HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-05-11, Page 5Na
aeeian Pacifis
he Rsmerkae Development of Rale
reagin Since 1881
naugursa rx of the fisarrer
me by the Cad than Pacific Rale.
y sixteen year; his resulted In
ee now b-ingeov'er1,b14 gardens on
l whole Si,'at►9Mt. Rrdi1YaY-Stttions,
red 1.oLrseR divisional etflces, see -
believe watchmen's gatee,.inter
,king plants, arm domed with 'flow-
;, which the uien take care of in
rif spare time. Theseemployee are
turally amateurs. but their taste and
ample have spread to the, commune
e. across the •contineht, with •aston-
tingly beneficent resuits., Enthuse'
re and success this year have been
eater then ever, showing'' the good
e.'there .has been made of the thou-
ads of ,packages of •ficests: pleats and
rubs, which are distributed yearly
the spring: :A number of prizes
ere awarded ail over the smitten
r tee best gardens, end the winners'
mmeg.will be announced shortly.'
ow the company is sending Put
half a million pules. foeefall
and early bloom next spring.
it pureeml;a all flew vari=
erg pr curable and-etke
a. we eld are sought 'for
s. Travelers over eh
ted vete the green
by '.flowers.. wh h
nal lee is.w lov
a.ne flower. lov
Vnited Statesr 0
ny's offiicesarith
igwered in
toe the name
rent Britain
erial House of
ads, shows that
of voters in the
s 7,700,717, an MI
er the list on which.
ok place.
thus classified; -j -
Are Noted In 14ultdln Permits Of the
Chief Canadian onsets-Van-
souver is Leading
if you loa'k at an old snap of Canada
as It was some seventy years ago, you
begin, to realise w. at railwaxa� hews
done for the Domi on. I Even fort7
years ago' Winnipeg, a"'s=,�a. ogle, 'did not
exist it was only a trading staten,
known as Fort Garry. Now, owing to
the fact that the C.P.R. touched it in
its track from the Atlantic to the Pace
Tie, it ig a great city with handsome
public buildings end an estimated PoP-
ulatian of some 200,00Q. Where yes-
terday there was silence, broken only
by wandering Indians and voyageurs,
and by the buffalo and ether wild ani-
reals, today there are bully cities and
towns growing in size and drpportance'
every year. And it is the great rail-
ways of Canada that have worked tells
marvellous change.
The builders of the Canadian Pacific
Railway were far-seeing, and they be-
lieved in the future of Canada. Now
their faith and their, pluck in ,under-
taking to level up the Atlantic and
Pacific coasts have peen rewarded.
As time .has rolled on and Canada has
diva into a prosperous nation, cause
d effect seem to have become a little
coriueed. While it is true to SAY of
tee fC C.P.R. that it is still helping to
build up Canada, it is also trueto say
that the growth and progress .et Can-
ada are now doing much for the rail-
d' and Wales
s 3,625,2711
vcters 450,950
gh voters 311,234
ersity vete t•a ,23,024
Total •
I retard
County voters 578,464
Borough voters 115,303
University voters • 5,020
Total 698,757
V .16 Was the illst man mentioned in
the Bible to have real estate in his
)wn name?—Lot,
Why is a coach going down hill like
9t. George?--Iedause it's always
drawn with the drag on.
tjha pace in g
t 1 England does all the it reund the .track, like a Why is a -raiser like a man. with
Fewer losses then were noted in the
previous month, and a substantial
period compared
t year, is e cor-
summary of Construction's report in
brief for building operations, carried
out In twenty-three representative
Canadian cities during the 'month of
February, Permits issued in the
twenty-three centres amount.d to
$4,051,958, as against $3,000,127 in the
same month of last year, which rept?-
sent* an average of gain of 24 per
Ottawa' dropped behind to the ex-
tent of 33 per cent., and Fort William
and London registered respective de•
s hand,s of . Toronto has and 95 per c nt. On t a total of
$969,590,. which is 18 per cent. better
than her corresponding amount; Harm
iltou doubled her previous figures by 1
undertaking work aggregating in cost
$75,450; and Windsor and Brantford
succeeded' in surpassing their former
mark too thee extent of 614 per cent..
and 180 per cent. in order named. In
the West a Markedonward movement
was in evidence on practically all
Odes, Vancouver not only surpassed
the million mark,' but again has the
highest total for the month registered
'in the Dominion. While less pro -
spat Is t11,4
root of many forms of,
sickness and of sm
indlesiMamma of
human miser»
Dr. Morse's
Root Pills,
Woe gleemehessi
woodwork. limy* seduces
fresh es new $f 0.40444 sow
with sosp-and-water.
easier to keep dustefrea, hones*
to keep demos -free, lei Bess wash
d the sarfeos is sweat!.
asra isglr : notNote
• and game
500 eq. ft. Cheese
17 solid Enamels, 7 Hardwood Las
and Transparent, for natural tlnluh
se ev a i!!a '� 6o tf`ettoo 's d nit slew V
The Imparia1 Varnish & Color Co., Limited, Toronto;
thoroughly tested by
over fifty yearsof use,
have been proved a
safe and certain cure
for constipation and
all kindred troubles.
Try them. , s.
25c. a box.
Order Some.
way, Also, while no one would deny pounced from an investment stand -
hat the present position of the Cana- point, Victoria's total et $182,940, re-
dian.Pacific Railway is, of course, de- presenting a gain of 20. .per cent.,
pendent to a great extent on the prose- .shows excellent progress, and as much
perity of•Oanada, it must also he re- can be said regarding the total of Cal-
atmembered that the foundation of that
.posperity was practically lald by the
Canadian Pacific. Railway;
The railway, which was incorporated
in 1881, opened its main transconti-
nental line for traffic in 1$$86, IA 1882
its .gross earnieg were $2,x$4,780 and
the number of its locomotives 146.
These figures had, be 1892•, increased
to $19,791,080 and 569 locomotives. In
the next decade the increase was even
greater, the figures being $32,503,050
and 745 locomotives. The latest re-
port that f
gary ($333,660), and the amount of
Winnlpeg ($432,500), both elf which re-
flect a most patlsfactory and whole-
some conajtion. Edmonton, also, with.
a gain of.187 per gente,. notes a sub-
stantial upturn; Regina iq ahead by
104. per cent.; and, goose Jaw tacks on
a gain of 27 per cent.
Without the figures of Montreal, th3
Eastern section would be rather slimly
represented. Montreal, however, is-
sued permits amounting • to $642,428,
as compared with $274,030 in February
port ofe the. ins jos so, a or of last year, and has the third largest
site Year ening June 30, 1§1t1; it,.: total in the tisk. .
gross earnings of the railway, amour t:d
to $94,989,490, and the number of loc. .ALIGHTING DISCOVERY •
he Ganad an tiy When the, mercury vapor lamp was
Pacic Railwa
invented and it was discovered that
u,tIyes bad reached a total of 1,C34.
rFf i Vas
gene on growing year by year, until the the light was lacking en red rays,' it
system extends over some 15,000 utiles, was thought by the uninitiated that the
the greatest mileage operated by ate
light Could be Improved by tee use of
railway enterprise on the continent e: red glass about the lamp, This, of
North A4nerie=' course, was impossible, for the ,reason
"Had I not•priictised physical exer-
cise night andmorning to the present
time,I should never have been able to
perfohm the work which 'has fallen to:
my lat.". In these words Lord Alver-
stone the Lord; Chief Justice, who is
sixty-eight yeard pf age,. recently paid
tribute to the value' of sport and re-
creation- _A great athlete 'in his
younger (lays, he carried off the pvl2ti
for the mile and two ieife's iii the
'Varsity sports, and distinguished' him' certain re. a . falling upon it; so that
self in the cricket field: His lord- need rays are reflected. The fluorescent
ship's running feats.' were 'once re- material is painted on sheets of card -
called to him InCourt in an amusing beard, which mpy beremovedfrom the
scanner by a prisoner whom he was reflector frail . when they show any
trying. "I ;knows yet." Said the pd deterioration, and ble replaced. with
Boner, • "and, man's : fie time' ' I've. fresh sheets.
given Zver a hand 'when ye've been
that red glass acts merely as 'a filter
of 'the light passing through it, cutting
off all rays except the red. As there
were no red rays in the mercury
vapor lamp, the effect of putting reit
glass around it was to. cutoff practi-
cally, all the light, Recently Dr, Peter
Cooper Hewitt, the inventor of the
lamp, hasdevised a means for adding
red rays to the light emitted by the
lamp. He uses a reflector coated with
material, which is of . such a character
as -to trr -'sfor,n the' wave length . of
Arrests were made in connection
'with the Charing Crone Bank failure
in London.
Sir Frederick Borden opened! the
new Armories•at Guelph and announ-
ced the f'oneration of a city regi-
The, .(band Trunk will • put four
'new trains into service in western
Ontario, ineludittg an early morning
newspaper train out of Toronto.
President Taft spoke an reciprocity
at the Associate) Press bannuet ' in
New York.
A non-party, deputation urged
Premier Asquith the creation of
Impettal Council.
MPs.. H. F. Coulsen died at Mon.
treal from injuries susbained in ailf
automobile accident: •
• Sir Wilfrid Laurier made a state-
' Ment in Parliament regarding tine
charges against a Catena, Minister.
ter that is carried to London >riar- este p
els came from? Cowesgreyhound; so let's .down fleetly, 'like' .memo Y?—)ie is alwaya:; for getting
,a geed r ove,as Yee. are."' .. ,(forgetting).
When you are jaded_ your epee,-
pee,tire. poor- your whole system_
weary just try td algae of Labatt's •
IPleases the palate, refreshes the
bray, agrees with the weakest
stomach. A truly wholesome: bever-
age that .really nourishes. For e
milder drink` try Labatt's ,
L.�n.(l�on Lager
K•Ents 7101 E BAI,AI CE TSP.. L
It • has • been truthfully said • that t
any disturbance of the even balance
of health causes serious. trouble, No-
body can bo too careful! to keep this
1 balance up. When people begin to lose'
appetite, or be get tired easily, the.
least imprudence brings on sickness,
weakness, or dcibility. The system
needs a ionic craves.' it, 'and should
not be denied it ,and the best tonic
.of -which we have any,knowldd'ge.of
Hood's .Sarsaparilla. Whet Allis
' medicine has done in keeping healthy
people healthy, in keeping up ?be
even balance of health, gives it the
same disinctiion as a •preventive thati
it enjoys a a cure:. Its early use.
has illustrated the' wisdom of the old
Saying teal, a ebitch in time safes
eine. • Take Hood's for appetite,
strength, end endurance.
Equal to . the• finest German
brews. Has the true smack of
choice hops. Very light, palatable,
satisfying. Look for the lavender
Comet Beer
A temperance brew. tastes and '
looks like choice lager, but has less
than a%% of proof spirit.. Quenches
thirst; refreshes; gives appetite.
Order some today..
Premier See..
rr' The newest non -intoxicant, mild
and delicious, with the real flavor
and. quality of good ale. Complies
p : with local option requirements and
may be openly sold anywhere.
Order any Labatt product from
',cur dealer, or direct from
tri:};1 .e:
'r e
)\\\\4.\ \II
The Mail end Em-
ily news page in any
err night over The
Terk wire. the full
'Cork ' Sun, the te-
at America. • F,,very
•titan add Empire
et gos$ip that New
at same morning.
Empire is every-
Canada. Our own
us to . publish the
actual game in all
's find
UM; New in The
ditorial page—e
non -Political,
five, ' mid Wu -
:Considered by
e►ature of any
more to any
Far the first -time' in your life you can get
the daily news/a1er that best -informed people
rely on forall the real news at a reasonable
hour 'in the morning
The best, most Com lete, most accurate and
most interesting rejorts of the news that most
interests you now ready hours earlierr than
• ever before.,
HE MAIL AN El PliEE is ungtiein
tionably Canada's' greatest . NEWS -
paper. Note• that we emphasize
NEWS. Compare any dat'''e, issue earefully
with any other Canadian. newspaper did .you
will find plenty of'evidnser e•' ---mare real news,
fuller, more interesting and, more. reliable re-
pbrts of all worthwhile' nem,thas in any
other paper.
To futreit* such a,
vide costs a great deal,
lit, egardlessi of exp
for l 0' ail and Empir
MAIL AND EM12PIRZ11-Ss won and
maintains its reputation, as the best
.newspaper in Canada by furnishing
its readers with all the real news found in
any other paper—and in addition that of the ,
salendid Laftan News Service, which 'in -
eludes all the hnaneial news and exclusive
cable service of the New York Sun, the beet.
edited newspaper in all America.
If you want ALL r the flus, when it IS
news, you need The Mail and mpire,
• Special Features.
Saturday Morning Ott
WOMAN'S KINGDOM--I"or many Years this has heen..
a particularly' in'tere'sting feature of THE MAIL.
AND EMPIRE: Tens of thousands of Canada's'
best women have never missed reading the WO-
MAN'S KINGDOM for years.
THE FLANEI?II-Nevec' so' good as to -day. An ex-
tremely interesting and instructive, page.
HALE-•Beautifuily written reviews of all the
new books, and intert0)ting chats about books and
their authors. '
MEEK, If. C.- 4'ree' legal advice in any difficulty
in which you may need it. Questions of your
friends and neighbors;• with Mr. Meek's Answers•
ants' Opinions, make vet' interesting reading.
MUSIC AND DRAMA --This has always been a very
special feature of THE MAIL AND E;lMPIRE, and
those who are interested la Plays and Players,
Composers, Musiolans and their work. should not
miss a single number.
Met SCOUTS --AA care«ully^ COndaested department ,of
Interest to the boys and young men, who are mak-
ing this new movement in boy life ea popular.
FIELD . AND 'WOOD by " CA, A,"—Delightful and
interesting, especially to Cinerea and their
Mothers. ,
iFI Rel-oLASS SERIAL STO1eleeek esyt Yenning with
generous instalments each 40r.lay snlrning,
It you want a Arst-class, re/elleif big,. carefully con•
sheeted, well edited, live, u to -date newspaper,
bearer* for THE MAIL„ AN ► StMPIJ