HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-07-20, Page 1I, , - P . K A : 4e $ R , "I 1 4 ­ r I % 1, "I I _ I . ­ - 0 f IT`.- 11 . ..- . - e-. ­... li,. I . f n Newsw eco, .. I M Y i ..-. I 9 _ }} i. ♦ r I ---.,I 11 - . _1-1-11 . - -1 11 - .1 I I- ' AN ASSISTANT APPOINTED. ALWAYS LOOT- FOR IT- A FA;MII41C REt•NIOEN. W4 L9CAL MARKET. Two Old Co.aumli. . At a special meeting of the Public g "We always look fort The News -Re. t, A pleasant family agathexing was Wheat 89g. school board; hcid` ori Monday evening cord for it gives ' us: the best of held, yesterday aftc'+aaon at the homo Oa i 280 to 30c, . �`' the appiicatica of Mia, Lottie'Beat• Iiurou news and lots of it," writes of,.Vr. and Mrs. ,14. W. Coale, when Butter 140 to 15c. t ley of Blyth was acceplt d as assist•- W. J. PaV3011 of `Winnipeg, Man. represent'at+:vos from the diffc+re l can- Fgga 15c to 1.6c• ' ant teacher far the Model term, from, NOW AN A. L. G. M. nected families In town fortlgathexed Live Tags $6<65. F • Sept, 5th to Dec. 15th, at a salary and spenia a few hours in happy, in REAL ESTATE iTE SI'yLE :: of $159 for the terns. Miss Clete Ford is. now the proud : d�rcourse. The sterni somewhat an.I .1 possessor of a diploma from the Lon y terfer 4 with arrangements making it Mr. Josh Cook, "tihe, old reliable," BAPTIST CI3URCH, don, Conservatory of Mesio and Is impossible to serve tea on the lawn, p + has bought Mr• Junor s brick cottage.11'.: �I t . ; Rev, 1�Pe W. Wylie Prerached. irabt- thentafor.� entitled to style herself AS was the au Ontario street and orP, to able and enjoyable sermons on Sun- A. L. O. M. She has just coinplet-.enter affair, wkstemostt enjoyable.theles into possession in about a . day,'last't0 good 'congregations. The ed the necesaxry theory 'taking hon- T MR, RATES SECURES I7`, fortnight. The place is in ercellont, choir rendered appropriate' music at ons seniorshe 'condition .and is very conveniently both services. The pastor will preach hThe. ,�� ro itakinix< fi is 8 firslr A fprtni ht ago Mr.. .Jackson g located in every respect' for Mr. Cook at, beth services ztext Sunday and all class liquors• Sr. bought Mr, C, C: Rancelo -cat- who obtained it •at a fair price, Mrs. tis U CIe DaV d'.' COOIfi tl,Q will be made welcome,; non -church The following: of her pupils were .tags wi i, the intektion' of occupying Junor expects to go west. .4,• „ • ,ft1[Q4llller, goers especially ars; heartily, invited successful in the recent London Con It. But as he doers not enjoy very I 1. to attend, ser,vatory Elein(tatary exam;., alltau- good health just now and a move AN UP-TO-DATE FARMER. In the above phntoi,�ravure News: At a moeting of tho congregation Ing first -glass •honors.: Dorothy Rat- would entail much labor and discom- yphat was formerly known .as ,»lie Recq:+i readers Kull recognize ' "Uncle it was decided to hold a. union pie- tenbury, Cicely Kennedyi, l.,ulu Bailey., fort, hit has decided ti', remain in his Robinson farm rust adjoining the Dave" Cook and "Jake" Mille#: who , nic of church and Sunday school to and Lloyd Rice, y comfortable Harron street residence town is !''tug improved `"out Of became citizens of Clinton in line Bayfield an Civic holiday. LITTLE .LOCALS. and has rent,ad his purchase 'to Mr. At, Yates, one of the superintend-: ,, sight,," h tt' meaning to such an extent, "`away back" and have lived within 'of ,WESLEY CHURCH, The W. C. T. U. meets on Friday )2, en�ts at the piano factory. Mr. Yatesa Passers by, now scarcely recog- nize it as the same old place. The a stone's throw each ot�ner longed . than the present generation pers - The League held their monthly afternoon at the home of Mrs. Har- Is. congratulating himself upon ry'•- curing such an ii,Lto-date and cosy lw,lest ftgprovememtt are about • the ally knows of. Th ay, a•►, a -g%xiial Wnsionary meating, on Mondays even land. , coutage• residence and tho ngo,►; conspicuous pair, a kindly couple who have en-, Cm when Miss Edna Cooper ave a g, p g The annual Sunda school pionie in y is a big,. broad verandah, one of the ddavored to live; u to the Golden,, . p masa interesting and ea -,nest talk on connection wi.':•l Willis church is. be- FIRED 13Y LOCOMOTIVE. most valuable adjuncts, to a n1pdern Rule, succeeding very well, indeed. . • the responsibility, of the Church in in& held today in, Bayfield: hblme. Mr. -C. B. Middleton is active •In . iced lemonade, a, seasonable her: . . . ` • • the evangelization- of . the world. The A• match between the Clinton and Fivad by sparks from, a passing 'and up-to-date and will soon have erago it muni be conceded, ; The "` _ »Oso+ : , Miss`+a Byami Of Stratford rendered a Goderioh badeball tlaatns will 4! play- locomotive about Forty rads of. .Grand the place+ pne, of the model farms of News -Record drinks to its old friends • duet in ,a. very pleasing rtbanner, The ed in the park •on Friday evening, Trunk fence crossing 'Mr. John +;te district. I 1" ROYAL. BANK of CANADA `riot - �. g charge ams cal}+wd at 6;15. Holmes farm., Iiuroa Road, was del - e meets, was t n char of Miss Davis. t"* On Sunday morning n�+:zt a some- The, partoflice has received a fresh, ;,;toyed last week, P; portion of Mr. PASSING OF' AN .OI.D RI+rSIDpNT. INCORPORATBD,x869. What novel service will be hold, when coat of paint inside and: out and is:, Ho3.nes' hay crop, too, would un- . To R ." at t .e usua 'hour of eleven o'clock -much improved its appearance'therv� doubtedl have Alexander Gorrell, a former res;- G O HE you 801 Capital Pard Up - $6,2oo,000. h 1 y gone up in smoke dent of Clinton, pass,.+d away on . . Reserve and Undivided Profits - $6,900,000. the . members of the adult Bible by., Mr. Potts was contractor for, had not, ,neighbor Middleton noi,`cpd Wedneada of last weak ail Cr ,sial Gladly do We all welcom i ]Vit. W.. Total Assets - - . $92,000,000 g , y y y ihu work and iU; was, cif course, well the fire and hurrying over extingixi. City, Man., at. the+ age of ninety- Jackson home from a : � ,n.w,ith' ► c0•• ' will meet -in in the body of the church done. ed it, Several farmers along ,,te one ears Thc�, red+sins were brought jour, in Old 13n land. congregation y , r g $ HEAD OI . I MONTREAL. I while the-mbinbers of the , Sunday DEATH OF MRS. HAYWARD. line. have. spokenofthe spark nuis to Clinton for interment'' the fun.ral A leader in both 'the social and 1.75Branchesand Currespondentsthroughoutthe World. schooll will take thetir plate's in. the ante, and have a.,.ed if locomotives . . are not Supposed to be e u +1 with taking place on the •arrival of tthd business. affairs of the. town, his 4b class rooms and aft`+r. tihe opening On Mondavi forenoon an old •resident pp , q ipp' eleven o'clock train on Monday. Sae o;pce was felt. and his presence is „y: exercises the Poachers will take of Clinton ,passed away in the, person spark .arresters:. . . . charge Of ithcriA classes as usual and .of Mrs. Alfred Ha wa:+1 who had - oral old f.4'6nds met the train and, beneficial •n accounts. Cou>!te us treat- g y THIS IS YOUR 'TOWN. • prgcedded to the cetittltery,. where He's a cheery optnmist who always I ". Interest allowed oil Saving.o the. pastor, instead of.. preaching: been Ill for some months, • the burial service was read' by Rev. sees. the silvc+r lining and jf• we; had ment accorded to all customers. - ' • the usual • st!-nton , will teach Mrs. H'a ward wasi born in London Ridgetown Dominion : More v'owns J - E. Ford. Mi. Gorrell : since his more : lino him ;the ,roe erit'� of , t�}ie Sunday school idsson, It England, ' sixty-two, .years ago and die;for want cif! confidence on the part removal -,�.t the • west several : years. Clinton would be grea'Oly adyanded. • is hoped• that an even lar; with her .husband .who predeceased her . of business men. and lack of public ago, has' made, his home a,•mongs? his Wc9coW home, "W.:J." . R. E. MANIITYNG, Ms►neger - Cltnkon 8rt►nch; g fourteen •months, came,*o• Canada and spirlt then an othdr'caua3: When a ,„; cangregatian than usual will • tr w attte�d. There will be no sessi0r1 of y oda, to who ova all, in western Can- Clinton in 18.73 and until the end man in. search of a 'home or business oda, A son, Mr. Robert Gorrell, . .. the school in the afternoon but• tho ca7ne,this continued to•lle` --heir bane, Toca,%on 8•,oen .into a "awn and and finds accompanied -the remains east and . usual preaching service in the gven, Mrs. Hayward'wa a kind mdt+heri every citizen brim of hope and, , y spent a • day .or so with .old .. friends Pe s0 j's r nd Ing, ' woman, much respected , b the , coon- enthusiasm of t1he. ,prospects of the , ,, . • , y . In the vtcinii,p, Mrs. `tt', R. .(;aunts-- and Mas.:;` Billy; . ,: �uliit in which she did abide far ,r) Place,:: and all earnestly ' at work to . . are visiting 'fir � Bi+antford, - BII,LY JACXSON WATCHED, y , . many years oleo greatly .beloved by bubo: it up, he soon becomes tm- DEATH Ol+ .aOS, COVl]NTRY. _ - The. MOLSONS BANK �. a t. Matt etw's , ued with the: same s irib. and, as.: a Air C. > Doinding. returned .yestex , . . . The. visit of the S h her one 'daughtxlx and three sone who b h P Mr, Joseph Coventry, whose death day fxow. a business trip .to., the • INCORPORATOD 1855. ` • Bowling Club; Toronto, -on. Tuesday survive, viz : Mrs:. Ed:" ball, Dei -result he •decidre to renyain and goes:. - . - ,' to work' with the, stems interest: is referred to to . the following para west. . Ca ital Paid 000,000 Rest •Fuad $4,.400 000 . was the occasion of. a veep pleasanttrpft Alfred fn .Flint, Mioli::; Frank o rah from the .Evening Chronicle of Mr.. and Mai. Andrew Forrester of i I p ftp - 'Sa, timle;s ent upon the -local green. Them . t • Hensall and Fred of , town with Whbn,. howevei;, he gotu to 'a town Mac .uo'.1tei Mich. wasgthirty ears Hamiltatl have, been visits," at the .... Has 78 Branches in Canada - : vipWars, comprising five rinks .01 h5W1 whom: his .mother spent: the last few -where everyom, ,express+ s' doubt ' or q , . urn ul+as and lapprehension for the, futti r, prosperity ago a ,resident of ,Clinton and is former s home in town. I and Agents and Uorrespondents in all the principal cities , ' ers,. are making a to f a, a months of her life.. All the ,.er., P -.•^• d CUnton was one a# the towns: via- ter o#' a famil :wore h0¢i�e far she of 'the place, maps, ' about and remembered by old timers: Mrs.; Cov- Air. A. D. Fobbins of London. is in the wort s y g in- entry, is a sistrar of M►�.' $.•Wet+.tins spending a week as the guest. pf. ited: :rhe days was an. 'ideal •ane .and funi!_al which took lace ,on ;11✓.does- dui in in mournful cam plaints, he , A GEN RAL BANKING BUSINESS T14�1SACTD• i : 1 ors were ieeli fine t p r 'c s at.h o naturally feels that it is no piece fol '�f town, and DGz : S. ' I,awerp of Mr. and Mrs. Thor. Watts. . E the lona .pay day. afternoon, iris . vs a om Surnm6rhill-: Mr, Wm. Alexander . re,'arned on, ` and fit. They•'also had home : again and graveside being conducted ,by hien and:..dt once shakes t1he dust of# "Billy" Jackson without 1' s t of •the -Bap- while he ' ells out with all "'Mr. Joseph -Coventry, died yc!Ster , Sar' lyday #tom• a few weeks' visit " SAVINGS BANK -DEPARTMENT t)fenr :own y° r Rev. Mr. Wylie, pa for ap P . , whom, a bowling tournament cf any t st church of which :Mrs. H.aywaxd 'possible speed .fo some othUr place: day,;afternacm of cancer aCiev an illness bn Det+telt" and Port Huron,. AT ALL BRANCHES. ; Mrs. 'J. h. Have a sorb in Clinton is ,`neer quft+a cam- had been a member• L'onsequeatly try and mate a live en of two years: He was caretaker at y and Master Billie . I iter n t n out of the one in the Hotel Superior and was . sixty. left on TuesdayT• .for : si visit at the . Interest allowed at 'iii hest ,Current Rate: The play cgntVaued a 1 a The pallbearers were six old_ friends terprist g ow . . g noon anti evening and was _very- P T e m t of which you live.,..'i'i'hen you are work- seven• years o1d: Ills wife and ., one Parc+atal lioune at lIarkdalle. . 1plete. of the fartnfly 1t m, W y ouh l' f our daughter," Mrs. George+ Ryan,.are the Mr. and Mis, John binder of TOronCh»ton Branch - C. E. Dowdin; ,Manager joyably. One interesting •festers was Tiullatt .Rogerpe er of. Tuckor- Ing or saying a good thing or y to are on a two k' is' • - . ?;ie fact •that Mr. Jose h Ta for and g PP ,• town, you are accomplishing. all the only'sury vers: Tho funeral will be ,, P Y srrt,th and John Derry; Thos, Coti.e . Y their daughter, Mrs. Jas. Doig• ' . his mn. of:. Torontto played against held on Wednesday afternoon and. V g tCl P y g HenryJoyner and T. J, Macdonald. more 'far yollxsc+lf. Y • Isis broths 'Ma or .Ta ao!x and his • y Y will be:. conducted .by, fiimeriar Ten's Mr."and Mrs: Ben.. Langford of . _ , . • - L,. Y , y WINNERS. - Ch + . M _ t;ucan. visited. 'Mx. and Mrs. Bert . . I 1.. I 11 . son Will: It, may be mentioned: do SORRY TO PART. FOLtR .I}ItI E' W.I Df the Knights .Qf oder, Mac . res'„ Langford' Saturday . and Sundray.' assin `►fiat the' worth ` ..Ma or and . p B y y Ou Monde evens, St: Paul's W.illio and . Frank- Mutch, the bright :cab Mss .Josh Cook and fam11 and :Mrs. his son and. heir gave their Torcdtto y gy . school house• was the' scene of a little sons of-' NLr: Fred. "hutch •: of GOING . AGtiIN. . Joe niut°h are occupying a cot. relatives a somewhat `severe beating: .a 1 .town, won a special prize for drum- to a at Iron. S tin s above .Bay- • festive gathering, when goodly, g P ., g y After the evening. game .a reception in 'at the Orange .demonstration fu Owing to` an accident ".to :ao 'deep ?''• OUR-DOLLAR:� SHIFTS and Tepresentatr:oa cf the. congregation,g weNl :. um at elle waterworks no field. . :. was ' held at the. home of Mr. Did .and oung,, met to . say. • farewell Goderich last • week. They are wee P P. Jack Irwin of London was - a - Mrs: Jackson,: which .vvhs Thoroughly. y , m bo s a eight and sib respect>v +.y, water .was brought from 'th° 350-faoJ M r: 71. 1!► •en o ed as is always the case -when to a couple. of esteemed �n%tnbet ., .boys, guest over Sunday at his home •fi► 1 y. „ ,,, Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Rance: Whdn all but' handle the sticks with great level. for a ' wt+ak. Fortunately wht'n town; that. -of, Mr., and Mrs. J, A. �'3Q Best h j� M Arket Mi. and Mrs'. Jackson give a. party. honed the rector Rev. Cr. E. dexterity. Willie has been giving tile mishap took place both• stand Irwin.Al V 011iLLV llle eels had. gat + ,,., .and' reservoir were full >tist the . t• On this oceasaon, after th . .g , Jeakins; called ilia company to order drumming, echtblttons �,,. u be was Pipe had partaken of the` hospitality of the "' Tatter was' complett�ly enrpticd and Miss Ltiila I%over has returned .from. and it, a few well .:chosen words re- four years' old. es elf' full when Chit a pleasant trip to the Old Coun;*ty. house, : the' hoof •bowlers took itho the big pipe buth - .ferred 't!o the ,work of Mrs. ` Rauec For. the best :fifer of. the day the. completed yesterday at- and -is .npw 'vfsW.,ng at her home situation into their own hands and , I 1,• s: t:n cont►0ctian' ititlt the choir and 6th- ride went to . Mr.. Willie ti- : 1Vlui�ah reports were amp y y. in town. . The Story In a Nat -Shell . 1S that. we've the Mr.. John Hansford, in behalf of the rk P th ;nen- ternoon and the pump started again. Mrs Wc�,le W lust was h st ss'at y cr Branch:,, of 'the church'work and of Auburn, unclo of cal 0 s y a o e a t o he market Clinton Bowling Cluh, presented the, with an addreri3 fn and his ne hew Joseph . The repairs were in charge of • 'Xr. • Best Dollar Shirts ever put n t resented .`her tloned'.lads, a . P pPeasa>}',t little euchre ,party on. ' . host with a. handsome Hgward watch.' p. s e't fo,+':h n expression of Ge i�n,to.ident of . tio• ergs Trow+hill, supe' - was made in, Mr.' =Vas' s a P. Carter of the earns: lodge, �'a the waterworks s Tuesday-- evening,.given is honor of .'. . We mean •what we say, and our Shirts will The presentation appreclat'on of that work . by tho elated the best big drummer in''tho steles departmeht, her guests.1. . back up our assertion. Ranr,`ord's own immutable way and hers o the eon rt+*anon and, ask who had CTeorge Jackson and Walter e Awas . aocoTnpanied by a very originalnrl f g procession. • .. • tug her to -accept, as a sli ht token Marlowe as assistants M•. Trowhtll M n r Allis.+' -i McEachern of Handli+a 1. g , k It will thun: be seen that the , was in town this �Y,ie1+`, having There Is .an unlimited demAnd for - Dollar speech. Mr. Jackson; 'though 'taken of that, a preciatlon, a ftve-o clot mil are able .to make a is becoming quote an expert in con- conte up to attend his sister's wt!l. . • completely by surprise, thanked tae P ARut h fn, y . neetion with w'a'erworks installation, tea set of hand deeoiated china. The r„ rda . y Shirts -many men preferring to .pay neither- entiemiwl in a few neat sen$ences l very credible showing with thu fife Engineer East is, -of course, al- drag yen:' y �,, K'1. ]More -nor less. g presenta-tuon was made by,. Mrs. ,Joe and, drum. . and exprem,ed himsvtf as. •being pleas ways. on . the scene for. •he is . boss -ins Mrs. D. D. Rotes and dough a. bare McLeod Marjorie,- of ,Calgary,•. Alta. ,are . oil to be back . once more-- amongst hin McI7A CI•IERN. le .job capabl this 'fact and stand read to .Ivtr. 114?ioe• spoke in blhalf of hi -t 1IacAIP1 'RSON�- chief of the; .who and ,a ° td+; at the htzia of iVIr.::and We-appreciatey old fxiands. ono he 'is proving too. Sergeant.Wel'sb vies • wife; f:}anking the friends for . thair. he The marria a ,look place . at 's hat :ou mi ht call � second en- Mrs. W. Walker: . furnish the nest felt the money. . `� At this juncture Rev. J• W. Ped T . g i w Y g o Mrs. W', ,C,; Mead of 1'etc+i ro' who . . rs k kindness -and eaplessing regret at .high -noon yesterday at. the home 'of ince+-- in addition: to his; many other bO ' �"' • • - tug ploys , too leya; one of..the tour d . f the severance' of such old and such Mr. and Mrs. ',N, .11IcEachern of their $ has been visiting her pat�nis, Mr. • the Boor. The well known method o leasant ties. :MTs. Rance also bziel- duties. 1 1.Mr. Ransfbrd in delivering a. bowl P, dauphtev Margaret . Isahsl --(Peggy,) and. Mrs. W. H Y returned 1 thanked her friends for the kind p ALTERATIONS IN PROD home on'Sat'urda ' • had also teem noted by then visitors y to A• .Jona Macpherson, M. D, of PROGRESS. a Webb ret 1. Hyl_ words and the kind thoughts express- Toronto..The ceremony was perform Mr• and Mrs. A. A. Fleming of: Torte "t. and., in behalf of the touring by , 1: ed and assured them, that •,he . walk ed b Rev. Walter :T. Pearcy of, The new sign$ on the piano factory onto .have been the gua' s . of . Mr. •� . . ers, Mr. Pedley presented Mr, Rang able �' . I •.:..., she had been, able to do in connect ,ed onl immediate ;a,lativtls here supply t0 the t:�v'vehtng purt.fc and, Mrs. V«essay Walker for the I.r.. ford with a knee pad. Needless to , ,, ton with the• enterprises of the church,. g past couple of days.. :'_` say the gift w�ah much apprecia,..d by, and friends of .the two families be- much. needed ' inforanatfon give -irt L ,:° y< : y was gladly done and was always a, . this wetensi�ve plant.• ,Extensive al Messrs. W. Jackson, J. Fair anti J: <3. z t , :. the latter, who was inde�ra. almost in +present. . >t source. of •pleasure to her. f • 1 weed in terations . have been in progress dura ' B. klbover au{toad to .Seaforth on overcome by such thoughtfulness on. The bride was daintily go £r ? «<: > f ' w yds li ht refreshments were _ tug, the Dosis two weeks„ as' a result Tuesday' to ii>eet the Toronto . . v: the part of the Clubs guests. The Ater a g whits as was also .the bridesmaid, h11, I. zY s s Ito ether one of. se+�e!d and' a pleasant social hour. , of which. without interfering with bowlbrs with Bert Langford as �. ; „ oocasuon was a g • Miss Mae McEachern the brides ass- the - . ,.: ' e Machine,. halt, by adjusting the chanson--, j pleasure. . was, spent "togs+cher. ter. 11Lr. W. Drown of Toronto. was. fact z)ry space vhe piano depairtments Mr. W, ,I. Nediger was in Hamilton V, The touring party left yesterday Mrs, Rance will indeed be Much best man, The wedding music wash more oo veniently placed, last week attendingthe funeral , ofw .'. f. ,. n aiorhing for Godelich where they missed in St. Paul's church, where played by Miss East of Toronto. Without sacrificing the. organ :output his =brother-in-law the late Oscar s were to play in the afternoon. The she has always berm a; most willing 'V ,hen the newly -Wedded pair . had t1 ` � �' � :. which. shows worker as a choir member and . in , ,• the piano capacity has thus been-' my Warur. This is the fourth death y •; following is the score, , received the eongra, ila•,..onS of those ' . the. - home players the which. . b all branches of the. church's activit- creased by half. Last year some 800 of a near rolaiuve in the past. year. p y y preseai,w a dainty luncheon was ser- seven Shots., fes, giving., of her #,,suet and enerbios ved, :at which Winnie O'Neil, piano, and payer pianos wifih 1560 Illtiss Besse Slomian, trained nurse of . a . Organs and large quan%tles. of "piano New York, is visiting the bonnie of , :,,.. ,, J. Wiseman W. J. McAlpine Cheerfully and gladly. Helen Doherty and: Daisy. Middleton, benches, chairs and stools were iron- he:t parents, and is helping : to .. Rev. 'C. E. Jealrins J. Grady Following. is the address, which girl friends of 'the, brae, assisted. ufaetured and• sold. Thu demand has burse her faiiher, who .has had aV .. - i - -. - .r ..-_. �e...i___ .....x,-. _...7� t,a1aAMn,1v �Pyiithyssed - __. . ._-..,.-.- - r._e.. . .. . _ i -___c -.J.1-, :,,. W. J. Kcal er' . v', urxu,aL,att,c waw uvw v.y a.... ___----.. sinyl . V. J. Stevenson A. Allison by Miss May BenItly : r. - - the afternoon train and will spend {,hat, a larger output has become an other complaints: . • , skip --21 skip -17 ''To Mrs, C. C. Ranee ; the remainder of th t silbimer in MOW absolute necassitq. The general men- Mr.. and Mrs, Frank O'Neil and Miss attention to our rt 1aXnlan J. ,1 L. Courtice J. B, Drew Call our . Duaat Mrs. Rance: We have learned koka and in the autumn will go to ager, Mr. D. S. C,aff, is at Dissent Bessie leave on Moiid�y next fez I.e specially _ • 'pVV'. Taylor Jas, Taylor, Jr, with sincere ;regret of the approach- Gn�gland; where Dr, Macpherson in- ' ode Wl L reversible collar, shoulders and, breast _ attt+ad►ng .the Winnipeg X;+xluibitton Maosejaw, Sask. Mrs. ,O'Neil and ' Shirts it i , John Harl"d iI. W. Parker Ing departure from our midst of you tends taking a post -graduate 0011M . whore the western branch of the llre:ss Bacsio will reMfll a mant6i r6iilxorced, seams double stitched,, sizes 14i t0 1$i, made J, Tayaor Josoph Taylor and . sour faintly, You have bean eve's ThtAte prosent at tihe wadding from _ y Company have an extensive. pathtbfb • or so but Mr. O'l�ei1's stay will be -,: lou and room A large range of patterns, both light and , skip -18 skip-•il a loyal and devoted worker for the out of town were : Mr. Allistut Me- of all the Company's p-,yduots.• Bus- more prolonged. y ' r E, Zwkino B. Blain dirk flrorsa which to select. If you v e 'never �Vttin iS118 gaud of St. Paul's chua�h, m the 1✓acher'ie of iamilton, >ytiothe:r of the mess in Winnipeg. and throughoui� the iVtrs. Proq,itx and •Mrs. Tandsconnbn of � .. John Rainsford n. M. Speirs Ladies' Cutld, attd the chair as. wa•11 bride', i�r. Macpherson, father of the wes4 is good and prospects far the:. Wineg, 'a*itie thin little `laughter of alar dollar shirts, we ve A surprise in. store for you. N. Ball A, E. Walton as in alt-lah6rs that pertain to the roam, Mr, 1tV. B�+awal and Miss East J. I3. hoover W.' J. Clarks builds, up of our Master's I{ingdorcn. g fut+aro are the very hest. Iloherty, of the farmer and three little sons .> . g of Toronto, arid,lVirs, Straecy, Mr. products have won the highest • plata of the latter, who have ben ti _ skip -21 skip- 10 The meinbers of St, Paul's church bp __ .. i Macdougall, Miss Macdougall ales W, i3rdone J. A. Creighton . de�r'ra to ear -teas then-- $enseo�f ap g to tho,.esteom of the tliust0si public visiting' `!licit �mttfihor, Mrs.. S. y p . 1.41os B,+asio McMillan of Woodville. there, Although the slap brick ware- Pratt, fo�r'the past couple of tdOn- John H'uhter C..Btillety prectation of your faithful efforts 'The bride; • auring. hel ► short rest- houof oft Wall street, Winnipeg, was the, leave on Monday for hoe I P..i. C+ibi,tngs H. S. Salisbury, and ask you to a 100 this gift as. decree in Clinton ha°r, by her bright built lar a enough for ordinary xe- webtern home. Mrs. PraA will ao• L T C t � D, A. 'Forrester H. Creighton a slight taken of their regard fo-e .and winning personality slid cheelr'ul uireliimits, with neh large trade Company her daughters homer and I 'THE MOORISH CIO HI.N,G 0skip-l8 sklp: la you and yours. Our prayerre go with dfspasib'oa won for Herself a securer o#f;► ing, another sfialyi is now neo Intends reiliainitrg. Cor saint nxonth. I. y pines and ,tied• . , �'i�UC`o s Largest 01f S1 you for ever hap i ed Cr place to .the affections of 'she ybang, eessary to carry sutiicfdi►tr steak. . _; - Dr. Shave ,tete. J.. Pe ley . T. Jackson ' I+�, S. •Willianns speed in neer neve hotirle.•--S gn ,Md people with whom she came in con- This will now be added. . ys James Pair S, Ilewgttl Jea ns, hector ; 111>4s. J. . ' I� •, tact: Site will b6• much MISScd in A cordial it`lvitatift is eatdal GOOD MORNING A Square Deal for Every pian . iteksou G4eo. Watson. uild�; Mrs;land her clrete of friends, ,with whom The to the public to Visit Ad factory a. d..clp�•1.7 skip -M j, Hgrtlayidfor 'young Ladies Guild; News•Reeord joltls an hearMy goad Clinton and bec0iiiri Fulniliar with Goof �ioxlafilg 1 dew header. Cllr ..- -:. _ . _ Weill o l� your sub. t The NOWS-UMor .'1 M, A. Hovey nnd' R. 1Vf.. Beetlay, for tvfshes :fol the future vv l C l . th constriction of nallarty i'faiyas do+ qe u . +� d a v slit 88 the Chou,o Oa ;�° Mrs. MaeiyhCdn. and Player Pinnas before purchasiiag. read ? _ �. i 11 ,f k, . IL ri, . a . I , ,t r _ -