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The Clinton News-Record, 1911-06-22, Page 2
r- ` 0"06 N•R71rt>A"Ora lm" SWI• -- . NXW TRAIN .'%VA "ICC TO L•A,KE OF BATS. pains "we VantoW .. • 1 Moura to C -4m krt�ly '011" �� '14 An important teat slue #that tvlll ou � ��::��// s , (."X7 athered ,- Inaugurated during the csxtaing r,t btoti Thr: aur.., lot a. tb, Iv arrrby +� 4 'will be a new trails' 6ervice is the Guthrie, • itr tuaatlurr victory by ,UoQXx f�rirartt•parilla. 'x WO $rests in+di- , `"Lake os •Bays" idfstr ct. A stanrla" c]no lour succor ' in hepta' " 'Grated 'Trunk. passenger traitt will, lvhero others lava utterly ta,ll+lyd. Iwirs. il/*�� linin ear and leave Tcconto war or caith axs at coaches, iDrom i�alut�; Itt the beadd, 'loco nds forwA✓'cri` lh. p'cloc ep t its t �'n { 6 p shoulders. Iliad used variaua. . r kin tike morning, daily except t~ nes without relict I heard o! H N F -11 �+ ' int Z arse arilla• and sledded to try It, and Sunday, reaching fife latter pa blest the slay I d1o. I topic .it several. - at abo+it 3 o clock iia vac Oftt;rnctin, montbsa and novo ;feel well. .all 'w - toy, whowi they were attending 0011Ift1h Hollett ''�►'4A aablp "Lakehe �� or hales 3tava vanlsheci:' connecting with the steamiers f ference. ve din k c a Mr• Jahn Wagner died at bvis home 9 ct s and in baffordingpassof n passengers • the � Get T3oad's ts.. everywb tcrdaY. sold ' A r tett wed . !r too plc @ t iia by all drugtiists. raverywiser� L I . -1 LL �_ , op A[ - 1. Mr. And Mrs. James 9Calker are y 'p y . the Vethodis;.' dhurch there on Wedns+3- in Auburn on Tuesday of last week, opportunity of reaching their destin- spending a fern wv�ks visitiltg friends .,..r.� ., ,_.... I I - y luin'Ingersoll. day week, when ,Miss Carrie Slater, aged 77 years. 'Ud was a native of ati�cm ill time for dinner. the -only ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R. Hes%gi-down, •Germany„ where he wast The Sunday evening ;boat service LIPTON APi?QINT1gD TEA 1kiER- roa From idle 1�ews.R,ceUri of Slater of Blyth, was married to, the : born on June 21st 1834, and, moved from the Wawa hotel, Britannia, CHANT TO KING .t'IEURGE V. $IQ�%I, it c I 5 Uilk ill ��� Rev. Mr. Lovegrove, who was one of from there to Watei+'oo this province Point Ideal,. I*orlrage, 'Deezhutst and ' Zurich the recen'ly ordained ministers, and when he was twenty-three Years of other fmportaut ports for call on Thoniah J. Lipton has again btteta '" Ia youtr ftzca .eovesrgcl vt,itl3 honored, h0i the only Tea Marebaut, q` r. ltJ, Annie of Henaa.11 was is was appointed t , the Cayuga charge. age. After a short residence tlrore he "`Lake of says" to Hartsville will ike pimples, #icor Clinton, ,lune 19fa,i, 1:3.a. M It . receive the special!' appaimtmiettt as p will last r Rev, Mr. Fear tied the nuptial knot.' CaineCa'nle to and settled its the run on the same schedule as for the t~oxaditio# of your -blood , town as week, mts',ing ettock- 11derobaut to: His Majesty . they until season of 1610, during the Months of Tea h fir . dls ... einentq T4irs, Glazier is, as a wonth a visit kin t t ausU's store.• PPy i and August nd. which will be King. This speaks higdily for Lipton s cruse t ase csati to s g a P 'The lea• couple left nn the 8: p. m. Maitland Block where he resided , r . J k lar left last train fon Muskoka to spend their about a ear ago when by anpved to July g a at this sea son of tbq year. A to her brother, Mr, H. if ear _ and ,Mr• and M s ac Tay �, i Auburn. His Arst wife was a, 14liss a boon to werlk-enders desiring to Tea', the splendid quality of vsrhiclu QQd 3rtedichse fate your blood ,other i'V9ngiyaxt3 frf�+ad&. woe's fair Flint blies„ whores the in honeymoon bolos settling in his g : i ac l corn lu r bloke ' . y , charge. Miss Slater was one of our Yungblut, fent she only 'lived a year reach the city for business oft Mon- has wan this distinctive favor from witl c e, . your p Mrs. R. K. Lcrog,an, oR Saginaw, Mieli., tend making their home three successive British Rutars. msBic. is Here fin a. visit to hen 'areuts �Ir, popular young ladies as was shown alter their omarriage• From this tani,00 days.. p , Dr• Casaipbell attended a aneeting p# fisc aitiny blood puritlers 'Saul Mrs, Gilchrist. by fibs beautifu-1 presents they jr,- p7Re child was born. He next married ^r---� of t'he Ontario Medical Association . gra sell ,Raaxait Stood ?"ab. coved'. the wife who survives hem'. Of this. o b edl tha most Among the delegattes to the County at Niagara, Falls lash week: s h a e working union there were born +wa sous and : NO REASON FOR - DOUBT. " r '' Igis ora txisd. u .t. Y, Miss Ida Sipple left last week for Mr. Hbu e, who hat s b etY wo g A Statemtant of Facts Backed By a a r e.��� evective. Wo are familiar with Opoan a metro at Hensall last • Wet(c p all, the harness-nnaking, left on Wed- one daughter : John, at. Mt. • Forest; g g - the formula of this. reasedy s;nd were :• County, Chaplain :Stout, acid Dgtroit to vtsi* relatives said friends_ .Strong Guarantee. awf idly goon tea We • Count* Secretary Pei• r C ntel'on. 114r. Jacob I3taberer, the bus bee nesday for Guelph to .purchase a henry on ft homestead and Cat6aar We guarantee complete relief too all lertgw wl;rrtift will do.. It purl Cou y Se a y a q inn at home. Mr, Wagner was a me'm- a +t r fi d enrichoo the blood, D, Camtel'on shipped a const nmeot keeper, is ereck'ing, an 'extracting business, suffering from constipation. In every had at the' bridge • last e4 an g boa of the Lutheran Church and in g '1 ;,:i 1 the e will h e e fail w 1 w as .hoz w a PP of hogs to London cm Monday, rhe 'house on his' property at the south Mrs. J. Bell n3ceived the sad nes case where Y n builds ng the egtiF, system sad olit'" he was a Liberal• nl hti. O O> i] U!Vir impartaAbesdanycclgrtocheelca ruling price was 54.10 p�+r pwt. end, that her brother, W. Walker of Chf, p medicine free, g y rs wdlips. ,sold with the,Rcxall Mr. and Mrs1., William Dohert have E•. E, 'Millen of Naperville, 'ill,, bas cago was very low, so she leit for Rdxall Orderlies are a most effec What k]t]ClC� t Wa8 guaraptee. per psclreger 50c. in from a delightful trip up the been visiting bis mother. there on Wednesday, - , tive, dependable and safe bowel regu- s Mr, E. Robinson, while doing some Millets Grip Powders .Cure, For lator, uirengthenor and tcmic. Thvy 3 'S} R HOLNIES North Channel, Mr, Dphert }tray de- sale by.J, E. Havey,. druggist. re-estiablish natura's functions in a R. IiglOad with the trip and truly says work for Mr. J, Refixg7k at his but- • that Canadians do ao`ir, realize Otte • Are you well ? A -re you pale, weak- cher shop, and being ,on a ladder +..:------�--- •---- quiet, easy way, 'ihey do not cause $' STORE grandeur or greatniess of their own ly, depressed in spirits, melancholy, which slipped and he fell, catching � � any Inconvenience, griping or, nausea. I • country, tired, netrvouet and irritable ? Try his wrist on one of the moat hooks, Mores Township. They are so pleasant to take. and work " . The District meeting of the I. 0. `Miller's Compound Iran' Pills, For giving it an , ugly itaar which will so easily t';iat they may be taken by * ><, 4; * , I� Township Council will meet on p� • O. F. was. held at Hensall on Friday ,stale by J.,li�. Hovey, d:>,iggist, necessitate him being ctPl work far anyone at any time: They thorough- r , n some time, .which is indeled unfort- Monday, the 19th Inst, ly tone up bhe system to healthy. ac- , and was well att�� dad, Br4, . H. 13. unite as tilts is has busy season of y , airs. t+vitp • - ` •'�� 4 fi `� /� Chant was elected District Deputy On Walnesda of last, week Rexall Orderlies are unsuz?a,oable ;/',L0i_J AN.D...h... i ! Grand Master!, and Bro. Wm. Taylor the year, FollettSmith, mother of Mai, Frank kleQsall and ideal for the use of• children, old _ was elected Secrotary. On Sunday there -passed away one Kerney, .4th Tine, was summoned , o ti ,0 WHEN 1Zt)L" NEED ANY- The .annual meetin of the Christian Mrs. Barnett of Cbattham, has been of rhe best known and beloved ,ladies her reward,- She had been ill for the folks and delicate persons. We. earl o WI . K IN . 'THIS j,Ihih% \1'Ie Endeavor. . of Ra itenbury stre3t chu:lah visitti�ng her m+othvs,' 141 �y, G, S. in this place, in the"person of Sara past month and had atT'aain,td the not boo highly reeMid and them to waist I`�; �� THING ,E Yt'tT.1Z was held oft Monday. The young poo-. Thompson.. Ann Crawford, the beloved wife of Mr. good old .age of 78 years. He;: h,tme all sufferers { from a y4v 4 t . . WILL APPItECIA'i . le ,have. been workin under the con The King George, the new hotel, George Moore, at the advanced age y' C' . ORDER p g ' was In St. Mary's-, but, she was wvIl potion •and is attendant evils, . Two �' I stitubion of the : G. E. butt now that was opened for public, bu,imess by of -69 years and 3 months. She was known and highly. eteteeined to tltis sizes, lOc and 25c. Remember .you BRING YOUR ORAL � THERE the General Conference has dra�ltud a V•arlin Bros. last ,week. vary high;y respectt3d, always ,boiiag vicinity, earl obtain Rexall Remedies in • _ this r" yes, Jack,- I ordered Canstitation the thou• ht Weil to Miss Blanche Neurit has returned, read to assist a . friend in time of community onl ° at our hies, Thct . p y Rexall Store, W. S. R. Hclmcs, so1T a this mprni 9 —i� WHEN MARKE'l'iN`G',°c)011 change end will be henceforth known to Neva.• York'oftk,r a montWs visit need. The fun6r0a.ltook place toTrin- r . . IN I O US, as. the Epworth League of Christian ar. her hoime fn town. sty church warn seryl ,± was held, Mr Meorgo P, G.agp was nomiinated Was Red ROSS: I" S GRAIN BR G T ' Endeavor. The . "fgllowwin officers r HIGHEST PRICES I"<il). g .Rev. I,., MCL. Smith went to 01+- 'Rev. Mr, Farr delivering a very abler bq irhe Liberals of Sbox'monlo for• the . �.N���N�r�1NM�aN+M � were appointed : tawa to attend the General •Assemb- sermon,, interment taking place' in Comol'ons, . • • Ron. President, Rev, J. W. Mimes. Iy and also visit the home of his Hope Chapel cemetery in H' illett, • President A. T. Cooper. . childhood.. -: Two un prisoners, McNeill and • p i l Tire 'deceased was barn in York- young p Y C - rence discussed The Irnpefal . 2nd Vice, ;Bet. t°,Shannon, Mx, and Mrs. Miners and fan u esRcaped emigration.. t1 URD�M01 t u shire, (England, on March 24th; 1$42, jail, der, lin ed frons \VoodsWwr 3 �: 2nd Vice Mi:,> .Annie Irwin. have . been visitib friends in the vi- wh tot a ears of age carne to ]ail, but Verlind�!r ,was caught nc�t ISUMM i �-.-.. A , g and a bre y g 3rd Vice, Miss Lottie Holmes. cies Mr. Miners has disposed of Eastwood. try. P this country, and in th© year, 184$ • kitAlR BEAUTTFIEtR 4th Vice,' E. A. Coombs. his. hardware business' in Alvinstoue,. she came to, Hallett, first settling an ii • 5th Vhce, Miss M. Washington• and intends • gosh into business in Che. Nova Scotia elections a3sult�+g i g the 6th line, but afterwards moving in a t+ttumgh for the Murray, Goveat- Refined' Womaeai the 'World Over {Ilse It Car.-SEtcretaiT}, Miss C. .Barge. London, to i+hs.12t11 concession, Ever . . SS1_0N �'� meet,` 27..Liberais and. 11 Consexva- Everywoznaa. knows there is ngth= IteG Secretary, Joseph Holmes, Miss Lang,- niece of the Tate 0>r December 6th, 1R60, she was fives !aping zetu7ned:1. ing so' good for hair or seal troubte SHOEMAKER* .. Treasurer, Miss Eva:yn Turner. James Patterson,. has. -purchased the Rnarried to her now bereft husband, Parisian Sage, If Parisiiati Sage' as Rev, Mr. Parke -and Mrs, • Parke were residence, part of . the estate of. �,'lo Messrs, Z�aldo, King and .Brodie were • �� is used two or three timer a ' week it S AND SHOES REPAIR= in London this: week where the tor- latter, on Ricbmond. street, Un until fifteen years . ago they lived BOOTS . happily Hullett, at' that, time mov» acouittted at Montreal on the charge will keep't'he scal+n clean and nice and mer is attending the Synod•, •Messrs, Mr.' and Mrs. J. B. McArthur and ,. of atitempti-a to kidpait Ma.'. Stewart• Students may enter:angday. ED WHILE YOU WAIT Ing to Blyth where they ,bays since. � g t ' .Upon ensue year. Now is a .� a:move dandruff, It' -makes the hairs .IphaiRansford and .S: G. Plummer are 'daughter Inez,. left last week. for resided. ,lanes infant, ,and imimedtatelp began good time to enter. Largest lustrous and ftuh'p'ah�d keeps it fxovnr. , the lay' dole tea, the forniea going Vancouver,. W. C:; where they intend f it of e':even child- suits for $25,000 each against ...M�r, '. trainers in Canada, 'Graduates taxing out: . There was. a inn y on Monday to attend a mlee.ting• of to reside in 'future. Mr. McArthur Jones. get best positions. Thousands We urges overy woman who loves I have a tery .pairs cif sty ew. n tr1e executive: had been in the hardware •busisiess rear+ six cif: them -'Still. living,, as fol- .. stud in at home. ..Exelusive lows :Mtss.141arth'a at Home, Bert in ` The British seainan's; strike was right. f the, '•Fanaoiis Bliss tadiant< arid; fascinating hair to to Shoes left rvhaoh h • Last Friday the Clinton baseball here ,for, about twenty years until he fieri ice and .Frank, in Tor- declared last eek. - Book -Kee in System" for Orn W S, R. Holmen today and ' get- ' a` snake of Sho . team played at Lucan..The erne was London v tie la d 1 �+ e g p q g was burned . out a' ,horn time ago, to John who :is at.. the school of tarso. Actuiil,Business 1�bm large 50• ceps hottde of Parisian Sage rriiL sell for cash, or eme4aa►ge so welt -contested that the actual score It is his intention -• 6 go_ into bus- O 0 + p The I>tntie+tial Canierence discussed Start to Finish."' which is gfltarantt;pd :tq' .cure . •daudi7aff, • stood 25-45 reit .through, the viola- imess in the Coast Cit teL in London,' and Mi.. Ad- Y proposals for' esta'blishpnent of an Im- falling hair and itching , scalp, - 03:_ for wood. Came in 'and, sea tion of tthe rules on tike. part :of shot Mr. Joseph .Hudson was. in Sear elaide of Ripley.1. p p Write for:partieulars. er fib Lucanftes the uunpire; a Lucan maks, forth last wcaek abten ling fine` ' 2inar- periai� Appeal Court: mot,.I back. thew. All sizes and diff ear ' • f C.li '�` d ter list tmel The First Lord of the Admiralty ap 1• I +----- �—=. ... , A declared' the gatmis in •favor o non, riage of his grind augh , M E . weights. by 9--0. May Troyer to Mr. H, � B. Aitkinsou` Morris Township peeves of naval policies of the dour LONDON , .0. . Rev. Wm:. Stout and. Mrs. titn,tti v icr of .Davis'z]lle.. inions: . . I I DR. , OVENS, 'M• D . I, R of P e . - I I �� several families of 4liddl. The-warriage of Miss. Ella M,' Bad- ♦ BiUSICleSB College Ems•, ypecialist in DfseaT es of wll it d d , Halmitesvillt, and SurnDnerhi3l during g'ley to JosrrhGodwin took place in. - The Duke of Connaught .will sail for •• Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, STORE OPPOSITE -Clintonhe asst week. • d languid feelin and fn- Hamiilti�n on, June 'Tth. The cexemsanp Canada on the 6th of October. T (affi HolmerP Drag Ston, lint+oA, P ibis tired, Ta g id g, a listed with Clinto Business. be at THE POSTgFFICE. was performed by Rev'W. E. Gilroy, 14Tacdonald .vwaa;r senit'nced- at 'College) ♦ Tuesday, l4iax„la 1st: 29th, Apxt1 : disposition to eff�crt of any sort will i c' ;4Ir. aril `14Irs. Godwin. Angus r b, May 24th, • ,June 20th, If you at ibis sty y in.prisohmlent; GEo,1roTTozc, YnsznurtT don'1.t o see be rapidly :renioved by the :use of Mil .. Rodney to four ears n uirct Glasses fisc t Ba field June 19th 1895. will reside in Brantford: 2St y . , let's Cgntpound Iron Tills, .Far ' 'sale far forgery. , . NN���N�t N-N�NbN��' Dr. Ovens. Open Every Evening. . _ .by J. E.. Iio.ve,. druggisit. Frani. M. Martin;,:5tli line, .was ops. . Bayfield,, the favorite spmam,Tr lc .. 'erated on at the lr`osp lvd.•aud is mal:-: Kenneth. ForreSti�_ ,ol .the Ordnance ' sort,. is flourishing and tthis year's .• ink fa:vorablb progmss.. Mrs.. Martin Corps,• �.Totonto, develop0d typhoid . . tourists will notice trriany chani;es i�nd was dawn to see him. last week•. fever at 'Ndagara Camp, . McKiinop. Township. VERANDAH AI�D: LAWN _FllRN1TURE '; X ylAMIX M Y X X X X X X X K x improvements. Z • Mr.' 'Samuel .Snider has uxcltased Oen Wednesday, . of last week .Peter Two thousand men employed by.. the X P A Arden party, ander that auspices McCall' 7thi line , ai►d 14f Martha -1" the building known far many.'yeae� a g p p , R ' Canada Car. and N'ound'rp Company of � N � ' "the tannery," moved •it. to the pro of, the . Ladies Aad of Bethel. church, Nivins. of 'Blgtb, 'wore united in mar= Quebec • Province are.on strike for r high he bought last fall from Was held on the even:ng of June 20th, stage and. will make thdir , tome on higher pay' . pe ty w g instead of 'the 21st as was first, ani tho grooma'>a farm in ,thus tawnshi • . 1VIa: Essen. and will soon have it eon- p ' . r4SATFORD.'ONT.---'� nounced Charlie Br ons, who,has been home The Eastern • Canada Paper Si Pulp Fancy Folding Settees with just room for two at 1.990 Jvetted into. a lane residence. y Co• will increase its capital to, fif- Red Rdekers 2.190 X Y Mr. James. Stur on has bought LYf The suit of Grieve vs. Dempsey, for• on an'ex'tended .vacaiio i from tits poi � , Large . dantagesi i�he plaintiff Grieve having tion in ithe 'Standard Bank, P.ioton; teen million dollars ..and try to have ° a X A LARGE SCHOOL, : , Mrs.` Walwin one of her houses ' tm a 's m _ its Stock listed cat t'he Paris Boursti. orand.Father s Arm Chairs 1.50 2.60 2.150. had his lug broken by Damps q t to , owing to , a ?y,okeru leg,. vvilT T•ikely re X A GOOD SCHOOL,, X 'Main street; movol it to Isis Property g' (fool Wicker -Rockers 2.00 2,ls0 3,00 BEST. X l k chore and as soon as to running swap, was very wisely se. suuno work ab the end of the ingnth. The Presbyterian General Assembly. X THE on the a e11 X X 's refitted willm6we into it. tied. out of courit,. G:neire received a to a coimlpetiti�ab, in which: hun .appolnted.'Rov. Dr, A„ :5, *rant Gen Folding Wire Cots LVIS . `"- t ver fair, uiiane cents derision. .. X This school has a eontIe'atal r`C A .few cotta es .for sum neer visitors y y dreds ibok att, Mrs. James Douglas, oral Superintendent•. of Missions,' •and . r de work X e wonder.soroe Thomas.. Davidson, who has been III who .is a daughter of Robert anh Mrs: adopted the committee's, report . an ' Iron Tied with Brass Oripe 2.00.3,60 4.00 X reputation. far high g a would pay wolf• and, we g for the success of its stud- X u n r tins n t citizens da not for some t:mm, iu,not recc,vering Nichol, 6th line, was awards d : $20 Church Union, . by which the. question Tapaaese Mitts, large size .l50 X and o of o r a to p g ' X date, We have ,three de a>.rt X k he atter u . . Alex. Kerr has, begun the. erection in gold. for, suggesting' the *,est„name will, be sutiin 4ted to a,vote of . .the Fancy. Oilcloth and Oriental M+attinb at .25 per yd. . X maeats-Commercial, Shorthand X to e t m P of a, fine.-two-si+oill brick residence this spring for. a new strai t in Easttnount, Park, cangregatiens. . Atn'bttious OL Mr,: W, �J. Clark has e:+ resid- with. slate rocrt, Mr. �1•Iunt,et of.Cran- —�--- R and Telegraphy. newly papered and fitted up h Toronto. The -name chosen' was .Ea l ` pun mon and women should Y biook' .has the conttract.. The reeipxoc�ty .bill .reached the X young ence for the reception, of guests: Grey Road. ': 2 send at once for our large free .X . Mr. W6. Struthers and Mr, Georg e11 Mtv.. McLeod, who. so skilfully Senate last. Webs, ... . . brought- Mrs. Robertson through ,, her .. J • ce X ' g rchb she fi:authier• toile` suddenly a � `' � H � �L E X catalogue. Writ4, fest it at on Stanbury of the Uliiveristy; ,Toronto,, x . p _,� X and see. what our graduates are. X wt-, home..for the eumntdc holidays, '11nrss, is now•away in attendance on - ill at•".Detroi'a, Mich: , .. . Mrs. Gardiner, X doing,' X Furniture and iJndertalF ng , ` Phone No,. $ !Night and Spnday. Constance X This is a good. time of the X ._ ' .-.. . _ 'f'he •following is the' r.Tort of S. S. . The Imperial Conteronce' approved u , .. X year for you o .nide our class- X r • scheme of .Imperial citizenship based , y y, Holaiesville, June 19th, 1895. Ao: 8 fo:r May , . X ". Students are entering each X Hensall:n existing diversity in laws of'•t.a ,,,.�A0V%0V Vty�rVV"+wVVVVVVVV X week, Commence your course at R It is intensely here.` A nutaiher 5th --F: 'Taylor. Sr.� lth-F' LcttvrM.` uritlization. . X are lou hing up -their hay and there About the ' fi'rst . of April, James .91' . Clark,' .Jr. Aft, X once. ploughing LaWsan J,.Lfndsay, C:. Clark,. rhe Hurndall fu.triiture iaci•ory: at ,Our This'cal'. IS Tlie fest .Xo X. . X will be 1Tt'c.'e if, any hay cut in this Couch left for the west with his + •X D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. X section. a`feets and setttled oh a farm . near Taylor,. ,'Sr. 3rd --A, ,Taglcir, C• Orangeville was burned• . X X Mr, _J.• L. Courticd•hao moved into Alameda, Sask. A -'short ifule. ago Clark, F. Armstrong, L. Stephenson. _ Mr, S. H. C. Miner, bead o.f the X X X X XXX X X tX X X X X X X his new residence, It will make a, .he was taken down With typhoid fuw- 3rd Vena Dunlop. Jr. 3:.3—D, . But- Grarib Ruhbear Ccritipany and other A is er and died about tfie first .of lasts that, A. Farnham, G, Riley, V. Rog- y d .postaffice and the buildin +gists, died at Granby, 01 ' splendt tun�portant • into.. . week. His remains' arrived. here . on ersm. 2nd—Verna Adams, Pt. 2nd— . . v . y t� I . I, a credit to the vi'lla'ge• G ue:I Mr. J. Connolly, the cheese sales- Friday, week and were Taken to the V• Dale, M. Riley, W. #,indsay, W. ►i '. man, shade a trip too London on Sat- homer of .bis. mother, .with whomi, be Scott. Pt, lett-T, ba:7, C• Farn- - - • y urday to eiiect another sale of cheese. had previously resided, as he was not, ham, C. Riley, J. Armstrong, . W. - A large numltiyr of people took lit mrarried.: Scote, L. Dale. • 110-W TO LIVE I:OIv4. the excursion to,Guelph on Saturday,. Word has been Yoseived of the death --A. fl Farnham, T�+aCliCz. II'QVi ^1'C L`I4'I' LONG. B I., -C No less than seventy-oue tickets were of, James Wood of High River, Alta., 1 , With weaklive-long, kidneys one has a .good � j IF YOU WANT TI'11•a i3Fr97 sold here. as the result of a kick from a, horse. - �� chance to but weak kidnays. T DEL1V- Rov. E. A. 'Fear lent on Monday for Mr. Wood was well known to the: Grey Township , afflict old age with great discom- t I COAL, AND PROMPT Mfiverton 'hi.r new field of labor, lie people of this sec,ion, having just left ' , torts. Ther back beCohnes hent and It's the l�atne on the IVZOvEl9flei]t that fvOtiilts . ERY SECURE YOUR SUP. will return. tit a few da s, here a sew years ago. 'Ha was a fine tits: John McKinnon and children, lamb, rheumatism is chronic, eyesight UYING• a Watch by the case is like buying a hook R q Mr. J. 'Tr�+wartha, the delegate of man, much aspected throughout this of Fort William', are visitink ab the fails .and too frequent or involuntary b the Cover, Book or watch, it -is the inside that PLY FROM, US. f Huron. . .. ' hoarse of Mrs, John McKinnon, . 8th � Cburi+ Selwood C. (l. F., left for portion o o passages of th,+ l Ii buying a Wa'tCh giro first consideration • counts. '!, OiED>✓RS LEFT Ax' [IAVIS Hamilton on Tuesday. A happy event took' plactir at Lon- Con. The visited purpose extending r urine cause'ein-= tion last wed -t when Miss Winnie {heir trip to Montreal. to the movement. If you Want the best .movement for b; ROVGLANp'S tXAiEIDOCARpi �w batrassment by Walker was united in marriage to A teachCr will fid needed in S. S. � day acid loss of your !honey ---choose frosts Olin aBSOrtrliCnt O� STORE pft,OMPTLY' • AT- Dungannon, Jund 19th, 1895, John Drysdale, 'sem of Mir. R, Drys- No, 3 after :summer vacation, Miss a sleep at night C.r TO dale of l3ensall. The eereinon was 'VV ALTHAM WATCHES t r,1< ES Messrs. A. McKay of Godertch and y Mary park, the present teacher, may Booth's Kidney ,•.T9NDED TO. J. Watson of Nile spent Wednesday : conducVtq by Rov, . Mr. Kennedy in go Wept. Mi Pills bring new t Dungannon wi Erie the presence of a numb^r of Invited Miss I.va ' inlay and Miss Osborn strength to old we havt Waltham Watches in all grades at a wide range ofVtices—eac atch everning awith friends. Mr, Wim:, 'Th sod's+ ilau hters iguestis, Those,from HOnsail Were it, of Mohet'fiell were visiting frdends in backs and quick. the beat value possible at its respective price, And we Cxn Bait you with g y, 4 watch case p1Ain or fancy, solid or gold filled. JW s W ,11-1-evenson who have been attending School at,Drysdale, son Alai: and daughter ,Attwood and Llstowcl lass, week, relief to weak r�fan y`#tet Cott Owrtcd tl tVnl3hts�” ' Belleville, •have returned home for the Pearl, Fred Hess Jr. and wile+' of A number of .the 10th con. .people' engird kidneys. ., .. • "� Zurich an'd Mrs. Howard and Miss' o y tte surnnner holidays. are getting. their summer supply of W'rtt6stm VJ�Yclathendtlremoat8epetiiTabte es£tisttr;gttcee. 'itch , Allen of Blake. J Ck Stclwart's m ch The banish l?sackacke anti rheumatic i,• w>,y ve &tM61 it 1t dices, I£ yari Want to in Ake oar wt<te4 Mr. Thos. b irirtigahU s ntitnv basrti will wood cut by o a • y ■ iIY• fnvsrtdaent�-lw t ur yell ybu to adjusted W,►lt.ti. THE 'LABEL TELLS THE TALE, be completed this week, 'Mr. Me. earn, regulate the bladder incl kid fee. I ) Massy Natws-Recird suhsoribein have Whiney .of Nilobad 'tato eontrraet and S. S. No. 9 tirustt'es have re -en- n�s. � in tlitl est few rviceks but he is a, hustle.s. � Your+ friend, Mrs �--�•-- is look- ,ga,g,eet Miss R.. McNair for another Booths Kidney I ills are •for siek UN renewed p R lJ .L'� tlsero are stilt moro who have not yet, Mr -J. McMath of Clinton- bas 'teen ing m'ad.h improved in health,,, "Xes, year sit+ an advanced salary, kidneys .in old ox young and are guar- + d tie .so, The 'tuna is nbw ripe, Wig tlrinnming carriages for Stephen Sto• We persuaded her to try Millor's Goan- To'avriship Cpuncil will :meet on the antcktd by, the pro?trretora, 'ihr It. .�or�r►eret� iss�telr Marriage Lfertel iindaCd the aceep%d find, The 1�he1 iAtiexs of this village, pouted frets rills, wttli' ilio result you Myth. The Close and llrewer Brain T. 13+loth Co., Limited, %tltt Eric,, i oil ur paper tolls tho*boltt story, flew. Mr. Ro�ligm and Joseph A. observe." For sale bq J; B.Alovcst, rBy-laws Lourt of 'RdAsarn will con. Ont, .'gold everywhere at 60 cents a yo p p 1fey�w doles yottlst.rcad't 112allough have Ittisturned from St'fathy druggisb. stitutc a portion of tltct business. ba... Ilton trial senb onrrquest!.+V+dNN►MAArArW~~r++^Ns+r a I . , „r