HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-07-06, Page 40 • -. •-,irle---,rrergrr11101.171+144..re.: ' ,•-""1-717711,75,171,9117TT76<" T-Trotioir"""'?"7,7771•4"-- 4 Mates Nioneltatord lithr ALIN r • Mr. Job* Johnsckit Sr. still colt - *lines very /ow. WO Et10ovier is visiting under the parental roof. Mr. and Mre,Ww. Johnson of Porters Hill •Called on trends here u* Saturday. . Little Miss Ada1,11ggin of Clinton to the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. C. Beacon. Miss 11. Trick, our popular teaciter, has gone to her home for a two Months holiday. Mr, and Mr. Jas. Johnson ot Vlta- on spent' the lst with tricot:* here. M. Chas. bridgeeallled on Inieods in the villago on Sunday: Mr. Bruce Walker staters that the west will reqpire 40,000 harvest, hands this year. • • TO ..•••-,„. • '17 EEP 111001. GET A HAMMOCK, A FAN AND A READABLE BOOK Cooper • CLINTON. HohnesvIlle M. ••4 M. Howard and Allie4 NAV McCartney o oderieh spent Sunday with friends hero. Miee Alexander arid Miso B. Stanley spent the holiday willa friends near. Londesboro. Mr. and Mra. Draper and. Sun Ot Goderieh are spending a few da)s at Mr. W. MuIhellands. Mr. W. L. Keys of Varna, and Mr. and Mrs. Keys of Yale, Mie., -.4o- ited iNie lalter's brother, Mr. W. Stanley one day last week. 51ro. (Capt.) Johnson is the gvesa of her father, Reeve Stual'e. Ale. and Mrs. Mulholland 01 1iit- che:1 are vilting their cousins, Mr! and Mrs. W. Mulholland. • Rev. Mr. Cousons and family haYe arrived at the parsonage and it is hoped they will have a pleasant so- journ here. • Several from hero aZeniled the lawn social .at Londesboro on Doan- imon Day. The men • are busy putting a cem- ent floor in the Methodisi church shed and a platform in front of the church. Rev. C. C. Cousens, late of Kippen circuie, has been appoinJad ea Me Methodistcircuit of Holineeville and bas arrived at the , paraonage with hisfamily,. The Ledies' Of Kip - pen and Chiselhurs I, protious to their departure from that circuit, present- ed Rev. and Mrs, Causerie with a handsome bedrcom suite and o:ther pieces of furniture as tokens of ap- preciation,. The Hawaii Obs.Lver, in its last issue; speaks of the regret felt at the departure of the family, from town abd oilers good wishes for their future success. We bespeak for the new pastor a successful term at TIolmersville. Mr. C. L. Couzens, son of Rev, Mr. Couzens, lee* been appointed to the Staffa circuit. Gocierich Township The following secoataries of school noceignis in this township are adver- tiring in The News -Rom id for teach- ers ; Guy Hickn, Alex. Welsh, Harry J. Thompson, Joseph Jervis and John Torrance. The following is the report oE S. S. No. 4 for tge month of June : 5%1 -Harold Lowery. Sr. 4th -Mae Sielair, Isabel Sin- clair, Lulu Lobb, Si. 4th (a) --Everett Lowery, Her- bert Stoddart. Jr. 4th -Beryl Huck. 3rd -Morgan Jones, Joy Lolih, Grac- ie Tebbutt, Olive Stoddart. 2nd -Emily Ford, Harry Ford. Jr. 2nd-Maricn J. eines, Gladys Beattie, Etigiir $(!oddart. Pt. 2nd-EMie Fereuson, Roy Pt, lst-Irvine Tebbutt. Average attendance 16. -E. M. Phillips, Teacher. 441444.44 BIG ME ompoom0 .M.11.1=111•11•101110201= • -0,111111120.. • RIC VALUE Couch & o I Mid -Summer Sale 25 to 50 'percentoff all goods Edvertised. Sale Begins Wednesday July. 5th and ends July 19th. Terms, Cash. . ; We have planned this Mid Summer sale on, a. bigger aid broader scale than. ever before'. We have prepar- ed a list of money saving attractions which should make :business keen until the last day of the sale If you have a dollar to spend on Dry Goods it will, undoubtedly pay you to spend it here. • The following prices give a glimpse ihto the im- mence opportunities this saleoffers. MILLINERY your choice of any trimmed hat in show room at Any untrim med hat at 39c. • LAWM WAISTS half price Your choice of any Lawn waist in store 4 price. .. MUSLINES % PRICE I00 yards of pretty dress muslin paternal new, neat and attractive Quality good exactly price. DRESS GOODS 500 yards pure wool Dress goods as to 44 inches wide reg 60wand 615c sale price 39c, TABLE LINENS. ................ .... . .....reg 00c for 48e PLANNELETTE..y• 0,6 :• .. • ... Y•kr•••4141.0,, -reit 12i for 0 •• FACTORY carrot ... . .. . .. ..•...reg for 8 PRIENTS••••••••••••• 1000•Ii•VOloir • .... •••• ............. for 10 .. .. .61111.1•11•0,•.••.!.treg 1.2i 15 for MASH TOWELING lkiii/0• 6 0,6064,0W...reit 12ii for 0 iAOE0trierAiNSt.„ ..4 414.0 6110V61.6.4 . • .. • . .reg 1.2,5 for /9 nntamtantoou • ....... teg 2.00 tor 1.00 White adile%11.1.11.t•160 .. • .. 4.04114reg 1.2a for 76 B4111. TOWRLS reg25for .... .... .. . 1.15 foe /5 OoderiCh Township Bautiekl The home of Mr. add Mrs. Joseph Coleiough ot the lith eou., was the seeno of a happy gathering on Wed- nesday evening of last weak, when that daughter, Lillian A., was wed- ded to M. Charles Calton ot Stan - lop. Tho ceremony , whieh was per- formed by Rev. liarv+..."+ Coltiough of School:burg, coalit of the .!ride, took place upon the .lawn just at six o'clock, the 'bridal pair taking their places under an arch of evergreens and marguerites banked with ferns and roses. The bride wore a pretty gown of cream silk erepe-de-ehene and a wreath ot Orange blc.ssdnee M Ilea ltaie, They were unattended. The ceremony 'was witnessed by a large! number of guests, most of whom were I relatives of the contoacting parties. At he conclusion of the ceremony all eepaire'd to the •dining room wherrt a sempbaous wedding feast was spread and tie which ample justice was dene. After supper a few holm were sent in social converse before. Mr. and Ms. Calton left for their home in Stanley township, where they will be at home .to their friends after July 10th. The many friends of Vim happy couplet ex,fond to them the best of good wishes for their future happi- ness and prosperikv. Mr. John Middleton Jr. return.4 on Friday last from a short business trip to Colouso, Sask., near which place his quarter. section is located. Though only there for a week or a couple of days ever et enabled him to hustle up sortie buildings so as to make things more comfortable for his tenant. He also took a run up to the Hayter dIsto!el, whOre George Jenkins and ,lie Thomp-on boys ot itliikitoWn- ship are located and all briiiit full. of hope. Mr. Roly Jen ins of the 16th con.. is spending the summer out there with gin- son and, looks as if meirie breezes agreed well with him. But when all's said and done there is no place like old Huron far Mr. Jenkins and he will be back before the next fall's fros1; make their ap- pearance. At Macklin Me. Middleion met- Mr. Fete e Eer, formerly of Clinton, who is just as lively and full of jokes as ever and will have a qg selection of choice conundrums for his old friends ;to crack whoa ho comes down next fall. His son Fred es clerking in a handware store in Macklin, the training whieh he re- ceived in Davis er, Rowland•'s store in Clinton standing hint in good.stead. 1 1 AN VICTORY FOR THE ROVERS, The Bruceficlii Rovers Aga Shut Out the Seaforth • . Hurons. WU Flossie Stesebury of Toronto retuned limo to spend her summer vexation. Mrs. Keegan', who spent the winter with her daughter at Seaforth, re- tuned to the village last week to spend the seunniet. Mrs. J. Toms and son, Master Norman. are visiting at Pt. Stanley at present. Miss Brierly of $t. Thomas and nephew, Master Philip Smith: Of Al- einskna are guests at GeOrge Erwin's. Mr. and 111ra. Fred Heath and fam- ily, Miss Dorothy and Muter Harold Heath, erriv'ed last week and will spunci the surniner itt tbeir eot1ge "The Cedars" oa the terrace. Mrs. Janalerem and, daughters, the Misses Helen and Wilma. Jamieson of Brooklyn, N. Y., are summering in she Whitt City. M1t. D. S. Cluff and family of Clin- ton have taken a cottage in the White City for the aeason. Mr. J. Steinman of Tavistock has opened a -barber shop in the building formerly occupied by. th3 S4rling Bank. Mr. .and Mrs. William Tippett of Portland, Oregon, are visiting at the former's parental house; Mr. and 1Virs. John Tippett's, Rev. T. H. Condon will preach le the Orangemen on Sunday morning at eleven o'clock in Telnity church. The brethren from surrounding lodges are invited to attend. Dr. Metcalf, of Detroit joined his family in their summer residence lest week. Rey. Wootton, wife and family of Stratford have taken a cottage in Westminister Grove for, ,'he seasam. Mrs, R. Rouatt is spending . the week at London. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wigle of St. Thomas spent a few days the past *eek with the lat brotbere, Wm. Sturgeon. , Saturday last, Dominion Day, saw the largest orowd ever seen at Bay+ - O deld on Canada's national holiday before. Saturday was the beginning of the hob wave which han lasted since and which has proved to be a ‘!scorehor." Early warning was given of whet the day was to be like and all who could do so hied themselves to Bayfield, where 11 there is a breeze at all, one will find it. The park was ' full all day long of rigs and of people and the hotels did a groat business. Dancing was indulged in in the pavilion all afternoon and evening and beats were in great demand. Coo? and breezy Dayfield is certainly not losing any of its popu- larity as a good place .tio spend a slimmer dap, or if fortune favors Cite, a number -of them. Mr. Robert Bailey ot the Sterling Bank snout a few days 'the pant week at. Port Huron. • • . • Bofore five hundred interested fans 'assenibled together on the Recreation grounds at Seafoebh on Friday even - Mg last, the stiurdy Brucefield Rovers walloped the Hurons to the tun* of 1-0. The game throughopt was fast and clean. During the first half the Hur- ons had really, the best of the, play, a:, the Rovers wore playing defonce, They fitildorn made an effort to tally. The Seaforth boys worked very hard, and they fully reallized' that they had a lead of four goals to Overcome Yet they hadnot the staying pow- ers. At ten minutes to. half time a pen- alty kick Was called and the Hurons with the excoption ol Maccicuald were obliged Oo clear the way. Aikenhead turned the trick and did it well. Heiwever, the goal -keeper prevented a score. Thus at. half time a ie was the result. • ' * . After half time the Rovers 'seb in to play their • old tem game. They continually kept the leathor on the Seaforth goal, and the latter team were obliged to play a real defence game. Ten minutes 0 ase the start off the Hurons had the option of a 'penalty. "Sall" Archibald did the deed, but alas to their soerow Ross grappled the pigskin and tossed it aside. . Seaforth's hopes now began Ito van- ish. For probably the Orst time this season thOy, began to realize that the Rovers ware real ball players.. At fifteen minutes to full time the Bruceffeld forward line assisted bp half -backs and even backs instituted a rush. They ,eook .blie leather up the field like lightning and on ;a pass from the centre Pete McKenzie tallied. 0 From this time on there was noth- ing to it. The Hurons had given up hope entirely. Sad was their fete, but helpless was .their coniiitiore The Rovt*rs played harder than over; the ball rained en Seaforth goal like lead from a blunderbus, and not un- til the whistle blew did the Druce - field eleven, abandon the hope of Iscoring a wcond. Now Ilia greed contest is over and the celebrated Rovers, last year's run- ners up for the championship, °nee mere enter the semieffnals. During the last toe games .whieh were ordered to be played to decide O the distelot` and break the tie, the Hurons have been unable to score, and the Rovers claim the territory by 5 goals to 0. This is a runaway gt4eeda AsHuron plain stated 41W0 Weeks age, the best 'harn will +on, and •thie. is true. The team that played clean ball from the start captured the honors. -Brutefield Correspondent+. The Brucdfield Rovers' play Preston at Preston, on Saturday afte.oation. The return, mateh will bu playied at Brucelletd en Monday evening next. Next Monday tIvetting • Well worth witnetsing... • Varna. Stanley Township Mr. Robert Young, formerly of Ood- each but who hat been living at the home of Mr. George Johnson for the past two pears, .passed away on Tuesr- day last. lie had been ailing for sus time. 8e was mighty *me years and four mouths old. Death has also entered. the home of Mr. Wm. Taylor and taken one their little boys, Lorne, aged throe years. Lorne had the measles and died on Thursday last. The funeral took place on Friday, afternoon. Miss Martha Taylor of Sarnia came helve to attend the funeoui of little Lorne Taylor. On, Monday last many, of the 'far- mers paid their last respects to the remains of he latta Mr. Peter Doug- las who has passed to that fair land from whence none return. Mr. Eipjati:m Palmer' *kid two daughters from the Soo have been visiting the former's ulster, Mrs. J. Delgaty. ,111rs. Thos, Cameron and daughtler Miss Grace •Cameron of Bayfield spent Wednesday the guest of Mrs. W. J. Stinson. Miss Myrtle Stinson visited in Boston the past week. The Orangemen of Varna and din, tnict. will attend divine service in St. John's church, Varna, next Sunday. at 7 o'clock p. ni.. when the Rev. H. J. Condell will address the breth- ren. Miss M. Douglas, of Michigan is visiting at the home of •her uncle, Mr. John Douglas, Mn. and. Mrs. Wm. Irwin of Mar- lette, Mich., attended the funeral of the late P. Douglas. At high noon on Wednesday of las' week the marriage' took place at the reaidenee of the bride's parents, of Miss Lily Dunkin, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dunkin, to Mr. Ha Icy Thompson of Saskatoon, Sask. The bride was given away by. her father. She was very becomingly gowned and carried .a lovely boquet of bridal roses. She also wort the groom's gift, a handsome Aracelet The ceremony was performed be Rev; Mr. Johns len of Varna. M.C. Dun- kin, the .bride's mothor, played the wedding 'March. The ceremony Was witnosse.d by over forty guests; they being present from Brimsley, Ailsa Craig, Exeter; Serorth, London, Mount Carmel, Lieury and Stanley. •• 'rhe bride' was a member of the Methodist, chutch choir at Varna and was popular wi.ni a large circle of friends, who, ono and all, loin . in ne•eaing Win and Mrs. Thompson many happy years of weddel life. The Orangemen of Varna and dis- trict will attract, divine service in St, John's chuidt next Sunday . evening when Rev. 11.. J. Caudell will ad- dress then. Members of neighboring lodges are invited to • attend. Rev. W. H.- and Mei. Tayilor mov- ed last week to Shedden where Mr. Taylor on Sunday preached his, first sermons. The reverend gentleman did good work here and he and his good wife are held in high oateem on the Varna circuit and when, during corn- ing years, they •ccmie back O� visit us occasioeally -they will always be giadly welcomed, StanIeg Township Misa Melinda Lamont who has at 'tended the' Clinton.Collegiate Innbit- ute .the past two years is spending this week at home and Will rot= nextr week to write for het Junior Teacher's Certificate and we hope StieemS may be hem. 1V1)1ss 1VIatide McBride, who has been in London lately receiving treatment for her eyes, is exPected home this week. Miss Maggie Clarke left this week for Berlin where 0she has secured a position as balephone operathr. Miss Florence Harrison, teacher ol S. S. No. 4, visited Mrs. S. Huston on, Wednesday evening. Summerhill. Miss Nellie Watkins of Clinton is speneing her holidays with her uncle, Mr. R. Watkins. tIr. and Mrs. Pred SCarletti oTired. hory - paid a flying visit 40 friends here on Monday. - Mr. Geo. Stranghan: Is the guest of his sister, Mrs. W: Ball. Mr. n. Colborne of Seaforth vis- ited it his home here. • Mr. J. Lovett has *turned to his home alter a lengthy visit with his eister, Mrs. Johnstone. Mr, Ville Miller has engaged with 'Mr. Geo, 'Hays • for a couple of niontb.' ." • Messrs. J. A. and P. Manson are now conn,eted- by telephone. M. and Mrs. Allan Swayze of London vialted -11 few days last week with Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Rennie. The hay crop is very light this year. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Howard and Misa 1VIcCartney of Goderich visited Blake friends on Sunday. A Warning to Antists.-Last Mon- day while the funeral Precession of the late Peter Douglas was' on its w•my to klayileld an auto, owned and driven by Dr. Qrme of Lueart, took its and instead Of falling in line or, taking a sideline as most, reason- able people Would have, done, the Dr, thinking, I suppose, he had the right of way, zigzaged 0 through the rigs. No damage was done but much might have been, as the hearse and other rigs ware compelled to, take the ditch. As' a result the Doctor was taught a, lesson which the deservol and which no doubt will do him good. His number was looked up and he was f imam oned to , appear before the Hen- sel! Magistratli. He, however, book the wise course and paid the fine. • The public aro foolish0to be trifled with by any such fellows. Simply warn them to stop and if they don't take the number and bring them te, time. If everyone would join in less recklessness would be going on, Mr. Jacob Schwartzulitruber of Blake cut a field .of :wheat on July 3rd before he began. haying. Who Can bee.? that Stanley turned out well to. spend Dominion Day in Bayfield. 'The "M- a& • especially- Jowett's Grove was crowded with rigs, DEADLY ANAEMIA .. C• asts a Shadow Over the Lives • of Thousands .of Women and 'Grow- ing Girls. ' • • "Noti enough blood" la the, simple meaning of the terra anaemia, though it should scarcely need explaining for, unfortunatelp, anaemia .15 one of the greatest evils in this country, afflict/in women of all ages, includ- ing young girls. The signs of blood- lessness are plain enough -pallid lips and cheeks, and aching back, fre- quent headaches, with •breathlessnosS, heart palpitation and grest weak- ness. The only effective treatment is to strengthen and build up the blood, and it is just . by ehis power of making new, rich blood :that Dr. Williams' PinkDills have cured, an- aemia m more cases than it is possi- ble to place on record, Among the host cured' of this trouble by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills • is Miss C. N. Roberge of Sorel, Que.,who • had been in poor health for :leveret, years. Miss Roberge says "I believe that if I had nob taken. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills my illness would ' have preyed fatal. The trouble came on so gradually tlhat I can scarcely tell the point at which it did begin. The first uotAceable symptom was loss 'of Color and a feeling of lassikite. Then I began to loose my apepite, had fre- quent headaches, and spells of dizzi- ness, and became 'unable bo do any housework without being completely exhausted. Finally my trouble be- came agginavated by a persistent cough. I took several kinds of medi- cine, but did not , get any relief. At last 1 was advised to try Dr. 'Wil - Hams' Pink Pills and decided to do so. After I had taken sevettal boxes Ahem was a noticeable improvement in my contihnori and 1 °onetime& us-- tIng the Pills until I had taken nine boxeg. Tho result in my opinion was marvellous. My appetite returned, nip nerves were strengthened, my, weight increased, headaches disap- peared, and I am enjoying the best health of my life. In, gratitude for what Da Williama Phil< Pjlt have done for MC I gaive this statettent itt the hope that it may bring now health tio some other ?Whom." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure all those troubles due to poor blood, such al anaemia, indigestion, rheu- matism, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, partial paralysis, and the troubles which attack girls budaing into wo- manhood and women of tniature years. Sold by medicine dealets everywhere, os by malt at 50 cents a WC or six boxes for $2.50 front The Dr.vin4 oitts pjli 1iitenat Medicine "Co.. Brock. Dozens of pieces of our beautiful premuims have gone into the how.es of people and the demand irereases as the good news spreads that these indespensible articles can be had absolute- ly free of cost. WM 3E3 M IA I M "Ve ,44 That nowhere in the country can you get better values in general dry goods millinery mantles and house furnishings than you get here. To Further Emphasize. What we say and t6 convince you of the positive advantage of trading with us and the benefit of a cash system we are offering to • th people ot Clinton_ and .surrounding country this liberal unique profit sharing system. ' Many Attractive Lines. Have been added to our New Embroideries New Laces New Hosiery New Gloves New Waists New Underwear stock this year. New Repp New Indian Head New Shambry New Gingham NeW Sheetings New Pillow Cottons See Our Milliner At once about your requirements as she leaves for hr between season vacation on July 1st. Store open Friday .,night till ten oeloek closed Saturday Dominion Day. • • MEET ME AT IRWIN'S A •11m.---* 1 have gone all over the store and . have laid out sonde BIG BARGAINS in nearly every department. You . know the story about the Early Bird. Below is v. partial list of some of the rare bargains : • • I slightly used side board worth g15.00 sale price $10.00 1 solid oak parlor table•1 5.00 " 2.50 , 6 1 fancy flower stand ••! 7.50 • 4.00 1 Verandah chair, red • 2.50 " 1 75 1 Verandah rocker, red 44 • 3.75 " 8.00 - • 1 Ll+rge easy chair upholstered in good velour $7.50 for 5.00 1 3.1ilece verandah set,settee, arm chair, rocker 15.00 " 1200. 1 fancy roman chair worth 11.50 " 9,00. 1 rocker early English finish, upholstered seat, solid oak frame worth 5.00 " 3.00 lVfoh, bed -room chairs cain seats " , 4.50 1.1 3.00 1 fancy rattan chair 11.00 " 7,00 1 Worsinan refrigerator used less than 3 mos. 21.00 15,00 1 large kitchen cabinet worth.21.50 ." 17,15 1 hall mirror, surface oak, 4 hooks " 5,75 0. 3.75 1 baby,carriage. rubber tires, fancy parasol" 12.00 ". 6,75 1 hall rack, dark wood, largeanirror, 2nd hand 8,00 " 4.00 1 crib bed - ' - worth 3,75 " 2.75 1 square piano all refinished, solid rosewood ease as good tone as a new one fully guaranteed worth itt a 'snap $115, sale price $00 on' easy terms of payment with a . guarantee to take back at same price on a new piano inside of three years, 1 Upright piano' by the Mendelssohn Plane, .Co. used leas than Ninth Months reg prim $375 will accept on pay- ments of $8.00 per month $225 don't miss this bargain if you want something good.Sorue Ends of Linoliums at $1250 for $8.00. special price. 2 soiled. rugs size 3 x at yards reg price • . Japenese matting remanants at 10 per cent off Stair carpet worth 05c and30c per yard at 50e and 30c it yard. A snap on 'Tapestry Curtains all new stook, A visit through' our immense stock will he of interest to you, Come and look through our furnished home, the only store out. side of a city- showing a complete furnished home. We are the only' authorized representatives for the Edison PhonOgrnplas and supplies in the district. A full stock of instruments always on hand. a PlctUre Framing and Upholstery promptly attended to. .11 l'hotere ol Quality* 'Phone 2$ Wo Walker Puraltare Dealer and Uadertiker Residence Phone 140 • 1,4, 4 •