HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-07-20, Page 5I= rw a JW) 'MIN toil M ,• 'Cad". NOW11-Recoft y 0 A Nat1Y11 of Hullett Tavmw Tate Warren Lumber Cotoparryew will FOR SALE --A BEAUTIFUL VOUN- flf#y houseo PARU FOR SALT~ -AT ONCE. Roo -__.,. FOR SAi.E, ON 11UROPl STRFST, ship lies la Alberta. aril at Sellwood were illy horate bell a railo from Clinton. burned. 12#• acres is [cod svate 01 cultivation Clinton, the dwell* $xruse at pr•r. s The folloufug from the Chronicle of Aer" ct excellent soil, fruit ; The McGuigan. von"ity of Torontla and garden. Fire oomfortable in Staul'ay► 3rd can.. 3 wikes from CliatOP, school 40 rods, 100 aercw : elft occupied by myseelf. All OVKWa, eo4yerrlences, Terms Crossfield, Alberta, will be oft s �ouru- ful later st to xaauy readers of The wiere awarded the contract .for the house, pari and soft water. Barn ,new filtration at Montreal. 56x52 with stoue stabling. 2 acres cultivated, l0' acres alfalfa, 22 acres bush, Test `hay and Hood garden. to suit •the purchastrr• .Apply OR tba. News -Record : "We ;plant orchard, applerr:, plums, peaoheo, pasture. Large s'i+ane house. two-storey, ,premises. -- TiiOs. Jacktnu, Sr. ekluton. _8$-.•� regret very much to be called cherries, strawberries, etc. Will slate n), 9f, cement floor in cellar, . upon to - chronicle bhp death of Mr soil cheap iu-wdiate possession fu . . , mace, wood -shod, cistern, 'mc- ]K�. Cooper of Berlin James MOCOOI LOST IN CLINTON, ON THE Op spent a few Mr- Thos. Firth, Tato of the G. C. I. ,who passed awayr at g y given. --.T. E. Hemt�y, Clinton. x-86 phone. One barn 85x50, wimdmaill, O SALE OR TO RENT.-«� 4ays'in town the guest .of Mrs. herr, staff," has ,accepted a position on tho" his ho'tuer three mules east of Crow- evening of Jul 18th, a ,gold Cres- pumper, waterworks. stabling for TH> Ii broach with Inside design, of Temperance Hotel at Londesborp,. Rebecca lodge elected .the following staff of the Clinton C. I. 11610 on lastt Friday evening, Juneani' head cattle and 9 horses. Sec- pearls. Reward for Its vAmrn Ito This is a `spl'eudid chance for a • . at the'recent annual ,taneebing Mr. IT. kltrnlO •has rramaved to tha 16th. FARSI FOR SALE. -LOT 26 ON and barn 56240 Hay toxo 50x$5.- �cefis R was bom in Hallett Cough & Co. -88-1 Con. 6,. Hallett, ,consisting of 100 Apply i o Malcolm McEwen,. Box liva man. Possession can 'be N. G•,. Miss EWma Campbell:; V. G',, new house on Keays street Owned . Mr. McCool giveru .M 50, Clinton P. O -84 at once. For further particulars -Ura. Tholtafas ; Secxeta>My, Miss K010''by Mxs- Emma Edwards. Township, Huron. County, Onirstrio, �--- -�-+ ---.- acres, 90 acres clearod, 40 acres iu apply to W. X. Iiylee, Lendesboro, ry ; Nina Mises Bolen Strang Of New, York a1<d 1879 went to Manitoba, where HOUSE TO ENT .. N A Brass, 2 aeras of orchard with first- ` or L. Tyndall, r. Gwaei Fin.-Secretat Y, bliss' R O R .'fx'EN Clinton.O ;a 'x*t Treasurer, Miss Gibson, Mrs, lie took• up laud before the Claws fruit. Well fenced and- drained. and Miss Grace Straug of Orange- burp strew,;, lately occupied by Mr. -V4arles Reid was appointed dele atr� railroad had penetrated thab' far west, 2 story brick house and large barn TO RENT. - A COMF(}RTABI,E : g Ville are spending their vacation at and in. 1897 went back to Ontario S. C.- Rathwell. 8 rOcins, water- with •enables. un'dorndath, also largo six roomed coirta e i h ' bo tllo' General Asseir>lbiyi at Niagara the f=ily home in town. works service and good cistern. -R. rr g with pan- 4ti August. where he Nrud upti,I he came to, Crass- Welsh. 88 drive House with hofs pen uder. 2 try, and coal shed, stone Vol- , d ar n ' A4tCt On Sale Mr. Sutton, it shill confined to his A family- from Detroit have taken field in 1901, and started a genoral - good' wells°with windmill ana , pipes lar, excellent • p p , garden, with soy-- —oar A COMPLls las ANI) UF.�rtz•nATI�- _. Tied suffering from injuries received Mrs' Bedford's" furnished cottage an'' store, which he carried on for five to ' sttables and hog pen. 3 utiles natal fruit trees, on south Lighthouse street for the .season. a ft>nv fro2n being, lostl'ed over and train led years and then sold colt and taitived : from Climtan.. FoaC further par, %ou- aido, of Rattenbury street N c R upon. by the rush of employees lean Mr' W J• MOna;ow lofts last week to the farm where he has lived ever FOR SALE -AN OXFORD GU'RNE'Y Tars -apply cal the premises or ad- minutes walk fr centr HARNESS BUSINEMS' 0311 a of town. lug the a organ factory ono day a 10 attend a meeting of the.District since. Portable Oven, Only used t'aatee dross W. T. Henry, Clinton, V. O. Possession given on or before June -------^•-- couple of weeks ago. • A • Superintendents of the. National Fruit The funeral which occurred on Sun- . 'months. Ia good shape. -Ben Cole. -85' 13th. For particulars apply to C. and. Packing Co,, of Toronto 4,4 Sit da last was one of Sae l'a'rgest ever -88 pP y R' �]• E. NQ' Mrs. Aterander St'. Marie of, Clifford s y Jervis Huron street. ,-80 and Mrs. 'Anthoa McGI Catharines. • will sell by 1.'±IblicAuction in tie. shop y ymn of Tees- - .witnessed. in the Crossfield district, ' 'waft' were guuests last week of their Mr'• Harper has had the trimmings thero being forty-seven tea.m in the DRAIN TILE. -WE NOW HAVE A p Of his house on West street) rePaint procession which followed the re- cod stock of Drain, Tile on hand, . AU BV r[�N sister; Nlfas Doyle, FARM FOR SALE, --•ON THE LON- - g {. A D�,1 Engineer and Mrs. Janies Martyr ed• mains to the cemetery, •don Road,. oleo mile south of the ran'gi'ng in size from 2i up to 8 HELP Out the PASTU'D —ON— ,amid their daughter left this week on Mr' Reginald Prl'd'hazn of Winnipeg Deceased 'leaves• a wife and ; ght to of Clinton. A first class fn, 10 in. and 12 in. Tile. only ' a trip to Vancouver, is visiting lits parents, Mr, and Mrs. children. to mourn the loss of a loo- farm of 132 -acres ; a choice o- nada to order. Works half a mile Fred. Pridhamn. 1 . > SATURDAY JULY 29 The Misses Nolan of Loretta Abbey, Ing father, all of which are - amply pelta. Must+ be sold, as owner has East of Egmoadville. Phone 9, on The season is at hand when it is ,have been the guests of .Mrs, Jaax►e A . Mr. Walter Brough, C. E., is hav- provided for by the terms of the other tntlarests to look . after.e-- 145, Kruse Birjs,, Egmondville }?, snecessary to help out the pasture by cOlstar llNcarra AT 7 o'CLoog sa3nRaP nT #artyn. ofghis verandah lass portico and baihavan lt infrons ont wThe bereaved Apply to H. Pluinsteel, Clin?an, O. ' r 82-g substantial feeding. aG13a, arvlsNlNc = Mrs. (Major) Beek was the .guest � s ed family have the sym _,88 , We can supply you in anp quantity All the Contents of the Shop 'while in town last week end Closed in with giasa, consisting of Mrs, pa►'tap of the entire community in '- ' with low grade flour,' shorts, bran, R of HEAVY TFrAM �LAR;- Th�e death of William Acheson of thair sad loss.'' corn. chop, whole corn and peas, NESS, SINGLE DRIVIXG HAR. Holland. HU FARM . FOR SALE,- NESS, BLANKETS ROBES. IiUG}S, Mrs. Henderson has returned to her Goderich removed n well known, figure FOR SALE -A GOOD MILK COW The David Jackson eatatt,, lot $2, 'FLOUR BELLE, WHIPS. � SHEETS, FLY hams in Windsor but eupect'a t1S be, and one of the. pfgneor business men • ' con. 9 ecntarnin Give us your next order for flour ; NETS. SWEAT PADS, HA•RNESB back VD town ar;gain in August. of Goderich. Born in Enniskillen fn con-Ang six years old. -Apply to Miss , g 10Q acres is offer- Marriages ed For sa141, For particulars a 1 we shall appreciate it whether it is PARTS, DRESS SUIT CASES, Conductor Alien, who succeeds Con- the north pf Irdtind, seventy-two $ - Norah Ferguson, Bayfield. -85 P Pp y for 25 lbs or half a ton The best HAND BAGS and everytbinin and - . g years ago, ttaq sub'ect' of this to either of the undersigned --Harry about the place. There will he no re. +ductor Doolittle, has ranted Mr. g ' l notice MACPH'ERSON-McEACHERN- At � '' " i brands always in stock. came to' Canada with 11hd other the residence of the bride's par- ---`" B :Jackson,. Port Rowan, or W, serve as Mr. Keo$ i Koing West. At $uchanaoms brick house in Essex Oat meal ra'ham flour Cream of ydono,, Clinton. 85-4 r' anY, •time up tq the d.te of the sale, the street. �ttiemlbt!rs of t'.ie family tivhe'n Us was ants in Clinton on Julys 19th, TEACHER; WANTED FOR S. S, . . Wheat, etc,, . always on hand. proprietor will sell the stock and fur_ 11 , The stone work on the new posrt about six years . of ago. The family , by Rev. W. T. Pearcey of Lon- No. 5, Goderich. Township, (Pont- -SALT IN BARRELS AND BAGS. nishings at a date on the dollar. The -office, or "rather the . addition, has te�tlad on the Huron Road, Goderich deshoro, Margaret Isabttl, dough: er's ,I11111,) duties to comunence 0, � store can be rented on very reasonable township, where Mr. Acheson r the beginning of the second term of FARM FOR ,SALE. -THE YJNDER- { terms. „ . been camplebed. A ryt w system of . g ew bo ter gf Mr, and Mrs. N, McEach S U I TiER . manhood. -He learned the trade of ern, to, Dr, .A, John Macpherson 1911, Applications sba, salary, signed offers for'sale his fine farm LOa lighting is to be installed throughout saddlor and engaged in that business of Toronto. ells., will be receivnxi up to the 15bii of 13& acres adjoining the town of TERMS AT AUCTION SALE ;--All the building. until about twenty-one a o JOHNSTON-ORA -.- IJuly.-John Torrance, Secret r • Clinton. The farm is in a good Telephone 64' THE .ELEVATOR' some of $10.00 and under, cash ;. over We congratulate Miss Beatrice. Lan- y 'yearsago, n Knox of a �' state that amount, three months' credit will when the firm of W. Acheson da Son . church, Goderich, On July 8th, by . Porter's Hill P, . Q. _$4. of cultivation and has ,good der on her appointment as teacher buildings -brick house,. >aank barn, be given on furnishing approved joint •of moderns on `the G. C. I. staff. was Founded .and a flour ng dry- Rev, G. E. Ross, • Evelytn Cr.rigie, . notes., A discount allowed for cash on driving house, pig Pen, etc.- all hYplttbin Hot. W ter credit amounts, i $610 was raised for the enlargement goods business was established. Mr, daughter of Mrs. John R, Craig- comparatively new. • A fl!rst- class � 'KN mran a OX, THOS. (iUNURY, of the hospital on "Tag Day." Acheson zrter of the Public ttschoc+i board Saskatoon, Albert. I-1, Johnston of TEACHER WANTED BY S. S, NO. ' Frcan a Sault Stet Marie paper we, , 'Goderich Townctip, dallies to young orchard contraining all kinds _Stearn and Hot Air PROPRIETOR AUCTIONEER .1: „ and took a real imtarsnt in the af- WA,LPE'R-In-In Exeter,, on commence ' after'the. the. holidays. Ap- of fruits, also small ,fruits. The •I. I clap the following re ; "Among the g farm is wel! fenced and well drain- Heating �i more important real estate trans- fairs of the hoard, 'Iso was also one July 6th, John Wolper of Harrow .locations .will be received by "the ■ " actions of late has be,rq the sale by st the prominent membena of North' to Della, daughters of Mr, and undersigned up to July 15th, stat- ed and is a very desirable hom o. T.. . . Mrs. F. W. Johnston of her t!legant street Methodism- church; serving on . Mrs. Nelson Kestie of Etieter. ang . experience; salary, etc. -Guy For further particulars apply on 'GALVANIZED IRON WORK- ROOF- SALE OF . . both the official and the trustee the premises or address John residence and ground -1 in ha east Ricks, Secretary, Clinton P. O. ClintonINC AND EVETROUHING. :end of Queen . street. The purchaser board. Hie was a man of uncomm ally Births . Torrance, GP, O. 80 � , was Mr. A. Ernst and the price paid 'good health and his last. illness dated on Jul 6th' .. We, have everyhhing that • is . ia& .PE'CKITT-In Clinton p I Rcers ..1 is said to be $14,000. only, a few weeks payor to his de- y 'FOR. SA-LE—TWO NEWLY CALVED new :and up-to-date in the - mise. Besides his widow he is sur to Mr, and Mrs, Fred, Pickett; Messrs. WaRm Shannan and , .Eli. cows; real' 'good ones; George Con- PROPERTY' FOR SALE. --Hardware plumbing and heating business. vived b a famil of ono son and two a son. nell, Clinton P. 0. -87 business for sale in Bayflold. Two - 20C CUPS FOR Ly n on a fishing expeditr daugbters. The family are: R. J. ASHTO'N-In Godiirich township, on lean.hhavegone ere no doubt Walter y story building, store, workshop and 15C UMITIL JULY 19of town Mrs. .)• C. Grei July 18th;..to Mr. and Mrs, John"- Estimates even 1.on all contract work,dwelling combined, also stable 26Shanail boat will be use- '• g of J. Ashton, a son,. g ful. Sorth, and Mrs, P. H. Horton of ' ' - x 36.. Three lots with orchard and BANANAS',. • Port Hope. Edward Achoson of town NA'YLOR-In .Auburn, on `July 16th, FOR SALE. -FINE SEVEN R00M small fruits, Terms wasbnable-Ap-5C Mrs. Harry. Johnston and son of . to Mr. , and Mrs. A. Na lar brick •house with furnace town . 'pip . R. R'ouaft, Bayfield. -74 p '~-n Fort Williams were guests while in is a brother; and Mrs. Heri'iy Ford y a ' BYAM & SUTTERSUTT n //� /r • . town lash week of Mrs. J. W. of. Goderich township is a sister of •son, .water, barn,' half acre 25' fruit G.: Le COO Pro Smith. deceased. Thi. funeral took place to `SMITH-ln McKillop, on July 4th, trees,• small fruits, ,etc. Huron . Mrs. Thos. Videau a , Maitland cemetery and was ,lar el to Mr, aiitl MaI. Fercji. Smith, :a Road, east• -R. B. EaRiies. -8.4 _ NITARY PLUMBERS. . SA a and her g, lest g y ., FARM. FOR BALI; Lot north .half attended The servlees avere in charge. son' . Mrs. Zoller of Chicago visited Clin- a g 26, con. 12; Hallett, . consisting of ton friends last week. Of. • Rev. Alfred Brown, pasPar of Sl''ARLING-In Sea('orth, on July, ' ` 50 acres. All seeded down except .. BABY CARI�IAG�.10S - Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Johnsron North street Methodist church, and 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. E.• A. Spar- FOR SALE, UN MARY STREET A 10 acres. Small orchard. Frame TO TH E PUBLIC RE -'TIRED . WHILE YOU returned last week from irheir hone -the palkbearerii were J. C. Mamtin, lE. long, a, son, good' .dwelling. 'house, containing • y McADAI4I-'At Bronson Line off} Jul seven rooms with pod cellar c housti and bank barn with stabling. HAVING BOUGHT THE WAIT, AT.SMALL COST. moon trap and will spend a short Downing, Root, McLeain, J. H. Col: r ' Y g i On Gravel road 1 mile north of . WORKSHOP DEPARTiVIENT OF boI'ne, R; C. Hays and, Jacob 4th, to Mr: and' Mra. T. McAdam ent'eiStern and''gfo"isd well .of. hard Landesbaro. mile from school. =2 NEW BICYCLES timtie at the brides home in town a Son. THE ROWLAND HARDRVARE before leaving for their home in Sask- The Rebekahs.-held their annual Pic- water oftthey lawp. For further in- Apply .on the . premtses or address FOR SALE CHEAP - DOUGLAS- In Stanley,, on, . July forlmation' inquire. of Mt$. E. BUSINESS, WITH WHICH I atoon. nic ,at Point Farm on Wednesday af- ml Hull,. Richard '.Shaddick, Londesboro' P.O. HAVE BEEN CONNECTED• FOR ternoon. 11th, , to Mr. and: Mrs; A. T. - Box 220, Aylmer. . -87 _75 WATERWORKS SERVICES On 'Saturday week the wedding Capt:. Williamr Trethwa was one,of Douglas, a daughter. SEVERAL YEARS. I• AM• PRE- INSTALIrED, LET'S DO IT took place at Knox church of Miss y WEST -In Eltrater Evel +,n Crai ,e to Mr. Albert H. eight men who .took lrfage: m • a on July2nd, to ' PARED TO RECEIVE ORDERS S g Mr: and Mrs: Sidney Wes r FOR YOU.. Johnston of Toronto. The wedding ' Pwe�l from -the ,raging fire at South Y' . t, ,a son. GIRL WANTED -HIGHEST WAGES _ FOR THE HECLA .FURNACES, i Porcupine. They Wideav6red ' to save WILTSE-In Seaforth, . on: July 10th, PLUMBING, EVETROUGHING, march was played by. Mrs. Hunter to Mr. and': Mrs. Frank Wiltse a paid o maid' who would be willing. PUTTING UP :,STOVES AND r ' while she bridal part took, their the buildibg first • but soon discovered , to to Mr. Cl A 1 U RN18R, p daughter. . canons or Detroit. • r REPAIRS OF ALL .KINDS; ALL places. The bride was given away that they would be fortuhate to save + . No '. warding -Apply at Couch Sc ,� OF W!I3ICH WILL RECEIVE by her brother, Mr. R. Crai ie. The their lives.. After a: fierce fight the 'ARCHIBAI,D -.In Tucktirsmi1 ) on . g' Y Co., Clinton. -:87 .ride w•as very, becomingly gowned in mads their wap to Golden Cite, July 8th, to. Mr, and: 'Mrs. Wim..I. ATTEN , I4Ig P1. ^, Archibald, a son, ' ROMPT . TION �� a tailored suite of fawn broadcloth whore • they were treated for their CONTINUANCE. OF THE PAT- - injuries., It, wall be recalled_ that RYAN-In'•:Ilvmganncm, on J' ' 2nd, I RONAGE GIVEN THIS DE ' ' I . " .c,:°, with large hat. After the ceremony T'EACH•ER WANTED BY S.:.S. NO'. rp lin} m� I Capt: Tre+hwa and his wife were. on to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ryan, a PARTMENT IS RESPECTFUL- dere.S FWi CoUlloI. . a reception was hold at tae home of y f, 10ddCeich town'hfp, duties • to' . ., . LY REQUESTED: . ` daughter, the bride's mother. the barge Tecumseh when it' was n after. the.. summer • holt:, : PARSONS -At 539 • Agnes St.; Vin- PRO�VIPT ATTE�hTTION WILL Mr. Chas. Black 'and family new burned at .our harbour . alone time days. `Stato.salary and experience. BE GhVEN TO ORDERS LEFT. I.Ndm9sk.- I . . . . J • occupy the house on Elgin Ave., for- ago. nippeg, Man., on July .9th; tis t� Mr. and- Mrs. Wm; J. Parsons a Alex. Welsh, Sec.-Tvaasurar; Olin- H E R ' y E ' ` AT ROLAND'S HARDWARE mer) the residence of Mrs. Sheppard. Miss Dena Clark is .on the post- , . Y PP eau liter. bon P O. -87 STORE. Capt. Kenneth Campbell of Boston office.staff Forza time. g .. . . time Is meas- � e�j • N Miss Anna Brown of Toronto is T• D' JOHNSON .", ..� and Mrs. Eugene C. Allen..of Detroit beatlfS . spending a vacation. at the Ba tired b . minutes and were called hams on account of the g' Baptist y TEACHER WANTED 13Y S. S: NO. "i? . i parsonage, guests, of Mr. anal Mrs,.:IIt1YWARD-In linitan SeCOndS In tCad O serious illnes of their mother, Mrs. G ' on. July 3, GaderMh township, (Holmesville). ' hours=the Howpten the. court c! Pollock, . Tu of William stibet. 17th, Susan Sadler, roliet 'of the ..duties 'to commence after. the sum L • Judge Carrol Nye of the Supreme Miss Robinson war the guest • fez lack, Alfred Hayward, aged 61" trner holida Applications statin final appeal. T e 1. a time of Miss Ha A of S£. David Ilei N `\� Court of Minnesota .is attending, the Yn - pears,. 6 'months and'.17• days. ' sala+ry andgivalificabions • received The Howatcn Watch has Ylar1. Int -•) ,;r/ Stat© Bar in Duluth this week and street. and on Saturday returned to .GORREL-(10 �In Crystal City;, Man•.,, on u to Jul ,'25th. -Jos h Jer accuracy, design and finish it shows the l au dr '"4,' IaP r he will London: Up . Y . eP Misr ... S .r -,': join his wife and July 12th, Alexa,do . orrel, ,for= SW. -Treasurer,. Hcdmesville p, p, spiry! of the men who make -it. y child, who have been for some time Mr. Eph. Tweedie, .1'raveljer for a merly of Clinton,, aged 91 years. •_86 . It has traditions and a history that -INV - j -INVITES YOUR PATRON 1 ,. s Detrua firm, is ending his vacate• STAPLETON-In East Wawanosh on Atttcrican are -AGE AND GUARANTEES-- / 1 the guests of the lady's aster, Mrs: gip. g s. a proud of. % Andrew Porter. ion at his. old homy in town,, July 5th, Dora Ester and Doro- I. Every Howaxn is adjusted as a >te PROMPT ATTENTION AND \1` ' C . The Glorious Twelfth has come and tha Blanche, tonna children of Mr. watch -cased and timed. in its. own =•GO D ItOnK, GIVE US• A i1 m ( `�,,� TEACHER WANTED, MALE OR gone. It was an fieri, dap and the and Mrs. Emanuel Stapleton, aged case at the factor TRIAL. ALL WORK DONE- ( t 4 months. female for S. S; No..4, Hullety, y crowd in town was very iarge.,About Constance. duties to commence after the scan- Printed ticket fixir ttie .price -$4o - • thirty lodges of Orangearu+a marched . ) MURRAY-Irl Seaforth, on June' - - BY HAND mer ;vacation.. Apply, sbatang qualifi r, to $ I So. Let us show you this' d:r-. Worried Miss 'Rub Bestow :of Seaforth, is 30th,. �, J.:Murray; aged; 511 - LADIES :BLOUSES 2 .FOR 25e. di ccomfortsf that harass the' men. ana in procession. When the lodges actin- y cations to Whr. Carter, Coastancc tinctive watch. a d ed an the Court house Square, after .visiting her friend .Miss ,Hazel Lind- , pears, 3 months and 2f; • days. p . . - - . women of our age. , Mayor Cameron had welcomed the say. ANDERSON -In St. Helens, on Jul �' 85 df !!' Mrs. E. A. Proctor has returned . 9th,` Hugh Anderson, aged 67 A. J..Ri ('., r visitors and given them the freedom _-... . . Le+e, �i�ri�i T]l Schell Fout-azer of the town t1,w following' speakers to her bine in •Bluevato after spend- pears. Jewel Jeweler and Optician, /SSUeP Q f '• is a remedy. It is a seientitic arch support o� '' ' ",0*" *--4' TEACHER WANTED FOR S.S. NO. ` OPPOSITE •�IOLSONS 'BANK, cushion th$t cup opts the muscles and ten- . gave addresses : Rev, W. K. Cordell Ing. some tome with her .sister) Mrs, CO -In Mbrcis township, on Mar/rage LfcenSe$� .. done and'gives tlpiem strength to carry *4 of Bayfield, Rev. Wm. Lowe of, LuCan, Colclough. .. July 3rd, Won. Cochlane, ag©d 71 13, Shanley, dutdes. to comanence on. .._ weight of the body at the foot arch. .Sept: 1st, A It does away with all nervous and muscular Rev. W. H. Cooper of. Milverton, Mrr W3ii. Lyon of Lordesborp years. pplieations slating sal- strain quickly replaces the natural alas Rev. J. Pollock of town'. and Rev. preached hero on Sunday afternoon. , PHNNINGTON-In Goderich, on July ary, experience, eft. received up to ' • •.• • • / • `� . t+a • brit to the foot and reverts at -foot elf T. H. Farr of Blyth. Ther D. O. E. Mrs. John Britton•, son and dough- 8th, William Laney Pennington• Jufy 25th., -Jas. T, Keys, SeC: • t► Coal Wood itapainful'conaequepcea. I . ter, spent Sunday. with Londesboro XNI•G16-•-•In Goderich Treasurer Varna P.O. --85 i • YA DS Makes walking orstandingabsolutely coinforE_ . took advantage of the crowd in town ; on July,llth, • , • R able, keeps shoes in Cha e friends. The Preference for • • p and gives theinatepii to inaugurate a "Tag Day" far the . . Isabella McDiasmtd„ relict• of the • graceful arch. . • : The summer price of Gtoal begins on The Scholl'Toot.tazee,"made r,,"�' benefit of Alexandra bc+irital,, and Miss Ida McNdirn of Warwick is date Charles. Knight.- c Monday; May Isb. Place your .order of two German Silver springs,leaih uito a sum was raised fors the en- visiting her, sister; Mrs. W. Britton. • TELE - • ercovered,Andlssprrngy, 8exibl0 , 14 q ' TE'A'CEIER WANTED FOR S. S. NO' • and have your bins filled at iFhe . -- and self-adjusting'to all feet largeinye4t and equipment of the same, 6•,, Tuckersmith, niiale or fe�inale i • low irate, And can be easily'sHPped '' • into any shoe. . Mr. Andrew Gibson, late of Edin- VOTERS' LIST --1911. - MUNICI-. holding 'Isb. or 2nd. clash. rofession- • We have just received one , P • They d6 not bolo, has become a metnrber of the a Fast wAWaaosh palit[p of the Township of Stanley, al centinedte, d�t 4s ?o commience • carload of Portland Cement. 1 needtackin-n ;� ,a..• • Those intending to use cement pastinSbutare Citizens bated and as he is a fine County of liunon.-Notice is hereby 1st of Sept.. State salary and ex- • • g easily changed : '(' cornet player, is quite an aoquision. • Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scotb of Lon- given that I have transmitted or patience. -John T. Martin, Sec.- •R3. Brio• this summer should call and from one pair to another. �. do ,bolo Olen.. d Sunda at the Home • Yf you havo any foot trouble whatsoever the 142n. Hughes has gone' to Toront+b f M y. delivered to the. persons mentioned Treasurer; Seaforth P. 0. 85-3 `' 0 get prices aU the Coal ani) ! Scholl ••Foot-Eezer" will give you instant mJieL where he has secufed a position. a r, and Mrs. Wan• Toole, in see us 8 and 9 of the Ontia,rio EXTRA • Wood office opposite the G. T. as well, rest rest and comfort. .} Man boarding house keepers were Master. Harvey Elliott of Goderich , + _,. • All sizes for knenand women,$2.00Perpafr. Many g p Voters I:ists Act, the copies re- • •' 11. station before purchasing we are headquarters for foot comfort and me much inoanvenirnced on July 12th, by is at prewmt visiting his cousin, �quired'by said sections to be' so • GRANULATEb . • elsewhere. Scholl Foot-Eazor' iaoneof,theprinoipai means. the closing during the a@?arnoon of John Johnston. . • transmitted or delivered of the list FAR1I FOIA' SALE -CON. 8, WEST 0 We have a good, Grain ('Grind©r of conveying it to sou. Let us prove it. the bub. -her shops in ?own. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips of made pursuant to said Act of all half of lot 9, i1allttat township, • has been created by • and a good Gladstone Buggy nearly The fu.nerat of the late Isabella Auburn visited Sunday at the home . persona sarin b t'ae last re- containing 50 acres. There Is on • t ale 5U ar itself • g y pp g y $" • new for sale cheap, . e 1_ y ' MoDiartnid, relict of the mate Chatlt+s Of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston, vised Assessimont Roil of the ,aid the farm a frame house 20x26, kit- • • �.. 'Knight, took place'to Maitland come- Whole bushy engaged in haying fast Municipality at Elections for meati• Chen 1$x14 and a s er kitchen • Manufactured by r� ' - clary on Friday. Rev. Geo. E. Ross week John McClinchey was suddenly hers of .tine Legislative a1.,senrul and woodshed 24x14'ank barn • AIZ i HUS ISH � S abbaekod with. illness. The doctor r d 58x40 with stabli underneath and • THE"'-"" . The I 'artt Shoe can only be obtained conducted a,rvices at house and came- and at Municipal ' Lleictlons ; and • � • • � Phatter 52 in Clinton from J. TWITC.HEI,i. tory. Many beaijbItul floral tributes tva§ called in and we are now glad that the said list was -first hosted cement fioo:r with hen house and pig • Dp ' ' - • uc ss were placed upon the casket. The he is able' to be at work 'again. up in my office in Stanley on the house' Thr land is good clay loam, • Canada Sugap gafln�u. CO $ ee O to Jas, Hamilton. SON. Mrs. BubOlt2 returned on Thursrda ent>nel clear of weeds is well pallbearers were : Messrs, Joseph - y 15th day of July, 1911, and rr• y i Currin, Alex. Johnston; Wirt. Boyce, frolm a visit to Seafotth and was mainct i1 ere for inspection. Elect. drained With tile and in a good • l'.lmr, tgn. 6 - Geo. Hunt, Jag. Tait ana James acCom,panfed byi her two grandchild- ors are called upon to examine state of cultivation, no wasteland. • MONTRgA1,, - QUEBEC 0 Caldwill. Mr. Kni ht died only a ten HT vrvey -and Alberti Netherland, , • There is one acre of gooey orchard • • • NATIONAL g y thtt said list, and, If any arnis.i ins r e ,, .�forvv mon,'hs ago. Amongst those who who are now spending a few days or .an other errors see founil'rhere and a ,nr+oar failing well. Terms to • Ie -• attended the funeral from, a distance with,, grandparents. , : - suit the urchaser. Propriebox lin- •• Sind• Aoki b� iri' to � make immediate proceerlines p tr • were . Capt, MoDiarmid of Sault Ste. Mr. J. Wick of Montana fs at to have the said errOari corrected tends to y,tve up farming, Apply .tl► - e PORTLIN CE"NUENT. 1 Markt a brother of deceasrd and ,present vision friends la thus vnCr , ej on premises or to John Raffle , Sr. • e g aocordiag to lar+. 1)atedr rms „illi y , • • Tr O N E I L a a Capt. Campbell ppbell of Boston. Deceased in tr.'.a ' 1. day of July,. 1911.-'-J, Z. Harnwtill,. Constance P. 0. . - --$5. +. • �. • war a kindly, cheerfpl women, taith- nd Mrs., petorr Walpelt viaitw Clerk of Staujey, - _ e "Thi ,, ' , t. . ,,.4Tl+.. �rt�4 ara�1 � . A 'tee l r,Ax est rete gyred fpi:,� taa . hal►le and �ehplt^h 'tlrttic+3 • and a Sutttlap at the hotli(e Of blCr. and- .:I. :" ; : • _ ,. a . .. � I �'itlCb "P6'1i�, be bold at 1'®it6i0E1$i�0 good neighbor AtnQ frit+tid, and was Mrs. John Doan: h'plty, SALE.• -SIX ROOMRD COT � . i 1`iti6t3, �"+ tl0lit b>3lge char eta for X16' 1�e Bfl~+e11 life loo to be, highly esteemed. Mr, and Mrs. Heztnaa parr. Visited The, veto bill passed trhe report tags on Ontario sbree't.4 ar;te of a The lrancllin of the a repaid on th6 retUlril Of t�e r stave �u ar as been r► p f 001,,Pt'y' bags, N- birder �� the, Mt Mugh MCMath and' his son Brucefield frrea+ds a tell day -ago'. • stager• in ,the British House of LoAls. land, Waterworks. aahtrol lot:atlo n. t g Cement It ti0tn del . the klotto of, Our dutco6s, • y. Itfaster Brogdoo of Toronto were vis- `Mt- rad. Mrs, ,John 'Wewet Waft hi The Pfrift0o bf Wat6s was ifivested hi Peogemlon can M glen at ''any' a • ! L 1. ito" in town last W*k, Stratford last week. I his principality by his father, time. -girls. D. McConnell►. ' • .$5 'e,6 # r • a e i e+t a i 11+w a M e e Sty tie A 141 RI & . - ` ' t 0 ' i ; - r-Wilift � -