HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-06-01, Page 8•
Our SFeltal:JEW and
Raving made a large purchase of Granite Ware, we are
are offering very low prices on the following list:
PRESERVING KETTLES. regales for 39c
PRESERVING KETTLES, reg 00c for 34e
WASH BASINS, reg 30c for 20c
DO DO reg 25c for 170
CHILDS PLATE reg 10e for ee
1401IND SOUP BOWLS leg 15c for 90
DO DO reg 12c for 7c
PUDDING PAN$ reg 25e for 17c
PO DO reg 18e for 12e
le PIE PLATES r eg 15c for 10c
9 PIE PLATES " reg 12e for 8c
The following Slightly Chipped Articlee to go at Half Price. They are
Good Value.
Wash Baxins, No. 9 Tea Kettles, Dippers, Round Soup
Bowls, Teapots, Waterpeile, Basting Spoons., Chains
here, Mugs & Cape.
• -1..1=1...1,M.•
We have a. good stockein Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors and window,
also the Celebrated quick Mall Gasoline Stoves and Bon Ami Blue
Phase 011 Stoves. •
. •
1-1A.19•1.1..A. WI) 331R00S.,.
Investigate Our •
Fine .-S40e§:foi).• Men.
You *ill find thefn perfect in style, fault-
lessly made and full of distinction and dig-
nity, of a quality leather; positively un-
matchable at the prices we ask. •Conae see
and fonn your own conclusion.
Store -closes at 6.00 p.m. open Wed-
nesday. and Saturday evenings. • . •
. ,
. • • .
t . .. Special ShOe. PrIce -
During the nextmonthalmost every family in the town and
country will be needing some new shoes. It may be line shoes or coar-
se shoes'large shoes or small shoes, one pair or a dozen but no matter
what your needs you will find it bas paid you well if you investigate e
Iour special offerings during the next few weeks. .
Don't miss these— . . • I
tM18ses heavy school shoes, sizece 11 to 2. Worth almost 'doable thia .
AL price To clear ' . 69c
,e-, Woman's tine Dongola Kid shoes. All. new Styles. Odd lines and
ee broken sizes. Regular $2.25 to $2.75 To clear choice .. . ... , . L98
# Boys Fine Shoes --Sizes 11' '
12 18 Several broken lines worth up
to $L35 To clear .. - ' . .. . . . ,. 98c
Also dozens of otber clearieg lines -at Wonderfully low prices
Very Special:—D' on't fail to get a pair of our lien s Ilex Cali •
Shees. a $2.50 shoe for . ' $1.98
Rugs:—some special offerings in Rugs and Linoleuras for next
' week.
•4••••4••••• ••••i•••.••••••• •••• 4444 •••• •••• •••
I• J. B Hoover . Nelson Ball
is often an ilium -
illation as big as $
„.0.!. the sun.' .There's
noplace in town
...v.1 where 'money!
1 down" goes furth-
er ' than it does I
; right here.
• or dresser bought for "pot casn"froni our present
stock makes what you see elsewhere, look like thirty
cents, It's bargains galore we're offering just now in
our entire furniture stock• .
The cheapest spot in Iluron County to buy all kinds of furnitureir.
er a . 4 N. 0.
Baker is not partieularly interested
16 Raiitee,y air Cothrane, Mr.
Irteteleleler1714111 efeleTeel lieellellelaeteeere reIlteriseeZetellfel tee Great Clay Belt and goe'S
in the hefting industry but be ill
01441441•10 •••••114.44.114•41.**••• H.. •••••••••••••• SA*. to leietetigete for hil9Self!
- •-
- • —
Clinton Noirs.ifuertil
$ OUR $now...".
a Coliectien of riewneSe end res
fineMent. eitensive variety
surege 'etegly, fine in ffe,, coMplete-
pees. Every praptical and merit -
*dome sortand ite extent offets
an inviting field fon selection. Dee
cerative escedience is AO feature
ad it has the additional elle=
ot Pekfeetly proper prices. It • in-
terested come and see and tell us
if we have nob gathered wisely
and well.
W. 0. FAIR .00.
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
Mrs. Young is in London, tie guest
•of fends. •
Mrs. A. Shiers visited in Goderich •
for a few days. law,' week.
Miss Hattie Judd sent the week
end with Mise Dempsey at Holmes-
MVell'ettie Bell of Goderich was -the
guest of Mrs, Wm, Cochrane .over
Sunday. •
Mrs. Kidd and Mies Hilda of Mitchell
• were guests over Victoria Day of
Mrs,.• Jas• Mahaffe.
Mrs. ill Craig and babe were • the
guests of the former's aunt, Mrs„
Fred Mutch,, last week,
ears. Eidt of Owen Sound is visiting
for a few days with. her parents,
Mr. mad Mrs. Jacob Miller.
Mr, .A. Weatherwax of Orillia spent
Victoria Day with his wife, who is
visiting at her home in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Mutch and their
boys spent Sunday at the old
home of the former an Auburn.
Mrs. C. G. Middleton Je. will be At
Home' to her friends on the • first
and third Thursdays of each month.
Mrs. A. J. Holloway • and 'Mrs. Clare
Rumbell. spent Victoria Day in
London the guests of Mrs. Lappine,
M. Ed. Saville . wan• the guest of
. her parents, Me.and Mrs; Jame
. Webster of Londeiboro, for a few
days last week. •
• ,
•Xra. J. 4. Ford has been vetting
(Tieing the past week with her
•daughter, 'Miss Leila, who is teach-
hig near London. •
Messrs: N. Davis, mad W. Moffat have
gone tie New Liskeard. 'They will
visit other point's in New Ontario,
and well • probably be away for
some time. •
Mr. Robt. Holm% if:Ririe:sly of Clin-
ton, has been chosen president •of
the' Civil Servants' Association . of
Toronto, with a• membership of one
hundred and fifty.:•
Mrs. Wm. Steve and Mrs, John. Far-
quhar were ip Goderich on •• Tues -
•day visiting their nephews Mr, S.
Copp; who is very ill and for whise
recovery slight hopes are • enter-
Rev. T. ' Wesley Cosems, Rey. J. E
Ford and. Rev. J. Greene are in
Stratford Cie week. attending the
meeting of the Loudon Conference
Mr. Ford, being a member of the
stationing committee, went Monday
Miss May Bentley returned last week
after a pleasant visit. ili London
;the geese of the Misses: Gunne. She
was accompanied home -by Miss
• Kathleen Gunne, who ham been call-
• ing on her many Clanton • friends
during the past few days,
Mrs. Geo, King (nec Miss Josie Day-
ment of town) with her little son
of Beissevaie, Manitoba, is visiithig
• hen neither, Mrs. John Dement and
sister; Miss 'Jean Dayment on Huron
street. Mr. King will penbable be
oven to. join Ids wife in Anuses
when they will return home.
Mr. Geo. E. Greenslade camei up
froni: London en Tuesday a.- ire and
• in the afternoon went over to.
• Bayfield. The News -Record was
sorry to see that Mr. Greenslade
in not in very good health, but
hope that a few weiskss rest at the
balmy lakeside village will build
• him up again.
Rev. C. E. Jenkins has been bi
Montreal this week as a witness In
a dateage rose against the city.
• Last year while in Montreal Mr.
Jeakins assisted to her home a lady
who may with an accident in the
street. An action was brought a-
gainst the city and the reverted
gentlemen! Was summoned as a
Mrs. 'B. B. leer and her daughter,
Mabel, left on Tuesday for the
west. Their destination is in the
vicinity of Wainwright, Sask., where
the late Mr. leer had a homestead
and it is in Wine:lotion with making
good her claim to this property
that Mns: Ker is now making this
journey. They will probably remain
tome time.
Mr. Hence Baker WI on Monday for
Udine/iron, Alta. Hie main motive
. for the trip is business with !which
he wli cornhine pleasure somewhat
and vielt sevetal points throughout
the prairie country. On his way
beck he Will switch oif at North
Bay an go up to Cobalt, Liskeard,
and en to the terminus of the T.
stilt_ 161, 1
has Ist,IaU
r A I
VE.are cleaning out the balance of our Spring Coats Saturday at prices unheard of. This
v isithe aleason otthe year you need a light wrap. In fact a spring coat is a necessity all
the year round.' Saturday. we make a complete sweep of our entire stock. Come to this
store if you are in need of a spring coat at a great saving,
$10 SPRING GOATS • $5,
20.1ndleie Spring Ooats in fawns and black, box cloth and whip-
cord, short and long lengths, all elms. Reg. e10, saleprice $B
• $7•$0.
Ladies' Spring Coats made of best quality whipcord and fine
broad -clothe, full length, close fittiug, all sizes. Reg $12. $7.450,
75c and $1 Lawn Waists,
• a5c,
la only white Lawn and Mull
Waists trimmed with embroid-
ery and lace, These are slightly
soiled and rnuesed. Reg, 75s and
$1 waists, Saturday your choice
12i & 15c Embroidery $c
200 yds White Lawn Embroid-
ery, two to seven inches wide,
dainty designs, fine quality. Reg
12ic and 16e, Sale
Prints 8c per yd.
25 pieces good heavy Print,
splendid wearing quality. 31
inches wide in light and aark
colors, Sale price... „
Millinery Flowers.
75 bunches of Flowers, aasort-
ed blooms. Reg. 75c to 81.25,
your choice at.........,25e each.
•.114,11inery Flowers.
50 bunches of Flowers, assort-
ed blooms end colors, spays, etc
Reg, $1.60 to $2.50, choice during
sale ... . „ . .. . .. .. ....50c
50e Dress Goods, 25c.
10 pieces Dress Goods in black
serge, Roxina lustre and fancy
tweed. AbOut100 yards in the
lot. Reg, 50c, Saturday sale
price 25c.
Straw Shapes.
About 30 Straw hats in white
and colored straws, new shapes
and styles. Reg $1.25 up to
$2.50, choice 50c
Samples of Whitewear.
.A traveller's sample set of
' white Cambric and Lewn ap-
rons, skirts and waists, all mar-
ked down to less than wholesale.
Two Pair Ladies' botton
Hose for
Laeies black cotton Hose. sizes
S, re, 9, 9,e and 10, guaranteed fast
color, tbe kind you usually pay
20c for. Saturday specially priced
2 pair for 25c.
Muslins 15c.
20 pieces Meslin Dress Goods,
no two alike, dainty designs and
colorings. Reg. 25e and 35c,
Sale price .15e
eady Nide Clothing
Ordered Clothing
• The New Spring Ready -Made Clothing' for men and
boysare nowen stock and they comprise the very latest
styles; Workmanship and wearing qualities, and obtainable
at prices that bear the closest scrutiny. Shrewd. Euyers
. 'tell us that we sell the cheapest in town.
Remember, we give you. The NEW SPRING SIIITINGS are here.
5 percent. off The New Spring importations of suitings, pantings and
coatings are now ie stook waiting your inspection. We
for spot pash on all ordered use nothing but the very best of linings and we are turtling
or ready-made clothing. out better ordered clothing than ever. We guarantee lis
style and workmanship. ,
Timm mita- 0 &E3 8 Brroit
4111111111111441P-- ASV 401R1c 0 0L ...werdwa,
Hullett Happenings.
On. Sunday Mi. John Blake passed Acres woodland • 3267
away in his 83rd year. He was a Acres swamp and wade land 3859
native of Cowley Clare, Ireland, and Value of real . property $1,469,050
came to :this country with his par- Value of buildings $510,250
wits over sixty years ago and settled Value of all real
on lot 23 on the 7th con. of this taxable lateferty $1,983,000 .
township now in the possession of Value of all real property
Mr. Richard Blake, brother of the exempt from taxation $249,00
deceased, Service was held In St Days State Labor 2803
Joseph's church, Clinton, Tmesday, Male persons between 21 & 60 604
after which the rentarns weyn taken Total population of
to . the cemetery at Sit Colusoban, the township ' 2392
where the interment was made in the • A meetingof the council was held
faintly -plot Old soverkers, who knew after the Court of Revision, for re -
Mr. Blake in the early years, speak ceiving tendeis for tee Winding of a
kindly of him. • • • steel bridge of S. R. 5x6, eon. 4, and
The many old friends ehroughout for building three emcee abutments.
Hullett of Mrs. Nat. Sumlercock will The contractors tendering for the
be sonsy to learn that she is., very bridge were the Sarnia Co. for $3100,
poorly et present' , Since leaving the Corbett' Co,, Owen Sound, $29$3,
township a few months ago Me. and Stsetford Bridge Co., $3050, and the
Mrs. Sundercock have been residents A. Hill Co. for $2826, including cem-
ent floors, Which was accepted and
the offer of Weston Bros., of Bay-
field, for building the abweements .at
$4.80 per eu, yd., making !tee whole
cost of the bridge about $4200. M.
Morrison got, the job of the Wallace
bridge abutcnnent at $4.65 per cu. yd,
of Blyth.
For • Hullo* news read The News -
Mr. Alex. Leitch has bought a
Durham bull from Mr. James Snell's
herd. Good judges say it is a sup-
erior animal; just such as one would
expect from tee Snell farm, For
that !matter 'Mr, Leitch would not
bey any other kind.
Mr. Wm. Morrison had the misfor-
tune bo lease three geed winter. calves
last week in a rilysterieus manner.
The • three died within the one day.
Mr. Thos. Brown was in this viein-
ity last week with his hay press and
baileda quail:MI.1y of hay for Messrs.
Thos. Tighe, Michael Morrison, jos-
lffeintosh and Geo, Carbert
• Miss Bessie iffetereti, the popular
and efficient teacher of S. S. No. 5,
has been re-engaged at an incase in
The Court of Revision of the town-
ship of Mullett', was held in the town-
ship hall, Londesboae, on Saturday
last, the mernbets el? present, Leipet,
Clarke, Miller, Tarnblyn and J.
Finland as chairman.
'Thirteen times, were added to the
Itoll either 'as farmer$0 Sona or ten-
ants, thtee under elle M. F. Act, and
six names were struek off. A. IOW
A deetitaton from the Goderich
TOwnship Countel • (Menem. Holland.
and Lobb) interviewed the council re-
specting the extension of their tele
phone line into Hullett, which was
A number Of small accounts or
orders were passed and paid, leaving
a balance to the credit of the town-
ship treasurer of $1138. Council ad-
journed until Saturday, June 24th
at 2 p. in.
—James Cameibell, Clerk,
The First Diaft• •
The first draft of changes in the
London Conference has been pub -
Some of the changers -which
evil! Were,* News-Itecord readers
Mot are as follows, but are, of
eourse, subjeet lo change : St. Thom-
as, First church, Dr. Doitgall ; Grace
church, R. W. Knowles ; Central
other corrections were made and MI church, David Rogers ; Wallace, W.
Roll was paused. If. Taylor ;,Lucknow, Geo ;
The following is a short anomie:0y •Wroveter, A. V. Walden; Goderich
of the Roll for 1911 : • North street, Alfred Brown Sen-
citis ailSeSSedt resident 58408 forth, W. J. Ford ; XThlntesvlile, W.
Acres eleared 46842. Patigh ; Varna, T. J. Snowden.
The News From Londesboro
Mr. Thos. -Cele spent Tuesday and
Wednesday of last week with- relate
ives here, leaving Wednesday evening
with his family for Waterloo, where
they will reside, Mr. Cole having
secured a good position with the
Watereco • Threshing Machine Co. The
family will be greatly missed both
in church and social circles., but they
have the best wislie9 of their • many
friends for sueee,se in their new home
Mr. Wine lirteribley spent the 24th
with his daughter, Mrs. J. Cudmore
of Caledonia.
• Mrs. Hutton and her father, . Mr.,
Routs, spent the 24th in London.
Mr, John. Hutton shipped's, a ;ear
of flour this week. k
A number of the Foresters feilieia
local Court attended the Foresteas: '
sermon at Clinton Sunday last.:
Having had at one time or another
our two divines and, medical mad as.
chairmen of their meetings, the-
. Women's Inetitute •have chosen MT.
James Snell, one of our most reete-
'sentative farmees, to preside ov.er the
gathering oe Wednesday of this week.
This rscognition of Mr. Snell is moste
becoming- for it was while he was
president of the West Huron Ferrer
er's Inst'itute' that the first Women's:.
Institute in the riding .was organized.
Mr.' R. Winters of Seaforth and Mr.
Armstrong each shipped a car of cat-
tle last Saturday. •
The regular meeting Of the Wore -
en's Institute will be beld on Thurs-
day afternoon next' instead of the
first Thursday as is the usual cus-
tom, at the home of Mrs. Jos. Man-
ning At 2.30 SUbjeet : "Soap Mak-
ing and Dernonstraeion," by Mrs. M.
Brown. Ali ladies am cordially in-
vited tie attend.
The concert given under •the auspice's
of the Epworth League here by the
Auburn League on the evening of May
24th, was a decided succees, The
receipts amounting to 139. .
• On May 24th the maAied /nen and
single men played off the retinia genie
of baseball which resulted in a score
• of 16-1 in favoe of the married nen.
Londesboro also played against Con-
stance, resulting in a score of 23-3
in favor of Londesboro.
On Friday afternoon of this week
toile Women's Institute are asking ail -
those who have friends butied in the
cemetery bete to come on thee af-
ternoon and help to, elean up the
e4LbloeitteisrY1;ingle and George Cocketline
of 'Toronto spent the 24th with
friends here.
Rev. J. Osterhout left! Wedneale.y
for Stratford to atiteiid Conference,
Mrs. Redoing, who has spout the
past week at the home of M. Mains,
returned to her home in Parkhill on
Mr. Thomas Miller delivered a car
of coal Monday of this week.
Rev. Dr. Medd of Goderich visited
at the home of Mts. John Tamblyn
"Mr.nonedaiiY. Mns. John Manning of
Auburn were in the village on Mon-
Constance •
Mr, Fred Milson of Fond, Sask.,,
is visiting his mother and other.
Mr, MIT. Lindsay had a bee
Friday moving his barn, Mr. •Wles,
Riley of Londesboro has the contract,
an assurance that the work will bre
well clone.
Mr. and Mrs. D. 'Tweet spent
Sidi -
day as the guests of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stanley of Holm!. • .
Mit John Button will preach next' '
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Button Sr. is improving nice -
14i Geo. Ailey and son Joe spent
Sunday at Dublie,
Mr. Joe Riley now sports a rabbet *.
Engagement Atinounced.
The engagement is announced Of "
Oltvn Lecea, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. el. J. Crawford of Dun- • "
german, to Roy E, Wil?is, formerly,
o Seatorth, now of Saskaterre. The
marriage takes place the latter part
of June. 1VLisa Crawford has visited
in Clinton on difiererrit occasions and
is known by many here,
Bruettfield on Friday evening.
Rovers VS, flurons4