HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-06-15, Page 41
Pewter'* Hill •
sm. h'Sad. Rodeena west child sn
o1 Kinlough visited her slaters, Giza.
r Mrs. alter
W r
(lea. Yander)autyf, and led t;
Weston, fora few .days.
WS. D. W. Gibson of Beiralo, who
has been visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart' Macdougall ;or
some time, returned home last Thurs-
Mr. James Harrison, our enepuiar
threesber, has purchased a new in -
tine and will this year give his
customers better satisfaction than
Mrs. Morgen of Gndericlt has been
visiting her dough `-r. Mrs. Betties
for a few days.
L. O. L. No. 189 wilt hold a
special 'nee ?ng, 'on Tuesday evening
next.4 As business of importance and
some degreen are to be given, a full
Attendance is requested by the Mas -
Beautiful Aust
rian China with.
colored picture
of King George
and Queen Mary
and Englishcoat
of Arms..
Cup &SS,aucer 20 td 25
Jugs 35
Cream and Sugar 35
Plates 15 20 and 25
Bowls 15
Choice design in
blue with: plot-
ure of. Town
Cup & Saucer 15 to 20
Jugs 15 to 25-
Piates 15 25 to 35
Cooper na/
I When the newly -wedded pair had
received, the congratulations of those
assembled, .a dainty wedding lunch-
eon was served.
I A number of very handsome gifts
were received by the bride.
Nr. and Mrs. Lindsay took the af-
tornoon train at' Vinton for Tor-
onto, Niagara Falls and other points
and on their zaturn. will reside on
the groom's farm on the Huron
Road, west of Clinton, where they
will be at home to their friends af-
ter July. 1st.
A Preitu Wedding, In
00derich Township.
A very pretty wieldingtook place
on Wednesday of thin week at the
haeme of Mr. and Mrs. John I?'taupsey
when their daughter, Elizabeth Law-
rence, became the bade of Mr. David
M. Lindsay.
The bride, who was given away
by iter father, was handsomely at-
tired is a gown of white embroid-
ered mull, with veil and wreath of
Orange blossoms, and. carried ; a bet-
quet of bridal roses and fern. The
wedding party stood under an arch
of 16iage and flowers. The eciremony
was performed by Rev. Mr. Snow-
nowden and was witnessed only by im-
mediate relatives and friend',.
Mi. and Mrs. Anthony Lawson of
Clinton spent Sunday at Mr. Win.
•t the
• d will meet The Ladies'Guild m t a
hone of Mrs. J. Rapson on • Friday
• Miss A. Waite of C. B. C. visited
at Me. T. Mair's on Saturday and
Sunday.. '
1 Mr. and Mrs. 1. Carter of Clinton
f were guest's . of Mr. J. J. Johnston
Sr.. on Sunday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jordan of
Porter's Hill . visibad at . Mrs.
Beacom's last week.. .
Miss M, Clifton has returned to
her home in P'ivi erity • after a
weak's visit with her brother, Mr,.
Chas.. Clifton„ •
Mr. : Lanty .' Nethery of . Ba grave
visited at the home .of Mr. George_
Tyner's . on Wednesday,..
A fine baby boy' arrived at lire
homer of Mr. Norman Ball, on Sun-
day „
un -day,•
Mr. Geo..Hayes sold a fine horse
j io Mr. Albert Neil and realized a
,.handsome mina'.
Mrs. T. Lindsay was in London
this week attending the wedding . of
er nephew,Mu'i' ay
• arts a o
Our postmaster sports handsome
new buggy. `
I ; Mr. Eldred • Mcl3rien spent Sunday'
at his home hem). ' •
Miss Clara Biggin sAetit Sunday
.a' her home- here.
Mi:r Trick attended the wedding
of her uncle, Mr. E. Jenkins, in
Clinton on Wednesday, of this .weiet.i'
In• price only can.
these waists be termed
cheap.. The Quality
of net and the styles
are very desirable. The
lot consists of 24 waists
and are worth up to
$5.00 each. We have
f hens it all sizes from
34 ;to 42. This your
choice i to buy a net
waist for $2 98.
Our dress making
dept will reopen Jane
10th • Miss Husband
will take, charge : of•
this dep't and come to us very highly recommended.
Any orders left with us now will have first place `
Dressmaking Apprentice Wanted
3s any woman for looking low-priced waists ? She sur-
ely will find one to please her in this big array. These
:mists are made in one piece, of all •, over .Embroidery' ..
very pretty designs in all sizes prices $'2.25 and $3,00
As the season creeps along millinery must go at
big reductions.. These gats are some of the smartest
and new shapes and'taro prettily trimmed.
Hats worth from $3,00 to $5.00 for $2.9$
Hats worth from $5.00 to $8.00 for $3.08
,Conic early for first choice,
y Y
The eaga'gensent is 'announced of
Clara !a. Erwin, daughter of . Mr.
and Mrs. W. 11. Erwin, to Eugene
Saudeirs of ,Berlin. '1'4i0 marriage
will take place the latter part of
Mrs. (Dr.) ,Brown of Clinton,Iowa,
was call& home this weed owing' to
the serious, illness of her mother,
Mrs. John Whiddon. who died the
day after her .arrival,
Mr. Dunbar of Clinton occupied the
pulpit of Trinity church last Sunday.
Mr. John McLeod of Hunt.tville,
Muskoka, spent a few days this week
with his family.
Miss C. Parsons left last wee's to.
spend a few weeks • with friends at
Mrs. Maitland and family, Master
Jack and Miss Helen Maite.and of.
Detroit arrived last week and have
taken a cottage in the 'White City
for the summer,
Miss Mon.tsith,� who has ° spent the
past few months at Stratford, re-
turned to the village last week.
Mrs, William Clark and daughter,
Miss Gerti t Olark, Mrs. H. Swink.
and two children, and brother, IVIr.
Percy Biggarb of Co,orada Springs,
Colorada, are visiting their parents.
Mr. and Mrs, John. Biggart. .
Mrs. William Sterling, who has
been visiting her daughter in the
west for the past few months, re-
turned home last weak,
On Friday evening last a .number of
the friends of Miss. Clara Erwin-,
me.nbers of the choir, Sunday school
and congregation of thn , Methodist.
church, met at the home of the young
lady and, in view of her intended
departure from Bayfield, presented ese bad h
with an addrem, oxpeosslve of their
high appreciation of her faithful ser-
vices as a member of the choir, or-
ganist, of the S. S. and also for a
time, as member of the official staff
of the latter, and with a handsome i
cut glass berry dish and silver fruit
spoon as a visible token of their
Love . and esteem. The addrt' . was
read by Miss Charlottes Parsons and
the presentation was 'made by Miss
Nellie Watson. Miss Erwin replied
thanking her in ends • for • their kind
wends and for' the pretty gift'.i
The Nantes of •the company had
brought along plenty of good thing's
to eat and after some .time had been
spent in social chat and music, tea
was served and thoroughly, enjoyed,
by all. . . •
Miss Erwin will be Much missed
by her friends both old and young
in Bayfield, but one and all join in
hearty good wishes for her future.
happine. s. .•
• Following is the . address :-"Miss
Clara • A. Erwin, Dear li rfdnd:-R'e,
in behalf of your chureh:•friends,.have
assembled here this: evening to give
x' Sion re-
es to � our ori a ts in '
s m n rt
gard'to you as a faithful, general
co -Worker er in the c ur h
c You,
your kindness; diligently assisted the
choizt for severalyears •and acted as
organist ni the Sunday.. school, and
for a time filled :the .office of secre-
tary, all of which talents and en-
ergies we most •' highle appreciated;
We ala: fully confident we cannot make
you any :adequate rebuilt for the un-
ceasing faithfulness manifested on
your part it behalf of the . Methodist
church, : Bayfield, yet we would de-
sire you, to . accept this cut :glass
berry . bowl and . fruit ,spoon.. as ` a
Memento of the respect, ee , rem and
love which ' we bear to you as our
friend and a member of 'the Meth-
odist awl',
ethodist:church, and Sunday school here,
and we would also tender' , you our
heartier.; wishes' fol. the health, -
prosperity and happiness of yourself
and companion , and believe us, you
shall ever • hold a high place in. out
affections.--Si'gnod on behalf of the
congregation : Charlotte;;' 'Parsons,
Nellie Watrr;n, .Paul Cleave.
It was with considerable surprise
and much regret that: the najerety of
people learned on '.Tuesday of the
lest 1 t of Mrs. John Whaddon. . She
had been ailing for.•.somie little time,.
over a ,year, but it was not until a
'few weeks ago that her case was
considered serious. Heart failure was
that immediate cause of death,
Mrs. Whiddon, whose' maiden name
was: Mary Ross, was born 'z Bad -
deck, Nova • Scotia, in 1853, She
was married • to her •now sorrowing
husband in 1876, and they came to
Ontario and. settled . near Bayfield,
where th•ty have since resided. Mr.
and Mts. Whiddon had a family of
five, two sons and three. daughters.
Both sons preceded their mother to
the bp. Jar country. Murdock died in
1907 and W. J. R., (Will).: passed
away in• July of last year. The loss
of these two boys was a severe
sorrow to Mrs. VWliiddon. The laugh-
tars as : Mrs., (Dr;) Brown of Clin-
ton, Iowa, Mrs.. John Jowett and
Miss Ruby • at home.
• Deceased was a conti'.stent member
of the Ptt.sbyterian • church. She was
a faithful wife and good mother who
will long be missed in the home
which is now bereft.
The funeral, takes place Thursday
afte;xioon to Bayfield cemetery. The
services at the house at two o'clock
will be ccnducted by Rev. 1'4r. Mc -
i; ariene, •
.... .Belgrave
The individual Communion Service
presented to Knox church by the fain -
fly of , the late Mr. and Mrs, David
Scott as a memorial was used ?asci
Sabbath for the first time. It is a
beautiful service and a fitting ttrib-
ute to .the memory of their parents
who were long members of 'the con
gesgatlon. . . '-
D. • Wheeler. is :• having hid hoose
'encored With it'd brick, gist it •A
very handsome appearaalee. '
We Lear
?hat at Josspit tiitier has
purchased the Clark property oc�
awed • by Dr; Stawarb. °
James Citekeyr has retailed troth west .having found no plod in
his travels as .tar::;as. Vancouvot • ttt
surpass Huron.
June Session of the
Count') Cermet'.
The June Meeting of Mean,
Council was held in Goderieh on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of
last week, the 644_ 7th • and 8th,
with all me+mibers'present. Nothing
very startling in the way of legis-
lation was enacted hut a lot of
routine business was disposed of.
The contract for filling in the
bridge south of Clinton was given
to Mr. .Geo, Lindsay for $624,. , his
tendter being the lowest. The ,tend-
etu, by the way, ran all the way
from $624 to $3000.
The contract for the cement work
of the sane bridge was given to
M:r. W. J. Elliott for $4.75 per cubic
yard, excavating being. included.
The committee was ins nucted to
build the bridge on Franck street,
W icrxeter, if en examina.tion tbey
thought, it necessary.
The committee reported the con-
tract let for a bridge cin the bound-
ary between •Osborne and Hibbert.
The context was let after a. meeting
between. Messrs. Geiger, Patter:on
aad Govenlock with three mens from
Perth Couneit Contracton is J,
Gaffney of Kenicott -and .the amount
$1241, each county to pay half, Other
bridges on the bounda.sj are reported
to be in need of attention and the
committee was instrue:'ad to consult
with the Perth comiinittee and And
out just what repairs are needed.
The House of Refuge committee re-
ported that institution to -1» tits first
class condition,• quarterly visits hey-
ing been made.- There are
four inmates. Me. Muteh appearttl
before the council to ask for an in-
ncrease in salary. The- committee re-
commended that a grant' of $104 be
given. Manager Mutch at the end of
the year, . .•
A communication was received from
the Sterling Bank asking for a share
of the county business and the
ceunoil decided. th'a•.''t'he Sterling Bank
should be given ,half; or as near as
may be, of t'`to county banking busi-
ness, provided that the Taaaa:rirer,
cc'uld make satisfactory as iutge-
inun'ts. ;' '
A grant of $10 was given to the
Huron Bee -keeper's As000iation,
$25 Was grant'sd to the Winter Fair
t;a be given in two prizes of $15
and $10, for the two best beeves fed
by amateurs fro: Huron .County, shown
at the Winter Fat Stock Show.
The Huron Rifle Aeffaciatien asked.
for an increase in their grant this
year. The' usual 'grant of ;$75 was
given. •
A grant of $200 was given to each
of Godurich, Clinton and Wingham,
County Property Comanittee re-
ported the.: jail to be in good con
ditioni, There art four inmtaten, .Pa. „e
male and one: female... A number of
supplies were � cede. _dand the urn y
is to be allowed his fuel in addition
to his ',salary. .
The report of the Educational
Com'mitfea• was one of the moss in-
teresting of the . session. • A petition.
was read front Clinton Model School_
asking that they be put back :.in
the .inyaectorate of. East Huron, giv-
ing as a reason that the change was
.made without' consulting the- Board;
The Council rescinded the action of
the previous . session' and. allowed
Clinton to remain in East ` Huron
as before. •
The xamte r of grants to
schools taking up the continuation
work caused considerable discussion,
brit it 'was, decided to leave the mat-
ter just as it was for the presene..
A petition was presented froth
Hullett 'township regarding the form
ing of a newschool section made up,
of 'parts of • lour' or Bye (Pliers. Ar-
rangomlents were made for an arbi-
tration to decide the location and
County," Cle:+'c Lane.. was . appointed
County ;arbitrator.
W. B. Witenhammer of Exeter wan
appom.',.d, examiner on the Entrance
Exa'tai'ination Board at Goderich.
Th council took .up and considered
the matter of •pedlafs's licenses. A
petition was presented signed by II.
Wiltse and other Clinton merchants;
asking for a readjustment, but the
whole matter was' laid overuntil the
December meeting. •
Drs' Shaw of Clinton was granted
.$141,' on the applioat'.on of the 'Super-
intendent of Tho Children's • Aid
Society, for medical attendance ; on a
boy undo their care. .
Mr. Wain. Glen, Reeve of Stanley,
was appointed a delegate to the con-
vention. of the Municipal Tuberculosis
Association to be held in Toronto. in
September, and 'a grant of .$10 was
given to .the Association.
It was doeided that Miss Haines, a
patient in the hospital in Godenieh,.
should; . be detained there until the
next meeting of the council when ar-
rangeinerits would be made to ;have
her removed to 'a home for incur-
Albert Vi'liitesides of Hensall was
appointed High Constable art a sal-
ary of $200 per annum and fees.
The Warden and Clerk, were ap-
pointed a coentrnittee to draft a let-
ter of condolence to be sent to Mrs.
Robb, widow of the, late Inopeetor
Belgrave ''
D. 'Kirkby, has moved his office to
L. Williams and installed a N. Huron
phone so as t•. acedin(modate his
Wawanosh patrons.
The farmers, are not complaining of
the lack of moisture tens year, While
spring grain, pahtures and bay are
dc'ing well, cora' wilt slitterin the
rainy season .lasts much longer,
.Ktppeo • .
A large accrue of beans has been
scorn in this vicinity this Season.Season.ViottiViottiMiley, alone has twenty -eve
aures; . ,Deans .1106 Droved a good
paying orae for :so'are years.. Many
are buying beak UV/eaters.
Staniail Township
Mr. Malcolm McEwen of the 3rd
con. is aeries has 209 -acre farm for
Thin Is ome of the most up-to-
date farms in the county and will
cc+uamand a big figure. ,U war bought
►,y Mr. Mcidwen's "father f:rent, the
Canada Company well on to threw
seers and ten pears ago and there
in a little log cabin, located a little
south of the present connodious brick
residence, was where Mr. McEwe'a
was born 65 years eiece. Ile pa•la-
ed through .all the phases of pioneer-
ing and that they were strenuous
years no other evidence is needed
than the smooth fields and fine
buildings of 'the old hornektead.
Mr. ,Georgy Dewar of fie Sauble
Line has been chosen to fill the va-
cancy in the township council caused
by the death of Mr. Nicholson. That
he will do justice to the position is
the opinion of those who knew hint
best' and are, therefore, most com-
petent to judge.
Mr. Robert Armstrong hadba bee
on Thursday last to haul home the
lumber That will he required for his
new barn that will be erected this
Mist Charlo Va Brownett returned
to Goderich on Saturday after spend
ing a few days at the home of her
brother, Mr, Thomas Brownett.
Miss Edith Rathwell is spending a
few weeks in Windsor. '
Mrs. R. Welsh and son Eddie of
Clinton spent Saturday at the home
of Mr. Edward. Johnson.
Mr, and Mrs, J, W. Reid, are
spending a few days with friends a-
round Wingham,
Sorry .to hews of Mrs. George Mc-
Clinohey being ill, also Mr. David
McClinchey's little girl is sick.
]4Ia. Charlie ; Rathwell is improving
On Sunday last the worst stortn
ever seen in this locality passu over
!;lift and the ad.;oining township of
Hay, leaving a path of uprooted.
trees, unroofed buildings, and about
half a dozen totally demolished.
barns in thecourse of repairs os con-
struction to . show where it spent its
fury. Messrs.. Taylor and Turnbull of
near Grad Bend had their barns
jacked up to put a wall :underneath,
when they collapsed, Mr. Jos, Bad -
our of near . St. Joseph is the heav-
iest�looser.' Hb had built and had
about completed a fine large barn
90 ft by .0 ft with cement found,
ation and even bad the hays -fork
track in and eve -troughing done. .• A
couple . of days would have completed
the work. Now it' lies a mass of
ruins. The wall is broken beyond re-
pair and the lumber and timber is
so broken as to be next to use-
less. Among those not; so . seriously.
affected ane R. Johnston, two barns
unroofed, R.' Allen, barn un-
John Kays; barn partly
• •
roofed and Wilson Arens e ng, whose
barn, undergoingrepairs, was partly'
overthrown. Several, besides these
suffered loss in having the best Um-
ber of 'their bushes upturned. •
Mr. and Mrs. George •Pollock of
Dfysdale ' visited - at the. home of Wan,
Pollock on 14londay. .
Mr. Jas. Spackman is . doing'' con -
had 'cement work on bridges this
week. •
• Mr. ' J. A. Manson's silo was.
blown. over • during . last. Sunday's
storm. •
Mr. John Steckle is erecting a fine
driving house.
Mr. Joshua Snider is in the berry
market again, •
A• strawberry festival .'under the
auspices of the W. F. M. S. • ' is to
held on thechuro'h lawn at Hills
green on June 23rd. The • London
Harpers will bo in .'att'endance in
addition to other local' talent. One
of the special features will be the
lisel n go Many beautiful tif1 cushions
made by the ladies.
The Cause of Neuralgia - It . Must
be Treated thncrugh the 'Blood.
Neuralgia is a, cry for the nerves,
for more andbetter blood. It let-
wally cleans that• the nerves are be-
ing starved. Like every other part
of the body the nerves receive thein
nourish'nient through the blood. There
is therefore ' no doubt that • Do. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills will cure the worst
cases of neuralgia. They actually
make. new, rich • blood, carrying to
the starved nerves the elements they
need, thus delving away the shaap,f
torturing pains which nearly drives
the sufferer wild. So many cases of
neuralgia have yielded to treatment
through Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
that every sufferer fe,:i n this dread
trouble should lose no time in giving
the Pills a . fair trial. Mrs, Sophia
H. Johnson, Mozart, ' Sask., says :.
"Upwards for ten years I was a
periodical sufferer from neuralgia. It
located in the side of racy face and in
the jaw,: which would actually click
every time I opened or closed my
mouth. 'At tinteu the- pains would be
almost unendurable, and as dime
went on, my whole nervous system
seemed to be affected. I was : eon-
stantly doctoring, but the (tooter did
not seem to be able to give me per-
m,anent relief, and at, last 1 decided
to try Di, Williams' Pink Pill's. 1 got
a, half dozen boxes. and before they
were half' gone 1 felt much better.
and by the tfnne x had used than all
every, symptom of the 'trouble bad
(gone,. and , I was enjoying a ccazaforrt
1 had not known fox ,years. i have
since:. rremained in the bestof health,
Say 1 the o.. of
sand can only s y owe joy o
living without pain to Dr. Williams'
Pink Rills.!'
•Sold • by. all rlded'iain. dewlers 01 by
mail at 50 eents a bolt or air 'bocce.
for $a.50 front the 'Dr. 'tl►'iilfaenn',
Medicine Co , Brockville, Ont.
Joss Mk 1.0
IfF:/ !! :;
We extend our sincere thank to our numerous
patrons and congratulate ourselves on a lniliin-
,ery season flfty per cent better than any of the
past, .
More left for an entire clean upand they are
going to be busy ones too. 4
To make startling statement aboutrice reduct-
tions and content ourselves by saying that for
the next week or two profit will in a great meas-
ure be lost sight of. •
Is to clearoout every hat in stock. if it isos-
sible to do so.. p
Ladies' Hose White- Black t
White , ,Navy, Alice, ligh
blue pink,
Black Silk, Blue, Red, Tan. Pink. ,
In all the most popular colors and patterns.
Watch This Space
Foran interesting announcement to appear in
the near future,
5 to 30 PER CENT, C
fly stock of Carpets and •Rugs 'is too largeand
in order to reduce it I will give a discount of
from 15 to 30 percent. Read this partial list :.
Union Russ 3 a 3i for $5.75 reg price . $8,00
Tapestry " 3 x 3 for 7.75 " 9.50
" .,• 3 x 4 for 8.00 " _ 12.00
" " 3 x 4 for 10.50 " 14.50
" " 3 x, 4 for 12.50 " 10,50 '
" " 3 x 4 for 10,00 'e 20.00'
3 y 31 • at 30 percent. discount.
Wool " 3 x 4 I must move them out if
3i x4
price will do f
4x4 .'
Velvet " 3 x 4 • for $22.50 reg price $20.00 Are Beauties
Wilton " 3 x 3i for 2.50 •' 29.00 Best Quality:
We are selling our 4' yds linoleupas at the old price while our, pres-
ent stoc, Lasts... We have 12 different patterns to select from.
Matti•egrgs 20 percent. discount.
Bed Springs reg. $3.00 for . $2 50.
Iron. Beds prices range from $2.75 to $20.00 each.
We have a very large and well assorted stock: of
all kinds of Furniture and if you want your dollars to
do some close financing for you, do your buying at
our store for the next'30 days, starting from•
, g
1st MARCH up to 2nd day of APRIL
• Your looney cheerfully refunded if goods are not
satisfactory, all pure bh
ases must be cash at the slau h:
tered prices. g
It will be only a pleasure to show you through
our immense stock.. We are the only store outside a
city showing a complete set of furnished rooms. A
visit through will be a treat for you anyway, even if
you do not buy. `
1 good square piano for sale at a snap.
1 " 6 octive piano -cased Organ for sale cheap. •
2 good second hand sewing machines for sale cheap.
We carry repairs and needles for all makes of machines,
. a
Repairing and picture framing
• neatly and promptly done.
Chairs and tables .rented for parties at
reasonable rates.
'i'hte• steno
'61 Quality.
Phone 28
1N WaIer
iuratturi Dodo sod 3*ortaker',.