HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-06-08, Page 8alre ,E7reeetra
/W�. Mkt Nil
Our Specials for Saturday
and the Following Week
goy,* +woo,
OUR $44.461,fr
0 0
Is aco1IecUocollection of heWrkeiel t.ed re-
fineMent. exteneive variety
eureaneingly fine in if coraPletea
Iles& Every practical and merit-
Orioust sort aid in; extent offers
`an inviting field fon selectiou. De-
corativa excellence is its feature
and it has the additional charm
of perfectly .proper prim. If in-
terested come and see and tell us
if we have not gathered wisely
and well;
2 ONLY 8 BURNER...". ... .. reg $0.00 for $5.25
2 ONLY 2 BURNER—. reg $4.00 for $3.50
1 ONLY 8.017RNER SECOND RAND reg $6 00 only need
a few thine for ........ . .. ........ ............ ...$8.60
1 ONLY .3 BURNER SECOND HAND reg 29..00 for $4,08
6 ONLY frAND SAWS GOOD VALUE reg $1.80 ler gie
(Socket) . ..... p.reg 85c for Me
Another, Shipment of Waists
'4110 'Received Billgaling and Potet Pan- Styles • -
liA/E have just passed into stock another shipment of white Lawn white Mull
and Linen Waists in the very newest designs., The new DingalingAs going to be a very
popular,style this season with Peter Pan Waists a close second. Ask to see these two styles as
Purchaser or tiot.
I1--1,4klz3•L.A.\T3D i3A09.. . jUtenChealiest — Always the Best
The New Dingaling Waist is the very newest.
style for summer wear. ,Made of fine white cam -
brie; tailored effects ; laundered collar and cufts.
Especially priced for 11.,0
Saturday -
We passed another shipment of Peter -Pan
Waists into stock for Saturday's selling. Dutch
collars, daintily trimmed, with white tan and pale
blue collars and cuffs. These are very new and
especially priced for quick
• The -Shoe:.Storo.f0P.
• EVePybotly....'..
Of dritical tastes in dress, be it ultra or most con-
servative will instantly recognize the attractive feat-
ures of this Store's Latest Styles. Shoes and Oxford.
51.35 to 530180. •
ne they ever eo particular about their attire, will
find the selection of Spring and Summer Shoes ex-
ceptionally easy at This Great Shoe Store. Shoes
• and Oxfords $$3.00 to 55.00.
Ot today are as particular concerning their shoes,
as their parents are. We recognize this fact and
therefore shows The Best in Obildrens Shoes. Child-
ren. Shoes and Oxfords 75. to 51.35 ,
a - I
.6 • ", /' •
Specials for. Friday
and Saturday
• A
Men's a,nd Boys Caps
About 100, Men's and Bus Tweed Oaps. Some are broken lines and
odd sizes and some are Travellers samples but all are worth froin 50c
to 05c ChoicaFriday and Saturday 29c.
White Lawn Waists at 39c
Dont miss this thence to secure a nice Lawn Waist at about -half
price. Friday and Saturday 05c Waists 390. •
A.:13-ig Snap in Mosquito Netting
Hundreds of yards to go Friday and Saturday at less than half price
To clear only 3c a. yard. •
139.0T8;.*S110ES, and CLO'I'llING
Mrs. R. J. Muff is visiting at Kin-
cardine and Berviq.
Mrs, Whitehead is visiting hem sister,
Mrs, S. Cluff of Chiselliurst.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Keegan, Bay-,
field, ware in town on Thursday.
Miss Florence Garrett ' was the guest
over the week end of M. Meadows
at Guelph.
Mrs. John Forbes and two children.
of Hoeiston, Texas, are visittng lair.
. arid Mrs.. A. Forbes.
Ur. • Geo. Reed of Manitoulin is the
guest this week of Ids grandmother,
Mtn H. Watts of Huron street.
Rev. ,. F. Irwin of Harrow was the
gueet, of his brother•, Mr. J. A,
' Irwin of. town, over the week end:
Mo. Ernest F. Twitchell of '.Toffeld,
Aire., has berfii spending a few.
daye at the parental hoeim in town.
$11.1rse..i.eAn. jre.tuGrrirtilgig, Taunedsdliiytitevemainage
froma few days'. visit in London.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkes , stranded the
funeral of the latter's neice, Miss
SundeEock, at Londesboro on Mon-
day. . •
Ur. and Ms. Edward Minter oft Pine
Riyer were guestia over Sunday of
the latter's ' uncle, Mr, John Fan
MPennabaker and Miss Edna
left on Tuesdayici Tiverton to
attend the Meeting of the 13epaist
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Sark e of the
Bronson Line, Staplee, were ideate
of the latter's mother, M�.., Sas.
Maliaffy,* on Sunday. '
Dr.. Shaw and Mr. James Srmilth
were. M • Goderich. on Monday .at•-:
tending a meting of the West
Huron Liberal Assaeiationa
Mrs. Jas.. and the lVfissos Mahaffy
drove out. to Hibbert on Thursday
last to attend the funeral' of a
relative, eaturaing on Friday.
Lorgno arid .Mit it r iTaxad milked
Mr. and Mrs. Berangford, Miss
•to London. the . f9re:Kipt ti
Week. • They were Accompanied io
Lucan and back by Mrs. Harry
ThomPson of the '1 fith . concebsimi.
Mrs, Alfxed Hayward has been iii
• poor health for some time and, the
many friends in town and at a
distance will be sorry to learn that
i wards • recovery that Utley hoped
she hau not made the progress to -
.• ..
IJ. B Hoover .• '. - Nelson Ball '
is often an. iliumina,tion as big as
the sun. There's
no place in. town
where 'money"
down" goes furth-
er than it does
right here.
or dresser bought tor "spot easb."1,from our present
stock makes what you see elsewhere, look like thirty
cents. It's bargains galore -we're offering just now in
our entire furniture stock.
The cheapest spot in Owed COnuty to bray all kinds of furniture.
Hoover 4St• Ba11
FR aaT,OX11:710:0 .414t2a IrettlaTaltlE.A.Z. X5tRES
Mr. J. A. Irwin has leased the cam, •
fortable residence of Mr, Jan. Me -
Math on Joseph street and will
Move in. almost immedinto.y. Mr.
IVIellath and family are taking up
their residence on ate Sanderson
place jest outside of town.
Mrs. Handscombe and Mr. Pointa of
Winnipeg arrived on Tuesday on •a
visit to their mother, Mrs. S.
Pratt. Wprd awaitedMrs. Pointz
on her arrival her of the sudden
death of her husband's father, which
occurred just after she had started
on her journey down.
Rev, T. W. Comes and Messrs. J.
Sevens and L. Tyndall returned, on
Monday morning from attending
Conference at Stratford in order to
be present ab the funeral of left.
George W. Wray. They were thus
not'present! at what was prabably
the most interesting period in the
Mr. Oeorge nice, late of toiwni bas
been unfortunate in having consid-
erable sickness in bis home since
moving to Toronto. but his old
friends will be glad to know that
the differenb vierabers have all re-
covered. Ma Rice reeently bought
a house on Markham street, and is
now comfortably settle'd in a good
part of he city.'
Mr. R. E. Manning, the genial and
• popular local manager of the Royal
Bank, left this morning for Den-
ver, Col., and will an Wed
nestle)! next be married .to Mies
Nettie W. Fisher of that city,
youngest daughter of the late A.
S, Fisher, formerly of Clintca. On
their return Mr. and Mrs. Manning
will take up tier residence on
Vittoria street.
Mrs, Fred. J. Hill is spending a
motith with her parents at Cordova
Mines, Reaings comity. Mr. Hill
aecomPaicied his Wife and &Um
fa Toronto and retfirning .spent
Sunday with fiends at Georgetown.
Attending divine service at the
Preebyterialt church he met Rev.
Mr. Cameron, a former Clinton
Collegiate stedenta avho still has
a warm spot 111 his heart4 for the
told town
We cleaned up a Manufacturers lot
of Fancy Silk Paiasols about two
dozen in the lot, no two alike,
worth, in the regular way $3.00 to
$3,50 Saturday your choice $2.25.
We are carrying a complete stock
of Kaiser Silk Gloves for women
in all shades. Both long and short
lengthdouble tip fingers Kaisers
guaranteed at 750 to $1,00
Our stock of Loves Gloves is now
complete in both silk and Lisle
in black and colors. For the past
three seasons we have had the
agency of Loves Gloves and 7
have given out pations the
best of satisfaction . prices r
from 25c to. $1.00,
IteadyMade .•4)1edol'ett..•-flot4fpg
, The New Spring Ready -Made Clothing for men and percentoff The New Spring importations of suitings, pantings and -
boys are now in stock and they comprise . the very.latest
coatings are now in stock waiting your inspectionWe
styles, workmanship and wearing qualities, and obtainable for spot cash on all ordered use nothing but the very best of linings and we are turning
. .
at prices that bear the closest scrutiny. Shrewd ' buyers or ready-made clothing. out better ordered clothing than ever. We guarantee fit,
tell us that we sell the cheapest in town. • style and workmanship.
Hullett Happenings.
Miss L. Please?' spent Sunday. at
Mr. George Carbert's.
' The following from the Even -mg
NewA of Saginaw, Mich,, refers to a
native of this township, a cousin of
the well-known, and esteemed Flynn
brothers, and will be of interest • to
readers of The News -Record
"These is nothing in *he. personal
appearance of James Cegara Jr.,
well known tailor of this ciity, to
mate the suspicion 'that he has
borne the responsibilitiai ,of a busi-
ness 171/1/1 foa twenty years, for he
is still quite a young looking man,
but the facts are accorded against
him. In .October, 1890, Mr. O'Hana
began in a madent way business for
himself in Saginaw as a tailor, hav-
ingfirst prepared himself carefully
by practical study of the sartorial
art in all*its breeches. 'so that he
came prepared for the !successful car-
eer which has since beet) his. While
actively carrying on his business Mr.
O'Hara has remained a student of
the various phases and turnings of he
tailoring art, and ib is one of his
characteristics that he makes himself
thoroughly acquainted with the per-
sonality of his public, and readies
results not only by skilful use of the
tape and the square, but by the
exercise of the excellent judgesiatat
and good taste which is unmieseion-
ably his in more than ordinary de-
gree. The niodenn tailor, who is 'the
best 'exponent of the ant, of good
dressing, Is not satisfied with merely
a good fit, but aloe to have his oula
put express individuality and to give
the wearer the coinferting aSsprance
that he is well dressed., a feeling
than *which there in 1:tone other ns:1
pleating. Met O'Hara is that kind of
a tailor, Under his care and attent-
ion Hie busine.se has been Aelilt into
one thite is now firmly established
ad which covemands a sateSfying de-
gree of seccess. Por the past Medi
years, Mr. O'Hara ham beet located
in the premises he oecunies at 110
North Franklin. etreee. He has1 won
an4 holds a strong clientele, and
bet% as business man and private
citizen enjoys the respect of the
earalmunity. Warrn congratulations
are due him upon the anniveesary he
now celthrating.”
Mr. John H. Quigley arrived, Wed-
nopday evening from Detroit and will
spend a few weeks • calling on rela-
tives and friends in this district.
Maser John Flynn spent Sunday
at Mr. D. Flynn's.
Mr. Albert Vodden has elected a
new driving shed.
The following is the standing of
he pupils of S. S. No. 6, for the
Month of May:
Sr. 4th—Maggie Mair. . •
4th—Elva McCooL Mary Vod-
Jr. 4th—Florence Vadden, Etta
Brown, Edna Lee. •
•• Sr. 3rd—Ire Rapson.
Jr. 3rd—Mary Taylor, Fred Mc..
Cool, Marjory McCool, John Corbuttl.
Sr. and—Annie Weymouth, Flossie
Gibbings, Mice Vodden, Grace Vod-
den, Albert Garbutt.
Jr. and—John Teelor, Rose Got -
Sr. 1st—Percy Gibbings, , Arthur
Weymouth, Sydney Lee (equal.)
Jr. 1st --Wellington McCool, ,:Mary
Mair, Fanny Lee, Jeanie Garbutt.
The testi spellers were:
• Jr.
4th—M. Mair.
4t h—M. Vodden.
4th—F, Vodden.
8rd—I. Rapson.
ard—M. Taylor.
2nd.—A. Weymouth.
amt.—J. Taylor.
The News From Londesboro
Mies A. Bell Sundayed with B!yth
Mr.. J. O. Lounisbury took an auto
trip to Blyth one day this week.
T. Brown of Seaforth shipped two
cars of hay and W. Cudloatore of the
same place shipped* five cars of hay
thin week from this station.
Mr. Wm, Leiper shipped a car of
stock Saturday lam and Mr, M.
Armstrong one en Thursday of ehis
pub a cemient avall under 'his shop.
E.7 Gta.asoSnpaolithis ringnmpirpeepgaiwhetno
on his way to his home in Blyth
cTaulety.tosee Mr. E. Manning on
Mr. John Johnston has disposed of
his driver to Mr. Wtn. Watson of
Rev. J. H. Osterhout roturned from
Stratford on Monday after attending
Confereece there.
Mr. John Lear of London spent
Sundny. with his motber, Mrs. S.
the .village on Tuesday.
Mr, and kis. Merritt of Latitlort.
and Miss Coombs of Listowell, were re'
'visiteng art the home of Mrs. Cctombs • aa
over Sunday.
Misses E. 44mi and E. Mains of 1.
London and Miss L. Young of Brant -i2.,
Med spent Sunday at their respect-
ive • homes here. '•
Mr, Geo. Bedford, left on- Wednes- • '
day for London, Eng., being ticketed •
through by Station -Agent Lyon, vis7.
* • •.
G. T, R. and Allan Line. Ile will
reach London hi time for the Cor-
Mra. A. Whitley and family moved
to Gerrie on Tuesday. T. Miller and
E. Adams and A. Radford each took
a load of theft household goods to
Carrie for them. We are sorry to
loose the family from our midst but
what is our loss will bet Gorrie's
gain. ,
Miss N, coomb9: left on Tuesde.y,
for London where she will remain
for a while with her sister, Mrs. ;
Menet. • •
Sheriff Dickinson of Clinton was. in.
Th Liberal Association of West
Huron met in Goderich on. Monday
and eleeeed officers. There was no
selection of a candidate, but before
and since several names have been
discussed. The outstanding once are:
M. G. Cameron, Goderich, Dr. ShaW,
Oaten, and Thomas Melifil/an. Thk,
first mentioned has been heretofore
most in the public eye, but by all
odds Mr. McMillan has been mast
persistent in pushing his claim. On
the other hand, Dr. Shaw is far
superior to either in rea4anizing abil-
ity. It is understood that while he
likes to play the game he has no
ainhition whatever „at the primat
tithe for Parliamentary honors.
Hullett Happenings.
While, returning home trom Clinton
on Monday, after delivering a load of
hop, Me: Jos, Reynolds was over-
taken by au auto juad a short dis-
tance ham town. Hie horses, a
team of spirited animals, ran away,
and after breaking away from the
wagon, amarated, one horse running
up the road while the otheno one of
his prlie team, jumped over a Wilk;
fence on the roadside and' was more
or less injured, Joe. was pretty well
shaken up, but is otherwite all
Mn. John Flynn roamed liana
Saturday after being in McKillop for
the past couple of weeks,
Miss Brown of Clinton Sundayed at
the home tif Mr. S. McCool.
Mr. J. Stanley Catter is Wearing
a very broad mite over the arrival
of a Mao son in their home.
Mr. S. Mc0o61 had a very sitecese-
el jacking on Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs. John Shonahae heve
retiarned home after paying a visit to
Reta leather Hanlon itt Lucite.
Mr. H. Snell is on hi rounds tak—
ing the census.
The death occurred on SatUrday
last of Miss Bella P. Sunderceck,
second daughter of 'Mr. John Sunder- •
cock of the 8th con. Decerieed hai.
been in failing -health for , over
a year but she sank rapidly at the
last. She was but a young gial,
just entering her twentieth year, and.
her early 'death is regretted by a a
large circle of friends. the fumed
on Monday was largely attended,
the services at house and graveside '
being Conduered by Rev. Mr. Osten-,
haut. The pallbearers were : George .
Calla, George Leitch, Robt. Jamie-
son, Hareld Rogerson, Earl Lawee$$ •
and Bhp. Clarke. Several beautiful
floral tributes were placed upon the
casket, arneng them being a wreath
Irma tltv Epworth Lome and one
from the members of her Sunday
school class of Constance Methodist
church. To the parents and 4 family -
is extended tiie Sympathy of all in
their bereavement.