HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-06-29, Page 4r.
C&Wa N*w*-1t
i+1I" NON jut
!4IYode4oh d#. ownabip.
s tl ldM i{1
liallieiiliN at 13eljrrave is the
Mr+r. Moore of Detroit Is viciting
The hone of Mr. and Mrs, >wI. li�l.1
LAWN WAIST$ 'i rice
but '. it scion, once more •became
1 crib bed • -: - 'worth : 3.15 •i1 2.75
last week. was a most _enjoyable and
guest of tier dau'hter; Mrs. J. 13.
friends fn the viciatty.
,Rev. Mr. Snowden family~ are
Erwin was the scene of a pre:4+,7
we.+ldingi oft W0aosday at.1 o'clock,
Mr. and . Mne. Pepper have+ taken:
Lord Bishop of the Dicicese `held
removing th:s wa >;c dW 4'arna. We
when their daughter, t"laza A.,.
Mies Smith, Toronto, daughter of
Mi+: James Smith, formerly of Chin-
ftp ,heir abode on the groom's : farm,
this township,. and they have , i+he
ger,. The ball was pawed. to himiv, he
in ands shot, 'but too late,
Pink Pills, and this is the best proof
a coallmatioxi service in Sit. JWO'
wish theta success on their new cir- came the "bride of Mr. Eugene A.
Olia of the most painful .duties of
The .convention of l+gegt tlaixan Cott
These two second wade
era scored iii less
Ross made a dive for it at the .1amimI
.,• ,
that they are the one xeaiiedy, to sec-.
cessfully do ?hits. iNr, D. B. McLean,
chuxc3t on Monday; morning, Tin ooii-
Sauder of Berlin. 'The ceremony, was
,the local news apefir is that of chron»:
gorvatives held +in Goderich on Mom-
_ ... .
i� ,
Sterlin N. S. sa s :-- For a coo
g, , y pfd
than Ninth reg price_$875 will accept on : a -
ments of $8:00 per month $22ci don't miss this bargain if
Aregatico, which wag most rrlpresen-
The annual garden party or lawn
p arformed �,y Rev. N. A. Shaw of
icling• from. time to tim�t+ the death of
day was well attrnded, -all patt:i ql .
of •years' I suffered very much frolic
tative entered heartily into the sear•
th i f th
Siloam and was witilossed only by
well-known and esteemed citizens of
the nidi b f u t d
real 6keitemnent existed. Ross was
rive. His Lordshipdelivered a most social' under o ausp ties a e ng a ng r irresen e . Mr.
Sunday school and p pwarth League itiiinediate friends and r+'at vrs, '1'hE fawn or county, and it is with more David Cant3lon of C'li�nt,^ president
PwAtielixl and . in`+ ruetive addrtas of &u Malehodist church, held on Mr. bride was daintily gowuod in white than ordinary regret that Ther News- of the Association presided.
Willob was listeWd to with wrapt at- 011b-r.7idered mull, carried a lovely Record this week makes mention of.
tendon. lieu. E". I;:. Jenkins and Mr- t'eQ. Hollatind� s lawn on Tuer,iay ev- Four nominations were made to
ening, was, as it always is, a cleoid bc'gnet of roses and lilies-of-the-val- tho taking alt of John Wilford, a long cont+est the seat for the Com ms in
Wm, Dunbar assisted his Lordship in ed success. The evening was ideal for : fey and were the grriorcii's gift, a time and highly respected resident of ,wee event of an election being held
the service, which was heartily en- an entertainment of that kind, being band-ome arnethy.•st necklace. The 131rth, which q.00k place at his home: before ,::distribution, viz
joyed by all- line and cool following an oppres- bride was givan away by her father there on Wednesday, of last week.
g R. N. Lewis, G(rderich.
T)te fallowing are among. those from sive+! hot+ day, and, �4ie re- and the young,, people were. Sinattend-' Mr. Ii%lfor.d. way+ a native' of Balton ' Clinton.
this townshipwho attmiled the C"Ott y y' ( David Caiitelon,
sult was a large and good ed [0ounty, having been bo'r'i there fifty-
servative, convention, in Croderich on g Robert s. Ell, Constance.
aa Jared crowd. It is almost , litter the ceremony a sumptuous nine years ago. When he was abouts fit- Rev. Jos. Elliott, Goderich.
Monday : W. Perdue, R. Clulf, J needless to say anythiug about the wedding feast was partaken of and teem years of age his parents moved
;Mose, G. Hudle, G. Cooper, Bort.tea,
y thu bride and groom; were the reel- o Huron County and set'J:eti upon the All four spoke but the last three
tea, as the cullinary skill of the t mentioned retired and on motion, of
Lindsay, Fred. Ford, Ad, Cant,. on, Holmeaville ladles is well known as pients of hearty congratulations. Tho farm now occupied by, Mr. Jos.. Cou1- . ,, ,.
John Cox, Tues. Churchill, Chas. 3s also tiitir generosity. But it' was house was v4ry tastefully, decorated ter, about three m1Tt+a east • of Blyth. Can ; son and I.Uiottt the.nairination
};.,avett, Harry Salkeld•, John Woods. served in their best style and was al• for the occasion. i His fat+ier died in 1882. In 1,883 Mr. of E. X. Lewis was made imani�n
Mr. and Mrs. Sauder went pry auto Wilforkl was ,married to Miss Fliza ous,
together enjoyable, the strawberries Mr. Lewis accepted with thanks and
being good and plentiful. The Clinton : to' Brucefield where they book the Nesbitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs:
Citizen's afternoon trw.n and will visit several veski'tt of Blyth, wino survives him intimated the'+, so, to speak, his coat
Citizens band was in attondancu and +
1 is off until election night, came when
were most generous SSf their riv: polalo on the Amierican side before and one year later owing to tit health. • -, �
• ' g it Svi.l. He gave a brief rosuble of
cellent music. There was a booth on se °ling in their new home in Berlin, he gave up t+he strenuoufl wo* of
the, grounds wl►eae ice cream, candy, whelre the geoom is engaged in the farming and moved into Blyti, where his work in Parliament and shoaled .
t+5,., 'could ha proourtul. The proceeds mercantile busdnessY The bride's gu- he continueld to live until death claim where suggestions of his If -aye been
amounted' to a. snug little. sum,, about Ing away costume was a tailored, wet ed him, acted upon by the -legislation. intent and
of blue witlh hat to match. incorporated into 'egfslation.
$115, which will be divided between Mr. Wilford. was . a man of sterling „
• An adtli,�e� was given b Mr. Blain,.
the two aforementioned branches . of Among tie f.+:ends from. a distance .charaetar and of •a kindly and 1ov- y
who attended the wedding wero : Mr.' able nati.ire, He was a promiiinant M'P'' of Peel, who dealt in a lucid
Vad church and will be, used for manner wile the public questions di,
causes good, and worthy, and Urn Sauder and the ,Misses Saud- Orangiernan and had filled the position
Beautlful Aust er of Berlin, parents and sisters of the day.
of :County Mas•. r and delegate! to file Mr. A. Tt. Mus rove, M.F.P. North
.•rian China with -- tho groom, who came up dna their Grand Lodge, He was a Conservat- g
-colored picture auto, 1 ite in politics and woes keenly unto.+. Huron, dealt with the question of he
Sulixarmerhill. The bride was an exceedingly ;pop estud in public affairs. In religion he G�rQcity. He discusu�d it from the
of King George. ular young lad in Ba firild and she g patriotio standpoint and "in a
a The many friends of 112r. John y m y y was a Methcdist, had been an accept' s';rrimg twenty -minute address show-
t111d Queexl.Ma�'iI will be mach mSssed in church and
John> t+an are sorxlt .iia hear that he able local jlreaoher and always .took ed how it would interfere with the
. ' fund Undli$hCOat r1;i11 continues very low. social circle ,. where she was always an active and �nntelligent interest in
of Arm$. Miss Etta McBr em and tMaster Wil active and a favorit3 with old and arerything per5afntng to the welfare development of Canadian national life.
a young. The gcod' wishes of her of the church and the spread of the A few remarks were also made by
'cur � tSL Saucer 20 to 2ti lie Townshend have .gone to Clinton to numerous friends follow her to hot Mr, Wm. Gannets?L of Goderfch, a
try •their Entrance exams. gospel veteran of many, . a hard fought Vol
Jus 35 new home, where it is Hoped health, Mr. Wilford's las•! illness coirnknen , • ,,
A large number from around here happiness and a fair share of -wealth ,, i.uca: fight in Huron and whose know -
Cream and Sugar 35 pl' cod with a cold Which he con.,acted
�,' took in tliti sports, in Clinton on .;will attend hJrself and.. husband. + ledge of public ques,lons is excelled
e early in the year and under which he
'Plates' 15 20 and _6 Thursday last. The Bayfie?,i Pall Pair will: behold gradually weakenal, in shit+3 of med- by few' ;
M.c Jos. Rapson has disposed of a on Sept, 28th and 29th. feel treatment and careful nursing, Resolvtrona e*pressing confidence in
Bowls 15 p g
tune to have a valuable horse- out, by 'Miss P. Nott of •Clin'.43n attended orifi tihe end came. Leader Borden and the 'Governmeinb
a barb wfro fence last, week. the mar:+:age . of Miss Clara Erwin Deceased ;'.eaves his wife and two of Stir Jawos. Whitney and opposition
Mr. and Mr:+. R, Govier and Miss at Bayfield on Wednesday.. to the Reciprocity Pact we y3 un-
'SUUVEN I. H:SClara Bi gin spent Sunday 'with God- sons Dr. E. C. Wilford, medical
g Miss.- • -Pollock of Goderich unanimously adopted.
erich friands. spent. Sunday at+ her bene' i+i the :missionary in West China and A: H.
A number f• xiii around .hero attend- village. Wilford; who is in business in Wing-
ed .the induction services in Clinibii Mr. Harley Attwood of Rock Is- •ham.
CLINon Sunday night. 'land+ Illinois is the guest aF his par- ' The funeral took place on Friday at- Tuckersmith TOWnship.
Mrs. Geo. Jc s;+qn lies retained , tttrnoonilast and was very largely at- ,
+h ► ants, . Mir, and Mrs. William. On Wednesday evening of last wear
home after spending a few da •s the tended. They services were held .in .
p g 9 M'rs, H. 1Y1cKay and daughter, , the marriage ,took place at. Rosedale
Choice deli n in nest of her brother in Parkhill. �iie Methodist chitroh, which was ,
g g Alma McKay, are visiting. friends in heavily draped,. and were •conducted h'arm�, the home of the brides par-
M:+. and Mrs, J. Freeman of. with lots 1Vimrdsor. " ants, of Miss .Lthel, daughter of Mr.
p ton visited at Mr. J. Johnstone. an by -Rev. Jos., Phitlfps;. an old ,fiiend
are Of � TOW. Mrs: (Dr.) Brown, who was called ' - and, Mrs. W. D., Wil:S3n, to: Mr: Al -
Sunday. home on account of the illness of and pastor who canine up frorli, Essex hart S Pepper The ceremon waI
Half Road -work is the order of 11hp da to be present,. Other ministers- tak- y
y• her mother, Mrs-. Whiddon, since de- , performed on . the • lawn thea bridal
Mr.' and Mrs: L, Carter of town ' ing part were ; Rr�. Mr. Ccloper of '
uu .& Saucer 15 to 20 ceased, left on Tuesday' for her pair. taking 'their , dfro under a M e " T M E . �T
p spent Sunday t:n the vilPage, home at Clinton, Iowa,.. Milvertpn, .a: farmer pastor,. Rai. E. wedding bell suspended from an a:+.h
A, Fear, pastwo of the Methodist
Jugs 15 t0 25 Messrs. Lobb and'Leipor will be on Mrs. (Dr.) Smith'.and Mrs. t✓'. :El- of evergrernn and marguritrs: The
Plates : 1'S z5 to 35 the Base Line on Saturday nein for lio'!t attended the strawbe1717 f0 i;ivall chervil, :Rev. Mx. Parr,,rector; and officia'tin `clew* ` -
g ,yman was Rev. Mr.
Bowls. 50 the purpose+ of ley ting' contracts, under the au:e•fec+a of. Middleton's Bev. J. L. -Small of rho Presbyt.a+ Sewers of Brucofiold. `The bride, who
Bowls. Mrf Jos. Rapson has die osed of a fan. church, Blytb. Tho pallbearers' IRWIN S
p church onit evening; .ast week. was unattended; was given away by
fine horse to Mr. T. Mason, realiz- ware : M'essrs. Jas. G?bson, Wm, Signs
in a handsome fl ere. Bryant,' Wm Newcombe, W her father. Shewas owned very be-
g g Wnt. News ni' comingly in • white 'silk. with a wreath
Mr; Jas. •Lovett is Spending, the . Mcllroy and J.. . Toll. The Orange f ran a blossoms in he hair and
' is "star . Mrs. Goderich Township brethren attended tho funeral
..in la+�e o u g r
coi o'per • summer the guest: of h Si carried a bequet•`of meam .roses.
numbers and it was also largn"jt at- PE O'M E S; • STO R E
Ci. Johnstone. Obituary notice of the late : William. When the cnreni,ony was concladed
' Miss _Ma ie Cox s Unt a'few
days tended byi old frfentls who. were anzti
Maggie p y Cololough on page five. and the newly -wedded pati. had re-
C'Li'NTON' at Springbank wiTt her sister, Mrs. Mr. Jahn T,' Middleton is :e5xpeeted ous to pay a last tribute of respect to coived the can rattilations of those
one whom +i4ie r+had loved in life. In
Sam Daic!SCai: y
back in a few days from a business present, a. dainty and lavish . •wedding
4 tri t+o Colons,+ Sask. tl3rment was. J made. m the .Union feast was served, the tables -being
- p
edmbtery a'J BlyA, where was laid to
Mr. John Cooper has before this laid on the lawn.
........, an r w.w■�ors�t!�!' rest all that was moi a kind
arrived 'in Manitoba wht!,:e he went A .nuzivber of young peeple had been:
' to visit his. two brothers:. here's and faithful. 'husband and .father, a invited and arrived late-+ iii the even -
BIG VALUE . BIG. VALUE' .. worthy, citizen and a. good man.
hoping he. may, have a, pleasant so- Ing and • dancing, was indulged' is until
journ and safe rotuien. -- �--^- a. late hour..
tela, -,has been• enjoying the lioldaps at women also grit employ�m�ent.Qne of bust slit of a: host of .friends 'for
! ;rhe Thomnpson homestead' on the Bay- dao men want. to. Brantford. They their prospeirityt and. happiness.:
VV 4.1.1 f. 6 of H HN I N
Miid Smer S
field Line: came to Goderich by .way of Rnple"y,
Are an Eos Mark.
The Hurons . e r
Littilu Mamie `Smith, 'whose ii£e`wa .have gone all over the store and have laid out
.25 to 50 percent, off - weeks ago after a some Bio• BAimAiNs in nearly: every department.. You
all goods advertised, for the' Brucefield Rowers se secondoperationwas performed on
g know the story about the . Early .Bird. Below is • a
head a the hospital, .is now, .up ist'of
.. every t fully re-
partial .1 some of the rare bargains
Sale Begins 'Wednesday'.; Jul 5th and tnSvn' a i* day, and scums
g y y re -
Told -In in Numerals Brueefleld �4. S)eaforth 0. covered, htr;+ still wears the band a�
Before seven hundred rote:+stud fans lyi in front of the goal; Turner meds round her forehead. 1 slightly used'side board worth $15.00 sale price $10.06
ends July 19th: Teri>Ys, .Cash. as bled together on the • park for it and kicked iy. t■:trough: 1 solid oak. parlor table �• 5.00 2.50
' rounds at Brucefield an Moneta eve Following this the Lasbarners. be "
g Y .. g - -. 1 frincy flower stand .1 .7.50 „ . 4.00
ening, last, the Rovers of that bur; came. a little hostile. The thought'ol Weak Stomachs
completely outclassed the Seaforth :having three goals scored - against. r air, re 2.50 L75
. 1 Ve a doh eh d ,6
Hurons by .,trimming them to the t':iean Ili fifteen minutes was not a Made. Stron I. Verandah rocker, red " 3.75. 11 3.00
We have planned this Mid Summer sale, on a bigger` tune of 4 to A. . pleasure. The thought smack item �.
Thia m is the fittst of the beanie that rehabs' "dirt play" ;.tai ht aid 1 Large ehsy chair upholstered in good velour $1.50 for 5.00
a d broader scale than ever before. We have prepay- gay .� p y y g Throuch Tonic Treatment! with Dr.
• and home games which are omdered::therm to success.. They gave rt • . a 1 3•pfece verandah set;settee, arm chair,•rocker •15.00 11 12.00
ed a list of money saving attractions which should to be played to break the.tie and tiW trial, but to their sorrow W. proved Williams' Pink Pills.
1 fancy roman chair worth 11..60 9,00.
make business keen until the last day of tile:' sale. decide which team . shall' enter tthe a - frazzle, While Aikaahead was drip .
After all has been said about indi-.
i have.a dollar to spend on yr Greeds 1t will, sent -finals, bling the .ball..Haiys dodged under him' 1 rocker early English finish, upholstered seat, r
If yo p y . gestion and a'omach trouble,, t'hPre is .
' At., 1,15. Rotore0,IT. W. Brown of thus tossing the former aver, his' ,.; solid Oak frame o 11
undoubtedly pay you to spend here. Only one way to et the real cul..,. The a w. rth i.00 3.ob
.. .. � Berlin. sounded the whistle; and for shoulder: Mac doub2lerss: thought it o y Y. g ,
The following prices give a. glimpse into the lm- the f ith time this season the two would look better i:f Has hit the stzm(ach must bo. made• strong enough ' '2 Moh. bed -room chairs cafn seats . 4.50 " 3.00
mance o ortunittes this sale offers. + y to 'do its own work.. .I'ndigo3tion dis-
pp brawny teams lined up face to'lace, g: oun:d with hien, the result being 1 fear rattan chair f " :: 11.00 " 7,00
• tiara :when the stomach has been Y..
fin'media•,raly, on the kick off the that he did so. Many other similar app
- Roveirs with the loather in their . os- instances might also be mentioned made strong enough to digest ordivary 1 Worsman-refrigeratorused less than3 mos. 21.06 " 15,00
p plain food. This, �atrength can only
session set at high speed for the did. space, permit. 1 satire kitchen cabinet worth 21.60 11 17.7ir :.
MILLINERY Hurons• goal and on a• pass from. • tho After half-time - both teams began . be given the s�:tamach, through the 2.
Pete. McKenzie tallied . the with renewed tiigor, each bound. : t, tonic tinatment supplihil by, Dr. -Wil- 1 hall mirror, surface:oak,,4 hooks " 5.75 Y• 3.75 '
• ret: overcome fibs 'o'her. The anile tvaa liars Pink Pills, which enrieh the i ,, YY
Your choice of any trimmed hat in sbow room at $1.96x. Any untrim first: g bi d tr th th d 1 babycarr'age, rubber tires, fancy parasol 12,00 8.75
The garden party on. the'lawQi ,.of
Mr. E� Wise on Tumday evening of
The bride and groom. 'caste the 're-
cipients of many !,^.a'ut:Ful gifts from .
oo , s ting ens a nerves an
thus enables the stomach to perforin
Ll� I:
LAWN WAIST$ 'i rice
but '. it scion, once more •became
one-sided. � lifter twenty minuras.
1 crib bed • -: - 'worth : 3.15 •i1 2.75
last week. was a most _enjoyable and
Mr. .Charles Nairn and, tie :town
their friends.
strenuous play Jimmule Love of.the
Hurons for this firab time. of the even-
can fin d peDple who have lyssa cured
1 square piano all reflnished- solid rosewood case as good
tone as a new one full guaranteed worth
succerti affair.
ofiielals succeeded in getting' work at
Mr. and . Mne. Pepper have+ taken:
ing, put , the local goal (,n grave' dan•
of undige�a;ion or athtir stgmach tree
b,as after, a fair use of Dr. Williams'from
at a ,snap
$176, sale price $90 on easy terms -of payment with a .
Mies Smith, Toronto, daughter of
Mi+: James Smith, formerly of Chin-
the Big Mill and other places for the
heads. of families, and ` same . of the.
ftp ,heir abode on the groom's : farm,
this township,. and they have , i+he
ger,. The ball was pawed. to himiv, he
in ands shot, 'but too late,
Pink Pills, and this is the best proof
guarantee to iitke bac at some price on a new piano
inside of three years.
These two second wade
era scored iii less
Ross made a dive for it at the .1amimI
.,• ,
tela, -,has been• enjoying the lioldaps at women also grit employ�m�ent.Qne of bust slit of a: host of .friends 'for
! ;rhe Thomnpson homestead' on the Bay- dao men want. to. Brantford. They their prospeirityt and. happiness.:
VV 4.1.1 f. 6 of H HN I N
Miid Smer S
field Line: came to Goderich by .way of Rnple"y,
Are an Eos Mark.
The Hurons . e r
Littilu Mamie `Smith, 'whose ii£e`wa .have gone all over the store and have laid out
.25 to 50 percent, off - weeks ago after a some Bio• BAimAiNs in nearly: every department.. You
all goods advertised, for the' Brucefield Rowers se secondoperationwas performed on
g know the story about the . Early .Bird. Below is • a
head a the hospital, .is now, .up ist'of
.. every t fully re-
partial .1 some of the rare bargains
Sale Begins 'Wednesday'.; Jul 5th and tnSvn' a i* day, and scums
g y y re -
Told -In in Numerals Brueefleld �4. S)eaforth 0. covered, htr;+ still wears the band a�
Before seven hundred rote:+stud fans lyi in front of the goal; Turner meds round her forehead. 1 slightly used'side board worth $15.00 sale price $10.06
ends July 19th: Teri>Ys, .Cash. as bled together on the • park for it and kicked iy. t■:trough: 1 solid oak. parlor table �• 5.00 2.50
' rounds at Brucefield an Moneta eve Following this the Lasbarners. be "
g Y .. g - -. 1 frincy flower stand .1 .7.50 „ . 4.00
ening, last, the Rovers of that bur; came. a little hostile. The thought'ol Weak Stomachs
completely outclassed the Seaforth :having three goals scored - against. r air, re 2.50 L75
. 1 Ve a doh eh d ,6
Hurons by .,trimming them to the t':iean Ili fifteen minutes was not a Made. Stron I. Verandah rocker, red " 3.75. 11 3.00
We have planned this Mid Summer sale, on a bigger` tune of 4 to A. . pleasure. The thought smack item �.
Thia m is the fittst of the beanie that rehabs' "dirt play" ;.tai ht aid 1 Large ehsy chair upholstered in good velour $1.50 for 5.00
a d broader scale than ever before. We have prepay- gay .� p y y g Throuch Tonic Treatment! with Dr.
• and home games which are omdered::therm to success.. They gave rt • . a 1 3•pfece verandah set;settee, arm chair,•rocker •15.00 11 12.00
ed a list of money saving attractions which should to be played to break the.tie and tiW trial, but to their sorrow W. proved Williams' Pink Pills.
1 fancy roman chair worth 11..60 9,00.
make business keen until the last day of tile:' sale. decide which team . shall' enter tthe a - frazzle, While Aikaahead was drip .
After all has been said about indi-.
i have.a dollar to spend on yr Greeds 1t will, sent -finals, bling the .ball..Haiys dodged under him' 1 rocker early English finish, upholstered seat, r
If yo p y . gestion and a'omach trouble,, t'hPre is .
' At., 1,15. Rotore0,IT. W. Brown of thus tossing the former aver, his' ,.; solid Oak frame o 11
undoubtedly pay you to spend here. Only one way to et the real cul..,. The a w. rth i.00 3.ob
.. .. � Berlin. sounded the whistle; and for shoulder: Mac doub2lerss: thought it o y Y. g ,
The following prices give a. glimpse into the lm- the f ith time this season the two would look better i:f Has hit the stzm(ach must bo. made• strong enough ' '2 Moh. bed -room chairs cafn seats . 4.50 " 3.00
mance o ortunittes this sale offers. + y to 'do its own work.. .I'ndigo3tion dis-
pp brawny teams lined up face to'lace, g: oun:d with hien, the result being 1 fear rattan chair f " :: 11.00 " 7,00
• tiara :when the stomach has been Y..
fin'media•,raly, on the kick off the that he did so. Many other similar app
- Roveirs with the loather in their . os- instances might also be mentioned made strong enough to digest ordivary 1 Worsman-refrigeratorused less than3 mos. 21.06 " 15,00
p plain food. This, �atrength can only
session set at high speed for the did. space, permit. 1 satire kitchen cabinet worth 21.60 11 17.7ir :.
MILLINERY Hurons• goal and on a• pass from. • tho After half-time - both teams began . be given the s�:tamach, through the 2.
Pete. McKenzie tallied . the with renewed tiigor, each bound. : t, tonic tinatment supplihil by, Dr. -Wil- 1 hall mirror, surface:oak,,4 hooks " 5.75 Y• 3.75 '
• ret: overcome fibs 'o'her. The anile tvaa liars Pink Pills, which enrieh the i ,, YY
Your choice of any trimmed hat in sbow room at $1.96x. Any untrim first: g bi d tr th th d 1 babycarr'age, rubber tires, fancy parasol 12,00 8.75
mets hat at 39c.
The ball .was. quickly brought to the
centre. Richardson took figs kick off,
'mm''dwhat bettwo during this half than
the former one. Not suite so. much
oo , s ting ens a nerves an
thus enables the stomach to perforin
1 hall rack, dark wood, large mirror, 2n4 hand 8.00 11 4,00
LAWN WAIST$ 'i rice
but '. it scion, once more •became
one-sided. � lifter twenty minuras.
the duties which nature intended it
should. In .every neighborhood you
1 crib bed • -: - 'worth : 3.15 •i1 2.75
the property of, the Brucefield• eleven.
alnothejr rush was made- and com{bina-
strenuous play Jimmule Love of.the
Hurons for this firab time. of the even-
can fin d peDple who have lyssa cured
1 square piano all reflnished- solid rosewood case as good
tone as a new one full guaranteed worth
Your choice of any Lawn waist in store price.
tion bei'ng', the feature on a N pass
ing, put , the local goal (,n grave' dan•
of undige�a;ion or athtir stgmach tree
b,as after, a fair use of Dr. Williams'from
at a ,snap
$176, sale price $90 on easy terms -of payment with a .
MUST IN;125 2 PRICEnotched
the right wing Mac. Aikenbead
the second.
ger,. The ball was pawed. to himiv, he
in ands shot, 'but too late,
Pink Pills, and this is the best proof
guarantee to iitke bac at some price on a new piano
inside of three years.
These two second wade
era scored iii less
Ross made a dive for it at the .1amimI
.,• ,
that they are the one xeaiiedy, to sec-.
cessfully do ?hits. iNr, D. B. McLean,
1 Upright piano by the Mendelssohn . 1? aro 00 -used less
100 ardsof pretty dress muslin sterns new, neat and attractive
f�ualitp good exactly t price. p '
tha,�n tw'b m'in'utes: Is this not break -I
ing the record Was the like ever
time. T� hit .,ie knee and
bounced out linty the Reid, It came
i� ,
Sterlin N. S. sa s :-- For a coo
g, , y pfd
than Ninth reg price_$875 will accept on : a -
ments of $8:00 per month $22ci don't miss this bargain if
known tin Iilest�trit Ontario before t
back again and for. a minute or x5
of •years' I suffered very much frolic
you want sometbfng 0 Some Ends or Linoliums at a
" special soiled rugs
Can you imagine the hysterical poli-
real 6keitemnent existed. Ross was
indigestion with most of the accom
price. size 8Y
p 3i. yards reg price
$12.50 for $S;OOY
tion of the Eastern as well
pasting it right and left, while Jack
4nying painful symptoms. As a p.•
as fans at this moment Is it an y
Mustard was practically betwedn
suit I beica,rcia very much run down•,
Jalienese matting remanants at 10 per cent oil Stair carpet
6M yards pure itooi Di s goods 38 to 44 inches wide ro •, 60t slid
� �
that the Hurons took an aer-
'isle stak131i At . fifteen minui+3s ito
:and as tan medicines. I triad did nog
worth t15c and30e pax• gores at 50o and 300 a yard.
96c sale price 3>ic.
ial ascension ?'
full tame Goled'on Gould was acexdoint-
give an relief T ¢raw melarcioheyl
g y y
A snap on Tapestry Curtains all .new stock, A visit through
TABt,ELINElSti3... .............r.., ... YYY.•r•...reg80efor 43c
()ii the third kick off Seaforth madey
. 1
ally injured and was obliged' te' to-
tire. Jack Murdoch went oft to even
and unhappy, and IAN as though my
constt:tutioii was breaking down,
our immense stock will be of interest to you.Come and'
look through our furnishedhopne;theonly�toreout•
13'LANNEL/STTE.........................W Y., i..{.reg X2iy for 9
a desperate efio1. to tally,, hal
passed the local. defence, but not the
np, 'A few' rtnfnutias later Mex.
Quite, accidents twy attention was
gide of a cit showing, a complete furnished home.
y g p
. .
y�, , _
1•�V.4O��L �Or1..L Ol1a..s..•iY...Y IY..V irr.Y.t Y". YYreg i2�. for 8
g cal -tender. boss tossed the leather
Wright and Joe Sills liecadne mixed
called to Dr. WPink Pills, and
i ,
I decided to tr them and Y arca°happy
Weare. the bas... authorized re. resentatsves for the Edison.
PRII!iT13Y.�,...Y....»Y..YYrr.W.,Y..Y...,.r...Y.Y..Y•reg lirforl0
far out into the field.
both t,.I
lip. Sills imnattediatbly started in
show his ability with the ,dukes"
W say that they eilecteA a complete
s and supplies in the district. A full stock
( ++►►'�-//'',,♦iy'r, •a. y���ji - . . X 15fa�r
iy1�VRV1Y,.rr «..,`Y. ,tr Y ii
awns minutes ms
tussled hard. 'Cilia Brucefiesd. boys,
and 'Alec. responded to the toa:it..:eure,'And
mado amiq stoihiath.as'strong
as over it had been, I on glad to s
• �
rt►g+ 12,1 for 9
,OItAJii'�(1W1�1V1`l�(�YY.........•.Y.,.....Y;...Y. .,
continually . ih ' iiainin
kept the pigslt i g
da Scafortli target, and tltwaughout
The result being. that the two 4•i -Dail»
ed pugilists were ordered+ � ►lett
a fear wards in praism nE the i.cine
Wotwrb FtCaafing And Uisiwraietry► Pr4mp�ly` 4ttendad to, •
4 50 t 673
t . ' 1i ' T
the ate for the evening.
that cured me, and I hope 15oy expt ri•
j�ZUK WA1,�iN.i'�Y.e1YY •,'r..M YYY Y111YiM1 Y.+YMY11Y tYreI • VA; . LL,/ Antill. W41au th6 LL'rVn0 gaa1 .fj . #1 • �•
yam, ,Y,�
keeper 'had ver little tittle do 1;j4n4 At ten minutes to full time Pete en�cye ywill beneyit sons other suttrircie. _._. . _.
" '%d:cyl lJYJiY1A�i.\11vI.Y.I't,14#Y4Y.YYY',.rYIirPV.'Yi ar`i I'Zi�forle. y Enjilch the blood and ou 'banish
. ... _ - 14TeIte!i2iei again ma'x0 as accuratfe y
•.. S
' Y .. .. Y r 1l Y re 2r Yee Ir96' t nd' was sucoesshil. Thus flee ,most a4 the every' dad ailineats bt1u• ttalefe3l,
1�X'rl3E)CtGbih[ S$aiRi...4. g I[4i[teusd , knfnute:l had natio elapsed she a totrri
d 4-'t0-_0- ixx laver et, t'T1e lty, d;yol£ t qui `'�bf' QwHty.' ityr+i�ixp
since f►ve be�nin . Tho stovers Wend gains ende . s ' �
. ..,alar an • toil dnri�Ch i 'este
Q 10 rag' 1.`15 for 70 � g
�7 UitV'.�ji{.{MY.�Y.Y.............. IY Y..>tf.�1.,�fiYYY• . a ve0'U Uyp t .'Mss of l�L`.'t+ilii4q.Y1s ' .•:..J W4
r , playing a' harder and faster PAM rill ndMts. -4� Pink Pills, Sold by 411 knedtcirtirldean ' pltO"*. 2t! ' .' 140",
�•,. W. ' e r+ ` ors or wall at tib aer�'ta at box of
J3bT11 'rOW!$C Y ... Y.y..r., ..:,.r.r.Y...,.Yre Liar 17 the, tircne. W Mane final and for lite .scall Y itlals Puraktt L>lakP rM11d lfrrelie+rtalebt
for 75t rush of thii.r own, trot thinking #robb- VAII be playr d in Sed=a , Jli 1 ridgy Citi by
t' rob: forme • • rr
' six `try*es i'ryr •;±2.56 tvft, the Dw. $tile
ably Ahoy might ' lie u0ultu 4esxsfut, they Oiiing. i t,
111fts, blediofa+5 Co., 1E;iroeitr i'ltb, Club.
_ . ._.. pulled the ball fa aesrutre field dlreat- •�«$ruloelleld Cni+respondexi