HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-06-22, Page 44 Clinta Nows-*mcnrd coderich Township iss Lanxou rrf Cleveland bas 'born visiting bi.r father, who has hero very ill but carbo, we are glad to say, is refer recovering. Miss Lily M. Lindsay of Toronto flieneral 'Hospital slaughter .of Mr: Jas. Lindsay of the 16th, has been mend-. ' ins a brief holiday at heir home. Messrs Geo. and James Meer took excursion e ex cu on Sat- of th advantage uzday to cross the Huron and spend Sunday, in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Geo tee Miller received US , e i da serious word: the otherv the e rl illness of their son. Plitfo'rl, who is a student at Stratford Business Col- lege. Mr. and Mrs. Miller imr7nediatr. ly lett for that city where they pro- ceeded be do all that could be done for the iavalid and his mother is staying with him until. he is strong enough to be .:brought home. We erusb:that his recovery will be rapid. GORONETION CHINA Beautiful. Aust rian China with colored picture of , King George and Queen Marti, and English Coat of Arms. Cup & Saucer 20 to 25 Jugs 35 -Cream and Sugar a5 Plates 15 20 and.. 25. Bowls 15. SOUYEN1RS Of CLINTON, Choice: design blue with pictr - • uare . •. of . Town Hail. Cup sa Saucer 15 to 20 Jugs 15..tp 25. ` 35. Plates- 15 25 to . Bowls 50 Coopor ICO,. CLINTON GOderlchTownship. :The Rovers Again b[r. and Mrs 4 STrim. the Hurons. S. 0. Churchill who are aceoar'panied by their two child - ten, arrived the past week from •+'he I city of , Vancouver, B'. C., and are visiting at the parental home, resi- dence of Ma. and firs. Robt. Marshall of the Bayfield Road. It is twenty- one years since 'Mr. Churph ll left here and nearly all that time has been spent in the sunset provimlce. Ad- vantage was taken of the prexence of Mr. and 11Ire. Churchill to have a re -union at which the following mem- 1 of the family from Clinton were present : Mr. and Mrs. James Lever - more and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1W. Marshall and two children 'mid Mr. and Mrs.. David Cook and four lulu - ten. With they; were joined Johtt and Miss Jennie vaho are at' home. ' It was a happygathering which, wilt long remain green in memory and which none enjoyed more thoroughly than did the heade of the family, the big heartt'd couple who enjoy the . con- fidence and esteem of the whole neighborhood. , Miss Lily Jeanine spoil the week end with Detroit fritnds. Mr. William Colclougli died on Tuesday evening after an illness of some time. He wasborn in this township and, lived here his whole life. ' His wife, one son and four daughters sutvive. The funeral takes place Friday afternoon. The .fourth and final game in the double schedule Intermediate See ea W. F. A. of this district was played on the park grounds et Drucefleld on Friday evening last when the Rovers trirnnnr'd the Seaforth Hurons to the tune of Saturday'thea The game throughout was fast and clean, and dirtry work. with the en - o[ once or twice, waaen-,. ere'., barred. At Fiebig 7 O'clock ck Norman Fab t; of Stratford sounded be whistle and 'y th teams lined up for the battle. The Hurons wore broad smiles, and laughed and joked with the spectat- ors continually. They came to Bruce, field with two of a lead and were migh.',f confident of landing the hon- ors. Right on '.he kiele-off. the Rovers made a rash and for a Few moments. it looked as though ther would ally. However, such was neer the case. The ball cams back the field with Sea - forth men behind it. Jack Mus!ard at full back broke up the rush. The Ravers again grappled the ball and cne of the forwards .shot. In . order +,io save ,;'ile goal, a Huron man made a deliberate foul, the ee'segt of which was a penalty kick. Wilson Tu.taer was' called upon to do the trick ; his shot was swift and accurate but Mac- donald got it and prevented a scorer f' 11 Couch & Co Net Waist: i 1 In price only can these waists be termed cheap. ..The Quality of net, and the styles are very desirable..; The lot consists of 24 waists and are worth up to $�5.00 each. We have them in all sizes from 34 to 42.` This is our choice to y o bus a net waist . for$2.98. y DRESSNIAKING DEPT Our dress makingreopened Juae. deptment 19th Miss Husband will take charge of this dep't and comer to us very . highly recommended. Any orders left with us now will have first place. Dressmaking Apprentice Wanted LOW PRICED WAIST OF ALL OVER EMBROIDERY Is any woman for looking low-priced waists ? She sur- ely will find one to please her in this big array. These waists are made in one piece, of all over Embroidery very pretty designs in all sizes pripes $2.25 and $8,00 each, • MILLINERY As the season creeps along millinery must go at big redactions. These Hats are some of the smartest and new 'shapes and are prettily trimmed. Hats worth 'from moo to $5,00 for $2.98 Hats worth from -.00 -to $8.00 for $3.98 Come early for first choice. game i was ascertained that Fiebig made a mis- take and pieced the ball at eighteen yards instead of twelve ya^T1s from the goal. lead the error no occurred, p.i)bably the ro3ult of the game and the roundwould be different.) The game on this account was subject to protest. 'At fifteen minutes .'a half time the. Rovers again instituted •one or.. their. old tine speedy .:hurts and by play- ing excellent combination were able to pass the eastern• defence and on a pass forum the right wing, McKenzie scored. Until half time the locals worked in- cessantly, likewise •the Hurons. The ball •continually rained on the. 'Sea - forth goal, andthe representatives of that town were playing a strong d.'crosive game.. At eveeee available chance Gauld and Brill •would, endeavor to sec' how 'far they could kick the. ball' froaii the field of action. This kind of a game is certainly "rot," and it is 3.ie Hurons that know it now. Had the delence tried toput the ball up the . field instead pf pasting itr.out, the forward 'line -might . have got a chanceto score, but' rather they were really . drivingnails in their • own casket. ' Aft e half time the game resumed with: greater • interest 1J tan ever.. Both tams played hard. Five.'mimltes from the etart-off, Aikt ahead, e.':ie etar centre forward, • worked his way tih-rauglr the lines, but ere he could shoot the Hiltons piled,. upon him like bees. Five minutes later, how-' ever, he was, successful in . scoring, 'and tieing the round. One more goal we'.pld . decide the district and none knew the fact better than the "Rov- ers:" They, continually kept • the ball lining cn the Huron goal. From, thane moment until full Crime the game was a complete , walk away. Yee their efforts ..were "un:raccessful. .At. full. 'time the .:+elund was a tee.. Where the . deciding game will _ be played remains a mystery, .at the time of writing: The Brucefield el- even' would prefer the contest • at Clinton, while their opponents' would attendingat Robt finegoingtoisThursdayofread. 1 Staauniiley Township The annual family gathering of the Walker-Redmond-f(eys feenilies was held, at the bonne of Mr. Joseph Hud- son udsou of Hensall on Wednesday of last week. About cue hundred and fifty we -►e present!, nearly all of whorl were relabel by wood or marriage. The house and grounds were suitably arranged for the occasion,' a large tent . having been pitched on the. lawn. �e The day was' spent in social games and vha'd• Dinner and area were see- ved and a peagrazn of speeches and songs; was arranged. The gathering bakes in several well known. Sla „lenity Y families, besides others ;from other townships, . There are the Keys, Con sitt's, James elcelymont's, the Doug- las' of Blake, e'.,. Besides those from the immediate' vicinity the . fol- lowing carne from a distance to be. in, attendance : Mr. Thos. Walker, Sr., Mr. Thos. Weikel, Jr., and Mrs. Albert Redmond, who camme over from Michigan, in their auto, Mr. and. Mrs. Lon, Redmond, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hudson, Mrs. 'John Hudson, Mr. and Hers. John Redmond and thole' grand - sou, Mr. J. C. Walker and Mrs. Nel- son Landon. These alt came from Marlott, Mich. In addition there were : Mr. Robert Keys and Mr, John Sher•i'tt, Ex -M, P., and two daughe- ers, Miss Sherritt and. Mrs. Amos and her .husband of Stephen, Mrs. Mcduire of Belgrave and Mrs. Thos. McGuire and two children of Iow , and Mr. Keys; Sr'., and Mrs, R. L. Keys of Clinton. Three ministers were present Rev. Mr. Johnston and Rev. Mr. Taylors, Presbyterian and Methodist ministers of Varna, and Rev. Mr.Millyard of Masa. The day was fine, it having cleared beautifully atter three days of rain, and this was cobsidered one of the pleasan.use gatherings for some time. This family reunion has been kept up for a long time and is held alter- nately in Michigan and. in Stanley: Last year it was in Michigan,: when a number of representatives from Stanley . went over to attend: . Most •of thorn from a distance are spending a' short time visiting differ - en! ,alatives . in the Vicinity,; these yearly meetings having the tendency to keep :alive and keen a friend- ly ' fraternal. spirit amongst the con nection: - • Tuckersmith Township The marriage takes place at ;tx o'clock this evening, (Wednesdayj at Rosedale Farm, the. home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1e. Wilson,of their daughter, Etiiel C., to Mr. Alberto S. Pepper. Mang Wanted to See Jardine Hung... Goderlch, June 16,. -The n ntence of death was executed pon Edward Jar- dine at the county, jail this morning justt befcire 8 o'clock, - E'arly this morning Rev. Geo. E. Rosa, pastor of • Knox Church, who has been the condemned man's' spirit_ nal • adviser throughout his confine- anent, onfine anent, was with him, and the young Man showed deep concern for his fut- ure welfare. For half an hour ho broke down, but ho recovered and walked ' 'to the scaffold apparently withoire a tremor. Those present at the exaca'lon wane Sheriff Reynolds, Jailer Griffin, Dr. Alex. Taylor, jail' surgeon ; Rev. Mr. Role, Constables Whltesides and Pos- 'a..'ehwaite, C uards Murphy and . Mc - Math and Owen Geiger`. waaien of the County of. Huron. No repreaeribatives of the press were allowed to' be preAnt. • Less than "sixty sed onds elapsed from the time the procnsa?on . started froen the c 11 anti1 .the trap dropped. ed. Death resulted from asphyxia 'in eigbt and . one-half minutes. Before the black cap .was adjusted Jardine bade ,good-bye iso .those about him, amid made no further statement. r c ' custom- ary the:eutmon the ustom- e ary Post-more.en and coroner's in- quest were!. held, . and under authority of a Provincial Order=in-Council the body was handed over to the frit ids, of the' deceased for prevat: interment in Colborne township cemetery, be- side the remains of Jardine''si father. The funeral in taking place this morn - • Auto 22; 1 1 Jardine.. was never baptized . until last evening, when ab his earnest sol- icitation the rite wee performed by Rey. .Mr. Ross in a room beside the condemned man's cell, . in the pres- ence of the jail officials and guards. The unfortunate young man,: . for most; of the time since . the fatal een- c u o hfm• c was fence ed ten u P p p n. , maintained 'a' calm and almost stolid prefer Stratford ar Berlin, but whe,'ee demeanor, , but the lash few days ' he. ever it in played it will bo one worth. showed a growing anxiety, and made every effort to prepare for his end. Last evening Jardine dictated, statement which was written out by !rev,. Mr. Ross, and which, 'after ,re- ci?ing mule details of his early life, concluded as follows • , • +'As .I nowlook back I' wish I had . kept :an`'going to Sunday school and church regularly,, and I .advise every boy to do so, and keep - in good' company. I. have asked God to forgive me anything I . have done neons, and I believe He has. I believe tthe Lord.'Jesus. Christ has died on the Cross , for Amis, and that whosoever believeth •in Him,. has evaeasting:life. . ' . • "I hope allmy chums will . live long and dive' :a good 'life, and trued in the Saviour 1 'have> learned to know. I wish to be buried in Col- borne cemetery beside my father." The main facts of the crime for which' Jardine died ate as follown:, Elizabeth Andersen, a gii'1' of sixteen years, was missed from; her home at Saltford, across the rive.* from • God- erich, on the nighti of September 20th last. A few days late+ the nude body. was found with the throat but in tho cellar of a vacant house near the fall fair grounds, where she and Jardine had been seen together on the 20th. Following . the inquest 'Jardine, a young man of twenty-two years, was arrested, and his trial took place be- fore Chief,Justice Falconbridge, at the Countof Huron assizes, 001n- teeneing on April llth. On Goad Friday, ;April .14th, he was found guilty of murder and sentenced to bo hanged. b'otil some weo'.cs after; • the crime it appeared that- no one eould'be. con- vietlsd for its committal. •'rhe mem- bets of the Jardine family did their best to shield Edward, and while their 'stories were conflietring.as ito the time he came hound on the night of the murder and where he slept, they wore of little real value in proving the CrOwn's contention that he was the guilty person. Ib was clearly proved by other witnesses, however, that '.dwatd was the last person in Lizzia's eainpany, and that They left the fair grounds together. The pris- oner also made a etatemidnt to the (1 vernhtient the o ' `sts employed b lirrmry a to examine him, in which he declared he slashed tie girl's throats hi a frenzy. Jardine was found to r be sane, seeing: Both. teams will be . evenly marched cn neutral grounds, and at the present thou bo'h are confident. of winning,.: The line-up was as. follows Ravers : Goal, Ross backs, Mus- tard Bro:r. ; halves, Layeen; Sheppard and Murdock ;-centee :forward, ' Aik- enhead:; righ.! wing, Wright Bros. ; left wing, Turn,cee and Mcm(enzie. Constance. Mr. W. Lindsay attended tie meet- ing • of the C. 0. F. High Courtin Toronto last weak as the rrpresenta- .give of the .Constance brethren.' By the way, Mr. Lindsay is having a cem- ent wall placed under his barn, the work being well done by the capable Mike Morrison, who has no supeleor ab that class of work. Live Stock Market. Toronto, June 19th. -Union :Stock Yards --Receipts 122 ears, wibh 2395 head. of cattle, 78 calves, 16 hogs, 542 elreep and lambs, and 2 horses, It -was a heavy run of cattle, with a large pnoporeion of `heavy, cattle and fat cows. The absence this week of ao.'ive buying for the west, and ';me presence • of only , one of the two :American buyers of heavy export cattle, who usually take care of that end of the market, left prac- tically no competition for irhe heavy stock. The resuitt was a decline of front 100 tb 15c on heavy • export cattle; Meavy fat cows were also neglected, and a decline of about 20e to 25c was recorded as against last week's prices. Heavy cattle were quoted at $5.90 to $0.05, with, a few of the choicest lots at $6.141tto '$6,15. Fat butcher cows 25e off, at $4.25 to $5.:25, though one lot of choke quality was reported of $5.40. Light butcher cattle were steady at lant Week's prices, at from $5.941 to $8.10, and extrei choice at $6.25. Sheep and, tante easy at $4 to $4.50 for ewes, and $6 to '$6.50 for yearling Iambs, Good veal calves firm, at $7 to $8. Hogs MarkeU Continues ver Y strop 8 and is again quoted higher at; $7 to $'7.15 f. o, 1,., and 57.85 fed and waged. One load at ite nliatl<4 solid at $7,60 weighed off the ears. News 4teoord to end 01 feat for 560. Mr. Mureey sports a new, .up-to-date buggy. Garnetwill be able) to 'go same now. • We congratulate Mr, Rufus Keyes, Who, on the Forester vote,, was el- ected lected King of ,London, Canada, for the day. We hope he may appreciate elle •honor done him. Of course•the telephone' users in this township should have a zepresentat- ivc,.on the •board of management, but. we understand that, as • matters now f are the, appoin nentthe o commies - loners is entirely in the hands of the council of 'Tuckersmith. To pre - 'vent dissatisfaction that vv'ill' sooner Or later ensue Stanley should have a calmtnussioner. Xews-rtecord to end Now Health and New Strength for Suffering Woolen Terms CASH ONE PRICE ONLY FOR SOME TIME .We have had the question ot•'more extensive advertising , under •consideration. 'VARIOUS METHODS Suggested themselves to us, any of which would involue a considerable expenditure of money.•. THE BEST ONE To decide Capon was the problem which we had to solve. . AFTER CAREFUL CONSIDERATION We came to he conclusion that the most sen- sible thing to do would be to adopt a, plan that would give the money spent right back to our customers, •. THIS IS NO CONTEST Or game of chance. Every customer spending 25c and upwards can secure absolutely free of costto them from one piece to a whole beaut- ful dinner set according to 'the amount of their trading. • NEITHER WILL IT r Effecttherice of a single article in osplen. did stock.P d. our We are dependln�,. alone on the large increase of business- ' which it is sure to bring to meet the expense. SEE THAT YOU GET COUPONS For every 25c, which you spend here and see our premiums in our north window. N. B. -=Another shipment of embroideries to hand. Saturday morning., • MEET ME AT 1RWI1�T'� THE PEOPLE'S TOS • RE r Aching Backs, Tired Limbs' and Split- ting ' Headaches Need Not Be Endured.: . In silent patience nearly every wo- man endures suffering .that "oasts' a shadow over half .her existence.. An aching back;, tired lirebs, atlaoks of faintness, and headaches and back- aches, need not be part of a woman's life. Such trials indicate . plainly that the system . requires the new blood that is: supplied through the use of. Dr. Williams' Pink; Pills. These Pills are valued bp' suffering women whohave. u:rad &em above all Other nicmdicinos, becaustf they give the rich, red blood that makes women well, bright and at their best. 'Mrs.' Fred Collard, Poplar Point, Man., says "I can give you but a very shnhll es- timate of the suffering I endured be- fore I. began using • Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, After time birth of my first. child I suffered intensely from ailments that boo often afflict any sex. This was complicated by an at- tack of bleeding piles. and the agony of the.. days an nights I endured is almost past .comnpxehension, I tried many remedies, but theee did not help me in my trouble, and from a healthy young woman • weighing 140 pounds I fell away in weight to 95 pounds. ; I grew so weak • I could hardly walk aerosis the floor, and there were theme! hardly; knew what' I was doing' so great was my agony. I went to Brandon and consulted a doctor who said that nothing would help me but an operation for both my troubles,: and that I would have to remain in the- hospital for at least night works. Being. • a farmer's wife I felt that this was impossible, and while in Brandon I 'meet a Irked who strongly urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, telling me that they had cured her trouble similar to mine, after an aporation had proved of no benefit. She had such strong faith in them that she gave me the fleet box, and I began using thein. It was mat tong before I found mush relief. 1 continued td use the Pills all the rest of that summer, and the result waw they 'restored me to per- fect health. 11 told the . doctor what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had time for me, and his teePly was that he considered that they had done for tore little less than a miracle. 1 have since recommended the Pills to tinny others who have suffered from .. wo- n:wits. trouble", and they always pro- duced Ieneflcia1 results hopethat this sgtateancn,ir will be of benefit to some other suffering person." Those Pills ate sold bt' all medi- tine dealer or may be had by mail at 150 cents a box oir~ six boxes for $wash froth The Dr. Williston' Mddi- of year for 00e. eine no., Brockville, Ont. • 30 PER CENT, CST -IN CAIIIETS and RUGS rty stock of .Carpets and Rugs is too large and in order to reduce it I will give a discount of from 15 to 30 percent. Read this partial list : Union Rugs 3 x 84 for $5.75 reg price . $8 00 Tapestry " 3 x 3 for 7.75 " 9.50 " 3x4 for 8.00 " 12.00 " " 3x4' for 10.50 "` 14.50 - " " 3 x 4 for 12.50 " 16.50 " ". 3 x ;4 for 16.00 .. 20.00 3 x 81. at 30 percent: discount: Wool " 3 x 4 I must move them out if 81 x 4 price will do it. 4-4 Velvet " 3 x 4 for'$22.50 reg price $29.00 Are Beauties Wilton " 3 x 3} for 22.50 ". 29.00Best Quality We are sellingour4 yds linoleumsat the old price while our.pres- ept stores lasts. We have 12 different patterns to select from. Matti egaes 20 percent. discount. . Bed Springs reg $3:00 for $2 50. Iron Beds prices range from $2.75 to $20.00 each. We have a very large and well assorted , stock of all kinds of Furniture'.,and if you want your dollars to do some close financing for you, do your buying at our store for the next. 30 days, starting from 1st. MARCH up to 2nd day of APRIL Your money cheerfully refunded if goods are not satisfactory, all purchases must be cash at the slaugh- tered prices. It will be only' a pleasure to show you through' our immense stock. We are the only store outside a • city showing a complete set of furnished rooms. A visit through will be a treat for you anyway, even if you do not buy. 1 good square piano for sale at a snap. 1 " 6 octfve piano -cased organ for sale cheap. 2 good second hand sewing machines for sale cheap. We carry repairs and needles for all makes of machines. Repairing and picture framing neatly and promptly done. Chairs and tables rented for parties at reasonable rates, • The Store 01 Quality. Plum* ,la Walker11:1741P hong r 140 .Purnituro Dealbr and Ugdi'r'taker`