HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-05-11, Page 744 News. Fronl ni.,O15L A., ,,ilfMi fS •44e aEr. W Coulhu.rell, until' lately l4sil Klerk out of IlaAuiltou hoc hetes preneoted to• the posibion of mail ,sleek ;ow 'the KM Irmo Goderlicb. to 'Relffele. • tt •is with deep reieeir that ^we,crau,•* ice the death, .et Detroit of Mrs, /Pity #I. Morrie, tee° Gibbons of. 'Gotfelricli,) .141rs. Morrie Was one ' of '.tar prow titers of the hospital , • Fid, aged 16, a Goderich Y , was arrested in a. Toronto Kin street had Saturday by Dei t'ective,s ,Tipton and Archibald, for the theft of a rifle been Fred Davis, hotel/keeper, by whom he was former- ly employed. When arreetlwi he had on hire a watNh, ring and pin which; he' admitted stealing front( lige same place, r ;oderlch', and gave freely of her Sunday last was membership day in time and earnest work to thecause f North street church. A fellowship .She. wa$, a native :of ,the .brown, be. 'meeting was 'held' .at 10 a. m, and a in& a daughter of the late Benjamin 'reception service was held at tbeInor- , 4thhens, Who with his !yrother, Sher.. ( fling service. Dr.- Dougall took as 1* Citiibbons; were pioneere ofl Goderich. his swhject, • "Jesus Lives." Ws. Morris had been a resident(' of The office, varnish and packing "R'olierich until aboltt three years ago I.rooms are being re -built at+ the organ 44 lies shim visited here ,frozm time '. il to.e, when she was the guest of iter nephew, Mr. Chas. Nairn. One krother survives in Detroit and la O'oderieli she had^ a host of friends rhodeeply, mourn her demises g$, Messrs. Chas, and G. Nairn attended the funeral which took place in De- • 'txoit, and the God u.ch ler unch " of Ake - Daughters of• the Empire sent a Handsome wreath. Bert Fisher, a young pian, who was *rreated In a Toronto hotel by De- *t:oi'ive Tipton early Saturday mora- t at the instance of the Chief of '.4'olice of Goderich, was taken back to that place yesterday. Fisher, :who lads- been. in the city only a few hours 'before Ms arrest,. is alleged to have stolen a 'Winchester repeating rifle ltd a wedding ring from a hotel at foderich. While Tipton was looking °'for• Fisher, Detective Armstrong re- eo rered the gun and ring in a pawn 'Shop on Queen street west. A young Irian named Slattery, who was travel - .'ling with Fisher, was also taken to lteadquaters on a charge of vagrancy, filetwag released .by the police after *Wog -notified by R. Postlethw:aite, Ohief of Police at Goderich, that he apparently, had had no connection `'with the theft. Slattery remained In the city. Miss Walker of Toronto is ' the N:guest of Rev. J. and Mrs. Pollock. 'Rev. Mr. Clement is enjoying ex- e'ilennt health his many friends are *lad to see, and enjoys fnoving about heaping his grounds in order. 1'Ir. Cockfield's cottage, which is ,tieing newly plastered and decorated, HI soon be ready for occupation. .."4/1k. Nichol Ansley has removed to ,,a* house on Quebec street, theone later _.oc4 upied by Mr. Clairmount. `,-15IIs. Adarir•'Thompson and family :have removed from the family resi- ,.• fence, Victor street., to the stone .cottage owned by Mrs. W. W. Rhynas on Newgate street. Mr. W. Andrews has returned frem Brussels, where he spear the past winter. Mrs. Fox has moved to a com- • fortable cottage on South street. It is the intention of the West ,Street Lawn Ca. to extend the lim- - its of their Dowling Green at the close of the present season, when d.ha building on Waterloo street will he removed. Mr, and Mrs. Josiah McElroy and nephew, Master Howard, have returnr- rsi. to Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Barron now occupy the pretty brick cottage on Anglesea St, lately occupied by Mrs.- Hussey. Mr. Barron is on the C.P.R. staff of trainmen. . Miss Atkinson has taken a position in Halifax. Her sister Mrs. Drysdale and family will remain in Goderich this season. . Miss Birdie Ya,l s, only daughter of Jas. Yates, has passed very scessfully her recent exam. as a nurse -in -training at. Cook Courtly Gen- srat hospital, Chicago. The Woman's Institute met! on Thursday afternoon last but the 'el- eotion of officers did not take place. A meeting will be held tomorrow af- ternoon for that purpose. The secre- tary read 'her annual report, showing 'the Institute to be in a good and sound state financially and that a member of worthy causes had re- .ceived support during the year. A fine paper was read by Mrs. Salkeld ,entitled, "Do Your Best and Leave the; ort." Ib was full of good thoughts and was much enjoyed. The president and Mrs. MCArtehun served 5 o'clock tea at the conclusion of the session. A special meeting of the council wacq held on Wednesday night to ar- range fon purb:ng, the ltttrill propertey in shape for the military, camp to be "held 'tihiaie This year. ' '.Electric light- ing will he installed on the ,;rounds, and the ater supply will ire looked after. A sp oral commri•t'tee consisting c.f member of the council and Board of Trade w11 have the admisistraeion of the affai, of the grounds aha tx'rl make an offrt to have the C. F'. R. establish i# system of transportation across the river to the camp, to re- -y ••in fin force while, the camp is being tereider the building of a foot bridge held. If they succeed in this it will resider the building of a foot bridge _across the mouth of the river un- necessa'Yy, as well as eliminating the necessity of a march of three miles around 1 y Saltford to reach he camp. Thred • snore than the usual number •of cares were heard in the police court °last weak. A1•mer Westbrook, ie young farm laborer of Ashfield, was forced to give up 15 and costs for misusing a horse. dee hired an • outfit from the Davis livery here and drove the horse twenty miles '" ht breakneck speed, with • the result that . the •anirtial was in bad shape for :eome days. John , Johnston, a .r'eeIdent tsf t?Wn, • will spend a 15•dny terra-iu.jtx as the result of a agree. g A man• from a local board( house left the place reeeittiiy and it n Chtrt;- ',ged her took with hifa writ and ken teilttable11, 1, factory. It is to be. a fire proof building and as there ane a large number of men employed on it it will probablybe completed very soon. Capt. Tfiayden received word the other day from the Provincial See - rotary of the Boy Scouts` that this district, Mean, Perth, Bruce and Grey-,• is entitled tp have cane repres- entative at the rally of Boy Scout to be .held in England early in July .in connection with the coronation. Mrs. (Rev.). Joseph Elliot leaves in June fox Europe, sailing frond New York. Rev. Mt. Hamilton has been. quit« i11 for some time butwe' are glad to learn that he is improving very' sat- isfactorily. Malcolm' 'McDonald shipped on the steamer Wexford this season. The steamrer called last week here and Malcolm's friends, were glad to see. hien looking so well. ' It is hoped that the summer on the lakes will ful- ly restore his health. • Mrs. Malcolm McDonald has return. - ed from a visit bo her sister in Tor- onto. The large tree which' was "torn up by the .roots on West street last fall is now flourishing on Mr. Seager's lawn. having suc- cessfully stood the heavy frosts and the transplanting, Mr. Halstead, who was unfortunate in loosing fingers by two accidents at the organ factory, is now employ ed at his old profession of cleaning feathers, Mrs. Jennings of the Bayfield Road is stiffening from an attack of rheu- matism, a •. At Victoria street church on Sun- day evening last an appreciative con- gregation listened to an exct•1l'ent sermon from the pastor, Reiv. Ds. Medd, from the words. "Now, when Daniel knew that the writing was *sled be kneeled upon, his kntes three times a day and prayed and gave rlaanks before God , as he, did 'afore - time." A very charming organ of- fertory was played by Miss .Roache. The anthem, "The Lard is King," was beautifully rendered by the choir. Next Sunday the League anniver- airy in connection with Victoria street church will be held, when Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Kincardinei will con= duct both morning and evening ser- vice. Dr. Medd will take Mr. Fer- guson's work in Kincardine. • The following refers to a former Goderich boy, and is from an Ottawa paper : "Don McGillicuddy, son of Mr. Thos. McGillicuddy of Toronto ; assistant physical' direntor of the Y. M. C. A., started this morning bo ride from, Ottawa to Toronto on a bicycle. 'He left the Association building ar six o'clock and expecte to. reach( Toronto tomorrow night, alter a ride of 280 miles." Mr. IVIcGilli- cuddy was unable to continue his ride farthur than Napanee, however, and. proceeded from there by train. He had ridden 143 miles in eighteen hours. his many friendsin connect- ion with the central Y,M.C.A, on his return presented him with a hand- some musical clock. He is supervis- or of t'he;new playgrounds at Ottawa. The Godecich District meetiing will be heldin the North street Method- ist church on the 18th and 19th. On the evening of the 18th a meeting will be held to discuss aural union, Rev. Jt E. Ford of Wesley church, Clinton, and,Rev. Mr. Conway of the Nilo will speak. Mr. Frank H. McLean of Red Deer, Alta., brother of Mr. Allen D. McLean ean of town, has bjoined -lately by his brothers, Ohas. and Henry. The two other brothers remain in God- erich. .4The •benefit concert given in .Odd - follows hall on Fri day evening was not as well attended as might have been, expected. The program was a good one, Me Band giving some fine selections and Mrs. King rendered some solos in her usual well known charming manner. Also a couple of drills given by some; of the C. I, Sty dents were very pretty. The reader Miss Pearl O'Niel, was something of a disappointment, hon readingsbong old and not up to the mark. Mr. King was accoanpaniste. On Wednesday evening of lase week. a toad wedding was solemnized in Knox church, Miss May A,, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wilson, becoming the bride of Harry A. McCreath. Rev, Geo. 1'r. Ross performed the ceremony at 7 o'clock, The wedding match was played by Miss Evelyn Wilson. Ater the nup- tial knot was tied the happy couple droVe to their future home on South street, whore about 'thirty of their relativees+ and friends were,gatheredd to wePooane thein. Atter congratulations, all . at down to a dainty wedding supper,: the tables being tastefully de-' coxae with nn:yrtln and dattodils. The. bItide's suit was of navy blue ,ladies' cloth with s' white silk waist and she Were whitu carnations. The presenter were ntimaroue and showed the esteem in which the young Couple are held. Tht ,gr000n's gift to the bide Was a I nriburet of pearls. The men)r friend* tele bride - and root* df; yd abets. Godericiv T'be knife wish which Edward Jar- dine -confessed be %reordered Lizzie Anderson, las noW le the head: Of the authorftiea. Shortly after Jardine'a trio.? it was learned that a knife bed been found near the spot where Jar- dine stated he threw the weapon. It was eiacured by Chief Postlethwaite and forwarded to headquarters art Toronto, where it wilt be subject to a minute ,examination. A boy found the knife on the lake bank sbortly after Jardine's areest and. it has been in his possession ever since. It is a medium-sized, black -handled one, with two blades, opening from the aanae end, An examination of the knife showed undoubtedly that there were bloodstains on the hilts of the blades. The finding of the knife go- es to prove the testimony given by several who described at the trial the kind of knife Jardine carried. Tuckersmith Township. Mr. Sidnee Johns, an old resident of this township, died at her home in Seaforth en Wednesday of last week after an illness of a fortnight? due to an attack of paralysis: Mrs. Johns was a daughter of the late Robert. Car- nochan. hen. of Tuckersmith and after> her marriage to Mr. Sidney Johns, un- til about nine years ago, when they moved to Seaforth, was a resident+ of ,the west end. She was well known and -highly -respected in this town- ship and also in Seaforth. Mr. Johns survives. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon lase to Maitland - bank cemetery. - Suffered Greatly From Colic. Mrs. 'Aiime Guenettrs, L'Immaculee Conception, Que., wriras : "My little boy suffered greatly from colic I gave him castor oil and other medi- cines without helping him in The least. One day I saw Baby's own Tablets advertised, so wrote for a box . I found them so good that I always keep therii in the house and would use no other medicine for baby." The experience of Mrs. Gue- ;rette has been that of thousands of other mothers, Nola only 'do . the Tab- lets cure co?ic, but they cure coustli- pation, vomiting, indigestion, snake teethipg easy banish worms and make baby bright, active and happy. The Tabletss are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents 'a box from The Dr. William:,' Medicine' Co,, Bro- ckville, Ont. Marriages MORROW=RICKBEIL--.n tri ich on May 3rd, Phoebe Rirlsheil, daugh- ter of John F. Rickbell, io David S. Morrow. ROSE-HOCKRIDGE--At the lleth- odist parsonage, Fresecls, on Ap- ril '26t1i, by Rev. Dr. Oaten, Rob- ert Rose of Grey township to Eva" Ethel Hockrid.ge of Morris township. FARROW—PETHICK—At ' a!ha. rec- tory, Seafortlr, on May . 8 rd, b.y Rev. J. Berry, Rooei't Farrow of Morris to Monilaien•i, Eldest ' daughter of Mr. ".lo'i, Peth'ck of Seaforth. CASE--McADAM—At the residence of Mr. Donald W. McRae, Montreal, on April 29th, by Rev. Jas. G. Potter, Agnes ' Jessie McAdam, eldest daughter of the fate David McAdams, to 'George Edward Case of , Toronto, , formerly of Exeter. MCCREATH-WILSON - .In Knox church, Goderich, on May 3rd, by Rev. Geo. E. Ross, 'Hlerry A. McCreaieh to May Audra, dapgh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wil- son, both of Goderich. Births. COOK—In Clinton, May 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Won. Cook, a son. FLYNN—In Hulletttownship on May Gbh, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Flynn, a daughter. • - CLARKE—In Stanley on Apri, 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clarke, . a son. GILMOUR—At :Tumwater, Wash., on May 3rd, to Mr. and Mre. J. A. Gilmour, fon.nerly of Clinton, a daughter. • McCREAA—In Belgrave, May 2nd, tai Mr. and Mrs. Relit McCrea, a son. McGRE'GOR-In East Wawanosh, Ap- ril 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. War,; McGregor, 'a son. . JAMES—In East Wawanosh, April 26th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm: Jane - es, a s)n. WITME'R—A-0 the Goshrn Line, Hay, / on the istr inst.. to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer. a son. WEBB—In: Goderich on May 4th, " to Mr. and Mrs. J. Webb, Trafalgar street, a daughter. Deaths • OSBALDESTON--Inn Clinton" on May, 7th., Audrey Osbaldeston, aged 37 years, 6 montihs and 20 days. HACKWELL--In Chicago on May 1st, Dr. S. S. 'Hackwell, son of Mr. Wm. Hackwel'l of McKillop; in his 34th year. POSENER.--In Mabtapan, Boston, on April 27th. Sybil . Maud Knox, wife of IT. B. Pesener, and dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, Goderich, TAYLOR -•-In Wingitanu, April 29th, Rosanna Waugh, beloved wife of , Mr. Walter Taylor, in her 71st year. LITTLE --In Hale, Michigan, en Ap- Trit 24th, Wm.. Little, formerly, el Morris, aged 80 veers. • JOHNS—In Seaforth.• on May 3rd; Jane Caimoohan. wife of Mr. Sid- ney Johns, in her 83rd year. GOIr1 O -In Exeter, April 86th, Jam- es, Gould, Iluron street, aged 69 gars and 11 m'oniehs. Ai serious rising *ark Ifiacs in Cori- ,. ►! IN Mieil iia,(,' Willf=ul young, Ittlad la Goderich, May Mill. 1#lll, Our father deer Ms left us, In a better hued to dwell, We soon shall have to follow, now soon, we cannot tell. We loved bier, 'yes, no true call, yell, How much we loved •hi.•rn, and haw wel'I, God loved bin, too, and he theugnt ` best, To take hire haute with, hfm to rest. Our home ds sad without him,, For hits we m,oura this day, But still we know' he's resting In a land "thail's far away. Today we are most lonely Without o`u'r father dear, Who leaves behind ht's loved ones, To mourn his presence here. —The Family. F' 't VA'TlC SALE. of hawing town writ kj private We 1 good oondlt$oti', fox seasmer kite and oth4 artie Hensall Mrs. Robert Carlisle died at Lon- don on: Monday of last week after a lingering illness. The remains were interred in Hensall cemetery. E. Bice, son of Ira. Bice, passed his' third year exams. at the Western Medical College, with first-class honors. NEWSPAPER READERS 'BENEFIT One of elle very, first advantages which the new early morning Toronto to London mail train will present, is a 'delivery here of the Toronto. Morn- ing papers hours earlier than ever before. The Daily Mai? ez Empire is out with an announcement this issue. Their . subscription canvassers are ready .on the ground. Many will nc doubt welcome the opportunity of at last being able to secure the Daily. Morning Mail and "Empire. FOR SALE.=HUBBARn PORT- able Steel •Oven in, gocd condfitrion, capacity 95 loaves. Also i}ans, scales, weights. 'Owner given up business. For particulars apply, to• Thomas Lawa, Bayfield, Ont. —79 CLINTON COURT QF REVISION. —Notice is hereby .given that the Court of Revision of the " Assess- ment Roll of the Towyn of Clinton will be held in the Town Hall, Clinton., on the 29th day of May, 1911, at 8 o'clock, p,n i , . fon ,the purpose of ` bearing sand settling complaints against the Assessment Roll. Persons having business at the 'Court will please attend at the said time, and place without furth- er notice, -D. L. Macpherson, Clerk. FOR SALE.—D. JUNOR'S LARGE house, barn and garden on Ontario street, Clinton. Apply at house or Clinton P. O. -65 NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—IN THE matter ' of the . estate of Sidney Herbert, Smith of the Town of• Clinton • • in theCounty of Huron, Drover, Deceased. --Notice is hereby given pursuant+ to The .Trustee Libor thet all peinons having claims or demands against elm estate of . the said Sidney Herbert Smith, deceas- ed, who died on ex about the Twentieth day of April; 1910, aro required to solid, by poet, prepaid, or deliver to tehe undersigned Ex- ecutors of his estate, on or befm the first day of June, 1911, their ciirietian and suanames and address- es with ful? particulars in writing of their claim's, and statement of their accounts and the nature, of the securities (if any) held by them. duly verified by, .:,'.natirtory declara- tion., And take notice that afar the said first day of June, 1911, the said executers will peecee'd td dis- tribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the parties . rIntftled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the. said executors ' will not be liable for said Issas ort any part thereof. to any person or peirsans of whose claim notice shall not have been received .by then, at the time of such dis'bribu- ton. Dared May 2nd, 1911,. G. D. McTaggart and W. Brydone, Execu- tors. - f_•, BOARDERS WANTED -MRS. LONG - ley, Station house, Olinton, has vacancy for a few boarders. Terms moderate —77-3 FOR SALE. — MACHINE FOR cleaning and renovating feathers. Will be sold cheap.—For particulars apply at The News -Record Of- flee. —77-3 FOR SALE ON' VICTORIA ST,, Clinton, good dwelling house eerie sisting of seven rooms, wood shed, good collar, herd and +soft water,. good stable, one erre of land, good orchard containing all kinds oft fruits. -Apply on the "premises.— William premises.'William 14Calwill., Victoria St•, , Clinton. 77 FOR •SAI;E.--ELMXtITII4P SHOOT- Illorns:• 0 •otchoice row' and Orawitb Also a breeding. ,'ply Oft lip.i dung Bull imported ieke hank d 67895: alroilar gee tbl dWoos of wood egoludeva I lard *wean -Duncan fSttiveri- *78 • NQPZCE,...-7A. MEETING OF '1.'I.1"17. Glinted, ,$orticultural Socniebv t+"11 be held in the Council Chamber at eight o'clogir on the evening of .Friday,. May 12th.—M. 0. ;1IeTa..•- gart, President,. FARM FOR SALE --Lot north h&if 28, con. 1.2, Hullett, consisting of 50 acres. All seeded down except 10 acres. Small orchard. Frame house and bank barn with stabling. On Gravel road 1 mile north of Londesboro: mile from school. Apply on the premises or address Richard Shaddick, Londesboro P.O. —75 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN= nor of good clay loran. Nice bra house, haed and sof` water, bank barn, drive house; hog On. Good orchard, all kinds fruit. Sit- uated on Base Line, outside corpor- ation of the town of Clinton. Ap- ply on the premises on to Isaac Barr, Clinton P.O. —67 The New - Laundry --INVITES YOUR PATRON- -AGE AND GUARANTEES= PROMPT ATTENTION AND- -GOOD i'ORK. GIVE US A— TRIAL, ALL WORK DONE- -BY HAND. LADIES BLOUSES , 2 FOR 25e. Lee Bing OPPOSITE MOLSONS BANK. ai TO THE PUBLIC ' HAVING• ' BOUGHT THE WORKSHOP DEPARTMENT OF T'H'E' ROWLAND HARDWARE BUSINESS, 'WITH WHICH I HAVE• BEEN CONNECTED. FOR SEVERAL YEARS, I AM PRE- PARED TO RECEIVE ORDERS FOR THE HECLA FURNACES, PLUMBING, EVExROUGHING, 1?U'T,TING - UP STOVES AND REPAIRS. OF ALL KINDS, ALL OF :WHICH WILL RECEIVE MY PROMPT ATTENTION. A CONTINUANCE OF THE PAT- RONAGE GIVEN TH'I•S . DE- PARTMENT IS RESPECTFUL- LY REQUESTED. PROMPT ATTENTION WIL?, BE GIVEN TO ORDERS LEFT AT ' ROLAND'S • HARDWARE STORE.. T. D. JOHNSON SEED COItN lm'proved. Learning Mammoth Southern White Longfellow For the choicest • and most pro- ductive seed corn buy from the Ele- vator. Our stock is strictly fresh and fully matured. Salt in barrels and bags, L. SUITTER CO. Telephone 64 • THE ELEVATOR CLINTON We Solicit Your Patronage. Wo :Solicit Your Patronage. WHEN YOU NEED ANY- THING- IN PLUMBING, FURNACES, WATER PIP- ES, EVET'ROUGHING OR GENERAL REPAIR WORK LEAVE YOUR OR- - DER WITH US' AT HAR- L A N S HARDWARE STORE. ALL WORK DONE PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTION GUAR- ANTEED. BYAM & SUTTER SANITARY PLUMBERS. .Coal & Wood YARDS The summer price of Coal begins o'li Monday, May 1st. Place your order and have your bins filled at the low, nate. We have just received one carload of Portland Cement, Those intending to use cement this summer should call and get prices at the Coat and Wood office opposite the G. T. R.- station before purchasiag elsewhere. We have a good Grain •Grind and a good Gladstone Buggy near new for sale ebeart. A H R FORBES Phone 62 Jas. Milton, PASTURE of young Reasonable Murphy, lot 1p, township, or T. t. ton. FOR SALT., --BARRED ROCK EG from a Patz of my beld'b winter 1 era, bested by lags• Millard egcl el. Hens are tars size, z'i shape, goad color', and nicely ba ed. l eve ;1.25 per'15, Alsof B Andalusian eggs from hens tl laid when. $d• mouths old. El $1.00 per 15. :Poor hatch replac freer of charge.—H. A. Hovey, CI ton. 1000 muskrat; skins want% also othee kinds.—H. A. Hovey. OfOOOP••••••• • • UR•• • 1 IMAPLE• SYRUP, •* Straight fr • from the • it's so • • • • Do o • good ityw • I will ge • next year. • om It isSap to Sy ready n • f• r • tions, • • • •.. • • i• -w. • • ••••S•••1 T. 0 • "The Hub t3rocesy,' • • •••a••••••••••••••• THE AUTOMATIC VACUUM CLEANED Ib replaces tlhe broom, carpet sweeper and the- dreaded old -lash ioned b)usecleaning days. The Automatic :poeiffive?y gets nut a11. tha duse and m•icrc0ms. • I have the Automatic forrental, Try ie. A. TURNER, I have also a mew stock of bicyc from; $25 upwards. , All kinds of plies kept on hand. • lOUR For Satur. IO only l 10 '" 10 " 10 " 1) " Just Re a