HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-06-08, Page 4Alifr, y "Z". • 4 Cantos News-Re.ord ,ww t414 ut r OCKlerleh Township 'M s Percy Cook and. her two little deughtene Lucy and Lizzie of Ham- ilton hive bee* the guestsof her parents, Mr. feed Mrs. Charles Cook Of the first con., the' peat .fortnight), The following is the report of S. S. No. 4, toderieh township, for the Month of May : 5thed,H arold Lowery : Sr. 4th --Mae Sinclair ; Isabel Sinclair. Lulu Lobb ; Sr. tit (a)--Iivereet Lowery ; Jr, 4th' -Beryl duck ; Jr. 3rd Gracie Tebbutte Joy Lobb, : Morgan Jones, Olive yStodeart ; 2nd Endly Ford, Harry Ford ; Jr. 2nd - Marion Jones, Gladys Beattie, Edgar Stodd- art ; Pt. 2nd - Elsie Ferguson, Roy Rae= ; Pt. 1st -Irvine xebbutit. -E. M. Phillips, Teacher, West Huron Conservative Convention on June 26th CORONATION CHINA Beautiful Aust-' rrian- China with colored picture of King, George and Queen Marg and EnglishCoat of Arms Cup & Saucer 20 to 25 Jugs . 35 Cream and Sugar 35 Plates 15 20 and 25 .Bowls 15 SOUVENIRS OF CLINTONI 1 Choice design in blue with pict- ure of Town Hall., Cup &. Saucer 15 to 20 Jugs 15 to 25 Plates 15 25 to 35 Bowls 50 Coopor -CLINTON. 1 SunumierkilL Mics M. Clifton ie the guest of her broth, Mr. Che. Clifton. de. and[rs. J s. Johnson of Clinton bp(t Sunday in the village. Mr. and Mrs; Win. Johnson of Port,rr's.Hill called on friends around `bea:e on Saturday. Miss Nellie Beacom entertained a number 01 ?ser lit.'.e fulends to a birthday party ou Saturday, f A *Umber from ae)7und here at- tended the funeral of Mr. Geo. Wray ea Monday. • Rev. J. 1L 'ondeli of hayfield. will conducts service and administer Holy Comvnunion on Sunday next at St. iJamee' church, Middleton, St. John's church, ilolmesville• )fed 'St. Peter's, Surnniprhill, Mr. T.' McKenzie of Clinton has taken the contract of building a haune fog) Mr, J. Ward and bas started Vo work on ie. Mr. and Mr'. Geo. Cook visited at I. Geo. Johnson's on, Sunday. Mie T. Churchill of Clinton is the guest of her another, Mrs. Beacom, this) week, L. O. L. 928 held their monthey meeting• on Monday nigh;', Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Johnston of the 10th„ called on friends in the village on Sunday. Mx, .R. A, Gooier paid • a business trip to Goderich on Friday. • Mr. H. Snell Sr, has .been oie lois rounds as census enumerator. Messrs. Holland and Pouter of tbe Goderich Township System were down the Base Line on Thue:day, staking out the route of ehe tele- phone . 'which is to be installed here shortly. Mrs. Noble was the guest of -Mrs.. Golder last week. Rev, H,• Condell of Bayfield will conduct the serviceshere on Sunday next and administe.'r iloly',Commun- ion. Mr. and Mr's. E 1. Willia.tns of 'Sea - forth were . guests at Mr. J, Col-. borne's .on Sunday. Mr. J. Johnson is not as well as bis many friends woule 'like to see him . • The following is• the report of S. 5, 'No' 12 for the inon.th of: May. The names are in order of clasrl standing Entrance Class --Willie Townshend, Etta M'cBie'en ;;. Sr. 4th -Alvin• Teeing - Effie Rath'; Jr, 4th-Teenie Marquis, Secord McBrien, Mabel 'Hate trey, Florenee Lawson : Sr. 3rd - Neville Forbeu, May Saville, . Fanny Lovett)•; Jr. "3rd -Olive. Wright, Jean. Lindsay, Wilson Rath, • Elda Mair, Mervyn Farquhar i ,. Sr. 2n -Dsc oth Y Marquis, Cora Jervis, Fred John- son ; Jr: 2n4 -Mary Wright, Johnny. Townshend, James . Johnson, Army Mcien, Be ssie Lindsay; 2nd - Mary McBrien, Etta Hardy; Nellie Beacom, Hilda Forbes, Edward John; ion, Jean Farquhar ; Pt: lst-Noranan Wright. --H;' E. Trick; Teacher, anemsmanues~mintessinsseasm Couch & Co. Specials for Saturday MIIIINEIIY SPECIAIS As the millinery. season is nearly over R e are.anx• ions: to clear out the bal- ance of our hate andhave. divided . them into two lots forquick selling.' LOTNO.1.,. Fifteen Ladies' trimmed hats all this season regul- arly sold at $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 for quick . • selling Saturday $2:98. LOT NOZ Fifteen Ladies hats all prettily trimmed regularly sold at $5.00 $5.50 and $8,00: Saturday. price $3.98. Now is the time to buy a summer bat. MUSLINE SPECIAL -500 yards of prettintisline' suitable for summer dresses arid dressing sacques beauti-. ful range ot,patterns regular price 20c 25c and 3504' Saturday price 12ic. WAIST SPECIAL --5 dozen White lacon waists trimmed with Embroidery and tucks regular price X50 Saturday 89c each on 2 for 75e. TOWEL S 4 PECIAL,•. Just to hand this week :five dozen bath towela ex. tra heavy towel if bought in the regular way could not be sold less than 35c a pair. Saturday price 21c a pair. SKIRTS SPECIAL 2 dozen white underskirts neatly trimmed with Em- broidery good quality 'eot, ton would he good value at $1,00 Saturday price 690. th of George W. Wray. The Base Line and the whole comp. nn ,unity is the poorer for the death of George W. Wraywhich took lace on Saturday last. He had always lee:eyed good health until about three weeks peeriously and only for a few days was he confined to bed. Mr. Wray was born in Devonshire, England, ftes;y-thrcrs yearn age and when a little over twenty years of age carni to Canada and this coun- try. He had received a business ed- ucation; in the Old Land and for .,nue time there engaged in office work, reit he preferred the open air life and :engegceId in farming. He was a man 01 the most staunch integrity and of a kindly, unassum- ing nature that won foe, , hie the es- teem of all witeli whom he came in contact. He was a member and office bearer in the Ontario street, church, Clinton. His wife, who is a daughter of Mr. Wi'lllamns Tiplady, Sr., survives lime They had no children. The fumed which was very eargelyi attended,. took place to Clinton cem- etery on Monday, the services being .I conduceed by Rev. T. W. Cosens who returned from Conference for that we 1 purpose. The pallbearersre s iia. ph, John and. Will. Tiplady, James and Glen Cornish and J. Tiplady, Tor- onto.1 Edmund -Manning, Pioneer of Hullett, Passes Into Rest. On Wednesday of this week there passed away another of Hullett's early settlers, a good man, and true, in the person of Edmund Manning,, at the age of seventy-five years and six months, Decearr d was a native of Devonshire, England', and came to this ;milky early in life. It is fifty- eight years sincethe family came too "tulle.'t and sete;;lr'd on ehe ifth con. L a tee Mr, Mane f ng settled on a farm of his own just across the road and there he continued to reside' until three years ago when be moved to Lcn4e0o:4a. Mr. Manning was married forty-six years ago to .. his now soeeowing widow, who was Miss Anne .Leitch. There are also •surviving two flans' a 'd 'two. daughters.. The song are Joseph' on the farm on the 10th, and Charles in Londesboro, and the daugh- ters a'+.:' Mrs. Wm. Gray of 'eels totenohip and Mrs. '' Ben, Mason of Blyth. Mr. Manning wan ill for about three years . and at : times suffered consld- e ably but during all that time he borehie illness with greaa patience.. He was a man of quiet, and ' un- assuming personality and was one of the best of neighbors. He was . held in high esteem by his neighbors and friends, those to :whom his sterling qualities were "best' known. In' •re- ligion he was Methodist.. Mr•. Manning was one of a family of eight, there being five brothers and three sisters, his death making the first' break in the family circle • The. brothers are : -Thomas of Londesboro, William of Pilot Mound, Man;; Char- lee of Cartwright, Man„ and John of . Auburn, and the sisters 'Mrs. Coventry, Winghacn, Mrs. 1m.. Wey- mouth, 'Hallett and Mrs.. Ed. Bell of Londesboro. The funeral takes kes place tomorrow, , (Friday) af or eon. It will be un- der tile auspicesof the Canadian Order of ' Foresters, Mr.; Manning having been a charter member of Court Pride -of -the -West, Londesboro. There will be 'a service in the Metlio- dist church, conducted by Rdv. J. H. Ostaerhout, .assisted by Rev. Mr. - Small of Myth The interment will be made in the Union. ' cemetery, Illyth, • London Road .. . Miss 'Edna Hardy left' on Tuesday morning for a three -weeks' visit with friends in Mariposa, Lindsay and o Ther points. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wiltso visited with McKillop' friends a 'iew days last week. • Mr.. G. B. Hanley is aft present visiting in Michigan. ' Mr, 1?.. McGee lost a valuable horse last' week. Mr. Sam. Cudmcrre has been:press- ing hay for Mesnrs. Stephenson, Watt ante Waldron lately. Miss Pearl Wise, visited her friend, Mite Flossie Cole of Goderich town- ship on Sunday: f Mr, R. Weaver has not been:feeling• very well the past few days, but his -friends will be pleased to know that he is improving. Mrs. Stanbury and Mrs. John Mc - Ewan, . visited Egmondville friends last week,... Mr. Jchn Stanbury of Bayfield call- cad' on friends in this vicinity last week. Mr.' and Mrs. Wilbur Crich . have moved . from Seaforth to the old Crich hamlestead. Mr Richard Tasker has been suf- fering lately from au attack of rheumatism. His many friends • are hoping that he will soon recover. We are glad bo record evidences of improvement6 Messee. Geo, Hanley aed •Geo. Nott have each created wire feaCes along the road in front of thele fatlns. The improvement is marked and will be more so during the winter season. Coderich Townsh ip The many friends of "flus. George Connell Jr. of thin, township are pleased to see her Out driving again after a long illness), 'Mrs. Connell and Master Harold' spent last -week with Mts. David Churchill and ortticers and this meek are visiting in Londesboro and Slyt'h. The County x.,. 0. L. of St t th flume will meet ht Mott* on June srvtwitdenth. Beiydeld Mr. and Iti . Jan** :Sturgeon of St. Thomas spent a few days in the village la i ge t he jab week. Mrs. John Fraser and niece, Blies Annie l lliott of tebe Soo, are spend- ing a i'uw weeks in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Ferguson and son of Seaforth are visiting friends in the village this week. Ar. Smith, Reeve, is attending the .Country Council at 'Goderich' this week. Mr. Richard Elliott returned to Goderich on Tuesday after being eon fined to the house the, past week. Mr. and Mrs. Moaner and son, Mr. Jonathan Merner of Zurich were the guests of their son Mn. Il. Merner one day last week.. Mrs. Richards and tewo sons of Detroie and Mrs. S. Holziies and family cf Se.aforth arrived lair, week and have taken cottages in the, White City. Mrs. Hammill of Detroit is the guest' of Mrs. (Dr.) Atkinson at present. Robert Law:. left ,last .week for Ashtabula where he joined his boat to sail on the laked during the sum- mer. Cleave Eowin left on Friday last for Prince Albere Sask., where he expects to locate. Garnet and Casey Aekinson of Woodstock College arrived last week and will . spend their summer vacat- ion wi:'li their parents in their sum- mer residence. Miss F. Nott of ` Clinton is the guest of Miss Clara Erwin. Miss .Sarah Haines of Hollyrood is the guest of her sister, MAL H. Drehmann. Mrs. :(Rev,) Stewart' of Clinton is the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Stanbury this week, Mr. and Mrs. EL Little and fain- ily, Mr. , Geoaoo and Miss Kate Little are spending a few weeks with . friends at Seaforth. Mrs. Thomson and son of . London was a guest' at the Albion ' lase week, Mr. Dunbar of the Holmesville par- ish will take the services in the Eng- lish ehurohes at Bayfield, Goshen and Varna. on Sunday next, Mr. James Wallis occupied the pul- pit of tree. Methodist ebur'}, Sunday morning ease in the absence of Rev. Mr. Laws, who wan at Conference. The Rovers Trim the Hurons and do if with Ease.. The second, game- of tbe Intermed- iate .series W, k', i1; or this district,, was played on the Park grounds at Brucelield on Friday • evening last whenthe he 10c1 "Rovers" Rover 1 s walloped oe pd the Seaforth "Hurons" by a ' score or 2=1.' So far "tehis ties the score on the, round, and- two more games meet be played in order to der•.ede the district. The game was the dirtiest and meanest one even witneis'ed in this part of . the . province. The Associa- eion, senta referee named Ballantyne of Brussels to officiate:, and he did officiate indeed. 'Five minutes,after the kick-off, en a pass from. the right wing, Aiken - head scored. As he was about to do °,o,- the whistle blew.. The referee claimed off -side. itin,e an off cid . Very fuii'ny, as scores of witnesses are ready to swear, ;if need be to the contrary_ At this juncture the crowdrushed on the • field, but of no avail, the ofewer would have his way. The ball was again, set rolling, W'. Turner having it in hie posriession. About thirty feet 'from elle goal he was about to shoot when Bell of the l•Iurcats grappled himaround the waist and 't`h,,w hini over his knee. Bell was not penalizerri, nor even wan • a foul called.; The gamewent on as if nothinghad happened. A few minutely later a foul was caked, one of the Hurons made the kick. It evidently passed .. everyone and when it approached the , goal, Rosa stepped aside and let it pee')through. The -Whistle 'blew, The, goal was counted. The referee claimed be never called tee foul. The 'crowd again gathered about the partial and incommodious official, and the sp,ect eters were begs:rang too beceane host- ile, Little wonder, for never befoi.f in Brucefield's' history was such a raw hold-up exhibited. Thi! crowd again separated and near 'halfi-tinne Aike ihead )shied, B'ailnn Lyne now surprised everyone by giv- ing the "Rovers" credit. After half titiile the dirty • work again resumed, espodially in the linn,,e of tfleipirng and grappling , on the part of the "Hurons," Despite . all the local eleven put up a desperate fight and kept the ball continually playing on Seafortic's goal. Finally Holland succeeded in passing, it through. Thus the game ended 2--1. When conscientously 3-0 should be the score. They third game will he played on the iteereation grounds at Seaforth on Friday evening of this week, when itt cis a spectra l that a large crowd will accompany the "Rovers" there. In the meantime we await the event earnestly hoping that a real football referee may tip procured for i,he oc- casion, We have had enough of amateurs. The locals are nearly oonifdent of wintillig they round, providing thee they have fair play. As a team, they play a clean, fast gauze. They went. into the fines lasts year, and with a square shake, it will take a bettor team than the Intermediates of Sea - forth to put them out of the )"min- ing this sawn. ' The line-up of tie Rovers was as Mims s ' Goal, D. 'Roes ; backs, l",. Mustard aAd J. Mustard ;. halves. Swag, Lay- ton and Shepherd larwvsrds, Aiken- head (centre), tight wing, Wright chars., Pett wing, Turner and Holland. •Bttacetttld Correapandent. Several Changes. A number of ehangee hevmr been made in. Methodist circuit' in this; district. The following will prove of interest 9 many News -Record wad- ers : Kippen eireuit bas been 'iroken up and distributed as follows : Sex - smith appointment), has been closed, Chiseihuree goes to Hensall, as an afternoon, appointment. Kippen to Varna, and l3rucefleld to Seaforth, as an afternoon appbintrrcenr. Varna circuit now contests of Varna, pen and Goshen. 'Bethel: appointment has been given to Holmesvillo' and Sharon goes. to Bayfield. Hoilnesville is now a three -appointment circuit; consisting of Holanesville, Bethel and Ebenezer. Bayfield circuit consists of Bayf?eld, Sharon and Cole's. Zion appointment" has been taken from Victoria street, Godevich, and added troy Benmiller circuit, Several changes were made in the second draft) of stations of the Lon- don Conference. Those in which The News -Record readers will be mos? interested are as follows C. C. Cousins, late pastor of Kipper cir- cuit, goes to Staha r, W. J. Ford. to Teoswater;. Seaforth, A. W. Parker ; Ilolmesville, A. W. Findlay ; Ben - miller, A. W. Brown Shedden, W. H' Taylor. Terms CASH IRWIN S rilfc ONLY ILLINERY NOTES Stanley Township Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seeley and Wheatley of Clinton and' Mr. Strdne. Wheatley of Clinton, and Mr. String - ham re Woodstock visited at Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Austin's on Sunday Iastl' Miss M, Reid spent a, few days with friends in Goderich recently. Rev. W. G. Richardson and sister,. Miss Clara pf Arthur, with their friends, Misses Petaveine and Soo1l;, and bIt. J. Kennedy, paid a visit hone Last week in Mr. Kennedy's .motor car. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peck and daughter of London, are this week visiting at the home of. the former's father, Mr. H, Peck. We are pleased to hear that Mr, Charles Rathwell, .who has been ill for. some time, is recovering. Mrs. Wm. 1VIcelinehey of the Goshen Line is very 111 at present, .the re- sult of a stroke of paralyse), The Walker -Keyes ' family reunion will be held 'this year at •ehe home of Mr.. Joseph Hudson of Hensall, on Wednesday iwrt. This is an annual affair and serves to gather the moms bees of the family from ° far . and near for a few days of ,pleasant in- tercourse together, About. -twenty members 'are expected this,year frounl Michigan, mostly frorp wound the vicinity of Marie eta, and an .enjoy- able time is anticipated, Mrs. James Stoddart has been spendinga few days at the. home 01 her .brother,, 1VIr. Robt. Pearson. Messrs. Albert and lone. Thomas Plewes of Moosoinin, Sask., visited. at the home of their cousin, Mr, Robt, Pearson of the 2nd. con. • Constance. Mrs. Theull and' daughter, Mrs. E. A. Prr..'tor of . Brussels are visiting the tatter's ' sister, Mrs. Henry Colclough. • Mrs, . 'Henry Taylor. and son of Ha:,:istrn are visiting her uncle, Mr, Benj. Snell. Miss May Glazier of Simpleton ''is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. "Pollard. Masters Alyner and George. 'Poll- ard . of Myth, .s e d y ti spent Sunday the guest of their aunt, Mrs. Dinah Taylor, ` Mr. Bert Anderson of Swift Cur- rent, . Sask., is visiting, is pauanta and other friends. Whil ere • we underlstand he ea to take .aa ife art- _ p her. • Mr. George S eaphensnn . is busty these days taking the census in this;. division. . i41r. Wmi. Rinn and neice, Miss Bella 'McCully, spent Sunday the guest of Mrs. McGavin of Leadbury. ,Mr: and °Mrs. Thos. Hill of Bol - grave spent Sunday the, guested of the) latter's sister; Mrs, Wm. Lindsay. IKippen -Mr. Mackenzie of Toronto spent a. few days with his friend, 112r. J. B. Dinedale, last week.. On Tuesday last Mesdames Mc- Murtrie and Love went west for a two months' teip to visit ' 'friends and relatives, , Theft many 'friends wish then a very pleasant; time. This week J. Jones, IT, Ivison and W. el. Johnston left for • Stratford to spend a few days at the Meth- odist Co`nferenee. '. O'Brien cf Chis- elhurst was also there. At .tlhe Metrhodist Cnnferenee at Stratford this week the 1{ippen 'ap- pointment of the Kippers circuit Was united with the Varna and ' Goshen appointments to foram a new Varna. circuit. Chiselhurst was joined to Hensall and Sexsmith was closed. This will make Varna and Hensall good strong circuits, well able to support a minister and gide hien a good salary. Jardine Must Hang. Ottawa, June 6th. The department of justice tonight announced that there would be no ,interference in the death sentence passed on Edward. Jardine, young man sentenced to hang ail Goderieh this month for iMo murder of Lizzie Anderson. OE ni'rnutation was aa►rre'd fot ea the ground that the prisoner was weak mentally and not responsible. The evidence brought forward in tike trial was carefully gone . into and the decision Wee reached that, while Jardine might be a metal pervert, he was responsible for his actions. Tragi 11aiseiy's youngest eon We seen' lonely Injured in a nbatnilg ht. r° We extend our sincerethanks to our numerous patrons and congratulate; ourselves on a millin- ery season fifty per cent better than any of the past. JUST THREE WEEKS More left for an entire clean upand they are going to be busy ones too. WE HESITATE To make startling statement about price red.uct- tions and content ourselvesby saying that for the next week or two profit will in a great measr ure be lost sight of.. OUR OBJECT Is to clear cut every hat in stock if itis pos- sible to do so. JUST RECEIVED Ladies Hose, White, Black, Navy, Alice blue pink, . CHILDREN HOSE' Black SiIk, Blue, Red, Tan Pink. NEW SILK MULL n all the rmcst popular colorsand patternsd night Watch This Space .. p ce[ For an interesting announcement to, appear in the 'near future. MEET ME AT IRWIN'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE • eleolleemellemeeleir i IS 10 0.- PEtCENTI CARPETS ..and UGS. Pty stock of Carpets and Rugs is too large and in; order to reduce it I will g give` a discount- of from 15 to 30 percent. Read this partial list Union Rugs 3 x 34 for $5.75 reg prince :.00- Tapestry " 3 x 3' for 7.75 " 9.50 ' " '• • 3 x 4 for 8.00 " 12.00 " " 3 x .4 for 10.50 " 14.50 " 3x4 for 12.50 " 10.50 " " 3 x 4 for 16.00 '- 20.00 (3 r 34 at 30 percent. discount. • Wool " 13 x 4 I must move them out if 3e x 4 price will do it. • 4 x 4 Velvet " 3 x 4 for $22.50 reg price $29.00 Are.Beauties Wilton " • 3 x Be for 22.50 " 29.00 Best Quality We are selling our 4 yds linoleums at the old price while our pres- ent stool. rests. We have 12 different patterns to seleet from. Mattresses 20 percent. discount, Bed Springs reg $3.00 for $2 50. ' Iron Beds prices range from $2.75 to $20.00 each. We have a very large and well assorted stock of ' all kinds of Furniture and if you want your dollars to your do some close financing for you, do ybuying • our store for the rext 30.day, starting from y gat m, 1st. MARCH up to nd day of APRIL RIL Your money 'cheerfully refunded if goods are not satisfactory, all purchases must be cash at the slaugh- tered prices. , . It will be only a le. through pleasure to show you. through our immense stock. We are the only store outside a city showing a complete set of furnished rooms. A visit through will be a treat for you anyway, even if you. do not buy. 0 1 good square piano for sale at a snap. I " 0 octive piano -cased organ for sale cheap. 2 good secondhand sewing machines for sale cheap. We carry repairs and needless for an makes of•naachinea. Repairing' and. Picture framing neatly and promptly done. Chairs and \tables rented for parties at reasonable rates. The Stow oft Quaifty. Phone 28 eeidenea a ait;i Wt,.Waiker leo ihurrpitne't bailer artsd Vnd rtaaor 146