . 0".1"'. ,,�." . i . I �li."'.,..'�ll'.1.�l'.��'��.,..'.."";...'.% -.`.r,`1--'. , I . ----.N.. "'k..... -:--1', . palace at Peking ti) exambie the 6aby ! . I . �. �::, � `-.�� ,,:�..".-,��-..".��,,,.�,,.-.-��,,,.I I .0 .;., -�."*..".,:�.-".�;�;�'.*.�'��::..,.�:------.-:, . 1'01'.`,�:.i�.' - 10�1 ` . . p. ., . - dispensary. Its principal work I out. Victoria B 0, is ju�jly attidy bt the education ai, tile, dear. lit .1-1.'.,.'�..'�".'..;..,..*.,�...'."�'..'I -.-13.0',�111;,;.�,,, . ., examination and treatment of . �1*1. ... � I I ..,;.:.:......C.:.:...,.,........S.�,,� :::, .'.., Emperor, who, . it was i . ` ' � - proud Of Its splendid Jubilee Hosp�'- recent Years b6 has taken great in- ,1111,11111 . V.,-1. found, had �,;. . tal, The VancouVer General Hospital .. %.11 I . : . door patidnts whor attend every morn- � . . . . . 1.� I gollged himself with a eat of s%-,­11� � I .. . . 7 . Ing at eleven o'clock. call hold its. own well among the torcst in the laws of flight. and nvia. :,�-iNK71'. &.."" .:.'t!! - .., irk 1 - , 772 patients ...'..... ........ lows' nests Ja sort of glutinous Mat- , I., I ..""'K'. --n. - , .. ­* ,,,, " . UOA 'general ly. This brilliant Vana- . .....','�:,'.*,"��:. 1. I I . other City hospitals, Le "".*,".'�1, � i � � have been on the visiting list during, thbridge, .,�� -� -erial); and thus provoked 'a raging I . " :.�-:-:..:.i.5��,:',',,." 4 t �, - Uegina, Calgai�, Prince Rupert diall is the holdet of -many dogrPeA . .� ----�� � , . -,i�:V,�:',.�`�'.i;- I - ­�,., .�,<!, , � . . ; . �l..""..;,�,.,,�',*�.,.":."","� tbirst The Indisposition Yielded easily. � I ,.;. the year. Another Important featura --_..most. and a member of many learrit,A 9�- - : "..1i��:::*..':,�--�:, � � rapidly !�'..�;:�� of the work Is the Instruction, ran- r and go4head of ,%:::::, .. :-."�:,,Q�.'*': tv'the doctor�s treatment. . ... . .:,: .%:,.'-;4:::X . I I trol and care of the patients in their g o'"tga aletles. His Calladial, -me is., ,::: , :­­. The rui I" I 1, r',`:,",..,;:-,-- � I . . . ,, ..-.X.;.. ,� . I" .: -,-:-�,..!.:.;�­:.1 .; '.. � . . .� , .�:. . i : . own homes. This Is carried out by n a sinallbr scale . . !,,�,.-.'..'.;f".,.,.,".,��,.:�k,��','.,,,.'�.- � . , and `-'.,,��6 'If enough for six peopiel he r[sas a 1 1. the regular visits of the Instructor othr ioded charitles, . � , --­­ - - ........'. ...'-.-'.'�,.",..:�.t*.-',.*,�'..',.',� ­ ;:..­­.­;�"5 t ,:-,,�,',--:;"m1`.'!. I, I I . , !,,,j�,;*!­---,.-.-��,.: . � ... . , -.'4 . I ,.. .... �.W.- : I 1 six, at Onae has a Moat of rlce-gruf4 : I . J " . �CAN,01AXS AXI) AVIATTOI,i, - ...., ...... I.F., ­%; - PTION'S TEA,i 1. I - .' . Western towns 11 have hospitals of ho !a -.:-.X%. Nova Scotia. . . POrOT' sleeps In a gigantic bed, big I 11., I 1, Ulcich ight be said 'of the spi6ndld m ' LI ' their Own 0 ' � . . and nurses. The patient In the San. .. . . 11 -1 11?�,,,.,­ gs ...... . or rice, and then goes to pay his : .W:... wor doT , *�:'..�­',.e - e b �..-*�' XOX .* � I � . ­ '. � � � . �4 Y the Christian Asio Ia- � - * .4� ', , ,.��..,f .:,,.;,,..., * ­ �111 - . � I .3 , , , '. -� , atorium follows a new and strict C , � 1-34. , -'V".,:;.�'! ..,; . � 1� I . . I . a r"Cothi ang the Flying 11fachilli. .,� ,r. respects to,the Dowager Lung-yu.' i , '. � yov .. "I'll tions in their various branc �; . .. .... -.T X---. �.!­ IF routine of life and after a longer or has Seat- -F", ".', .11 1 � " - � � �dred, throughout C-anada,' a Canada though small In pop . ­­ .1. N".. �. I .1 ., . . 11 �111 I . I I ''.� . shorter period Is perhaps disellargid nd of the . Illation !".,:,.,"".�,..,;",%is�,�.'�;:,3�l,'C,.'�.. , ­.,*­"-, "'. . — � OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLO WEEKLY ; , I ­ .Z ,�. I I . .� .. many Pr sh Air Societies keeps pace Ih tile fields of sport and '�:��!�,',�',`�.'.r,&. �'.*;'��:,.`.,..,.Wl . . as cured, and returns to exactly tile 'O Whiell send , I .11,� . I I i . �1- . I.I......1-.....'..., '.,.-,.�.,.�.......$�-;-��l-:-�l:. . . i , : � same conditions which occasioned of I Sick ' people and little city children sc,enee- and, In the latest cothbIna- ..".%;.$..X.1 . .,.,,��;.��, A ,sculptor iecently pt6dued tile -- ----, , , . ... �.. '' aggregate his disease. The - patient for a country holiday .a most do. tion of both-avfatlon�she ll,w,4. pro. :.:;:;:X.� -$�5-'.4 � 111teneSs of a celebrated personage In - I � . � -. 4 . .. I � . . . . � ! � I treated by the dispensary Is taught lightful and appealing form of Char. duoed one or two good mail, proba. �1.11'.1111..,.`.--.,.� � A -hose biography It.was mentioned ap!��. , . I . � I --- . I -�- - , . ! !! . . . . .. ... . . . — blY the best known being, the (1614ghty ."."".`.,-'.,�?.'.: :,;�.,t�.:"�,�,.'-'.,�:,�-�,�;,.k� ., ". .. how to take care of himself, learns ity-and -a great deal Ot diversified � ! e� .:::: that he regarded architecture as a . . . � �'. . the value of fresh air and the necos- Philanthropy` Outside of anything , Ar- McCurdy, who hag lately a0lieved --1?- 1114 � ��, VOry Secondary art The Son of .this k . . . I . . . I . I . I . I N �. oua-e visited the- artist's Studlo, I I . rnentionod above 19 of eourser being U number of triumphs against tho ' ,,,�� , *W1 -,.-.*, �­71R- * pers 0 " I ,­ I "' . IRIN %."...."I.I., - for the 1jurposo, of examining the I , . that his bouie surroundings art) Par � . I �, " I , - : , , . I sity of obedience to hygienic laws, So carried 011, but enough hag been said best aviators Of the world . � I ., & . t, ..0 . to show that a wide-spr6ad sympathy' Mr. McCtl'cdY was bo * When, atter considering. it� 1�ith . manently battered. There IF; no far the poor and unfortunate is find. Province of ft In that . . . �,�.-...., � I � doubt that the home treatment Of So t nerve producing men- I , .. . the a1v of a connolsseur� he lnqul�ed, � 1-1 I � , In-, practical expressloli everywhere Nova, 6 1.1 --in a little Placoo dallod , I-' -, ,,Q�X� "Could You not .axpross more clearly � L � � . tuberculosis when possible, Is of " .. I ' . his L contempt for architecture?" � . . t; � greater lasting benefit. in our land. The Work that is being Daddook, In the year 1886, . . I . ; , - Very ortan (Ion(,' Is Making our land better, II&D- Though still young he has already -D1188 MAR ARNT ANOLIN, . . — I I 'L I I � , . too, i4nelplent cases In the Patient's I , I . �, family ate dfacov6r6d, and cured I this 11VOnted two Successful machines- her Professional 'debut ,at the' oarly The heart of a man Is divided into " . I Plot, and Oaalthfer. To further I , , , , , , , I . - . without- difficulty. X)ay patient$ arR airn every. citizen should contribute VIO "Silver Dart" and "nabcoelt No. , ago of eighteen. Since then Sher nag mm -Y tOMPArtrilents Mostly laotated. . : taken on the fine glass -enclosed, bal. to the support of hospitals to all that z-'. Call1dians. are looking forward had many triumphs taking leading SOMOU11166 there Is' a door between Uoiltsty, Ability, Energy and Thrift ate too 1, Ills purse can Possibly afford. I t -i futther triumphs from.lier worthy parts with E. it. Southern, jtjeb�x , . efties of the Institute. Netesaftl6s . . rd tWo of them, or Oven three may be the most Important Success Qua,lities, Cult,. . I . � . I . . rePregentntive in. this new field, . Mansfield and Honry, Miller. J(%Jn6d togatber� but usually dachOne r 0, .. 11 . I I I . I . ­ ­ � ,� 11 .. . . I ...... I . . I. 11 . in vorliplett, in Itself. them All fudusttiOuBly. StuLrt devel.oping TMItatterri1r.4 , . .... .1. . ., 41' , .. , . . I � I I I I . .-- I . � week. Got the habit of P10,0119T & Part of your weeldy .,. . - I ­ I'll -1 - ­­­­ - ,. I . - I 1111-i -­ ­ ; . 7 I . a Book , � I I or monthly Salary In our Savings ]Dept., where it . I . . - - . I - '.. -. ottlinlid DefinI116118. I . .�w �t A Itteolrd I will I . . I . . , I A 111nony.-M prlc� 0- ' rubl"11111119. T1146 sixth sansof wOtk night and day aafnIng Interest for you. Then, I . . . f Peace. The- first (Canadf it is frequently the of when YOt�g opportunity arrives you'll ,hrmtve the, I I �� I MM IAughlng Othok.-An amateur actor 6000 copies of Dr all) edition of k8e that we I . .. Making an attempt lit high tragedy., Stdb'hfm 1AACOCk'S liltet people Who antogofilto us the Money noteoriary to take advantage of it, 2? I I The Ne I W- a - Jim o c ar d' to latest book "Nonsense NoVela" which . .. � I Political rainbows -Tho kind usual. * Moment a glanoo Or a handshake Is ASSOVOVet $12,600,vOO; PAId-Up 0apital# ;1,000,000,* . . I A,ap Published on June 12 � I . � . . IY 6eozi just before the November doA, tb . by eXtha-490d, While our Inne - a I �. . . . 1128e. PUblishers Press waii L*Omptotely ' ­­­ Itoservo $1,800,000, 1 [ 1 1 1 1 told lie$$ oft�rg no explan .. 11 * 'out In the record t1we of tbrt.6 daya, atZrIM1111710111ro that - . 16 Wn all rtasoftleat Antipathy. On the other 11 � - y address I U, Ogtnada for YO'Uit!ulensitefte,nntmLrtluctiteitt-asoornaoitfilliyit>gutoarb#layr,i),#, 0 A ACCOIld edition Is AlIt"t told. hand Pate brings us in 0011taot with 11 � I .1 � � I . like other people. . . John, Lane, the great ftslish Petbollalitlea which at onea appeal t I - I . . 0011sher recently "Id that 4%lla. A oly 11 I .th 801,86 whic 0 1 � # . 04041ning prida-4Setting a pro at, dienis were the biggest buy4te M the but ,Which AeoMig t 'I, is Indefinable. NR� � , I . 11 . . all 'Taluatlon o a World Of new boots. a eomOdhond more ­ I I .� I � N . I � V ,. ` the :ArPeam nder of 1,91 " ' - bor "complishments 9 than th6cowbi ", , , �, LL W ""' , 11 �, ; . I AU - and never cuttfixg ---*-­� 1104 041110at6d And tralli- I I - I price$,, - - . � . . od sensibilities. What is that Sixth I -- ­­ L- 1� . 0 1 A�Ma*t �, . � , I ; � . Short filled eAtIng for W61#htmw 41i !1:i\\1���\," - I I ZO eents#- , C Woman ttoh-t 46 only It"man, h b614" W116 OUrr fbe a hotoor, ki ." I I.L.. 4' I .ftd...dkl.�� ­­�- . % tlftO Is intfOdUttId 14t* tho hta iO ftf,Ah of tho sklitt At tho Uttoyg age 1tY00 to k663� It la vilift. QWJ"11W- NN-* ­ Ed 1.1i - - Awl � d �. '. I 1.1 " ­ ­ 110ftifift U15 A, rat , `60 padom I* tu 1140*01 , I. , , , I 4 . I �, f r