The Clinton News-Record, 1911-05-25, Page 8e
Allay with
For Sala) aid
Raving made a 1srge purchase of Granite Ware, we are
are offering very low prices on the following list
PRESERVING KETTLES, reg 65e for 890
PRESERVING KETTLES, reg 00o for 84c
WASS*BASINS. reg 30c for 20e
DO DO reg 25c for 17c
ROUND SOUP BOWLS ' reg' 10foor 9
DO DO reg 12c for 70
PUDDING PANS reg 25o for 17c
3)0 DO reg 18c for 12c
10 PIIS PLATES reg 15c for 4.00
lJ PIE PLATES •reg 12e for 80
The li011oWitig Slightly. Chipped Articles to go at Half Price.. They are
IL esires -• • Good Value. ..
Wash Beams, No. °Tea Kettles. Dippers,, Round Soup
Bowie, Teapots, Waterpaile, Basting Spoons, Cbam-
bere, Mugs & Cups. .
We have a good stock on Lawn Mowers, Screen. Doorsand windows*
also -the Celebrated quick mall Gasoline Stoves and Bon Ami Blue
Flame Oil Stores.
..r _ t OUR $.
4,111010111o, t
Is a collection of newrein and rano
tinument, a+► extensive variety
nurpa agly,, fine iia ii# conrpkrte-
nesse. Every practical and merit.
orioust sprb and its/ extent offers
an inviting field fon selection. De-
corativs excellence is its feature
and it has the additional ohaxip
of perfectly proper Aries. If in-
terested come and see and tell us
if we have not gathered wisely
and Well.
lean Sweep on Saturday
WE -are out the balance of our Spring Coats Saturday at prices unheard of, This
isithe season of the year you need a light wrap. In fact a spring coat is a necessity all
the year round. Saturday we make a complete sweep of our entire stock. Come to this
store if you are in need of a spring coat at a great saving.
W. D. FAIR 00.
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
$10 SPRING COATS �- • $5•
20Ladies' Spring Goats in, fawns and black, box clotli and whip
cord,abort and long lengths, all sixes. Reg. $10, sale price ES
$12 SPRING COATS $7:50.
Ladiee' Spring Coats made of beat quality whipcord and fine
broad -cloths,; full length, close flttiug, all sizee. Reg $12, $17.80
Investigate • Our
Firie Shoes fo1
You will find them perfect n style, fault-.
lessly made and full of distinction and. dig -
'laity, of a quality leather,, positively un ,
matchable at the prices we, ask. Come see.
and form your own conclusion.
Store closes at 6.30 p.m. open 'Wed-
nesday and Saturday evenings,
Special Shoe price
During the next,month, almost every family in the town and
country will be needing Borne new shoes. It may be fine_ shoes or coar-
se shoes, large shoes or small shoes, one pair or a dozen but no matter
what your needs you will find it has:paid you well if you investigate
our special offerings during the next few weeks:
Don't miss these• '
Misses heavy school shoes,'sizes;11 to 2..Worth almost double this •
price To clear .. 69c
Woman's fine Dongola Kid, shoes, All new Styles. Odd lines and
broken sizes. Regular $2:25 to $2.75 To clear choice ...... • , . 1.98
Boys Fine Shoes—Sizes 11,,12, 13, Several broken lines .worth up
to $1.35 To clear • 9$0.
Also dozens of other clearing lines at wonderfully low prices.
Very Special -Don't fail to get a pair of dur: filen s Box ' Calf
Shoes. a 52,50 shoe foe.. .. ........$1.98
Rugs:—Some 'special offerings, in Rugs and Linoleums for neat_
J,. B Hoover Nelson Ball
is often... ;n iliumii
ination ' as big as
the sun. There's
no lace in town
p wn
where "money
down" goes furth-4
er thanit does
right here.
..CLOSET ._ ..
or dresser ,bought for "spot cash";,from our present i
stock makes what you see elsewhere, look like thirty
-cents It's bargains atore we're offering us
Iour entire furniture stock.
The cheapest spot in Huron County to buy ail kinds Of furniture.
1,1 Hoove Bali
4 1t
1$444.44N4.44•4404•44.4 10.4114 ****44414 4.444.4444.4.
, I ;,'ern nRi91mutlunuminimm11Uh, .. _
,011—..ofnip.`,.._ ,..,!lel,
Miss Erma. Andrews was in Seaforth
last week.
Miss Hill was ab her home in Galt
Miss Jennison was in London over
the ho&day.
Mr. J. A. Irwin was .in London this
week ccinbining business with pleas=
Miss Kathleen ,East of Toronto
spent the 2411 at tier bone -lit
town. •
Mr. E. J. Jenkins of Toronto was a
holiday visitor at his home, Wood-
lands Farm, • ' • • .
Miss Ethel Woodley of Fullerton has
been the guest • of Miss Bean:ice
Greene bee past few days.
.Little Miss Viola Cook, daughtea of
.Mr. • end ,Mrs. T. Cook, .-who has
'been suite ill, .isnow better, -
Mrs. Andrew) Weatherwax oG Orillia
is spending a few weeks in town
the guest of her pasenba, Mr: and
•Mrs. D. Cantelon. •
Mr, R. Rowland • will leave . on ate
6th , of. Julyfon a trip b England,
end 'will sail from Montreal by, the.
steamer Lake Chaplain.'
Mr. Harry Hunt returned to to*n on
Friday. evening last from a visit
of several weeks at Galt and other
places. •
Messrs. Len ,Cook, Erne Brown .:awl
Bob Lawson ,came, up from Pete:Ala.
Sunday morning 'with an auto'•party
and . wenn back again the same avert.
.Miss Clara Dark,: t'Yoden:cbi, has been
visiting Mr. and Mrs.. James Hearn.
Mr. Clarence Shepherd, who has bean
. in .a Montreal branch of the Royal
Bank for some little tiiue, has beep
transferred 20 'Iroquois. '
Miss Leila Hoover leaves . this week
with a party of friends, from Toren -
re for England. Thee/ will be • in
London for the -Coronationand well.
spend several weeks visiting points
of interest in One. Old Land.
Mr. Roy' Eas9 is spending a holiday
at his home in town prior to • going.
to Winnipeg .where he has.. been trans
ferredch the al
erre toa titan o 0
:' Bank, Het Ilan been with the Tilson-
burg branch for some time past.
Miss Lulu Donaldson: of Forest spent
the week. end in 'flicen the guest : • of
Mrs. Boles. Miss :Donaldson was
attendiaig the Missionary 13r,tnch
meeting at 'Exeter and took ad- an-
tage of heir proximity to. Clinton'. to .:
pay a i'isit to . her • friends here.
'Dr. W. J. R. Fowler' and , Miss
Freeda returned to Toronto • Tuei'-
• day.. It was an active professional'
week for the Dr. and the bright sun=:
shine and genial breezes .of old
Huron gave .him such a wholesome.
looking coat of tan an he could
scarcely acquire. in Tc�r nt the
a o 0
Good"' in a life -time.
Dr, NfaeCallun and Mrs. ManCallu n,
after serreral months • residence in
London and, . Glasgow, sail . during
the comieg week Tor Canada and.
will ter a 'tine be . at Icing 4ton this
province. The intervening` mouths
have been busy, ones :for the Dr. who
has been eiwalking the hospitals
in tfhose great cities and thus ev-
en beater 'fitting himself, for coping
with the many ills that Rash is heir
Mr. Jolie-Lavinoit of Delaven,. • Wis.,
has been • the guest of his cousin,'
Mr. John Lawson. Victoria •street,
• during the past wee.c. ,Mr. Lawson
has been visiting friends hiBryan,
Ohio, and in Croswell,: Mich.; and
took advantage ,,f 'the occa-
sion to come on Bets and
relatives � e' h
0 whom h
never seen before. Mr. I•awson is
in hisseventy-fifth year, is in
the possession , of robust. health.
His 'Clin' on relatives gave a recep-
in his honor the,
r even-
which nolle onioyed mord „than
tis.. The evening was very pleasant-
ly spent in music, song and social
Mr. and Mts. W. Jackson and Mass
May Ranee left yestlerday for Mon-
treal born whence they sail on Sat-
urday' -.for England by the White
Star: Liners, the Tectonic, Mr.
Jackson wilt spend ten 'days or so.
at Lends, Bradford and " udders-
fiel a the remainder f the
will �'be 'pettily one of pleasure. ' They;
will be inn,,„ London. tor; Coronation
week and also purpose e visibin
Paris, and will sail for home 611.
Julylst thatm
Mr. Jackson may.
get ack to HAMA in time, for the
celebration .of the "glorious 12th.1'
Miss itanco will remain in England
for some maths •ting continue ° her
• ' c and $1 Lawn Waists,
. 350,
18 only white Lawn and Mull
Waists. trimmed with exnbrold-
ery and lace. These are slightly -
soiled and mussed. Reg. 75c and
$1 waists, Saturday your choice
12* & 15c Embroidery 90
800 yds White Lawn. Embroid- •
ery, two to seven inches wide,
dainty designs, fin quality, Reg
121icand 15e, Sale price.....,..9c
Prints 8c per yd.
25 pieces good heavy Print.
splendid Wearing quality, 31
inches wide in light and dark
colors, Sale price.. „ ... . ... $e
Millinery Flowers. '
75 bunches of Flowers, assort-
ed blooms. Reg. 75e to 51,25,
your choice at..., . 25e each.
Millinery Flowers.
50 bunches of Flowers, assort-
ed. blooms and colors, spays, ' etc
Reg. 51.50 to $2.50, choice during
sale . 50c .
5Oc Dress - Goode, 25c.
10 pieces press Goods in black
serge, Roxina lustre and fancy
tweed. About 100 yards in the
lot. ' Reg. 50c, Saturday sale
price 25e..
Straw Shapes.
About 30 Straw bats in , white
and colored strews, new shapes
and styles, Reg 51.25 up to
$2.550, choice 50c
Sampled of Whitewea'r
A. traveller's sample set of
white Cambric. and .Lawn ap-
rons, skirts and waists, all mar-
ked down to lees than •wholesale.
Two Pair Ladies' Cotton
Hose for 25e.
Ladies black cotton, Hose. sizes
8, 8t. 9, 9i and 10, guaranteed fast
color, the kind you usually pay
20c for. Saturday specially priced
2 pair for 25c.
Muslins 15c.
20 pieces Muslin Dress Goode.
no two alike. dainty designs and
colorings. Reg. 25c and 35c,
Sale price , , „ 15e)
Ready fade Cl�flihig
Ordered: :Clothing
' The. New Spring Ready -Made Clothing for men and
boys are now'in stock and they comprise the very latest
styles, workmanship and wearing qualities, and obtainable
at prices that bear the closest scrutiny.' Shrewd buyers
tell us that we sell the eheapeet in town.; •
Remember, we giveyou
5 percent. off The New Spring importations of suitings, printings and'
coatings are now in stock waiting your inspection,;. We
for spot cash on all orderbd use nothing but the very best ;of linings and we are turning
or ready-madeelothrnt;. .
out better ordered clothing than ever. We guarantee fit,
style and workmanship.. -
f111 -1M BSS-.
Mrs. , E. Brownlee visited with • Seams
foe% friends this week. • .
Miss Campbell spent the holiday at.
her home in .Walkerton.
Mr. J. Terry spent the 24th under
the . parental roof ab L1Mowel.,
Mrs. Wallace Wheatley' and children
are visiting Woodstock heends..
Mrs. L. Greig is in Toronto visiting
her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Clark.
Mr: and Mrs. Rankle of ' t Seaforth
were guests at Mr. Wasman's„ 'Sun-
Miss Hattie Steep of 3oderich' was
the guest of, hen cousin, Mr, 11.
Steep yesiberday.
Mu: •B. J. 'Gibbines was
s in
Tills -1
b r1, Port Bu•.vell andDNrhamths•
Mrs. and Miss Miss, McCloy. of Varna
were •guests this week at the home.
of Mrs. ' Wilt. Simpson. •
Mr. J. J. Ward. Woodstock, repai-
senting the. Tillsonburg Packing
Company, .was in mown Monday..
Mr.and .Ml's. .Wan: Hobbs and • hiss
Hobhe, Seaforth, were guests of
Mr. 'and Mrs. G. L. Cook yester-
day. . •
Miss Mabel Danford and Mrs. Anna
Jackson, Stratford; were guests of
Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Drunford yester-
D. John Lindsay, of London • spent
Victoria Day at they olti home-
stead on the .16th con., C oderich
Mr; Peter Catinalon is in London
today ''attending a mustang of
produce inen in the interests of
the firm, of •Canteilon Bros,•
Mrs. Andrew Gunn and daughter of
Toronto are visiting for t'he 24th
and the week end at Mrs. W.
Mummy's, RR+atbanbut'y street:
Mrs. 1:Y. Lane and son Cliitottl-°• of
Port Arthur, who are now vrsttling
the ladyPs parents, Mr, and Mrs• H.
Watson, Blyth, will' visit Mr. and
Mrs. D. 13. Kennedy the conning
week. -
ttiss Helen Bowers, who has been
visiting in:ends in lawn for . the
past six weeks, left this morning
for Owen Sound where she will be
the guest for a time of Mr. and
rS+o Gen,
C i
Mr, Winn. Dixcat and his daughter,
. York-
entham of
Mrs. Bentham,
shire, England, arrived yesterday
and will be the guestsfor a few
days of polite and ' Mrs. Biggins,
London /toad. This is Mr. Dixon's
third fait to Canada.
West Huron.
Women's Institute
The annual melting of the .West.Hur-
on d2skrint of the Women's Institut)
wan held in Blyair on Tuesday. The
meeting was well attended and some
excellent paper's were read. The dis-
trict'officers for the year are :.
President, Mrs. M. Swanson, God
Vico Mr.;. Powell, Blyth. ..
Sec. -.Treasurer, . Mrs. McKinnon,
Godlerich. '
The following • Clinton ladies at-
tended the mating': �ing': Mrs
. Kearns and
Mrs. 7. Dodd, who represented the
local Institute, Mrs,
T.Mason, Mrs.
Munroe, Mrs. Sadie' Johnstone, Mrs..
Cha'inboia, Mrs A. McIVItirray and
Miss Colquhpun.:
Ma.' Sidney Johns of Seaforth - is
staying with his sister, Mfiss Johns,
Townsend St. -
Syme 'Questions the
Census Man Will
When the, census man calls lir June
you Will be asked a great many ques-
tions, :+.ich as : Name of each perrson
in family, place of habitation, sex, re-
lation:.diip of head of family or house-
hold, whethen single; married, widow-
ed, divorced, • or legally separated,
month of birth and age at last birth-
day. The following questions as to
citizens' 'p, nationality and religion
also appear County or plate of
birth,year of immigration to Canada
if an immigrant, year of naturaliia-
tion 'it formerly an alien. ; radical or
tribal origin, nationality and religion;
also occupation or trade, employment,
employer, employee or working on
your own account: 'You will be asked
where you are employed, if you ate a
wage earner, what you work at, • by
the day or hour,what wages you re-
caearning. If re-
ceive, your total a g you are
insured, the amount on your life and
against aeeidents and sickness, and
what it costs you. Your education
Vitt be looked into, and also so
ti lite
physical condition or disabilities, e
ct~natto man Will not he satisfied until
you give` him all the particulars, but
you can t>Oiit easy as he is sworn to
The News From Londesboro •
Mr. James. Campbell has had, a por-
tion of the
or-tionof.the old house moved up .to-
wards the new house and •will • use it
for •a driving shed. Mr. William Riley
is doing the .work;
Ernest'.Loe'';had the misfortune to
have his ,arm . • injured at Grainger's
raising Thursday of last week..
/,. Hamm, took the contract of
painting the parsonage fence and1~ia-
fshed the .je,la' this week.
Miss B. Brogden spent; a few days
last week with aer sister, Mrs. D.
Floody' of Blyth. •
Mr, and Mrs, F: Campbell of West-
spent Sueday at the home of Mr. .
Jas. Elsley,
J.D. Melville has been busy paper-
ing in the village : the psi' week.
Mrs. C. Watdon wet on :the sick list
for afew.days the beginning of the
week. - 1
Rev. R. A. Miller of Auburn was a
caller' at the parsonage on Monday of
this weak,
• A very inti resting game of base/bale
took place on FiCaay, evening of last:
week when the Married nut played the
Single men.. The result was 11 to
in; favor of theinarried men: The line -e"
up was as follows
Married - J... b. Lounsber
Dr. Allison c., T. Miller lb.,_ Rev, W-.
T. Pearcy 2b:, .los. SS'oodman 3b:, �_
Johnston, T..Scott and F. Richards,.
Single—R. Townsend p.,. H. Riley;
c ..Zam1- 1 .
W b b W. Lyon 2b: $.
Brunsdon 3b., R ' Crawford, F. Tate— ,.
blyn,. P. Whitely, IC.. McConnell, an..
(1 re
. Sunday in the•
village with her cousin, Miss . i Rog
erten. -
Mrs. T. A. Moon has moved, to •
: tier:.
house . on the faun.
John Johnston received a quantity,
of Wire this week.
Mrs. A. Whitely is having a sale et.
her lioneolrold furniture on Saturday..
Hullett Happenings.
Mr George Yungblut of Colborne
has been, visiting the pant week at
the home of Ms daugba r, Mrs. • Pat-
en Walper. .
Mr. and. Mrs. Shan, who belie been
h of Mr. and Mr...
guests at tie ane a
Martin Dyer, will a*iurn this week.
to their home in Toronto. ...
Henry, Colelough, a well-known
farmer of this township, was the vic-
tim of a a distressing accident in
Seaforth on Saturday. • While driv-
ing a team of horses attaehed to a
wagon, the animals became frightened
by a passing automobile, causing
them to run away. The 'tongue of the
wagon came in con'sacb with a tele-
phone pole, the
$ack throwing Mr.
Colclough out. Ilei struck oh his
head. Medina' aid was summoned and
it' was found that hehad susbainet
a compound fracture of t!ao right
injured had and
leg, a badly inled e
and an injury to the spine. ,as Mr.
Colelough is well advanced in years,
grave+ fears are entertained fon his
Mr. John Dun was in Stratford:
last Friday consulting a specialil
and . has returned quina hopeful of na
improvement, '
Mr, Edgar Patterson of Winghat
visited Sunday ab the home of Mt,
Win. Plunkett.
Mr. Sainte' Daer was building cefa-
Ernt for Mr: I. Brown of B,yth, last
Mn. and Mrs. John Caldwell of
Wawanosh visited Sunday al the:
home of,Mr. and Mrs. John Weldon.
The Imperial Con�fgrcmee met y
terday at the > oreign Office.
Snider was killed by
down the shaft of Aid Nova goons
riving a.t, . Cobalt.
.number of
Lightningsmarted a
fires in the Provinces and sotno seri-
sus losses are xeptlrted,
Patrick Canfield' WAS arrested at
Guelph on the charge of assaulting
Mrs. Keough with a .stone and robb-
ing her.