HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-06-15, Page 8C POws-lIttoorol Mm 15th., IH 1. • L. Our Specials fot Saturday and the Following Week • GASOLINE, STOVES 2 ONLY 3 BURNER eg $6,00 for 45.25 • 2 ONLY. 2 BURNER... a reg $4.00 for $3.50 1 ONLY 3 BURNER SECOND HAND reg $6 00 only used feW timee ..$3 50 1 ONLY 3 BURNER SECOND HAND reg el).00 for $4.00 FOR AN EXTRA SPECIAL. • 6 ONLY U.ANJ SAWS GOOD VALUE reg $1.50 fnr 08e 6301lfear LONQ HANDLE ROUND POINT snovors tilt (Socket) . . . . . .. ......reg $54 for Me 1111-1.A.JR14,,A2T7C) 331ZOS. • STOVES, and HARDWARE The Shoe Store for Everybody •. WOMEN Of critical tastes in dress, be it ultra or most con- servative Will instantly recognize the attractive feat. ures of this Store's Latest Styles. Shoes and Oxford ail.25 to $5.50. • MEN • • )3e they ever so particular about their attire, will find the selection of Spring and Summer Shoes ex- ceptionally easy at This Great Shoe Store. Shoes. and Oxfords $3.00 to $5.00: . • CHILDREN Ot today are as particular concerning their shoes, as their parents are. We recognize this fact and therefore shows Best in Ohildrens Shoes. Child - rens Shoes and Oxfords 75. to 51.35 • Not High Price Not Low Price Just honestly priced. A pro. fit for us and if you want the goods an advantage to you' This refers to our stock of Hammocks Few things so •cove and comfortable as a liammock Good to read, rebt and sleep in. . •••• FAIR CO. •Often Cheapest - Always the Best Specials IbrFr.Idk. a and Saturday •I About 100 Men's and Boys Tweed Caps. •Some are broken: lines and . Men's. and Boys Caps • • odd sizes and sonneare Travellers samples but all are worth from 50c •to 65c Choice Friday and Saturday 29e,• Virnite Lawn 'Waists at 39c • • Dont miss this chance to secure a nice 'Lawn Waist at about half • I pnce, Friday and Saturday 65c Waists 39c. • . • A .Big Snap in. Mosquito Netti•ng Hundreds .of yerds to go Friday and Saturday at less than half price 'To clear only 3e a yard. •••• SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS IN. BOOTS, SHOES, and CLOTHING SMALL PWMSTEEL BROS MORE PROFITS BUSINESS • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••41 J.B.Hoover • Nelson Ball . . •DOLLAR DOWN I is often an illu.ra- I ination as big as ; the sun. •There's I no place in town I where "money! down" goes furth- er than . it, does A CHINA • CLOSET 1 or dresser bought tor "spot cash"from our present 1 stock makes what you see elsewhere, to like thirty cents. It's bargains galore we're offering just now in i I our entire furniture stock. I ,1 sme eheepeet spot In Huron COOnty to buy all kinds tif fernitere. i Hoover Sc Bali 1 I1ZITYBINTITURITI ANZ11 10171/11lit.e..X.• 25X141110WORS •4•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4440.41444.41.44446 VW/ • , Miss Annie • McCorvie , in spending MAO time with Hamilton friends. Miss. Hill of ervvin's millinery staff lefif for her home in Galt ties' Mr. vkari'd Mrs, Roderus of Wingheen visited Mr. and Mrs. John. Hartley On Thursday. Miss Rumbale of Flint, Mich., is the • gitlieet of her "auette, • tee • Misses O Rudd of town, • • Mrs, W. Cook was a visita fur few days,laat week with Godericha, • township friends. " Mr. Will. May or Stevenville, Maar • tana, 0 is visiting friends and relat- ives in the vibinity, Miss Baker and Miss IlatIXe Baker of Fullerton attended the Jenkies— Reed wedding ye,sterday. Me. and •Mrs. Hanna nf Milvalton were gueses of their danghair, Miss S. S. Cooper, over the week •end. kiss Ida Walkieshew eat on Tues- day for High Rives, Alta., where she . -wile visit frienda her. ' a few • enanths. • e. • Mr. Will. Harland Is in Toeente ties • . week attending. the 0. 0, F. High • Coutt. •the zepieseetative • of Court Maple Leaf. . • Mr. and Mrs. • John Guest are in, . Milton • this , week attending • the Ived4ing f Miss Mabel Cook, a niece Of the lateen • Mx. E. F. Twitchell and ieride are •visiting at the home of the form- er's -parents in town, Mr. and Mrs. Jes, Twitehell Mr:• and Mrs. J.C, Carrneren and • child,• Luoknow, • spent the •weiek end with the lady's parests, Mr. • and Mee. W. Fitecer. • Mrs. W. •Southcombe and son Will and Mrs. Spading. bf St, Mary's Were in town this' week, having come to attead the finierat .of , the late Mrs, Southcombo. • Mr. J. W. •Newcombe of Fort Will- liam has been spending a few days the past weee •visiteng Eta sister, Mrs. J. Evans in town, also his • fathea Rev. H. Newcelnbe. • • • git W. H. Irwin, who spent a fort- : niaht, it ilea home of his parents, O Mr. •and. Mrs. 3. A. Irwin of town, • returned to Tormite on Friday and on Sunday last was ordainelin Elm street beach as a menistee of the Methodist chureh. Mi. Irwin ' goes to Alberta to take a eharge. Mrs. and Miss Campbell of town ac- caneanied by Mr. and, Mrs. Geo. Baird of Stanley left for koosejaw on Tuesday. They inteed`travelling through different parts of the west and will probably be absent •for some time. • . Mre- jos. HelPenny who sixteen years ago wan foreman finisher at thc• . organ factory was in town for • ,a • few (Days of the past ' week. :On Sunday a.. xt. he I! iadered a , in St. • Paul's church °and also, •at the evening service in thei (entatrio street church. Both were much en- joyed by those 'who had tele pleas-' O urn of :hearing him..Mr. Halpenny is traveller for n &meet company located in attetee 'City. • Mr. Isaac Barr has aeld his ocen- • fortablW little farm just north of the town to Mu. Jas. C. Gannett of, 'Biuevale, who will' take posses- sion alinese inunedittely. Mr. Gan- nett intends .going halo the culti- vation of small fruit and. pbultey on a large ..scale. Mr. Barr intends moving into Clinton and will occupy the cottage on Princess •street late- ly occupied by Mr, D. Eckmier. Mr, . and Mrs. Barr and Miss Dora intend taking a trip west in July. and will likely go on to lea Coast. Mr. and • Mrs. Eli McLaughlin and their daughter, Susie. arrived teem Saskatoon, Sask., on Thursday last. Mrs. McLaughlin and daughter will remain for a month with her parents, Mr. and MYR. Wan. Fluker, but on Monday Mr. . MoLaughlin rent to Toronto to attend he O. 0. F. High Court now hi seission. This is the second time the brethern at Seskatoon haee Sett lam east kes • their representative. eo it cannot otkcrwise )10 inferred than that he stands high in their esteem. He O certainly can dilate on the good points of Canadian Forestay and is, if poesibile, Mit. wore enthus- iastic in talking up Saskatoon. That town is fortunate, no isetter where ft is 'Mated, that has a bunch of petriotet eitezene .elidueti by Such olitinliten as ie possessed by Mr. McLaughlin. • • Another. Shipment of Waists Jilstiecolyed _Dinging and , Toter Pan $tyles." WE have just passed into • stock another shipment of white Lawn white Mull v and Linen Waists in the very newest designs. The new•Dinga.ling is going to be a very popular style this season with Peter Pan Waists a close second. Ask to see these two styles as, purchaser or not. NEW DINGALING WAISTS The New Dingaling Waist is the very newest style for summer wear. Made of One white cam- bric; tailored effects ; latindered collar and cufts. Especially priced for $1.08 Saturday PETERwPAN WAISTS $1.48 We passed another shipant of Peter -Pan Waists into stock for Saturday's selling. Dutch collars, daintily trimmed with white tan and pale blue collars and cuffs. These are very new and especially priced for quick selling . SIAS FANCY PARASOLS We cleaned up a Manufacturers lot of Fancy Silk Parasols about two. 'dozen in the lot, no two alike worth in the regular way $3.00 to $3,50 Saturday your choice $2.25. KAISER GLOVES • We are carrying a complete stock of Kaiser Silk Gloves for women in all shades. Both long and short length double tip fingers • Kaisers guaranteed -at 750 to $1.00 O LOVES GLOVES Our stock of Loves Gloves is now complete in both silk and Lisle in black and colors. For the past three seasons we have had the agency of Loves Gloves and they have given out patrons the very best of satisfaction prices' range from 25c to $1,00, - sAT THE MEN'S STORE eadY Made Clothing Ordered Clothing Furnishings NEW SPRING.READY-MADE CLOTHING The New Spring Ready -Made Clothing., for men and boys are now In stock and they comprise the very latest styles,.workmanship and wearing qualities, and obtainable • at prices that hear the closest scrutiny. Shrewd buyers tell us that we sell the cheapest in town. • Remember, we give you The NEW SPRING SUITINGS are here. • 5 percent off coatings are now in stock waiting your inspection. We The New Spring importations of suitings, panting and use nothing but the very beet of linings and we are turning for spot cash o•n all ordered out better ordered,clothing than.ever. We guarantee fit, • or ready-made clothing. • style and workmanship. •• , • . BUTTER/kW) EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. M11M '—IG- 04.61-1 B11'0 imZ,M ?a, 4111111W'44■0- -L 11:? COb CP'eS -41111111110 CLINTON • London Road Messrs. • George Watt, John Mo - Knight, John McQueen and Andrew Davidson have bought new buggies. • Mrs. John Hinder and Mesta Robin, Clinton, vent. a few days of the pane week ab the old homestead. Mos.. Douglas Wheeler spent Sun- day with her parents and on Monday went to London to join Me. Wheel - Miss Tillie Note has been in Bay.- ilald the past week. Mrs, Joseph Shipley was •in Lon- don a few days of bhe pest; week. Miss • Jennie Grant addressed the League on Sunday evening. The next, meeting will be held at Mr. A. Wiliee's toe , be addxssed by Mr. W. Hardy. • A severe storm raged over this section on Sunday afternoon and con- siderable damage is reported. The Weather Insurance Company, will have a timbal or claims to settle. • Mr. Wiltse rosins a foal which he says is one of the best he has; ever had. It was sired Glenrae, the Canadian bred Clydesdaea owned by T. McMichael & • Sons, , 110Imesville S. 8. Nos. 10 and 5 are adver- bising in The NeWs-Record fa teach - ewe The following is the report of the Holmeseille Public School for May; •Sr, 4th—Feank Jenkies, Clavence Connell, Carl Mair. Jr. 4th—Gertie King, Clifferd Kol- land', Bette Ostrom. Elva, Proctor, Rey Munnings, Harold Lasts, Varna Jervis, Harold Cole. Alice Rix.. Sr. 3rd—Alvin Leonard, Milton Holland, Daniel Gliddot, Siewart Mair, Leslie Hallea. Jr. 3rd—Lexlie Jervis, Clifton Procter, William Attack. Sr. 2nd --Fred. Levis, Alealind Me- Cartney, Norman Mair. Sr. 2nd—Bruce Holland, John OS- tront. Pr.t'Miller, Wilfred Jer- eis Percy Fleming. Sr. Pt. 1st—Violet Violet 11u11.30, Marion Alcoek. Cyril Pa:tee tor. Jt. Pt. Ise—Willie Jervis, Dorothy jereis, Charlie Potter. —J. X. Lowery, 'readier. • Can a ' Municipal Council•The New s From Londesboro Rescind a By -Law That • Has Been Acted on and • Expense Incurred. 7 • Mr. lThos. Scott left Tuesday morn- Dr. Allison was in . LandOn Tues- • ' " ing for Toronto, where he will .at- day of this Week, • For menthe past the people along the Base Line 'and in the south- western part or Hullete have been. ageing for telephone emineetions. To meet this want the Galeria', Town- ship and McKillop Systems were pre - palling to Move, but the,, directors re- cognizing tEe 'absurdity of more than one line, ugr4.1,4 Co a joint canvas and let the majority cleaide.. Accord- ingly Messrs. Holland and,Lobb of the Goderich Township Berstein and Messrs; Govenlock and McMillan of McKillop made the canvas •and the majority deciding too the former, ap- plication was made to the council for right of way. , This was ' granted and the necessary bylaw passed. , The directors had the ground staked out and the supplies bought when the ,council rescinded its bylaw — at the solicitation of the Blyth Company, it is said. , • This action seems arbitrary, to say the least, and will probably result in a suit for • damages against the council. It ham also caused the gen- eral enjuiry What right has a com- pany centered at the village of Blyth ilo say that the lower pert af.)elallett may, not be better served by cow- paniee with ,Centrals at Seaforth and Clinton ? The following along the Base Line and in Hullett have already asked for the Goderich Township System.: J. W, Stevens, .R. Tiplady, waiter Maine, J. Cornish, Mrs. G. Wray, A. Neil, 0, Jervis, Mrs. J. Col - dough, T. Lindsay, C. Tyner, C. Lovett, Wni. Mair, Wen. Snell, S. McCool, R. Govier, A. Vodden, W. Vodden. St. Helens. lefiss Lizzie Auderson has returned after a visit with friends at leeletien. Miss Maee Woods Is visiting her sinter, Mrs. Jas. Irwin of the end earn of • Kineogs. . Quite a number from around here took in the excursion to Guelpa this week, • The Beef Ring toneneand operate ions lase week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woodti visited friends In Winghatn over Sunday. • • • • tend High Court, Chadian Orden of Mr... Tfios. Millar received a car Foresters( as a dePegiate from Lon- load of coal thia week. desboro Court, Pride-of-the-Wese. Mr. Smith Eno is in Godetea Mrs. Brogden visited bta daughter, serving pn the jury this week. • ( 'Mae Floody of .Blyth, on Tuesday. On Friday night. of last week the 1 The Meehodist Sunday school Will reloadedmen played ball against ths. a hold 'their annual strawberry festival ,single men, resulting in a :score of ea, on Monday evening next. The Clinton 14-10, T. Citizets' Band will be in attendance. The molar meeting of the Worn - There will also be speeches and en's Institute was held on Thdrsdar other attractions on the progrant. afkanoon last at the home of the. Mr. R.,, J. Martin left Saturday of President", Mrs. M Brown. Soap- - last week for the Soo. Miss S. J. Gibbs was in Clinton subject for the afternoon and was on. Mondayvery interesting and profitable to Mr. T. Millar left Wednesday. morn- ell. Afterwards filve-o'oeltock tea was., ing for Toronto to attend the Octal served and a very pleasant after - Dealers Assooiation Meeting held at noon was brought to a . close tto the King Edward hotel. He will meet again on July 6th, when tte, also take a tee) to Niagara Falle be- members are planningfor a picnic. fore returning home. . at 'the river. • „ making and demonstraelon was the Hullett Happenings. Mr. W. 0. Henry received his degree of B. A. , from the University of Toronto last week. • Messrs. John Allan and Robert Rogerson have their bans raised up for the purpose of putting cement • walls under. .Mr. Stewart of Blyth is doing the cement work and the veteran "Bill", Pilo bossed the rais- ing gang. • ..!irs, Wm. Resk is improving siow- 1yMrs, Geo. Connell, Goderich, is vis- iteig friends here at present. Mr. Jack Warwick of Seaforth spent Sunday with friends here. While diming home on Sunday evening after gpendiag the clay with friends south of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs,. Jae. Stevens and baby escaped •Mighty luckyweak the bit of the bridle broke at the 'top of Church- ill's hill on the Greve Road, allow- ing tthe hone to run away. After crossing.ie bridge at the foot' of the hill the animal swerved into the tette Where it broke away from the buggy and proceeded onward a short distance ithelt until it was mote Apparently no • damp was done whatever only. to the bargees, Willa was somewhat broke*. Messrs. George • Carbert and Jam Brown are in Godoech this •week. acting as jurers. • On Wednesday of last week the. marriage took e place at the home of the bride in Hibbert, of Miss Olive Irene Gray to Mr. John Cooper, son of Mr. Henry Cooper of the Huron Road. • The ceremony was performed by E0V. Jas. Livingstone of Mitchell. The bride was very handsoMelY and becomingly governs' in cream silk with. silver trine•mitgs. The arideetnald, who was Mise Cora Cooper, sister of the groom, wore a pretty frock of blue eilk. The groomsman was Mr. b. Grey, cousin of the bride. After the wedding luncheon the newly -wedded. pair drove to the groom's home en the Huron Road, whev a recepelori wds held, abaut one hundred guests having bete invited to weevil* theist. A very pleasant evening was spent and the young people Were the ee- eipieets of an and hearty geed wishes for their future happiness and prosperite Milton Baker, a Hemilton Spirit— conettatted suicide by taking Poison,. •