HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-07-20, Page 8FEW SPECIAL LINES I
SEWER PIPE 4,6, Sand 10 inchee, also fittings.
WASHING MACHINES Tbe Ideal, One Minate, Volmerk
Connor Ball Bearing, and Bonnie
all high class machines. Screen Doors and Windows.
three ply. the
best in the market. Cheaper than sninglee. (larder, Bose, Nozzles
and Lawh Sprinklers. Rope all sizes. Machine Oils. Berger's pure
Purls Green, sure death to the bugs, 30 cts per lb. ' •
CREONOiDtDrives away the flies and kills lice on borses, cattle
- and poultry, regular $1.00 eize for 75 ets.
10 per cent. discount on Washing Machines, Screen Doors
and Windows, and Gasoline and Gil Stoves.
IITD 131t08.,
Clistoo INTows4!aimi
We Ask You
To call and see the result of a determine a effort to produce the
Best Shoes -Shoes eo overwhelmingly good in every feature that
counts for perfection in style, fit, durability and everything else
that goes to make shoes throughly satisfactory, that you are assur.
ed by far the best values here.
Realty there can be no doubt in your mind, once you have lined
them on and looked them over, as to the superiority of our Summer
Oxfords and Shoes.
Store closes at 6.30 p. m.
Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
Not High Price
Not Low Price
Just honestly priced. A pro-
fit for us aid if you want the
goods an advantage to you
This refers to our stock of
Few things so cove and
comfortable as a Hammock
Good to read, rest and sleep
in. '
W, D. FAIR 00.
Often Cheapest - Always the -Best
Have you seen the new dust coat we are showing for nen? ft is
• neat and strong, yet light and cool and no one who does any driving
just the thing for these bot dusty days to protect your clothes. It is
Ishould be without one. Specially at $1.25.
I/Having just received another big shipment of children's . slippers our .
2 stock is again complete in sizes and our assortment good. We have
2 Chilaren's Dongola Kid slippers at fi on 25c per pair up and Children' t
2 Patent Pumps from 85c per pair up.
• Come in and let us show you our plan and quote you pi ices on a -New
Made -to -Your -Measure Suit.
•••• •••• ••••• .4I•• •••• ••••• ••44) .11414 .••11 •••• •••• ON* 0.
J. IS Hoover
1 • Nelson Ball
In house iurnishings
are in demand ‘by those
of artistic tastes. A visit
here 'will disclose
t but not overly dear. Merit is what wins these days, Z
and it's only merit that gives us our liberal. patronage
The cheapest spot In Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture.
I Hoover Sc Bali
xrtrxti.T.evailat ortrivnIt.A.X., mxmomaxiontss
ledie44 le••41104•11410,444e4H14 441.1144•44e4e.41444141•441s M40414114 ineelell
Miss Edythe Torrance is spending a
week in •Kincardine.
Mr. Nixon Welsh is taking the sum-
mer course at the Military School
in London.
Mrs, J. M. Holmes and children left
this week, for a few week's visit
in Toronto.
Misses Hattie Holloway, and Ida Wil -
ken are spending a week or ten
days in Goderich.
Miss IS/flitch cif Auburn was the guest)
over. the Week end of her aunt,
Mra. • Walter King.
Misses Annie and Minnie Cooper left
OR Monday for, a weak's stay at
Windermere, Muskoka.
Mr. and Mrs. Blatchford of Euater
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Hawke for a few days.
Miss Emma Copp of Goderich was
the •guest of her cousin, Miss
Sadie Steep, over Sunday,.
Mr. M. J. Torrance, who has been
visiting atj the Parental home, left
for Mooseiaw, Sask,, on Saturday.
Mrs. J. HeveSon, who has been visit-
ing Woodstock friends for the past
forenight, returned' home on Tues-
Mn. and Mrs. W. Jackson and Miss
May Rance returned on .Friday M-
iter a stay of a couple of months'
duleeion in the Old County.
Miss Annie Cook, after a fortnight's
stay at her home in town, is
spending a few days at Gnend Bend
prior to her return to Toronto.
Maaters Harry and Douglas Ball,
sons of' Mr. and Mrs, N. Ball, have
been visiting with Goderich town -
slip friends during the •past) week.
Mr. Went Johnston of Belgrave . and
his daughter, Mrs. Will. Mellurney,
were the guen`n of Mrs. David
Steep one day_ last weak while on
their way 140 Godereck
Dr. John A. WLeod and wife, Brook-
lyn, N. Y., left on • Monday for
home after some days visit with
the loll -leer's sister, Mrs. Robert
Pearson of Stanley.
Mr. Lorne Welsh, operator on the
Pane 'Marquette Railway at St.
Thomas, spent a few days last
week at the parental home, Ser-
geant and Mrs. Welsh.
Mrs. J. Ross and children return
to their home. in 'Toronto this
wee': after a visit at the lady's
parental home in town, that of Mr.
and Mrs., HS W. Cook.
Dr. Woods 'of Bayfield was in town
Friday -evening., having come over
to meet Mrs. Woods' mother, Mrs.
W. Buchan of Durham, who will be
their guest for some time.
Mrs. McLean, who has ho.en • with
Torenneo and Gravenhurst friends
• for se eeral Months,has returned
bo town and is now the guesti of
her daughter, Mrs. K. Erskine.
Rev. Dr. Stewart has been somewhat
indesposed during the past week.
• Ilia many friends will be- pleased
to learn that he is now improv-
ing. The family are a* their cot-
tage at Bayaeld.
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher of Denver, Col.,
were the guests over the ween
• end of the former's sister, Mrs. R.
E. Manning. Mr. Fishes made but
a brief stay, but Mrs. Fisher in -
fiends remaining for a few WeeiS.
Dr. W.. J. R. Fowler, professor in
the veterinary department. of Ton
onto University, now that the long
vacation is on is enjoying part of
it sisiting relatives and friends in.
and about Clinton. He is accom-
panied by Mrs. Fowler and theie
daughtet, Miss Freda.
Mr. C. C. Rance and sat Tont left)
on Tuesday afternoon for Toronto,
where the family, will in future
make their home. Minn Rance and
Clarence went down today. Mr.
and Mre. Ranee and family will be
much miesed in church and social
circles, where they have all been
active, but they are followed to
their new hoarse with the ,good wish-
es of their many Clinton friendo
Mr. J. P. Sheppard of Winietipeg,
Man., is visiting his uncle, Mr.
Henry Baker, town, and other rel-
atives in the district. He is a
hativa of the 16th con., Goderich
to:Mesh/1n and is a son of Mr.
John Sheppard. The family went
to Dakota a quarter of a century
ago. But a few yearn ago the "old
folks" moved to Seattle, Wash., to
escape the Dakota winters. Three
of their ems ate in that eine and
rate others in the Canadian west
"twilling Mr. J. P. Sheppard, who
Is engaged ie the grain trade.
11ours Quiek .8
FR011 2 TO 7 -O'CLOCK
11611~11,41&,"1011.01011violowlik. .
Prints, light and dark colors
i . . , . I
wide width, regular 10c. Saturday
' for quick selling 6C yd
50 and 75c SilkslOc
25 Waist ends of fancy silks,
no two alike. regular 50 and 75c
values clearing at 19c per yd.
•75c and $1 Corsets 49c
25 pairs women's corsets in
long -and short styles, assorted
sizes in grey and white, regular
75c and $1.00 values clearing at
49c each.
Deep Cuts in Satteen.
Cleaning up the balance of
our black satteen Morrey and
Regal Taffeta Petticoats at the
following prices :
Regular $1.00 for $ .79
SI L25 .89
" L5') " 1 19
" 200 " 1.49
" 2 5 0 " 1.89
" 3.00 " 2.25
25c Tan Hose 19c
Ladiestan hose flat weave,
mercurized finish sizes 8 to 10,
regular 25e, clearing at 19c pair.
$2.00 Gowns for 98e
12 only ladies fine white cot-
night gowns in high and low
neck, embroidery and lace trim-
ming, regular 8200 clearing at
98c each. Come early Friday for
25c and 35e Linen
• Suitings 19c.
25 pieces of new• linen suit-
ings in plain And fancy colorings
regular 25c and 35c clearing at
19c per yd.
Prints at 8c
25 pieces of good strong Can- -
adian print full width and good
patterns clearing at 8c yd.
July $041,
Muslins, Gingharns, Waisting$,
etc, regular 16c to 35c. Saturday
quick selling 10c, yd
. 46,..%.11......111~11,11,N111011,111011.411011.1b.ibmi.miAIDOIRAlo.
White Waists 89c •
15 only white Lawn Waists
in the new Dingaling style sizes
well assorted worth in the regul-
ar way $1.25 clear at 89c each,
Deep Cuts in Children's
• Straw Hats.
Out go .the balance of our
Childien's straw hats as follows.
Regular 25o for 19c
• Regular 50c for 39c
Regular 75c for 59c
, Regular $1.00 for 79c
Regular $1.25 for 80e
. • Regular $L50 for $1.25
• Fancy Parasols $1,25
40 only Ladies Fancy Silk
and Linen Parasols in all the
popular colors and plain white
worth up to e3.00 choice of the
lot for $1.25.
Wash Suits for Ladies
• Half Price.
Ib only Ladies wash suits
made of good quality linen and
daintly trimmed in assorted siz-
es regular $5 00 for $2.50 regular
$.900 for $4.50,
Ladies Coats less than
Ladies Wash or Luster
Coats in Linen color well tailor-
ed and good style regular $7,50
for $5,50 regular $7.00 for $E,00.
Peter -Pan Waists 41.48
We passed another •ship-
ment of Peter.pan Waists into
stock for Saturday's selling.
Dutch collars, daintly trimmed
with white tan and pale blue
cne) • c hese are very
nerniaiidnneneneennly priced for
quick selling $1.48,
• We cleaned up a Manufacturers lot
of Fancy Silk Parasols about two
dozen in • the lot, no two alike
• worth in the regular way. $3.00 to
• $3.50 Saturday.your. choice $2.25.
• We are carrying a complete stock
of Kaiser Silk Gloves for women
in all shades. Both long and short
length double tip fingers Raisers
guaranteed at 75c to $1.00
Our stock of Loves,. Gloves is now
complete in both silk and • Lisle
in black and colors. For the past
three , seasons we have had the
agency of Loves Gloves and they
have given our pations the very
best of satisfaction prices lenge
from 25c to $1.00, •
`111 -IM 13IC+ C&81-1 OIR•M
About People You Know.
Mr. Melvin Graham left' on Monday
to return to Saskatoon, Sask,
Mrs. W. H. Hellyar and children
leave today for their camp at
Miss Evans of Winnipeg is the guest
this week of hen brother, Dr. J, S.
Evans. •
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cranston will
spend the remainder of July in
• Muskoka.
Miss Claire Lindsay of Totonto is
spending a holiday at her parental
home in bown. •
Dr. Ovens, London, paid a profession-
al. visit to Clinton on Tuesday.. The
date of his net visit is August 15.
MiS338 Edith llndgens afid Margaret
Davis spun the week in Kincardine
cardine as the guests of Mre. Park-
er Foster.
Mrs. Alex. Armstrong of Toronto, af-
ter spending some little time with
Goderich friends, is nowthe, guesii
of Mrs. Walter Manning.
Mrs. Geo. Roberton and her child-
ren, Helen and -Kenneth, are spends
ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. E.
e1Crawford of the 13th con. of
IVIasier Lloyd Rice has gone to Galt
for a few wens, where he is the
guest of his aunt, Mrs. T. A.
Rutherford, at their camp on the
River Grand.
Miss May Armstrong of Toronto is
the guest thin week of Miss Kate
Ross. She leaves Friday for God-
erich and will return to the citn
by C. P. R.
Mr. Jelin Torrance and Miss Mar-
garet, ans. a a holiday Visit at the
parental home, left yesterday, the
former for Lethbridge, Alta., file
latter for Port Arthur,
Principal Hartley left on Tuesday
to join Mrs,. Hartley at Wroxeter
where they will be the guests of
• relatives for the remainder of the
holidays. The period will not be
one of entire rese for Mi.. Harney
for each Sunday he will, oncupy,
Anglican pulpits, at Durham for
bis bre:0er, the teeter there, and
also at Listowen Our evotthy, prin-
cipal's preaching ability is ree0g-
nized and eonsemienely his services
are in great request.
Miss Rona Levis is spending a holi-
day in Goderieh.
kr. Aiteein of Toronto was a guest
over the week end of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Cook.
Mis. J. Ee: Gardner and her infant
daughter Ruth are visiting, friends
in Wateeloo.
Messrs. W. Gillies and S. Reeves of
Hamilton are the guests this week
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. 'Cantelore
Mr. Frank Dean of Toronee has
been spending his holidays in town,
the • guest of Mr. and Mrn. W. H.
Webb. '
Miss Ella Moser has returned to he3
home in Waterloo alba spending, a
few weeks with her sister, Mrs. J.
B. Gardner.
Miss Roes, who has been quite ill
and who has been in Detroit . for
treatment, has returned and is now
The Misses Byasn of Stratford have
been visiting during the past week
with their brother, Mr. Byane of
the fiem of By.aent & Sutter.
Mess Isabel Straughan, New York, for-
merly a resident' of Menton and
O well known here, and Miss 5
Straughan of Godee:ch were. calling
on friends in town on Titerelay.
Miss S. Straughan leaves next week
for Lethbridge, where she intends
The News From Londesboro
Mr. E. L. Woodman left Saturday)
after speeding a week at his home
here foe Belle River. '
Rev. J. IL Osterhout and family
returned Tuesday from St. Thomas
where Mr. Osterhout had been .at-
ilending the Summer school.
Mi A. Bell and Mr. Wm. Tam-
blyn are attending the Sumaner
school at St. Thoman.
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Millar, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Johnston, Mr, and
Mrs. J. 0. Lounsbery, Dr. and Mrs.
Allison, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown
picnicked at Goderich on Tuesday.
Miss Agnew of Wingham spent a
few days with friends here Ms
w(111'3iks's Z. Whitley visited • friends here
over Sunday,
A number of young people from
the 8th and 9th picnicked at Bay-
field on Saturday last.
Mrs. • John Taniblyn spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Dr.
Medd of Godelich.
Dr, Inph. Gray of Benton Harbor,
Mtcli.,'io visiting his brothers, Wm,
and Joseph Gray. r
Miss E. Lyon of London is vend-- "
ing her holidays at home. •
What neighhave proved a serious.
accident happened on Monday when.
Miss Else Millar, and Lillie and,
Pearl Lee were driving along the
lOth con. Their horse took fright at
a sheen and leaving the road upset
the buggy,. Fortunately none of the.
occupants nor the rig, itself was any
the worse of the upset.
Ra n Granthum of Clinton 'spent Sun-
day with his brother William here.
Mrs. Thos. Sampson is spending a.
few days with her sister, Mrs. John
Spindler of LucknoW.
' Miss Crysler of Delhi returned
home last week after vending a Le
weeks with her sister, Mrs. J.
Lounsbory. •
• Messes Nett'i Wooelenan and
Young' retrarned Saturday last
spending a week with Mr. and
Black of Winghanes.
Mr. N. Braithwaite has dispo
his driving horse to Mr. Fisher.
Co I earnci.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Watson spe
Monday with friends ire Clinton.
Hullett Happenings.
inmainitig for a time.
Misses Irene and Dorothy and Mall I Auburn will hold les Civic lion-
MrInts ter Edward Burns of Cleveland, day on August 2nd. All our eitineas
Ohic, arrived on Saturday and will
be the guests of their uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Reynolds,
for some time.
Menus. John Shanahan and John
Flynn spent Sunday with Wawanosh
gh Th omps
on, Misses Kate
,and Bessie Thompson and Master
Billie of Moosejaw, Sask., are vis-
iting Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Neil
and other friends in. town and Stan-
ley. Many years ago Mr. Phalan -
son carried on a planing mill bus-
iness in Clinton and is well romemr
bered by many of our citizens.
Mee. J. C. Call'ander and daughter,
Miss Remah, of Parkersburg, West
Verginia, and Men Carrol A. Nye
and little son of Moorhead, Minn.,
are visiting the ladies' father
and sister in town, Mr., Fred Rune -
ball and Mrs. A. J. Tyndall, Tho
ladies hate been in Goderich visit-
ing another sister, Mrs, Arnhem
Porter. It will bo intorestigg to
know that kludge Nye, the husband
of Mrs. Nye, is the young-
est brothel of the late terill" Nye,
the telebritted American hUniOrist
Mr. Johnne Flynn of Wining) vis-
ited relatives in tbis part on Sun-
Mrs. Purcell all. hir. John Pur-
cell of Seaforth are e:siting Hullett
Mire; M. J. Crawford and Miss
Hughes returned on Monday to Niag-
ara afear a pleaeann visit with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Miss Allie Toll of Wawanosh was
a guest at the host* of. Mr. Williate
Swart over Sunday.
are anticipating the pleasdree of their
annual picnic to Point Earrn,. rale
parelculare mogarding eorivenienCess
sports, eto. next week,
Miss S. McCool is spenditig the
Week end visieing her sister, Mra.
Aude of Wenghana.
Master Frank Brownlee of Wet.
Toronto is Visiting at the shortie en
Mean'. Wsn. and Sane. MeCooL
Mr. 'Henry Adame had a bee dives
ing Innek from Blyth on Thursday
lase. •
Mr John Catewright bad the
fortune to loose a valuable colt t
cently. Mr. Chas. Joshling also los
Miss Nellie Manning of Londesbetee.
ie vieiteng her aunt, Mrs. W. It