HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-05-18, Page 6JAY$ A 41�%=P 16 1A 8-4t To 3"Mher Resort, MIRM M3 Lou Phil PA.% may 2--in a set- mt. veatles, whils 14 W v�evio, dig- Flopw Mfq WN"n's 4w" 1404 oft :,SUW Of SUPiWArV&tCr- P0601 (k 2,11 his horses easily. 114 When the nwers of the body bowels, ank Do Witty T191- *aYS bi& bors(a relit for as bigh, -us itig," tb6 Rev. Fr , and they pLig in great kidne skin ,duq"et.4ogged pastor of the ObAmberr-41lie $000 a tenth the barquickiy becomes ax stivuatized� the ordinary dvoialld. (sequently quently sorts break out Over the WY 11v==Lsr resort as thet root Of all div- Calgary 1gpiwilling—there is no The way to heal theal, as Ur. RWIMM a Mr. Gentlest but who lives near Loadoot, Out., 90 4. 00 rned busbands, and wiveS doublo about it, say ever, bet Wl' is to purif�, the blo6 ces, and wa ill soon be found Surely you 'can spare a dollar or two against frequenting idlem. Ile. said the boom W wrltes�: froth your ay env4OPO this week, thinks, and a slump Is in *19'11t. opor some tithe I had been in.a, low p Beware of $eparatious. I family ix arabans Those who got in on the ground depressed condition. 31Y *PPOtft kit open st ILvings, account and got 3% Xgth of floor a few yvars ago are lucky, and jai and I.swu began to suffer from 14410 interest, payable, half-yearly. Ontemplato gQlus into 0, which take away lor any If stiou. Quite ,a number of small sora time w 5, - (Or a man to 0 wives from husband. Ilus ind,blotches formed all over ZY *im I Keep up the saving habit and you will :s froth buvilwas in that City Without cash is led medicine for.the blood and used bands from wives, brotboo tn -me, SEASON ROUTES soon havo $too, or more, vv era you can THFA sister$ and parents from chills certainty foolish.—X`arry Bound North ointments, but without many kinds of -e as wanted buy our 4obeatares and get 474 90 Ou are going satisfactory rtsulti. What W KING LORNE - Where do, you say was a. thorough cleausing of the blood your money. Issued for $100 and summer ? and I looked about in vain for some medi. Monday, may Ist—Will leave his + Own, Stable, lot con. 3, Hallett, by upwar4s, Terms one to five, year$- 'Well" you answer, 11 40 not know. cu.ze that would accomplish this. A, 6rce Sale is,Xoported on Laky' 1. have not yfit made up my mind. I A TelephQAo- Ruling At last Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills way of town line through, Constance Vo this with a SOO' an4 well-known i were brought to my notice and they, am to jame�; Dalos for noon, Own north 14 like to, go down tD the sax- company--with the Only.low com- won .1 of the most *onderfZA medidito I , but that is so far The ra lway commis!xlon Of 01141 , - J mile, then west to Londesboro for Sir WiTti uritir has purchased Slim if I could scheme to bay* own, *y b1ml was P.Url- potty In cana serve d La a "09, Im oe havins a re 14 the west tu4of Montreal. away. 'My husband and BOTS could are experinitsating with healed itp, bight. oix lots , r Wo long. distance telephone Ser- fied In % YmT short tillie, 90"15 Y a little while' it 1 :9 OV iraulshed. They always, Tuesday—North I� ralles, then went fund equal to Its. paid-Up capital. fxl.ho Telegraph .publishes forMast of he with we 0111 my Indigestion ts. for noon, th* vice over the Bell lines for indeporid- have �-ati4. axe looked to Thos. Hunkin , 4 place, in My. home Anglo -American treatv. did. go there.' ent telephone companies. A toll Of tsooii as the family . remedy.* >Gncotipoirated 1844. -mother, wife, I would not. go far 15 cents for each long distance' call M Morse's Indian Root Pills cleassc ruorth to boun4ary, and, went. to Aub- away from home it I were you. It the systent tlioroughly. Sold by all. urn for night. husband- and boys and brothers originating upon- an independent line deptlemat 25c, a box. Wednesday—South along Base Line 1jRWARj4 OF OINTMENTS FOR Your to, will. originating . be exacted. . This toll will be 0oviev's for noon, then 0,&,rA,HR to work during 'jiim surn�ner to Way )R� THkT CONTAIN - have SO,4th by, Way, of SuntAerbill. to, Wm. MERCURY, earn you a, livelihood it is not good paid by the company, and Will be ad- to. be so .1 , ditional to, the regular long distance. Sinclair s, 10th con. Godeoich town- as rnercurY Tarated from them. 11 is tolls of the Bell Company from the The W11 COMPany Will, Have Ship, for might. ill stitoly -destroy the not good for you. Ito is not good for Thursday--SQUAC to David Lind- Ot gtoW 440_ orapitteily" de- the husband and -the boys. N-ine-: point where it o0nnocts With tliw- ill- No MODOP01Y- 001 .Mnpo dependent line to thedest'litation, 'of say's for noon, and south to Baird's vange, -bbo� whole -system when enter- tenths of all the divorces are duq-lbz) This is tbe, outcome of an A decision . made by the Ontario schoolhoum wild east to Goo, B. HUn LwWon ano st.rimms, hg. it t�bWpo them 5urf9won.. the *aptatiOnS. Of Out F41111mar re-* the call bq*,• hy �JwAy and Municipal Board is -don Road, for night, 'er used appeal made I S4 Articles ., shoul(I nil, These separaidonslay tempt- �; , the independent 0001- Raj Of ley's, Lon -: aj the, panies, It they.wotk satisfactorily, great interest du view of the rapid Frida—South to Brucefield for ex awful temptations., at ,wpV. on proscriptions from reput, lions, ed ria the Conditions will probably beco(rno expansion of rural telephone syfftems. noon, and east 11 mAeca, then north ;abJe,.pliyslcJau,S,- as the damage , th(T feet of tliomefi who are conipell t. The Bell Company aro The Board df)oided not Va apPr ve night. �0 John, Armstrong's for , t, ',u. do 0 ten io'A" They Jay pernianen S . Armstrong's of Broadfootl 11 to the good YOU' Aay'at home and work. ordered * connect no: with the in- 04RV Contract between local oompapies Saturday' S over,13 froan them. Hall's temptations al.1 the feet of the women can possibly, derivu na4ily whii* - would bridge, 4epeuden# colmranies, . W-110 in turn are and the Ball Cot then east 11 miles, then north ho, tArrh Cure, manufactured -by F� J. W Wre off in the Sunimor hotels. Toledo, 0. Contains Bo fn a 1=.% where al members to relmilbura" the BVll company. prov�vAt the local 6UVanT from tak- to his own stal)le Where he will re, min on �C%eaey de .Co., p .1 the mern -d transmitting meswvges from Until the following Monday sLp mercury, and is taken internally, of the family can get together civery . Chairman Mabee expressed himd�ell ing aj main lim. Assets ly upon the blood Anil few' days aigainst. telephone •-competition. lie any- other local telephone company morning, so acting dtrmt was, opposed to duplication 0( -I'Ae- with Which it now. connect% or With THOS, MCMICHAEL SR. $n0cous surfaces of fto systom. Ilk 1)Ar(gerouq. Being, Happy Apart• hay- which it may. in the future cofineeb, Manager. 6uying'Hall's Catarrh Cure be suno kkj,6r lot Your husband learn the pbona services. The commission, for, taken in- ing control of rates, did away with a The Board, will not approve of any For anything you use paint Y ou-Set the genuine. It is sson how to be happy without You. necessity for competition, he contond- agret,%zent Which will baive the orwe . t 11GLENRAZ" 'ternally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by ari4. the thildrou."Wives and mothers, - were coMpLitont, . to of pV3vQnting' Or restilloting inter- Monday—May lsti�Willl leave his or varnistit. indoors or Out .V, , J. Chaney a Co. To.-atimoniala never learn, yourselves, the less9r, ed.' The board ei I ilorce a good service by the Bdll Communication, joint operation or re- own stable at lot 3, con,. 3, Hullett, you can. be happy without L F loorglaze. is e. how u your confidence that ciprocal rights . beilween -telephone and Orbewd by .way. of town line !gold by Druggist,. Price, i5c per husbands and children �.y your side. Company, but he had confi companies under its jurisdiction. The through Constance � t10 Richard An- -ktis would -not, be necessary. more lasting, more bottle. • The, decision is of consi0rable 1-111- Board the application - Of dersorols for noon, then north to Jam- Take Hall's Farri'lv Pills for Con-; ciphoue Co. that, the �qs Wail)tsl, boundary'line, IT-ullett, for durable, easier. to porta- to indupondtiell lines, a great the McKillop. T I stipation. Cre4iton. a mer order comPelli.ng the, night. number of ww�ich am scattered Board's for and more company 'to. connect with Tuesday—East halt a. mile, thou. Club throughout the counfty, particularly McKillop The meb*ars of the Tennis should lie re- box%, tQ Harb. Kirby's for noon, then The Liberal caucus at Ottawa have had, their courts resanded and in parts. The 'Boll Cotnpany� that Brussels company may west .2 miles then south to Robt, 19ure to. satisfy. having a monopoly of lofig distance winded. That former order, dt M Is ,cussed the question of taking over levelled. It is now in, eXcellent shape. tract Watt's, 13 con,, tot, -night. lines, have ijot taken kindly. to the be said, inte'rierod with a con branch linmi by the InteL00100ial- 'Am. Mr. Burns arrived last 'week independent I conirpanico which have which the McKillop company • had Wednesday-w-Will procttd west alo619 ionly a passing reference was made td with his family from. Tavistook. convenience 11 Coliapany. hence the con. 13 to Londesbore, Mtel for for thea of with the Be reciprocity. --Mr. Elmdr Oower Who has been been, o"rating threes south to Jas.',She1P9 the (armors at reduced cost. By this appeal in que01011. noon) . . 1 0 laid up with pleursy, 'is now ruling the independent I . ines will be for. night; visiting at his home on the •.10 proceed west by, enabled to. continue, tlleW local sn- Thursday--N�Ull pro Mr. Art-iZwiekor viri.ted his brother of Summephill, thence south,. surpasses a a floor finish, and is ........... Imperfeet Kidney Action Mr. C. Z*iaer and.leN for his home-1 vice, and at the same -Vimo to enjoy How It Will Be Done.. way along,Base Line Ao George Wray's for just. as ex;ellehi fo� a ndred privileges posses ,ally all the es Causes Rheumatism: in London for a visit, •prior to. leav- practic or noon, thence east along 2nd and 3ud other uses around your home. sed b in Pow men have bet Bell talephono! subscribers. iter reasons f gJ or Edmonton. John overnight, inciesk'se in �Ilhe touli� con., Hkillett, and south. to might, glass hard. Keeps its I drod,"ailments in Evangel appreciating an . ..... Rheumatism with its kin ighl. 0.0 tile long distance cofineetion. le etc., The foundation of tho now Noble% Huron Road. for,. n 100. Costs littlo--a gallon co, —Lumbago, Wry Neck, Neural try, population than the 'census eA-% .... ;'... ical church -sheds t has . bed'a •- completed iday�Will proceui: South 11-miles, esually results from sod merits of uric torls. Formerly *such persons, Fr square feet.' . comes in tine of ha uniera 26d in the joints and muscles, v d the work of laying cement cast to John Murray's -for -1-17 pretty shades in solid Enamel, 7 hardwood Now the chief function of the kidbe S, an, ' . NEW TRAIN SERVICE TO were paid by the day; and a nviglitY, thence. va stable blocks now being pushed forward slow and expensivLt, process the taking noon, thence home to his ON, colors in Lacs; and 1W L Transpatent-for natural ;R%V is to properly filter this pols "LAK4 'OF -Phe foll- c . as rapidly as possible. was. It is not, *where: 1�o.wili ronlain until ie adl your Wocidwork furniture,vehicles, blood. of the, census then. finish. Mik . . P• Only when they tail to do this is Mrn Andrew Truemner of Detroit An Iniportan I that any -01 owing Monday morning. Floorghadie. Wri us for. fca,�ure that Will be for an. instiant, r1r1P.Po6C9 -1odk new again with M L Stheurnatism probable. Spent a, few days with fier'brother inaugurabad during the cogning sefwc,ll the good men appointed by,. the Gov- THOS. J. MCMCMICHAEL) FRER book:you .0 t to have, and nearest 7loorglaze Ugh Kidney weakness starts in, various ll b Vanavr. Chris Beaver; her, to the ernment- to go about. a,,Iking, questions Imperial Varnish & ColAr�"o..Ltd.,Toront9.- .a 11 -ways. A sudden chill, after perspiring Mr and her moths wi new brain sewice desle'r's acme. Mrs. David' Stahl, who is 91 years of der *eely, sometimes settles in'the kidneys Lake of Bays" disInlict. A stlanil-� 6vdr ent lishingor -sat around under' P a 'RIGOR. D, -CLINTON. ­-or an Unusual strain may cause it. age and is still sora t. considering her .aid Giarid Trunk passenger train .will shade' trees* whon , they should have BORDER 9 C(r D FOR SALT; R. ROLAX Poisons which should be. filtered out great age. leave Toronto 'with through, coaches., been. atlymr�. On then contsary, they Monday.'Will. leave his -own stable, f the system are pumped back into the A quiet weddlng was. solemnized at parlor cars and.'dining okr. at 10: 15 Were prob�bly - as faithful as could Lot 516, Huron Road,' th lltb� c6n. by Bay- od, causing Uric Acid, the real "us St. Peter's �Cathedral' d ml - ball it.was To . - •and, probeed. 11 � nii1els north to �Ond GX4vel and to Londesboro. and home across to -the. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Wry Neck,, , , London On o'clock in the morning, dally'except have-been LAXpect , 'how' cit- yndall's for noon, t I . ot 19 where .41 will rernaih� until field. Road-, thence 11orth'tO, Nft. euralgia, etc. Saturday week whom Dr, W. J. Till- Sunda :for ­11unt§vIlle, reaching the rbarkable,,io say.the least, - Con. to Lorne T a .,S.. f6r'.night. In the early stages Nyal's Stone Root Y Coughlin London, latter Y point about 3 o'clock 'in, the c Jay pro- thenalong the 2nd to Base, Line the following. Monday morning. Colclough to man and Miss Ma umstalires couspired �%13 do . . . . q SATURDAY-Across. to con. W. H. •MGOT pound-will stop it. formerly. south of'Creditoril av gradu- afle"Xiloon, connecting with the steam, gres.q. *. All that. has .branchanged. and to John• 11-arvOV'sJor night. Manager. his own stabl� where he will. re- u' Will start your kidneys working proip" ate nurse of St. Jostlphk- hospital, or for points In the "Lake of Bays" b' e laboia' TUe.tz1iy­-4i11 Proceed to -Sungmerw so that the Uric Acid is reabsorbed Th6 expense 'remains but the the following Monday d were United in marriage,. The eerc­ ongersai the ion� is . pushed throUgli with hill, then across. to -the- 16th, con. grid main until distol t, and affording,.' 011 enumeration eliminated. . 0 'passt to, Wra� -11. Lobb s, Maitland Con.,101: VIKING morning. was pta:formed by,141w Lord- ir desti-' s rn Away goes your Rheumatism with it. monY Opportunity of reaching the u prising vigor. It is -done On a back to the 16,0h. con, to XONDAY-Will leave his own stable, W­M, 14 -F,ARQ-TJ,0A`R,. now. For eve Perhaps these early warping twinges ship Bishop Vallon, assist.ad by, Men- nation in time for�dlnneir- piece-work -basis every noon, then Manager, ve passed unheeded, afid, Your Rheu- f I - The Sunday' evening boat service umpr- Harvey Jenk:ns for night. signor Aylworth, in the presence o a ilead of tho population the en. West Efid, Tuckersmith, and . pro- J. G.,'STEEFE and ism has become deep seated. Wednesday-Will proceed to- A011iles- deed 2J miles to. t1l" Mill, Road, 14.13. 140ATON" few immediata relatives and friends Wawa. hotel, Britannia s eccivto 5 cents. For land and Owners. - Muscles all snarled up in knots as it from the , ator r p the Cut Lin.0 to Peter. then east to Mr. Ed. Papple'i for of, the family. a every - other ville and u Point Ideal, Portage, Don-rhurst nd I-or, woodland and for for 'eon, thco.to Adam by way of Martin's. Corm- and Mrs. n boor�j then VOLTAIRE. 'then you Il need Nyal's -Rheumatic After. the ceremony Dr. It important, calling parts On thing, concerning which. -the GoiOrn� kaacpougall's and west to 'other I . I Oantelon's fob night. ner to Huron Road Tillmann 1Lft for,, the east. They will ,Lake of Bays'! t6 RUntsvillO will if6rniation.thr(Agh � i1hem to merit wante il SS MONDAY-, May. 161IL-Will leave his A§kspend a few -day Tomato for ijd ' other rate. Thursday-Will proceed Wm. Dale's fon 'night your own druggist about these in be, run on schedule as they. recefte- , a. con., in fp,�vn. stable, lot 27, con. S. ng6 there 'Brion'gi, 2nd 1ju .11 flib medics. Chris. 0 con., 'Tuckel�-. TUESDAY 1,7, S 1) A Y-B y - ron., Road .100' the Montreal, clsiling for Europe next , soli .1910, -dtirlrfg the months Of 'Atural hen to 'his stablo Graham Hou�3, Clinton, for noon, go west: to -Kipper for Efis opinion is worth while, sea N, ly, the more §uch thi Smith' lot noon, t bert,' and week, where, the July and, August,,- and which Will are,the merrier ia `it' for'Ahc census i I -then north to, � Bfucefteld -for y will a couple noon.. Id ana Guaranfted by . W. S. R., . . I I . . A they, for night 0 M irls, Huron Road, of months. b6'a boon'to week-enders desiring to in%-. Some.tVneq after June 1st. Wrox-, theh�t Gilberto a night.. go by way., of night. Holmes, J. E. Hovey, W. A. return tb, the city for business%, on b ou" It you . FrNa for 'ifight. 'TU.E -to the Commercial McConnell, Clinton. will 0 around nd to see y ke then, borough 'to. Story's for night., WEDNESDAY-By' HolmeSville and I mean - them well d61 Hotdl, Clinton,. for noon, then west Mondays.. ep Jwiies- The Brantfolti Y.M.C.A. . Campaign w . aiting. Saitlarday.-Will proceed to. thon Maitland con. to Henry Young's, to Sterling M6111kalltsy -Port0i's. Hill. I t I Cimipboll's, McXillOP, for nOOn7 Colborne" fdr noon, then by Way closed YE[Stcrday.' The sum raised for night.:- to A. SneWs , for,'an, -hour and then of Bemnillqr - to Huron Road and Y-South . to Bayfield . for was $117,000. borol own 'Itable wbere he Will m- -South Uri John Wood died at Petor' t - Wiltno.b . niiake�s •for night. PA V. . , . . has to his 0 noon, then south to, Ed.' Bdyce's, in tihe� at&: an advanced age. The', Canadian Nbrtbern RuAlway, main until the following Monday, THURSDAY- t6 Taylor's Cor noon, Wilfred Laurier mo*ud I I of purchased tho::Jesuit College propertil Bv3wns6n Line, for night. ca oro Commklns for u f Ea#.Gre will unveil ih6 statue morning. way of -7th con. and T"e a special clomimittee 0 Y on Bleury stiwt, Montmeal, for a 13r- G. DALE, nor and by THURSDAY-South to Ban.. Phyle's, five. members to, investigate the, insin- Queen Victoria at Berlin on the 29th.. Cut,Line to Georg6 Proctorls. for Inst.' of 90h con. and 14-011 con.-, Huy, for noon, then for each everydayaillnent then by Way nations against Hon. Frank Oliver. noon, south to Thoa. Keys,. Ifth c911-o, school house corner to. James Stephen, for night - 'BAR ONE Graham's for night.' Own FRIDAY­Easio - to Crediton for noon, MONDAY-Will leave -his. stable FRIDAY-Pv way of Telephone Road Lon- .then to nxever for night, in Clinton and proceed down to. . Labb. ii .Cadieux, Bayffeld' Road to Prod, 'Nott's for noon, SATURDAY-N.6rtheasb to' Ralph don RO Road,' for noon, then by. way. of Mm El­ Keddyls, 2nd con. Usborne,. for south, and east to I London Ro,,il to 'his own' sitable NMI noon, then. northeast to his Own coatt's for! nights 2rid - -of whow heo. will. remain until. tb6fol- stable. V-Nortfi along Ii W ng Mond' . morning,,', TUESDA' ply. `Fjod.. Pepper s, for JOHN CHAMBERS, Tuckersuitth to -Gi W. NOW, Proprielocir and Man &or. noon; then to hl$ stable .for 1 0,0er and Manager. Let's make a Jelly I . . " . ­, 1', nighti ol&O %L FIVE � ROSES fl WEDNESDAY-UP Huron Read to BALMERINO. C,%TiCr PRID0 Widi mesvillo, - for '64ve his own stable Geo,. HU11WS, 1401 MONDAY�L Its Strengt d n noon ; then Up. Cut L(me; to 7th Mbnday�-Will leave his.owkstaWe Bayfi' - -,north I to . WaHet. an L Fineness hold. your eld and ga , Jahn Sturdy's Hulldtt and procald -Wallis, Bayfield -Road, for noon, batter together in the long well-greased coil. and north -to Lot 10* con. 1-1. by U arlock to John Mills, for I noon, phou north to Out Line to John paM tot; night. enbe north and West to Blybb for Young s, cot 4th'can tow' night. to Huron Road t4 Bakes evenly. Tl�tURSDAY the night.. 4SDAY-To P6=y Cole's, <6tft and east to Samuel Sturdy's for *6 Boundary the TIUE -North Smooth Texture—sok golden Crumb, sponu, t to HOlmeaville spai -north Tuesday 10 con, for noon, th6w, to hW` own noon ; east 1porovs, ieldin south to, Adam Elliott's tot noon, Yi go to 0, W. Williams, for night. north thence west and soutIL to Londesboro 'table in Bayfield for ftig�� "_whorel No holes, nor himps to vex you. •FRIDAY-EaSt bo Summerhill hour then south Mt, h© Will slodlid.-until Wednesday noon damp along Base Lin6,to 8t)i con. for one ou when ho will go , soutk, rto� Siidwdeu, And when you'turn it. out an the Ito latt arid - east L to Wm.' Mairs, I for Fear's for the night. 13tos. for night. napidn hot and si2oory, "d you spre�A the 8th and Oth, to. Wednosday-E ant - along the 8th HURSDAY-Soubh to Trank Corri- li; . east on omm stabld under side With 11161I.M.- roan ilf ton., . then north to his an, 8, Dty6dalo, "for j1,4on, then * to Gravel Road, then 11 miles- 80til V0 ft doftn't get soggy nor crumbly, where he will remain until FriAaY WblL Sparks', Brownsbu Line, (on and I mile-lbast to Joseph Blakd'g I Rod it gently, carefully. for night, morning. night. Not a crack--not it break. SLATURDAY-E, ast � to nrown's coru- , Friday-Zast along-11he 10t1i con, to Piwfed Smoothness-a Perfect Roll,-rouftw Road. and to, Thos, Beattie's XdXilloP, for noon, FRIDAY-�­Wilt 'cross 16 Part Line r or and south to Huron and to C. Ward% Varft*j for night. &&d anyt1iing, M*e "Yd"96 le for noon ; along theno0ofiack by the 8th can. to -his own SATVRD*Y�-Will return to 'his Own 9 Use FIVE ROSES--bread aad pastry. his own stab Mars Stable where he will remain until the as L . I* crust--criawr Bayfield Road to R6bt, Marshall's, following Monday. morning. 0able at Dayfle'la wiwte 1* will Mo- then his own suable in 0106 for Main until thel tolloWing'' Monday�,. t66th some rolls. J. LE-IPZR, • IfIvE Post$ too an bight. Mandger, morning. 4 be flourruft DOMINICK, REYNOLDS, ICELAND will leave' his own stable Proprietor and Mana%60, RED TIOXBT. in Bayfield op Wednesday afteritooh 22, BroWttgon and' proceed� to lot, MONDAY-Will leave lifti own, Line, Vkerd he will remain 'Utitil 0, Con, 9, -Godetrich Town- 1(011dgy­LftV6 his own stable, lot At let 4 the following Afteftoon. .19 Con, I@, Hulklbt, and proceed east ship, and proceed to John Torran. R, PMNHALE, by way of Hat7ock-to James Watts eels, Porter's Hill, for noon,, then Proptietoll and Mat&get,, for noon, thence down bbulldaty to to Hotme8villo Hotel for night. 4.1 magows 1401bel, Blyt,h. f6r. night. TUOSDAY-By Way.ot Maitland con. Tie relay—North 1 Idles, 21 ea%t, to Colborne to John Durst for Ot the r2 I'l north to John T, McCaugbdylg, noon fobon proceed to John Me- The total foreign trade noon thed straight north 11vem's for night. Dominion, for the fiscal year just Morris, for, RWa and West Mo Thog. W10,I)NgSDAY—Aardas to thd Basel closed amounbad . to $159,094,380, to Bolgrave nearly dotiblo that of ton �Jftrs W. Hilps Hotel for bight. Line to W. IT. iiAllla tot laoft, then • mi-led, .then east to W. Winmouth's -8th. 00A., slit`. prod. W. vrfight, P,.JAtn,0, INilett, for nigh-b. Conservative of St. T st! west •JJ miles, then south It. to Ixomas, has $A. t "—aexf. SDAY-To Gto%t Farquhar's Sakung W6UWs­fOr noon, thchwest, THUR t6unced his detorA-Anatim to run 49 yew 8--,, 'AUWft for 400n, tl*u to th(s Graham, an Indo nil* and N&O SIAO pendent in West E Igin 1VA64t Hotel tar MO. "I uouse for bight, Mr. X"diarmid, M.P.P. UtIl W 14JAt on, thoA FRIDAY-By •w4V . Of 0=011 11044 LAKIk •00 f146 00006 0AMCING 00MOA191, 0.641014*, NON 0"t to Bart Jsoktons 4�. noon thin 16th 0011., ooiurith Township, Moting tollowhis the, May icy lsjr. I ops �11; so 0 0: of 18% ton, 'W� Lbluldoboro % Jon. 12*0d'S for,110611, t'kftco or del jmsttati6a in alt.