HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-06-01, Page 1he:Clinton News
Now 1682-02 Yew
The New8.Record to any address in Canada to end of 1911 for 5O,eents..
The C. 0. 1. and Wingham High
School Football team's will! compete in
the park on 'Saturday afternoon for
the Citizens Band Cup.. Ther silver-
ware bas been twice won by the O.
'C. I,, w'ilo will hold ii if they can,
but as their opponents ars ,just as
anxious to take it north, .4 strenuous
B .expected, The ladled` arra esu
pecially invited to tilts thatch and to
fee.will be charged.
them no admissionm
w io WIiLL SE KING a
At a big Canadian Foresters' dem-
onstration to be held in London on
June 22nd, there will be a duplicate
Coranatlon carempnv, which can-
didates ere to be selected by ballot in
a contest conducted bythe Free
Press. Nominated by three , of the
. London Courts, Organizer G•. R.
Keys would he an excellent choice to
His Majesty King George,
A native of Huron, a genuine Forester,
a. make -good organizer and a whole-
soiled man, Mr. Keys should receive
the aalid support of Free Press read-
err to this county. A Miss Perrin
is on the same ticked.
The musical festival to be given
Sbigy night by
ii'heAS , A�brasstband from Sb.
Thomas is being looked forward to
by the Salvationists and many others,
The program will be a snappy ono
and will no doubt 'it much •appreci-
ated b the lar a umber who =pivot
y g P
to • at end. The band will . assist •in
the Sunday services on the stA�et and•
fn the hall.
The S. A. seevices will be held in
the town .hall at .11 a• ni. and . 3
and 7 p, tn+, to be conducted by Col
and Mrs. Chandlier of Toronto,, the
mus• ical portion of the service. to be
in charge of the St. Thomas brass
band. Mayor Taylor will preside in
the .afternoon; .
On Friday • afternoon last at . a
was held th the C.
ori T.of Mrs. .I
Cuningliame, the ladies presented Mrs,
. _
Stevenson with an address exp res
sings regret at the departure of the
family frown :town and good wishes
for their pros easy in the future,and,
also with sevessl pieces of •Li .new
china. The i
was from the mean-
mean -
bets of the W. C. T, U-., and the eston-
M. S:, and tenet .Ladies' Aid of Wes-
ey - •' church, of .each. of which Mrs,
Stevenson was an active meatitber and
in each of which. she will. be massed,
:address was •signed. by' Men" •' W:
S Harland, Mrs. Jas, Shepp•ard and
Mrs. Boles, the pxt+sidents •• of the
respective societies.
The miembei's of..the Women s 1n-
statute also ,presented Mrs, Stovemelon
with some lecen . of . Limo g es• as a
P g
slight reminder of the happy associ-
at:one with bele Clintonf>llends. Mr.
and Mrs: Stevenson and family left.
this week for their new Name in, Newer
markeb, where Mr. Stiwenson is in
g'0 g.
into business for himself.. May sue-
cess, attend. him...
Rev. Mr. Ford occupied his own
Plnlpfta'both morning and evening on
Sunday last. In the evening •Court.
Maple Leaf, to the number of be-
tween nnet+y 'and one hundred, inolud-
ing . sem members from the. neighbor-
Mg Courts of Varna, Hb1mesville and
Londesboro, attended service• in a ;
body, t'he centre. pews being reserved
for them. The . pastor rook for his :
.text the wbais, "Bear, ye one an-
others burdens and so futfil the law
of Christ For, everyone shall bear
bis own • burden," and preached a
straightforward add searching ; ser-
Neati Sunday being: Conference the
astor will be absent,. . but Rev. Mr:
p en
Irwin -of • Harrow, is, expected to be
in town and will preach morning and
evening •gliy:
The League meeting. on, Monday
took the form,, under. the guidance of
the social ca'mlmxtP+., of an At
!dome, to which the members and all
the young people of the congregation
were invited, an invitation which wag
accepted by: a number of non-members*
and old -time -members, The chair
'was taken by Mr.:H. E. Rorke and .
ass interesting program was presented
consisting of a couple of readingh by
Miss Cuminghame, solos by Messrs.
Edgar East and Murray Jackson and
a couple aselections by the oriole
chair, .After the program refresh -
formf 'here
meats, 1n the lemonade, oak o a , e,
etc,, was served and a half hour very
sociably and prea�rs,ntly spent.
The young people aro to be• con-
gratUlated an the fact! that something
more than the $20{1 aimed at foot the
F'orwarl Movement thus year was
raised. The society is not a pantie.-
ularly strong one and this is a prdtty
good record of nussionaxy, giving. Of
this amount the Juniors contributed
forty dollars.
Next Mondayevening Mr. W. H,
Irwin of Vittoria College will address
the League on "Modern Methods o
�, r
Institutional Church Work, As M .
/twin has, during his collo, e course,
been actaivr+ly •engagerd in the work
about which he has been asked to
elle*, this address is curt to be its-
teresting and all League memtlers
should be resent
The Ladies' Aid met at this after-
noon in the school roelu of the
church, Mrs. John Harlandmill setVe
,tea at six o`clock.
Invitations are out for The weld-
ing. of Miss Anna May ("Nancy) Rob-
inspn, daughter of Mrs, Win, Simpson,
to Mr, Norman S. Rankin of Calgary,
a well known western journalist, The
wedding will take place, the third
week in June at her name on Huron'
The Women's Institute held their
monthly meeting at the home of
Mrs. T. Mason on Thursday last,
when a pleasant and instructive paper
wad read by Mrs, A. •McMurra on
the life of Florence Nightingald: The
President gave a brief report of the
Diatricli meeting held at Blyth,. Af .
02,r the meeting lunch was served by•
the hostess.
Notwithstanding that the season op-
ened extinct late, the Huron Produce
Company already bas about eighty
acres planted in po'ta�+oea, all in
Goderio.!: township,The seed wasg
brought in from New Brunswick and
the earl used is tee "Irish.
y variety
Cobbler" and for the latter varieties
the Greiri Mountain and' Dele-
ware,'" all these being comparatively
new in • this province. To keep dawn
the bugs over eighty acres of potatoes
woald of itself be a large job in the
old-fashioned way, but . with their big
'two -horse sprayer, which will go over
twenty acres a day, the Company
expect to cope with the peso ' uite
q .
Mr." and Mrs. Jacob illiher; well-
known and 'h'ighly esteemed citizens
of Clinton for urnany years, leave the.
•beginning. of the week for Victoria,
B: 0.,, where •t!hey intend, in future
to reside: Mr: and Mrs. Miller have
two dau•ghters in Victoria Mrs,
Curried MissInez,- ne, and they will
be accompanied b their youngest
daughter, Miss. Delle, who Lias' a'
hood •. stenographhy positaion 'aitnng
ton's be
brat kttoM1vn ettizen, havi car-
rind on business in town for many.'
ears and is also •well known Qhrqu h-
y gevening,
out the surrounding country, The ,.g
litany Clinton friends. of •phi+' family
wish them all good fortune in Their
western home. ,
Thera were several verbal scraps at
the meeting cf the town' council Tues-
day evenirng but np sextious olitc0¢ne•
They demonstrated, . though, . the de-
bating power of the several" members.
The. discussion dealt largely with
whether or not the m'ain•.street •from
Fair's mill to the pcntgffice' should
or should not be nmeadamized this .
season. .Many are in favor of rotund-
in and rolling that: stretch iso as to
g g
't . of the water •connections .; all '
being made Mom :the • . permanent
roadway is laid'' dawn. Accordingly`
Albert street north havin g been ooan-
pleted: Chief .Wheatley is •Beginning
operations on Buren• street and will.
•push it t�axough as . rapidly as pos-
•sola so that. he may -also finish
Ontario street The Chief is bound
tis' add. t0 his estaa>>ished reputation
:as' a builder of modern roadway.
• The League meeting on Monday
evening was under . t+ae • direction of
the! Good Citizenship department: An
excellentprogram was given.including
a most interesting address • y the
[; by
pastor on the life of the late 'Queen
Victeeia 'and the splendid influence
exerted by . her: A quartette roan-
posed qt Messrs. W. S, Down's and
DeWitt Cosens and 1Vtis'ses Elva
Wiltise a'nd 'Myrtle . Sparlinrg contri-.
bated, a couple of selections and a
ch was ve tt$ mlu0h
• J y solo, v •
enjoyed, was given by 11Ira• B: J
Gibbi�igs, • accoatnpanied 'on' the piano
and on the violin
by Mrs. DeWitt
Mr. DeWitt Cosene. Next•Monday's
meeting will be the month:y Copse-
oration meeting. . .
. Next Sunday morning Mr, C, . S.
Hawke will preach. and Mr. C. H,
I1ol'1and will preside in the evening
when there will be a medal song
service by. the choir.:
On Thursday, litst! George Gordon
died ai Berlin, aged 74 years, HO
was born. in Scotland in 1837 and
in 1841 carne to Clinton where, he re-
Moaned until 1889, Dur'iitg his residence
he was emplc,yett the fanning
mill factory and subsequently at the
foundry. For the past twelve years
he • has resided m Berli• n where he was
when death overtook hien. He was a
•presbyteriatt and also a mrtrtyber of
the A=, 0. 13. W. He is' survived by
bis wife and five children, alio toe
brothers and as ,many sisters. One
of the brothers is Mr. James Gordon
funeral, which teak Place to Clinton
eemeti r on Satlarday afternoon. The
d by Rev. Dr,
services word conducted
Stewart, while the pallbearers were
W, J, Paislby, Harry Hunt, W. S.
and Johit garland. James Shepherd
and Dan.. McCortle. Among, the rel-
active's olio aeccrinpanir'd the • rima ns
from . Berlin to Clinton ware : the
widow, one amt,. Hugh Gordon, son-
in-1'aty� and daughter. Mr. alto Mrs,
J. A. Law and tor. and 1Viks. 'Sohn
• Cochrane. Mr. and 11itia..I, L. Sea-
alae and Me, and Mrs. Jesse Seatninin
of Flint awl Mies, .Tesgie Seaman al
Athena. Mich.. 'were also irrtnnttt.
Wheat 850. '
Oats 28e to 30c.
Peas 68e to 73c.
Butter 16e to. 17e.
Eggs 16e to 17e.
Live Hogs $6.00,
Master George Carter, son of Mr,
and Mrs, Thomas •.Carter,• Joseph
'street, entertained a number of
his best .boy friends at his
home on Tue:tday evening, its being
the °occasion of his biethday: George
makes a good host, so that the of
fair was a very enjoyable ono.
On Tuesday The News -Record was
:,boon a head of wheat taken 011
Monday from, one of the fields of Mr.he
Henry Peck of tfie Bayfield Road,
Stanley.. It was already half filled
out and old veterans of the Tarin
have ail to The Peoples' Paper thatJessie:
it was the earliest head they rememr
her ever Navin seen,
Having decided ea retire from, the
shoe boniness, Mr, C. Hoare • has dis-
posed of his " stock to the Carey
Shoe Co, of 'Toronto, who purpose
selling a portion of it here and re-
moving the .remainder. Mr, Hoare is
at 'emit gLving much attention to
his fruit farm and this with his ipus-
ical _ businese takes up his whole time,
In many places the length and
breadth -of Canada. Coronation Day
will be loyal.y observed. What about
a celebration in. Cliut'gn , ..An ' e1-
ebonite program was harked out, a el -
shorn time., .since and while' the in-
terval is now too short to work' it
•out. in detail, something snare modest
might yet be undertaken. It is to
the dozen or .na public spilt:tiad citi,
z o u,�aarlly handh! dtiatters of
ens h
this kind that a starter will be look -
ed for, ',,"
Saturday will not be o .rved as a
era1 holiday fn Cla• ton
The Jackson Co: .have ltt'd the
Idedge><s store and 'are us g it as
a store tooth. 1 •
.The Clinton and GoderiC '.basehail
t:cams will meet for the 1} • time'
this season .neige Thursday aft'atno0n.
There are now so many. Huronians
living in Toronto, that ' one .can
hax,ily go up Yo'nge street any day
in the week wlth0ut bumping into
someone from this count y,•. •
-,,• .
Winter apples arra going to be
h +
scarce tie year, without a doubt,".
said Mr: D. Cantelon to The News-
Record on Tics d,ay, '•'but I. look: for
a goon yield of the e•arlier. varieties:
"The June bugs a.kt hard on Peau
„ se
trees, remarked Mr, John , Demp y
of d and ch totgnship, `rand the bus-
wood and ash trees are being stdIpped
clear of their leaves. So numerous are
tliie bugs that there almost seems ; tie
be bushels. of them lying at. the foot
of . ,the trees f i ” the morning. The
birds and the: em " are having a.
great feasts on them.
New Advertisei>llents.
For Sale, Small Mato, -5.
Curtains.—troth's --4.
For Sale—J, O. Elliott --5-
Ceunty Council—W. Lane -.5,
wood War�bed--A. Forbes -5.
Tile for Sale—Kruse Bros..
8200 Guarantee --J, ,Watkins -5,
Flour and Feed—Suitter Co. -5.
Moving Sale—Carey Shoe Co.—;r.
Coronation Hats -Morrish Ce. --1.
New Sheet Music --G. L. Cook -5,
Pineapples Cheap—W, T. O'Neil -5-
For Sale, Fresh Creams,—Phone 7-5
Coronation China—Cooper & Co. --44
s eel l.r at
'p +;a s for S urdny-Couch Co. -44
Waltham watches—W, R. Counter: 3.
Cottiage to Rent—C, G. Middleton -5
Useful and ornamental
lifts, are here in
just received.
• Ctoc .s-. Silver p
that tease the
:jeweler and Optician
140 L d.The
for Wedding
of new goods
Gass, Gh nal
and Design
ty g
CeS c'ha't
rt r t .for
Ladies' Guild will hold their
regular monthly tea in the school
'room on Monday afternoon from two
o'clock to five -thirty.
Me. Lorne. H. CantUlsn•, Toronto, in
writing to have his address changed
to Centre Island where bis atepde will
be during the hot months, adds,
"We are certainly pleased to get. The
News -Record eveu:y we4ek.for it gives
rte much of hazne news,
Mr. John Anderson of Hanover paid
e second visit to these perils lash
g. Week and was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs, Jona Jervis of the 2nd con. of
Stanley. Mr. Anderson has taken a
• fancy to Clinton and vicinity and if
can get a small farm within a [mile
or so of town will buy and settle.
down here.
One of the chic breeding
l g Preens ,qf
articles suitable
Silver,. Cat
ware .Etc..
m de e
Q .
Mrs, N. Mellacbern returns to -day;
from a week's visit in Tolroni'o
Mrs. (Rev.) J. E. Ford ane Miss
are visiting. Windsor friends„
Mr. A. h , Erwin and Miss Clara
ewin, Hayfield," wenn.' in town on
Tuesday. •
Dr, Shaw was at Niagara Falls on
Tuesday attending a medical con-
Rev, and Mrs. Taylor of Vatria vis-
ited Mr, and Mrs. A. Hooper on
Mr. Jon ih Brignall, travelling pas-
sengex agent. for the C. P: R. was
in town this week.
Mr. James Young of rine River was
in town yesterday on his. way to
Conference at Stratford.
Miss •Netto 'Simpson of Brucefiedd is
grandmother;aMrs. 11 Wattsh her
Rev, Prof, Ballantyne was the guest
while. in town of Rev. D'r. Siaawaat
- and Mrs. Stewart at • the manse°
Mr•'•and.Mra: S• - Kemp and Miss
Nellie visited •Bluevae and .East
Wawamosh friends over the week
®ni •
Messrs, Loren and Arthur Tyndall
deft - this morning.. for •Chatham to
attend the funeral of 'an aunt, Mrs.
Mos Irene .Jackson and .J es
Mise n g¢i
Elizabeth and Jean Chidley.motored
to •Seaforth on Fi.:lay last!
to call on friends.
Miss Annie 'Walker came up from
Toronto last week and is now 'err-
joying •a few holidays at the pat-
. enrol home. in town,
don and.Mrs.-
sup it Saturday f last,
having been cabled here by. t'he• 'ill -
Hess • of the formers• mother.
mine Ida i h
s L g tle, after having been
thti guest :of her aunt and uncle;
Mr. and Mrs. `Viii. East fora £evpc
y , .has returned to Detroit.
Messrs. I7: •Tiplady, Lorne Tyndall
and, A.'. T,.: Cooper are. distil:et re-
presentatives to the London Con-
•fttrenee now in session •'in Stratford.
'Mr; Stewart Paisley of the .Royal
. Bank staff .' London; who has been
spending •• a fortnight's holiday , .• a;t.
his home in town,:• ret�urne`d to his
M duties on Tuesday.
'Mrs: I. `Brownlee • and' her niece,. Miss
Rub. I 'll ft
y ,.e on fiuesday for the
West, the formes. •to BaPtlefoi d, tlyy.
latter to Saskatoon, where Mr. H'#, ,
,wbo wemti' west+ several weeks ago,
Fs engaged in building. . • gA
Miss Edith Toramee, daughter of
s. cera
Mr: and'Mr John' Torrance,' who
a responsible; positions as
stenographer in Toronto, has teem;
granted_ three months' leave of O-
si'ace, and well spend the time at
the home of her parents here.
Mrs. W T. O'Neil•received word by
wise . on Saturday of t+i1e death of
belt brother-in-law, Mr. Jas. R.
Crooke of Johnstown; Penn, Death
was due telt an attack of pneumonia.
14Ir, and Mrs. Cooke lime visited in
Clinton and' will be enn'embered by:.
kr, Robt. McKenzie, who recentlg
came •home from . Queens Unive•nity,,
left Wednesday morning for .1Ninni-
peg wherd he has acct.er pool-
tion with a civil en ineer for • the.
summer months. He will Aiturn
home- abouts• the 1st of October to
resume his studies et Queens.
;lir, ,W. H. Irwineldest son of Mr:.
and MJ. A: Irwintown,
of tow n, who
has just finished his course at Vic -
Aerie and who will be oriainod in
Toronto next week,. is spending . a
speholnt some, his home, wesr. Ir g
spent time in the west during
his. probation and intends *Continuing
his ministry in Alberta after his
Mrs. Thompain, Albert street, re-
ceived a telegram Tuesday evening
f;.ym Dra'ndon, Man., which brought!
the sad news that her daughter,
Miss Minnie Thompson, trained
nurse, was soriously ill. Miss
Jessie TFiOm!ps0n left, at once, be -
ing conveyed to Stratford by ' Mr.
Langford in his FCrd car so
that she might Catch tin midnight
Stated that Miss Thompson had.
mu ch impeovod,
Mr, Frank 0 Nreturned on Fxiday�
Last from 1ldoosejaw, Sask., and thus
week, eating/aided by Mrs, O'Neil',,
goes. dawn to Ottaw�r to* a few days
visit. Mr. O'Neil's birt'hplaeo was,
near the Capital City and • retaining.
sweet recollections of it he visits;
it whenever the oppor'ttanity rim,.
rents itself. The black bass lishingr.
says our worthy Citizen, Is yet
good, ahnost
those early as much so as its.
y days when a Crooked.!
pin and a strong served the purpose•
jusi as Well as the expensive tot,
and tackle now in use,
- -
files is. back otos in which aaxbbish
y '
of all kinds is allowed to accumulate
from. year to •year. Clean back yards
are comparatively flyless, and if there
are few fiiea at the back, there will
be f wee still' at the front .door.
One thorou 'h clean-up L. followed.
g P
by others, so apparent are the good
Not infrequently the reason there is
nota a more comple'te • clean` up is ow-
ing to the difficulty in getting• rid of
the debris, in having it hauled away
the dumtp, •
Major McTaggart has ' formulated a•
plan whereby' this may be done at
small cost and in talking it up has
had. the co-opeabtion of lobe• medical
health' officer Dr, Shaw. A meet',
of citizens isocalled for the council
akembes •Friday evening to. give. it
still wider discussion, • There should
Capital, Paid Up • $6,200,000.
Reserve and Undivided Profits - $6,900:000•
Tonal Assets - $92,000,000
17S Branches and Correspondents throughout the Vlaorld...
Interest allowed on Saving accounts. Courteouk treat-
' ment accorded to all customers.
R. E. MANNING, Msinager Clinton Branch.
be . a good attendance,
On '• Sunday anniversary services
were hedd when Rev. Prof. Ballon
type of Knox Co11eRe, Toronto, co-
copied_ the pulpit' morning .and even-
Preaching strong, simple and
impressive sermons,' Good congre-
ga"trions were in attendance at - each
service and the chair ' rendered ex-
cellent music, Besides -an anthem a
quartette wasgiven ab the morninggift
service by Me. and Mrs. H. 'Raynor,
Miss McIver and . Dr.. Gaudier. In
the evening Misa McIver ,and Mr.. A
Mitchell sang a duett,' and. a couple
'of enthi+ms were rendered by• •Alie full
choir, •
At the evening service. the Rev:
Prof. made reference to erne splendid
record Willis chuii:h had won in furn-
Rest Funding,D.
in Canada`.
in all the principal cities •
The 1Vi I..a QN
PaidCapiltalA ;4, ,-'.54,�OO;000
u 000 000
Has 78 Branches
and Agents and Correspondents
h'. Abe ,world.
interest allowed at Highest Current Rate.
Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager
fishing to Knox College and, to the
Church so many ,.then of dist uct'ive
attaintnenit and brilliance. • Such. as .
in the • 'day* _ long past, ••Rev. Simeon
Fisher, 'whose name was during the
past .generation almost a 'household
word, ' and' • Rev. C. D.. Macdonald,
And . in later years there was the .tarot
R. Y. Thompson, late professor in
Knox College and a native of Hulietb
township. ; Rev: .J. A. Turnbull -of
Toronto ; - Rev,. D. .. M.. Rainsay . of
Ottawa ; Rev, August Drumm, of St.
John's' Presbyterian. •church Bettie-
ville, 'who was. also a• native of the
and, others. Ths.e• then ac-
complished much to. mould the re-
li ilous • thought • of the people of . this
g !' P P
provinee. Though riot all Olin-
tan . born, they received • .• their
collegiate training' heap and their
religious' training do Willis church,
may. of them under the: ministra-
tions of the pressat pastor. The Pro-
fessor also spoke of the record of the
honored pastor while a student. . at
Knox' and of his- long ati�d succeissful
pastorate of Willis church and en-
couraged the congregation bya
retrospeotive, view • to 'proceed to
greater achievements in the future.
The ministrations of Prof, Ball
ant ' a were a source of much en-
couragement and help to both pastors
and people, and the services were en-
toyed. by • many outside the congas-
The offering which was, as is the
usual custom, contributed without
.. canvas of any kind, amounted ori
Sunday to rive hundred dollars: and
will no doubt be considerably ncreas-
ed. This year's anniversary services
are considered to be, from. all' obits
of vtiew, very successful.'
The Mission Band Met at the manse
on, Saturday afternoon, and in spite
of the extra= Beat was well at-
tended and a nide lit+tltt program was
' The Girl's Club held, their first
meeting on Tuesday evening when
Officers were appointed and c0mlmat-
teeei formed. Following is the list of
alters :
Han: President, Mrs, Stewart.
President, Miss E. Ciiidley: •
. Seet►atar , Miss T. Gunn.
Miss L. Walkinshaw,
The Club tis intended to serve a
two -fold purpose, that of bringing to
gethrer in a social way the vdung
women of the Congregation and also
giving thorn the op'pportunity of work;
ing iota missions. Some orders have
alre,ady been received and work was
commenced on Tuesday, The Club
meets Yin the fourth Tuesday evening
'of each month in the lecture room,
, �voimen of the on-
and all the younglz
grts�atd�ih are invited to join,
�tIt is the intention tete hold a Straw-
a. berry festival later on in chin
' .
-,...- ,
and .are
J. '
'Style both
.are solea tints or
g f
. orated
yYr �+
the cele
range o
9 f
---111, �..—_.:►
:Personals. - •
'Mr. C. J. ,Wallis has returned, -front
the west ,•
Mr. J. • W rovincial license
inspector, was in town yesterday,
Mrs, D. Stevenson and Miel /‘ 'lie.
left this morning for Newanarkttt.
Mrs. • Jas. Stoddart has been• a. guest
ar the homW of Mx: Rout: Walker
during the past week, '
Mr. Albert
' r. aril Mrs. Seeley, and
family visited at Gland Bend the
beginning of_' the . week.
Miss Isabella Webster of her sibora
has` been' the guest of tier silt+ter,
Mrs. >�,, Saville for a few docs.
Miss Sadie Cowan and Miss Minnie,
Reynolds ,attended the dedication of
the new R. d: -church, at St. - MI-
uatiban 0n Thursday last, •
Mrs, Mathew' Webster of Weston and
ton of Toronto
Mrs• Howard Poulton
visited theta' mother. . Mrs. John
Rayson, a few days of last week. t
Rev. sM'e rKwere and Mr. John May
• of E�x'�eter were tke guests of Mr,
and Mrs• A. Hooper last night and•
this a, m, went to Stratford to
atttend Conference,
Mr. and Mrs. •Root. Jones, who
moved receht'ly to town from. Sea-
forth, have taken up thole abode
in the. cottage on Princess street,
unlet lately occupied by Mr: W.
Mrs. 'C#Eaoxge "Doherty, Stratford, was
the Butt of Mrs, S. Kemp last
Saturday. ` Mrs. Doherty has sold
her cottage here to Sergeant Law-
son a somewhat recent arrival
, 'England.train.of
Mr. Prank Herman, who has been
attending Wycliffe 'College, Taranto,
will duringthe long holidays act
as substitute for the rector at
, 1vTarkham who is away for a • thxe+3-
months' holiday. Mrs. llernran and
the familyare with hien at Mark-
Mr. James Stevens left this morning
to attad the London Gonferenee
when is being held this year at
Stratford. It is over half a cell-
*try h'n.ee Mr. Stevens first went
o Conference and he bas almost
every year since gone down for at
leant s; OnuUle 0f days.
showing a big
g 9
to Felts and Straws.
The King Hat in Black Stiff, coronation style,
The King Hat in Colored Stiff, coronation style,. , ...:......52.50
The King Hat in Black Soft, Coronation style,— , , , .. ,
The King Hat in Colored Soft, coronation 'style
The Ring. Hat in Straws, dipped front
The King Hat in Straws, Sailors, • .., • .. •
The King Hat in Panama, S�.ppecial at. • . , , , • ... :......:
The King Hat in Panama, faill Shape;:..::..:.........$6.00
The King Hat in Panama, Extra Fine Quality, .... , .......
, •
, .....$2.50
• • • • • .3$1.50
:.: $3,50
_.. =$7.50
', ;; <
" ' °
, -
4 ; ,
s••; ;\;\'
t , : L. r 'Y
..�.. �:. ��Bert
•;, • !
\ '
TWOT�' CI �' c
2 .Dozen Black and colored Stiff
in broken lines and odd sizes,
$ .50 and $2.00, :your choice r;.
for 4.0c. • ,., •` ,
\n ;fie;;
�, '��'�
3 Dozen Stiff Hags in broken �;_,,
tines and odd sizes, r'eq, $2,50, Your -
A .J
- e$tk'
. month in connection with the ehureh.