HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-07-06, Page 8•
• ' •
The Hot Wave
As predicted the mot Wave has arrived
and seems likely to stay awhile. Get a
Gasoline stove and, have solid comfort.
We bave •a few left at specially
low prices for this week.
..---Orie Only 3 Burner High Frew.. .
--One Only 2 Burner With Warming Oven.
-One Only Patent Burner.. .. . -
-Two Only 3 Burner . - .....
-Two Only Two
--,.-One Only 2nd hand 3 Burner with Oven....
reg 816 50- for $13.00
...reg $15 00 for $12 00
oreg $7 Bator 55.59
...reg $0 50 for $4.75
.reg 54,00 for $3,25
-re144114.00 for $5.09
1-1.A.72,L.A.141D 331t0S.
, ....414.••#.41•••••411•••••••••4141N•110••••,•41.41•••
Have you seen the new dust coat we are showing for men ? it is
just the thing for these bot dusty days to protect your clothes. It is
. • neat and strong, yet light and cool and no one 'who does any driving
should he without one. Specially priced at $1.25..
I.Having just received another big ebipment of elsileireree slippers our
stock is again complete in sizes and o r assortment good.' We have
Children's DongelaKittslippers at 25c per pair up and Children'
Patent Pomps from /15c per pair up, '
Come in and let us show you our plan and quote you p1 ices on a New
, Made -to -Your -Measure Suit
. .
' • . ,
Of critical tastes in 'dregs, he it ultra or most cet- •
servative will instantly recognize the attractive feat-
ures of this Store's Latest Styles. Shoes and Oxford
$1.25 to $3.50.
Be they ever so particular al out, their attire, will
find the selection of Spring and Summer Shoes ex-
eeptionally easy at Tbis Great Shoe Store. Oboes
and Oxfords $3.00 to $5.00.
Ot today are as particular concerning their shoe's, • '
as their parents are. We recognize this fact and
therefore shows The Best in Ohildrens Shoes. Child
rens Shoes and Oxfords 75. to $11.35 •
Not iilgh Price
Not Low Price
• 'k • : , ,s
Just houestIy pAced. A. pro-
fit for us and if you want the
goods an advantage to .you
This refers to our stock of
Few things so cove and
comfortable as a Hammock
Good to read, rebtland sleep
W. D. FAIR 00
OftenCheapest - Always the Best
irliss McBride of Waterlbo is ?he
guest of Miss Daisy Middleton.
Miss. Olive Cooper is home frcan Tor-
onto for the summer vacation.
Rev. Dr. Stewart is .enjoying his-
• holidays with his family at Breezy
Mr. John Forbes of llueston, Texas,
is the guess of Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
thstr Forbes of town.
Mr. .and Ildrs. D. S. Cook visited at
Dungannon, Nile ,and Goderich thi
forepart of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Calton of Stan-
ley wens the guests Cif the latkr's
cousin, Mrs. • A. Morrell, on. Mon-
day, .
Mr. an'd Mrs, '0. Hooper of Hewett
attended the funeral of the late
Mrs. Nat. Sundercockat Blyth on
Mia's Ward, principal of the Clinton
Business Colleges left yesterday at-
sornoon for her :hone in Washing-
ton, Maryland.
Dr. and Mrs. H. Garrett of Hamilton
spent Satualay 'and- Sunday as
guests of the -latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 1-1, W. Cook. . •
Misti Grace Shepherd returned from
Lambeth where she has been teach-
ing, last Week and has- gone to Ot-
tan:a to speed a part of her va-
: cation with her sister, M,n Komp.
Miss Lizzie Ford and her brother,
Master rnest, left last week for
Parry So.und where they, will spend
the long holidays With their uncles,:
Messrs... •George . and *William Whit-
Mr. and Mrs. Chap. Rice and sons of
Bowmanville spent the holiday in
town the guests of Mt. and Mrs.
• John Rice. Mr. Rice returned home
on Monday but Mrs. Rice intends
spending some little time in town.
Mr. 11: Juror of . Hamilton, formerly
of Clinton and brother of Mrs. ,S.V.
J. peislay, has 'nct been enjoying
good health fort some time past and
the doctor having prescribed a sea
voyage, 'he left last -week tor Eng,
Mr. and Mrs. Bowlby and the Misses
Bowlby motored over. •from Detroit
on Tuesday,. to .spend 'a few :daYa
wftlf R. and Mrs. J. E. Ford. at
Wesley parsqne,go. Miss Beweby
will probably remain for g few.
weeks. • •
lidr. Wm: Joni visited old friends' in
Clinton and Goderieh Irma Friday
until Tuesday when he returned to
Hamilton. Old Fatier . time cer-
tainly deals kindly 'with Mr. Jones
who • really looks youngot today
than five, yeaago. •
Rev. Father Dunn and Mayor Taylor
' attended' a. church picnic at Lucan
. last week, making the trip to and
fro . with Chauffeer. Seeley. His
worship the Mayor acted as judge
in. thedifferen't events in which
there was competition.
1Virs. D. C. Bowen, who has. been
visiting ae her father's, Mr. W. 3.
Paisley's,. left on Friday for her
home at Washington Court House,
Othio. She was accompanied by her
sister, Miss Ruby Paisley, trained
num, who .Will be her meet for a
MiSri Agnes Chidllay sailed Iron Mont-
real on Saturday, in company with
Mrs. Beery and son Wilfrid and
Miss Dafoe of Seafortra, for the Old
• -Country. The party will be absent
some Weeks, Miss Defoe will pro-
bably remain longer as she, intends
continuint her seadies there.
Among those who spent the holilay
out of town wire: Mr. Its Irwia,
Plattsville ; Mrs.' John Fosters
Winghain: ,Mr. and 1VIrs, W., T.
O'Neil, 1:oat, Huron ; Mrs. A. Cant -
ton and Miss Mabel, Toronto; Mr.
'H. E. Rorke and Master . Xenneo,
Owen Sound ; Miss Carrie Shipley,
Miss E, J. Spark left on Monday
for her home in Tavistock. Miss
Spark has been in chargp of Couch
et Co's millinery department for
several Seasons past and during
her stay in Clinton has won many
friends who regret her departure.
She is contemplating a trip west
during the holiday, season.
Dr. W19 Shipley of Calgary, Alta.,
has been speriditig, a brief holiday at
his home nein town. He left on
Tuesday for Watford and yesterday
was married Miss Bachelor of
that place. Dr. and Mrs. Shipley
wit?' take up their residence in Cal-
gary, where the former has a good
medical practice. His Clinton friends
t44.40.4114.46.444411444.40#414114.44441.414.44,4144011 extend congratulations.
J. la Hoover Nelson Ban
. demand by those. In house iurnishings are in de
, -411-Mia------___LZitisx441 of artistic tastes. A visit
34261 here will disclose
ii '
I but not overly dear. Merit is what wins these (Ws, i
and Ws only merit that gives us our liberal patronage I ,
. :
The cheapest spa In Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture.
1 , i Hoover Sc „Bali.
mitt ittasTiVtrail alS.IsTrsER42. RE
We're Off With A Great Rush
,,T;OS SPACE . 0011, :THE • NEXT
0tTR spring business is overand we must make room for our fall importations which arrive next month and
every article of summer wear must be cleaned up and each week during the next two months you will
find tremendous bargains at this store,
50 and 75c Silica 1.90
25 Waist ends of fancy silk ,s
no two alike. regular 50 and 75c
values clearing at 19c per yd.
- 75c and $-1 Corsets 49c
25 pairs women's corsets in
long and short styles, assorted
• sizes in grey,and white, regular
75c and $1.00 velum clearing at
490 each. •
• Deep Cuts in Satteen
Cleaning up the balance of
our black settee's' Norley and
• Regal Taffeta Petticoats at the
following prices :
Regular $L00 for$ ,79
• II 25 .89
15') 119
'4 • 2 00 1.49 ,
250 " 189
" 3.00. •2.25
250.Tan Hose 19c
Ladles tam hose flat weave
mercurized finish sizes 8 to 10,
regular 25c, clearing at 19c pair.
$2.00 Gowns for 98c
12 qnly ladies fine white cot-
ton night gowns in high and low
neck, embroidery and lace trim-
ming, regular $2,00 clearing at
98c each. Conn early Friday for
25c and 35e Linen
Suitings 19c.
25 pieces of new linen suit-
ings in plain and fancy colorings
regular 25c and 85e clearing at
19c per yd.
Prints at 8c
25 pieces of good strong Can -
adieu print full width and good
patterns clearing at 8c yd.
White Waists 89e
15 only white Lawn Waists
in the new Dingaling style size_
well assorted worth in the regul
ar way $1.25 clear at 89c each.
Deep Cuts in Children's
Straw Hats.
Out go the balance of our
Childien's straw hats as follows.
Regular 25c for
• Regular 50c for 39c
Regular 75c for 59n
Regular $1.00 for 79c
Regular $1.25 for 89c •
Regular $1.50 for $1.25
Fancy Parasols $1.25
40 only Ladies Fancy Silk
and Linen Parasols in all the
popular colors and plain white+
worth up to $3.00 choice of the
lot for $1.25.
' Wash Suits for Ladies
• Ralf Price,
If, only Ladies wash finite
made of good quality linen and
daintly trimmed in assorted siz-
es regular 8500 for $2.60• regular
f.900 for $4.59,
Ladies Coats lees than
Ladies Wash or Luster
Coats in Linen color well tailor-
ed and good style regular $7.50
for $5 50 regular $7.00 for $E.00.
Peter -Pan Waists $1.48`
We passed another ship-
ment • of Peter -Pan Waists into'
• stock for Saturday's selling,
Dutch collars, daintly trimmed'
with white tan and pale blue
collors and cuffs, These are very
new and eepecially priced for
quick selling $1.48.
We cleaned up a Manufacturers lot
of Fancy Silk Parasols about two
dozen in the lot, no two alike
worth in theregular way $3.00 to
$3.50 Saturday your choice $2,25,
We are carryinga complete stock'
o • Kaiser Silk Gloves for 'omen
in'all shades. Both long and short
length. double tip. fingers Kaisers
• guaranteed at 75c to $1.00
Our stock of Loves Gloves is now
complete in both silk and Lisle'
in black and colors. For the past
three seasons we have had the
agency of Loves Gloves ad the:f
have given our pations the very
best of satisfaction prices .range
from 25c to $1.00,
It -
4011111111041.-- - £i'? • e- 4Q* 0 OS:..64111.441111,
About People You Know. The News From Lfondesboro-
Miss Dell O'Neil is honie froM, Tor-
onto for the long vacation.
Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons, Ontario St.,
will bei "At Home" after • July
Mr. and Mrs. S. hfurch and.' Min3
Vera of Seratford were Dominion
Day visithar, in town,
Mrs. S: S. Cooper was the guest
over the week end of her sisters,
ate Misses 'Hanna, Toronto.
Mr. Broivn, secretary of trie Knitting
COMPany, Spent Saturday and Sun-
day at hie old . home in Torcato:
Mr. Harry Met. retuened Satar-
• day from a visit of over a (month
- with friends it Toronto and else-
Miss Kathleen East of Toronto is
spending a fortnight's holiday% at
hos home in Dawn. ,She was ac-
companied nam ..,
e by Miss Susie
Mr. and Wire, Geo. Rogers of Til-
sonburg, former residents .of Clin-
ton, were holidays visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Pat-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnion and
little daughter of Toronto were
guests over the holiday at the par-
ental home of Phe former, that of
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnson,
Mrs. 1-larold Rayner is spending a
fortnight with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. • L. Suitter at Glencoe.
XVZr Raynen accompanied her down
temained over the week end.
Mts. T. S. Lobb and the Misses
Lobb of Toronto are expected up on
the 11. 0. B. excursion on Satur-
day and will spend the week end
Miss Mary Stevart, who. has held
the position of principal of a Pro-
testant school in Quebec. City for
some time pant, is bone for the
summer vatatiou. 'She is at the
cotaw. at Hayfield.
Miss Lena IThinves of Temente was
Yee/ succem"til in the junior music
exam, in connection with the Tor-
onto Consorvatoiy of Music reeent-
ly held, passing with honors. Lena's
Clinton friends will be pleased to
hear of her success an slid had a
serious illness during the year which
interfered considerably Wire her
, Oldies. Miss Ida liclmes was her
Clerk Campbell, Lorideaboro,, was in
• town on Tuesday.
Mise Gertrude Chant of Toronto is
esending a fotseight!s holidays at
her name in town. • .
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Constantine of
Zurich were. Derainion Day visitors
at the home of Mrs. Chidley.
Mr: T. Jackson., Sr., has teen in-
disposed during the, pares week burs
is improving, his friends • will be
pleased eo hear.
Mr. John T.' Mann and Miss Jennie
Cosens of Trowbridge and Miss
Govenlock of Seaforth bate bass
spending a few days at Ontario St,
Miss Sippes, who has been in charge
of Isinin's millinery department for
the past couple of seasems, left on
Saturday morning fos her home in
Mr. and Mrs, Olin Hooper, Hensall,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.
ilboper, Albeet street, Tuesday, on
• their way t'o Blyth to attend the
funeral of Mrs. 0. Hooper's mother,
Mrs. N. Sundercock.
Miss Willa Ford, daughter of Rev.
and Mrs, J. E. Ford, who has had
a position on the teaching; staff of
Durham Public school for some time,
has resigned and will commence a
course at Queee's University in the
Me. Ed. Mole, superintend:AO of the
Seaforth Electric Light plant,
was in town on Monday ou his way
back to duty from a visit to the
parental home at Auburn to , which
place he was accompanied by his
wife who will remain there tor some
ME. T. A. Walker and Miss Belle
Walker visited in Clinton over the
week end and on Mbnday Mrs, Walker
spent a feW hours in Whistle:Z. The
family have riterterous warm, friends
In and about Clinton 'who are al-
ways pleased With the opportueity
of meeting them.
Rev. J. axone left on Tuesday for
Stratford, where he will occupy the
pulpit of the Central • Methodist
ehureh for the remainder of July.
Miss Greene will follow later and
th ti ,occupy the parsonage dun
ing their stay in Stratford whie
the pastor and his family are air
Born -On June 280, to Mr. and
Mrs, .Chas. Holmes of Ottawa, for-
merly of Londesbero, •a son. . I
The many friends of Dr. and IVIra
*Callum are . pleased to' see them
in our midst again • after an extended
vin to the Old Lead. '
Miss Allison of Beigrave spent a
few days with her. broeher, Dr. Al -
lima, 'this week. ' •I
Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald of Tor -
"onto spent a few days with Mr, •Jas,
Campbell this Week. •
Mrs, Cottley of itletint Forest and
daughter, Mrs. •Geo. Davidson
Woodstoeli, spent a few days with
relatives here.
Rev. Mr. Pearcy, has disposed of
his 'horse and ,has purchatiod a fine
driving horse from Mr. Cartdr of
Mr, W. C. Armstrong andfamily
spent' Sunday with friends at Moles-
woel anti other plaees.
Word was received 'here of the sud-
den 'death of Roberti Haggitt of De-
troit the result Of coMing in eon -
tact wita a live wire. IVIr. 3 Wood-
man left Monday to attend the fun-
Mr. Pearcy, who has been visie.ng
his son, Rev. W. T. Pearcy, for the
past ben days, left for his home in
Tomtit() on Monday.
Mrs. John Spindler of LucknOW
spent a few days with het parents,
lker. and Mrs. Jo. Lyon.
The lawn social -on Saturday 'eveit-
ing in connection with the Passhy-
terian church was a decided succes-i
The attendance was all that could
be dethed and an excellent program
was given consisting of soloS by Mr.
A. Cook of Goderich, Mrs. (itev.)
Small of Blyth, music by the band,
readings by Miss Reeb, Port Col-
borne, addresses by •Rev. Mr. Oster-
hout, and duets by Mt. and Mis%
Robertson of Aubur.i. The reecf.pts of
the evening amounted to $1'75.
Mr. Wm- Radford and tantlA Of Porde
with vibited With friends in. this
Vioinify overt &tildes,.
Mrs. Chas. Manning and Miss Nellie
spent t 1st at Mitchell,
Mvt. M se Brown and family spent
DominionDay, at Stratford.
Miss B. And' Miss Johnston
anent Sundav. at line former's home
Mr, Albert. Radford. and family
spent Sundrist with Toronto friends.
Waters' parent, Mr. and Mrs. Wine.
Sunday evening last.
don spent the holiday with Mrs.
Imo/ attended divine service with,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Waters of Lon-
eaeir Masonic brethren ati Clinton on .
Rseikis.. John Grainger spelt a fene
days with Toronto friends recently.
Messrs. T. Miller, "S`impson and(
Me. W. G. Beaton was _in the vio.
iqity a few days last week.
Misses L. and R. Young of lirmt-
sti • ' _ .,),i
foand Miss E.. Mains ot London .
spent the holiday ail their hotme-
here. 'It
Jos. Webster of . Toronto. spent Sun-
day with his parents here,
Miss Fleming, who has been. assist-
ing Mrs. R. Adams in her ovillinesy
department, left Mbnday for het hone -
in Milverton. • .•.
Hulielt ToWillShiP
Mrs. Nat. Sundercock died on Mob -
day in the hospittal at Guelph where.
she had been undeesoing treattaeat •
for several weeks. For Many years
Mr. and Mrs. Sundercock were rest
dents of this township only leaving,
hsee a few menthe ago when, owing'
to Mts. Sundercoeles declining health*,
they moved to Blyth. The retirement.
though frail the duties incident
life on the fa.rM. did not being about,
the hoped for roult and Mrs. Sun,.
deecock 'Do:dually grew worse not-
withstanding all 'that tho loving
tare of the family and the best tri
medical attendance could do for her.
Mr, Sundercock sun/Ate% with their
five sons and one daughter Mrs.
Olin Hoopes*, Hensall ; Charles snd°
William in Toronto ; RusSel in Blyth
and Harvey and ll'erman who ilea ene.
gaged In farming near that valline:
The eiscere sympathy of bho oommun-
ity goes out to the bereaved °nisi.
The funeral took place to tilyblv
cemetery on Tuesday.
Miss Alexander of /lantiota,
and Mor. Howard Snell of Clinton
spent Sunday the guests of *air
cousin, Mrs. 'D. Tudor of Constance.