HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-07-06, Page 3,� . ;-- 7
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1 viy #* 1911
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.1 coafte NOW11-RM"
�� *`I0144 040"a "d 01roaftose of Win. ,HOW 44porelon Quarter" Achoolmoloorno Obtly of Arine', UP04 RZOM14" Stolen Dr. J. A. M.�'
. I . ro ,� 60onald Toll$ plain
. �, "I'Veg Playoro. 0# Their Work. lourn. Facts About . Wgr,
Brie, Pa.. Feb. jo.—Body gn&tchia "'The great .twilight zone of Modern
X164 ft" LAAO�s* the 4nd.sowe DO YOU Want to W a 14W real thrill% . 9
* ,
I and Clev"Or YoUng Prima 404DO of the Of POrlotlsw? asks The Tororft $tar that May equal the daring gravo civj1iz4tI*n I$ the international 4rea,
I - "004t perf�vmauce of nhe ChImes, of Weekl,y.. It .you gboule who stiiied %ho country more
� ,0, " V � doi never mind read. than a quarter of a centnky ago, and there should be such a meeting
XQ1!MAndV hick ,Was presented by in# About the �weotora wheat crop or when ofnational mind# as would make law,.
The WiAWP09 Amateur Operatic Co. thf� vast amount of building Canada. the body of A. T. Stewart, New York'a I
"A the ,Earl Urer Magical, I . Pioneer merchantb was stolen, 604 le"n between two n4tiious As (lit.
go Trophy oon , . , and I)raing. is going to do this Lear. Pon't bother �tirred this section * aoulmad reprehensive AS erl '
tests, held in Winuipeg, , I Peasylvania in Me
44 41 her very early twentieB. She is ,about W91-0hiug a military parade. against IL State. The International
� a real- Wasterta 0suadi just, for a ,change, take 4 walk, with. indignation at its ,darin U nothing area must be civilized.o
,an girl. has since tho a I ping Th4t - !a the . vigorous st4tewetlt
been born InVinuipeg. ja having out any band playing, to .Elizabeth e,U5 tiona kidnap '
� , , Which oovuri�4 in'tb4a vicluty , a few, made by Dr. James A. U
. . eT latbo�* Street School, !a the heart of Torout.olii years a nald. of
the late J, P. Loa4ers. was a, very ,go, . acdo,
: well-krwwn railroad M foreign warter. A Star' Weekly m Toronto. Canada or of 'The Globe,
. . , in. . An, ,, edit
'00s' when quite, youiig.,developed piloted %Y ge The mausoleum of One of the most
� R �, rilal, ,kind4 Inspector . director In the World Peace FQunda,
' ,
11, 4' OtrOul I ,Chapman, took a walk there one day prominent families of this Section Ot , tion. established bY Edward Gina, ,of
,f toPrAria Voice and much bls� , the state was �
trionic Jtbility and was ;frequently seen last week, and hae 'been . desecrated wmetiwo, . 1�oston,
. I , . , feellog very vetvve,en MO I And it was utt4pred during a
and heard in, Harvest Home and oth- proud of his Cgnadianism ever since. temoon, 'A u4aY and Wednesday At. 'discussion of the Propo,
- We have A big! problemon our bAndi v .
, IS. some five seasons , sult ,Of the 14mi of the late, -
er similar lestiva WY !a missing from treaty between the United Statqs,
. , the -sed arbitration
ago sue sang"the d4calt role of 4,os- here in educating the. children of t4o gre Con' : Great Britain and France. Dr. Mae -
.f ,I Joreigners who, Are Swarming BSMAXL William It. Scott. The, police donald thinks the submission of the
'.1 oPhine. itt ViQatore. storing .% sue. into the of neighboring cities and. COMMU41
� Two Yoars. later she Appeared city,, alld it is being hAndled la It W47
tess. I , " : treatly particularly' timely, since this
. 1" , 0 . tie" within 4W miloa have been riotl- �, ,
: I . SorPOI%to?' with. the Winnipeg, Which shows that Canada !a a chip fled of tbe#crinie. month marks the 10.0th (inniversary
4� Amateur Operatic Society, 'in .94 ,o,, tile old, British block when At comes
Chi . - . � The Tbo,discovery was made by two we. of the outbrotik. of the wa
. , r of 1812.
1 . � Mae* of Normandy," when her sue- to , making citizens Oat Of doubtful men walkiQg through $he Evie Come, Two years- hence the centennial ' f
,, I 00# AmQu4ted to A. veritable triumph. Material, lery The foinily was immediA Peace between the two countries W4011
,�, , : , ft4itly after, th.q same amb! There is no ceremony at ]�!Iizab noti tely" be celebrated. � I
. . I . , etti hed, and, a watch was placed in $$ .
�VX-41QZAPAU Put on "The Go.utdio'luioros,p; Street School—no scientific educatiott. th 'daikht after all
, -1 I . 0 conletery' At ma Do you thirik so long a period of
. . in, Which Visa Lau4ers played "Glan. Al 9411s. The pupils are All foreigners assurances were e. t international amity would � have been
I , - , �
- . ' otta," agaip. I _ Mad. bat the miae. ' 'nued Dr. Macdonald,
, . I demonstrating her Ability the rawest of .raw material. Nearly ing body was not in the vicinity. . ; possible." contl �
' . to both sing and net prima donna all Of them are Hebrews. They have' Details of Brie police kept watch ;'bad the 4000 Miles of Canadian
L � .
i i0l'08, The4611oiring eessoix ','The Ser. to be.taught, English, And the first at t,be tomb 4- I rontier br . i I stled with fortifications
, I . . , uring the Ailkht,to greet
, .. IM04" wa% produced by this aspiring, - I . natehers Should they returm,
, I I . company. a . Principles of Canadian, citizenship. the bo4y-s and the Great Lakes been patrolled
I I . . . , - �Ad Miss Laiitd,prs Appeared A44 lit the teaching, sense a.6nd c4r. The only dis with battles,hips of the two natio
I I it ,
. . 'Yvo I . urb4nce, they met was us?
� .48 - rine," once more making an Valmitanee g,147 afar more im rtaut from neWSP � � -
�.A- � - 'She. was co4c , r "The burden of Armaments caused
I �- � � excellent impreasion, , -aPer men early iti the
. , h� part.thart t e School system. rules . morning, who were. ordeted from the b
I �� .. ed, in these three, roles by Mrs. 0, and regulations w I . % the old uncivilized Metbo4 of
, � P. � hich govern the cometery at the poi4t of revolvers. tling differences betwo�n nations
,,;, - ' Walker. at has
I � I i , tage dir4treaa of the Win. schools interfere with getting down to While the police have b�n inform. become simply, intolerable, This
. I I ' '
I I . : n .g Amateur OperAti�,(C I brags tacks at Elizabeth Street Soho to of revenue i6 one Of the great�
.. ! - I , 1pe , Q. � .ol. ed of, the grA n name is was
. Her XuArMa ability, hArOsome' lace so, MucI4 the. w r '
. . � o Be for them—they are Attached to the missing body Of theru.' est obstacles in the way -01 large
. . I 140 'figure and geneial ' discarded. And Inspector, 1. ., 6oe al, reforms, There Is necessarily
"., .. I I . Personal mag- Board of The first information to the public I
. Metisin fit heradmirOly for a career Saucation, and -all others, interested . come from the. . a limitation in the amount of money
I I I on the, prokpasional , family, but. again no .
I I I ,. stage, and phe has encourage And applaud what is done, .name is giv I that can be n
I I . already been the reci � ., � _ . ea. it is known, however, pplied to internal im.
I I , 11 . gle4t of several T1xis is not to say that thp. famous that the body taken by the ghouls is Prevenient% when a nation like, Great
1 4, v enticing, offers. Whet er or I Britain spends. $350,0 -ear o - i
, saw YO �. 110,t this Ward school, is run in any did way. 'that of ]Kra. McCollum; a aieter,in. ,00.000 a y
, I 409 womanvill devote her- Discipline could not be, more perfect. law of the I te Mr*.' Scott. .The police her wiir budget. I . , . n,
IV . talents to the Stage, is und. Wed,, But the school is in a, class by itself believe theabody is being 'held for "The warfare against. ignoran&
, . ec
, I
I but there !a a rumor to the effect , -that's ill. L . ,
.. I 'th � . raAsom, and that the vandals Aisq in- and crime, and to advance the cause .
; . . I at A certain prominent pr6alleor of , The inspector took the visitor into ... tQuded to carry away the bodies of of civilization, and enlightenment and
I , I I Musical comedy may -secure her set, the prineipal's room. Miss H4w and the millionaire and h . is w . ife. .. � human welfare, - requires as Much
1 , v4cei for next ioag6n. She is a
I I I Bach 4 her 85$ISt8At Wore hard at wo-k with luvestiiatioll. AhoWed that 'the cas- .courage and, self-sacrifice as are need.
-1111�, I I r ' L L
� I , , We" favorite, however, with 'the the raw material. Miss How is -one ket containing-1he body of Mrs, Me. ed on the battlefield. Canada can.
L ' L , ' ytting Set in Winuipeg,'that even the - -bad been carried away, The not a#ord the cost of war, I do. -not
, '. � L ;IV:ago4derful women of this city. Collum,
, ,glamor of the stage may not win ber b r is almost white, but looking .caskets are Sealed in a wall and a mean so much
I from lie L the mone7 cost as the*
. r friends and adMiTers, of the � I I
I � I I .. into her kindly blue eyes, which are - CWSol had been used in breaking the cost in men. We need all the brain,
.1, ,. , . West. - � . L as brigh . t as 4 giTI'SL,on6 could not be. seals, Wore the meW- io box . could and brawn, the courage � &-td -p
I .1 L I � of Mrs. C. P, Walker, stage directress lieve that She - has been a teacher for be carried away. This easkot, was the tism of 6ur people for* the Ad& and
I .
, ,L, . '. the Winnipeg Amateur Opiratle thirtyrsix years. Physi�ally. rather first on .the. lower tier' at the 'north. Shops and to carry .on the work of
� I 11. Co., waq, formerly a prominent prima large, com� * -side ,of the Mausoleum, -and directly goVernment, ..
I � I . d , , L oeed ,
. , , �
I .4. and will doubtless'be remem- With. immense funds of resourcefulneZ * I , .
- �, , . onn , . , and yet very alert
, . bered ,by - a th; - "The -same, qualities 'of unselfish�
N, ". I many theatre -goers of Can- and sympathy,. she _' L -ness and sacrifIce.that are drawn- out
, ' ' ads. as before she left the st.a . , Seems fitted* to . Mrs:
ge, some . guide and brighten. a whole cowman- bujIt- and. stimulated by war are needed in
: �' . fifteen Yeari� Ago. she toured as the ity. I 1. . . guo�� . .. the fight against the foes . 4 honest
�� I .1 . star in many pTomitiont, productions, Half a dozen '*L�enies` - Jewish . I .,
.LL I I !?Or twelve years or more I . . I pornmercial and industrial 1fe, the -
�. She has children, fresh from Europe --were be. �
I 11 . 4een a resident of Winnipeg, devot, . . � � 4. R. STRATTO NOW. , . grea ' t organized and leagued forces of :
L � ing exai .. . "
; �, �. , 1 9 her time and attention to doing L mined. Sorne'Of them bad al. - — .. L '' - greed. The 'L very tevm. "baptain of
" . . I
�i:� , I .
. ��L�, , I press work for her husband's . ready picked up a word or two 6f Former Ainiiter Summoned In the - industry'. is taken from, the military
. -
, t . -, C; lexicon, and., porha�s uniconsciousI
I I t tres- Walker. in Winnipeg; - English, but another pupil had, to b' .
L I . � e Farrn6ft' Bank ,%as. .� .. Y
, I I 11 :: . th etrO litau, in Grand Forks, called as art interpreter before iteQuid I Toronto, Feb. 10,_�_H�U.' J, R, Strat� � reveals the belia'that many of obr
.1 L " , , be learned where the ,children ,came greatest &rpomtlons are organized to
:: L ' ; d Fargo Opera Uousei - '1 . . 16n, JAI,oral , mernber for West Peter.
I I ; ,,.; I 14? rgo. e is also part O rom evex.t. . -Provincial Secretary un- defeat the interests of the people and
I '.. L , I . . . wner of "H boro, former
. " � Town T to prevail at. the expe4'se of o-ur pub.
, 1�� ,- a bright so, to Ow On earth' do you begin to der the Ros qoverawent, and presi.. ' I . L
.., . ciety, music and ach themr, inqui ad the visitor. A .dent ,Of the a
� , . , I . . OTria0r8n.a. weekly, . a . lie welfare.. . .
I ; '11�. . in ep�rt ' Trusts.& Guarantee Co.'..
I I . Which she has for years written "The' 4 tratio wis.given. . was laStnight served -With summonses "One 61 the thin;e1hat has haunt.
, I a is t?. . . -
,. Matinee Girl" letters. . as?" -asked the Assistant calling'upon biML.to.appear in Police ed!mo, especially since I wasin Eng,
L ,
I � - . Mrs. Walker is honorary presi teagher; touching a child'S I thin. , I I . land last,.. is the reaction of war on .
.1 '.., Of the Canadian Women's Priss'' e new Pupil Was M The Court d Week from to-day,'td lace a the life of the people. .What was true
� I . Club;. ode to repeat the charge of conspiring with the. p i .
L , F .rovi-
. f. president of the woMen,s committee word,.. Then the terms for -nose . uional directors, Travers, Xeebit� of Rome .under the Caesars and of .
�, , I of the Winnipeg Humane Society; " I .. � ro the certificate of the
. " kniff .... .. lork)" etc., were given. - ' - ,Abers,.to Seen And France fo1IOWIng.Lth6 Xapoleonic-W�rs-
I , , "I Vice -President of the Winnipeg San � To the newspaperman it seemed Treasury Board by fraud' and on S lis,true to-4ay. The standard'.of the.
,.1 11 . . shine Society; -and I$ Also on the board' a task like that of teaching,tricks to furthei -charge that he a;;�Ptod. as .. nation's manhood has 6uffered. In
, . � - `
I , . of the Winnipeg Children,s Hospital. dumb animals. He said so I. . Scotland I found it had been hecee� L. _
I .1 . � . . . . . ,Fled e thenotes of the bank; contrary
� "'They o t? -of the Bank Act. , S,
�, I L I .. I . ' '110h, no," laughed Miss*,kow. - 0 * provisions � kry to lower the physical require.
I' I L. I., Almonte's Heroine. . � leam the language very quickly.No,nb . The fillormation wailiiW by Inspec-'. 'w6ats three times within the last
. , I!, a . The town of Almonte,'Ont., recently of us here.know Yiddish, afidwe don't tor of Detectives Dutein, before Xag-. century to secure 'men to complete
1�� I . had a very costly fir%.: and incidental. try . to. teach them by conventional istrato , Denison, at'the hearing of the' the regiments. ' , 1. I
,� '. ,�, 1Y discovered that it has a -heroine. 1(,nguige. lessons. We i , case against the provisional directors, : ,,In- war -the'law of tvolution-the I
�:: '. , th L t . ust encou,rage ' L I 'survival of the Attest --works, iriverse.
O�m T
I,t�u t who 'were again �r
L I Miss Eva Denault, night ,Operator in is �tl�t� it up. Our worst troukle emanded 'upon the ly. It is the Attest whd. are -sacrificed
I �L �), , the Bell Telephone Company's office. o conspiracy, charge, in Which Mr. Strat- - 0 'L t a
I Showed fistrain of pluck similar to' 'joined with them and with
I -of English their homes. On the ton is iiow and.'who 'd no Urvive. The, unjust
I I I I that of the engineer -who sticks to his :other hand, however, when they do, Clark Hamilton 'Smith, secretary of land laws of Griat Britain sent many
, engine �when to stick means danger. of learn a little - they 'speak . fairly well the pro-�Islonal -board, .J.. J. Warren, of her most ambitious soriv over the
, , � � 4eath. and to that of the captain Who. having only the teachers to imitate.1i, general manager of - the Trusts 1'. seas, and formod one -of the big fac. C
I �, stays with bis sinking ship. � . : I . . . .. . Guarantee Co., and,,Dr. Beattie Nes. tOrs- in, the Social degeneration - of .0
tans' President. I bitt. The three last named were ab. the country, 'A more important -fa6- a
�. , Miss Denault was wakened by the I � . Libran , I I . � .
I llawes# and Although the. room she was . sent. - .. . tor, however, vas the loss of. -ca .
� , * full of smoke she did . Mr. .tawrence Johnston. -Burpo6. � Mr. Stratton 'said yesterday after. and virile men the .
was n't lose - F.R.G,, elected' President of the On. I . � to pa"'; ,
, 11 in I slain I on. Id o
. her bead;'she, ga noon " I have been in Toronto all battle." . � . 5
''. ve the alarm before , .. , :;1',.---,.-. . - , .
I trying taiiO librarians for the coming year. day, but I have not yet received the . I PAg-SED IN 00111111CItTE15.' . v
11 I I to save herself. is,. perhaps, ju,tt as well known. to summons., which I believe I .
'i4 1. 4"�k'Zsa Denault's. own account of 'he , is,out. Per. I , . .. ..
L , . - '. I , . r, Canadians .as an autho. as. he:ig as . .� , . t
I I experience,,as given to a reports i . . sonally, I had nothing to do with'the McColl Bill. Gelts .a&* .Five 1,
Of, a-librariain. . � ,. . 1. � . I , . ity. of
. I .
, I � The Ottawa Joiintal, is interesting.. . I The new p , re6ident-was born in 1873 'Farmers' Bank, the Trust oompany.of. .. �. . I I voll� , , . , . . � � a
I . .. � .
, , i- "I � was sleeping on, the bed that, is i Hajif 'Which I am president `bad - dealings - Washington Feb. 1&--�-Tbe,,Cana&,An I
I I I 1� provided $or us. as we are not often n ax,. X4., the.birthplace of with tho. bank throui.h .its *fficers, .1, . . ,. , .. I �
� ,
�,� 1, very,busy. at night,', so many prominimt -Canadians. He and At .the first opportunity 'those reciprocity agx-OOD30rit , was- reported -
I she said. "The. is the s6n of Rev. Canon .Rahnington. things :will be fully. - explained. The lavorably, 12 to 7,� to -the Iffouse, go , :
�, I", fare Must have been burning for quite Mr., 'Buipee �Odeupied' the position Of general managei, Mi. Warren, left a Saturday .
� � I I a time in the - upper story, but I was I I by ilie:00immiuse.on ways I
��,, � ". . tary ofMinister of Jug- fortnight - ago 'for . British Columbia and means; , -. . . . I . .
��,,�, , I awakened at last by the bursting in Private secre . I . .
� I :tlee under two Dominion Adwinistr�-' on impoiknt* business previously ar- The commiue�.adqpbo& an 'amerid- -I
�. of the window panes caused by the tionet, and .&fterwards accep . ment prop 0
;��"` .. -heat outside. I jumped up and found' ted the ranged, - As far as we -can learn, he is - osed by Mi. Mann of 1114- -
11 the room full of smoke. . It L Was af- librarianship, of the. .Ottawa Public 'now in the Okanitgixi Valley, but I noia� providing that vood. -.Produced in t
� � , " ". , :., . most , Bible to breathe, but I man- Library. - .. I expect be will' arrange to return'to Canada maybe broq:ht into tho-Uni.t. 8
,"I, aged Others of. his books familiar to the ed -States free,. And,Lih'aj products -of, t<
L" 1. � InIgpeoracross the room to the tele. . reading pitblic are, Toronto immediately, and the anthori.. wood ai specified- in .the bill, up to
, � ��!� I phone. I called up the Town Hallund - "Canada Life in ties her,& have ,been. sa:tisfied in this _ �c
�.`L ", gave the alarm. I had Town and Country"; '.'Flow rs from a �!-espect." . . ,� I valQ1,on of 4,6euts a po;und, Way, 60 re
. .�r .. I I . . I . �
, I .
.��.Ii.. speak on the telephone, anot t'me to Canadian Garden" - "A Lit " --- — . brought in free. . al
nd did not I tle Book -of � I I .
� .
-".�;�. even have time to get MY watch, or Canadian Essays," and "By Cana. .1 . . . final vote :to
. r - I The eommitwe in its
��- , . . I , RYAN PASSES AWAY: .
-11 �� ,9'� 'Nhe books. than Streams." ' � I . . I report the bill stood, For -Payne . &
..., , However I don't mind .. — . I '
.. . (New. York), McCall (Xasa.)� Hill
t. t.- I W48 glad e�;agh to -get out ' Mr. Burpee i's a staunch advocate NrchbivSop Wes Afte� Plucky Struggle . (Coon.), Boutell . (M.s.), Needhan 091
.. " of a national library for Canada, and . .
1A, 1 he has the Wal.), Longworth (Ohio)
." I. - �. "i *sm*ke was so thick it was reputation of'getting what Phiiadolplija, Feb. 13 The :gallaitt'. cans; Clark,(Mo.), Un Republi ir
1. ,
, absolutely impossible to see, and I he wants When he wants it. - He h . . derwood (AltL): oi
. �
'. 1:. , I
." � ,1L , � AS -truggle of, Archbishop P. J. 'Ryan for N
� " was seared it would smother me, it extensive plans for the coming year POU (N.C.), Randell (Tlaxas), He--
: .. . . 'ife has failed. . The venerable prelate . si '(X..y
'n" se,emed to take me a long.time to,get as .President ,of - the Ontario Librar. , On - -),and Brantley .(64.) Demo. so
I � 6� 'Roman Catholic diocese of crate -12. in
X', '. to . b an- Philedo'Phia-passed -away'. 'at the Againstm-Daizell -(Pepm al al
along the hall and down the.stairs long, and he expocte to have thl V th
V,,�`t, the street. As I lat the building 1 rival convention of' the American I a.), - 0 der,'
' '
. ". saw only' one man on . "troh * i ;scopal residence at 4.08 o'clock head (Kans.),. � Fordney (Mich.), th
f u jay afternoon, After an illn4tss, Gaines. (W. Va.), Dw! t (N.Y.) * El� to
� �,
�':, " 4' 1 the Street,' j*0 I Library' *Association, the father o gat 1%
. I
. �` , - " � . -guess my alarm was the first in." them all, meet -in 'Ottawa in June' of , gh
:� - . .hat Acame serious nearly two weeks lie (Oregon), R,apubiica a �d ' to
'El� 1912 if all goes well. This as -so' ' . n A tr Us-
,� — : tioW cia- Izo . . Q
�� I � .
,�, On the Wrong Side.' . is an international .body, al.. ' ' 10 ... � r . sard, (La.) Dow��sts,-I.' �. . W
6 . . Weeping relativae and Priests Sur, ' Acting Chairman McCall wae auth. da
,� � �: I -though - it is 001hpose4l'. chiefly ,of rounded the bed When the famous orized to-make.the r , Drt, hnwodlaWly th
� . T
!,�,;,. Dr. R. Norman Stewart, who has United States librarians d - 't�g con- Phurch leade breathed -his !sit, They and bring it up in a th
I ,
-J an
, : 1. spent four years on the Royal Nation- ventions, uspally bring together at r most feasible
,i . al Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen I had been litatily subimoned, when the ' gnd expeditious 'way. It is probi
,., It' least six 'hundred library Men, be. p - I able,
, ,
it 01,�� � Labrador, tells a good story of the sides publishers. . . atient's heart began to fail at 11 ' that a:rule ' a
�� �i I. � -importance and intelligence Of it . . will'be r,o rted from tho P
self' _ . 'ellnek The physicians knew: that rules committee limiting debate - and .. ag
t�� . . . 1. a . ,4*
. I
� 4,J 1 .
. ,� dog. Traveling is more often than . .. death was near and
, �
. ,
,�; , r . a . oe" Flussell't Crony., ' thelast rites for Preventing the adoption.. of. ametid. Pal
,,� . . not tedious business in those re- the'aYing- ivere idniinistered, ments, although as a 'measure Of the . di
, I
�,,-11�1 � �- g,ons. . Glen Campbell and Torn Wallace � In the words of one of the -attend- highest privilege a rale is' UUWCeS- .
�,.,�, . On one Occasiou it took the.driVer are not the only inseparable cronies ing 'physicians, the aged, 'prelate's sary� Tfie present expectatIcA is that .
01� of the dog team and Dr. Stewart three that Parliamentary life has created. heart had "practically Worn. out,)$ the bill will be oortsidefed by the
. ."'! days to cover sixty miles. During The Opposition benches show an -other, An indefatigable worker, he nevet Housei early next week. All reference cia
lh� I
;�, I 0
1,� , !- the journey Dr. Stewart was separat And no loss strong, .e4ample in the-' had
.. ,spared himsoll,,and tbe.illness- t4 wood pulp and pal.r was first tak. ,na
', - I ed from his driver, and in making 1; r�ciprocai affection 'of Joe Russell of that prostrated, him shortly after en out of the MoCall ill and tombin. h4
� short cut he Plowed through * � last Toronto, and A." 13. Crosby, of Christmas was the result of over-exer- od ift the ,following- , - . tio
i,.�' . , I a tract L I . I
1�1�. . of soft'snow knee deep. Next morn. . llalifax., Early in their respective ea. tion. , From the first his attendants "Pulp Of -wood ih�oahanically ground, dia
, , I � % ing the snow had disappeared, reveal.
, . � 11. reers these two discovered that they. recognized that thogrivest danger lay Pulp of wood chemically bleached or Ot
e. .1 . .1.. ing a lake fifteen fathoms deep. were going to be pals, and they are in the probability of heart failure_., Unbleached,.news print Paper and oth. I -to
." � I � I.. In r the following year Dr. Grenfo'll suree than ever of it now. . and stimulants to keep that organ, Ir Paper and paper board minufactlin � Ha
� , d ' 'tho, same journey Wiw Dr. When "Joe" and "Adam" got to. r 8 ed from Mechanical WOOd-pulp or from .the
. .0 " .-ktrOnglve e almo t constantly admin. o
� , � 40W.11f,"Irt's leading dog.at the head of gether inn room 89, which is to say, istered. . . � .
Conservative beadquartens,. ()tie thing ' Had Archbishop Ryan lived until .Pulp is tho'component Mat4rial of , tiO
. , the team. The distance was cove OhOtnical Wood Pulp -or'of which guch a
11, I red .
. i I chief value, colored I
in 10 1-2 hours, and only once did the is. sure to happen sooner or later; the 20th of this month he would havo in the pulp Of tot toy
�',,�.' leading dog make a mistake in the there Is bound to be music. CroEiby is b.k%n, 80 Years old. . I . oolorod, and valued at no More than por
I" � � route -which he was following foroniv a phenomenal perforiner.. on a tin I ,Thn funeral will be held on Tbure, four cents Per pouid, notAncluding tee
.. I the second -titne-he passed h
I I I on th� w istle, and what Joe can't do with dAY and -it is. expected to bo� attended - printed or decorated wall paper, being tra
,. , wrong side of a tree; but drew up, a mouth organ and a banjo isn't worth by practically all the prominent clergy tbo .�roduots of Canada, when import. M6
IV I I and, turning the pack, went round by doing. -Toronto Star Weekly, � In, the American hierarchy who can ed therefrom directly into the 'United toy
. .1 I. :. the right side. I . -11 ------ �— reach Philadelphia in time. The body States, sha,11 be, Adanitted free bf duty -L
. - , 1. I . Military Postdi Corps. . . Ontario Leads, I will lie in state ht'the cathedral and on the condition, precedent that no,
I "I IQ: the Summary of marine tonliage 'ill be entombed back of the Altar of export duty, export litenso, fee 4)r
. ,ette the other day an. for each ,of the provinces, Ontaijo the great church, beside. those ot other exportcharge Of any kind what. I
.. . A militia gaz
. .� pounce the formation of a body t, leads with over 200,000 tons, Quebec Bishop Egin, Bishop, C*nwell and $*ever (whether in the form. of �addi. pro
O', be known as the Canadian postal comes second witli.175,000 -tons, Nova Archbishop Wood, wlio veto )tie pro. tional charge or lidowe, fee or other. 13, �
. J � 1. I Corps to provi& fat the military pbs, Scotia third with 160,000 tons -it grk,4 t decog9bro in the dioees*. This was his wise) or Any �,rohibfflon or restriction gre
�, , "., tal service Of the Militia At camp and -differeneo from 1881 wilen sb6,114(l 65j,. Wish. � . in any way of the exportatigo (Whe- vie
. in the field. The adminigtr&tive con. 911. British ColuMbia, hag 92,4 a t, ns Until Archbishop Ryan'$ sneet,agor ther by 1sw o ol
,!, �, . tr6I will be under the director -of trah.4� 61 shl& 4 ) is appo W % T69'alatift, con. fore
: ,�Ino -registered, New' - .itited Rev. Prenderggat, D.D., traetual rtlation, Or otherwise direct. low
, port. There will be 'a base postoflice. wick, 98� tons; 11ru t' " V.G., titular blahop'ol Scillio, and aug- ly or inditdotly) sh&ll have been im. fat
- Princ!o W- ward 1,t.
I with headquarters in Toronto, ,and, a land, 10,154, Manitoba, 5,067; Mary bishop of Philadelpwa becomes posed upon such paper, board, or wood Pigo
I �. � I L detachment iti-edeh Military division, Uq3; Saskateliewati, 2DO, . 1�al'on- administrator of the archdiocese. Pulpo Or the' wood pulp used it tho b-!kI
. . . . ,!!.L��� ,,, , , - "'.., . Patrick Sohn Ryan, was both in 111"UfaOtUiO of -such paper or board."
I Thurles, Courity Tippera,ry, Ireland, The committeo'a action upholds iA I
,� Nickel uttd bismuth both hwoo th4 Mote BUffalO POr Park. Feb. 20, 1834. a
I t4tiliar Piovert � His family was dia- VA eAtiftty the grOOMftt negotiated
Of eXpanding at � cked on to th(y tioguishod In, Irish history, being do. With ICS0441%, but changes, the phrue. Li. . Cey .. become '=1 end Of the evening train arriving at seendod from the O'Ayans, ology of the M-60411 bill, which, Was to r
. , . prince of
. I .11.1., 90ing VF m� StrAthoons, th6 other day, confaine.4 Irdow. 116 came 'to America At the drifted as an administration t��Aauro on
. �.., � Not - gxattly, I the last Outlaws 6f the famous Buffato age of 21, *&,ad became a prot4oego,r At to put thgt agrcowent� into Ue ji I ho
� . It, is remarkably eitsyqot A . Park At WainWtight, Government Cano*161et &fnftiary. shape. I k1a it a
vlotgymali. t6 get I h0tv6us Agent Aoyttte being in thAT90.- A . W11611 the failW health of Arch- �.- -',� ' 1 4 .4 4, of
A 'rer" Of $OriPtut`6 Ptosetit'thet&,aro one thoug I . . . . . . . Mill
I .0 A line lidta, a hyMA hoptlellsly of bison roaming the gr Add head hish6p, Xonriek &man&d & coadjU
.1 est Park, with tor's as4Xl*hce,-Rr*A wa# appollag Ouiber Kind of Pith.
. t*lsted- On 'A' cottifu WAtM 8unday, One hundred e to that. poa vlilo
,&, Cenadift Pastor tame f4 tho con. hived, And [an expected tion In I". SOMO Toronto men ,had g&W
elftloft of his diMblat#6 *jtk the 101. batch of another hundred bablds. %A Jobusty. 18M, be WU appolo*4 laugh over a remark Made b,y& Uiar
" Five hundred tons of "y * a WAI& half
` I . 'I " I
, I
I ,
- ".)
�,�"�, *
ZVIng Startling ,s`nft6aQ00W611t- "W48 SUrned by the .hefd 61 M cono aftb&iv of 8610314% &MI ft Aug. repi 4.1ow days tigo.
`I* U40W worship Mir two frk th winter, and is Of . htighop of I Thd items on the bill of taro inclad.
*st 01
. 0 #. there 04 myon hundred tons Phils"Ail". Zo ed `frif!d hAlibut" And b
. Wie-huodto-d aW 42 -fifth hymn.' on. UM, Thb park * MOV0 =oZy" 1;XX , y
,And only About hal it do*hn livt#h. wej&ws . With lu hay fd Aut. . "Vir litt" fish," sal one.'� th. d
Will bo rjffi&yjf to Is" 4 . 10. 11164. pooka.0,110olio " . Men. �'ttipt hit
Ott *oft OftfAdWitly, *idea*tko to hevd of 1�6" khmsaw. 1
swil,6 al W deolgattou. I "Ithlibut or trifts?" asked the walt. 116ju
I . . I roxs,-�attadian Uoutier. 'then
. * I I
I L' ,A��
. -
1W 11 .. . I - 11-,,!W I—- ' , "��1�4r,,;,,. I '. ' L, � , , 1: 0'-M41W�.r- 1, -1
Iv. �f -w-'N''W , � .. �
i I -�, � � . 'A "
. . �, � . o. 4, . 1, �
f . - I , I . , 7,
4 .
. * .
Oanid*ls Cons
, .us Socomir.0 g plj�W Dispose Is the Orowt That t
knd Harder Job ,Every Year Haunt$ Firs Has �op#n' � " '00
. , . 540MhOlit CAPtat"s. �, a R414110"o, Zn0aw
1� The census now in progress iii, not I Captidu Memius of R.U.S. 'bowin. the Archives, . I �
. merely 4,004n4ag of Moves, in "der 94as Agnes Laut. ju *. recent,art1*1
I that we may , a Anyone tus, i I - L
, cro* about out growth, ion" realized more thit -0
it is a general stock -taking of ()4nads 'Other day that the anxieties of an a The Globe advogaing the erptAblaki*.
emigrant liner. mont Of A national library for Vxn�.i
. and .almost every department of Gov. 4 commander, 110 Rot Oda valled gitention, to we Im.perf"k!
ernmerit, b4ses its work on the reeqlt end' with the safe piloting of k's ship 09114ition. of oar national rtcorcw, bh*
through undreamt of perils, across the ,V
of the labors Of the census Officlals' Western Ocean. , eAtUrOd to say th4t mere aro wor
, ,
the Department of Trade and Corn. I 01
mer0e in particular is very closely. There are three otbings the cow- MateritsI4 for every part,ot U40441Aal
- . w-buder of a passenger liner has .9 histpr UeDeO to be found, A
connected with the consus, per capita , , in they (J111bWra1ufiJei*4g #4
business. o:port, imports consump- wholosOW4 ((read of — fog, Aire and Uluted and arebjvv* of tiie
. disease. The former can b kitatee t4aa there are to
tiou, 4a Must start from it We have bI slowing do e dealt with found in ("'anada, itself, and, almough, .
11 as Yet no well-defined or thoroughly- wn And a frequent Use. .. ,
Organiled hare 0 the.ship's horn, and other precau. perhaps �Uos Laut in What she sA41
. Boa; it is the Abuoppef JtAtIatics' in 044' tIgn$ to Minimize the risk -of accident Oid not do- mul(gent justice W thet,
. msity that such , nd on. no� I
adepartment will soon be under way, through the demon tog, A spleadid work bein; 4rried 'on j�jj'
and,it is easy to see what An import- road Of the seas is tog a* relentlessly present by the Archives J)epsrtweQt.t
Ma wRh as Makin ,e who is fam.1114r W44,
Sat place tile census will have in it. .g the Gult the' At Ottawa, no- on
Stralts of Belle Isle And even i' the facts will question the trath of,t
Engl4nd� Fiance, Germany, giRd to, a - Gull, Q the her otatemeu't , U 4.11 inventory were-, I
lesser degree the United States. all I itself, .
have ,careful compilations of ati Fire is & devastating terrifying taken of toe original materials w
stati 09. . _ .at ex�.
agent, but with a. gooaheitd of steam ist for Uanadja4 hi$tory. most, people
and it You look them ove I ,. Would be S1100jr
find that the census has p _ .ed to t1ndw,hat $nroidsj .
, much to do pumpp and hose in good workin ,
I 9 Or" had been Made 64, them by time goal
, .
With the basis�gf c4loulation� der and the, well drilled shiVe Are neglect. (zaps ex ...
As said before, the cerisus is not brigade mad� compulsory on 411 pas- be hrIdged ,, , Ist which pAq never: - I
merely A couutiui of noses. the enum- I senger carrying liners nowadays a A . re � over; And truth is IQ M4Uy,
orator leaves , at sea is. not so. terrible cases drowned at th
. you purard dry of in. � ,a It, I e bottom of t4o,
Ormat"Du 4bout yourse f, and on the . sensati thing a . I
f � f, ., . reads in cold and Qnal print, well.
accuracy of,what you tell him'depends and has taken, place and been r In the first place,, Canadian bietor7�
to a great degree the accuracy I . ,o ef. has suffered very sever I ely I frow. fire.t
, of the fectively and promptly dealt. with that. Xt Is now almost certain that tit '
vitally important census figures, the passengers have, been in ignorance I .e 01-�
Take Schedule T., for instance, Here of its presence. I floial records of the colony of Xe*
are a, , few of the things the census There is one thing every commander Franc$ Up to 1663, the Registers d �v I
. ,
w4nts:W know about you, Yda , of. I'A'Acien Conseil (Regis . a[, , I I
Ossel, large or small, hopes and Council), which won, terA ottlia OAd,
Your' place of habitation, aexr,naelalaev! lawaarvdly prays will *never be: his lot � I d have throwit, :
tionabip to head. of family, -wbetheir to contend with, and that is the grlm� a flood Of light on the'earl'y wokozy�
you are single, Married; widowed, di- spectra disease; and when its presence of Canads had. they' b4n. preservoie',
. I
vorced,, or legally "Para -ed, motit , so. Malignant -a were destroyed in . I
bIr h, . at It of Appears in I � , od. hjd;J�i . tbe fire which coA.
I � I
year of birth,. age at last I � sumed the 14teadAnt'S palitce At Que.,
d . birth. a forra'as the dreaded smallpox, 'he, boo in I . .
ay� ountry or plado of birth if iwrai�. and the company. whose flag. the ship .713� At least, the most clitigenti t
gf ,
rant, year of imMigration, y"r proudly fii�-s, are obje ts of d ep aiia 'Search by virous Canadian sch I I
, I
0 naturalization, nationality, relig. sincere, c e And antiquarians ,has Wied to 0 am .1�
io Sympathy. I rovoa I �
. a. ,occupation or trade. employ. There Are no weapons fashioned to any sign. of their preservation. JztJ
er, employe, or working indopen- I fight this insidious foe, time And isol 1W Another severe loss was suetainedl 1. . "
dent. Of cours . e. & I few lon only chn tell to'what e a' by Oanadian historyWhert tile parlls,�, I
, �e U
, � I
other things Which might have been, . ramifications have extended. xtent its ment buildi ga at Montre4 I I I 111
To be , I wuer .1
included, but they are in the other almost within sight'of Quebec --only burnt to the iground by '
schedules. .1 I . forty miles away -and to be held 1`*enegged .Lord . � the mob thati' I "I (
. A seventy -two-page booklet has, for days, Possibly weeks -is crael N'�p lative Library -Ulgin. The Leji-q-. '
is , � all of -which went U, .
been sued t k I V
o the coMmisSio'ners And 1he severity of which, is accen . in amoko,,matained. many. rare - an . - I
enumerators instru , tuated .41
oting them in, their when it is remembered that it I some uniqiid' editions, ��.
I I . 1.9 Of Cariac'liana , ,
duties. Appareutlyj everything has t1irougli'm fault df'Captain Mendus, and a mass of documents relati FZ1 . 1.,X -
been tihought of,.and the officials have or any relaxatioxi of ' the French. regime, wh�dh. Ag I I
L I the company . ,. beelti
little excuse for mistakes. should stringent hygienic rules of health, oolriel by the lear-ned librarian M,J. . L
.Be occur the ."h es must be that the serious and irksome detention tV I .
'a e
the 14 Fs )a IL �onsiderable part of%G I . I
carefully .returned to V L .A c . I .1 .
. Department has been caused, detention, which collection ca�m never be replaced. Vivo'! . . . 11
. And it the head of the i6rganizatiou however, is vitally necessary, for the � , when the Legisla-1 , I L ,
-r ture It
site Mr. Archibald Blue, LL.D,, uddy safekaurding of Cgitada's health from , years later, in 1854 theref . .
of lace, white of hair, low.a . ad removed to, Quebe ,
nd gentle , art -epidemic of this dread scourge, was another oonfisgratiou I e' ,Par4 I
of voice, the busiest Man In. the Dom* . . I a the :
inion of Canada these days. The ce'111. . I . — . � liament Buildings, and the Le&isla�,� . f I
. * tive library was burned'iL second time.,' , I .
Bus is a hjghly�organized jn4cliino . . An Editoes lrony� * The -loss " this ocoasiou, however�, - .. I.,
. .
with Mr. Blue at the throttle, Ana Time- and time again editom have was naturally not so.greAt . as it had, I . . I �
it works just like a inachine,loo; for taken a. fling at the people who . seerii been in 1849, hi 1892 the libraty of LL L . . ..
weeks and months. ]preparatory, work. to think that fillitig in. editorial chAir UniversityLoU.Toroato waa bumqd; ' .
. JP I
boa been, going steadily on, special of. is A mighty simple, easy matter. - � and last year the, library of the I
I .
ficials hava.covered Canada from one .Probably the best bit of irony on the vincial Lop Pro'. ! 4
islature-of On
Oman to the other, instructing .the .inatter is the following by Bob Low. the e . -
same fate in th fire which de. I �
commissioners, who, in turn, have ery, one,of the'be6f,known liewspa,per- Stroy,ed L the west end L ot, the -Parua-1 ..
called other the -army of enuinera, men in Western Ctanada� . I . ipent -Buildings. In both these casmi . t 1.
tore a to� . .
nd, passed'ori 'the' information. "Every once in a while some cheer. there wer' :a .
hundreds of tons of specially-prepar. ful individual rem Q rare and valuable edit4onsi - . I
. arks to us, 'Well, of books ort.Canadian history that . .
ed schedules and documents have be4n now that the paper is Out, I Suppose I periShod. .The'Archiires of Ontario..iti* .
tamed gut by ' the Printing Bureau, you can takeAt easy for three or four is true, survived, but it would ��
and scattered over the country.. Evor7.-; days.' . Yes, how delightful it is that " have - . L IL '
thing had -got to be ready before time, a cou''Utry editor has ncth,iig�, been no very great loss if. they had, .
� :
. . �
between, ,press days. runs A. good example 'of the - vicissitudes; , ?.
for All calculations and.dita are to tusine to'.do. perished, tO6. . �
be made as- of June let., : i . along L automatically., I I I
1-dourse, 'the mechanical wor . k, ot bill,, come due money drops off th . which many Canadlarta havet . I
. Of . .When ,paper through I
getting into, final, ,shape tho� carloAda* e gone is to be found in the.. histoky .ol,' L 1.
, I
I trees with which to paythem! S,Ob- Thb. Jesuits,- Journal. (1646- �
of -returns that will comoin requires a scribers vie with each L other to see . Th MS8. 1668), . i
. a served by the'Jesuit; .. 1.
-godsend Who can pay the farthest in advance. ' , . 11 L,
b,19'staft. lu the years gone by'the was pre
consas -has - been a L Fathers until after the Conquest; but - .
t& the Advertisers beg for additional .Space.. the abolition of' y .
Politiciaff with control of a .patronage Apd.the way the news hunts uli'the 6A .
ist — for it meant :.the securin t4e in 1773 it disappeared. � It was,
9 of editor is Also. pleasant to 'Oontem- found in 1818 - Cochrane, prj,� . . . . �.
berths- for sco-fes of party Workers. plate. ' - . .�. ... .1 I by Mr. 11
Mat -has been -changed . vate secretary to the governor, Elie - ' -
now., The ' -There is something strange about. John (Jbpe She ' , . .
Amporary clerk -of "ay must -p rbrooke� Mi. Cochrane, - `
As civil* service e see the.waY the news items act. Wh �
xammati*n before' on fO�wd it, together with some waste pa- , 'L
io oau get his Position.. TbLiA .. the paper i*r out Ahe editor simply per, carelessly placed al the bott4m ot I I I
issatisfaction in some.'quart means goes to .his desk -and loans back ''IT' a. cupbderd .(In what bitilding does not s I
6rs, but. his easy chair and looks wise and .
I .gourse, it means. greater efficiency appear), and evidefitly deeigned, soon- . . � .
wafts for next *eek's preseday. The er or' later, to furnish matter to light- � I .
dd more -accuracy. . I .
After the grand totalL . of Canada'$ day bgfore'.preas day the people -line the siove� The MSS. was seen by M. . � .
�OP,Ulfttion is Annotinced .and the. g in front of the. offim. door. and J'acques Vig6r, an early Canadian anti-' - , ..
I on I .
bOT4ting -and fireworks over our, inar they file past the desk and. tell qu rian., Who very carefully copied it; " . I
Felous growth has died away. ther - him all We news of the weq.k.L lie and in 1871 an editiea of The Journ#41 .
ill be an Immense amOunt of. work . up in'-fift6en'or twenty win. was printed by 'the Abb,ej - Laverdi&6! -'. '' . .
a Writes it .
o dok lasting for months and won 4 utes Aakes it back and hanis it on a And Casgralh. from M. Viger's copy.f' . . � I .
Be . s �.tacula:r, . but equally . v the- hoo�i' The compositors take the copy Nearly'all the* edition, ..however, -'was(
I ala I . .
L . .
. . .
... I L. Aestroyed by -a fire iii.the p mists *ot .
ble. - - I .. .- L mand Shake it over the type cams, Bay LL
I L . . .1 L 'L 'Mystic worft, the t�pe flieSL re ." .. .
. . . . . I . . a few L -the publisher' at Ottawa,' and a copy oi
I . . into Place, and after a.few passes by The Journal is theref � I
L 0ivie'Rule by Newspapers. . the ,Orewa L n -the -to I rins are ready for ,q.'rd to -day ex-� ,, - � .1 I I
Newspapers have.t6me to Play Z the pre-�s again. And the editor ' Ceedingly rare. -, . . .. ., . . L L
4�0 . , . goes The. Archives Department -at Ot- . I
"'AIA)"umD ParT, 111 civic govern- down and depodits some more 'taws, Nhi6h'deserves the gratiiude ov - . I
Ile . It I . money . . : , 1*1
nt. The newspapers voice public- in tbe bank a the -greatest snap e ..
leas and .public oriticiams and the doscholar and e Y Canadian;` ..
,hvery I . vgr . .. ..
!vie ruler -,WhOL in the citalogue....No*,-if the editor as ne a great deal,,to retri . .. ... 11
. lives by votes looks could only do away with -pre I eve O�;,' . I .
) them -for guidane � e and direeti6n. . as, I day losses. But doubtless there are Stilt . . L
' , I
owetim6s-the newspapers get dieta- his job would be complete. .. discoveries that remain -to be . made." L . * .
rial and force policies on. We city . . . I .In the 'most unlikely corners will be,
'Is whicfi the . 9 ..
ounca . y would otherwise Mi h - tly, Mbiej. � . found lost and forgotten manuscript& - �
fuse to accept. This has its dangpra A prominent '.Toronto- firm has : re. which will thr ow new lighi '.011 our..* I .
will. as its benefits. . .. . celved the, toll , communication, Past- . ' . . . I ..
The power of the'dity new . spaper has - from a French Owin which is ,evident- I � . .1 . I .. I . . . . . I . - ;�
firm!, .. . I
en well, illustrated by events in'Re- .ly dealing in stamps: . I. . I " - 0 0 . I . . I . I
n Some time,ago th6 civic rulers � "A 'great many People have post � . I Canadian Nationality. - I ..
It, age 'President F . . I I
gins decided to exclude the press stamps who sleep in their archives; , alconer. of the Univers- . L
6M council and.committee mo6ting5, in,old correspondences or; have the ity,of Toronto, made a rather strik, mg ,
c 8 would . - - in their unark iii a recent Biddress to the W6- . , - -
the ground that eivi ruler I essiness to obtain ,stamps ,r9 , .
more likely, to talk more ,6ense, and r.elations. . . . tnan 8 Caaadian.,Club, Of Winnipeg. � L '
deliberated e i . I .
t more wisely, I$. they "Th MAISON M— solic t Ofter.3 "Oanadialk. individuality as 'such ' "
rilvate. The news�apers .objected , from every .,person who bavd stamps d h 11 the idea of a CanaZn I
. CS�IonL gai Ale .
Ifinally boycotted the council. For � in their POSS . beeause it is the I nwtio'n, � a4endeonoeptions, of & reeenk � . .
ree months they refused to mention Firm who payed the highest the lots, Suddealy Canada and the world I .
� .
e council or committee w6etingi or collections and archives. � 1. '.hft"w� awakened tOL'th,e conviction th " ..
99 . . at -
. publish any iixformation, as to what STAMPS. by 100, 1,000, 10,000 or a Unto the Wolt. ..
as going Oa at the city �hall.' A few more, and ALL TIME CASH. . . . ' le,�s�`!&f Leawnoarldionh.-a-s been added a. . . I . 4
Ys ago, the council. saccumbo& to . "Wheii doing offer, please, give n.ew People that is destined to forge I I .
e pressure and the,doors Were again samples and 'deals.'I Serious� corre. a now link in the' -world's histor . Al, . .
rown. open to thepreas. . . Spondents Tfor, ad . dressing at . . In snalyzing Canada I a natiorth Y � . . . .1,
amps of - ood ther i. .
Iii Montreal, the reform of municim the hews. Issues as.fast .of their ap�- speaker dise6ver6d 'to his audience, '. , "I I .
1 affairs, which occurred over a Year paritiwmi) are* wanted-1rom. all coun- A60 iti suddenness of growth . W" . � I �
0. was alm,oatitntirely I due to news� j.-jes, : . .. . more'L apparent than ,real� Vorcoa I
. .
per suggestion And agitation. -Calla. "The MAISON M—'apply onelsolv were at'work generations ago,". he, ..
an. 0*urler, - - . ot Com ission an Exportatibn,- and said, ".that'inade poslible this thab I I
. . � . . . . in . . .
1. , put herself on the disi)osition of her. has come to Pass. It as as thougl- ' - .
Rideau HalL. '- . . correspondents foe get. to them e . very crust had been formed'over fires" Iti. I . . .
:Udoau'Rall,. soon t4 become the offi- goods, they - COULD WANT -ON THE these fites''molten ideas have been ... L
I residence oA the Duke ,of Con,: PLACE OF �-- PARIS." � Canadian L *Parged and purified, 'Now has .the
L is to 'V . -en and the phenomeri..
ght as Vice 4Utte_ .� . erust been brol L
Y df Canada, .. . . . . . �# on become ma'an, : I L
ve $50,000 spent upon it in prepata.. . I .. I . � � . I . qio- - .
ft for royal ocoupimey. Ma�y Cans. - L L ' I . I . . . . .. . . I I
11 .
us think.it ouglit to be demolished � - .-! ! ! 11 . L 40"ft' I
. ------------ �
ogether, and dignified Government - —-------- MEMn2m— - .
use erected in its Stead. Rideau, .� —1 � .
IL originally a modest mansion on � � , � . .
. outskirts L of Ottawa, has become ' - . .-- . , . I 11. .
curious and unsightly oonglowera. ! . . I
a of buildings, each successiv6 vice, �t —. y .
having Added something in ac. I "- �. ce,��
� . -
dance with Ids own poullAr archi. ! ''L i�,� �,' , I � . . .
tural fancies. ItAs a startling coak. : 11 . . I -� i
� �
r new vice� - . .
g to inhabit. . I , " r-,f-,�� -
St. to the stately dovernment House, ! , , , ,
lbournb, which anothe
, Lord Denman, is goin 0,7� -1
n0on, t,aroniele. . . � I I i
I d`��� I =
I .
About'WIld Pigeons. ' I I I I . 11
A a recent issue of 0o, Chilliwaek � . ` .
gress, says The Vancouver World,' .
selection Of items lrom The Pro. � LIPT01"N'"S. TEA--, ,
as of May. 14, twenty years ago, In I I .
v of the fact that $1,WD is now of. � .
d for a wild pigeon's nest, the f6b ; ,
Ing ating.- "The, L I -4
'Oorp' "' " L �' .
ners are a ,of the WitCtj .
Ong &#=P9�1'at1hrog . .
#* . ,ir new.sown, I
. -1 . .., . . i ! L, I - "'' 'L, . "k. --I L I I 'I"' 1'0'-1L11 , '66
1-111.". , * L ""WW-"W*1 .
. .11 --.Ow . ! I I I I P
061. Worthington Rotifes. . I .
eut.-Col. A. X. Worthington, M.P.� .
the reserve list of 6ffiftr I I
"I with thol .
orarr rank of oolonel.. i � , ENTS .
Sherbrooke, Quo., has bi*Q plaoe&
his is ono� 4'0 10
the highest honors given to Any, *1 . I I
tary mail in Canada, and is a fIt#i I I .
re*&rd for the many de*',- Of, -1 IL . , . .
r performed by Shorbro6ke's eg"; will P 4S *2 a S.0 0
memiet. Tfxero. At* Is" I 611'sy serloption to The
k dozen C-61011#16 in CaxtadL . I - I . A-
L worthingtoo, who ft * *Wgooti, Nenrs- Record, T, o a - in y ado
ftofdmion, Vas I ially umatsolk.
in dmptftchos by Vra Robeft, ift �
setviot* in dtawng " V0046,41 I i Can-e-Lds, to the''
red met% und,or I" In the I ....
t, lit f4bot's pu#% %44 . 11 Jim - ,
I- and of, 19M, 1. -,. I&I'