The Clinton News-Record, 1911-07-27, Page 1lint%n
ig% " rite.
3 nel Year
Tux lima PAPER
The Nevvs-Record to any address in Canada to January 1912 for 25 cents,
rke I one
Men we hand your watch to you, after it has
been repaired by us, we believe there is a sense of ma -
to* at satisfaction between us, that the 1Pork has been
done Veil, as Veil as skilled loorkrnen kno71, how.
ghat is our aim, satisfaction, not, atone in a
watch bought from us but in watch work .entrusted
to trs, el Nat solicited.
etveler and Optician
Capital Paid Up 9. $6,Zoo,00o.
Reserve and Undivided Profits $6,9oo,000.
Total Assets $ 92 , 00 0
175 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World.
Interest allowed on Saving accoiants. Courteous treat-
ment accorded to all eustomers,
E. MANNING, Manager. Clinton Branch.
1 On Sunday evening next . this rector
will preach a special sermon: to men
and young men. All are,- cordially
invited. The subject will be, "The
Mystery of Weak Moraehts."
Wheat 800.
Oats 28o to 80o.
Peas 68e to 73c.
Butter 15e to 16c.
Eggs 160.
Live Hogs $7.15.
On Wednesday afternoon at" the
Ontario t parsonage, Rev. T.
Wesley Co s tied the nuptial knot
between Mr. David Geerenell, a pros-
perous .farmer of the township of
• Tuckersinith and Mimi Jennie May
Ounrie of Bayne& The News -Record
wishes M. and Mrs. Gemmel' Many
happy years together. .
A pretty reception was held at the
• home of Mos. Wm. Cooper on Thurs-
day afternooe and oraniug - of last:
-week. ' The reception was also unique
in it ;way, as ehe hostess wan assOt-:
ed by her five: daughters and one dau-
ghter-in-law. Mrs. Cooper, with her
daughters, Mrs. Armstrong of Ont-
ario, Cal,, and Mree.V. C. Finch of
Wetaskawin, Alberta, astested by
Mrs, A.. T. Cooper, received in the
drawing room. The tea room, which
was daintily decorated in pink and
white, -was presided over by Mrs. T.
J. McNeil, assisted. .'y Misses Olive
end Edna Cooper' Miss Leila- Mover
and. Miss May Aemetrong, the ;betel
of Toronto. Many Weeds of the fam-
lin took advantage of the apportun-
ity to Call on •the • sisters -who have
been absent . from here for some
Ohne." c,
Capital Paid up 0 $4,000,000 Rest Fun* - $4,400,000
Has 78 Branches in Canada
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities .
•in the world. •
Interest allowed at •Highest Current Rate.-
Clinton Branch • C.E. Dowding, Manager
Are Best,. On The Market
The Story in a Nut -Shell is that we've , the
Best Dollar Shirts ever put on the marIcet.
We mean what we say, and our Shirts will
back up our assertion.
There is an unlimited demand for Dollar
Shirts -many men preferring to pay neither
•more nor less.,
We appreciate this fact and .stand ready to
furnish the best for the money.
The roadbuildere are -making pro-
gress on that stretch of Albert street
past. The ..News -Record -office. Preen
present 'appearances it is going thebe
all eight, although it in yet sonie-
what early to speak with much ter-
Albert Morrell; who is a great hand.
with a traction engine of any sorb,
handles :the big steam roller -with
easy,- • skill. If, 'after Clinton bas
coniCleted its road -making, opera-
tions,. Any ether corporation requires
the, services of a good man iso handle
the big roller, The News -Record would
recommend Alhert, .or in lieu, there-
of, Gemiee •East, Who probably will
take. charge while Albert takes again
to threshing as hohas done. each fall
these many years past, e
The corporation has been foreanate
in securing a good bunch • as
roadbuilders, and -a pleasant feature
about thent is that each man appears
to take a personal interest' in. • the
Lorikrro, N piA
Mr. D. S. Cluff, general manager of
the Doherty Piano and Organ Co.,
returned Monday night from.. his visit
to the Western branch at. Winnipeg.
The Company's exhibit at the Win-
nipeg Exhibie1on was one of the most
attractive features. -No other piano
exhibit • was; to be compared with
their display of pianos, player featios
and organs, which was the largest
ever made by any: firm in Canada' in
the west, and a small army of loyal
Doherty representatives mustered
from all of the Canadian west.
Some idea of the vo/aine of 'business
tmansacted may be gathered from tie
fact that in Cam day orders were
taken for • forty:one pianos. Orders
on the other days were, also satis-
factory. The Clinton piano is now
'recognized: as one of the leading pi-
anos throughetut the west: where pur-
chasers 'make sure te get good value
for their moriey. The account of the
convention olDoherty dealers and
salesmen and the :complimentary ban-
quet to Mr, Cluff will appeals in, next
week's. issue of . The News -Record.
We specially:: call your attention to our Flaxman
Shirts, made with reversible collar, shoulders and breast
reinforced, seams double stitched, sizes 14i to 18i, made
long And roomy. A large range of patterns, both light and
dark from which to select. if you've never worn one
of our dollar shirts, we've a surprise in store for you.
IUJ 1.11.11
Huron's Largest Clothiers
"A Square Deal tor Every, Man"
Mee. (Rev.), C., E. Jeakii will be
"At Mole" at the rectory ,on Tues-
day and Wednesday aftUrnoon$ of next
week, from 4 to 6 e'clook. • .
A. picked nine from, the local junior
ward teams played the Brussels sen-
iors yesterday aft:Om:ten but didn't
win. Dr. Shaw, T. Jackson Jr.- and
B. J. Gibbings accompaeted them.
over. The Dr. umpired.
A quarter of a dollar will pay a
subscription to The News -Record for
the remainder. of 1311 to any address
in Canada.
Twentnefitve cents for Ave monfas
means a let of good, reading for little
The boy or girl away from home:
will appreciate The News -Record for
it will seem' 'to them like a letter
trom,the old neighborhood.
Let's send it to them.
A couple of , rinks of Clintoti bowl-
ers went to London to take part in
the tournament being held there toles
wk. J. B. Hooveie$ rink, consist-
ing of E. G. Courtice, J. T. Har-
land and J. Teylor, are amongst the
sixteen sinks competing for the La-
batt trophy. The other rink con-
sisted of J. Ransford, Rev„ O. E.
.Teakins, J. W. Stevenson and C. E.
Dowding, skip. A number • other
citizens wene down today to witness
the' wind-up of the eournainent.
• .
The League held their monthly
Good Citizenship meeeing on Maiday
evening when the topic was very in-
terestingly dealt with in a paper by
Mr. Robert Fisher. Mr. Hawke and
Miss M,. Ker also gave readings ap
priate to the subject.
Next, Mmiday. ,evening it is the in-
tention To hold a social on the lawn
of Mr. and Mrs. McMurray, •
The Young Women's Mission Circle
intend having a sale of homeinade bakL
ing \at Mr: Wilbela, store on August
5th. *:
Monday.; Augune 7th, may be Civic
holiday. • •
Monday's wird storm blew . down
the ineekesteek from' thee electric
light plant.
The. Citizens' band will ' give their
ulna/ weekly open air cement an
FuIday evening . instead of Thuesday
both- this week and next:
The ladies of 7efie W. •C. T. U. ar
serving a supper on Mr. J. A; • Ire
win's' lawn .tomorrow evening, when
a pleneant time in anticipated.
• The localbasebell boys have been
in hard luck lately:. •They, lost to
Goderich on the home diamond on
Friday and to .Miechell at the lattee
place; on McAlear. Never mind, - iihe
tilde will turn ! .
• The members of Willis chineli Sun-
day •school held their annual picnic
to • Bayfield ce Thursday last. : The
weather was ideal for am outing and
the turnout was good, and the day
was very pleasantly spent in games,
boating, eec. A pleasant:feature . .of
lie gathering was the presemeta.tion
on 'the part Cf the school to the
Superintendent, . Mn. .jamee Scott,
of an, addreer expressive .of the ap-
preciation felt for his faithful' • and
efficient' services in that' capacity, and
ot a handsome leather club bag. The
addeess \vas read by Mr, George Mc-
Lennan and tbe presentation was
made bpi Mrs. Chidlee. Mr. Stott
Was. taken • completely by surpsise, but
he nevertheless,. Made a fitting ' and
witty reply, thanking the sohoo/ fox
their gift and for the kind words of
• Mr. Seott • his been the successful
superintendent, for many years of
Willi seh ol where his services have
been 'lel In very high ettioni and
those as °dated :with him considered
thatith time was ripe for giving ex-
presSi9i to their appreciation.
0/0. L EXAMS,
Frain. Form I to Form II. ,
Honors—Over 15 percent. t.. E. Bea -
corn; 0. Cole, I. Elliott, Mo lyleGionre
an, W. McGregor, G, McTaggart.
Pass—Over 50 percent : S. Agnew,
E. Canteon, V. earbert, Maud Cook,
M. Davidson, L. M. Elliott, K, Gov -
ler, M. Gunn, M. Hall, V. Hearn,. J.
Nlorris, J. Middleton, H. McArehur,
C. McCool, V. Philips, B. Ross, A.
Swan, E. Warman, L. Wilkin, M.
Yates,' , E. Brisson, V. Evens, F.
Fond, E. Grahwrn, S. Henry, H. Har-
lan:di 0, Harland, E. Miller, N. Mill-
et, W. McNaughton J. IVIcCeuelkey,
W. Nelsen, W. Rutledge, S. Scot, P.
Thompson, W. Walker,
On Sunday a new departure was in-
treduced in connection with the ince-
ning service. The Sunday School mel
in their usual places at eleven o'clock
instead of two -thirty, while' the .con-
gregation and the whilst classes galit-
eEd in the.churele. Alter the opening
exercises, in •'which all joined, the
Sunday school room was closed and
the teechers took tharge ottheir °las-
ses while the pastor, instead of
preaching a sermon taughe the Sun-
day school knelt. Many people not
in the habit of attending the S. S.
• were thus in attendance on Sunday
morning. The, boys' choir lead in the
Music and also -gave a couple of sel-
ections. Should the plan he found to
be a popular one it may he tried
again, but in the meantime the usual
SUMO services will be held.
Next Sunday Rev; Mr. Osterlinut
al Londesboro will preach morning
and evenieg, .
The League Meeting on Monday ev-
ening was under the direction of ibe
Good Citizenglip departtmlit. There
was a good turnout and the Dauer
gave an interesting and erect:eel
talk on the topic. MissBowlby, a
west at the parsonage, \gave a real-
ing which was much enjoyed,
At next Monday's meeting of the
• League Rev. W. W: Wylie, pastor of
the Baptist dutch, Will tell soite-
• thing of conditions as tho' exist in
the old lad. ' - •
.Perm II to Form 111.
Honors—J. Aikenhead, E. Holland,
E- 141'041, G. Weir.
Pass—D. 13arr, P. Brown, M. Chow.
en, D. Coppp, M. Carbert, G. Draper,
L. Pord, E. Leiteh, V. Lobb, A. Mo -
Connell, M. McAllister, M. Pattorson,
M. Reynolds, 11. Turner, G. Walker,
0. Ball, 11. Cantelon,•11. Dewar, L.
Greig, N. Garlitt, D. MeOlinchey,
M. Shipley, P. Sloman, W. Wallis.
Commercial Diploma—M, Chowen,
L. Lee.
Prize Winners--Porm 1, E. Beaeom;
Form 11, G.' Weir ; Form III, L.
StnilIie; Form IV, Part 1, D. Cos -
es; Pail 2, J. 0. COP.
An interesting meeting of the Mis-
sion Circle wast held on Thuilday ev-
ening last, when Mrs. Wylie gave an
interesting and instructive talk to a
goodly:. number of the Inerobers.
Last Sunday .the pastoo preached to
good congregations both morning and
evening. In the aem. he tock for his
text, 4' Me Better Way", and in the
evening, "Tbe Gospel Chariot."
Friday, July 38th, lawn supper on
the grounds of Fr. J. A. Irwin,
Joseph street.
Tuesday, Aug. lst, Summer Concert
in town hall, Hayfield,.
Thursday, Aug, 3rd, Garden Parity
on McAsh's lawn, Varna.
Our New Story begins with
this issue of The News -Rec-
There's not a slow chapter in
It's good from siert to finish:
Indeed it is ono of the best we
have yet published. •
Don't miss the opening chap-
Mr. and Mrs. George Sturdy of Aub-
urn were the guests of friends . in
town on Monday. •
Miss Aileen Scott, who has been vis-
iting Miss Mae Forbes, has return-
ed to her hone in Seaforth. •
Mr. E. Lyon, • who has completed a
thorough course in the Chatham Bus-
iness College, returned homo last
week and this • week leaves fore Ed-
monton, Alberti, where he wi1l'accept4
Mr. Leslie Jones of London is visit-
ing Mr. Robert •Irwin.
Municipal Clerk Erwin of Hayfield
was in' Clinton on Tuesday.
Misa Mien lLoppard of Goderich. is
visiting Miss. Daisy Middleton.
Miss Merle Moore has bum in Strati
ford visiting Miss Vera Murch,
Mr. Lorne Linfoot of London spent
the week end the guest of his cous-
in, basis Flossie Pearson.
Miss Lillian Spinteir of London . was
the guest et Mrs. David Steep yes -
Mr, Walter Holmes of Toecnto is
11,MM/is old friends in and. about
Mrs. Mary 'Cantelon attended the fun-
eral of her sister at Streetsville
lase week.
Miss Vera Schad& of Tont o is vis-
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
T. Hessian.
Mr, and Mrs. Iseiel Taelor of Loudon
spene the week end as the guests of
Clinton retativee.
Mrs. J. 0. Armour and family have
ret'arned from a holiday visit at
Niagara -on -the -Lake. •
Rev. J. E. Ford will spend the
week end with his brother, Rev. W.
J. Ford of Teeswater,
Miss Florence iis spend-
• ing tho week end in Stretford "with
Miss Beatrice Greene.
Mr. and Nue Bert Langford, Miss
Larene and Master Harold autoed
to Grand Bend on Sunday lateti.
Miss Dot Ball is the guest, this week
of Miss Evelyn Hill and other
. friends in and around .Auburn.
Miss Lena ,Guest, who, has been teaoh-
ling in Saskatchewate is this week
visiting .her 11ather, Mr, John Guest.
Mr. H. A, Hessian of Toronto is the
guest for a couple of weeks of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. Hessian.
Mr, W. D. Robins hen returned to
London after having been for some
doe the guest di Mr. and Mrs.. Thos.
Mrs.' Will Pinner. of Vancouver 13. 0:
is visiting-, at the paeotal home in
tole'', that of Mr. and Mrs, Chas.
Bartliff. ' ••
Miss S,aclie Holmes, after • a' fort-
nightls stay ' with °littera • friends,
left on Saturday e for her home in
a position -Ars business *raining, to- f Toronto.
gather with his natural ability and Miss Bertha Ninen*Ot Kilbride left foe
sterling character will easity enable borne yesterday after spendinga
him to make good. ' • Week the guest of her aunt, tate. 4,
Howson, •
Stanley Township
. Mr. Hugill Thompson, Misses Bessie
and Kate and Master Billie, Moose -
jaw, Sask., have been • gurotts of
Mr., and Mrs. = D. 1VIeNaughton. Mr.
Thorn.pson's oldest sort, James, is etc
peeled in about a fortnight and will
remain until the•faniily returns west
in. a month or so.
• Mi. James McKinley and his moth-
er, Mrs. McKinley Sr., visited at the
home of Me. John McKinley.
We are sorry to hear of the' Illness
Of Mrs. Wm. Dowson, buil hope she
wi?1 soon recover. •
Mrs. Harry. Young and daughter. of.
Alerdeen, South Dakota, is the pest
of her sister, Mrs. John Herd.
• .Mr. and Mrs, R. Murray of Mindo
ta, Mich., are the guests of Mr. And-
rew Reid for a few days.
Miss Edith Rathwell has returned
home from Windsor •after speeding a
couple of weeks there. ,
Miss . Edith Cleave has returned
home -from Michigan for a few weeks
Tuckersmith Township.
Henri O'Brien visited friends in
Hensall last week.
Mrs. G. Woods and Miss Ruby of
13ayfieNI visited at Mrs. Switzer'e this
week. •
Miss Mary Crich and KM Wilbur
Crich auc, visiting with the former's
sister. ••
Mrs, S. Macdonald aid her daught-
er, Mrs. Cooke of Detroit, are visit-
ing reentives 1j is vicinity.
Mini Edna Bluetit is 'visiting with
relatives in Kansas.
We are pleased to learn that Miss
Hazel Elcoat = has passed her final
examination at the Faculty of Edu-
Miss Ada Jongs has relprned home
af tea spending a ple*ant • the
weeks with friends in Pore Stanley.
John Campbell, friend of James
Macdonald, has arrived from Foot- Ile is a splendid type of the
young man we need in Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Black and children
iron Malliti:AYa are visiting in the
heme of Isaao JarrOtib and among
other friends here. •
, Albert Johnston and sister, Miss
Mary, have retumed home from! A1.
biota wheei they have been *Aching
for the past year and, a half. They
tbink tine west is all right.*
Me.and Mrs. J. B. binsdale 'went
bo Hamillan last week where Mt.
Dinsdalef is now baking treatment
From an osteopathic nhysicittu. It is
to be hoped the treatment will be
/Ass Nellie McGregor, who has bean
teaching out in Wet...coley township,
near StraVord, is lime for the va-
ration. 'This is her first year buil she
pleased her trustee.board so well that
they re-engagiol her for next year ail
ill,*reaSe of fifty dollars, hor salary
now being $650.
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. ;Shipley of. Cal-
gay,Alta., are visiting the forraer's
father, Mr, Wm. Shipley pf . the
Huron' Road. •
Mn' Bete' Johnson is up at .Mt. For-
est spending a week. or. so among
• the many Mends he made while
• teaching there. ' •
Mr. end. Mrs. Win, Linder and little
ecu of Parkdale have been visiting
the lady's mother, Mrs. Mimes of
Raglan street.
Mr. Walter Harland Sri -11th, the Lib-
• eral -nominee in Halton for the Do-
minion Rouse, is a native of. the
County of Huron.
Mr. Richard Downs and hin daugh-
ters, .Margaret and Doris, Pt. ifur-
on, have been spending the week
with Clinton reeends.
.Mrs. A. c+.:Reid, who has been visit-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T.
llossian, returned to her home in
Pittsburg on Tuesday,
Mrs. O. Mason, who was •visiting
Mrs. 'I'. T. Murphy and -other rel-
atives in town and district, lett for
the west ti s week.
•Mr. De Witt Cosens, son of Rev. T.
W. and Mrs. Cosens, is enjoying a
month's ' holiday at London, Port
Lambton and Wallaceburg. • •
Mrs. Cantelon • and two 11.ttle sona
of Indian Head, Sask., are visiting
Nt. and Mrs. D. Cantelon and other
friends in town and vicinity.
Mrs. T. Videau of Goderich and her
• guest, Mrs. Zoller of Chicago, have
been 'guests, in town of •Mrs. Wise
and Miss Mason, High street.
Miss Edieh, Hodgens, atter a pleasant
visit with old friends in town,
leaves to -day for London for a brief
visit! before rettitrning to Toronto.
Miss E. Louise Holmes of Regina,
formerly of Clinton, has been spend-
ing a few days with her parente in
Toronto, and returns, to the west+
today. •
Mrs. Hyslop and little daughter Edna
and Mr. Howard Jackson, all of
• Chicago are the guests of their
parents, Mm.. and Mrs, Isaac Jack-
Dr. Erne 1101mes of Saskatoon, forrn-
erly of Clinton, left this week for
the Old Country where he eapects
to put through. an important real
aerate deal.
Mrs. J. Retiotson or Monerieff has re-
turned to her hunt: after spending
a fold days with her mother, Mrs.
E,Moort,w1lo has been quite ill
during the pas e place weke.
Mrs. W. M. Govenloek and. Mrs. Mc-
Creary of London were visitors at
the Ontario street parsondge on
Wednesday afternoon. They made
the trip with an auto party,
Mrs. Dempsey Is the pout of her
mothee, Mrs. Herman. Mr. Demp-
sey VMS in business at Cochrane and
libe gteat fire which ravaged that
town some days ago Wept them
Out of house and home.
Dr. Gibson of Sault Ste. Marie,
presidoot of the Ontario Medical
Contrail, enteetained the members or
the Council at dlnor at the
Quent's Motel, Toronto, en Tues-
day evening. nu. Gibson, who is
considered ono of the leading mem-
bers ef tho profession in Ontario,
is a son of Mrs. McLennan, town.
The truatens Of Irelmesvills Publics
school have ene,aged the services ot
Miss MeVica.r of Goderieb, as teaeher
for the corning term. This will be
the firsti lady teacher this school has
ever had.
WO are sorry to hear tbab Mrs.
Stanley has been very ill the
past few days.
Miss Itla Huller is nob improving
as fast as her many friends would
like to see.
Nrs. (Capt.) Johnsten has gone to
Port Colborne to join her husband's
boat for a shortmaail uathe lakes.
The high: winds of -Monday put
several phones in the village cut of
working order and, the cry was
"Where are the linemen, where, 0
where are they ?"
me, W. J. McRoberts camn?
e up Iro,
London last week to join his family,
who have hem visiting the Pickard
Bros., and to spend a week with his
old friends in the vicinity who are
ever glad to welcome him.
There were more applea on the
ground. after the wind storm on Mon..
day than were thought to oe, on the
At a joint meeting of the Holeues-
ville, Ebenezer and Bethel officials re-
cently: held, arrangemtel for the
future Working. of the circuit under
the new conditions weal successfully
and • harmoniously carried out, and
we trust •M.• best possible results
will follow,
Coderich Township
Rev. C. E. Jeakins,
rector of St.
Paul's church, Clinton, will preach
'n St. James' church, Middleton, on
Sunday afternoon at three o'clock,
when communion will be administer-
Varna •
The annual garden part i of the:
Presbyterian church was held in Mr.
McAsh's lawn Ctn Tuesday evening.
The day was somewhat chilly, in fact •
was more like October weather than
July, but sturdy \Canadians are not •
easily discouraged by vagaries in .the • ,
weather • and, knowing that the hos-
pieable congregation of the Presby-'
torian church would, be well prepared
with a good supper and a 'pleasant
time, a laeee crowd gathered and did
ample justice •eo the excellent spread. .
The Clinton band was 'there and dis-
pensed,lsweet music and there was a
booth on the ground wlnee many •del -
Ionics could be obtained.. Altogether
the Otani was ' considered a success,
the proceeds amounting to a snug
little surn.
• Summerhill.
Misses 'Jennie, Cora and Flom Mil.
ler spent last week as the guests of
Miss Edythe Harvey.
Mr.. A. McLaughlin of •Seatorth •-,
spent .Sunday ab hie home here. '
Miss 1VIy.4eee 13eacom spent Sundajt
at her home here.
Mr: and Mrs, R. A. Govier, visited
Auburn friends on Sunday.:
Mr. and Mrs. Graelis of Clinton
were callers at the home of Mn,
John eJohestone on Sunday. t
A Successful Teacher. •
• A inimical announcement which will
be of interest ' tO readers of The
News -Record is the eleventh 'annual
report of Mr. • W. Glenn Campbell,
which •this year covers 'three • well-
known musical instititions viz., ,Tha
Toronto Conservatory: of Music, the
London, England, • College of Music,
and the London, -Canada, Conservat-
ory of Music, covering four panes or
•woe' viz., Primary, Junior, Inter-
mediate and Senior. It is as. follows:
Pianoforte, Primary department, '1st
class honors—Miss Abbie Glenn, Olin-
tra ; Miss Lorna Horn, &Worth ;
Miss Allie Carbert, Clinton ; Miss
Gladys. Draper, Clinton ; Miss Doro-
thy Bill, Clinton. 'Honors— Miss
Ella Colclou,gh, Hohnesville ; Miss
Pearl Stewart, Seaforth ; 'Harold
King, Hayfield. Junior • department,
lst olass honors—Miss Ida Evans,
Bayfield; Mit Nellie: Hicks, Clinton;
Miss Mae Wilkinson, Brussels ; • Mist(
Mabel Dougall, Hensall ; •Miss Esther
Bell, Blyth; Miss Jennie Crich, Sea -
forth ; Miss Be?la Delgaty, Bayfield;
Miss Marcie Speoat, Kippen', Mise
Afra Steep, Clinton. 'Inteenediato
department, 1st class honors— Miss
Evans, Bayfield. doparte,
ment, 1st class honors— Miss Pearl
Gidley, Blyth ;flatr Stevenson, Sea -
forth. Theory department, Primary
grade, 1st Oafs hon0tt4—Miss Ida
Evans, Hayfield :, Mist Martie Sproat,
Kippen ; Mies Mabel Dougall, Hensallt
Miss Laura Stewart, Londeshor0.-
Ileeortalliss Bella Delgatp, Bap"
field; Harry Stephenson, Seaforth.
In addition to these Miss Maud For- •
guson, IV pupil of Mr. CarapbeWs,
had the fol?owing successful, candida-
tes : Junior planet, 1stclass honors—
Miss 11. Davidson, Leadbuti ; Miss
McCutehecoi, Leadbury. • Penratiry de,
pertinent, 1st class honors— Mies 1.
Dundas, LeadbUry ; Miss A. Knechtel,
Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell wish,
to congratulate the foregoing pupila
on theinO-SnOreat and also tie tallelle
teachers a Huron county, many of
whom are ex -pupils of Mr. Canip..