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The Clinton News-Record, 1911-07-06, Page 5
I V- is --fir �z . �: ry 3*1y ft 1911 e•isPt*! 'N*w*-144 t_ _ _ ----- T --. - - — -. - _.. N�kd'+N "�1►"*O"1►11► + +Mdi00"04*0#0" uUet't To1� nabip, oKlilop Tom" ! I' No Fivm G�� John Reynolds' farm on the )Nr. hn S. o l s' has theilGravel Tboaxtas Davidson, who has been it for quite a leaf,* ,oi thine, i4 na 11 Road for a ,P.no ri of years. It is oulpf recovering. . t.WS►. aKM1'IMINQB. G,arrpt►ndogt a #orttrfghr ago that Mr. Reynolds decide(t 0 leave jknd hearing that: The garden party under the auspice of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Mr. Glidden was looking for a place church, was a brilliant success, Th •1N�r+�#*"#* s. ###"q#",**"#*"N"*#"*# �►�l*"#" � ; a ba rain was quickly made. M;.. Sea�forth brass band was in attfnd A co)is ball will be given at Ila- Mrs. Jahn R. Craigia aivowuncer the Reynolds gala a good- teinautl and 14Ir. G"d'dOn secures a farmso that ince as well as a nu•ibe.a of talent vocalists. The financial returns war dei Suget on Friday, evening in aid engagement of her daughter •lvelyn, ,of the Ambulance Fund. to Mr. Albert H. Johnston of $ask- .goad thuyl have mutual cause for sabis- ; excellent. ' i Mrs.•. •T. Straitwi.' wbo was cantle atoon, Sask. The marriage takes faction. Mr. Glid�don has fora de- eade had the Shanahan, farm' on tlip Mr. John Murray, waa a juryman at Vha ,June quattor sessions in God -ta Toronto h the •'llness and death place early .this month. y A tihird eon. under lease.. erich. Mrs. ,lack Rum�lall, w. i not h rr father, ' Mx. May., spent a few a are. glad to:. •daprs iu Mown with Mr, and Mrs. report, has almost fully recovered Mrs. Nunn has been away visiting �St�rattati:' before leaving for her home : from her Yong and severe illness. �f►ippen her ,brothers at Kippers for the last week.. atn Vaugouver, B. 'C. Mrs. J. Russel kl<awe and daughter' . Thonvas O'Laughlin bad a bee haul- Mrs• Harper ;has returned from an Miss Lulu, and another daughter, �' Mrs. Miss Dinsdale has returned from r ing out manun� the other day. There extended. visit to Toronto, McConnell and her little son Centralia a d Parkhill h r n wee, she was were upwards of half a dozen manure of Clinton, are the 0osts oaf M'r. and Mr- Cunt is having a handsomot visiting friends for a few weeks. spreaders. at work. Mrs. Elliott fora • time before lean- :Iiiazza ha'l't to his residence. ` mg for Albertia, where Mr. Howe Tlie union picnic of the Presbyter- ^ " -—, 'A and Mr. Doolittle of the G. T R. is ' Ili{ Mr t, nlittl to The G.. t Mr. McConnell have been for Wme iatt and Methodist Sabbath Schools Was held in Bayfield on Coronation time and where they, intend. Gln fut-' 1. ;'Mrs, Capt. McDzarmid has. gone. to urs to make thet;i homy. Da y• A most enjoyable day was LOST -ON ,WEDNESDAY, GOLD chain and' .charm. Liberal sawaxd spend the remainder cif 'rhe season .� with. her husband the Soo. Mr. and Mrs. Hamill and the lat- spent. Miss Annie Randall of P10tsville ie to finder, Leave at News -Retard Offica. •at Inspector- •Tett'• and Capti', Tkebheway tot's sister, Miss Nairn, have re making a pPzasanr visit in the ''hoarse -84 - rave .been experimenting with. a turned to Det+ait. of her uncle, Mr,' A. MoMui+trie. 1.-4 :.sprayer this season and find that it A new organ is to be placed" in y. ;. `• . is a paying .concern. The apple, in r North street chux h. : Mr. Detweitler, Sr., and Mr. Webel of Mowofield are visiting their son TEACHER WANTED 'BY S. S. NO. 'their orchards are commbig on flnelyll At *he banquet tendered the officers and daught4ar, Mr. and Mrs. Detwe>1<er, 3, Gpderich township, (Iiolmiesville) duties to commence after the su¢n- ;44x1 other small fruifla are doing and others .at Hotel Sunset on 'rues- ', equally'well. At .good harvest its look:. da evening of Iasi! eek a or N g �' M y our popular merchants here. Mrs,. Whiteman has returned h t oma �r b°li'd`ay,s,: Applications, stating �d for, Cameron presided with Col. Iotigtns ' - after spending thrcie weeks with her salary and • qualifications . received up to July 25th. -Joseph Jernis, ' , 1 Mrs.-McSweyn of Niagara Falls is' on his right and Major Macdonald on Spending, the season with, hen. daogh- � his left. The menu cards were in the. daughter, Mrs, McConnell in Detroit, Mrs. Andrew Bells y pent a day, . elm Soo. -Treasurer, He esville P, O, ' ter, Mrs, W, Wallace. form of. a booklet and made an ex- ,with triends near Easter last week. -86 'Russel'l, the little. son of Mr. Wm, ceedingly interesting souvenir' of lila ( The• Rev, J. Greene preached in the • - , - ' .'gates, while playing in the a ricult- occasion, containing,Methodist g o o besides the QnAtiu church last Sundayf. The ural grounds one day recently, fell and toast lint, a PiSt of the corps I people are always pleased to hear FOR SALE. -A BEAUTIFUL COUN- tnd, broke his arm. comprising the first division' �witsl him!, The now pastor, Rev, Mv, hoarse half a mile from C int .. y . 0 1 oti • Miss Smith, daughter of Bandmast- 'their strength, The speeches in re- Snowden, takes the work next_ . Sung 12� acres c8 excellent soil, fruit e ' ter. Smith, while on box way,. -to the sponte to the 't+oastis were spirited 7E day, and, garden. Fine comfortable 'tatoo 'the ottaer evening, 'tripped on a and timely. Those 'taking pars in the Mrs, (Rev.) Gauid and children left house, hand and soft' water. Barn •wire in the grass and falling, fract-' speeches were , ' Col. 11od€ins, . Lieut,- here last Friday attter a stay of a, 56x52 with stone stabling. 2 acres ' 'tired both wrists. Col. MCEwan, Col: Wilson, Col. Lang, bout • bhren, years with her parents, orchard, apples, plums, peaches,' Another accident was that which. Major Macdonald, Major Shannon, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mellis, Mrn. ehei+ries, strawhiarries, etc, Will 'betel Mrs, Henry Marlton, who x,.- Capt. M11, Col. Craig, Cola Black, Gauld is on her way back to >+ or- soil cheap, i2mmadiate possession •centl'y fell on the stair and received Col, Bentley, Col, 'Weir, and Col, mosa to rejoin her husband in their given. -J, E. Henry, Clfntan. -86 I • .. . •severo injuries so that she has been McKenzie. The 63rd Regimental Band missionary woa:c tht!re. While here ._ _ , under a doctor's case. ever since, div.oursed fine music. frost. -the var- she has been a very busy woman. ? Mss. John Bain, wile Nary been -andah ,all the evening., caring for he:+ aged parents; training FOR SALE, ON HURON STREET,' r tstaying in Toronto since last fall; . intends making her home. n Goderift The . funeral of the late Margaret and superintending dile education of her children and going up and down Clinton, the dwelling house at pres- out occupied by myself, All, nVolurn � `t� . • in future, McPherson, relicir of the. late Hugh 1.Bain; took place on Wednesdav after- the length and breadth of the land ' conveniences good garden. Terms Mrs. Johnston of Toronto is now , noon of last week. t o Maitland come- delivering sbir:!'.ng addresses on her to suit the purchaser. Apply on the I ;thb guest of her daughter, Mrs. B►ain.. tarp. Rnv. G. E: Ross' conducted beloved Missionary work and awaken '. premises, .-- Thos. Jackwn, Sr., V. . services at house -and graveside. ,Mr. Ing1. !dente on, Elgin street, and has for • Murdock .McPherson and: Miss MG thousands oaf, hearts. She takes her . ` her guest her niece, Miss Hattie Har- _ Pherson of Brantford;, nephew: youngest daugh4+ar back With her; risen of Simcoe. .and niece .,of deceased were present. The Dr. J,. Whit'ley has purchased anew paltbearers were : Messrs, Jas. Bich car for in his ,leaving the other two ,with Iiersxn g ter; Mrs. John Balfou':r, Regina, Sask. FOR •SALE -A GOOD MILK ,COW, coming six years .old-Apply'to Miss use professional work, Jas. a Tait W i Wallace,�Wa dYl a t. Mr. Walter Mit P a chaff was `•'tA a viii Jarest to continue their education. The old- son,, Gordon, is to attend Tor-. Norah Ferguson, Bayfield.. --85 at the McLeod, Wan.' Warnock and David parental home crest tills boli- Bell Mrs gain had been a 1^esident 'Onto University this fall, while thQ day. . A• large y of fi!pderieh . for about, fifty years, g pant of friends went. to a-icoiid Hary is. to o to St. An- , ' € drew's C . fin trhe• same city: It TEACHER WANTED, MALE OR+ having came from Cape Breton •; with trhe station on Thursdays morning to her parent +.. Later she was, , .,g© is hard to leavci one's children thus female _ for S. S. No. 4 Hullett' ' duties to comniOnce after the sum - . sap farewell to Dr. Dougall and flame- ,married to'_the lama -Hugh. Bain; .wbo. died .a- ily as they were leaving -for their ) jout. %ten -ago. 'Mrs. but+the mpgni'tude :anal glorious pos- sibilities of the work calls . for those mer, vacation. .Apply stk�Uingj qularifi- Constance years Bain' -had new charge in St. Thomas.who reached the'.good age of eighty-eight .art, read Her mianv friends y' cations to Win. Carter, P. 0. ` - 85 . Mr. Dan.. MoLaran was ry._+ihusly in -pray - yearn and had enjoyed good healtfh for her and'.her husband's suo-- , . . FARM FOR ,SALE. --LOTS NORTH 24 sumd 'Mouth 25 on tiro Base Tine, 1 Goderich Townsbtp• 80 acres, all t seeded down but .about 20 ,acre#. Good buildings. One toile fv► m Olin. s toil. 04 rural w*il route and telaf phone. -•-For further particulars ap- e , ply to Wm. Tiplady, Clinton,. or, ' on the prttmIses to Mrs. Geo.' W. Wray, Clinton P. O. -85 a FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 26 ON 11 Con. 6, Hultett, consisting ,of 1:00. acres, 90, acres cleared, 40 acres to grass, 2 acres of orchard with $!Pit- olaw fruit. Well fenced and Jraiu(ri. 2 story brick house and Targe rani with ntables midoravath, ,also )argil drive house with hog pen . under. 2 good wells with windmill and pipes to stables and hofs pen:. 3 titles from Clinton. -For further parvicit tars apply on the premises or z - dxvss W. T. Henry,, Clinton, ia. i), -85 TO RENT. AA COMFORTABLE. six roomed coinage with, pan- try, and coal shed, stoner cel- . lar, excellent garden. with sev- Lira? fruit trees. ion south.. nide of Rattenbury streieta lei . minutes walk from centre of town. Possession given on or before June 13th, For particulars apply to C. Jervis, Huron street. ... -80 6 PARK FOR SALE -AT ONCE. 200• acres in good state of cultivation in Stanley, 4d con., 3 miles from Clinton, school 40 rods. 100 acre's cultivated, 10 acres alfalfa, 22 acres bush, rest hag and pasture. Large Slone house, two-storey, slate aloof,cement floor in cellar, fuimaco, wood -shod, cistern, tele- phone. One barn 85x56, windmill, pumpeli, waterworks, stabling for 40 head cattle and: 9, horses. Sec- ond barn. •50240. Hay barn 50x35.- Apply to Malcolm- McEw_ en, Box 56, Clinton P. O, -84 GIRL WANTED. -A GOOD -GIRL for general housework wanted. Ap ply .to Mrs, T. Jackson Jr., High street: .-80 ': - _ .., DRAIN ,A TILE.- • WE NOW HAVE A good stock of Drain' Tile on. hand, ranging in size from 2J up .to 8 in. 10 in, and 12 in. Tile' only made •to .order. Works half a mile East of .Egmondville. Phone 9' on 145. -Kruse, Bxosi.; Egmondville P. 0. 82-8.. . RULLXTT FARM FOR SALE,- FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -TOR The David Joaksm eoltat o, lot 82, Temperence Hotel St Londesboro, can, 0, containing: 100 acres fs offer- This is a splendid chance for a ed fox sale. For particulars apply,' livq man. Possession tail be given. to either of the undersigned• -Harry, at once. For further particul*rs; M. Jackson, Port Rowan, or W. apply tv W. N. Ityleo, Len+de0ow, ,. Brydoue, Clinton. 85-4. or L. Tyndall, Clinton, --0 TWO TEACHERS WANTED FOR S'. � L r�[`Ct�+r S. No. 4 North'aud South Stan E1 RI ES lay, .duties to commence after the ' mid- termer holidays. Apply, stat- ^'-^•- i 'log salary, gaallficavions, etc,, to RE -TIRED -WHILI YOU David Dewar, Secrefary, Bayfield FAIT, AT SMALL COST- 1 -2 NEW BICYCLES FOP. SALE CHEAP.--% TEACHER WANTED FAR • S. S. - -- No. 4, Goderich township. Duties iYATKRWDEKS' SERVICES to com=xLee after summer holidays. INSTALLED. LET'S DQ IT Apply stating salary and quallfica- FOR, YOU. bons to Harry J. Thompson, Sec- rotary, Clinton P. O. -81-3. A. • TURNER 11 fl Xumbing, Hot Vater , . " Stearn and Hot Air ea Ya - H. t g Th_ 01 G,kLVANIZED IRON WORX- ROOF- ,: .TNG AND EVETROUGHING, OC, PER COPY We have everrAidug that is We will still the lto; filar nfuto new and up-to-date in the a'9 this price fia:u Aha i o to the ';th .Iuly. plumbing and beating business, nye are selling new lines of goods, and selling --woeytbing ar Rocl: ' Estimates Bottow Price,, given on all contract work;. - at the 5o and I0. STORE • , . i G. L, COOK, Prop. - . p • BYAM & SUTTER • SANITARY PLUMBERS. . -' '' r ere. Is Foot Comfort H C Ort. I.. 4 0 , Feed . Iata: . f lour. .. . I . Every housewife. who orders her- ' flour from, •us may rely on p ompt kv , delivQry and, whatt is -more. to the ,, P *+ , a good satisfaction. - +1 ' The'. best grades' of Flour on hand . l ' ab all .46es.. Bran,. ,Shorts, Low Grade Flour, 1+ \\` . i •1 Corn, Buckwheat, etc., for sale. 1 , ` 1 r( Sal- In Barrels. ��'"` We are always in the market for ' y. i il s' ( grain cf all kinds and will pay the , �,highest market. price.. WN h i C `� LSUITTER 00• . TelephoAA 64. THE ELEVATOR Worried feet cause half the ills. and ,CLINTON discomforts that harass the Men.and women of our age. 1. lured the other daps by, a fall from. . cess: . _..`�f �! house which h w v un<'il: she .Mot virtth au accident scalls . T•ARM FOR SALE. -:THE NDtj? . :a a as mo ing. The following is thci June m><pnthly u� . Scholl Foot - Eazer..1 . tnonths ago from the •.effects of which .Miss Elsie Tye of the Conservat- Y,ohool ,report -of 'S, S.. No.. 14, Stan- TEACHER WANTED FOR S.S. NO. signed offers for -'tale„his fine farad is a remedy. It is a scientific arch Iory of Music, Ottawa, is home for she diad. . 1'e' . The names ave in- order of merit: 13, Sttnleyi; H'utdes . to commence on ` of 135 acres adjo nittg the town af, cushion that supporta the muscles and t rt n 'her- vacation. y Clinton. The farm is in a � O ' THE PU B.IC dons and , . 5,% -Ada �McBeath, H. A. Fisher, Sept.. 1st, Applications s�',ati�ngsal- good gives -them strength to carry the The Mh;na cat has .made its appear- .. ^ I Sr. .4th -W. McBe th R. McCI - •ary, experience e'a.. received u to state of cultivation and •has ' good weight of the body at the foot arch: pp a ' P ba'le'rs :•r -brick house bank barn HAVING BOLJCrHT• THE It does awaywith,allnervodsandmuscular 'I ante in Goderich. One of the stet- London Road . Mont,. M,., McClyniotit. July 25th. -Jas. T. Keys, See.- g , WORKSHOP' DEPARTMENT OF strain and quickly replaces, the natural Blas. --%,- •.•ers ovi*ns one and- it is taunts a •:ur= Jr.• 4th -Grace G. Ross, N: Hood Treasurer, - Varna P.O. , • -85 ' driving house, : pig pen, ate.- all TH'E ROWLAND HARDNVARE ticity to the foot and prevents list -foot with Miss Walker of London was. a est ' its painful consequences. iousity. AIeK. McMurtrie. ' comparatively new. A fiirst- class BUSINESS WITH WHICH *1 q at Mn Arthus Stephenson's . over Makes walking or standing absolutely comfort. Mr. W. B. FElliott of the Copeland, . ' Sr, 3z�d Louisa McCI ont. W. R. young orchard containing all kinds HAVE BEEN CONNECTED• FOR able keepa shoes in shape and elves the tetanal Sunday. of fruits also small 'fruits, The graceful archin Chatiterten Co., Brantfa':d,, withh� Cooper, .W. C. B, Johnston. TEAC1fPER.WANTED FOR S. S. NO . SEVERAL YEARS. I AM PRE- Theschott Foot -Esser lotuses , vcilfe and family, spent Mie w�•sk .end Miss McCartney of Goderich visited . Jr. 2nd - I:tibella Collins, W. H'. .farm is welt fenced and well drain PARED TO :RECEIVE ORDERS of two GermansiaverSprings,leath ) friends in this 1.vicinit , over. the holt, Tuckersmith, ale or female ed and' is a ve desirable ' hours. ercovered, and isspringY. flexible' the guests of Mr. Isaac Salkeld of y CcdlinsColling,, Ellmer Mahiins. . FOR THE HECLA FURNACES and self-adjusting to atlfeet / holding „iso or 2nd clam profession For further articulars a 1 on the Bayfield Road• Mr. Elliott is the day= .' Sr. Pt. 2nd -N: J. F3bov1 W. Sat- p PP y PLUtifBING EVETROUGHING andcan.beeasity slipped ' al ce ttificate duties to ccrm¢nKmce the . , into any shoe.. .son of the late Mr. W. Elliott of Many, fno2A. here spent' . Dominion. ton, J. G. Cooper. promises *or address -John PUTTING UP' STOVES AND They do 'Goderich and • was at one time a Da at cool and breezy Bayfield. - Jr, P`t: 2nd_ Willie Harvey, W. Ross. 1st of Sept. State salary and ex- Torrance, Clinton P. O. • 80 needtackingor %* sme�iilber of The News -Record stall. y y Y r' -E '-y y� Fairer perience.-John T. 'Martin, Sec.- . . REPAIRS OF ALL .KINDS, ALL pastingbutare Mr. Double and Miss Ada Walker Pt. 1st lla Fi.har . Cx: "IT, - OF WIICH WILL RECEIVE easitychan$ed A Dominion Da and Fa>swell , `rn Fr Treasurer, Seaforbh P.O,R .:85--3 • from one pair'to another: Y of Stratford visited the latter s aunt, bat , Fred, _ MY PROMPT. ATTENTION. A• if you hake any foot trouble whatsoever the:, ,service was held 7n Noxt,h; Mrs: Ramuie end other frit • s 'n The.. best sellers .iii— the monthl FOR SALE ON VILTORIA ST. CONTINUANCE OF THE , PAT'- . Scholl "Foot-Eazer” will give you instant Mist 4 11street Methodist chart ,3 ' a h !iud i the I? A , as well as rest and comfort . h on Tud. ay neighborhood over' .Sunda spel ling : matchcs . were : Clinton,' good dwelling house ccn RONAG•E GIVEN THIS DE- Au sizes forinen ata women ' :uo a sir '1 evening; of last week. Addresses y 5th-. Lola RathwelP FARM FOR SALE -CON. 8, WEST sistin of seven totems wood shed PARTMENT IS RESPECTFUL- we are headquarters for root $2.00 per and the Mrs.. Walken af: I:ondon wisftec) ..her ,. g. ' ' Scholl "Foot-Eazer" is one of the.principal means - Were given. byr Mr. M. Robertson and'. r e Jr..4tih-Alex. McMurtrie, half of .lot 9; ..I3u1loA township, good cellar, hard and', waft. water, LY REQUESTED.:.- of conveyingit to out Let nn rove' b or r Mr, G. B. Hanliay .over the ,y p t, ;- t Inspector Tom, who each spoke high #. , Sr, 3rd W. C. B.: Yldhnstoli. containing; 50. acres. ThereAs is on good stable, one. acre of land, good PROMPT ATTENTION WILT, , 1 of the work done b Rev: Dr.. holiday. i y y Jr'. 2nd -J. M. Collins:. the. farm . a frame house 20x26; kit- .. orchard. conbafnimg all kinds ..off BE GIVEN TO ORDERS LEFT t' Dougall during his pastanato, ar solo Mr. Cole of Sandusky, Mtch., vis then 18x14 and a sumlmer� kitchen, fruits. -Apply pn the remises:- AT ROLAND'S IARDYYARE. �,;.._ :)'_' i 'ted friends in the vicinity for a few , P y P was given by Mrs. King, some , boys and woodshed ' 24x14, bank barn William H.. Gaiwill, Victoria • St., STORE. I ,i,sang very r days last .week, . ng rye pleasingly Canada a Nat- 58x40 with stabling underneath and Clinton... • -7Z Marriages . T. , D. JOHNSON ictal Anthern, Dr. 'Dougall spoke a cement' flocs with 'hen liousa and pig ; The Hartt Shoe can onl be .obtained • uevir words in regard, to his regret McLELLAN-PERDUE-In the • Bap house.: The Land is, good cloy loam;. . . in Clinton from J. TWITC'HELL & ¢ .�,._ . < ' - • at severing his connection with the Induction' of the . ., . tist church at Cal Calgary, Alta. on . entirely clear of weeds; . is well ' S •• '` co re anon of North• stred.� and g y' ' PROPERTY FOR SALE . -Hardware.. . . l . ON. g IZ,2V. . w. W yHe June 22nd, Gladys Pea*rl,: ycSung- drained with bile and is a . gond business for sale in Bayfield. Two-: a,,... thanking them fox the kind words estdau htes of''Mr, and .Mrs, oras, state of cultivation no waste, land.. ►�+ t story building, store, workshop and The e s said and kind tlhoughtit implied in the- In response to this call , of the Aub- Perdue,: formerly. of. Clinton, Ont., There , is one. acre of goof.. orchard dwelling combined, . also stable 26 ' r addresses fiiven. Mr. Dawning. gave urn .Baptist chv rh delegates .from' to ' James F. McLellan of � . Leth . and �a nt!veir failing well. Terms to s 36. Three. lots with orchard and : j . au.nd r . a vary pleasing reading and the meat- the churehos of the •Walkerton As- bridge, Alta: rsutt .tHe purchaser. Pxoprtetar nn- small fruits:,Terms, rzasonable--Ap- ' ing olosed with the hearty singing; of soeiation met in Auburh on Tuesday CLYSDALE�-MILLS-At Bl ith,• on tends .to gave up farming. Apply INVITES 'YOUR PATRON - the IQatianal Anthem. y 3 ply ib R. Rouatt, Bayfield. -74 ° . 4:' the hone of the on premises -or to John Itiley, Sr., -AGE, • AND GUARANTEES- Of last weak to consult as to. ,ad- June 28th, at', ' -PROMPT ATTENTION AND Great crowds gathe.:d to the Mil- visability of ordaining to. the gospel . brides .,mother,' Ms„ . John Mills Constance P. 0, -35. I �� "" 'tar Tatoo onrWednesdav evening,, . , r h elf -GOOD WORK, GIVE US A-- M r,, Y !, ministry 1VIr, W: W. Wylie, who 'fox by Rev. C. C. Kama., Edtbli Marbhl FARM FOR SALE -•Lot not h r The weather was . solnewha l ohilly the past few months. has been .the to Rev. Fred.: Ernest . Cl :dale of TRIAL. ALL WORK DONE- ( V .•, ' . but the zfsofa was well worth the y 26,. con. 12, Mullett, cansisting of _BY HAND. 'v.y . fi• = y pastor of the . Clinton and . Auburn Malden, 50 acres. All seeded down except I ,� trouble. The fireworks display was churches. The foll(mung congregat SINCLAIR-S,CRIMGEODU ' . At FOR SAL>J.-Lt.ROOMRD COT• - + t Ane, d tihe and mu ?c much en- n Ontario `street... .acre' of 10 acres. Small orchard. Frame E' '' e an b ionr, .wore represented : 'Tiverton, Kin- . Lnoknow; on June 24tiTi, by .Rev. tage . o , .LADIES BLOUSES 2 FOR 25c. , � . � - joyed. The playing of "O Canada," cardiae Win hang d 'c land -Waterworks. Cefntral. iocatton, house and bank barn with stabling. - - . s m Y , g Gp eri h, ` St J. S. Duncan, Jean Isabel Scrim On Gravel .road 'T mile. north of : "- .. 'f' I'crssesaion. can be giroen at any ,� r. and a couple of sacred .scdections bye Mary's, Mountf Porest,. Cliliton, (Mrs. geour of Lucknow to N. T. Sin- y - Londesbor . tulle fro2n school. ' i••.' the massed bands was fine. and .the Hoove,+' and Mr; D. Prior) and Aub clair of: Wingham.. .time,- �Maia,. D. MCCOnnel . 85 ° # Lee Bing,.. GO � pp R . .:, stx*kin u of "The Ma le heat" . Apply .on the , premises or `address . b ` �r, • . , rb. - ,0� . g P P urn. The council being approved 'by'. THOMlySON-DUN. ,1 -•At Valtiva, Richard Shaddiek, Londesboro P.O. OPPOSITE MOLSONS BANK; brought out hearty cheers. the -Auburn church, Rev. Dai.. John- on June 28th, Lillian Duncan, old- . Rev. Alfred Brown and fainily have .ston of Tiverton was appointed Mod est daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs.. TEACHER WtANTED BY S. S. NO. - 5 1. . arrived in town and were warmly f, airor and' Rev.. Mr.. Collin;, of Wing- . Andrew Duncan to 'Thomias H. 9, 'Goderich Townahip, dutiies to _ .7 �, ' received by the Ladies' Aid„ and haat, Clerk. The candidate grave a � TbOMIPson of Manittoba, commence after the . holidays, Ap- 0 9 @ 0 0 0 • • •^• 6 •.• 6 • * • 0 • • • • s (`� m:: others of 'the Ndrth street courive- clear statement, of his'conversion and SDTELt,-�BAKEFL-In Exeter, on, locations will be received by the • li, Cowl & WOO`'"' ation. Tea was re ared for them , • • F hos . g prepared Coil to the ministry and presented : June .28th, Fleda Baker, daughter' undersigned up to July 15th, stat- • .6 VA,R�S im the parsonage and a committee, of his views of Christian doctrine in a of Mr. 'and Mrs. Newton Baker, p y, .etc.• -Guy, : Chea • Thu 'summer price of Coal begins on s P .,. •: ^ .welcome received them,. Tho new , Ing experience, solar y yyyy�� QQ ,� thoughtful and original wap and for M Milo `Snell,. on of Mr. and dicks, Secretary, .Cltnticon P. O. • • Monday, May isb. Place your order Tie Tittle . I pastor preached his inaugural sermons two hours and a hall hes underwent a Mrs. W.m�. Snell of Usborne.. • � and have your bins filled at the on Sunda Buim Flower Sunda r - 3 r Y• g Y+ searching examination, with ie re- • Plnea�pp es • low sato. iS a - uestion often asked.' Its • •. the church was very' beautifully, dec- salt"that when the council retired Births • •-� � • . FOR SALE. -A COP BUGGY AS • • • We have just received one a good deal of satisfatlton to l.. r8rated. Mrs. - King and., Miss Vera it wa's' unardinousl�y. decided to fellow • good as neve, all .newt painted.. : for Cann''ti' , , carload of Portland Cement, i � Whitley rendered a duett at the even ship Mr. Wylie in his conversion, calf BALL -On the Huron Road, 'fucker- go y • w� . 17@ 2ble t0 give the correct • in service, which was much appre- to the ministry lul - cfnith, on July 3rd, to Mr, and The owner has no use for it and will 0 a Those intending to use cement time. '� . Ing n y and Chris..an duct - • -ciatied. rine, and :to proceed to ordtf n him, to Mrs. William Ball, a son. sell cheap. Apply at The Neiws . • _• __ - • tete rices .�. should call and t1C118. • You'll have that sat19- • -85, • • get prices at the Coal and faction ifyou allow us to re- I L.• Mr. Priddlr, who movt i to Go 'er- the gospel ministryi. The following MLN�NELL-In Clinton, on July Record Office. • F i 3rd to Mr. .and Mrs. George q Pifi&pples are now very cheap ,r ,Wood office opposite the. G. T. sip our watch fo 01I, Over ich from Megaw a_,out a year go program was decided upon alai car- 8 Mennen, a daughter. •This will be a good Canning. • R. station before purchasing y. week, , - thirty ears ex erlenee' war- / with itis f'amdly�, hast purchased the' tied out,. rnaktnb a very tmpre^i:iive - - g er' -„• • -r .. * elsewhere. y y-. , p John' Pha:wis estate. Ile has tamed- evening service : PATRICK In Tuckersmith, on Juno TEACH�I77li, WANTED, TEACHER • With Large, Faaey,,-Delieious, • ,eled the house for a residence fox r 27tin,, to Mr, and Mrs. Montgoh*vy wanted for 8. S. No. 10, Goderieh 6 - Ripe. * We have a good, Grain Grinder rants us In Baying' yodr watch Devotional n�cerctses, Rev, Mr, • and a good. t• lladstone'Buggy nearly ' hi2nself and has erected ano4hOr house Raithby, St. M'ary's ; Rev, Mr, Fol- Patrick, a daughter. ' ` Township,. duties to commence after : • will hA repaired rvorrRCtly. ' on the prope.tty. lock, Goderieh ; ordination sea'tiibn,, the minm,ier holidays. Applications Pineapples • new for sale cheap. • pp for 25c • _ Charges 1VIod@rate. l Mv. Cockfield'a new house nn Will- Rev. J. F. Dii>�;mian, lvlount F'arest Deaths roceivel up to Ju:�+ ist, stating 0 .0 • �+ /J n /� ion street presents a very attractive anthem by Auburn thumb, Choir GRIGG--In Clinton, oil Jaly' 2nd, salary, cortifloato and experienoe... 4 I dozen for $1.50 • ARTHUR i'ORBES � v • GRIG appiearance since its completion. prayer, Rev, fir. V. Collins ; charge 9 Ada klelona, daughter of Mr. and Alex. Welsh, Sec, -Treasurer, C1in- at Jeweier and Optician, /ssClerCl' ' Mr, Muneil, of the Good Roads to canftidatn, Rev. Mr. Parke, Walker- Mrs, Edward Griggof Colborne bon P. O. • : And 'Red ath's extrii • Phone 52 P • Suceosso>t to Jas, Hamilton. �V/arriagf� Licenses, Machine Co., has built a line new ton ; solo, Mrs. 'Hoovar, Clinton ; townrthip, aged 9 Yeats, 8 months F • k� 0 • . cottage on the •lake front which he charge -to church, Rev. M.o, 1)avis, and 9 days, • Granulated;5ugar, .• . and `M'rs. 'Mandil are alreafly ocCupye Kineardiae ;, *A;;o a to tike ministvy, 8UNDORCOOK--In •Guelj* hospital, TEACHER WC ,N.Ttl) FOR, $- S. e 6 ing, Moderator Johnston; anthem liy the oil July 2nd, Mrs. N. Siindereoek No, 5, (1•oderieh ,Township, .(Post- • i " 100 canes for $5.60 f. ,Mrs. E. N. Lewitt the other day, choir and benediction by Her, lvir, of Bly.'".a, aged 53 years. er's Hill') dutles to Cox�ieneo at + 'e NATIONAL while doing somas shoPpin}r down Wylie. THOMPSON-In I.ondbn, on Jusl the beglfifiing cis the second tvrnt of • . 6 "'t tout, slipped and Slirainod liar ankle. Ab six' o'clock tea was' served by 29th, Margartt 112c11xordfe, wife of .1811, Applications stiattng salary, . a You surely will not be wibhput � TOIRTLIN r, • preserved Pineapple, • Site will be Confined to the hoesd for Vie ladies of the Congregation ito 'thr Goo. 0. Thorn son, formerly, of ettI., will be recelv0i. up to the 166h. a • . CE NT' 4001 ! timo, vin -tors anti delegates, a load al ' ;rlulletit township. of Julir.--John Torrance, Seeretnry, • i L filer. J. P. tlufrle of Inggrsoil lots friood,s froto Clinton church having H0OVh*1: --In Rlyf,''h, off, June 27th, Po'rter's Hill P. 0.' a .. of dniven out to attend the sever an: John: Alexantjor� Hoover a d 09 --84 6 acoepbsrl the po stttoa Of prltsclpfi�l � years, � � .. 6 y A. iFreeh oar just received, �+klielx will he sold st t�el�sonable � L. Small, liastOl! of the Y�' . 1 • 1\ E 1 L i the Cioderlch G'olleglatr� Tuatitute. FIo Rein. J. L ° . nd .fila (amid will 600110y the xilsi- rwsbpiberian Church, ,Blyth, and ?ttiv, DUC1OLAS� A'b Slake,, on Juaie ,24th, FOR SALV.•�-PINP, SEVEN ROOM e . prices. X+ tnpty bags charged for B9 10a each, t'hb 10o to 1A a Y meter Douglao, aged 70, ears. dance .ani ltlriN3ainia' ]ease sit present Mr, Miller fit the liliathodlst alifirch, y brick house with fuf'itstCe, " lovers . �r • !l`bplfi Cls!>th�i retllrr�i of the emptor hil`gt, by order of lite ,ftWp�ie•d bpi Mr. and Mr:+, ,DWi'ttle.' Auburn, `viae presfmt, and reecived V0VLICER Ix, llashwdod, on June Water, baht, half , 2d fruit • a Ciment bOw an. . L' rtX"f#e► IlYlifr(iitor:N'p.►r ,li ; . p ; Mitt MdArthat' hail a&"ttd u pbal CourfkouS greetillga 'reef the Ciltrt'Ch 93rd, Johin 'V Gell er, aged 60 t1' 'S, i gall ff'rai I etc. 1!9ldiron a 0.11 atff3lti in (ittiAiyfk+ , ! r i , 1, i t and eollfroit. yoara, I mentalis and. 3 �lay'S. nos'A' li*,•�-R;, R. Vis. -84 4460.600 � i ii a i � i � � i � S► � M S r aJ o ANDREWS . -11 09 11