The Wingham Times, 1904-09-08, Page 5THE =GUAM M TD ES HMO fBEJt R, 1)O4
Fail Announcement
Our immense clothing department is stocked as never
'before. The variety of styles of both Suits and Overcoats
easily surpasses any other showing made in Wingham, and
enables usto guarantee a satisfactory selection to every pros-
•pective buyer, no matter how little or how much money he
.may wish to spend for clothing. The best manufacturers in
the country naturaIIy seek the greatest Nutlet for their produc-
tions ---the largest dealer is given the preference. The fact
that we buy and sell the most clothing giy,es us the pick of the
market and the advantage of lower prices than are accorded
merchants who use smaller quantities. This makes it neces-
sary for you to visit this store if you would see all that is new
and most desirable in the bine of Fall and Winter Clothing.
Men's Fine Stylish Suits
Correctly fashioned garments, in all the new stripe materials, shades and
patterns; coats made with well padded shoulders, inflexible fronts
and other features of high-class custom work; sizes 32 to 46 chest.
Prices ,..,'..,..• $7.50 $10,00 812.50
Men's Stylish RainProof Overcoats
In black, grey and green stripe effects, sizes 81 to 46 chest, Styles -plain
box back, talma pockets and cuffs; belted backs, square pockets,
no cuffs. Prices.. ,. . $10.00 $12.00 $14.00
Men's Stylish Overcoats
"We have just passed into stock One Hundred Men's, .Youths' and Boys'
Overcoats. All sizes, and prides from $3.50 to $15.00
New Shoes, Underwear, Ties, etc.,
arriving daily.
The R. H. CROWDER Co.,
W inghatn's Best Clothiers.
4-4-44+++++++++++++++++++++04.. 4.+ +•r +++++4+++++++++-1-1-H•• e
Specials for September
This month will prove interesting to intending purchasers. All of
our high-class Furniture must be exchauged for money. 7 per cent is
good investment, but 20 per cent. is better.
1 ?-cut Oak Sideboard, polished mirror, 22x44, reg. $60.00, for
1 „ +t ii " 20x40, reg. 38.00, for
1 „ ,t ee t° 18x34, reg. 28.O&, for
1 Buffet, swell glass door and drawers, 12x38, reg. 35.00, for
1 Genuine Mahogany Dresser and Stand,
swell fronts 28x34, reg. 48.00, for
1 3•cut Oak Dresser and Stand 28x34, reg. 42.00, for
1 " ,, .. 28x44, reg. 40.00, for
The above goods are the very newest designs, and an inspection will
satisfy you that they are exceptionally good value,
Compare these prices with those of departmental stores, and note the
saving. Also special September bargains in cheaper lines of Furniture.
See our Mattresses and Wire Springs.
The People's
Brick: residence 6th house west
front Hamilton's Corner Drag
Store, where night calls will
receive prompt attention,
What Wideawahe. Times Correspondents Communicate -- outer
Xtolus Clipped From, Our 3 xclianges.
Mrs. W. XL Campbell left last week
on a two weeks' visit to Toronto and
other eastern points.
The home of Harvey McDowell has
been brightened by the arrival' of an
heiress, the firstborn,
The anniversary services of Donny-
brook church will be held on Suuday,
September 18th, when Rev. Dr. Cook of
Clinton, will occupy the pulpit.
The work on the new bridge 1s pro.
gressing. The bridge is to be of two
spans; the middle pier lies been built
and the excavations have been made for
the abutments. In about three weeks,
it is expected, these will be completed
and everything will be ready for the
placing of the iron superatruoture.
CnIentei Ruins the System
And should only be used under a doc-
tor's orders. For a mild physic take Dr.
Hamilton's Pills of Mendrake and But.
ternut. No gripe, no pain, certain relief
for headache, constipation and torpid
liver. Use only Dr. Hamilton's: Pills,
price 25c.
The West Wiiwanosh Mutual Fire In-
surance Co, has been very fortnnate in
the recent severe thunderstorms, having
only lost one barn, that of Mr. David
Robertson, of East Wawanosh, whose
claim was paid in full at the Directors
meeting on Tuesday.
Council met according to adjourn-
ment on August 24th; members all pres-
ent; Reeve McQuillin in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting coufirmed,
Donald Pattersou of Auburn was ap-
pointed" Township Engiueer.
The by-law to grant a bonus of $2,000
to the Guelph Junction Railway Co. was
The following checks wore issued: -
Jas. Bryan, part printing account,$25.00:
J. Woods, cleaning creek, $15.00; W.
McCrostie, gravel account, $13.86; Mun-
icipal . World, supplies, $3.75; Signal
adv. re sidewalks, $2.60; New Era, adv.
re engineer, $1.00; Goderich Star, adv.
railway by-law, $61.20; D. McDonald,
inspecting work and repairing bridge,
$10,25; P. Smeltzer, gravel,$2.00: G. Mc-
Donald, shovelling gravel, $1.50; G.
Taylor, gravel, $6.91; W. Smith, draw-
ing stone, and filling washout, con. 5,
$2.50; W. Taylor, gravel $8.00; Wmi
Burkett, drain oon. 6, $7.09; Ferguson
Bros., shovelling gravel, $4.60; P. Mae -
cow, woik, con. 6, $1,00; J. Henderson,
tile, 8:20.40; E. Fitzpatrick, gravel, $5.44;
D. McKay, gravelling, con. 11, $82.85;
Mrs. Campbell, gravel, $9.20; Thome and
McDonald, repairing bridge, con. 12,
$3.00; Wm. Thome, inspecting, $5.25.
Council adjourned to meet on Tuesday
the 18th day of October, at 10 o'clock.
W. S. MCCuosrin, Clerk.
Furniture Store.
4+4•+4•+4.4.4•++++d• ++4•++4•+++4
Dinner Sets and Crockery
Just atrlved at Boston, per Steamship Winifridian, front Bishop &
- IStonier, Hanley, England, four crates Crockery for us.
One orate White Goods, excelsior pattern, misdating of Cups,
Saucers and Plates. One dozen of each for, , , , , , , , , ....
E. One crate of Colored Goods, peacock blue, nicely embossed
pattern, consisting of Claps, Saucers and Plates. One $2.00
dozen of each for
One crate White and Gold, with clover leaf and delicate chased
pattern; consisting of Cups, Saucers, Plates. 1 doz. each $2.00
These Sete,
secs have one extra Pten latter efrerent pattertie to chootte ont.
er and onePruit Dish.
To Ilreak up a Cold
Right quickly nothing works so nicely
Nerviline taken real hot. It sends a
glowing warmth all through the body,
and when rubbed ou the throat and chest
loosens up the cough and relieves sore-
ness and tightness in the chest. Ner-
viline is used as a preventive and euro
for colds, coughs and winter ills in
thousands of homes because it goes right
to work and brings relief quickly. There
is no remedy in the world with half the
power and merit of Nerviline; it's in-
valuable in every house. In large bottles
price 25c.
i ELfi to 1 I
Rev. J. J. Hastie was in. Toronto a
few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Crowe of Trenton are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wray.
Mrs. Geo. Taylor has gone on a visit
to friends in Detroit and Cleveland,
Mr. and Mrs. Felton and grandchild
were guests at D. Sproat's last week,
Mrs. Hogg, of Wingham, was visiting
her sister, Mrs. Strettou, a few days last
Rev. Jas. Hunter, Brussels, wilt preach
in the the Methodist Church next Sun -
$lay evening.
Wedding bells are ringing around the
village again. Further particulars will
be given in the dear future.
Rev. Mr. Edmunds will address the
A. 0. U. W. on Sunday afternoon, the
11th inst., at 2.30p. m, All are cordially
Miss Jones, sister of Rev. Mr. Jones,
who has been visiting here for the past
week, has returned to her ' home in
Port Elgin.
Mrs. D. Sproat purposes leaving hero
ou the 18th for a trip to visit friends in
the West. Her many friends wish her
a pleasant journey. '
Mrs. John McCallum had the misfor-
tune to dislocate her shoulder ou Sun-
day last, We are pleased to say she is
recovering rapidly,
Again death has visited our midst and
taken away one of the oldest settlers,Mr.
Gabriel Sprung, who lived on the Base
line about one mile from the village.,
He was a consistent member of the
Methodist Church and was always
kuown as a good natured happy old
On Sunday evening, Aug. 28th, the
sad news reached here of the death of
Mrs. J. D. Murdock, formerly Miss
Laura Erratt, who passed away at her
late residence in Goderich, The de-
ceased Was well known in this vicinity,
having lived the greater part of her life
here. She 'was beloved by all who knew
her and was known to live a Christian
life. While she was here elm was a
great temperance worker, being a life
member of the I. 0. G. T. She leaves
a sorrowing husband and two small
children, the younger only 10 days old,
besides two sisters, Misses Mabel and
Dora Erratt, and two brothers, Mr. 0. E.
Erratt, of Auburn, and Mr. Welsh
Erratt, of 'Saskatoon, Saskatohrwan.
was 33 yeare old.
The funeral
took place from her tate residence, West
street, Goderioh, on Tuesday morning
Aug. 30th,and proceeded to her brother's
residence Ilene, where the faheral ser-
vices were conducted by Rev. T. B.
Coupland end Rey. J. %, Hunter, of
o was thou bdrne to
1 'rhe body
rA880 8.
� Y
Bali's cemetery, followed by. a large
number of sorrowing friends.
The steamer Abercorn of Cleveland
was burned at Goderieh,
William Hutchinson of Stratford,
aged 49, committed saicid4 by Shooting.
Il Tun are Losing weight.
Your system is out of order tied Far-
rozone is needed to start a re -building
process. Ferrozone makes new tissues,
forms wholesome blood, strengthens the
nerves and keeps your physical ooudition
up to the proper standard. "I lost fifteen
pounds through La Grippe," writes Cyril
Lash of Hartford, "bat soon gained my
former weight and improved my health
by using Ferrozone. It's the best re -
builder and finest tonic I ever used."
Use Ferrozone-it assures health. Price
50c at druggists.
Mr. A. Williams spent Sunday with
Brussels friends.
Mr. James Anderson visited with
Morris friends over Sunday.
Miss Lily and Annie Henderson visited
relatives on the Gth line last week.
Mr. and Mrs.,1T. Mason and Mrs. D
Coop left last week for Toronto to visit.
the exhibition.
Miss M. J. Kennedy of Toronto was
the guest of gravel road friends for a
few days last week.
Miss Anderson, who has been the
guest of her sister, Mrs, Geo. Coupes,
returned to her home, near Oweu Sound
last week.
Mr. and Mrs Jas. Smith, of Morris;
Mr. and Mrs. Mediu\Vangh of London
and Mrs. R. Coultes of Clinton, Sun-
dayed with Mrs. J. Coates.Will any of our residents be fortunate
enough to secure Bali Bros' special prize
of $5 00 for the beat horse of any plass,
shown at the Wingham Fall Fair, on
Thc only kind of consun 'tp
tion to fear is i1 ne,rlectcd
People are learning that con-
sumption is a curable disease.
It is neglected consumption
that is so often incurable,
At the faintest suspicion cf
Consumption get a bottle of
Scott's Emulsion and ' begin
regular doses.
The use of Scott's Emulsion
at once, has, in thousands of
Cas s, turned the balance in
favor of health.
Neglectecl.consumption does
not exist where Scott's Emul-
sion is.
Prompt use of Scott's Emul-
sion checks the disease while it
can be checked.
Stand for tree sample.
SCOT'r C liOWNE, Chen.iets,
Toronto, Ontario
Soc. and $1.00; all druggists.
The anniversary services in connection
with the Whitechurch Methodist Church
will be held. on Sunday and Monday
next. On Sunday, P.ev. Geo. Baker, of
Bluevale will preach at 10 30 a. m., and
7 p m., and Rev. Dr. Gundy will preach
at 8 p m. On Monday evening a Har-
vest Home tea and entertainment will be
held, Tea served in the basement from
6 o'clock p. m., after which there will be
a good program of addresses, singing,
music, etc.
second day of the fair, September SOth.
Mr. Percy Scaudrett and Miss Julia
Anderson, two of onr most popular
young folks, were quietly married at
the Rectory,Wiugham, August 31. Rev.
Win. Lowe performed the ceremony
after which the young couple left im-
mediately for Toronto.
The following is the report for S. S.
No. 9. East Wawanosh for the month
of August: -
Class V. -Stanley Elliott.
Sr. IV. -Ella Walker, Willie Shoe-
inter. IV. -Harvey Llnklater, Annie
Leaver, Laura Currie.
Jr. IV. -Howard Shield, gate Shiell,
Wilfrid Pocock.
Sr III. -Maggie Shiell, Garfield Shoe -
bottom, May Beadle, Herbert Burchill,
James Ferguson,
Jr. TTI.-Gweudoliue Cnrrie, George
Walker, Gordon Rintoul, Mary Elliott,
Earl Elliott, Walter Pocock.
Sr. IL -Pearl Deacon.
Jr. II.--ti'erna Taylor.
Part II. -Richard Deacon, Harold
Walker, Daniel Ferguson, Bernice
Shiell, Harold Currie,
Class. -Belle Fergueson, Maggie Po-
cock, Franklin Robinson, Ernie Shiell,
Charlie Taylor, Bessie Burchill, Ella
Deacon, 'Viola Deacon, Katie Currie.
Average attendance 31.
M. Wensn, Teacher
Mr. Oliver Mills visited friends et
Whitechurch this week.
Mrs. Morrow of Wingham visited at
R. N. Duff's on Monday.
Mr. Goodyear, our station anent has
been holidaying at Detroit.
Mrs. Dnucan had returned from a visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Marsh at Wood-
Miss Maggie Fraser of Morris spent
Snnday with her sister, Mrs. Robert
Mrs. Cornish has returned to Mitchell
after spending some time with her Os-
ter, Mrs. Dauiel Lewis.
Mrs. Fred McCrackeu and children of
Brussels were visiting Mrs. Gardiner,
who is in very poor health.
Misses Maggie and Bella McDougal
and Mrs. T. Robinson, of East Wawa -
nosh, visited friends in Bluevale last
Miss Campbell of Galt, who is visit-
ing her brother, Mr. Colin Campbell in
Wingham, spent a few days with her
cousin, Mrs. (Rev,) West this week.
Among the Bluevale people attending
Toronto exhibition are :-Mrs. John
Burgess, Mrs. Arch. Paterson, Miss
Eliza Diment, Mrs. Geo. McDonald,
Mrs. Robert Black, Mrs. Henry Diment,
Mrs. Joseph Warder, Mrs. Robert
Mason, Mr. Robert McPherson, Mr.
Will Elliott and Mr. John Woollen.
An TA'utont Treatment for Catarrh.
Will first destroy the germs that excite
the disease. Then there are numberless
sore spot in the mucous membrano to be
healed. Every requirement of a perfect
cure for catarrh 1s found in fragrant
healing Ctatarrhozoite which not only
kills the germs but restores the diseased
membranes to a normal condtion and
prevents the relapse which is were to
follow the nee of ordinary remedies.
Oatarrhozanc is a seioutific cure for ca-
tarrh that relieves quicker, is more pdeas-
ant, most certain totur e than a y other
known remedy. Minae is impossible,
lasting cure is guarabteed. Use Only
Oaterrhozone. Two months treatment
$1.00; trial 25c. Get it today.
TU n1 1 flMtItY.
Minutes of council meeting held Sept.
5th; members all present; the Reeve in
the chair; the minutes of last and special
meetings were read and adopted on mo-
tion of Messrs. Rutherford and Mos -
Mr. D. Holmes applied to council to
have Municipal Drain on 12 con. lots 24
and 25, cleaned out to original depth.
Mr. A. Campbell also applied to council
to have the said drain on lots 18, 19, 20,
21 and 22 cleaned out to original depth.
Moved -by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr.
Mosgrove, that the Reeve see the parties
interested and try to Have them clean
out drama and save expenses of bringing
on Engineer. -Carried.
Rutherford-Coupland-That the
clerk be instructed to notify Messrs.
Lott and Webb to clean out Municipal
Drama on their farms to its original
depth. -Carried,
Conpland-Kelly-That by-law No., 10, I
1904, be passed to provide for the general
expenditure of the Municipality by levy-
ing a rate of one and three quarter mills
on the dollar of the last revised assess-
ment of the Municipality. -Carried,
Rutherford -Musgrove -That by-law
No. 11,1904, be passed for the appoint-
ment bf Paul Powell to the office of tax
Collector for the current year, -Carried.
Coupland-^-KelIy-That by-law No. 12,
1904, be passed to provide for a munici-
pal grant to public schools by a levy of
1 14-100 mills on the dollar of the last
revised Assessment of the municipality.
Coupland-Rutherford--That the
clerk be instructed to forward to the
County Clerk before the 1st of October
next, the following resolutions: -Re-
solved that the County Council of the
County of Huron be requested to submit
a by-law to the electors of the County of
of Huron re the election of County I
Councillors as provided by the Municipal
Amendment Act, 1008. -Carried unani-
The following accounts were passed
and cheques issued: -Mrs. M. iMlcBurn-
ey, $25.00. damages on Morris boundary:
john J. Moffatt, gravel and damages,
age, v2 88; James 10 Anderson, gray l
Anil. Van t
And damages, $9.44; S ,
gravel and damages, $9 30; J. M. Wylie,
John W.
u d
gravel and damages, s
a $11.08;
Xing, gravel and damages, $2.40; II. B.
Elliott, printing, $19.50 C A. Jones,
drainage Weir drama, $1.100 John Bur.
gess, drainage Weir drain, $2.00; Robt.
Sharpin, work on road, $2.00; Wm,
Eagleson, rep. culvert, $5 00; Wm. Car.
ruthers, rep. Culvert, $1.00; Duff &
Stewart, contract Elliott drain, '5198.50;
Duff & Stewart, 13, line Bridge, $850.00;
Joseph Higgins, Higgins drain, $8.00.
Kelly -Rutherford --That this council
do now adjourn to meet in the clerk's
oflleo, Hinevate, on Monday, October 3,
1904, at 10 o'clock, a,m.
Jou+t Bcncnss, Clerk.
:1M:1Th Leading Sto e
Noed a new
Small Pref
Quick rerun's
Probably the most useful and popular garment at this
tinie,of the year is the Raincoat.
Our lines are erected in such styles and of such cloths
that they can be used as a dressy wrap for cool evenings
or a protection against rain or dust.
Our stock of these garments is very large ----we
can suit any taste or purse. Prices from $2.50 to $].O.
Blick or Navy Blue Rain.
c oat --Good rubber cloth,
thoroughly rain - proof,
nicely made, new sleeve.
Our price. $2.50
Fancy Grey Coats -Ladies'
fancy pattern Raincoats,
full length, guarauteed
Our spcoial price $3.75
Grey Cravenette Coats -
A special line of new
Oravenette Coats. with
shoulder capes, Biehop
sleeve with cafe. A bar.
gain at ... ....,. $5.00
Waterproof Wool Coats --
Ladies' fine navy bine or
black Coats, with eiwo
capes, collarless style,
Iatpst sleeve, full length
Price is $7.50
Silk Coats. -Fine finality
Silk Coats, grey or blue,
very stylish, guaranteed
thoroughly waterproof
Our price 10.00
Fames- Oravenette Coats -
Ladies' fancy . pattern
Cravenette O'ntts, stripes
and spots. with belt. full
length, new sleeve. Price 10,00
Three -Quarter Coats -New three quarter length Coats
in Uravenette, plain or fancy pattern, tight style
for Fall wear. See our Ieader at $1.00
We call special attention to our large stock of New
Jackets and Skirts just received. You will be sure to
get the right -up-to-the-minute style if you come
here, and the prices are easy. Pretty Coats to sell at
$5.00. New Skirts at $2.52. These garments are now
displayed in the mantle department on second moor.'
Inspection invited.
1I. E. ISARD ea Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Right gaols at right prices.
. •,,;:.,'...' *•• , C+":� +.,. ,
Next Saturday, Sept. IOth, 1904
Secured in a very special way for cash. Excellent frames, in a variety of
handles, and splendid coverings. They are prime value at a dollar and a
quarter ($1.25), but on Saturday moruiug eext•;they will be sold to the early
buyer at
If you need one, come early, for they should go quickly.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Rain - Proof Coats
which will be offered at the same time at special prices are
worthy of the most careful attention.
Yours respectfully,
Prices for Trade. DIRECT IMPORTER.
„N/N,,,.......,,,,,thAAA,,,„ MWAAAA„„„,„MMAAAAMNAAAAtt
The next 6 weeks will be of interest to you.
Special prices on Furniture for balance of July and allof August,
st covering, stripe pattern, assorted.
Just think. A good Couch, in velourc g, p p ,
gs colors,
Fox $4.75 regular $6 50 $6.50, regular $8.50 $7.50, regular $9.410
and a nice lino not so good for $3.75
We will guarantee to supply the above goods at these prices throughout
1 July. and August only.
IN PARLOR RLOR ST ITES we lend in price and quality. Every
Suite guarauteed or ntouey refunded. Note our special prices:
Nice ri.piece Suite•, solid talc:ranws, done in velour, got oil patteri,s, spring, m10'0101
bound, regular price 1.11,00, special twice • - - • • - - �yt.'a•l)0
. a:
1 muddy for
u ,tates l y
12 ,
We don't handle any slop upholstered gaols; we !my in our own town,
thereby saving n big freight charge.
VP- See our $".00 Mattress.
MAMAA Aly isms IV WtJklvAww t w1+VWWVVWWWsolv.vhl'i vW-'I .