HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-06-15, Page 1e Clinton
ws- Reco rd.
1884-48alid Year
The Model S chooI Board, Teachers and Pupils cordially invite netgitboring schools to their Sports in
the park on Coronation Days
Useful and or'Mamental. articles suitable for Wedding
G,s, are here in abundance. A. lot of new goods
'est received. Stirling Silver, Cut Glaris, China,
Clacks. Silver plated ware Etc. Quality and Design.
Mot please the particular, moderate ,rices preekaii. ;
_e.,°weter•aniDptirs an
Capital Paid Up
Reserve and Undivided Profits -
Total Assets • - -
175 Branches and Correspondents throughout the 'World.
Interest allowed on Saving accounts. Courteous treat-
accorded to all customers.
R,•E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton. Branch.
I"Your worthy paper that we
wouldn't like tobe without, is how
Mr. W. H. Wallace of Britton, South
Dakota, speaks of Thee News -.Record
`and be emphasized his remarks by
'paying him subscription to October
1912. The salutation, "How does
your sub. read';?" does nob concern
Mr. Wallace.
Preparations .are now beings coin-
;tleted for the School Scholars Spirts
which will take place in the pails
on Thursday next, Coronation , pay.
The program, will be bigger and
more entertaining than ever and will
eonsist of music .galore, drills, games,
etc., etc. The children of the adjacent
schools are invited to conn and
share in the fun.
1 The ' comruittee, which are of about
the carne personnt'1 as last year,
rmat in the council chamber on Fri-
day evening to perfect arrangements.
1 On Sunday last ' at the morning
t, , service, Rev. Mr. Greeneand the
r ; ° pastor gave ;tame impecssions of t':ie
Conference . just closed, and in the
Ievening the pastor read extracts
from. the "Pastoral Letter" • with
various eexplanatiens -_, and comments.
On Monday evening the League was
d s
a ore wed
son . of Mr. and Mars. John Stevenson
of• town, on the work of •the Y. M.
0, • A. Mr. Stephenson is physical
director, of the Y. M. C. A. at Port
Arthur, consequently can speak with
authority concerning the matter, and
lie was listened to with much pleas=
ure and profit by 'many of his old-
time' friends. The. Boys' Choir gave
a couple of seleettions, •
Tho League ` intend: holding their
annualgarden party on the lawn of.
Mr. Peter Cantelon this evening and
the young people are looking forward
to a pleasant tixh'e.
Capital Paid up - $4,000,000 Rest Fund $4,400,000
Has 78 Branches In Canada
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities
Hi ;the world.
Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate'
Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager.
In our business of selling:'
clothes our policy is to furn-
ish our patrons with the best
clothes that can be made.
In the selection of our gar-
ments w6 are generous but
not extravagant.
• 44atti1�,yJ ..
Finery detail that makes for
better clothes is carefully
looked after nothing.is''sh ht -
ed nothing is overlooked.
N • ney price, every figure
s based' on actual cost;' and
the results of our efforts are
apparent. We have a splen-
did business because we offer
the best of clothes and the
best of clothing 'service,
At $10 00 we offer many
excellent lines of suits.
At $12,00 to $15.00 the of.
ferings and the patterns are
still more attractive.
At $1A.00 to 22.00 we give you the most perfect ready -
to -put-on clothes that are made.
Hats, Neckwear, Shirts Gloved and Hosier of the
Shirts,, t y,
same quality.
See our 98c Hat Window.
M •
Huron's. argent Clothiers
"A Sq are. Deal for Every Mau"
On Friday last thep irit of • Eliz-
abeth. Barrow, relict oil the late
James Seut'hcornbe, was' called i!pto
zest. Deceased was eighty-four years
of age: She' was a native of Devon-
shixa,. England, 'having . been born
there in 1826 and she grew to wom-
anhood and • was married in England.
In 1856, soon after her marriage;
she w,'' h her: husband, came to
this ;"iun'try and fon a time
they lived' in the township 'of' Chiuga-
couchey. Later they came to Huron
and settled. in Hullett TowitsGiip,
where tabey by diligent and strenuous
labor, succeeded in hewing our for
themselves and their large family, a
comfortable home. Mr. Southcombe.
died in 1878 and Seven years later
Mrs. Southcombe and family left the
farm' to one • of the sons and moved
to Clinton, into the house on Rat-.
tenbury .street, where they lave since
continued to reside. '
Mrs. Southcombe was a wotman of
remarkable strength . of cliaracter and
keen judgment, yet withal, of . a
kindly and .. gentle spirit. She was
al:'a possessed of .•vigorous • health,
and coming to this country when. it.
was a wilderness, she proved herself, a
wrathy helpmeet to one aid
the early
pioneer, and cheerfully,did ` her share
in building up a home. She was also
a green reader and had a mind well
stored and up to the very last she
retained the . use of her intellect' and
was keenly interested in everything
that transpired in and about her
home.' . For some time she was unable
through, physicial infirmityto go a-
bout much, yet she was always glad
to receive her friends and never • lost
her kindly interest in the 'Welfare of
those whom she knew:. •tiler lastill-
ness was a general breaking up of
the syst+etn apo lasted over several
weeks. At times. she was very low
and suffered .considkee.bl'y and it was
largely owing to the strong spirit
within that the thread of life was
lengthened out so long.
Deceased is survived by five , sons 1 it!ouiin, was unattended, save by Miss
and three daughters : Jane's on the l Ethel Washingtcn,. niece of the groom,
homestead, Hullett Thomas D. in who made: a charming little .flower
London ; .John at Gariroale, Sack:, girl;
Ro►aert at Forts Williams. ; George fn The bride looked lovely in a grace -
St. Louis, Mo., and Misses. Mary, ful gown of white silk crepe-de=obese
Annie and Emilia at home. One •son, trimmed with seed pearls, and ear-
lily -of -the.
tf roses,1
d boquet
'1'a xeo
Wil t am led'
d in 1892 ay
.and d
a au h-
° ter in 1884, and another child died valley and fern Miss Helen Doherty
in early childhood: Mrs, Soutlicontbe played . the wedding music. The ushers
retained to a remarkable degree the were Messrs. Rees Jenkins+, brother
affectionate respect of hen family, who of the groom, Herbert Jenkins, a
deeply .feel,' and will for a long Cousin of the groom, and J. Rani-
time, the loss of a good 'mother. ball and Frank Evans of Toronto.
The funeral took place on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins left on, the
afternoon to Clinton: cemetery. The •3 o'clock train and will spend thole.
services At house and graveside were honeymoon on Manitoulin Island and
concluded by Bev. J. E. Ford, as- other points up the Lakes. `*The
slated by Rev. Mr. Greene, The pall bride's travelling suit was of King's
bearers weaa : Messrs. Jas. Twit- blur with hat to match.
ehell Jas ,Steel W S Harland The bride will be much missed by
Mrs. Margaret Colquhoun of Gowrie
engagement f'
;a,nnoun0es siteo her
daughbslr, Eunice Lawrene, to Harry
W. Fitzsimmons oP Clintton, • the
wedding to. take place on ,Tune 21st,
Owing to Corondtiom Day falling on
Thursday next it will be necessary
for The News -Record' to. go to pease
a day earliea. than usual. Will cot -
respondents and advertisers please]
note this and acts accordingly.
M. G. R. Keys of t'own had on
Monday a lewd, of 26,0{i� in the
voting contest carried on t'y the
London Free' Press. The contest
closed yesterday but the reeilt will
not be known until Saturday.
"The- way to' sell. to advantage is
to let the. people know what you
have for wale, in other words ad-
vertise fn the papers," said Mr,
Isaac Barr, who has disposed c4, his'
falai at', a satisfactory price. Mr.
Barr's advertisement. it is 'scarcely
necessary to add, ran in The News -
Rev„ Magee, Associate•
Re ..II S. ogee, -. Sets
retary of the Social and Moral' Re-
form department of -the , Methodist.
Church, was found dead on Wednes-
day in' 1'he woods adjoining• a health
jrteort at Elbiira, N. Y. where he
had gene foe treatment, death ap-
parently • being caused b% himself.
Mr. Magee was, forty-five years of
age: Be'was known in temperance
and moral reform circles of the Meth-
odist Chutieh from Newfoundland • to
Vancouver? He was an carnet work-
'e r; and well liked by all who knew
'him for his tact and pleasantness of
manner, combined. • with zeal and wis-
dom. ' Deceased was said t'J be great-
ly worried •over financial matters
which involved .a nslative •to the ex-
x-b nt of some $20,000,' caused by min-
ing ventures. A few, • years ago he
was an associate pa$Par in Clinton,.
and was a particularly -:bright young
Rev C. E. Jenkins and Mie John
Ransford are representing St. Paul's
church at Synod which is being'held
at Stit.tford• this week.
A : Coronaticn .Service will be held
on . Thursday morning next in. this,
church. The town council has been
invitt_d to attend,, also the ministers
of other "denominations and ratare
sen-�'atives from other choirs will be
asked t'o assist.
A : special • service and address to
men, will be delivered by the rector
on Sunday evening next.
A garden party, under the auspiceis
of the 'Y. L. G. ; will be hold on
Tuesday evening,. on `•ehe church
grounds. The Ci: izens' Band will be
in att' adancci; Refreshments served in
:the school roam:
fire. Lord Bishop of Huron wall
hold Induction .services and likewise
be special preacher • in ' St. Paul's
on Sunday evening; June. 25th.
The Sunday school meets at; 10 • a.•
in,. every Sunday during the.
summer it oaths, instead of in the
afternoon. .
Wes1e9 church was the. scene of a
very, pretty • wedding, the second in
its history, at the • hour ,of half past
one o'clock yesterday,: when Miss
Elizabeth Reed, granddaughter of
Mrs. H. Watt's, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Edward J, :Jenkins :.of
Toronto,. son of Mr..: 'Thos. Jenkins
of Woodlands Farm.. Huron Road. The
ceremony, was performed by Rev. J.
Greene assisted by Rev.. J. E. Ford,
and witnessed by a number pf guests.
The bride, who was given away by
bene • brother, Mr. C. A. Redd of Man -
' her eirele of friends in Clinton
Stevenson, Venn. Alexander and
Wni. Robertson. There were many where she was always most popular,
beautiful flowers send by syrnpatthfz and especially, in Wesleyy choir, as she
ing friends, among them being a was one of its sweetest singers. The
beautiful anchor of oases sent by the groom is also well-known and highly
employees of the Sherlock -Manning esteemed bit town, but for some time
Company of London, where Mr. T. paha he has made his :nonce in Tor.
1)..SouutheoRtibe is employed, and a onto, where, since his gna,duation
spray from the firm. Mts. Lappin from, the University, he has been
acid Mrs, 'Mesnnel, also of Lpndon, engaged in Y. M. C. A. work, hay.
each sent sprays and inuny friends ing been for some time secretary of
in town- expressed their sympathy in the Central Y. M„ C. A. there. The
this way. Clinton friends of the 'itide and
Those who came • front a distance groom have nothing but good wishes
to attend the funeral . were : Mr. for their future happiness and wcll-
Robert Southeonmbe of Port '�Villiatn ; being, good wishes in which The
Mr. and Mrs. 'clams D. • Souter News4Recor'd heartily joins.
Combe et Loudon. and Mrs. -Will On their return to Toronto Mr. and
Southoombe and son Will, and Mrs Mrs. Jenkin:n will reside at 40 Lotr-
Sparling of St ,;Mary'S. si Ldon 'street.
C to Model School, which, .
Clinton S boa , i h. at tht.
February sesn'on of the county eoun.
cil was t'.anafer'red from East to
West' Huron inspectoratia, has beet
restored to the former.
Wheat 830.
Oats 28c to 30c.
Peas 68c to 73e.
Butter 140 to 150..
E ggs 15c to 16c,
Live Hogs $6.75.
Col. and Mrs. Chandler of London
will conduct the services in the S.
A, hall next Sabuxday evening • and
Captain Gallinger left for Cornwall
on Tuesday morning in response to a
telegram. stab:ng.that her mother was
seriously ill,
On Sunday last Harvey J. Col -
dough, son of Mr. • J. Colclough of
the .Base. Line, was gnu of Vim bwen-
ty.-three young men ordained to the
Anglican ministry at Torontto. Itis
mother was present fox tile. cere-
mony. Schomburg• is the place at
which Mr. Colclough is stationed, and
as there is a comfortable r�ctary
connected With the charge; it is
hardly probable that he will occupy
ft alcne very ,long.
On Sunday lasts at the close of
the morning service, the Saeraiment
of Tee Lord's Supper was admininb-
ered by the pasto:r. Rev, W.: T.
Pearcy ch Londesboro preached in the
evening• very acceptably, as usual,
and Mr,. H. Raynor contributed a
The. Woman's Association held their
regular monthly tea on Wednesday
The W. F. M. S. will meet this
evening. ° 4
The funeral of Vine late Miss M. S.
Thompson, who died in Brandon, of •
which mention was made in last
weeds' issue, took place on Satur-
day afternoon last. The body ' ar
rived on the eleven• o'clock train on
Saturday morning acccttnpatiled by
two brothers from.: the west and Idiss.
Jessie, who had gone out to be
wi,`h her sister. during her last hours.
The . funeral took place - 'from the . sesi
dente of the • mother on Albert St.,.
the servica 'at house and graveiside
being conducted by Rev. C. : E.
Jeakins. The pallbearers were Jas.
T, and Mark G. Thompson, heathers,
J. l3, Tierney and C=7* McTaggart,
brothers-in-law, and Dr..MnTaggart
and. Albert Jackson:: Besides the
sympathizing. friends 'who attended
from town:, • a nuinbee drove ' down
fronn Blyth to'attend the funeral.
At a nieei+:ng held nn • Thursday
evening last the Huron and Perth
Baseball League was re -organized
with`. the' following oMcers
Presidenb, J. A.' Macdonald', Mit-
' Sec. -Treasurer, W. L. Johnson,
Clinton. •
Cominittee, 0, Dean: .Goderich ; Dr •
Shaw', • Clinton ; J. A. Macdonald,
'.The following schedule o1 games, was
1 Clinton at Mitchell. June 12. . .
Mitchell at Oodt,'rich. June 22.
Mitchell at.Clinton, June 29.
Goderich at.:Mitchel. July 7.
Clinton . a'' Goderich, July 12.
Goderich at Clinton, July 21.
Clinton at •Mitt:hall, July. 24,
Clinton at Godes+:ch. Aug. 2. •
Mitchell at God'ei ch Civic 'hon.
Mitchell at Clinton, Aug: 17.
Oodericli at Clinton.- Aug. 24.
Goderich at 112dtchell, Sept. 4.
• Umpires.-Olini'n; J. B. Hoover,
Dr. Shaw, M. Metwan;. Goderich;
B. Potts, F. Rutland; O Dean.; Mit-
ehe:l, J. Livingstone, Jr., ' J. A.
- -
on Monday evening last the mem
bdrs of't4he League drove down to
Hensall to pay. a friendly visit tc,the
League iiherre. The weather was not
very encouraging but that ' did not
deter the Leaguers from their pur-
pose, and about seventy in all Pook
in the trip. The visitors provide''
the program and did it in their usual
thorough manner. It c.onsisted of
readings by • Misses . Grant and Ship-
ley and Mrs. McMurray ; an insthru-
mental duet by DMiieses Levis and
Phnnisteel ; a piano.solo by Miss
Lawson ; a violin selection by De-
De'Witt Cosens ; a solo by MiorWiltse
with violin and piano accc+mpnanient
and a quartette by Misses W4)tse
and Stevens and Messrs. Hawke and
:DeWitt Cosens. Each ch the pastors
also addres ed a few words of en-
cc+urag'ement tto the young people
which wets much appreclated. At the
conclusion of the progai,m the home
League MI red • refreshments, a part
of the proceedings , much enjoyed by
the visitors, and a pleasant hour
Wali spent socially by the two se-
cieties. The outing was thoroughly
enjoyed by the 'local League.
The Woodmen of the World will
attend divine+ eervice in•thls Churea
ori. Sunday eVeulas, June °25th.
In renewing his subscription Mr.
William Jenkins of Constance sato r
"Wil Pike The News-Reesard so much
that we would feel loot withoutt it."
The first game of the 'mason be-
tween the Goderich , and. Clinton
teams was played on the local
grounds on Thursday evening last,
and resulted in a victory by 5 to 3
for Clinton with an inning to spare.
It Was a friendly contest, the spec-
tators showing their appreciation of
a good play, no matter by whore
made. The line upwas as follows :
Goderich--V, Dean c., H. Belcher
1 b., •0. Dean 2 b., R. Walter's 3 b.,
C. Devitne s. s., Brown r. f., L.
Elliott c. 1., Webb 1. 1., Baa p,
Clinton -W: Manning c. 1., ?VV. John-
sen 0., F. McCaughey 3 b., H. Twit -
ellen . s, s., C. Draper 2 b., E. John-
son 1 b. M. Counter r. 1., M. Mc-
Ewen I. f., 11. Tasker p. ,
The following ex -pupils of Clinton
Collegiate Institute wore uiccessful
M the relent examinations at • Tor=
onto University :
Faculty of Education -Miss Ruby
Kitty, Miss Hazel Elcoat, Jas. A.'
Cameron. •
Ayes -D. H. Stewart, (first year),
first class honors in Clar,-,ics and.
in English and History, McCaul med-
al in Classics ; (fourth year,) W. B.
Taylor,. J. R> Ruinball and . W. 0.
Homy, honor classics,
Practical • Science -Dean Courtice,
flet class honors:; James Mitchell,
first class honors ; P. Whitely;
Medicine -Roy Bali (first 'year), D.
Roe. (second year), Miss A. Mc -
Ewan (atird year.)
The bee demonstrationadvertised
to be held at the apiary of Mr. 'I..
Dodd of tctwn on : Wednesday after-.
noonbrouight out, several enb:1asias-
tic bee 'nen, such as Messrs, McGre-
gor and kraae:i of Stanley and others,
but P13f. , . Petite did not show " up.
This is the s:' and time preparation
has been made for a demonstration
and the demonstrator failedto ap-
pear. Ib was thoughtthat awing to
the rainy weather the trip had• not
been undertaken as the demonstra-
tion • to have taken ,place on Monday
at Zurich did not materialize. 'rho
bee .men did . not waste the after-
noon, . however, as they spent several
hours exchanging ideas, being plaas-
aptly entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
On Sunday last the pastor oc-
cupied the • pulpit at _both services,.
In the of ening.. he preached the •sit-
and of a series of . sermons c.n' the
Menages to the Seven churches of
Asia. Mr. Jos. IIalpenny of Mont-
real, formerly, of Clinton, rendered.a
solo at the • evening service.
Next Sunday . evening Rev. Mr.
Cosens will exchange pulpits with
Re.'. Dr. . Stewart of Willi:' church.
The • Women's Missionary Society
held their monthly meeting at Cie
residence Of. Mrn Wasntan on Tues-
day afternoon last. There was a
geed attendance • and an interesting
nee ing. "Mrs. Cosens gave a ' report
of tha convention recently (held • in
Factor, a letter was lead from Miss
Sybil Cctu•u':ce. of Japan and Mrs. B.
J. Gibbings contributed a solo. The
rcoore 'of' the treasurer was read by
Mrs: Steep and showed that the
Auxiliat'y had raised over . $2t5 dur
ing last year.
Mr: D. Cantelon paid fifty, -cent's'
per cwt. mote for hogs this week,
than Chicago price:
The Huron. Old Boys' of Toronto
will -hold their annual excursion t'
the old home county on 'July 8th.
The fare is $2.36.
The semi-annual meeting of South
Huron L. 0. L. will be 'held in the
Orange •hall; Clintcsi, on Saturday
afternoon. '
The W. C. .T. U. will meet at tie'
home 06 Mrs. Crich, Hue= street,
on Friday afternoon,' at 3 o'cl'ock.
The Executive will meet half
hour earlier.
Readers of this paper who have
beet students of Georgetown • High
School should a tnetnber the reunion
on Septemiber let and 2nd, A large
gathering is expected.
The 'regular anonthly tneeting of tele
VV'orn:en's Institute will he held at the
home 'of Mrs. F. B. Hall on the af-
ternoon of June 29th. Visitors ars
always made welcome.
I,leu&nen'r Rougvie wants recruits.
is complete (the cosnpleunent of the
Clinton Company and for that pur-
pose wilt be air the armoury over
McTaggartes Bank on Friday and
Saturday of thin week.
June 15-Gardetti Party on the lawn
of Mr. Pettis Cantelon, Clinton.
June 16 -Rovers vs. Mums at
June 18 -x -Strawberry Festival on the
parsonage lawn, Londesboro.
June 20 -Garden Party on St. Paul's
church lawn, Clinton.
Juno 21-Stt'awberry Festival on the
lawn of Mr. E. "'Vise, Goderich
June 28• Garden Party on the church
Lawn, Uillsgreeit.
Mr. Ch s
a , Donaldaan of SVingham was
in town Saturday.
Rev. J. 11. Cordell of Bayfield was
in town on Monday.
MinessrsGuc. C. Hoona') and,Friday. R. Ball %vt'ete •
Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Q'I+ieil returned
on Friday bean Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs. John Parser of Strat-
ford are visaing friends hi Clinton
and cinity,
Mr. John.viHellyar mnlle
the uest of his of son,BowMr.aWvi, H.
Helly'gar 0f town•
Mrs. J. G. Medd was the guest over
the week end of Rev, Dr. and
Mrs. Medd, Goderich,
Freddie Rumbatl, son of Mrs. Clara •
Rumbal1, has begun his studies in.
pharmacy with Mr. J. E. Hovey,
Mist Laura Wilkin left 'on Monday
for Goderich, where she will finish
themillinery season with Hedger's
Bros. •
Miss Cowan intendsgo:ng to De-
troit on, the return trip of the
Greyhound to spend a holiday at.
• her home there.
M'i. and Mrs. Harry Cook and child
of Trenton are spending a few days
in town.. Mr, Cook .is a son of
Mrs. John Guest.
Mrs. Jas. Mchaffy ' has been visiting
he:r daughter, Mrs. Wm. Sparks of
the Bronson Lino, S,anley, during
the past fortnight.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan and Mas-
ter Orville of Dungannon were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. D, S. Cook on
Friday and Saturday last.
Miss Macdougall and Mr. McEachera
of . the, C. C. 1. :tail will be occu-
pied the last half of July as De-
partmental examiners at Torantta.
Postmasters Scott, Brussels, Fisher,
Winghatm, and Suthen'and, Hensall,
were in town Tuesday attai ding a
committee •meeting of the county
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall, who came.
out feann England about Christmas:
time and have since been stopping
at • tht* Normandie, left. on Satur-
day for Edmonton.
Mrs, A. Weatherwax, who bah been
.visiting the parental "home,• that of
'Mr. and Mrs. D. Cant..on, for the
past three . weeks. leaves, for her
home in Orillia to -day.
Mrs. W. U. Latornell and little
Miss •Edith, who has been visiting
at her mother's. Mrs, Cotnbe Sr.,
for the past ten days or so, ex-
'Pest t0 return to St. Thomas this
week. '
Mr: Frcki Steyenson,physicial direct-
or 'in the Y. M..0. A. at Port
Arthur, has , been visiting at his
home in town, that of •Mr. and.
Mrs. John Stevenson, during the
past. week. .
Mr. and Mrs. ..J. ;J. Washington; of
Auburn and Mr. and :Mrs, H. D.
Catm.eron of Guelph visited at' the
parental home of the' ladies''.:. this
week and were gdests at the Jenk-
ins-Resd wedding yesterday.
Messrs. Jas. T, : Theenpson of Kip-
ling, Sask., and Mark G. Thomp-
son or Moose,;aw, same province„
have been 'visiting their mother
town.. The former left this week:
for his home but . the . latter will'
spend a Tittle longer with his motz •
Mr. S. G. .Churchill accompanied by
' his wife and little daughter, ar-
rived from. Vancouver, B. C. yes-
ttarday and will visit friends am
the vicinity.- Mr. Churchill is the
eldest sal of Mts. Robt. Marshall
sof Goderich township and it is
twenty -on u years since he left here.
Mrs. Win., last received weal' last
week of the serious illness of he:i.
mother, Mrs. Robt. Brown,
Petrone, formerly of Clintlen, bIrs,,
East 'went to Petrolia on Friday,
and remained until Tuesday with
her mother. The Dr, gives little
hope for the recovery of Mrs.
Brown, owing to her advanced age„
' she being eighty:six. •
Ur. and Mrs. E. Cottle and child of
Pickfo.e1, Mich., were guests at the
`homes of De, ' N. and Mr. E. Ball
oti Tuesday . and Wednesday, 'and.'
who are now visiting friends and
relaelives in the viefnity. Mr. John
11. Cottle, wife and child, frotti the.
. same plate are visieing Auburn re-
latives at peasent. 'The Meseas.,
wer, yornon the Ban, Line,
near Auburn, but during the past,
twenty -sever years,, have resided its
the U. S. A, Twenty-seven • years
have wrought a great change on the
Base Line and the residents upon
it, but iCie visitors can discern,
even yet, some of the old land-
maa':s, and the inhabitatts which
they knew many years ago, while,
they were yet young. ,
Goderich 1 Oi nship
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Welsh spent a
few days in Goderich this week . to
which place Mr. Welsh wan called to
act as juryman, • •
Mr. Wm. Colclough of the 11th
eon. has been very illl during the
past week. At time of writing he
has somewhat* improved and his
friends hope that the introvementr
may continue.
A strawberry festival will be held
on the lawn of 1VIr. Edward Wise of
the 111•h eon. on Wedne day evening
nett. Music will be furnished by the
Citizens' ,Band •01 Clinton. A big
time is looked forvvard to.
Newt-Recolyd to!isa. /12 80e