HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-05-25, Page 6{ `,v .?e
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I KNOWING O AN � � �� V * C� t
. r
R T° Wanted, Kao f o r n Canada, Thain the OVW WX a e� E' E N X � t df 1,
eltyiitly 1ligiisr
I � �. �
teed to w a «rsoan if Tit*rrr itatt#NIW a !fi Illxpsrts fay ^"^ �i1f30s�►Ctlr>i"1
was insanity In his Family' ,..... . � ,, 1- I ...... I- :-.- � ... .
.,. T. As the result, of a thorough Inveotil,•a- Of the W044 whooPROFITS,
bow rAou "It the consent of # therm and the Uni prises of hogu in Canada " �,..,
tiosa into tbaI.
tail .States by a Baaxd of F lel suffer A A Typical lnstanop of the Rocoipts
); _ t0'inarry daughters, writes a correa• LTnikes% STariff tates rier theireat% of the 'prRtll>et1o11 > Iipd Sxpendlturea alas 044 ,•
pondent, "reialudw me of my own '
ift' #lea d at aehi g SECURITY
casae. When I woo st young ansa, i � � .,",` Aa:res lra� Tan. Rears � 1 ,
had been reading that as fellow should to whoaa report wao embodied Ira Sensto � t
li ' , grew by Fr£aWeutaTaftin Match last, Dr. .. paper from I.ndianhead,• $aslatobewau � g I
never marry into tains where tbera , presented
Pat aqt' savings, Jai than safest
W" as taint e . insanity. , I de tares , form of investmont you can filnd•a••••-•-•
. m sate of future . generations, i decide d• the fallawiu$ statement woo made; under the nom da pluuie; Saskatchswa; n o
r:- that whatever my heart urged m.4 to ,/ the 4 debentures issued by this
do' my mind should be on guard. prices of swine are slightly higher in l?aiiiivr; rafute,a the statement mala by
. . 7s mss When the lady of my choice said 0ana,da tl,aa "in, the United totes. ` In .our' many Westeraors, that the farmers of solid and prosperoL s company-^�•••
'yes,' I dutifully, 'Sought the father, 14aatern border States-Mabuo, New the, West have been ill-used b the Du^ sstabl�slted i�q.
• )Aaybe I was too precipitate. At any Rampshlra, 'Vermont and: Now 'Rork- • . minion Government which is identified'
_ , they xango frown $10.40 to $11.00 leer stand higher in public a y Issued for�taa and upwards.
rate, this iS what isaid: -- lax oI with Eastern intvzesGs, 'i'has
"'Your .daurhter bas promised to Sastcatehewan Parmoz ives a t icai
ON SPA13�AN �.IN�S� j Lead; apd in .the Central boxtlez State#' "' � tnsta,nao of the ex ' g ' yp interest payable half -yearly at
� --. marry me. May I ask ifs there is =try the range is about the same,- In the e�abip miorl than an connected with ape section e and
and,0840 tho rate of q.�Q.
Insanity In .your fatrtily, g
, Y x border States the range of pricey Qatlerat; 0i11dthe#1' eves~ auras, Pram teas year 1900 to 1910 1Ie, Depositors Debenture -hold.
Crown.Prince. .o# +Garman, "The old man looked at ane keenly:'; W,irtterii bo
ilrOught UP -,Heats of Study �'har ut;t be, Bras lois ,empbatir as froar $10.40 to $11.10 per head,, 1n G>!'eaf1M1 S e#i: rpvQ says; ep 1. ais'd entttre ttOl
. answer." the rent a ricultural Stateei of Indiana,
g g p I "1 will ,give you an idea of what a ars hate the first charge. flet the
^^-�^ thoLre>r�t,Physi►caGans lection of land, Goo acres, will earn, entire ;itsSetS of the company. Illinois and Iowa, prices of lawlne vary
Tire Crown Prina;a oi" Geimany has r� f f1i� i little fzom those already, quoted, In � find how it will increase in value, in ' ..
Lou brought erg cr; i8partait lines. As I~ I FRANCE'S STRON a� Eastern Canada the range of awine prA prei�C1`ibe theta. - g the most favored wheat producing clic- r
S111Ce Incorporation over fire'
. 1aa well l[xtown, thq Ifaiser is a strict �-� ns ;from $10 to'$18 per head, and in eriets of Saskatebowan under normal '''
disciplinarian„ and till his fourteenth Western Canada fro>m $1& f?o 1313, The rJC. A 1p ,, ;oaditiouk. management and price of i `, ?'^ million dollars in Interest alone
year, the Crown Prince: rose at 4 a.m. Briand is a Strong Orator and $trienu• highest American. Pride is $11,aR par land, from 1000 > a 191A aliowin the '
tor and sura. and n!as.. to bed sus Warkar ; 8 � :;ay8 been paid for Qeppsltor� .
head as Wisconsin, as against the Ilrest average price a! land ,to be $110 per
ani $stmt Re w eJ�t hard at work ^ " si Canadian price of $13. g hexad, whish is z i a acral fez that period, 1'n so daigg itiifRIiIi Deilellture-h0lder5,
p private, tutors, and after leAving A few years ago M. 1lriand, who quoted for Quebec, Manitoba and Sas- fhould.be borne in mine, that 30 pet
• " me went through a •course at a narrowly escaped assassination recent tratchowan," tent, of -the land in this Province was Reserve• fused• equal to paid -tap r, .'
JY* waa quite unlinawn outside the Not len �
>tnilitary college, afterwr}rds matricu- g after the iseuin o[ the laboara p r i p� +. @ @'res Grant. ca seal of ><
B AMERICAN T1\U5� 7 9 p $' , ,poo.00 and assets
�a;tii►g at , the' University of >3onn. ranks of a few fellow lawyers and the tytatement the Capactian autb!Vit,` pub, flapital Expenditure. �' over thirteen millions.
` 7�lren when, $few years ago, he served working men and Socialist organixa . hsbed the following table of Iagg prieee, ---_-+ #900,
.. •a sort of diplomatic apprenticeship ' tious to which he allied himself. To which prove the same contention sd diet Do Canadians 1fVant for Canada the stand, 640 aeras at $10 par �
.,od . ppt the Ministry of ?thp Interior lie had day be la universally regarded as one he10 by that Undted Skates Tariff Boapd. a care ,..,>, ,..,,.,..";., $6,400.00
tP Vork'as a Junior .clerk, and kept to of the strongest men lar France. H4 Mango Pernicious influoncon of Theser Cultivation, 440 acres at $8 -
: e usual.,hours eve day for A wkola `entered the Chamber of Deputies in year. Total Receipts. Organizations? per acre ` '
i3' p ,.,..... 2,844.00
e r; Even after these hours he was :1902, only seven years before be=h' 1901 , . , , „ « :. , , ; , ... , , . , 8,290,484. , welling hour 2 OOQ,00
snot free, for hp had to take home as Ing l?remior, said it was really the part 1902 '" . , « „".. ,:.. " , , . , . , , , , 7,$1*5 288 Xr, +7•ob. 144.': Downie, a re, 4silt in 1 g �; , • , , , . ' „ . , ,
that he la . ed in the acute religious* ' tab a fox 1a horses, granary
cp}aQ of alOcumenta to study every P Y 1903 ...:... , . , , . , ., <. 7,325,923 Ontario a few years age, but new a and imirlemsnt s act.. , ... 1;50q.Op
evening, and was. kept at ,work late : political struggle in France, that 1904 .. . . .. ... . . . . ..... . .... 7,238,746 '1,roker in San Francisco, wrote to the 1901 ' .
. . 17 . . I . 4
Into the night. : brought him to the 11Pight of his fame. 1940 7 785 738
_ . , .... , r St. Thomas Tirana recent] Showing the 12 lroi'sas and harness....., 3,000,00 OVER
aCQarr & savings bra►;
He is a stirring orator. and a atrenuons . , . y' s Implements, Duty.
1908 . , • . 7,276063UIIhI(1ns a
worker: "Let's have hone with talk; .1907 • • . 7,201' injurious effect upas the United Staten 3 seed drills . , . ,.. ,
. . . .... . . .... ,081 $33.00 380.00 ��_ i COJf . 0 >f, .'/It0 ax$'. ,
• It's tinge for work," is one pf his favor. 1908
, .. , , , , 8,131,463 of :the large industrial -trusts. Mr.� 3 plows ... , . .. , , .. 34.54 210,00; ...
SEtIVARE OF OINTIVIEhITS FOR it Phrases. Tie, is one of the simplest 1, u9 . .. , , --1..::::::*:: ; , 6,819,018 Downie said: 2 disc harrows ..... , 10.00 $0,00
1. CATARR)T THAT CONTAIN of zq , n,, and flnds his chief recreation, 1910 .: ...... . ...... . ... . . 5,586,858 „I could alto a half dozen instances 2. six -section harrows.. 6:50 60.00 ASaSIET.Se.
MERCURY in frilling, His one trouble is that the • .
Chicago • L, nadian Canadian of the ruinotSs workings of the trnsti 3 7 -ft, binders 53.00. 485.00 �� _
as menaury will sua sly destroy the : caricaturists refuse to put him in the aver. price. aver. prise price above s 4 wagons complete , , 72.00 880:40
Papers. Till they do: So, he says, per cwt, • . per cwt, Chicago. right here in San I'raneiseo. if it it a One-sixth interest - in
sense of smell and completely , de- r1.1 alit not really popular,,,
zaange the whoI .1le system when enter-. 1901 „$5.35 $6.7.0 ` $0:85 not for the Unrteil .States 3teei ?Ices' thresher ...., 125,00 500',00 nn
5902 .. 6.5:5 6.65 . a ; . arts .other big trusts, this ;own wouhl l.t Extras, say .... , . , . , 24,04 455.00 � owl. E� G _ O�_M N
ang it thal,tgh the mucous surfacesa:, S�I I
Such articles should naiVer. bo used 1903 • . `6.00 �'6c07 .07 26 por cent. better otf than it is. 'I 1:. —,. . I �. ow- _ I
Dc [� t v A Dr ate 19174 .. 5.15 5',32 17 Union Iron WorRs, a few curs atro rim $350:00 $18,000,00
axcepta n prescriptions from repute, REVEALED ,,5 r 7t; �IiI.A►vi 1905 Y' 0
' � . .. 5.25 8.47, 1.1B nib,.. as an rndel�t=ndauG fionrsra, s'ag'e en ' Crop -for 10 years,, from 440. . �V � ��riY29
able physicians,, as the damage, iiia 1906 6.25 ' 7,17 ,92 � � acres at 2� 'bulli, 'to the � � �T � ODER[%*# . �MAY g Y p]oyment to ]q,0a)U saes in `Neu ! tsars srt
will do Irr ten fold to - the good • you , 190? . , 6.10 R,86 ,7B The United States Steel Com all lnnkC sore, at ?6 cents, ... , . , .. $70,000.40 ,� �,�,_�,,"
8 . Webdale s Body Was: Found Fianglnq p Y
can possibly, derivr, from them'. 14all's From a Beam 1908 . , 5.70 6.87 1,17 on it, sa1� that ft 11•as goad, anti r:ree;'e: Ctirozktng expenses
. 1909 , 7.35 8.04 ,69 ed to 'gobble it uli, .1'o•,ra for 10, years at. Full of Honors and Wonderful'Triumphs. of its.t,ong,:f,�on
Catarrh Gurc, mauufacbuxed bp. F, .J. 1910 .: 8,9,0 9.1,1 ' - - ' ' ,Yl $5 per acre, . , $3s .
'— about '500 alar are ernployetl just ,tui:: P ,000.00
Cheney & Co., Toledo, p.; Contains remarkable dream lies led to the . repair work, That is what the trusts d Interest on eap.itL (�ge)ritlg TOit)TS of the Continent, and presehtE d.on c1 .S,CdIPs,
no mercury, and is taken internally,. ,'discovery of tbo body of Mr. Thomas to a coluitry. instead of humins for. f. years at
g y ON ��! DOWN GRADE l 6 per cant... , , , losao.00-,of. Colossal Magnitude and Lavish Expenditure,
actin directs upon the blood- - and : � ' thousand inde pendent factorit s s atr=: re
Cool: t'V+ebdale> .l•ondon. Mrs. Copper- n , , 4.,500.00
mucous surfaces of tahar, system. In all over the eautitry lielpiir„ to btii.�. z,. ----- never Il;lioWn before in this cAttIItry"
' tuuying H'ali',t ,Catarrh Curo be Surc+ '`heat; a prominent mr xnber of the ... . sots make prosperous hurtlreds nit ,.iutol.
mission, dresined one night that the New York, 'Evening Post Comments ant communities, they..eoncotltrato in ur, Surplus (not'tal;inn into ac• THE TRAYE4.INII BRIMMING OYBit
you get the genuine. It is taken in- count increase in value' of
ltd made in Toledo Ohio b ' 'Fent to'•the .Mission ,hall and found on Staple Prices . i or two plaices, and inake One
pat ,L'. Thud, increase
e i b,3 ue' of AMUSEMENT WITii
y a rt ,. .. Lklr, Webdale seated. In. front Of .the a what otherwise �oiillt gine employment
• F. J. Chaney ,X, Co. Te ',imouiala rostrum. His licad was. bewail, and ' The following interesting comment on i a doze,,," ed at $18,000) , , 3,200.00 SENSATION M I R T H
Duty on Implements. Op''I",HE
free. she went up to slim acid placed a hand- United - States commodity markets is. AND OF:.
Sold by DruggisW. Price, 75c per kerchief over his neck.. When she from the New York Evening Rost:- �i C r'Now note right here, that all a DAY. spy"
bottle. awoke she was greatly perturbed, and_ , `yhatever else may be said'af than sea{ AMERICAN TR "��'• farmer working a section of land un- e
Take Hall's Family Pills fox con- at her urgent i•e,luoat •her Husband son's ver reinsrkahly atavement "of sts• . der these conditions would pay iT duty ,•p�� J' f;
went with atnotbllr member. of the mss y on the implements required to ea n h cp `
stipation.. Enormous Qutgut of tllanufact ren t�
Sion to the Mill, and Spoke to the plc rices one thing is certain -a sup- large profit, assuming th9 average life
p ' o Seek ani Output
tenant of a sbcla beneath the mission. ply of gram and proviatous 'in :excess of . R of same to be 10 years, comes out at — .
btlildiva They were told that Mr. consumptive re uirements certainl •eon approximately $35, per annum: This is - Jf-- l� " _
'r' ebdale had been seen to 'enter the p q Y An. examination of tb a trade sta'i; no, exaggerated statement of profits and 1
A Good Deence.A must �� fronts the trade at present. Tion^ Ione 'tics of the xTnited States shrews .ai. increase in value at land as thousands l
g hall; :and they tried to,s:gain• an en- r rr - -�
%fie ���1$e P!laue. a
: trance, but found the door door -locked. .it will lasi;,.anr ho.w'mueb lower prices 'interesting' side light upon that coin of farmers in tlaskatchowan:can testi- l T
Wherk the door was eventually forced will go, is the problem everyone in:the try's present <overttrres far Recfpr fy,. send hundreds. who have' specially ,• ti ,�--�-
I.No one can afford to lessen their pro' open Mi. Webdale's body was •found trade is trying to fathom, cit with Canada. For the n1w, applied themselves and tai en' d, avetit- a .
ducin g Power to=day; and to. have poweia a Y age .of the opportunities at hand, have
nanging in front of the rostrum, sus- Conditions are note rett clears the
you must blue goad machinery., pended from a beam by a handkerchief pretty. y months ending September, ' 1610; cx- realized far greater profits than ,are -
r' The hu•nan body is the greatest nia r@varse:of those prevailing in. past years• ports of domestic. merchandise; o here shown, How, then, can the farm; I ! _�
( r'ii::a cry^r produced -the most wonellr, l;;notkcd'rourdilir nnCl. Having completed its, cycle of high f o tis. ars of the .West claim: that they have 4 �•
fill nr^c;i nie i i•i tLe world,, prices, the. history of minket averages eql very, kind nt, the United S e been.ill-used, or not given a fair deel4 - t
It is sheer emnou:ic waste cot to keep' URCE ie repeating itself and values seem to' were $1,193,321,612, of which $210, 1a.Of Course we have and, and have,; .
ycr - b -Ay in the hest condition. be working to a generally lower level. 490,966'wora manufactures for fur- grievances, stlah us elevator tnonopo• ��� =�
• i a -re is no valid excuse for ailowitig � , How low. .shay will go before the bot- ' ther use, in 'manufacturing, and $401,• Her, grain blockades;` and grievances ^ s•
Vie tis,1:es to becorrte attacked by the W tom is reached: is costing the trade a lot &84,664 were Smanufadiures ready for connected with . grading and market- _ r ; ` -1 "
va'•lite t,Ia;ue. You need our health and Nnw Rork Commercial 'Says Iii of mono to determine. .Some specula ing of grain, and they are not alto- _ ,sem`• .,
y Chan y p consumption. The a3um of these two,
Canada nceris yo%. Change to Canada tors have lost as much,mouey bW!ng° an � - "
_ $61L.&26,6U0,. accounts for 51 per cent.. Bather raeelied rot, 'but `what great ia• (�
sus -ore agaiaast it by building up your declines, under the belief that the break of ` all of their exports put together. dustry has not, bad minor difficulties n ; `'. t x'11
rc•: roc farces a± i bo;lily defences. The difference between Canada and had reaehed the limit, 'as they made oil B.ut this 'is not crediting the exports, equal to or greater than these to over- c i 1i
T'w hest cit•P: iLte you- can get is'Nyal's the United States in the matter, of the upturn. of manufactures with "a class known eome: . ' I -; t �i 'i,
C,'I ' i•; 'r Ca-,1+•t,ultd. It builds up tae There is a surplus of'grain.and rovi-' as "foodstut"' art manufactured" 'In conclusion, I may say that many, , 11 .- � `IiIC
ti, :t t t i prev-•:i:s cliec,asc. .grain 'production;. according to 'the signs the world over, that is evident, ,Which are vaso d sty 18 169.9 farms in the Tudian Head district,
�� ��. c e $ 0, ,1 3. If g0' I » 250
d:1-3ras t-1=li^_ azli a splendid vital New York .:Commercial, is, this: Should there,be no material daninge to one regards this also as -legitimately. -which huvv been,well cultivated, ants
IV— i<'[ : " 7-`,', s`! id flesh, 41160dkes . "While :a ail le areas are about the growing wheat- erop,' a still lower, forming apart e ' l- Have .been. cropped ., continually with CLOWNS A ' HORSISS.
the v ab g o. g pa t of the , xports of man
�'''' r. , f''r a"' task. ' t all occupied and- roduetion has practi-.level of prices is anticipated, notw•ith- 'ufactured coda it maaiis' that o ,a one-third summer fallow each year. ,'S0 LEAPERB X100 PEOPLE.
,'„ ,=•m•: a:i-i haekward.child there' p P - standing the fact that there, has been a t� f ablee, the. earl}° 80's, last season pro-
_ 1 sally reached the maximum in the g everything the United States exported 100 ACitOgATS The Dublin Grays... .
c, , , ...., t.. ttigal s Lod salver Com• Stater Canada with 50. per cent,- drop of 34 -cents in wisest from trio .high for the nine ?months endiv Se tend• duced 30; 35, 40 and even more bushels <
'f+ -a•• i •,, ,.: it intng the roses. back to ' P point of -the season, while corn is,.oii* 20 g p .. to the acre,'.in quality almost if n.ot KENTUCKY HORSES. The Blade HULL.MUS*
greater productiys capacity, will be a her last •manufactured goods amount ,
W;If- ("', '. ;i,rt ;ive vi:;nr a td -vitality. lon wa from her maximum ield• cents end oats 131/2 cents. Pork has ed to over 66 percent. . . quite . equal to the first crop; at all
Vv,r �_+ , :rruzulst cheerftilly guaraa- g Y-ofP r m y • dropped Over $0 it barrel lard 2Y/e cents A events not more than one per Gent, au.• .,,�
In twenty years to come., And it is pp �]
Applying tial average for the .first Tia ' . � �ELOUS EDL
largely •a, question of land' conditions: e• pound and shoat ribs 2 cents; and, nine months to the last three, It Judi• lower.
hogs over 34.per. hundred from;tbe high MONARCHS 5tJ?Rt:M6 1N THS AMUSkMENT REALM.
'�ioid and Guazranisad h W. S, R, : Canada's -Wheat growing , belt Is four .Cates that the exports for the year
y poini of last year'. . !fay has declined. of manufactures ready for conaump• p! ! �+ D T A
Holmes , J. E. Havey, W. A. times greater thea that '04 the United 0 -Qr $5 'a Lou, butter nearly 10 cents a tion said manufacture r �1\I �I\' VAf 1A� e/p��r Fj� //� ® �/� %Q/� �"
McConnell, Clinton. States.and' only five:per cent. of Can- curd and e• rys over 10 cents a dozen.' a fq further. AM Ti��' is ����'L6���i9�/Alt.d�,� //�>�( P/.r
.'ads s western agricultural area . is , g° use in manufacturing will peas ' U
A11 the in is cut of the prices of the $800,000,400 -mark.* This is . an r
. undei 'cultivation; There are 71,000,- farm pro said if there are .to be Senator i3everidge ..Says This Must be /'� '
` ' ' ' . 000 acres of wiiAat .lauds which will p enormous Amount fdr which to. have j�(� (� ¢ A
further declines, it is .expected by the to find aft outlet: said under�lyiug the Kept out. of Canada d - 20100 Oth' ,�' V eeA L L' ct.5.
11 make these:westeru provfncess richer, best ud es of, market conditions tbat ---- _
`, more o ulcus, more dependable for J !; present agitation iu the United St9#eo
arga+laty '. p p they will be gradual - . . ..for Re
with Canada, is an As the result of :some investigations
"I I ' '�
food supplies than the Western.States
i earnest desire to open, wider the mar. . conducted -by'The Monetary Times, �O BLE iE1�AG ' It"
income. The centre a food A. L"< P.. R, train crew rescued a kets of thiel. country for exploitation ,
u+ +�!"`" " . Toronto, it is known that at the pre-
«�K"°�TMtO"N0"iOM sup emacs will change to C sleds:' • by their 'manufactn rasa sent time at least ' 260- United States , .
One for each, t]g .. ' • , _._.. - y , theair burn Containing° Wild Animals from '(Every Country.
fames panned Slake :from
o:'Y 81�111l311! manufacturing companies are operat-
n.ing dwelling'. at Stittsvllla:I.
Ing branch factories in Canada, . re• THREE` BAND$ OF •MUSIC. _
-- presenting an aggregate investment '
prase g
_. of. $226,000,00.0: For .this influx of
. Rte► a Al:ii�l4MAN HIPPOD�tt)1VI E")
capital, wits all the benefits Accra-
~ i -. ing to the Dominion. therefrom, the' M>sny t•isi , 5 she Biggest • and Most Bewildering Production
country must thank' a • "tariff : which ~ ever in America; Most Stupendously Stirring 5pectaiclo
L . illi 11111 1111111111111111
ltisde it worth while for those that Neiman Eyes Ever Witnessed.'`
who hoped to sell Canada goads to y
''� �� ���� � 111111 I ill�119111111111�illillilli�illillillillillilli�ilillill�l�ilillillilill�ilillillillillillillillilliilillilI of nt e. •
iTae over the line to man a ur : .
d that tariff not .been a protective r----11
,. -....._ .. , e; 'those Clnited States ' mannfac• "r A.W lw,, ,
an A -, .. __11 aCaCsi�ii" Art' S 1a17=GirS'i►.
�a air Plie'I`inx
turers would probably have enlarged ^. GRAND FROM STRIAMi RAIM AT.10 A. M"r
• end o#ten.-
m� again., ey
��` + sat 1af I their. home. factories;, to take .care of
FOPW lole80>ri't til es able @a S . Canadian, busineAs instead. cf build- .. '. ,, .
. ! i..•-_: '. mo �4. . • � Ing on the Canadian side, in which . . .
r` ^.i"'�1. &Yve'yals PTE. case Canada would now be using .
- it11t Va;rjl best 'UV1'a ed goods made from United States mar. .
s: -. teriafi with United States labor, in .
PP lin-'a fiIVE
l ..I . • stead _ of: goods made from Canadian J. a •
ROSES Gruli><t
-+... , .'.f a � � material with Canadian labor. •
;' tmate to
. _ upsets Pte Prejudice Without .upsetting the . That the states look upon this ' .
�1 �C+ _ �'l
:y Tnovement as a distinct loss o be --�-Td
. - Eater's Xnsides-Fl�E ROSES fXour, d by l eciprdetty with Canada remedie
D .
' '', � .v `„ � Great for .Pie Ceruse --top a,xd . bayttorit.• Is shown in' the followingextractfrom MM
ll, is;. �— And Puff Paste and Di acult Thuz ..s. at"speech recently delivered' by Sena-
,,�! , . a d> f $ for l ievei`idge, of 'Indiana: A" 119TUllrr
Close -grained �- melding• -'even t"tu red, "'There • must . be reciprocity with
�. '+' Elakp toot and cr',nkl Canada. .Our tariff. with the rest of ;'A ■ �t DAY+ aI V N GI i7
..}. `�,, , +t , y -snap yet the world does not apply to our north
'' f � �,e r , Put ilnto your bake.`things the rare nutlike bra neighbor: That Pb1icY a eadyy STFA�IER GREYHOUND ''
i /. .. `has driven American manufacturers
. swoetxcess of Manitoba wheat kernels ,
across the Canadian bordors, built: Leave Gfoderieh 41.30 s. an.,, Canada ?'lane. '
i FrvG soles;>l All soppy with the rich regi �uicei of tire' vast planta with American capital on ,M 11, AYE1t, EiccursrOn Agent
' / .,,
I - N, 0 chem—or lemonpie-�-•or apple—or h"It woIrki ion soil, employing Canadian .
.: Al P � workingmen to supply trade, .That
'-•� . custard-•�wea�t,'Inay he, or tainee- capital should be kept at home to em. ' ITINERARY LBA'VS DETROIT POR tii0130RICH
I .� F I E OAS " rust en " 1 ploy American workingmen to supply Vridiry, June 16th, 8 a .m., Central Time. Arriba (iladericlx 5.30 p,att,
I I , Put the V c d fahoat e>ar," Canadian demand. We should admit Ooderich Band Moonlight, 8.00 pati., Vviday the 16th,
. See the hungry wedges fade 13oWnit lousy � teeth. Canadian wood pulp and Canadian (Special Train leaves Goderich vitt Gl" T. R to Stratfo d and via C. .
111, 1l',t1y to t3lyth, etc, ;11.30' p.nr, cit safaris from Moonlight,)
At I''e Time.. paper free in return for Canada's ad- p y „ r „ 1.
. , ,cue FIVig ikon s. Y witting our''agricult'aral Implements,
our engines, Pumps wand other mach. Ci00BklCH iiOR DBTlt01�` ..
_ ine free. 'Cue should freely admit / Sakurday, dune 17th, .'80 a.m., 0anaaa , Time sto in a;t Porb Ituron
. _.
Canadian lumber to American plan• : 1 'A. sppacial excursion 'train from Berlin, via Ci, T. ley, the Horning of .
Ing mills in return for Canada's freely,, rune ],7th, seapping,at wavy Stations to Holntesville; ,
Admitting other American monufa; l:4rain Wing ata, Bel rave' Blyth, etc, take inornin train rune 1"7th
I(i�1 tured'products to Canadian marketsG* connects at Clinton 8:40 a.an, with special train for Gt ilerich. '
Yltl ar!. kCSNl3C1N Gi11i.S WE4tE faRC=7""fIE T ,r 1ZBTtI1 l�11V(f TO, iiQtlEltl N 1•..- •
1 � 1iWW Sir 'Francis Galton, the last of /tho Le �ve Detroit, Atondu June 19th. 1.00 ,m. Povb Hitron, 5,30 .m., J .'
' .' .. , a�' '(�` great Victorian scientists, who /died aeutt l Time. Arrive at Goderich, 9,:id p. m. ' p r
raacently, lead a ,;utioua bent of mind S eCial train leaves' Gicclerich on arrival of Steamer frons rsetrait,
at times Far instance,. he M ;4 an (10% P.M.) 'via Chanel Trunk Ry to Berlin,
Instrument for carrying in the ;trocket .
by whish he could tick Off, art -lie pass- POR for Detrol iti'
cavo C4ocl�ariclt on last tri Pdr Detroit, TueSda , June ?Atli alit 8,
od in the .street, the number of girls , p y
who vrere "'goad," "medium" be "bail" ; az,nr, {%lei o th/l tlrirl3 $"3il Canada flare,)
In, rr gard to looks. "I found;,. her said, �......:.
I 11
_ _.
31 � OW I
Xot , %
" 'ir �' - ' id Ab to rank , highest far nother ani H I T � R � � N
_.. ... seed Aberdeen lawe'st" a On Another' WHIT i
,,�,.',�'. qrq�..
.IM 040"ldn, when he had itis portrait
peolood, he begnilod the tediums of sit
. ting by counting the strokes of tia - - _ _ _
c�Kr ar rnr Mno6r' MI��INO 6aMFANY" �,r,++�, MontlerA� i1t'tisll that went to tnarlto his piG`ttlle?.d iii' 14111:Iscc by ti10'irolltlg people,llativm
MisSa i3ellk�' Aritielsr>Si has tato"
and ilia total to iris 'great ilurpi'isc. bspecially the IDVePs o! oiitdodie gam attbr A veitlr, pleasant visit with
tt ,
amounted to -.k.000. X0,000, ea, at Simcae.