HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-07-20, Page 4Gth ton N#*,*Ra erd .,* 11104.1.1A • Visa M. Kitty of elfutoai is the leeest of Mr. J. Watkies of the Base Misses- M. McLaughlin and B. 'ree- k)/ and Mr. T. Scarlett of Leadbury .visited at Mr. Tyner's on Sunday. i ' . Mr. and Mira Scott of Maple Grove nt London townehip, spent Thu'aiday fastat Mr. Geo. Tyner s. Mr. R. G. Reid of Varna visited Triende be Sa.lerday and Sunday. f Mrs. J. Lindsay of London and children are , guests of Air. T. J. geindsay this week. Mrs. Hornby' and daughter, Mrs.." neugford' ot Colborne spent SundeY at Mr, John Joblhson's. MIssc s (:. Biggin and A. Noble of Clinton .:vent Sundays with friends ' Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Draper and. Tamil» of Clinton spent Sundayas the guests of Mr. J: Watkins. ' ► a merhll . Summerhill. Mr. R. Colborne of Seafortl'r pet Sunday at hf:a horse. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Churchill and Mrs. T. Cook of Clinton visited at Mr. C. Beacons on Monday. ''The Ladies' Guild will meet airthe home of Mrs. Cooler on Friday after- noon. Mr. L. Govier of the 10th sprat Sunday at Mr. R. A. Govtor's. Mr. A. SIcLaughlin ot Seaforth paid a flying visit to his home here on Wednesday. Miss C. Colborne of Sealorth spent last week the guest of her another, Mrs. J. Colborne. lie 04. Golderieh Township Ailiss eVennie Thompson of the 36th con. attended a wedding at Londes- boro on Wednesday evening. Mrs. R. Miller of Niagara Fails, who is accompanied by her two children, is the guest for a couple of weeks or so of her blether, Air. Frank W. Powell of the 16th con. Mrs. George Connell Sr, has been visiting Lucknow friends. S. S. No. 11 has re-engaged Miss Tichborne at an advance in salary, She is a good teacher. Mr. „ins. Connell's son `had a ear: vow escape trema meeting with a very, serious accident the other slay. He was oiling the gearing ot the -wind- mill at about eight feet from the ground whth his shirt caught bi the cogs, He tried to cut himself free. nilth his knife hut as he had to act. quickly he pulled himself loos.., He thus escaped with only some cuts Which the doctor fixed .up. He is to be congratulated on the presence of mind he displayed. Mr. Wm. Crooks went down to Linwood for the glorious 12th and also spent some days with relatives and old friends. teiere. The passing of Mr, William Acheson of Goderich leaves buttwo surviving members. of that pioneer family of this township, Mrs. Henry Ford and Mr. - Edwaai Acheson. ' They are a long-lived . family, .three ot thebroth- ers having now passed away in their 76th year. ' Mies Kempton of Laurier bas been «siting a her uncle's, Mr. Jame:, Moss. Mr, Robert Greer of Stanley town- ship has euring;' the own-shiphas'dlurine'the pase week -bought two spans of horses in this town- ship, ownship, one uair from Mr. Thos. Cronyn and the other . teem : Mr. Ben Bath - well. Mr, Greer's purchased made up a carload which he has shipped to the west. Messrs: Cirenyb and Rath - well have since replaced the teams they sold. . The News -Record leads for Goder- ich township news. Mr: George .. Petit& of Lucan spent a week as the guest of his daughtee Mrs. ' Harry Thompson. Mr. H. Snider of Goderich . has secured the.. C. St Lowery, farm for which he 'made an exchange of west- ern property. meaaMannemem .so®a BIG VALUE Breeze ilagfiteld Happenings., Mrs. A. B. Carter and Miss Edith Green. of Dei,' oit are visiting, their mother, Mae. M. Green. They in- iond spending a few days with 'Guelph and Gordo friends also be- fore returning to Detroit. Mrs. Buchan of Durham is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. , (Dr.) Woods. Mrs. Rinkey and family, of Berlin s el parents, are the guestsher renh p . , 1Vir. and Airs. Daniel Macdonald. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards of To onto, Mr. and hlr:r. J. E. Young, Masters Harold,, Fwd. and Jack Young, and hits. T. G. Davey of London, Miss Y. Wiliood, Bliss Millie Willood, St. Mary's and Mr. and. Mrs. Wilkundren and son, Master Jack, of Montreal, are, guests at the Commercial. Mrs.. Lowrie, Miss Lowrie, Mien. Harper, Miss McKay,. Mr. and Mrs. William Charles,. bliss Brown, Miss Margaret Brown, Mrs. Sylvester, Miss Edna S, "_vester, , of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Edwatris and her child- ren hildren and Mrs. James Reid of .Tor- onto, are guests , at Mrs, John Fer- gnson's.. Mr. Horton and daughter, Miss Horton, were the guests of Mrs Parsons on• Sunday, M_►;. C, Walters of Grand Rapids is the guest of her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. James Thomson. M. Harry Tippet of Chicago was the guest of his brother, Mr,- John Tippet, the past week. Mrs. II. Drehnaan and family are visiting friends at Hollysrood at present. Miss Jose Storting is visiting her brothers, at the Michigan Soo. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rhymes and son, Master Philip of Brantford are the guests of the latter's • parents, Mr. and Mike John Ferguson. Mrs. Janie; Johnston leftlase week for Milestone, Saslc to visit her sons Rev. Wotton- of Stratford occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday .morning last. Dr. J. Stanbury of Toronto and Mr: J. G. Stanbury, wife and family of Exeter were the guests of their parents, Dr, and Mrs. Stanbury, a few days the past week. ' ' Mrs. Malcolm, Frame of Fort Wil - Bain is the gucse of • her patentee Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson. Mrs. Crowe and sister, Miss Mamie Welmsley, .of Det i,>it.:. are visiting friends in the. village, Mrs. Weir and daughter,. Miss Fran- cis Weir of. London were the guests Of her sister, Mrs. J. ; Tippet, last week, Mr. John Spencer ' of Corinne, Sask., is-. home on a .visit.•, BIC VALUE Couch & C JULY Mid -Summer SALE Bev. J. L. Turnbull, wife and fam- ily of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Beet-' Ings and family of Galt, Miss Mc- ICie, Dundas ; Mrs. Jolley and Miss Jolley, Toronto ; Mr. Galbraith, wife and family, P. S. Inspector, Mt. For- est ; Mrs.. Dickey and family, Terme o to ; Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, M iss Clara Fergtor7h, Mrs. W. Carter and family Mrs. F. Mutch and family, Clinton - ev. Mc au hlin, wife and farmil �; Hamilton, are summering in West- minster Grove.. M. 11. P. Falconer; who hes been sailing with her husband for the past couple of months, returned on Wednesday and will reimain for a time in cool agd breezy Bayfield: The weather has been too hot to be really enjoyable on board ship lately. I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Foster were in Clinton on Tuesday. The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's church intend holding their annual summer concert on 'Tuesday evening, August Int. Full particulars next week. 41/ Varna The annual picnic under the "aus- pices of the Presbyterian church will be held in Mr. McAsh's garden on Toesday evening next. These garden parties are always most enjoyable and successful and a pleasant time is assured for Tuesday evening, Music will be furnished by the Citizens' Band, Clenton, Stanie}1 Township Mrs. Moos of MoGillvary is spend- ing a few days with her sister, Mrs, Andrew Duncan, Mr. T. Dinsmore and sister, Miss Drama Dinsmore, spent Sunday at the home of. M's J. H. Johnson of ?he Parr. Line. • Mr. Wesleyhorritt spent a fe S p w days the past week at the home of I Mr. Wan. Rathwell and other friend's. Miss Mable Rathwel''l spent Sunday with her sinter, Mrs. Wm. Foster, . Se are sor:+j to heap that Mrs. Herb, Slmlifh's baby has, been sick, but aro flad to hear that it is lin-. proving. Goderich Township. The trustees of S. s,. No 4 have securedt5ie services of Mrs; II, Strider. ' Miss Langford of Granton was .the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Thomp- son. Goderich Township Mrs. Charlbsworbh and grandahild- * a of Flint, Mich., are speeding 'the +senator at Reete Sturdy'a. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perdue returned on Wednesday from a visit to tsihefr son Will at Bay City, Mich. They also visited relatives at Flint, Grind- stone rindstone and other places and report having hada most enjoyable thee. Mrs. C. N. Ford and son Leon of Albion, Miele, are the guests of Mrs. Peter Cantelon and daughter of the 7th con., and other friends in lee vicinity. Mrs. Ford. was form e:1y Miss Ella Sharpe, is a niece .of Mr. Jas. Elliott, and will re reuieu tiered by :many atonic hemeabouts• It is. twenty years since she last visited hexa and she notes many changes in' the place and people during that L':me. Auburn Mr. H, -E. IIelwig leaves on Tues- day on a business erip'to the west. Dr. B. C. Weis was in Clinton on Tuesday. . Terms CASH ONE PRICE ONLY Millinery OLE Ai -IIF Mr. H. S. Knox has returned from the west and is selling out his bus- iress: in Auburn with the latention of returning roe Winnipeg where he bas. accepted a position with a whole- sale house. Mrs.. Gravelston is a patient in the Clinton hospital. Her friends trust that she will s000 regain heir health. Mr. A. Naylor is wearing a happy smile these . days on account of the arrival of a little on at his home. The Auburn Lawn Tennis C1L►'b is just finishing' a tournament en'a. , by all appearances at time of writing Mr. Will. McDonald and Mr. A.. Nay- lor will be in the finals. Such being the case it will be a game worrth seeing. Mr. W. T. Little was in. Kincardine on business last weik, On Sunday last at, the close of the. preaching envies in the Bapeist church the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was. administered,• by the pastors. There was ` a good congrega- tion and Mrs, Jas. Tucker ce Clinton rendered a solo very pleasingly dur- ing the serviee. Pastor Wylie will preach .next Sunday afternoon. • Our gt'tial pedagogue, Mr. A. Nay- lor, was ente;:sted with the • care of a small boy pupil this ..week. Con- gratulations, Alfred. . The Ladies' Aid 'of St. Matic'e church wile hole' a concern in Term- pUrance • hall on Friday evening. The prop,*•am will be a 'good.. one: The. Antics of the Seaforth "Rooters" Aroused the In- dignation of . the 1 People of Brucefield. Brucefield, July 17tb, 1911, .Editors of The News -Record. NOW' IN FULL SWING We . began this great Mid -Summar Sale Wed- nesday. The most radical quick -action clean up of high class 'summer" tabrics you• women have ever heard of Profits are completely wiped out. It is a sale that appeals to every women. Already Hun- dreds' are taking advantage of the genuine reductions;, Come to see this Sale during July and save money. MUSLINS 1, PRICE Your choice of any muslin in • store a price Lots of good pat- terns to choose from .MILLINERY Just 6 trimmed hats left take your choice for $1.08. • GINGHAMS 9c Your choice of all our 12ec and 15c flinghams all fast colors July ' Sale 9c; • DRESS GOODS 39c 500 yards pure wool dress goods reg BUc and 65c for 39c. Now. is the time to buy ' a cheap fall dress,. BEST ENGLISH PRINTS 100 Your choice of all prints in ,store 10c. TA.RLE LINEN 43 2•pieces Of table linen unbleach• ed 72 inchee,wide reg105c for 43c WHITE UNDER- SKIRTS 2 dozen Ladies white under- skirts good Quality cotton trine- teed with Embroidery very special 69e. NETT WAISTS $2.78 e12a y -lined c tamnett $2.78 LAWN. WAISTS PRICE•.• , . Voile c'aoice of any Lawn Waist 1 price.,. FLANNELETTE 90 500 yards good Quality Flanr ti Tette 36 inches Wide reg 12o r th Mr. McLean again insisbb that I• must not judge the sentiment* of tree people of Sealorth lays 'the ..actions of Dear Sir -I take the liberty oE a . few erapulsivo toys. In answer T asking you 'to allow; one a little space {would say that I certainly do not threugh the ' columns of The Newi- as 1 firmly believe that' there are a ' few residents • of his 'town and an opinion, and not mine alOnO, tint thzi odd business man here: and there that joiet opinion of the people of Bruce - were anxious that the . "Rovers" field and vicinity regarding the Write - should land the honors. .Wu have a up from tele pen of the editor . OE fairly good idea .who these parties ilee Expositor tinder '13rucefiele head - are, • and we also have an idea who ing Of la,st, weeles edition. are to the contrary. ,:!'You cannot The letter sent the Expositor re- tell by the look of a frog. how : far garding thes disgraceful aceions of he. can jump." yet you can certainly meg Seaforthites op the night of tall by the • actions of a man .`. on the Preston kerne here was' not pub - which side of a question he is mast lished. Rather the editor chose what interested. I" believe 'there is no one he judged .to be tlie most important anywhere who would have have been par? and leid it ehefore the public. more pleased to see ?he Rovers win He then. sat Ao werk to criticise the out, afeer having defeated Seaforth, same: I do not nlarne Mr. IVIcLean than the editor of the Expositor, feir doing so, for he is a man Who and it is not mg aspirations to try - through taus letter to impose on of the town of Seaforeh. Yet I am them • all 1 . ask is justice. afraid 'teat he is rather too much The gang of Seaforthites who were inclined to believe that We farmers doing the rooting, for Preston were ab Brumfield .are tip in the air "and not all boys, not by any means, 1 are not by any means using correct can name at least one rosiness man, judgment and at 'the swine time be - and three or four others, of whom lieving that the football . fans al Sea - anyone would readiily, say they had forth are abaolutely perfect, and passed their ,twenty-fifth year. Such. would never dare attempt •to do " people as these, especially :with. :the thing shameful. oe wrong. Mr. Mc - disposition . they dis . layed here, if Leaa cannot really eudenstand how called boys by cefield people, we could notice the "handful" of would '+ be 'liable call the latter people froim Seaforth rooting, for names more cutting still Preston, when there were a •-thousand, It isnot my, wash to cause rivalry p,erions on the grounds. This is eas9 between . the two towns, not at all, to explain indeed, Preston wan hav- but more' hard feelings than what ing the best of the play especially exist at the present time can hardly, throughout the last half. Therefore be imagined. Brucefield People, at it would nob be 'common sense to least the majority, when they enter Seaforth are at ' once !Bead as tar - would be rooting veal incessantly gets, at which ;threats. and hot air under thetse circumstances, .would it ? shots may fly, and as for thyself, I And again, as I said belbre, the fif- do not pretend to be a serapper, and teen or twentY doubtless disgusted 1 guess under; the cirounistances I and defeated one-time "Huron" fanS had better keep; away. were grouped ilogethen, and the heart - As far as I know, on Friday even- ing "last when the junior "Hurons" ancer was practically enough for any lost• to the Tavistock eleven only two stranger to readily judge from where local fans were in attendance at the Mr. McLean ot the Expositor also game. Now if those indiserdsat youths from Seaforth, as the Expos - gees on to say that I ain takiog the itor is obliged to' call them, had kebut have I not a right to do So pt their proper place here a few niThe' geariee we played with. tie Hut- ghts slnee, probably ono hundred' rooters would have gone to Sea - one ate Seats:A:1i were ail of a sele fIons nature to me. In as mu& that orth, but alas l you see the result and I am verI was constantly foliewed from place y glad indeed to say; bhat our boto Place by half a dozen wcaeld-l; gs have mere pluck and more pugilists all seeking to tell mei a pride for themselves than to go aid while' there cheer for an outs the aline Nine that toy lite hung in side team. Better far at bout. Now a balanee• while their town. The that 'Seaforgt is entirely wiped . oft majority of the people of Seafetrth the Trap in both Intermediate and May. Proleaely be in fever of Wean, Junior serios of rho W. P. A., pro.; bably they will fled- some other em - pease, they had better get bitty till loyment beside that of raising a ruction with their neighbors. - ' 1t`otalon stillie InithilerS,.. or maybe ,some pid ; these few' 'eatifangled words bright evening the lattet gang ...04,1t may '• sotttdwhat enlighten the Mels, find theniselves • caught 'at Mkt jot and irhartial% yon for spate, game' either .opeti handed tir. behind ' "I .malar, Sl►iderely .You*, , prison walls. -Dr!ucodeld Correspondent, St. Helens. SATURDAY MORNING Our millinery season is over. We have left over twelve trimmed hats ranging in price from $3.00 to $6.50 each, We don't want them. You may as there is three months of fine weather yet to come, - Take your choice Saturday morning when the doors are opened at $1,00 each. That all may have are equal chance not one will be sold or reserved before Saturday. , WE HAVE About 35 ends travellers samples lace curtains.. They measure about 20 inches: long, We will clear out thislot on Saturday at 15c each. • . 3 ONLY LEFT Spring Coats Fawn color sizes 32 and 36 no better $6.00 coats to be found anywhere your • choice at $3.90. i 8 ONLY White spreads slightly counter tossed just re- quires laundering, Crochet acid honeycomb patterns regular price $1.50 Saturday $1.00 The above are a few items whi3h we want to get disposed of before the arrival of fall goods. The loss is ours the gain yours if you require the goods. ASK FOR COUPONS. Mrs. Wm. Bowles and daughter Della and, Marotta are the guosba of the former's father, Miss . Annie Clark is home from• elle west for her summer holidays. - Mr, and 1VIr.s. Dick Miller and child- ren left for the wast after 'a-, pheas- ant vititl with the latter's mother+, Mrs. Dave Todd 'Sr. The garden party held under ,the, auspices of Phe Women's •Institute on Friday night came off very success fully considering the shower of rasp that fell. The proceeds amounted to about seventy y dollars. The Lucknciw band furnished the music, Miss -E'ni¢na Woods is visiting . her sister,' Mrs: Jas. Twin of „the second at 'present: Miss "Lizzie and Chussie Miller res - timed tame after a pleasant visit 'with 'friends in Goderich last week, Mrs. J. Stalker of Wingham- visit- ed friends around here lately, . How to Obtain a (rood Color. A Twat/meet eo Restore . the Blood Supply -That Has Been Most Successful. There is only this to tell people who are pale, weak and . bloodless. You are pale, and weak because you navun't enough blood and you won't be better until your blood supplly is' increased. You should not Tose any time in increasing . your blood supply; for • people ` who neglect anaemia, of - tett slip into a deadly decline. When you have increased your blood •sup- ply.. you can rea',sonably- expect to have a good color,:to have lost that tired; breathless feeling, to have a. good appetite and, get good nourish- ment from your food. Now the onlyi quick and always effective way to get a supply of new, rioh, red blood is to take Dr. Williams' Pink . Pills. 'Every dose helps to make new blood, and die new blood coursing through the veins, brings 'health and strength to livery organ and every part ofthe body, making weak, ailing, people, bright, active and strong, This has been proved in thousands of cages of which the case of Mrs; George Clark, Abbottsford, 13. C. is a fair temple. Mrs: Clark says : "After spending two years and six 'months in a hos- pital training, for a nurse, I began to fail in health, was vert pale and the least exertion would leave me out of breath. After graduating I came to British Columbia to take up my pro, fession as a private nurse. The first ease 1 took 1 found 1 was nuts able to go on with xny won't. Doctors' tonics ,failed me and acting on . my own judge'rrtent 1 puurchasled a ampply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pi+:s. Before I hadfinished them I .was really sura prised at the result. 'rite color came back to Top feed. I gained in strength and by the tuns I had used nine boxes I was . back at my work,: as nurse. 1 lxa,vo since nlarried, . , - l ut.. still have any friendly; feeling for Da Williams' Pink fills." . Sold by all reedieine dialersor bye mail at 60 cents a. hex or six bowls. 'tor $2.50 Isom the Dr. ,Wil;amis' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. MEET M E AT 1RWIN'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE ea► d�T eF BARGAIN :C Wal�cr's Furuilurc Slorc I have gone all over the store and have laid out some BIG BARGAINS in nearly every. department. You know .the story about the Early Bird. 'Below' is a partial list of soros of the rare bargains :. • 1 slightly used side board worth $15.00 sale price $10.00 1. solid oakparlor table . " . 5.00 ., 2.50 1 fancy flower stand •' 7.50 1 Verandnh.chair, red :" 2,50 1 Verandah rocker, red " 3,75' 1 leerge easy chair upholstered m good vetoer $7.50'far -5.00 1 3 -piece verandah set,settee, arm chair, rocker 1100 " 12.00 1 fancy. roman chair worth 11.50 ' 9,00 1 rocker early. English lnishotpholstered seat, 'solid oak frame worth. 5.00 " 3,00 2 Melo. bed -room chairs cain seats " 4.50 „ 3.00 1 fancy rattan chair " 11.00 " 7.00 1 Worsman refrigerator used less than 3 mos. 21,00 "' 15.00, 1 large kitchen cabinet . Worth 21.50'" 17,75 1 hall mirror, surface oak, 4 hooks5.75 '• 3.75 1 baby carriage, rubber tires, fancy parasol" 12;00 " 6.75 I hall rack, dark wood,' large mirror, 21od hand . 8.00 " 4.00 . 1 crib bed 4,00 1.75 3.00 worth 3,75 " 2.75 1 square piano alt refinished, solid rosewood case, as good tone as a new one fully guaranteed worth at a snap $175,sale price $00 ons easy terms of payment with si guarantee to take back at same price on a new piano. inside of three years, 1 Epright'piano by the Mendelssohn Piano Co. used less than Ninth Months reg price $375 will accept on pay- ments of $6.00 per month $225 don't miss this bargain if you want something good.Sonie Ende of•Linoliums at a special price. 2 soiled rugs size 3 ac 8e.yards reg price $12,50 for $8.00. . J'apenese matting remanants at 10 percent off Stair carpet worth fisc and30c per yard at 50c and 30c a yard, A snap on Tapestry Curtains all new stock, A visit through our immense stook will be of interest to you: Come and look through our furnished home, the only store out- side of a city showing a complete furnished home. We are the only authorized representatives for the Edison Phonographs and supplies in the district, A full stock of instruments always on hand, • Picture Framing and Upholstery promptly attended to. Talo• -store' Duality. Photo 28 ➢talker PernItitte Dealer and rhtdertalter Reiildence ' ' Phone 140 r