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The Clinton News-Record, 1911-06-22, Page 5
11 "W w9mv 0" 9 Cl on. Nows,_2~4 ` I I I 0 L, , I I I. , � . � of 3 West 11004 COAV411031k 50nT W Nd Vft 10, GOW -7. S. MILLER FOR SALE,I ONE --- OV Tft SWT I I I - Next U044ay in 0046rich. ,Citizen* stand ready #a 11o'Nw14Td'=m1lt 0ALA'd Plombing, Hot Water, bualwa vlmid,a in Hurott Ccw.ty, IFIMM_ GIW,1111�� , 1- pump rp,pWring,etc. New pumps, 11 at pl;-�owt occupied by thea Korr" .& cob,ventiort of Wast Ituroa Con. The follow1urg ioAdrese, which speaks' WltdMills and SaSQUAO PUMpera for Steam and Hot Air Clothing Co., W. R. CQUU?er a , I I � sale. qomiecting up w4terworks a I , .0 . I servatfives will be held in Godeteh fox itself, was presented to Mr. Ro,bt, J. Uylor- Apply to Jabs 0. , - I I 13LOISIS A. 69MMIGO VWT"PO"60 I I on Mogdayafimnocu next to elect Jones prior to leaving Sealortb , . to speciality. -84 fleating# . FlUgott, ClintonP. O. —81% _ . - officers, and also ta select a, capidi. , WIM0 a Citizft of Clinton: -, 0 - 0)" �. i 0 . - I I GALVANIZED IRON, WORIQ RWF. " date, to contest the riding in the To,Xr. Robt. Jones, ING AND EVETHOUOHING. 1� I 000010." -***"**"#*"#"**"04000,000* 00" . (1vt1at of an election taking place 4-� Past Master, ScatOtth; Lodge No. COTTAGE TO RENT ON HURON . W jr, .1 r . MU.- Edgar 2 , .r Wev,ton and lit- Mrs. Gtvo. Williams. has some fore the lediatribuilou. 3, A. 0. U. W. ,.street, west of the railway track, We have ,every#hIng that Is , � � . Vat son Clayton of Bayfield; are the, ifal fVRQbia,% in bloom. Tbeplants arcs . — I . Dear Sir and Brother, -It is with just Vacated by Mr. T-dek. In good, new and up-to-date in tho I . , ,guests of the former's parentis, Mr. about th:L�e and a half feet high And feelings of deepest regret that we x.%Pair. Hard and soft water. Good . heating 'business. � , plumbing AiLd ,Fhg W .ver .# acid Mrs. Johnston of Stanley St., covered witfi blossoms. , 01.14 is Made Up of pjl . learn.that you are about to so small orchard. Apply tic) C. G. . NIWS I MDR& ., I . Miss Nollic, Robinson, of Clinton was Mr- Harry Baker career from I your connection with youv tai Middleton Jr. . I -82 . � Iba guest 1;4.st we* of M opend Sunday . , Sorts of People. Ledge," of which vou. n . I all contraot-work. song not in stock Will be PW0- I * ;1.3. Jas, NiAgara on Saturday to r Estimates given oil All the popular songs. 'Any, . . true and, fait4iful .memixr for khe past . . cured. . " . -Tolmstou. . with his wife, who bus, been visiting 06derich, JuAo 16. -No deavIt 0011r- four%lien years, during Which time -P . Ura. Brownlee has removed toL bar her Parents, Mr- and Mrs. Howrie, tence had .i.)3.,U carried out In, 11aron you have taken q, very deep intereili TO RENT, - A COMFORTABLZ l mest,dence 1p,teily occupied byXi. Lcr*� and to.. return horno with her. � I occupied County, up to to -day, since jibe Mel- in overything that pertains to the ,six roomed colitage with pau» AYAM ,,& SUTTER A 'Tow Suppjy of Upopite I . . le, Mail Clerk. Th© Henry f4mily came, from Wind' ady hanging in the 401s, and not an welfAre, of. the Order. Your, kind and try, and coal shod, stone cel- . ' . 'Taw I ,. Mra, J. T. Kidd, who has been vJs set last week to take up their resl� 6 , lar,, excellent garden with sejv� SANITARY PLUMBp;RS. I . , official, from tbo s ' heriff to the cOu� gonial disposition has endeared you . To with a : Itlug. Miss Josie Kidd during the ab- dente in their summer c0tageby the silables , ora?. fruit trees, on south •11� � large num6er ! , I , , ever .acted such capacity ;v.) all the members, and when the trees, of other lines. , _emcp of Mrs. Long at Seattle, has. lake. at' an exacuillon befote. In all - pro- � , � . aide of Ratteubury street a few . 1� BETTER STOCK. BETTER PRICES . I Lodge bonored you by � placing you in I xeturned honor. Mrs. Thomson, who has spent. Rev- babilify, they never will again. the highest office they made no =is- minutes walk from cel4tro of town. , Mrs . � C. Stark is it - Clinton 0 Possession given. *at the 56 - -and 10- 8r,ORF 1, , linton, r In *few of the rarity of the event, take, as you havd alwayp discharged . on or before June., . , stay- oral summers in Goderich, ca e ov r . . ' , , � q tour in& with, Mrs, Rance Sr., during ,. from Detroto I' 13th., For particulars Feed . ntl F . ,, Ing the . asb week accompanied the gruesome side of it did not pre- your duties tto the general satisfact- , .xs apply to C. I . 1 . Jervis, Huron street, ... �80 1 i absence of her daughter and son -in- by three other ladies, Mri. Thomson vt,nt relic-huntvirs from, socuring many ion of all, And to. the Lodge lu gm- . . , G. to COOK, Prop. I — � � . I � Jaw, Mr.. and Mrs. W5. Jackson - iu* will remain the summer at tho Park souvtvafxi of Jardine. i When the eral, and the best interests of the � �-- .En . I � .England, •- - :Houses, I 7 - � � 1. . Every housewife who orders her ' . u body,. -several Ord -or were avor your foremost views. . . � I . .1 I . Mi . om us may re(y on' prompt - Miss Lydia Cox left on Friday for On Sunday next Dr. Boyle of Tori large pieces of new rope was lef-b on Your departura'frora our midst will MARKET GARDEN FARM FOR fioul"fr I . 0 *11 c I I . Ato W.1 service , � I ! I Ur bome. in Dakota. 4ftor A, stay -at conduct divine , the ground. This. was quickly 4P- loa,va a blank tbail will be hard to Sale. --On, the, Huron Road, li mlles delivery and, wha�'Is more to the I . .. . I I I A yaam, with her sister, Mrs. Clarl�, St. Georgols. church both wpTning and 6$ west of Clinton, consisting point, good satisfaction.. . � . . church , . . 11 even-lng. propriated by several =,embersofthe All. Not only will 'the Workmen'? . Qf 19 I I I Mr. Thos. Tilt visited ited Oodorich corpner'a jury, while Others fW11OWerD MISS you, but the �tloiwn can ill afford Aoms Of Which I* acres is in or The best grades of Flour on hatid I � JIN .Amil . I - I amends last week.. Mrs. Hopkins was called to H .*- allowed but chard, 2 acres in oats, ii a at all vim I �e guest toi.x recenti b . !rA,.afb3r the banging, Re. to loose so good a - cltizo�f b ores , . eS. I . Xiss Fuller of Thedford is then . y by the illness and death I , , I , - cured small Pieces of the scaffold, hay, * aG;W3 PQta0oaS and balance in Bran, Low Grade Filter, - . I -this wo.4 of the Misses Lauder. . of a friend, I But the Ilinit was reached by a h . k I . e h ou the ftetables. Comfortable house And Corn, Buckwheat,, etc., for sale. I . Reggie Platt, of Dunlop's drug store Mrs. Oram has roturned after a juryman who appropriated -thd egg best of succese; and heialth both, for balr1l nearly now, Owner must re. . I - . . is now- at'NiagarA. Camp. stay of some weeks in Stratford has- I Sall in Barrels, , I and, piece of toast which the prisoner lo .; i ,ital looking very Ve i p3jved. - � yourself and M - Ire from farming owing ' to poor . ' . I M- r. and .Mrs:. James Doyle, of f%ii� pl much m , rs, Jones in your nowalwaysaxemarket for - I . I Th,42o ,showers were ' , failed to eat for breakfasib, home, and we trus'J. that YOU may health, Easy teems. Apply on the grain of all kinds and will pay the , �11 - I I. " . � , ,eybury arrived. last wegak on a visit given- ,m) the Thee he gave to a feXQW-ler Y- find as. many premises or address J, LanxIon, blgh,.,�t Market price , . - 6 , ! I * warm., cougenioll � '. , , I to tbe,oid town. As their house in. bride of yesterday, Mrs. Mr I e.4 clin-toix P. 0. * price, . . I I , . I I ilay spend Saundera, , I who was Miss Florence mart, and kept the bread as a sou � "Workmen" and trianda as you are . I . -81 1 'town - is furnished %ey u �. . Sallows, by, heir friends. A kitchork, vanir, 1 4. . ligving in old "No. 311 in Sbatort,h. . I . I I I I same � , . . _. ae, time I I- , . here. - � I - Signed on' behalf of the members : � I f I 11 I I. Dr. Mabea, who met with an `ao- shower At tI16 Sault.z House, a, linen I . , en, F. G. Noilin., Goo, GIRL WANTED . -A GOOD, (GI L' to SUITTER 00. -_ I I 1r,_J' * .,cident in which his wrist Was ir,_ shower at the summer insidence . of ' ' Jolm.T. McLaren, R . � . 0 . I jured abot a year ago, ban just te- Mrs. W. E. Kelly, and a china show- . . Marriages . Vatemonw, . /11 .1 . for g0kieral housework wanted. Ap. Telephone 6� THE ELEVATOR " I I . turned from Toronto where he , had at at the hojrap of Mrs. A. M. Polley. C . . � ply to Mr s. T. Jackson Jr., Hi . CLINTON - . . - I I i :, 0 operated upon. ft trust it will Mrs,, Chag. Blackstone h . held' re- . POIXE-HAYTER-At' St. Paul's . I street. . -80 .. ... Jit ' I .. . I . '. - - I . . church, Clinton, on Julie l9th, FOR, SALE. -A GOOD MILK,COW, . . . 1. i - O'...... 0 - .., .. .. . �prov.e successful. ' .. ception at her home on Wednesday I I . . . . . .. . .0 f4l _4 .1 , I I - � m _ , by Rev. 0. E. Juakins, Jennie � I I . . 'i .!.•, , IaRt, when a number Qllier friends , ocming. six years old. -Apply to Miss ,;!.:'c!:`.'- ,, ill .,:-,i . .. Friday was a, splendiA -day 10A an :;r,,.:•... , % ;, .. .......I-. " -lie- late Mrs. . I - 'BLI81NE88 i 1,1,-,�..t - I , ,exetirsion .and the Amenicans; caoid, lit took advantage of the occasion Wr call Myrtile, daughter of t Norah Ferguson, Bayfield, -85' FRESH CRZAM CAN ALWAYS BE OPEN FOfl _� 9 I ' Anne Hayter of 'Stephen and sis- . . � I had at The E . ver reens, Huron I ,- . I . U k " , - . just at -six 0,61"ook, when r��brlob. acid see her -aiter her loug absencq, I . -9 .. . I . . . , . . 1'. - " i I I . ter of Mrs. JAR. Mose and Mrs. f , . — . I 1%71 • . .. . . . . 4 i ' * . . . Road, Call Phone 7:ou 154. -82 . I . — . .. I .� .and, Lake 11(mon. were looking Their. Thei tea roam, was very nicely de- . . . . I . I . .. . . . . . � l I J. R., Middleton, .Jr.,of coder- .. ... � . - k .t., _A, I ,� 11 .. 1. I best. . . corxtad fox, the ,occasion. Mrs, Black- . TEACHER WANTED BY S. ,%. NO. . , r . I . . I � . 0 4, . :. . .. . 1 . Miss Tessie McIntosh, youngest �tono'wlll not receive- again until .the, ich townro'hip, to Hedloy Cooke of . 9,- 1 , Godorich Townphip, duties to , .- � . . . I Having taught I I . aQ Stratford. I � . . . . I boi . the stock. of ' . . I . i . . .. . I I . ,' ' , . I comnience after the holidays. *Ap- DRAIN TILM-WE NOW HAVE . A . ,. I . ,daughter of Mrs. J. C. McIntosh, auvaoin. goneFral. �mdrchaudlse cif J. E. . . I , I .". . . .and a, train4d nurse, sailed from, ,At Knox church on Monday last the RA1N'KINROBINSON-Irq ' ClWon., locations will be received by -4he ' good stock of Drain Tale .an hand- Mrnwoll and taken advantage 11 I . - � I . , � .New York for Europe last wok with following additional elders. were. . el, - - on June 20th, by Rev. Dr. Stow- undersigned. up to July, 15th, stat- rapgIng, in size from 2i up, to 8 � I I . � I - ected : Sanwel Bissett, Dr..* W. aut, Anna May !Robinson, eldest Of the discount, we am in, a , ' I . I Mr.- and Mrs. Woolworth, of S6r&ut . F. . : Ing ailyperience, in�la:ry,. eba.4iarb --in. 10 in.. and 12 -in. TIN Duly I , daughb.tr.of Mrs. W.mt�� Simpson .. . I -position to @ive.ex�ra good ' I I ,oft, Pa. Mr. Woolworth took along Gallcfw, Pfitor McEwari and William . Hicks, Secretary,. Clin-van P. 0. mads' to. order. Works halt a mile � I ' . . I . I . I value .. . I ugh Brit- Me .r. . - . Clinton, to. Norman Scott Rankin . I . . . . his auto and will tour thro A McCreath S � . . . East of Eprnondville, Phone 9 - on value on all lines. . �: I d . __ . I . 11 I - . . .1 � I , -1 . -ain and Probably France. ' , I L. Mrs. Mason of Saskatoa'n- has been. of, Calgaiy, Alta, I . � 14b.__;_Kruse. B:#,),g., Egmandville P. . I I I . . I .1 ; , We respectfully solicit the ' 1, A a I I . i - . . . I . The Tednis Club gave a dance at 'visiting her sister, Mrs.. Greork, and SAUNDERS-�-SALLOWSIa Knox, FOR SALE OR TO RENT, -TRE 0- I I . 1 ,8.2---8 patronage of the purchasing I � . I .. . - the - residence of Mr. and Mrs., - W; is now the guest. of Clinton, ftlendv, church, Goderich, on 4u . ., .. I I � g ,net 21st, Temperance Hotel. at Londesbora. I I . � finer- 4 Proud%ot on the evening of Wedues- Mrs. Sickles of Port Huron and her by Rev. G. E, Ross, Florence This is a splendid chance for a . . .. . . i, I - .public which we exDq6t� to m . � I I . I I - , . . . . , .day last, - for the new members and sister, Miss Elliott of Chicago, Were Irene, eldest daughter of -Mr, and livo man. Possession can be given WANTE.D."ABOUT. 25 CORDS- OF i16 by keeping on hand a, well . .� i . I .. I ,�#-, Chicago,'Were I . I . I some friends. ' . .. . the guests of .their mother And sis, Mrs. R., It. 8alldws, to Charles . at. once. For further Particulars hardwood, 1 c g�A. For- . assorted stock at prices that' ' . 11 __ . . .. 4 inches Ion I I - I j I I Mr. Geo. Porter has had h16 lawn ter, -Mrs. Elliott And Mrs. Chrystaill Kennedy, second son . Y ,V. I . I . of Mr. and -apply too W. M. Hylek� Lendesboro, bes, Coal and Wood Yard, Clinton. wil? be savers � ., 11 -a - -Week. Miss Elliott Will. remain M lex . or L. Tyndall, Clinton. :--85 . . . . . . . I . . . I round. his now rdsidenco nicely . ley- this Mrs, A . 8aunder.q., ' . . .1 - 1: -82 .. _ money s . ay rs to buy- . • 0 0 ^ . i . ". . I . . . .. I ere. , . I I . � ,ellece and a cement walk laid. No b1me soma time but Mrs. Sickles returned XcCLENAGHAN-GARBUTT - At '.., . . . . .. . . . . . , .. . . . . I � I . . . . . . .'. . was lost ge0ing It into shape. to Detroit ca Tuesday. , . .. . I t . i , -_ . .1 .. . . 1_. . I I Owen Sound, on June usho by . . . , . . -_ . . . � i 1. — . . I . fl� I . . N - . . � . . . 1. . . . . ^ v I I . I Mrs.'Gatzke of Buffalo, fa_tnerly� of A vary pleaelng -ente Klaiuwthb. was Rev. Henry Fish. fl`, James- Mc� . I I . . ' 0 4 I 1. . I � .1 I . �. f I I FARM FOR SALE."LOTS NORTH FARM FOR SALE.-THR UNDER,- . I ' �Goderich, , and. Miss qatzke, -are ex- given, by the Junior. Ledgue _o, -North ;Clens to Clare E, Gar),ut4,s, � . . . . ' . ' 1% . , �. ! ected to visit ir,L town shortly. they street church , .on Wednesday I . 24 and aouth 25 o4'the Base Line, I signed .offers for sale his fine farm Horner & lqs, flarna . I . . ,�, P, , - evening ,' b61th of Whitechurch. � . ' ' , . . f I 11 I . I- All , of 135 acres adjoining the town . of . . . & I , - . . �Gdderfch .Township, 96. acre's," ... . 4 . . I will be the guests of the forrnei�s of lase, Week. The'pastor, Dr. Dod - -S)4n-Zn-In. txeter I on ,. . . I . . I 1. . . � I I I �..".. I ;� "HOCKEY ) - . seeded- down but *,bout 2Q aures. ' Clinton. The farm is ' in' a .good " .. %ststei-ln-law, Mr.q. Cox of , liprton: all,.occ�pied. the chair and the pro- June. 15.6i George Hockey of.. I , , ' ' ' sts.'et. - ..- � . . . . gram consiated of .several numbers I : Good'buildliigs., One wile isam Ghn- state' of - cultivation',lid b,as' good . I I I . I . , � . rs ' Brantford to Gertrude.' 8heqie of 'LlIon. On rural 1�noit route: and telo- buildinge-brick loolloolloolooll 1,1111.1. Mrs. -Brown and Miss Vida Brown Alve�u, by the. young people. The 101!* Exeter. . � . . house,' bardi 'barn, 1`0 THE PUBLIC . I I 1. . . . , 1.. I � I . I . . .. . I ' �_ -- •- all . . I -•4;. . . . are leaving Goderich shortly for Win- lowing axe the officers of the - Junior phone. -For further .particulars ap- driving' house, pig Pon, etc. , . * I . � . ., alipeg. . 1. Society , _SuWrinfondmt, Miss 'Brow;- ' June . . n -' Exeter, on . ply to Wm, ' . Tiplady, Clinton, or comparatively j�ew. L A ffrst7- class - HAVING BOUGHT� THE I I. . . , . o .. 11 I I . .1 111/,.,,-� . , , ' .bag been t *a Tor- I . une 14tdi, by Rev.• R.. Hobbs ng all'kinds 'WORKSHOP DEPARTMENT ,OF - The ,Mrtt Sh" can out be obtained. Alderman Kelly. . sell ; '.Assistfent, Miss R. .-Snyder ; " ' " the p�odlqos to Mrs. Geo. W. ,young, ,orchard - containi . , . . . I y , . .. . 'i "I . . Ida Myron, Minford' Culbert to . Effie -85 at, fruits. also small fruits-. It- 'Clintonrom J. TWITQJTELL & .. I � . ,� . ,ly return -in dau�hte L . Wray; . Clinton P. 0. '.. 7 1 � . 1 7 T , . ento on a trip lab. g. last ]?resident, Miss Ida 'Curric.1 Secre7 *, Pearl Taylo-.*,, youngest r . . I � he THE ROWLAND RX-RDWARE in Clinton . . I 1- eek. L . . � I . . I farm is well fancied And well Alain.;, BUSINESS, .WITH, WHIM 1, .1 I . . �, . . iz:��. W I . � tary,- Miss Marjorie Aitkin.; Treas- I . " . SON. ' - . I . � �, .� . . ' i of Mr., and Mrs. - Wm. Taylor,'. 'v �. I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Babb aralnowit uznr,� Master Maitland P0144a,rn. FULLER--MITCHELL-In . I � I I . .. I 0 ed. -and is a very desirable. homo�. HAVE BEEN CONNECTED. FOR . . I 1. ` � . . . I Maitland I 'Win . . ' . I . 1. . ' ' . I . , �: ; ' � - - ACHP� R . - •- . . � I I L 11 j.... ,,`� ,occupying one of the- McBrine - ap- The Masonic Ordar' celebrated the on •June 7th by, Rev.* Dr, Rqqt.� TEA'CH'ER W,�NT9'0, - TE . For further ._ particularq apply on SEVERAL.YBARS. I AM PRE I . .. . . I . . I . 1, , I I• partments on Waterloo street. I . ,Fea;;'Ll of. St. John the Evangelist by . . ' I the premises or address John PARED. TO RECEIVE ORDERS - . . . � . . ledge, Fred 7th, to .Lizzia b wanted' for S. S, - No. 10, Goderich . . I I . . , . � I , M11- . . . ' ' . . . , ! Rev. Mr. Thompson accompanied attending service in Sb. George's , chell, daughtor of Mi. - - -Township, duties to commence After Torrance; Clinton P. O. - - - -, . 80 'FOR THE 'HECLA FURNACE','-,, THE . . . �111111011 - . � . . . . FURNACES, . I. .AUTOMATIC . . .'.. - . .. . I . I. - . ". � � . PLUMBING, .. EVETROUGHI - . ,by his wife and little son, have bean church on, Sunday morning last, when * Mitchell* both of Winghaw, � .. the itimmer holidays. - A 1�cations I . . . . . . bP'L NG, �' I ; . . 4 parental . home,. Rev. I I ' PP stating . . . 1. � . . I ; PuT.TING .STOVES AND VACUUM. C I I I'�:!.. " �, .. I , visiting vhe former's paren Dean Hodgen's 'of.St. Paul's MOPiRISON-GALAGaER, - Ab'St. reacived up. to Jitly ,Ist, ' . . . .LEANER "SALE that of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomp- chu.-oh, Stiatford, -preaohed an - ado- Patiiek's church, D salary, . -certificate, and � experience. FOR -SALE ON VICTORIA ST., , REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL . I � ' . . .. . . . . . . . I . 0 . W11. - I . I . .� que4t and, -excellent sermon on, the 13t Dublin on June I good I . e g I OF WHICH I L WILL. RECEIVE. It *places . 11he broom, - carpet " ,,!' ,41 , . . 4, Wm: Mo r* .tcl Josephine . Alex..Welsh,. Sec.-Treasurei, . Un- , Clinton dw Iliu' haus;! - ech-- . ''' . /t7rll . . � ATTVNTIO-N. A sweeper and.thq dreaded. oIA-f ash- .* . .Mrs. Haddie, wife ,of En•gineer Had- subject , of "'The 'Great, COMMAli4- : �Galagher, , .1, ,r, is'otrablin. . �on_ , O.. � ,, . :� ?. sisting of seven rooms, wood 'shed , MY. PROMPT . . .. 1. �die of the Wexford, arrived m6t,'.'. Somewhe3.� about ;sixty mdm- . . � . P S-� . . .. I I . I ' P. , fond bousetelean#r days., . . 11 I �. I 11. lately I . . M61,ARENBUTT�At Cc' . . I ... � '. • , . . good collar.,14rd and .Wit 'water, ..CONTINVANOF, OF THE' PAt- I. . I . . . � . . . . . � � ' . . '. I . . Centralia, on I . I THIS , bE_.1 � � , I '009itfively g0s ,.. . -4— , RONAG�E .' GIVEN.. ' I , frons Aberdeen, Scotland, and is ji6w, 'bets * of - 'Me , ordon were Present, Thb June 7W, ' John .A. McLaren - of I t . .. .. . . - . , good ttablei, one acre of land,good _� . The * Automatiei. I . . . _ . . Aberdeen, I , ,. I .. .nicely settled in the cottage on Earit choir tendered very pleasing music. . I � ' � I . I orch#d containing 411 kinds 'off PARTMENT IS RESPECTFUL. I out - allths dust and microib,es.., . . ! . a daughter of TEACHER WANTED FOR S; S.. � . . .-street lately obeupied by MO.. •-and Rev. Mr; f the , Child- :*•G It, to Mabel E-,� 4au . . I fruits. -Apply on the: Pvemises.� - LY REQUESTED., . . I have the Automatic for rental.0� . . I . I FergusonI . Rov. W, H. and MrO. Buttw � - No.' 5, Goderjich Township,. (P03 . . � I . . . I aociety - At St., ., � I I . L. � .. . I . I � 7 ,. s Afld . Stratford, , . . . . ; T, Try it. . . . . . ' . . . . . � Mrs. J. W. Smith. . . . ren of Stratt , ANDERSON - HENDERSON �' At . or's 11i1W duties to commence at' .William -A. Calwill,. Victoria PROMPT ATTENTIONWIL I . I. I . . . � , . . . . I . . . E N TO ORDER$ LEFT I . ... . .1 .1 I . . N 1. I.. I '.. I Mr. Parsons, late of Pit' '� the . beginning 9f. the second term of .. : . - - �-71 BEG I . \". I . son!s. preached, in Victoria street on . Dungannon,..on June .7th, by. Rev. Clinton,.. . . I . .. . . ., I : . . : I . . .I. . . . .. . . : 'NE " .'.... , I.: -41Fair,11-'now of St. Mary'a, was in Sunday evening last. It bv1'n9:"VIoW- � �.L., Bartlett, Etta, oiily . de4g)Ater 1011. App',lications sb&ting salary-, • ' , ,- ' , ... I. I I AT R0t;A,ND,'S iTARDWARE .. . ce� . . , . . - . I '. 41. 1 . 1. . . .. ... 1. I � A16'.'. -.TU. R_ -town last week. .' ." . et'Sunddy, I I there'was an sibun4an' .. of Mr. - and Mrs.- Robert 0ander- oil,,., will be'receiv641 up tithe 15 th . ... '. . . . . . $TORL . . . SO , I .. . I .. I i� The moonlight excursion on Frid"Ay of of all, sorts decorat"Ag I1m Torrance Secretqr PROPERTY FOR SALE.-Uardware ' fbave -also a new 'sto6li of .bicycles' . I . . . . . ,son, to Robert R, Andetson , of of, JulJuly. ' I . . , I . - " .. � . T T � Do, JOHNSON , . Torrance; Y, V 1. evening was well patronized, though the church and school rooln. I .. Swifto Current, Sask.. I Porter',s'Hill P. 0--.: . -81 busineso for sale in Bayflold. wo- T. . . from $25 up*aisds. All kiiids of sup-' . . � . I - I . I . . it was rathor chilly. The 33rd Regi � � Mr. J. J. Kelso. of Ohe Children's WRI-0141T-;-'At the hodne � . ... . I . . I .. .. I I . I I . , ". .. I .. : . ' . I 1. .. '' . I - . story .building, store, workshop And �.p . . . L. . 1. .. plies kept on hand. . - .1 . . . . I , .. � I . I ment Band iwinished muqic. AM Society, Was in.t*Wli over Sun- , ;of -tike bride, on junc'.Ifth, by. I .1 -L .�, -L . dwelling conibined, also. stable ' 26 - I I . � I . . � . . .1. L . � ,., ... . 11 , V., �: Mrs. .A.. McDonald h1as disposed of day and was a very busy- rna%- Nis- - Rev. Dean Wrigh.0 ol.' Brantford XL 86. Three, lots With orchard: and I . . . L . . . I I . . . . , FOR SALE -l' GENMAL I PUR, , . L � . I . . L . � 4 1� ' '7 11 I fou churches. ' " L . . . . . I . . I . .. . L . � L . - ", let household goods and is now the it -Ing L L , "�- ; . Leona o the. Bank of. pose mare ; I milk cow call, small fftlits. Terms ipppasonablb---AP-w LThe New .. 1 .1, . . I I .. guest of her daughter, Mrs., 1300 Mrs, F. R. Redditt an .iitt"k. dau- Hamilton, Melforb, SeAk., to Stel- . . ply �06. R, Ronatt, Bayfield. I I -.74 o . . . - . . . . . of Barrie, are the . and., about 80 -brown legbora, hens I - . . 1�4 . , . � . Smith. - V . ' ghter, Margaret, .1a Gertrude, daughtor'ot Mr. and � � , Barr, . . - I . � I . ... Laundry , . • INTI. Mrs. Hector McQuarrie , of Grey And chickens. * Apply, to, Isaac L I I . - . . . 1. I L. . . . L . . L.. . . on June 711h, the mArriago " took. guesm of the farmer's parents, Base Line, Clinton P. O. . �84 ' . I . .. I I . . . .11 1". . Do- And Mrs, James.MoVicat. ' . . I . . . ., . , . place in Westminster ch'P:611, L . township. . . . . . . .. I . . . . ;FARM FOR SALE -Lot north ball -INVITES YOUR PATROX— . . I . L: trolt, of Miss Mabel E. -Leach' dau- it may' interast-many readers to . I - I . . L - .. . . . I .0 26 .-AGE AND GUARANTEES- ' ' I O... . . .. . . . . : . . Births. I . . . . ., . . " . t L ' I ' L . . d Mrs. David �Zeh.of know that the handsome new Window ... I con. 12;jlullett, consisting of -PROMPT ATTEN1blON AND - I ghter of Mr. an , .. 50 acres. All seeded down except -PROMPT ' � , . Bayfield to Mr. C. 0. Twee . die, son of, recently sel in St: George's Church in I I I . FARM FOR ,SALE -AT .ONCE. 200 L I . . . -GOOD, ft-F.K. GIVE US A- . .. , .W. . I I W.A.., POWELL-4n •Godoilch townslitilt' on * . good stlate (),I e . I . . . : I Mr. and Mr.% Twvs-adie of 0odarich. .memory of the 103 W. D. Tye, L . I . I aures in ,:ultivatlon 10 acres. Small -TRIAL. ALL WORK DONE- .� -W . . . , . boy., . . .June .21st, to -Mr. . -and Mrs. - F.. in 8tau7,ay, 3rd con., 3 -mikes, from -house and bank barn With stabling. . I - . 9 va-4 I, , ::: I . . - , ;. The ceremony was performest by Rev.- designed •. by an. old- Saltiord . ' I ' ' of ��BY HAND.' � . . . ....... . .1, . I I . . Of - H.. Powell, adaughter. . On Gravel road 1 mile 'north .. . . . . . . I . i ch. -Tho Mr. . Cutler of. London, foftrxly , L ClInton., school. .46 , rods, 100 ,acres . . . . - . I .. : B. Clark, pastor of the.chur . .ondesboro. J mile from school. - '' L ' . __'� . - , I . , a U ., I g.- I L II , MoRAE"In Clinton;.CbInton;on June, 17th, I L . 1Z . I . I vaide was gowned in a lovely costume . , cultivated, 10 acres alfalfa, 22- R � . 4 1 . , . Saltfo3l 14eights I . Apply �li the prtmse or address LADIES BLOUSES ZFOR 25c. . . ,. .. I ,.. . , . L' . of I ivory satin trimmed with � Irish Mrs. R, McKenzie . of Vancouver, 13I . .to Mr. L and Mrs. .James McRae, a Acres bush, rest hay -and pasture. I I . . � — . , . . I- I . , . la -= " i• - . . .,"...A" . * . 1L. . .__� ., . -pSe?ty L . . . I orey, Richard .ShadOick, Londesbo P.O. . . . � . I .. . , L , P_ X; ed wh,!-�-. C Vong -daughters, da�ghlar. . Large.,. s,",W, ,house, twO-st � .1 . . � .. ' . I L ., . 11 ..1i . . . , I ),of, cement. On in, . . . . . #00.1 I . . . . I -roses so wore diamond and. Joan and have been the S . 'Lee .Biona' �' ..,. .. . I point and pearls and carried .1 and guests STZRLING-Ifi. G6darich township, : slate 01 or , collar, . . ., .. I -75 . . , - She at I ' L. I . . I I 011 . � . , 1. I earl ornament, the -gift of the of 'Mrs. H�ieale for soma tillie.- I June.19th, to Mr. and Mrs. furnaea, wpod-shod, Dieters, . - . . C2,. . . . . . . . I I L P Jas. Sterliag, ek� sen, . : . . , ' L . ., OPPOSITE MOLSONS BANK. . I . I I groom. The bride's sister, Mrs: J. Mr. Adolph Knuckle arid ,son, 'Cla-i- ., phone. One . barn, 86x56,' windmill, . �- - , . . . . - . . ... . - I � � R. McLeod, was mattron-of-honor and .enoo of Detroit were visitors . ever DUXCIN�In Seafor& •,on Julie 18th', •pumper,, waterworks, stabling: . for 000040000 . L � � . - . waterworks, . . I . I I ''. 14 — L — � L % 1 . par_ to L Mr. * � 0 1 . . . . L ,k end of the farmer's . and Mrs. William Duncan, 11 head enotle and 9 horses. See- 9 . .•I . . . 1. , Mr, Leach, a brother. was best, aftam the wick .. .. .1 4( ,60x35-- L 1. I ,L .. I - f"7 L I a son. . . I : I ., I I L 'I I' I. I, I �` , , I I - - I. .11 Was also a gu(s"? . and barn 66z4O. Hav barn 'Po • 0 Cheap. .. , . .---.ohays'L �. - After partalQlng of the weddinp lunch- ants, Mr. And 'Mrs. SaMuel Knuckle. X 0 1 . Coal &W od - ' .1, I . ,eca at the home of Mrs, McLeod, . Mr. 'Robt.'Evans RIOHMOND�In Blyth,' on June 3rd, -,Apply to Malcolm, MoEWCA, 4.44 0 , L . I . 0 . . . . . I )At. and Mrs. Tweedie left on a; trip at t .. to XT. and Mrs. JAR. Riolunolid, 56, Clinton P. 0. . . . 0 - I YARDS, - I . I the 'same place. - - ' L I ' . - . I . L . point,3� L IsSiStant . In Dr.. a ,daughter. I I. . . . I - * or price of Cohl . I to Toledo and other The Miss Ad;A Mobte, i . . . I . * Pineapples , I : The gumini . . bag -ins on L y I . . L one of jibe eg- SXINN�ln East'Wawi4nosb, on June '"� — - " S -'! ' 'L -• , I I . . . . .Monday, May 10; Place your or( I bride's travelling suit was of . .• I . 0 � 7 --- - P , � I q blue Whitley's office, was 0 ' ier Tho Tiome . . . . . taffeta cloth with which, she wore a oursionists to De.Roit on .. Saturday, * 9th, to. Mr. arid Mrs. Good. Skinn, FOR SALE. -VINE SEVEN ROOM .Cdft' :. and have your bins filled at . � ift . � I * . . . I . last. ' - '. � L . a daughter., . L I Ack house i for. . ning L' . - oftenasked. It's, white hat. b. use With furnace, town 0 low lute. is a *question . v and Mrs Tweodie arrived in On Wednesday of last week . at tho ,OLIVER-At Grand, *Bend, on June . . . 25 L fruit a'. . .0 I L -have just received one a AAA AA,01 of .CJQfA.Q,fQnf;f%" to I water ba ball acre, 10 we - - . G6de . rich ,on Monday of last week, pretty -home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus 6 ni, to Mr, and Mt9- . Oliver, George . I I I I troos, - sniall fruits, etc. Mron 0 .. ___�:�-______________ _______4 - - - -_ ,6 I . . :1 . . carload of Portland Cement. , 5 I . be We to give the correct . . . I I :1 ., and will reside here. Their V�auy them ViaPPi- McKinnon the marriage occurred of daughter, Miss Margaret MAy, a Ran, CLARX-In God6rich, on June 10th, Road, . ea9t.-IR. B. Eames, -84 . 0 1 . now very cheap .* Pineapples are Those intending to use cement this summer should call and time. You'll have that satia- ' friends jc�.n in wishing 'L' I nese and prosperity. . on June 21st, W1111am, Cololough, e gears .44:�2 . , aged 64 y a s ' their to -Mr. Bert 11. McCreath, of ;the to Mr. and Alta. W. J. Clark, A 11 : This will be a good canning' : . week, �, , get prices 0 � .rho Coat and .. faction if YOU A110W US to re- 1 . Dr. Herald is now so much, iTh- . 9 business staff of thoo' Daily " star daughter, - . 1 . . NOTICE .-ALL ACCOUNTS 0 •DUE * With Large, Fane * Delloictui, :1 Wood office opposite the G'. T. -pair your.wat,oh for y,qu, Over . . I . proved that..day 9 'he is out every Toronto. The 0=160ny '�va$ P erton�!, Nrswcomn.u,�ln Go derich, : .6th, to Mr. and Mrs. on' Juno John W. the undersigned -must be -paid be- 0 RIPj 0 ... a . 0 R. station before pur6hashlrx I . I . , thirty years eXperience War.. . . t1at his recovery* . and we t'rist . be periNanent, will e& by Rev, Gqo� E, Ross, and, was witnemed by .' a number i of invited ' Newcombe, a son. I . . , . Ist, or. otherwise be fate July An hands, for collo6il- * . . . 'Pin eappje-4 2 f0i 2,5C 10 : We have A, good Grain. Orindot . . I Watch 9 rantswo in saying yonr ' tch . . � . . 9 . Mrs. Harry Baker, Who has boon ft� guq3ts. The bride wore a chat' 'Ing � . A ;11, with 1.4 DP Deaths I . I placed other I . . ion,-Jamos Ramiltoti, -'4 . I . I .0 . 6 . 6 •Ad � .16 ,J A 'Ve f,%t- 4kl 9 � a good Gladstone Buggy nearly W� . . - � will be reptired correctly. �� 1, . I , I * 'Viglt,ng het: parents in VDV ., spent, a 19 . few 4,Ays with Hamiltaft friends last * .. *eek, returning to Godarich on Sat- gown of ivory eug"K0 ULU - voll and- orange ,blossoms, and carried r3GAN-lb. Clinton, on June 19th, a' bNuet of ,t0ses and blies-of-the- William Egan of Godurich-towh- _ C . .6 � 6 . 0 0 •V'r4s., 41 .. 41 A,na Red path's extra' : I now lot 13a CAUMV. I Charges Moderate. . � I . 11 *% ..- I 11 A. J. GRIGO , , A ARTHUR F/ORBES R 0-- ,. TWO TEACHERS WANTED Vft S. iirday'and on Monday left for her I , 9 1 Ionic, in Niagara Valli. valloy. Miss Annie MtMA110 - .. n-, coster the bride, was bAldeslUid Wearing of I ship, aged 88 years. VOLCLOUGH-In. Goderich township, S. No, 4 North and Sonth Stan, toy, duties to comoglict attar the 6 6 6 0 6 aranulated Sugar 0 wdet and Optician, ksWr of . Phone 52 de . Net License8, . . The Woman's Ingtit043 will be aft- I torilained by the Secretary, Miss M. pale pink and eatrving a boquet of 61% sweet peas, while two little sisters, on June 21st, W1111am, Cololough, e gears .44:�2 . , aged 64 y a s ' rrAd,smrAnet holidays. Apply, stat- a, otoq to 6 16 100 . a � . . •for $s.00 : Suceessmt to Jag. Hamilton. . rilve I - 9 - I . I .Salkeld, BA1061d Hoak 011 JuIY 8th- Ladles' Alid Of Knox 0111utch Dorothy and ZU111ce. made sweet tit- flower 0XI8. Ernes' McCroAth, a COWAN-In Past Wawaaosh, ' on June 17th, A10. Cowan, Wife cd lary, quallficalli(YA i69 so . * David Dewar, Secretary, Bayfield, 0 p6itnds 6 1 41 - — .. . I . I . I . ' ' . , The annIveV N,l(qi_ I k held tholit' IntY tl,% on, tle nephew of th13 groom was ring beater. Mr. George Cowan, ar,od. 31 year® rg P4� 0. -81-8 0 0 av Yoxx surely will not be wlthoub : Pteserved Pineapple. . 1 � . . . NATIONAL' . i 4 44y of last W66k. W most 0,1110YAble - Tor- .,At. Pg. G, Vellinkton. Scott Ot a fid 11 months, I % 1, L , -in .... �- ... - 0 a I 0 . . . . . time was Spent, The tea wag all ..tho,t could be desired and the oto, onto, was best man. Mt* J, B. Mri` I t�r played the wedding MA910 and GIMEY-In Exotfir. on June 19th, Annie Jeckoll, wife of Mr. Hatry . TEACHER WANTED V�11 S-' 9- 0 I I iPOURL � 'E"BLENT I I . ram wis good arid- not to* 1011011Y, Miss Edytiv McLeod Of 1,011411 sang I 1� 4ittloy, ag(A 48 years. No., 4, GodetiCh - t0WD8biP- D"Ids : 6 I I I ab- , 9r. W.. J , Muir Presided in idw the Those t0kitty, very sweetly, "Beloved, lb Is MO.*A-" of th�% wedding lunch- I MOORZ-1n. -Blyth, on June 11th, Sata Anti Cra*ldrd, wife Geo. comuWnee A ter auMVaer. 1;olidayg. to t APP17 stating salary A* a 'qualifica'. . 11. 0 40, 0 ,6 Wo To O'NEIL 4 1 .1 � 9- 11 .1k--1-1- I , , i,qsW of pigbOt. . pavt in obb musical 06sraft were , ,After partaking eft .Ptop.,wed in a maNuft an *6 Moore, aged 00 year's arid' a Vons to Harry J. Thompson, set- _8"� 0 * . . '96 . . a ., . I Fresh e arjust recolved, Wbioh will he sold 'at reAsonable ' . . Prof, and Mi". 14006r, Mrs. �Duftinsl 'mi" Olive Smith and Mr. Reggle, lawn, the bridal ewT4c loft. by thd afterWoft train, the bride tMV61*04 . months,, WAGk;,P,P,-In Aubuft oili Julie 18th, totav, Clinton: P. O. ww� - w., __ 6 90 "Tho flub amory." : I * ., ,"4. prifts"o I@mpty bags for as 100 0a0h, the 10c to, 1, . 16, Mackaton6. I ' . I , in a %.tht of grey. Before settling ilk• John Wager, aged',17 years. 6 o -repaid bn the return of the empty' bap: by order of the , __,� ,-,.,.i,/&1,3 . . I . i1t8l. (Or.) i'llut-ka 01 OaliiofWa is their tiew home in Totftto, Mr. tLdl 0 INS -Ili Oodbtich, on JuU 'I CO %1h, FOR ,6,ALV,_-9WALL, STAMP,, TO N L . I � Nwent Company. I -"* visiting bor mother, Mrs. John take * boxt �11 JArs. Meftath will trip I 11 I 9114 WAY Cousin.% wife 1 61 be rftaved.-Ap,01y At thb NOW$-, . L I go JoANDREWS I 'Dolor: . I . I - . up t1* lakes. , : Fred Cou%lus, aged 21 yom& 1, Iteco*d offic*- _ �4241 NOWS-Ro6rd to, rind of yegf tot Sk. . I 100 U J' .. I 3 ? .. f