HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-06-22, Page 8' sur Speoiais dor Saturday and the Next Week WASHING MACHINE • We are sole agents for the following bleb,. Oracle Machine f&rinoa .}fall bearing—Ideal—One Minute—Ir./taker and Eo: ale ---The . Save labm; our, clothes» time and women--Bergerel pure En- ' 1#ah, Paris Green Instant death to Dug* only 30c per pound Joist received a. few more portable Rubber Bathe Regular Ile $0 for $5.00 while they lastjust the thing wheel you have not the room for a Stationary Bath—See the Quick meal Gasoline Stove the most per- fect working stove in use --A good supply of Screen Doors and. Windows and, Screen Wire alt widths don't forget the fact that we ,sell the Brantford Roofing and our Sales are increasing every month, one of the best reasons to Judge quality,—Garden".Hose Nozzles and Sprayers, our Extra special . 2.ONLY AIR PRESSURE RFRA.YING MACHINES reg $O 50 for ., 0.60 SPRA.XERS for 75c reg... .... ..,.,«,«.....,.,.«.«,,.«,....,,.'.600 !SPRAYERS for 59c )reg«, ,.,,. .,....... 40c STOVES and HARDWARE aUll111111111111110111111INIMMINININNI111.1 f The Shoe Store for Everybody WOIVIEN Of critical tastes .in dress, be it ultraor most eon: servative will instantly recognize the attractive feat- ures of this Store's Latest Styles. Shoes and. Axford . 11425 to *3.50. i_VreN Be they ever eo particular about their attire; vailf find the selection of S ring and Summer Shoes ex- ceptionally easy at This (great Shoe .'Store. Shoela and Oxfords *3.00 to $5.00. CHILDREN Ot today are as particular concerning their shoes, as their parents are. .We recognize this fact and therefore shows The Best in Childrena Shoes. Child - rens Shoes and Oxfords 75. to 461.36 RED. JACKSQN nnammarommein •NN.NNINNN.NAN•N. I. • :Specials for Friday and -Saturday, . 4 Men's and Boys Caps • About 1.00 Men's and Boye Tweed baps.. Same. are broken .lines and ;5 odd sizes and some are Travellers samples. but all are worth from 50c • to 05c Choice Friday and Saturday 29c. • 2 . White .Lawn Wa hts at 390 Dont miss thisc hs. ce to, secre a n ice Lawn Waist at about half price. Friday andSaturday 65e Waists 39c. • A .Big Snap in Mosquito Netting e Hundreds of yards to go Friday and Saturday at less than half 'price To clear only 3c a yard. SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS IN BOOTS, SHOES, and CLOTHING LL PLUM$1EEL o�Fl.s BROS. BROS. I IB1JSINESS.1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. enremmemeesiere • J. B Hoover Nelson Ball . UNIQUE: DESIGNS• ��� i:.ta.i ::, •. � �,,: In house furnishings1 �' ""` •• r"�-�— _ are in demand � �rll.those R ill I by .. ■ 1 f1 .,.,� . 4 artistic.. t ate tastes. '� .r.+� visit y rn; here Will disclose ,t✓ d t UNIQUE FURNITURE THAT IS DECORATIVE but1 notoverly dear. ea . Veels is what wins these days, ' and it's only merit that gives us our liberal patronage MERIT IN FURNITURE MERIT IN PRICE The cheapest spot hi Hermit County to buy all kinds of furniture. Hoover 1 zitrxt 1�J�AlY.IYlcaYY J�r•ilt �.i....a-mu.. c. r .. ...-.... .. .. .. .. �... .. - - Not High Price Not Low Price Just honestly priced, A pro. fit for us and if you Want the goods an advantage to you' This refers. to our stock of Hammocks mocks Few things so cove and comfortable as a Hammock Good to read, rent and sleep In. W. O. FAIR CO Often Cheapest •- Always the Best ISIUTIll1511111ulllISO ((Iil Mr. Wile. Greig of Exeter spent Su day, at ,his hone ip 'town,, Misses . Gunn and Yates' were gues of Miss McNaughton of Varna la week. • Mfrs. J. - T. and the . Missies Berle were . visitors with Detroit Irian over the week end,- Miss Swittier of .the'Bayfield Ro was the .guest over Sunday' of t Misses PoweI' of town. - Ms. - A. and Mist E. Izzard attended the McCreath McKinnen wed ing in Goderichi•east week. Miss Lulu -,Mulholland went! to Detre on Tuesday and will .spend a le weeks with friends in that city. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Canlfalon span : the week end in. Hensaid, guents• their -son, Mr. D. A, Camtelon. Mr, J. D. Kennedy returned( tee trail on Tuesday, after - a few day . visit with his parenta, Mr. and Mr D.• B. Kennedy. - Mrs. J. Ross and children of To home are visiting at.the hoe the .lady's parents, that of.M. an M. . H. :W.. Cook. - - • Mr.. and Mrs. John- Manning; estee. eti pioneers of •Ituhetst but who now 'living retired in Auburn,., or in Clinton Friday last. Mrs. J. W. Moore ' and Miss Mer took:advant'age of the excursion t spend the - week end ' with' . Me Moore's sister in Detrai:t - Mrs. M. Green, attest spending : `soon monves with •her daughter in D ,trait, hasretrarned to Bayfield. Mr Green visited frienlis in and . •abou ClinCline=last(' week, - M -r. 'and Mra J. 'Cuninghame went t Detroit on tie Greyhound excursio. on Saturday, and ming oil to Jack ' son; Mich., spent Sunday with ' th latter's sister, Miss Eva Stevenson Messrs. John, Charles, and Semite ficConnell and. 'Gordon Mavity. o Strat(.ord were guests of 'Mr, an Mrs. David'. Steep' on Friday last:. They were on :.their way to atte. the( Moon'ight at Goderich Misses Bertha and Besti e. Davis an Mr. W. H. May of Montana, . - wb has been vin'ting in town, took i the excursion to Detroit on, Satt,t day, - where they were the , guest of the former :1 sister, 'Ins. Marsh Mt. Harry Fitzsimmons, the 'popul is st nd ds ad he d it of e- s s. r- of d .n- are e lse 0 5. d 0- s; t Ct e d Osten d 0 n r� s ar junior member of tlio firm of R. leittsinrrn1ons & . Som, i!1 to -day, (Wednesday) aq) being married to Miss lDunice , Laurine Colquhoun of Gow- rie. The Nows-Record extends good wishes and congratulations. . Mrs. J. Taylor, wife of our worthy Mayor, is paying a -few weeks .visit(: to 'her e mother and sister, Mrs. J. Briekendon and Mrs, C. Adair, res- spectiveiy. at Collingwood. Before returai ng home she will vi ': t in Toronto' to. and . Waterloo.. . Mr: and "Mrs • John Armstrong and' family of. Ontario, Cal:, axe the guest's of the lady's- mother, Mrs. Wan.. Cooper of town. Mrs. Army strong usually pays a visit to the .diff home at■ Mika/els of three of four - years ; and intends remaining for some litttl4, time. Mr. James Sit.wens fell from the w ag- on ',some anCe and fr etIred several ribs. This is not by any means •'the first time he las met with an accident of that nature, but the, enforced idleness during a busy esason is what bothers hfmn nuiisa than anything else. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Agnew of De- troitt are the guests of the Tatter's parents, Mn. and Mrs. 11. Weston of t1:ie Booed h ving come over on the 'Greybound excursion: Mr. Agnew will remain a fortnight) with: numerous relatives here ' and Mrs, Agnew intends masking even. p longer stay. g ay Dr, . and 1VTrs. Jackson and baby ar- rived on Saturday Moe. frean Chi eago, .but owingto the ps+essu-i of duties t professional he Di.. had to leave again that afternoon tot the western city. Mrs. Jackson pur- oset s euli a p p ng .a mo tri or two with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rod - away. • Miss Margaret Mahaffy leaves' on Tuesday for the West with relat- ives MIhe from . 'te i I Thea destin- ationis Moose4W. Saskatchewan, where Miss Mahaffy will re- main for soinse little time hifore going on to Eri'dgeford, same p - . roeinee r where a, sister, lifts. I rir. t Hodgson resides and near where Mr. Malialty has a homestead, 1 i CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS AND MESSES - Our stock of Children's Wash Suits and Dresses is now complete. Little girls dresses of print and galoted, etyies and beautifully hale from 75e up to $3.00. Little boys wash suits all colors and sizes from The up. CHILDREN'S- STRAW AND LINEN HATS We are showing a splendid range of children's straw and linen hats in the very newest shapes from 25e up to $1.50. • MILLINERY FLOWERS AT 1.00 . BUNCII Saturday we give you your choice of our Milliner Flowers woxtb int Saturday 1,0e each. ' he regular way from frac up to $1.50 Another Shipment of Waists dost Received Dingaling and Peter Pan Styles X� E have just passed .into stock another shipment of white Lawn white Mulls, and Linen Waists in the very newest designs. The new Dingaling is popular style this'season .with Peter Pan Waists a close second. Ask to see these two styiesng to be a very' purchaser or not. NEW DINGALJNG WAISTS The New Dingaling Waist is the very newest style for summer wear. Made of flue white cam- brie ; tailored effects'; laundered collar and cuffs. Especially priced for • •Saturday PETER -PAN WAISTS $L48 We passed another shipment of Peter -Pan Waists into stock for Saturday's selling. collars, daintilytrimmed y 1 g. Dutch m ed with white tan and pale blue collars and cuff's:. These are very new and especially priced for, quick Ct selling (e - - - FANCY PARASOLS We Cleaned tip a Manufacturers lot of Fancy Silk Parasols about' two dozen in the. Tot •no two alike worth in the regular way: $3.00 to $3.50 Saturday your choice $2.25. KAISER GLOVES We are carrying a complete stock of Kaiser Silk Gloves for women in all shades. Both long and short length .double tip fingers Kaisers guaranteed at 75c to $1.00 • LOVES GLOVES Our stock of Loves Glovesis now complete in both silk and • Lisle in black and colors. For the past .three seasons we have had the agency of Loves Gloves and they have given out pati ons the very, Test of satisfaction preees range from 24 to $1.00, • BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. MICA— CA.S1-I STOP., jA)0) HolmeSville4 The Halmesville lawn social pro mixes to be- a prominent fea$Ire of the community,. As of yore; it will be held on Mr. Holland's lawn Tues- day evening next. The Clinton Cit izens Band haseen eng • bd•- a and•a e g good time is expected. The trustees of tho Methodise dimwit have-• decided to cement, the floor of their spacious shed and have made a bee drawelg the sand for that pur- Pose: The many friends of .-Mr. Wm. Colclough of the llth con. will be sorry to hear of his death. -. Rev. J. Greene took thes ervices.. on Sunday last onth 'Holmssvi ll e circuit owing' to the Mess of Rev. T. ' J Snowden. We are sorry to hear of hi:s - illness and hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. A. Elcoat and daughter veiled at -Mr. Wm. Stanley's on Sunday.: THE DATE IS JULY ,NINTH. Murphy . � p y L. 0 L. will attend divine twice m t. Paul°s church se ' S h on the afternoon of Sunday, July .9th. WILL GIVE FIXED ASSESSMENT The Fergus Council t has reso1 wed That as soon as any person or per- sons ons sigi fY his or tefr will fn ne, tb te t into an agreement with the council to erect five or more houses P o tali value of at .leash E1000 each that the Council will asteiit a by- law to the a teP ayers to ratify o f 'the same, giving elle owner a filed as- sesanient on the buildings and land, A BIG C' ASKET. is said that the t arriston Casket Company ' received a telephone order front New Drunswiek for a casket of g#ganb:c prc(;iortions. It was prof, - Melly 4x4x7. Dr. Beacom, presidents of the Company, and wbo by the way, is aabi r d " Ir a cC Go enrich. township and sen of Mr« David am Bee of iinh a Con says that it wan genera':y caleulat*gid that Huron and Bruce grew big men, but that- New nrunswick produces u-' K "whales." e. h (. The Ain an was equal li y, a gal t+o the odcasion, = however, sed filled the order. • Millett t Township'. �.. Mr. Beadle . of Auburn. was cutting wood with the circular saw Fast week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Weldor'of'West- field - spent. Sunday at the home' of T Mr. and. Mrs. . s John Walston. o Mrs. Ben Acbridge and son 'Robert of ithe Soo,. U. S., are at present visit:ng friends in this. vicinity. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deer a.turned on Saturday tram a via:t to friends in Zurich aril Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. August Deer of Milverton visited -•.a few days . ago with •relatives. - Ir.. Gower of Exeter paid us - a flying visit 1Sit his en Yof cl gi»,ot cy e last week. , ' . Mr. John Daer; who. has - been con- fined to his home the .past few weeks; is not improving: as fast as has friends would like De see and is still in a weak state. - Mr. A Saunders has been improve ing`I the appearance of his propjerty by, a new road -fence.:• • East Wawanosli, Mr. and Mrs. Rankle 'of Seaforth visited a short tt:me ago at the. home of their daughter, Mrs. Herman beer, It is with the deepest+ regret that we anitounee the death of Mrs. Geo. Cowan who passed to the fair . land beyond b n .ie Rive y t' River on. Saturday Fast; Mrs. Cowan was just recovering from aeve s re illness when a sudden re+ lapse carried her away from, her now bereaved husband and falmily Who have tee sinbere n7mlpatt 1y of the whole coni&nunity. Mrs. A. M D .,t D. c. onald ofD ay Coq, Mich,, is at present visiting at the Mime of Mrs. Weber. Mrs. Shuttdee of Hullett visited Sunday at the home of ivtrs. Holtz - hour. - Mr. J. 0 Stoltz and John Deer attended the Blyth Telephone client• ing last Saturday. The Portuguese ftoyulfsts on Sp:tn- ish territory are preparing tocross the border, - George E. Colebert of West 'Lorre, whose death was reported some tin ago, bas been heard from in Van- couver. The News Frgrn Londesboro The . Presbyterian congregation will hold tiaeii>f annual lawn social cn-Sat- urday, July -1st. • The Clinton Citi= t Zt..15 and and ret Other talent h a e will i sup- ply, a very interesting • -programme, The , Methodist lawn social on .Mon= day was a decided success. The mus- ic by the Band and Messrs: Taanblyn, Allan and Gibbs. and the Lobb quar- tette,and readings ad ngs by Miss Eicott and grampphane seleeteons,. by F. 1'. Lansing, and the sup;Per - were, .- of course. all that be irert . The tete' r ace s f th z t F o e evening . amount- ed d- to $124. • Mr. J. Johnston. was in W'aterlocl • I Tuesday of .this week. , (Mr. 'Chas. R,uddle underwent an op- 11Ieration last week for blood -poison in his. hand. - • •Y. On Sunday evening nextRev. Mr. Pearcywill, address the Constance' Foresters in Burns chinch. ' ` ' L. O. L. No. 863 will hold a ' speer . lal meeting on «ie evening of Tues- day nee?, whoa a full attendance is. requested. The 'Temperance :louse in Londes boro is offered for sale or to rent. This is. i thought o h to be t gag cod open.: ing for a Hee young man. • Goderich . . Mr, F. J. :Foster passed a success- ful first year at Queen's University, taking second class honors. .. Mrs. A. M. Polley left on the Gai.y- hound excursion on Tuesday access- parried by her daughter, lelre. Major, whose guest she will be for same weeks at her home • in Toledo.. Miss Polley will also spend her •holidayn at Toledo, going over at the beginning of the school vacation. ' - Mrs. William Seymour ' of Detroit was one of the excursionists and was . the guests of her cousin, Mrs. Joseph Kidd. ' Mr.Mrs. 1 Ilav' II Of Detroit,G o ooinpanied by -the latter's sister, Miss AggiE Nairn,. were whii a hetes the guests of the ladies'' brother, Mr. Charles Nairn.. Mrs"R.r. Mark k Tur atollleft on Tuesday for, Edinburgh, Scotland, where she will. be- the guest of 1VIrs. A. Bissett Thorn. Miss 'Griffith, sup- erinbendeet of the hospital, aecoin•. ie Miei palled . Turnbull on her trip a- cross the pecan, - - I EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN' CANADA, The Cl randu Tr nk Ttafl wa t y System announce that on Tue.iiays, .Tuly,iiit:i and 25th, 5t August t 9t , h and Sept.g d , ember 5111 and; 19th, 1911, Roaneµ sv kers' Excursions will be run frown all stations • , a ibrS in Ontario n o and Quebec Ira Western Canada, via Chicago and Duluth or viaChicago., St. Pau? and Minneapolis, at reduced round trips fares. ' The well-known double track line of the Grand Trunk-fromi t''ie East to Chicago appeals to Vis traveller, , and with the supe:e:or train service that is offered by this Iine,. including thee famous i' Int 'rnat'a nal , frees.. Montreal . daily at 9 a. in;, and which is the finest and fastest ti.ain in Canada, many passengers will be atm traciad this' way. The route . via Chicago is a luost interest('ng one, taking :passengers through the "tire- eipal cities and towns in Canada and in the States of Michigan n and Indi- ana. ndi-ana. In addition to these a chaise of several linen between Chicago i a t. adS g Paul and Minnelapol#s is offered. • Oweng to the great -number of Can- adians ares whb reside inChicago, icago, 'St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth and other cities en route, to then) e3isn doubt do bt that the . Grand Trunk will find) many patrons who who will 'take advantage of the' opportunity thus affordot them for a brief visit at- tic stap:onsjwith their fulends. Canadian ditizens are exempt from, so-called Immigration Examination, -' and there is ne dt*.ont,ion at any point. Baggage is oatried through the. Unh.nl States in Bond without. re- quiring any special attention on the putt of the passenger. Tnspeetxon s. f not necessaryat n he pants at. a oft cn qF the Borden. Prince Rupert hair made an ar- rangement ret with the Grand "Trunk P., by which Vie company will strut some 'big industries in file town. 1 •