HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-05-18, Page 8• Glt Nows-Roommil •V1 Our Speeiai fir This week sets to anneunee THE DISSOLUTION -- mutual consent of the Pe tnership- -- idarlaad Brox, which hoe existed -.- •-for the pmt 44 years. W. S.Harland- -retiree and the business will be coo--- --•.duetted byJ. T. Harland. We also •-wish to ank all tor their liberal pat— •,-*-1-01s144f0 in the peek and hope for its cone - =-tlnuafee. Look next week for our Special Advt. A lot of odds and ends to go cheap. Our Store closes at tilt Silvery Evening except WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS and evenings. befog e holidays. We have au Order Ben on our hardware store door for orders for ass.• line, coal oil, ate. And also orders for the new firm of Byam. &Sutter. All such orders will be promptly attended to. +CDS.. STOVES and HARDWARE i Good Intentions Come only out of the head. GOOD SHOES come only out of a good store. Goad Shoes and WE •D'sell Good Shoes only and at reasonable prices. WE STUDYnery rbnsay iness: evdof the week. We, are doing and always will do our level best to please you, WE DEAL Fairly a n d f T i DEAL squarely give everyone the same prices and stand back of every pair we sell:, , NEXT TIME yon need a pair of shoes get acquainted with this store's merchandise. Repairartmeiyt De p n full swing—Try us. FRED.. JACKSON :S ,...ecial Shoe Pelee . During the next,montb, almost every family in the town ;,and country will be needing some new shoes. It may be fine shoes or coar- se shoes, large shoes or small shoes, one pair or a dozen but no matter what your needs you will Audit has paid you well if you investigate our special offerings during the next few weeks. • ALSO A NUMBER_ .OF CLEARING LINES, AT WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES. Don't miss these Misses heavy school r; hoes,'sizep11 to 2. Worth almost double this price • To clear. , • .. 09c Woman's fine Dongola Kid .shoes, All new Styles. Odd lines and broken sizes; Regular $2.25 to $2.75 To clear choice ... .1,98 Boys Fine Shoes—Sizes 11,12,13, Several broken lines worth up to $1.35 To clear • 9 ! .. Also dozens of other clearing lines at wonderfully low prices. VerySpecial fail to get a pair of our lien a Box Calf:. Shoes $2.50 shoe for. , . • . $1.98 Rugs:—Some special" offerings in Rugs and Linoleuins, for next week.• SMALL PROFITS r+s.•'a►.t►, 1 3UR WALL PAPER STOCK Ia *collection of newne sad re- f incmant. 204 extensive vaziety starpaasingly, flue in go consplote- Besa<. Every practical and merit» orioue sorb 0144 iha extent OM'S inviting field fon selectien. Dg* eorative exceNence Is its feature 'and it_has the additiionai -charm of perfectly proper prices. If lit' 'Wrested come and see and tell us if. We have . not 'gathered wisaly and well. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best Mr. Bert Langford took a, party; to Kincardine' in his fine touring car cal Sunday last. Mrs; T, Jackson, Jr.. returned on Siad- urday from a week's visit .with Toronto friends. Mr's, 'Kitty of Hillsgreen was the guest of • Mrs, G. • Kilty and other friends in town .last week. Miss Pearl O'Neil left on. Monday for Moosejaw, Sask., where she will keep house for her brother Claosen. Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Stcvenaan • are completing preparations formoving and will leave next, week for New- market.' • ]Firs.' Edinestton of Winnipeg is at pre- sent visiting in town, the guest of Mrs. Ws. Cook, tfrs. H. W. Cook and other friends. M s, George Trewhiil and Miss Ina returned home last sleek from a few weeks' visit rwibh her daughter, Mrs. Ingles of Dundas,. Mise Annie. Hailes left on Monday morning for •the west, where she Will join het father who went . out several weeks ago. Miss Anna.May Robinson in at pres- ene 'spending a vacation at her home in town, that of Mi:. and Mrs, 'Wm. siwpson: Mr. George Sage. and Miss: Gertie -Sage ' returned to London on trues - 4a3, after a pleasant week's vent with ..old friends in Clinton. •Miss Jessie Ford ie in Exeter this week attending the Branch meeting of the W.M.S. of London Confer- ence as a delegate from :Wesley, 2sux- tl'iary. • • Mrs. W.. J. H'olanos has been in Sea- forth for a •week or more in 'attend - mice on her mother, the late . Mrs. !McGaw, whose funeral takes i lace tomorrow. JI Miss Irene Brooks' and little Master Harry of 1VIitchell have been the guests of their grandparents, Mr.' and Mrs: William; Cantelo:l, the past few days. Mt. John 11. Cantelon of the'Molsons bank •staff; 'Toronto, is spending a fortnight's holiday at his :home in town: John looks as :if Me in the city agreed with him all right'. Mr: • and 'Mrs. • David Alexander, from the State of Minnesota, were guests of Mr. and Mrs: R. James Miller Una) week. Forty years. age. they resided in the township. of McKillop. Mrs. Byam arrived frau Stratford. last week to join her husband of the firm- &f . Byani et Sutter. They are now located in the McCorvie cottage on Ratbenbury:street east.. On •tiehalf'• of our citizens" The N'ewa- Record extends to them' a cordial welcome. MORE 1 WMSTEEL »µ�» W61BW BROS. •••••••••••••4••••••:•-••••••,•••••••• *ON No* **so •••• J. B Hoover Nelson Ball A. OLLA xI:—DOWN • is often an illur- ::. • `nation as ,1:?i as I the 51111.. ThereS .no place in town ZZ •2 t,___.4.�' -� � where 'money! o 1 .1 y � �IlIVI --� . ii r� i dove. oes Furth -Vater ,. g v, ..d S A " does it oe er than I a� . a Ph>. - .� right here. g -AV CHINA. CLOSET I. or dresser bought for ri sp otcash";..y,riro m our presents ent stook makes what you see ,elsewhere, look like thirty cents. It's barSa1nsgslore we're offering u st now in our entire furniture stook. l Ther cheapest spot In lluron County to buy alt kinds of furniture. RN.1 emit Awn Item` 3331e.de Ts r XRIDOWORInt• 10 has ' wl J � ie Ta Ior, Miss ern Tayfor, just recovered from a 'severe, attack of pn;eumenia, has returned lion.° from London.. She was , accompan- ied by her nieces, . the little twin daughters: of'Mr. and Mrs: W. N. Manning, The little girls : were also very ill ,for a time but ,are now fully recovered. ' Mr. Andrew Porter of. Goderich, a former well-knoain citizen of Clinton,' has entered u hisn- duties as on p ager of the Sterling bank branch at not porter is n� nn Mr. Dungannon. o n. 'without experieace in banking and is a Man of exeeleaai' business ab- ility. Tats Clinton friends will •be. pleased to hear. of ' hiss continued • success. f The- PolIo+wfng is fmztir the-Seaforbh Expositor; and refers to the pur chasen of Mr. Saunder's blacksmith- ing busineat Mr, Relit, Jones, who has been employed , in Devereux's blaaksn i-ehing establishment for a number of years, has purchased a business in Clinton. Mr. Jones is ie and a genial, act excellent mechanic g > obliging man, and while we re- er we fart Sea v 1 frrnn, , s e'rb a ret 3 r o g is can heartily recommend him to the vicinity." n t"1'ntb and 1 of �t oe e P P Miss Florence Cuniegha,nte returned last week from a pleasant visit in of Clinton u dt` Toronto. Such a n tivb. . people are now .in Toronto that it v is said that a native of the town feels alnnoat as much at hotme there as in the "flub of Heron," On Mins Cun i lyi � v rii wh sh the, Sunday e e n1t irigliw io • .spent blieire she abtdnded rwest c oro B las w Trinity h 1>, ret. entice in T � y and in going out after the service 'she. »xHt zea fewer thaat nevem Clinton girls, AnMiMter Clinton ginl is eon- teutpleenng ' taking up her abode there in the vasty near future, " for whotn rumour nays a cosy bone is oven now being prepared. • LADIES' SPRING COATS GREATLY REDUCER Clean Sweep on Saturday AATE7are cleaning out the balance of our Spring Coals Saturday at prices unheard of. This isithe season of the year you need a light wrap: ' In fact a spring coat is a necessity all the year round. Saturday we make .a complete sweep of our entire stock. Come to this store if you are in need of a spring coat at a great saving. $10 SPRING COATS • .• $51 20 Ladies' Spring Coats in fawns and black, box cloth and whip- cord, short and long lengths, 'all sizes. Reg. $10, sale price *a *12 SPRING. COATS 57.50. Ladies' Spring Ooats made of best quality whipcord . and line broad -cloths, full length, close fittiug, all size, Reg $12, 1117.150, 750 and gt Lawn Waists, 35c, 18 only white Lawn and .Mull Waists trimmed with embroid- ery and lace, These are slightly soiled and mussed. Reg, •75c and • $1 waists, Saturday your choice 35c. 12i & 150 Embroidery 9c 300 yds White.Lawn Embroid- ery, two to seven inches wide, •• dainty designs, fine duality. Reg 12ee and 15e, Sale price, 9c Prints Bo per yd. a einhl splendid pieces quit• Print. inches wide in,light and dark colors, Sale price. .,.,......,.,8g Mhillery Flowers. 75 bunches of Flowers, assort- ed blooms. Reg. 75c to $1,25, your choice at...,...,,.25c each. Millinery Flowers. 50 bunches of Flowers, assort- ed blooms and colors, epays. etc Reg. $L50 to $2.50, choice dur: c sale ................. . 50c Divas Goods, 25c. 10. pieces Dress Goods in black serge, Roxina lustre and fancy tweed. About 100 yards in the lot, Reg. 50c,'- Saturday sale price 250. • Straw Shapes. About 30 Straw hats in white. and colored straws, new shapes and styles.. Reg $1.25 up to $2.50, choice ....... . ....50c Samples of_Whitewear. A traveller's sample set of white Cambric and Lawn ap- rons, skirts and waists, all mar- ked down to less than wholesale, Two Pair Ladies' Cotton Hose for 25c.• Ladies black cotton $ase, sixes. 8, 8t, 9, 9e and 10, guaranteed fast dolor. the kind you . usually par/ 20c for, Saturday specially priced 2 pair for 25c. Muslins 15c, 20 pieces Muslin Dress,goods. no two alike, dainty deslgne nd colorings. Reg. 25c and . Sale price ..,:..... •...,....15c. - - AT THE MEN'S STORE early lVtade Cloflilng Ordered Cloflilngf Fuirnislnngs � NEW SPRING READY-MADE CLOTHING The New Spring Ready -Made Clothing for men and boys are now:in stock and they comprise the very latest styles,' workmanship and wearing qualities, and obtainable at prices that bear the closest scrutiny. Shrewd, buyers tell us.that we sell the cheapest in town. • Remember, we give you The NEW SPRING SUITINGfare ere 5 percent. Ofd' The New Spring importations of suitingis; pantings and coatings are now in stock waiting your inspection. We for spot cash on all ordered or ready -mane clothing. out better ordered clothing than ever. • We guarantee St, • use nothing but the very best of linings and we are turning. style and workmanship. BUTTER AND ..EGGS ..TAKEN AS CASH. s Pelt -Aerials. Miss •May, Forbes visited friends in .Seafonth and Mitchell. last • week. Miss Carmichael of Dublin was the guest of het aunt, Mrs. Jas. Ma-' hafCy, . on Saturday last. Misses Dolly Cooper and Hannah Hare risen were in S,eaforth on Saturday la t combiniirg: business'wife pleas ure. Mrs. (Rev.) Cosens attended the W, M. S. ' Branch meeting in Exeter this week as a delegate from• On- tario. street Auxiliary. Mrs. Stevenson of Coaslance wan the i ses fiheMs v guest : over of •ght o her wayto Ex - Rudd on Monday 4 y on eter where she attended the W. M. S. arena meeting. ' Mrs. Pridham of • Toronto has . been thei guest during the past . week of her sister,. Mrs. Arthur Cook. Mre. Pr dliaan visited Goderich Wendel •before conning to Clinton. Rove. 3.. E. Ford and T. W. Cosens, pastors of the • local Methodist chur- ches, ches, with a lay delegate front each congregation are in_ Goderich - all•: :tending the District meeting in session today and tomorrow. Mrs. Deakins and little son Reginald, wife and son of Rev. Mr. Jeakins, the new rector of St. Paul's ar- rived rived 'from.. London y sterda y and will ere long • be, comfortably , set- tled in ` the rectory, which bas locked lonely since being vacated by Rev. Mr. Guano and family. Dr. Wt. J. it b'crwler• accomeanied by his daughter, Miss i'ree ia, Tor- onto, arrived in tows vs.sterday, The e Dr. . is a P r fessor in h e V e t- exinary branch ofTaxontc,utVer.. • sity and the long vaeation +ing now on, he is baking up operating work for whish purpose be went to ftensall • this tnoxning. ' His duties in this capacity take him to yells°n netts of the " orovince. p Mr. D. A. McClure. who has been on the Molsons •R'ank stef# hese for ' sane time, . for *the past six months as teller, has been trans- ferred to the Catharines nes street branch, Montreal. ,His successor he � t sMr. J.Davis,lb o i W. L i a Zurich branph• Mr. McClure was well likedhf the 0.'Voting people oP le of the town besides being popular with the patrons of the hank and his ,departure is atuatbor for fcgtt h, but he is followed by the good wishes of his Clinton Wends. ADDITIONAL I.UCAI NES1': The News From 14onaesbo111 MOVINGS, Miss I'almatierandMiss Mooney of Mr, Aex. Gc�rsleigh :Iles tented the Blyth spent Sunday with their fxienri, Mcfrien cottage on Kirk stret. The, Miss A. Bel • l • Mr: Fer uson and .Miss Z. Vl'frrilefamily• have• been living on . Willie gy street since .•their arrivalin Clinon. of •Gotrie spent Sunday ab the let=lash fall. Mr, Gersleigh, who is a ter's home here•Mr; Geo. Brogden sppent Tuesday with Clinton friends. • son-in-law of Mr.' :W. h. 'Watts, is a member of the staff of the piano and, otgan factory. -Mr. Harry Barbliff has rented: the place on. Mill street which Mr. and Mrs. Duncan .Stevenson have occupied for several years.-Rev.:Mr. Wylie:'s family . leave Scotland ' next week and on their arrival hdxe will take up their abode in the cottage to be vacated by Mr: and Mrs,: Bartliff. LOOKS- LIKE A SWINDLE. • A i'ew weeks since. Mr. Sawn Booth of Brandon, sonein-law of Mrs. Kerr, Victoria St., moved to Toronto, and invested a •goggle of thousand dol lars in a concern known, as the Can» adieu Wive Screen Manufacturing Ob. it was subsequently se learned that sev- eralI b quent ly others had also invested &miler. same company, amounts to the and the circuanstances. 'being • susplcious,. infornal on was laid against two men nautili Batman dnd Fushner, the pro - meters of the coany, on the ground of obtaining money under false pre- tense. tense.The even have been. arrested, but are out on ,$8000 bail each, pen ding trial. 'For the sake of Mr, Booth, arid the others, it is hoped tliamatter may turn out all right. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE.. A n ex_chenge says Running a news- paper is Iust like 'running a hotel only a little bill dl event When a than goes into a hotel and finds something on the table which he doer tot like he does not -albs hades With the landlord and tell him . to stop his old hotel. Well hardly. Ho sets that dish to. one side andwadesto s) in th many dishes that suit hint. It is different nt w ith some newspaper ap e xrea d ers. They find an article occasionally that, does not suit thein exactly and without stopping to think it may please hundreds of other readers, make the tell .fah e and a grand stand play for how a newspaPtr should be run and what should be, nut in it. But such people are becoming fewer every year. Dr. Allieen hed a short •vent paid hini`on Monday by two of his . els- ters who are hoarse from the wine. During last week the boys gos tr"- gather on the • ball grounds and had several good practice .games. All being good = is expected well a g g awns on Friday night 'between the single and the married men. • Mrs. 'John . Tamblyn attended . the W.M.S. Branch meeting held at Exet- er this week; The order of events for the 24tle as proposed ' recently is as follows Afternoon a baseball • ¢naisc-1e betwben the • Married and siztgle men ;: Evening, . • EF 'or'tf ` League, ' concert • "Spinsters Convention." On May 24th the W-othams'e In tete will have a bee cleaning cemetery. '?l. pressing ia'v'ita given • by them to • all who friends buried ' there te.• e assist in the good work Rev. Mr. O nterhou was as in Goder uch Wednesday and T�ureday, ef thit. ''week attending the istrict meeting. On Sunda ' eveninlast Rev. 1. Ostorhut r achsdavexy lush-uq• live and .appealing sermon, to about- seventy-five members of the Damian.- 'Order of Foresters. ' r -A nun>fber i7 neighboring. ledges: were present:. "• Hullett Township. While '•engaged rolling with a young team a few days ago Mr. Wer,.. Tay- lor had the misforthrle to have a runaway and as a result. bad his leg broken sin two places. His .'many friends hope fora speedy recovery;. Miss Bell Sundercack still continues in very poor health. McKillop Township A •memorial • service for • the late Dr. Samuel Hackwell took place at afternoon a Bethel church on Sabbath Crowde was church' d•. The little last. T'h xtt .er Mr. and Mrs.Emerson Fulton inn telt for -Winnipeg on Wednesday, r Mr. David Boyd is 'delegate from Walton oircuit to the Methodist Dis- trict meeting""held in Goderich' on Wednesday and ' Thursday cf this week, Mr. •Thomas Brown, the popular auetione'er, has embarked in the hay 'business and has pressed nearly 600 'bales' Lor Mr. David McCitteheen. Mr, 13. Fart -is again on the i. pectin aaxt for rounds co g ex►,. ter fact Witt - three) but factory. Alex. Munn was down ab Exebor and p'rancistown ott business on Monday last. J EastWawanbsh N' The *Ingham Well drillers werei, kt• tb<s vicinity last week ea. well for , Mr. Wallace , ,in , efl d. found an abundant supply ,of water est 116 feet. • Mr. J; C.: Stoltz is at present busy preparing o gr sued e - planter. Experience-edied study has: shown Mr. Stoltz how to grew Cox'1ru to the best advahtage for silo new and he es new considered one of trio be cern o rn growers in the. township. Stanley Johnston of Morris epee* Sunday under the parental roof''. Miss D. Symington t ofCal true whs, th • guest ef Miss Maggie Xing net Sunday lasts. • - Mr. Wet, Weber was in Mullett last+ week repairing the foundation for .1. raitY Ar s Mr,(# g 'hew barn , yphia'l1 will be befit shortly. We are sorry: to report that Ms John Deer, who had. to undergo aAi . °`" opetetion some who, ago, is not in'r- proving ao fast as his frends w oul l like to set and will go to Stratfoidi this week to consult a physician there. Mrs. George Cowan is still very illi but e boo she ill b t . w op w soon be a:o�ti,tira'!- eseent. AeNnNeenn neneeeneneesseeneenee e{.eeNee Clinton vs• Stratford Baseball( Match itk elution May 24th..