HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-05-11, Page 4Tette
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egOilerioli Township.
1K two Switzer Vent Sunday,
twirl her .friend, :Miser Feiner
I threw lie
The Woineeee Institute will meet
a the Moine of Mrs, Mulholland .next
sday, afternoon when a 'full at.
Tb tetany friends c>t Idir, Beet Alit T
Anda:nets of the triturhbars is• reglttested
fix,, 1400of Mr. g<ld Mrs. Gree- Millar,
SII 'regret to hear that be is very ill i, tae ransacted. important
a siness is to will
tfeQer le the Goderich aosl?ital• It , 3 e made for the annual meeting on
May 300l. The subjects for discus -
Sion on Thursday afternoon yule be,
"'Valle) at sunshine, pure air and the
bath," and ".Making the hest of
things." Visitors are always wet-
The many old Wends in :and about
Holmesville of .14frq. (Rev.) A. IC.
Iairke, will be pleased to Je ad the
foll6wing : A vary happy event took
hat care of " his orchard tens season place at the Askin Street Methodist
bavuig bought a fine new sprayer.
The Goderich Township Telephone
System is to be installed along the
Base Line for about' six miles.
litope4 that, his recovery will be
Mr. Henry :Steele has, purchased'. a,
Pew buggy.
)))rias Edna Millar is spending a few
days in Goderich the guest of Miss M.
Mr. Geo. Connell, who has been ill
for some time, is reeove Bing.
Mr. Geo. Millar intends taking spe'e-
The' Question
- Is Easy
V2 tie
,L ob
HERE, shah I
buy my Wall
Paper this Spring •
A nswer :—
The reason is we
know where and
what to buy for your
Cooper i)o,
church, London, lase Fr;day after) oen
Biruc field Budget.
Some of the girl friends of Miss Miss Netts Simpuoon is visiting
Olive Bowey gave her a china shower friends in Sitratford.
on Monday evening. Mr. Odell of )Nottingham, Eng.,
,Mrs. W. H. Rattenbury is the is the gtu st of Mr. G. A. Turner.
guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. T.
Dunlop of Dashwood.
Mr. John B. Mustard was in Sea -
forth Monday evening aiding in the
drawing up of the schedule of the In -
Mr. Rose' of ,Clinton visited friends
here last week.
Miss Marks has returned from a
very pleasant visit with Toronto and
London friends.
terneediate sexes W.F.A. for ibis Mrs. George Stang Cs recovering
strict. front her recent severe illnesa.
Miss Nell Zueile of Hensall visited Mrs. (Rev.) Sewers is in Chatham
at the home of her aunt, Mrs.' J. . this week attending the annual Pres -
G. Kaiser of the village, this week. 1 byt'erial missionary meeting.
Mr, Wen, Aikeehead of London Med- Thu girls of the village have or-
, teal College is spending a few holie ganized ,a ban.ball teal.
days at boric.. On Thursday evening of this weelc
Mr. Ftr ed•. Tomlinson, our local m- i the local "Rovers" and the Clinton
element dealer, is making Buick sale Collegiate In eitute football teams
of the neetnt consignment of buggies will clash in a sudden death game on
received. from the McLaughlin: Car- . t.' a park grounds at Clinton. The
riage Company of Oshawa. I "Rovers" being last year's runners up
The Presbytery of Huron met' in ; for the championship of the W. F. A.,
the Union Church, Brucefield, last+ are confident of being victorious.
Tuesday. afternoon. 1 While on the other band, the. C.G.I.
We are glad to learn that Master boys have nearly landed the Hough
Jack Ross., who was confined to his I Cup, and are eager to wallop the
room by illnose the laminning of the speedy locals. A large number of
Week, is recovering. I fans will accompany the team to the
In' no town that we know of are' next:hern town, and if the .ois!liens of
the, people more loyal . to their ball Clinton and surrounding vicinity are
beam than are those of and about I sportsmen, they, will do well to at-
Brucefield to the "Rovers." bend.
when thu members of the Ladies' Aid
presented Mrs. (Rev.) A. K. Dirks'
with a set of Hav-need china dishes.
The presentation was made as a
mark of appreciation of the servicee
which Mrs. Birks has rendered in all.
departmentrr of the work of the
church during her residence here. An
address of a complimentary nature
was read by Mrs. J. A. Cottam and
the ,presentation was made. by Mm. A.
W.estman, honorary president of the
Ladies' Aid. Mrs. Birks was complete.
ly surprised by the gift from her as-
sociates. During the afternoon re-
freshments were served and a pleas-
ant' sccial afternoon spent. Men.
Birks will be Peeving London for Dun-
das soon after the conference meets
in June, Rev. Mr. Birks having been.
transferred to the Methodists Church
Mor. and Mrs. Anthony Lawson
spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Lawson.
Miss Annie Miller of Clinton spent
a few days the guest of Mrs. W. J.
Mr. and Mrs. R.
day the guests of
The fife and dram
minced practising.
Mr. Jas. Johnston
the village.
l Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan
Jr. called on friends in the village
on Sunday.
Miss H. Trick has beets re-engaged
for the coming year at an increase of
salary. She is a popular and efficient
Me'. ,;onn Johnson Jr. of Landes-
boro spent Sunday at Mr. John
Johnston's Sr.
Master Harold Biggin.spent.
day under the parental roof.
The extension of the Goderich Town-
ship Telephone System t'irough this
district will be a great convenient3
to our people. With Free Rural De-
livery and the Telephone we will
have city conveniences at compare
1i vele no expellee.
Gooier spent Sun -
Mr. Wen. Miller of
band have corn -
spent Sunday in
Couch & Co.
WE put cn sale Saturday
five dozen Ladies' White
Lawn Waists, extra good
quality lawn, prettily trimm-
ed with embroidery and each;
if bought in the regular way,
could not be sold for less than
$1.50 and $1.75. We pelt
these on sale fcr on6 week
only for 79c each.
Now is the time to buy a
cheap summer waist.
Kayser Patent Finger -tipped Silk
Look in the hem. ' If you find the name Kayser
you have the genuine—the kind with the tips
that outwear the gloves. The kind that combines
excellence and economy. The kind •that is sold
to you with a guarantee that guarantees. We have
them in black, white, grey and tan. Prices 75c up.
38 Inch Pailette Silk 98c
This is an exceptionally good wearing silk. In
this width it comes in black only, has a beautiful
satin finish. Would be well worth $1.50, Satur-
d'ay price 98c.
Children's Spring Coats
Just six children's Spring Coats left in navy blue
And red, sizes from 6 yrs to 10, yrs, Special for
Saturday $3 98.
Stoning To
The masons are engaged putt'iit at
stone touudatio* under a barn an Cee
of Mr. Robert Armstirong's farms. •
Miclri Kate Parke who mourns the
foss of her slater Mary, ie gotnt to
Oshawa, to visit a relative for A few
Miss Agnes Johnson spent Sunday
at her home on the Babylon Vine.
Miss Viola Edighoffee spent Sunday
with her friend, Miss Maggie Reid,
Parr Line.
Mr. Wilson Armstroz;g has asuccess-
ful barn raising one day last week.
Mr. Geo. Elliott sold his driver for
the handsomee wine of $250, It was
delivered in Exeter.
The stork visited the hcim. of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Clarke recently Wed left
a bouncing boy.
Mrs. Rouatil of Brucefield who went
a week with friends on the Babylon
Line returned home on Saturday.
The 19th Annual Convention
of the W. M. S.
The )9th annual Convention. of
the W. M. S. of Goderieh Dis-
trict was held 'in Wesley
church, on Friday last, with morning,
afternoon and evening sessions. The
morning session was largely taken
up, after the opening devotional
exercises, meth ' receiving the report)
from the different auxiliaries of the
district, Goderich, Brucefield, Blyth,
Clinton, Constance, Ilungannbn, Gos-
hen Line, Holmesville and Jackson's
church being heard from?, Most of the
report's were encouraging, showing an
increase of membership and of giv-
ings. . The District Organizrtr,Mrs.
Leetch of Goderich, presided. During
'the morning , session special prayer
was made by Y?ss Freeman for Mrs.
J. Wilford, of Blyth. an enthusiastic
worker in the causer and mother of
c.ne of the medical missionaries in
China, who was unable to attend t'he
convention owing to the 'serious ill-
ness of heir husband.
A euesttion drawer was introduced
and answered by Mies Freeman.
Mrs. Jas. Southcombe..then conduct-
ed a cceisecraeion service in which a
number of the' members and delegates
joined and a short testimony meet-
ing closed the morning session. '
The afternoon meeting opened at
2.30 with the organizer in the chair
and the. District Secretary, Qdliss
Beatrice Greene, in her place, A
Bible reading was given by. Miss Hol-
mes of Hoemtesvillo, after which Mrs.
Gordon Wright, President of the
London Branch; was introduced to Lord Balfour of Burleigh was pre -
the convention by the organizer and: siderut of the Congress, and. many, men
spoke 'a few words of greeetinng,' and and "' pmen of rank and nates, were
encouragement. resent. John R. Mott was appaiat-
The reporOs of those auxiliaries pot p
hoard from in 'the morning were read 1' ed chairman and presided at all the
Seaforth, Varna, Westfield and Donny- meetings. And an excellent chair-
broak. man :he made,"said Mrs. ,Wright.
An address of welcome was given Delegateswere present from all over
try the pastor, Rev. J. E. Ford, and the world, China, Japan, India) and the
replied to by, Mrs. Deihl of Varna. Islands of the Sea, and the speaker
The notmlinatEon. for District Organ-' strove, to impress upon her hearers
izer took up considerable time. Mrs. 'the earnestness . of these ' natives of
Leot+ch 01 Goderich, who had served foreign lands :in their desire tosee
ably tin that capacity for several theer own countrymen evangelized. A Comeh With GoodIealbh Through
years, desired to resign: but after speaker from India said, "If you have the Use of Dr Williams'
nota sure and certain beeief in God, Pink Pins:
balloting twos finds, she 'was noun- do' not come to India." • and avant 'Her . brightest day` for every girl
heated and was induced to accept. "Do not send to us educators who
Mrs. (Rev.) Fear of Blyth read an << and every woman is elle day when she
excellent' paper on "Our Duty to the have not the evangelir stic touch."I looks well, feels 'well and is well but
Heathen." greatly fear," 'said Mrs. Wright, with most of the fair sex such days
Mrs. Joel McLeod brought' greet "that that is ' one failure we have are rare. Instead they suffer from
made. We have not insisted that a painful languor,.have a elerrible
Ings from the W. F. M. cSc s Willis those who have the education of our
church, and urged'�the necessiUy of weakness in the back, headaches that
endeavoring to interest more of the boys and gilds should have the 'even- make everything s:emblurred, and a
women of the church in the work of gehstec touch, and our young men and ceaseless aching in the limbs. These
missions. Mrs. W. S. Harland young women. are being turned out and other trials atria girls and wo-
brought greetings and good .wishes from our schools with small ground- men through the lack of rich, red
from the W. C. T. U. and assured the ing in religious subjects and in many blood nature is calling for. Dr. Wil -
convention that she was represent= cases with little respect; for religion," )tams' Pink Pills have given ehe joy
ing the largest' organization of AVO- The Bishop of Japan pleaded for a of real rotust health to thousands.of
men in the world. Mrs. Harland al- University for Japan. and Sir An- women who are happy today because
so gave a brief report of the progress drew Fraser and 'Dr. Sherwin Eddy those Ptills • actually makethe rich,
ct temperance work throughout the spoke of the nedd of united effort in red blood that makes. weak onee
world. the mission Deeds. well and strong. This statement has
Mrs. Colborne ' replied tlo the greet- Mrs. Wright spoke at same' length been proven over and over again.'
ings. of 'the 'aPpropriaiieness of the holding Here is further proof from Mrs. . C.
Reports were then heard from the of the Congress. in Edinbotough. She J. Brook, Manitou, Man., who says :
"Watch Tower." Miss Freeman bre- called to mind the long line of mis-"Meer a busy term on .seeondclass
tight, news from' India in the form of sionaries which Scotland had given work, . followed only by a short time
a letter from Miss Gvey ; Mrs. Court- the world and of the ineeiration of of. relaxation, and a . strenuous two
ice of Clinton read a letter from her the old historic city. Grey Friar's and- a half montths norma couree, 'in
daughter, Miss Sybil, who is engaged , church, the old Grasesmarket, Coven- March, 1906, I began teaching .school.
in missionary work in Japan. Mrs. enters Stone, St. Giles Cathedral, I had a heavy rural school, with a
Rev. Swan of Fullerton, who also were all within a .short distance of large attendance,' and consequently a
(Rev.) has a daughter there, spoke ofthe the place of meeting. "It was full of large number of grades, thus I found
work in Japan and of the real. en- inspiration, for missionary workers," bile work a great nervous strain.
joyment which these young teachers said the speaker. "and I .do not This added to the overwork of study,
are getting out of their work. This think a more appropriate place of previous to teaching, soon resulted
was one of the most interesting meeting could.have been found." in a "run down" condition. When
things ing connection with the con- At the close of the address. Miss vacation time came I did net pay
vention, the presence of the mothers Withal sang Very sweetly ");land is much attention to my condition as I
of two of the girls in the foreign mis- Hand." thought the holidays would fully te-
sion field, and was ehe suhjeet al ' A number of questions had been store me, but as I resumed work a -
much comment,. Miss Atkins of God- handed in in the afternoon and Miss gain I soon found this was not the
erich reported the, work from China Freeman was asked do answer them. case. 'One morning when I came to
by reading a •leteer from, Mimi 'Turner. Most of the questions had to do with breakfast everything reeled before me
This' lettdr was to have been read matters prebaining to the conduct of and I almost, fainted ' away. The
by Mrs. Turner, a sister-in-law of the the business of the auxiliaries. Mrs. lady with whom I. was boarding ad-
young mie►aionary, but Mrs. Turner' Wright then asked permission to do vised me to take Dr. Williams' Pink
was unable to be present. When the salnothing which she had forgotten Pills. She always spoke very highly
reports, from the different fields had to do while on the platform and of them, her daughter having used
been recei Ted, Mrs. I3ickle of God- which she had been asked to do by them with the most beneficial results
erich led in an earnest prayer for the presidents of both local familiar- - ff�tawwi g hetmlabi a severe
attack I de ofdf inflae
"Our Girls of this District in the its, •that) was to make an appeal
Field." ' Mr. Wilmer Wallis then fat- mote members, and which she pre- take her advice, and had only taken
favored the convention with a solo. seeded to do in a law weel chosen and ia n few( oxes when,d suet' bebegan an to improve
rovas e
Mrs. (Rev. • Dr.) Medd' of Goderich happy, remarks.
read fie carefully prepared paper on. Rev. Mr. Cosens, pasbov of the had. I rapidly gained health, my
"Systematic Giving," and Mrs. Gor- Ontario street church, was then call- face had a healthy glow, and I gain-
aitdon Wright ' spoke en, "The White ed upon for ate' address, He heartily ed,jn weight'. I have since often re -
Slave Traffic," Mrs. Wr4nt took this commended the Werk .of the woolen comimended 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pitta
subject by request of the organizer, arid. spoke in the highest terms of the to others who have used them with'
who thought it Well that a node of results acerui g from their: untiring equally ben efiteial result's, and I s touta somewhat lengthy the
thereupon Neve the Pills to be a standard rem.
be -
warning 'Mould.labors, He cornplemttmt
the recces of the district convention edy for the ills for which you re-
but interesting session to a close.fd wihed then, "•God Speed." The commend tI'
Ta, subiltanttal, abunutia7st 'slival votes oft ks were p9tssed.Rev. You ca get the Wilts from allytory, was fmnediately served In th. Greene also spoke a few words. taedcin$ dealer or by +)reil at 50
school ,room'. The ladies of. Wslepgood cheer an eneouragcuMiit and cents a box or six boxes for $x.50ab?y assisd, by the ladies of Ortad benediction lewd a very, enjoy- from Te Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
fe stret, sred bona dinner and te',le and succeed convention. Brookville, Ont.
St. Helens.
Mr. and Mrs. Cost'ie of Wingleam
spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. David Todd. '
Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Belgrave ac-
cupied the pulpit of Calvin churee. on
Sunday last.
Mrs. W. Todd, Cargill, who has been
ill at the home of her mother-in-law,
is 'improving we are' glad be report.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McRoberts ate
tended the funeral of their brother -in
law, Mr, McIntyre of Dungannon, re-
Mr. David, Todd, Jr., who has sold
hie farm, to his brother Frank, has
purchased the farm of • Mrs. David
Todd, Sr. at St. Helens.
The funeral' of the late Souter Tay,-
fon took peace on Wednesday lase to
St+, Helens ceme urv, Mr. Taylor was
ninety-six years of age and was high-
ly esteemed by, all who knew hint.
to, *he delegates and friends in the
church instead of billeting them at
ehe homes and a pleasant social time
was spent• while discussing these ap-
petizing meals. The visitors voted
the idea an excellent ono as it gavel
them opportunities of becoming ac-
quainted which would otherwise have
been missed. Over 'one hundredsat
down to tea..
At eight o'clock the evening session
opened with the pastor, Rev. J. E.
Ford in the chair. Rev. Mr. Bartlett
of Dungannon read -a scripture lesson
and Rev. Mr. Fear ref Blyth offered
prayer. r The . pastor then 'spoke bred-
ly commending bhework done by the
W. M. S. and their .devotion and faith-
fulness to the cause of missions.
The Boys' Choir, which was in its
place and which had led • in net open-
ing hymn, rendere'J a selection which
was much appreciated. The chairman
then introduced the speaker of the
evening, Mea. ' Gordon Wright'. The
subject of Mrs. Wright's evening ad-
dress was "The 'iVored's Missionary
Congress" held last' year in Edinbor-
ough, and to which she was a dele-
This Congress was arranged to
meeb in order to receive reports of
missionary endeavor throughout' the
world, eight of which reports had
been arranged for.: 'The presentation
of these reports and the discussion
which they called forth formed the
basis of the addresses given at the
Live Stock Market.
Toronto, May 8th -+Receipts of ,live
stock at the Union Yards were 95
carloads -1906 cattle, 241 hogs, 519
sheep and lambs and 110 calves.
The quality of fat cattle, both but-
chers and exporters, was good, many
choice lots being on sale ; in face,
there were many dealers who thought
they were the best lot of cattle that
has been on the market this season ;
than . is there were more of the good
to choice classes.
Owing to the fact that there were
many: buyers from outside points, as
well 'art nearly all the leading local
butchers, and abattoirs being repre-
sented on the market, trade was
good all round, all offerings of Ont-
ario cattle being sold by the noon
hour. •
Prices for Ontario cattle were
stoadp to strong at' last Thursday's
quotations, for both e:e;parters and
butchers, but States steers to the
number of 208 sold at $6.141, while
only 20 Ontario caetle sold at $6.121:
per cwt.
It would hove been an eye-opener
to some of our Canadian. farmers . to
have seen them and. remember 13 car
loads out of the 15 sold at $6.10.
Farmers just study out the situat-
ion ; it wast an ocular demonstration
to everyeody on she market to -day. .-
The Brightest
For Every Woman.
rly st,
in orc
all ki
do so