HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-06-29, Page 11 ‘, "ale! • .Afie F is of The News•Record can''Kel CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 296,1911 THE HOME PAPER in increasing its circulation by "Putting in a word in season." It will be appreciated. --7:815•44,-.10•1,44, !SCHOOL SCHOLARS SPORTS. . . The School Scholars Spats have 1 become a yearly event that is alwaya looked- forward to with much antiei- potion, but one have been moretjoye ous and successful , Ulan 'Mee of Thursday last. Hundeeds of citizens and Vise:Vlore heed the Streets as the procession Paseed deWn from 'the Model h P ac ---00- a grounds at .1.80. I; Seeley's auto . • h w led the way were Mantua Ha Mayor Taylor Chainman Cattle . '' ' • the Property Coranut• of tee and Mr, E. M. McLean. Following .caane Mr, D. Cluff, manager of the Pi -- ---e e -um and Mr: 1 . Mc toegan Company, and- '----- - -- guile, rietendent of the Jackson Mk,. Ca., both ginir-eraell carrYhtg large flags. Between them walked Rev. 0. E, Jeakins, rector ot St, Paul's church. Then came the child-, rene arilacTelf, °Ill taw6guter"t3ears t ' o f the mile. In the midst of them Wee the Xhig and Queen represented,by Mast- or Roy, Forester and. Miss Margaret 'Mter aggart who rode in Elliott's• best coach that had been gaily carparts- oiled by Mr. Percy Cough. ' Gabe El- Hatt was coacieman. 'Music by Piper Macdonald of Wingheem and. the White Dyke band enlivened the niarching, , On reaching ' the park a WandDrill was given by 150 children, under the rtritdon of Principal elarie di ep, who Onwards gave the royal salute The a ' - ' feet time and drill ' was done in per , was greatly edenered by the speeta- tars, , , . .. .. In the contests that followed there . was a whole .host of competitors, but , they all passed off without a hit% under the management of • Principal Treleaven. The.. list . of winners is given on page Ave. , . • . On 'a platform ereetedin front of the grandstand Piper Macdonald gposi and his daughter, Reale danced. A large slide which had been bleu-, eht up from Toronto fon the 'occasion was a source of 'dal.ight to the Child, ten arid at tunes ?hey. were lined- up as far back' as the grand. stand . a- „, waiting' theia turn. 'And 'they kept at dt until finally at desk the• slide . had to . be tAken • down. Chairman Cottle. of the' Property ' Coimmittee was ' in charge and sew to it that every • "kid" ' had a slide. The slide has been purehased by, the . ; School Board and will at intervels. be erect- , . . ed on the 'school grounds, . , . , A:baseball match between the -C. ,O. . ... I. and the Model School Was well by .the "fonnee.. The play was reallY, good for tads . and. was watehed with much interest. .. . . Por eachof the teachers, a tent had been erected where refreshments were served. to their puails, F as h na tea s too thee, s a • c t e ft..n, , -, Wa - tent whicn . was in charge of Mte.. Chambers wno bad limey callere. due-. • • - ing theafternooa. No one can -brew a •more 71>ireshing cup of tea than.can this 'geed lady. . s' - ' ' . TWenty dollars Weath of lemonade a, r ee • a e bd b n • prep r d• and thirstyi onel bad but to ask .to • leceive. It. vier§ , • free drinks to 01 and in dispensing the - beverage , ST111 . . tory Cuninghanie was. one of the happiest Mee on. the rliunds* ' ' • . . • • . - Caterer Bartliff also had a booth in which be furnished ice cream; etc ' , The White Dyke band' rendered good. service riming the afternoon, giving a program that really surprised some who had supposed the hand was . de- %act. • • Mr. "Tom". Jackson Was the dEatla. ., • - . • • . . • e• e f these Sports atid under • is -.1° • e , • ,energet c management they were - sue- cessfully - caeeied on . for. four 'year& That he Was not enabled to "take hold" this year was for obvious teas- ohs-, but his heart was . in elle ' pro- amen And no One rejoiced more that evereithing Passed off so. smoothly. ,o . Chairman F. B. Hall. worked. early • - • • and late in, perfecting the preparatory araaagements and throughout the day ., • • . .' his 'eye was on eveip detail lie wab very 'tired . at nightfall, but, wore •a pleated and satisfied expreesion. The worthy mutual is entitled to the thanksof all good citizens,- especially those Who are einterested in . wheal Matters . foe his exertions iie so see- , , . ''' the Sports• of cesstully promoting e . Coronatioa' year. .. . , The children were trained for the different 'drills by Major Rance, who Weald have been iwieh thowl at the Sports' but that ' his services Were reeteeee, in the watery Camp at (loderieh whale' he is isletond in eomo mend of the 33rd. Hurons. The gale taut Ma' took lively interest • iti . tora i 1 ' results were the training. and its good 1 apparent . Views Of different ' events and also , . bout the ' were re goallPS a grounds,,. taken bn Mr. rink and thdir exbell- MO iS a tribute to his skill Principal Hartley was indefatigable before and on the day itself and his tact and good.. judgment contributed. much tO the deneotli working out 4 all the arrangements. Thi3 Pnincipal1 Chairman make a good. Vadat. and ,..,young A pleasing feature of the Skiorts Was parents d 'children the number of an from the adjoining. runt. aehoole who eder# 'This Mtemmagling IS "Watt pr • . _ . a good' thing and in this ease it hesterling Hebrides the cOrdial relations- that exist between the people of CliTht°11 and those of the country round Mid about. Among the teaehere who &tote . I I, in fmt the afteritonn We..3 Mi SS Grant, Miss Trick, Miss 1400voanf Mr. C. H. Holland and *T. 41. n• Lowery. ,. See list of prize winners' taiga ilve. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. , The Ladieet Guild vvill bold their regular monthly Tea in St. Paul's echool room on Monday afternoon at two o"clock. . A QUIET WEDDING. A quiet 'wedding tit* plade at WeS••• ley parsonage on Thursday al lest . woof; when Helen, eldeel daughte* of Mr. and Mrs. John Little, became the bride of Mt ..l. B. Miller, thcere- many betas performed by Rev.- J; E• Ford eie, oat los. Meier have taken up. their abode in the grooln's house . on Albert street and Tint News -Record joins the frienee of the yawn people it wishi„g‘there, mum- Years of happiness am, prospes- ite ' ' ' ' - . " •" ' THE EXAMS. . The Entrance exams coneluded yes- tereav Fiftyetago pupils wrote in -- -- ' • - 01Mton As aftea the local examine - . • ' - • - • . ers have Anished The reading ol the pavers they must first be sent to tile - Departintent at. Toronto, the result t be k mu until after July will no nc - - • - 15th' . .' . . . The Departmental exams begin to- day, Principal Treleaven will be in charge iii, Seaforth . and •In.speetor 'Plaid and Principal Hartley is Olin- °de' ' : , • LITTLE LOCALS , ' • gaturday. being Donlinlen Day is a public holiday and all places of bus- .e.,„, - Mess will be closed. . . . . . The Masonic brethren will attend divine - service in a body in St, Paul's church 'next Sunda? eveeinn, The offices f W 11 d "C . o • .rY one and .• 13, Hale wM be. closed' Wednesday and Saturday ,afternoons until' Sept. 15th. The contract of evetroughing, etc. • ' on the Model school has been awardt- ed to T. D, Janson while the paint e ing will be done by "OW Cock and the shingling to W. J.' Paisler- • • eae ' • ' ONT• ST. PHYRCH. . •-• .. ;- gue mee ng on outlay, eve ea. • , . . mg was under the direct= of the Good Citizenship department wheu a . . mai " e• else- patriotic pr r was even con • • • • :4 • . • -ea • • • mg of an a dress on rne subject of Confederation and eThe, oaniAws a present ' syseem of eGover et " . • . e . , • i!,d •by Mr. .e. ta. . Teeeeaven • und a couple of Musical seleations. . Theweek, address. -was an: interesting and - ex- .. . an . was m -apprem- hauteive •one, d • much . ' . ated. ...A number of young men• ng . . . sang wPhe Maine Leaf,” . and a mixed attar- tette gave a good • rendering of "0 Camels." The chair was 'occupied by Mr. Da Witt. Cosene, head of the de- partment. • • .. JUNE WEDDING ... A PRETTY . • . • • ' • One of the. most . popular .eveets of .. the Season:- to0k. place on Wednesday of last week wo the' eesidence of Mrs. Margaret Celgehoun of Govea:e When her youngeet daughter, Eunice'. Late- ene, was united- in marriage to IVir. Harry Fitzsinions. of . Clinton. The guests began to assemble .one the lawn at about 4 o'clock p ..,_ ..„.:__ ' -..' • Thut the grounds being beautifully decorated for ' the occasion, and presenting a charming • appeArance. .At 5 o'clock, to thesweet streins of Mentielssohn's wedding march, played , by .Mise Wood- ley of Fullerton, the groom with the officiating?clergyman appeared and were followed by the sweet little flower girl, Amile Colgulioun, 'niece' ofI the'bride' bearing a prettily adorn • • . • • basket of flower.- -containing the ring. . ' In a few moments carne the bride, who was given away by her • brother; Richard, the happy couple standing beneath an artistic evergreen aneh, banked with. ferns, where the cepa mony ` was performed' by Rev. R. . R. .• . • i 0 Rogers f Moorefield The ' br'd . • leaked charming ,fri a dresa of e white • . • Louisiee- silk, carrying a pretty show- •er hoguet of bridal roses; lily -of -the- valley and . ferns, and wearing a• mag. nifie,ent sunburst of pearl's, ' the gift 'of the mom. Alter congratulations the bridal, couple and the guests, a- bout sixteen' in manlier, repaired. to the tablee, Whieh were tastily ser- ranged for • the wedding feast on ' the - After' • . • lawn. all had partaken heartily of the good things provided, the Company eretired. .4) the house and assembled in the. parlor, where the: 'remainder of the evening was pleas- petty spent in canoeing out 'a well arranged ,program consisting of ad-. dresses by lbev: R. G. McKay of Croenarty; and Rev, Rogers, Metre- 'bad and ' es` mental, v orchestra el ley and recitations, after which Me. and Mrs, Fitzsimons left for, their new 1 Clinton•Thgroom's'HI home hi. 0 g.i • - e igilet to ehe flower gal was a prOty s ring, ra the pianist, a gold set, and to the bride's loather gold cuifa hake. The. bride and Ar0oWnWete the recipients of many useful Iota beauti- tub gifts, evideating the high esteem ati 'their many . friends. The Wide WaS *meet Goweiels moot wadable. and popularladies and will . ha - greatly missed in eonmuluit. ---• the -----Y where she has been identified 'With social, religious • ,„A t 1 a i t""' ntaslca, elteltfa• while the groom ie a' man of wove charaCter, lary and - and. fa m - isms mes one of Clinton's - torte ' bus' s - men. We 'extend to the newly -wedded r coup•ri our best wishes 'far a prosper- elm and happy taint. Guests were •,,,,,,eLit to.......- •t„ukto kr..40E out.,..... r'''''''. '''''''' '''''' ."'”. ° ''''",„v•goi I Toronto, sok% vv "Pi% fu414 I --IL., v ---8---6-61 ma" forth, Miteluill, Clinton, Cromsxty Mooreield, dahletro, Fullarteet Said Rital beta $1,000 TO FREE HOSPITAL. The trustees of Pim Muskoka Free Hoaeital for C•onsuraptives have. re- ceived from the exeetiters of the es- tate of the late William%%Taggart, formerly Secretary -Treasurer of the Goelon MacKay Co.,. 'Ltd., Toronto and hrOther ot. the Messrs. Weald- gall'"' ' t • , bankers, 'Clinton, he sum) of $1,000 as a bequest -to the funds of the above named Institation. IT WAS AN EASY MATTER. ' The ladies Of Stjoeeph'e church recently took it into raeir heads that the rectorydrawing room should have a new nes, and Mrs, Butler and ma, MOCaughea undertook the task of col- leeting • tie wherewithal to purchase' One, This was found to be a come Paratively easy matter and the other day a fine imported, 114 was put- chased and sent down to the rectory. Th ' • • • e rug, Which. was bought eff W. Walker, is a very handset.* one tred ' -sgrove, adds much to the attractiveneal of . the room. It is needless to say that snob. thoughtfulness on the part• of his congregation is much - appreci- • - atle.d by Rev. Father Dunn MASONIC OFFICERS. , The' follow' . ing officers di dee lelasopic Lodge for the ensuing year Were ine stalled on Satferday evening last when the brethern assembled to celebrate . the Festival • of St. John .. the Evan- gelist : I.P.M., J. Taylor. Master, W. J. Teem Sr.. Warden, 'Harry Gould. . Jr. Warden, 11. E. Rolfe& • Secretary*, II, B, Chant. Treasurer, W, D. Faere„ Chaplain Dr Evans . • • • • Sr. Deacon, Joel MeLeoci' i Jr, Damen, A. Clarkson. I. Guard, W. A. McConnell Tyler,' " Amos Castle. . ' Stewards; A. Turnee, Bert Kerr. Director o ...pr. She . " ' f Ceremonies,'w DEATH OF MRS: BERT CARRICK. . • • ' On Wednesday - of last week • Mr.s. Bert Carrick diel at her. home 'in . • . . . • , . - Windsor atter a few month s alms% • . • •• . .• Next evening the; a3mains aerated in Clintonand were • taken to the . • cote' -• • • -. tege. of Mr. , HenryCaerielt from - whence ,' the funeral took place .oa Saturday afternoon, the services bee ' conducted by Rev, Mr. ' Cotens. Th ,'•T i e deceased, who was • the daughter oa Mr. end. Mrs. A. Haggai of Morris, lewnship, was only in her nth year ' . and is survived by hp husband, . one son an . o ... e d he daughter• Th ' little". ones . who are thus so sadly bereaved • . y . are. now at - the home of.. tho't - grand- parents • and . Mr. Carrick has re- he turned to his position , t . auto works at Windsai, or,. e. WILL BE SCRIM TO PART. e' " . • The intiination that Mr 0 0 , e - . ' - • ' . • e, -ae''''a''" having aceept• ed 'a lucrative posit on . with the W.' R. Johnstom CoMpany, Toronto; one: of. the 'large . ' est 'eloping' mannfacturing houses -in Canada, • purposes ' snottily. a. mee. Mg from. Clint", wilt. come • as in surprise and. will be a ,aounce of real ,. ' •• •. re5p., la our . citizens. . al 11 the. t .. Rance is thoroughly inforreed clothing. . rade as the result of• many yea -is eiperience. a:t the • vetail end and on the roadThis, "." ' come bined, with . bis genial . and tactful has Wen .for him uniform manner' ' ' as .a traveller. ' As the familp piapOses locating in. Toronto. Mr. Rance will offer his pre- t f 1 It • ' per y.. or s.a e. is very • convene featly located and • ' .having all the . modern', improvements . is 'a Most de- *treble place of residence. • . INDUCTION' SEIWICES. . . - • .0n . Sunday .evening last lie •Lord . op o , Huron . inducted, e Rev Vail ' A ' th . R C. E. Jeakins, la A,, .D.D., into the • ' t.'" Rectory of S . Paul's church. The Rev.. W., Ja Doherty, the Rural Dean of Huron, took pert in the services. alx-Churbliwarden T: D. Johnson Pre- serited the fleeter to the Bishop and Mi. John Hansford, on' behalf of 'tie Registrar of the Diocese, administer- ed the .• Decimations And Oaths of obedience to His Majesty 'King George V.. and to the Pu shiep of the Diocese. The seasiee .was a noveltp to the congregation, and this together with the Bishop's presence, brought out a Ittrp nuMber of #eoplo. The irnpres. Sion left . upon the minds of all pets. eat was that the service of Induction is a solemn, Simple, yet telling,. and in daese days much needed, adariona t' ' T • duties' a- teu. he various eof pastor and people were forcibly exemplified and attho' it. mAy be, perfectly. true t that no absolutely new teuth. was . lerought out, yet the reminding, the reviving, the Acteetruating of vihat may possibly be lying dement, can- not but fail to exert a pod efloA:. The Bi h ' • Bisho altho ending sp an arduous da' 'preach d a vern n rful .ser tr -.) - e - - -it'a ota St. Paul's wads "tat h nigh SO an t aims as st,(4ards,“ The duties Of a pesterhis resporteie hinges and his 'cares • 'together with teal of • • ''' l . • Se the - congregation were log- icall# Anti noworftillti tiore.9,- *1 take - sa - 4‘ ' . A Y * 11 preacher espeout y &idling Upon and driving '4' f home dd .tt act that a pastor • •, . ' practically represents the congtegge ' ; tion, Mid takes upon himeelf individ. Ilan • ir . - • * a thew legi•umats AviOrk, in, vi t- in and in keeping up the spiritual, life in a pariah. To him therefore ohoula he given all the support, prolate', sympathetic 01,nd itattoptal, at the ability of the congregation, THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 80c. Oats. ' elle to 30c , . Peas 68c to73c. Butter lic to 15e. ' , Eggs 15e to It& Live Hogs $6.80; • REAL ESTATE CHANGE. . Mrs. Hanley, who boa for some rime been a resident on Huron street, has bought one of Mr.. 1). Eclevier's properties on. Pe'neess street where she Will take up her abode. Mrand Mrs. Ecamier will continue to oo, cupy their old. home, notwithstanding that tree eeeeaselon had. gone abroad that they purposed moving MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT. Mrs. C. M. ''' Fisher announces the marriage of her daughter, Nettie to Russell Elliott Manning w ' on edees- home in,., nay, June alth, at her h ' Park Hill Denver, 0 1, the • , o ., et ceremony be- ing performed• b the R " F y. . Rev Frost Craft D. D., and witnessed ea, the traniediate relatives. After a short sojourn in the RockyM to.' us Mr ' eau 1 0 • and Ars Xaimi'ng will make tie•ie home in Clinton. EARLY TUBERS, . Mr. Thos. Kearns might mala some claim to being a , successful' gallener, He h " f the 1 now asready or etab, a - though if . left alone for another fore- night they would grew donsiderably, being tte expert, The News-RecordDr. potalaes• of this year's growing. Not . is not just, sure, of, the varlet of thie y early tuber but it looks as if it would • be , good to eat. New pota- toes in June frcan any but the, gar- doe of a Professional gardener is a very good record., -WESLEY. CHURCH*. .' . On Monday- evening the League was • • addressed by Mr; a. A, Irwin, the — • , . . . . „ subject being Good Citizenship, - The 'talk waa high?, inatruotire and interesting.. ' . . . . ' • . • • -. • Nett Monday the young people in tend holding a. picnic tea on. ttid lawn _ • of Mr.. .u. Canteloe when thee merne - . . ' . . bers . and, their. Lu are ineited. to alone' ' or better 031 send bring - - ' - • along early, their baskets . of provi- . , . irons and then gather et G p,m, Z.,:.ind eat supper together. :After , supper a program • will he gieen. Everybody . ' ' .. ake aloag your supper,and welcome. • „,.. . , , be. sociable • BASEBALL ' ' . .. . . - • . The local ball team- played in aure • •• • ' ich on Coronation Day and an eleven- innings same resulted in a ttee-3-3, In the absence of Dick ‚rasher, who is . in. Braneery-out with the saint -professional a team there, Al Doherty occupied the • • • ere ' '.guests for Clinton and did effective This was his Arst game. He is vel- . • • • opmg- with experience and promises to be..a goad one., Thn•jocale team was with • this exception . the. seine as usual. „ ' . - - 'A. ea e. ilne will be la ed in L git g . P Y . he pa Saturday afternoon .between t Il - , . Mitchell ane Clinton, flame called at 2.30. ' BOWLING NOTES:. on Friday last three rinks Of St, Mary's. bowlers came up and peayet'a friendly game with an equal number ' ' ' ' of enthusiasts in Clinton,. The . rinks consisted .of : ' .. . Ge aaree, J. Raneforcl, J. Nedigar, J. W. St'evenson, 4 up • . ' . . • ' - . ' • D. McCorviei J. .Watt, John Har- land, J. Taylor, 12 up. - • J, L., Courtice, C. E. Jeakins, D,'' , ., A, Forrester, C. P.I. Dowding, 4 doWn. 40 in favor of the home Playere. On . Monday another .buneh •from .St Mary",tta' came up o play a const game for the Faill Trophy and were ' • • t ' again defeated by he. crack Clinton Thwere•a apwlers. e rinks composed o G. Barge, • J. Rumford, . Id, Ball, J. W.. Stevenson, 18 up. J. L. •Coureice, A. J.. Morrish, J. Harland,. J. Taylor, 1 down. D. A. Forrester, O. J. Wallis, , B. J, Gibbinge, O. .E. Deeding, S up. ' J.' Watt, W. Taylor, ' W. .1, Nedigar,. I. B. Hoover, 29 lip. . -. ' The' •score was 41.-83 in lave* of Clinton men,who are beginning ' to consider thomseltQs some bowlerS. • • . ' Personals Rev. and Mrs. Pearce of Londeeboro were in town, oti Monday Miste.Libbie Gibbing* has gone to Toronto to aecept a Position. Miss Margeeeti Fraser, Belgrave, is the guest of Mrs.. likse, High street. Mrs. J. Taylor hate rammed, from a visit in Toronto and Collingwood. Mime lielen Baulch, Toronto, is vieite dug her graudlather, Mr. S. Davis of town. Mr. JAS. Twitehell paid a busineSe vial,' . this week to Braatford and Scotland. • Mrs. Walter Kiog intends spending the holiday* in London, the guest of her son Mr. R. King, Miss • Phoebe ,Jeenison left on name - da r C 1 . ' where 4 y or arm , .Man., het Biota, Mrs. Watt resides ' Mr. AlfredeGoodavin Is, we Went to say, confined to . the home with a severe attack of erYelPtla s. . It1r A il Oti 13,. P P W' • Wing - • • • • • .1 e bane and. Mr P W Scot' Beier - ,* • . • ., e eve, were in ' town on Monday. . Mr, Percy, Town has been at the Mil- . o e ic as lieuten • Italy Camp ate G d r` h l' te ant of thDungannonCompany Miss Agnes Saundexi of Gederich was the pees over the week end .of Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Armour. ' Kn. Steward Paisley is now upon the Royal Bankle relieving staff, and ie for a mean with the Galt branch: Mew -as W J Paisley J Smith and . - - - ' ' • ' ' Shaw attended the Liberal eon- . yentenn in • Seaforth on Saterday 1 s• a • . ' • Mrs, W. Marshal?' and . her son Bert, ' William street', leave. fleet Week for a month,e visit at her. cad home . in ". • . Kingston, , • , . Rove T: E. SaWier et I u& L95 tall- at , at Wesley .. baksenage yegterdav . , on his 'Way from Ashfield 4.1)60.4 to KehmtvilIe. ' ; . • • . • Mt. end Mrs.' -g. F. Twitatell th' - • S week in Beantford and -leave 1 . . , next week. .for . their . hemp at To - , . . • flew, Alberta. - ' . ' . , ee _. - • • . Mrs e ' ." 941rage viToronto, Mrs Gale sonof • Wroxelnr Midi' ' Mr Wilson . ' .• . - .• *., -- Soor.and were the guests of . •11) • •,- . •, - Mrs. A, Vett on itreday last: , - .. . Mrs. woodman apt htire son, Everett of Boston are in town. vigil:en the , • - .. * former a •sister, Mrs. . J. S• By • - . • .1 • and father, Rev, H. Newcombe. Mr. Andrew. Taylor attended: theme et. . ing of the Grand- ;LAM- S. . eeee, e„,,e - • el "'-'""" ''''"' ' 'held in London . eilea as 'delegate from: Clinton lad- . . .„, . .- ge Mr.. b.. S. Cluff leaves i the forepart of • next weak to attend the . Fair at Winnipeg whore the Clinton moo and °seen Company will have .a big exhibit. . Mra. (Prof.) Brown of Galt and Miss Brown ef ea England are expected . spend the 'holiday in, tewa, ' the of 1Vliss, Cuninghame•o,nd Miss B. Greene. • ' a • ' essrse . an on, .• . i c e , M D 0 tel W• J Met h 11 R. . J. Chid, T. 'H. cook, D. . and ,• de Beacom , attended the 'funeral of the late Mr. ,JWI;' Wilford of Blyth - on Friday last, .. , . . . . ' - Mrs. I), F. • IVIeepherson; . Goderiet • • • . and her daughter, Miss Jean Mee. :, 'pherson, - ' trained nurse, Boston, " - Mass.,: were guests for a couple. of days last • week of : Cleft eiacpher- . _ Mr. and .lerese Forbes, Seafonth, • ic. .eatimaeied. by the- latter's sister, Miss Adana*, . and Mr: and Mee., B,, • • , Fe came over in , their beautiful auto lase Sunday to cell on Clinton . friends.• . . . Rev. W. J, Ford and..airs. Ford spent T d th - -• d i I f e ues ,ay e gueetie * . le ormee s brother, Rev. J. E. Ford at Wesley . - • parsonage on their way from Wet- ford • to their ni,W.rharge at lees - Mrs D C - Bowen of Washington • • • . 'Court Molise; Ohio, who is email - panted by her two little daughters . .. , . . ; , and Miss Rub . Peelle trAined .. . y . • Y, . nurse .. Galt • ate guests of their , 0 ..... 0 • father, . , , r Mr W J Paisley - 0 . Mr, Will. Moffat has returned from a visit • along the North Shore and as far west • as Winnipeg. He had a . . . . . - ., . -. pleasanttime and .lools itHis Newt travelling , compahion, Mr. .. . Davie, is axle:idea back in ta a at - right. Mia. A. Owen of New York ' Clay, ' • ' ' nitain president of the Chilton K g Company, was le town leas Week. , and • leaves this afternoon, accotn- pealed be Mrs H. la . Combe who will be a guest at his home for a - few days. Mr, I). Prior and Mrs. J, B. Hoover - were delegates , from de Cidaton. congregation lia the Connell held in . . Auburn on Tuesday to ordain and induct Rev, W. W. Wylie into the pastorate of Clint* and. Auburn Baptist churches. . . Mr. 'Rehear, who has been visiting his son, Mr. W, H. Rellyar, for the past fortnight; returned to his bane .. in Dowounville on Friday acceni- panted by his granddaughter, 2Wiss Fannie, who will tenpin with her ' tit grandparentS fer 9, litt.6 Via-, Mr. Will. L. Johnson left on Tuesday on a trip to the west. He put- poses going to the Rockies and per - haps through to salt ,Vater, • hut will first of all v Wit las haather* Rev. Clarence Johnson of Ritmo, Man. A his Medea Mt George , an Jonah a I OrlISW Id e pro- . o . o . o , same v nee W 11 will be missed while i . i away, particularly fen Pastime Club circles and on the baseball diamond for he was one ofthe standbys of the %MI ulna HOWeVer, WV'S wishing WM ol. pleasant trip anti ..t. t.O.V.A. Wiiia* .A.A 1....141 - . Clocks. that June W eddinga ' s .hi0 ' 1 - 11,,e0d, I . aerrol and oroamental Articles suitable far Wailing . - alai are here in allumtance. di. tot of new good - •IP ver, Gat Glass, Chin4 Mt realVed. Stirting Sil Sitver plated ware Ric. Quality and Design pleaselho particular* moderate prices prebait. ' . E% eau W.. Jt. .4.Yidkcir W . . . . meter and Optician Clinton . . I,. • . • - . it L - -. OYAL. BANK of CANADA . . lOORATED 809 . IMO , . i .• " . . Capital. Paid Up • . e. • e Reserve arid V $6,2oo,000. Wedded profits - . $6,900,000. Total Assets ••• , , ..., - e $92,000,000 • . '. MONTREAL nEAD. OFFICE• 175 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World . . ' ' ' Interest allowed on Saving accounts Courteous treat- . went accorded to all customers ' Clinton Branch, E MANNING Manager ' • '" BAN 1863. • Reel Fund •• ' $.4.400.otio . * •In Canada - ‘ in all the principal cities .. . ee. „. .-TRANSACTED • - ' , .. ,.. de , . Capital . . ‘1„.."- 'Clinton h.e MOLSONS ' ,, • INCORPORATED. . . . . . . Paid up •••• : $4,000,000 .' . .. , Has 78.. Branches . and Agents and Correspondents -• • • . . in .the. world. . A GUERAL ..BANKING. .BUSINESS ... ,. ...SAVINGS 'BANK DEPARTMENT . . . AT ALL BRANCHES. - Interest allowed , at Highest Current Rate. . . Branch eL C. E. Dowding, Manager ' -a. . ' a , • maw • . • .. . T ' „ . -AT-- - • .' . . . e - o x epti nally. • . - L . : • ' e e . ul 1 c . • . . - . . ow - Prices, s ' . . . ' ' , . : . , .• . • ' ' . $4,90. QVALITY" .success ' - Id en's . Trousers spun tweed • ers have - Three at $4.90. . 'Men's ea Suits of '... ' e a• , e ‘ e• brown tweeds ..e I lined, three . ."-'., sack.. Trousers , . belt loops, • Five a ..ee • clear at , $10.90. Suits -made h ' lish 'fabric. , ground. running . half -lustre : bottom, e '.1 . Three e - to clear , „ $1.00. Boy's : , . grey grOund e f taped; Sizes only e , at $1,90. ,- Now / . A C001, -Stilt meneing. Clothing, .. _ 'broken lines .. carry a , another • . . Summer Suits (Coat only) , made of green with email stripe • Trans.- cuff-ban:1m, and belt loops. only in lot reg. $8.60 'to • . and. hcene- -clear - and half and .. ' to Eng fawn green s are Sack. cuff $14.00. seams clear * .. , WM- ih of to to " Stylish Two Piece Summer a yeey nide fabric; grey The coats are button Single-breasted have ciiff,bottom cut in•t e a es s y e. li 1 t t t 1 orily In -lot,$10.00 $7.90, • . , • Choice Two -Piece 'Summer from alight weight The shade is b. with Stripe of brown and through it. The coat lined,. tkitee.button have Belt loops side ,hip and watch pocket. only in this lot, reg. at $10.90.. . two Piece Flannel:Suits; with small stripe, 29 to 88. 0 Suits left, reg. $8.00 to • , Personals 4 , Misses Mary ' McCaughey Ana Wilde S hanahan ‚went to Lucan last even- • ing so as to be present at a e'en% which is being held there today; Helen'h . Miss I. Doherty passed her ' * jun theory exam., in conneenot with the Toronto Conservatory of Mimic, taking . first -close honors in all subjects. Mr anti Mr F /1 Hall were In • 0, • • Stanley Saturday and Sunday e'' Vie- the former's sister, Mrs W f g , • • 14, KO% WhO hag heen-SeniCinSly ill. for several weeks, Pre:elder& FaIetnier of tem University 0 f Tereitto and brother -feeler of Et. •GAndier of town, was one Ili thole °bored recently iti trigiand, hay- A been made a C. M. O. • . G h • . H. . hi' s E MoGrat and Mrs 11 J * G.E. ;Gourley of Norfolk, Virginia,•visited • flti • h IVI tr owes e past week wit rs. . h East of town of whom they Were old friends in the South, where Mrsgoat and family *sided for several yews, On -Monday they left for a trip through the Thousand, Is- 1...Ar ..t* 4LAN 14.4,...reiohoA twttociaw is the time when you require With: SWIM* jUst We hate had a. big seasou consequently a number .. left We don't want single summer suit over seasom • . benst let this opportunity escape. , , . The will go guickly, so choose quwhIg. , • . .., . . TH ... ... . .,, T . . 11 ,, E moR IsH .cto HING. c Ei I ,HurOngsLairitest CI0thiers : * 0 • . 40'• . • ° . "A Square wit for Every Man. •