HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-05-11, Page 2N 0 C.0 C. nave You 9 WI= Out • la your face covered with .Vineelea, blotches or rash? Poor Condition. of your blood will causotheee facial diefigurementa at tilde *mason of the year. goad medicine), for your blood will ;leo your complexion like magic. Of the many blood Purifiers We Bell Rexali Stood Tab' Zeta aro undoubtedly the most effective. We ma familiar with the formula tide remedy and, know whet it Will do. It pude and enriches the blood, butide up the, entire system and Imparts a healthy -Calor tocheelis and lip!. !Sold With the 'Resell gueiranteee Per package. 50c. .W. R. HOLMES 110iga . , THE • STORE — ron County News Gathered m PlY19 for News Record Readers See 16 yem Ito telptiasterznoots:znit Mr. and MrS. o. .Anderson and r row. The News -Record of lass GeIlelen Wilson, of TarOnto, leave May 8th, 1.895, soon on a European trip. 'Mrs. An- derson' is a sister, and Miss Wilson a daughter of Mr. J. A. Wilson of Sea - Clinton, May 8th, 1895. forth. Mr. and firs. C. E. 'Alexander axe The thermometer registered from *leaving! *aye the end of this month 88 to 94 in the shade. on Sunday, the for Sacieatoon. warmest weather known in Way for a Miss White late organist of thk1 great,. many years. Methodist Church, was made the aze saMtruidFayred Boss was lishiPg last ciplent of a very pretty crescents pin, in the river neat Stap- on Sunday afternoon at the close of leton and landed a handsome zpec- measuring two feet three inches in linen of pike weighing five pounds and 110, •leagth. - , Thera was a well attended raeeteng In the council chamber on FridaY* evening to flake steps toward organ- izing for a celebration here on May 24th., . It was decided to gie on with the arrangements and a canvassing eenemittee is now at work, • Officers and committees have hist* appointed as foklows .:. Chairman, Dr. •Shaw ; Treasurer, Wm. Coats; Secretary, F. R. Hod - gees. Canvassing Committee : ••• Joseph Wheatley., p. Crews ; S. S. Cooper ; J. Hoover. Baseball : Messes. -Hoover, Agnew, Harland, Sperling. • ' Let:eosin : Messrs. Read, Gibbinge, Beattie, Fair.. Football : .Messrs. MeCallulm ,. and Tomball. General Sports: W. Jackson, John Wiseman, W. N, Manning, ..1, Allen. Concert; T. Jackson, Jr., A. T. Cooper, J. W. Chidley, M. D. Mc- Taggart. * • • The treasurer has a nice supp7us from the last celebration and if the, business men and ceinzens will con- tribute liberally a good day's sport is assured, On Thursday evening last the stab- les of the ,Mason Rouse'were burned. The house was damaged and eavenal adjacent buildings were burned . or damaged by fire. . • Our °Mimi never ew the • need kt._ of waterworks until hey secured James Fair's introd* etory syseem. While three heavy strea.m'e were play- ing upon the fire on Thursday two from the mill system were protecting' that properry. . The annual meeting of the Meehan-, ics Library Was held on Monday even- ing. The treasurer's report showed receipts to be $499, 80 ; expenditures. $491,51, cash on hand $8.85 ; Habil- itiee $41.50. The report frons • the Board of Dirmtprs dealt :with the efficiency, of the library °t�, and stat- ed that the name •had been changed from Mechanics ensritude to Public Library . . . . . . . Following are the new list of Officers : Presi- dent? J. Houeton, breasuree, for .the siXtmith time, J. H. Combe ; Sec- retary, W. Brydone ; Finance Corn- mielee, J. H.' Combe,. J. Houaton, J. Scott and J. MeGarva. Book Com:- me:tine, .W. R. Lough. J, 'Nettleton and W. Brydone. Reading room and lib- rery eomittee, W.' 14. 'Beesley, J. Stevenson attd 7. Fowler ; • Enter- tainment, E. Cambes, *•W. Brydonc, R. •Lough, J.' C. Stevenson and J. Scott. ... iffKRIliki Frnillitsii e fit Nil OWN:01E1MT. C3E10 M• Having taken over my fath- er's shpe repairing business Et carried on under the nanee of a W. H. Watts & Son, I re- fa spectfully solicit a continuance of your patronage, asseriug ' you that I will do My. best to, give..you satisfaction. I will repair your • boots and shoes and will do it while you wait and at a mod- erate charge. Please Iii IN give me a trial. a At the old stand oppesite the 111 ' -VA •Postoffice Ismael Tif0MAS WATTS SHOW/A:KIER roininleinueleleleraininennixisiusreeenotail the school exercises. Sareaparla Winghs*n Varna Mr. Ilona° of Brussels has purchas- The following, is copied on the id Mr. Manners' house on Feaaicist Pickford, Mich., Clarion, and refer* entree:. and his stop on Josephine to a former resident of Varna • "Another of the first settlers of shas barnpa: 4178440y 'at Vtiliaeas, Mrs. Herron has sold hes house oft ouStanicwaand Edward etreet to Mrs. Ard. Messrs. Herbert Johb and Edwase Harm Ont. He was mar - Small will attend a eonven•tion in pli8(470 baandiscsameMaltgouhfetichji'aghaanso'l: 188t f Guelph this month as delegates rem He homesteaded the farm at Stalwart • st. St. Aadrew's Brotherhood of '" on which he has ever fence reaided. In • Paul's churele 1881 he . returned to Ontario and A qwet weeding was leelemeteee .at • Mr. John Potter, while working at a saw in the- Bell factory the other brought' back his wife and faan•ity. of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. e the ho Stalwart was then a wilderness, be - wooded, and the first ,Rickbeil on WednisdaY afternoon. day had the misfertane to lostwo ing heavilylne of his Nugert. settlers. had to blaze and underbrush when their youngest daughter, Plicate. Louise, was united to Mr, D. S. Mor - Mrs, 'Walter Taylor, an old reel., -a trail! to reach their homestead% row, a. prosperous. bu'miess man of eat 4:4 the town, passecl away last Mr. Duncan took his full share of the Week at the age of seventy yeara. Beeton, Ontario. The knot was tied me, w. T. Homuth ilea accepted a haelships and privations of pioneer .by Rev. A. D. Geseidoe in the pew>. PrOviding for his young lardy and• Miss, Lizzie Rennie has accepted the cleared• and improved his far.n, which position of choir leader in Carmel is now one of the bent, cultivated farms' in the qieinity. Ho was al- ways forward to advance the social and' educational uplift' of the corn- MUnity. 1-10*advocated the establish- ment., of a school and has been a mem- ber of the district school board al- most continuously for .a quarter of a. century. He also served on the Pick- ford trawmiliip council too years. Be. Mg of a soejal nature', the Duncan home was one a he most hospitable in the community and, al .his death ,Mr. Duncan had probably the widest • America's Greatest Medicine— Take Take it This Spring Thoroughly cleanses the blood, cures all env improves the appetite, relieves that tired feeling. today. Sold by all druggists everywhere. 1. 00 do Zurich Miss White left last week for hex home in Springfield. Mrs. Sidney Johns Wed. last week. after a couple of weeks' illness with paralysis. She and her husband, who iceemorly lived in Tuelterernith, had been, reeidente of town for tree past lune .years. -Mrs. Johns wan a dau- ghter of the lee Rbbert Carnochao. of Tuckettemith. She was possessed of many excellent qualities and was held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends, who all extend to the ber- eaved husband sincere , sym,paeeity. life end by hard • work succeeded in situation on like teaching staff of enee of the Mimed ata relatives. Whitby Ladies' College, duties to commence September 1st. Music will be her rribiett. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKie left last week for 'a month's trip in the west. Miss Lillian Baer has gone to the west. Lethbridge Was her destin- ation. • Mies Dell Burwask lett last week to take' up a courtof training for a nurse in Grace Hospital, Toronto. • Millet's •Grip Powders -Cure. For rale by J. E. Hovey, Druggist. xxsxastx xxxxxxxxxx CEPTRAL x X XXXX XXXXXiXXXXXXX STRATFORD. ONT. A LARGE SCHOOL, A GOOD SCHOOL, THE BEST. This school has a continental reputation for high grade -work and for the success ok its stud- ents. We have three depaet- mente,—Commereial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Ambitious young men and women should send at once for our large free eatalogue. Writ's for it at once and see what our graduates are doing. This is a good time of the year for you to enter our class- es. Students are entering each week. Commence your ,couree at once. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. x x 'X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X SEE • Morris TownshiP• " Fall wheat has not made much pro- gress this Spring yet. • Court of Revision on the A.ssees- fluent Roll will be 'held on May 29th, at 10 a. m., at the Township Hall. Several Morrisites heard Rev. Dr. • Clover, of Toronto, at Brustela, on his great Leetuee "Jean Valjean." There was no preaching service in the Jackeon church last Sunday ow- ing lb the euarterly comlenemion be- ing held at Blyth. : Mrs. (Rev.) Oaten, Brussels, and Miss McIneash, Missionary . from China, visited Mrs. John Clegg, 5th line. Miss Ida Corefet, of S. S. No. 5. Morris, has been engagel for another year at an increased ealary. Jate 'Sheddan and Jelin Stewart, of Beigrave, attended the funeral of. their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Miles, of Wood- stock, last week. Deceased *as , a sister ' of • Atm. Alex. Stewart, . of Belgrave, • . • • • There Passed away. at Hale, Alia., on May 1st William Litele a forinee well known resident .of the 4th lind, in his 80theyear. The remains were brought here for interment, the funer- al taking • place from. his son's re- sldence. • Internient:was madeat the Brandon cemetery. Miss • Grace Ferguson, who. has been at Niagara - Falls with ' typhoid • feYer, has taken a earn for the better and 'we' hope she will soon be fully restored to her usual goodhealth. • Sunday week an old resident Of the 8th line, in 'the poron of John Pratt, paid Nature's debt, aged 74 years. He had bean in 'taring heal& for the past two years. Mr. Pratt was born in Ireland and had lived in Morris over 54 years. He was united in. mar- riage:to:Miss Eliza Symonds 45 years ago, Who survives him along with three sOns,Georget and 'Wm., in Sask- atchewia, and Josiah at home.: Mrs: Pratt and family share in the sym- pathy of the community in their ber- eavement. •• • • . . Better results follow, from, the u..)3 of Millet's Compciund Iron Pills than front ,any others. For sake by J. E. Hovey, Druggist; Timothy • $7.00 Red Clover $8.50— $9 Alfalfa • $14.00 Aisike $10.00 Feed Corn and Seed Gr4in o.a hand. FORD&MoLEOD Tile Bat Coal IP YOU WANT THE BEST COAL AND PROMPT sztay. • MY SECURE YOUR SUP- PLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT elAVIS & ROWLAND'S HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY AT - ...TENDED VS. J. W. Stevenson THE LABEL TELLS THE' TALE. Many News-Reeird subteriberiS liate eneWed in the past few lectite, but Illtere are still more *he ha'net yet done so. The time is now tipe, it is On Tuesday Mrs..IIelfry and family !tidal the aceepted time. The label left for Montreai to, join Mr. Ilelfry, von your paper tells thou/halo story.They intend making Shelf home there How dote yours tad , ' , in future. Hayfield, May 8th 1895. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and family are visiting -the formen's sisear, Mrs. John Midden, Mr. Herbert Colaelay of Gederich spent Sunday in tOwn. , • Mrs. • Wm. Claiep e*as visiting fri- ends in Seaforth on Sunday. Mr. R. Gardner Spent a• fent days last week visiting his parents here, Several Clinton sports Were :over here last week sucker 'fitting. Miller's Worm Powders for skin; old or`young, For Sale. by E. Hovey, Dauggist. sallow J. Exeter Mrs. Southcott is undergoing treat- ment for nerve trouble at Homewood Sanitoriam, Guelph. • Cavan • Presbyterian church will celelmate its jubilee en the 21E1 and 28th. Rev. Jas.' Ross of London, Dr. Ramsay of Ottawa, Rev Dr. Strong of Virden, Man„ and Rev. W. M. Martin of London!, besides the pas- tor, will preach or •`addre•ea the con- gesgation in connection with the an- • niversary. At the adjourned vestry meeting of Trivitt church the report showed the affairs of the congregation to be in a better ebnditiou Oben for some yews. The .congregation is entirely' out. of debt and possess a fine church pro- perty. Mr. Tlic>s. Prior has sold his pro- perty on Huron stint to Mr. • Chas. 'Harvey of. Usboeae. The I. O. 0, F. attended service in Lrodesbere, May 8th 1805. Mr. E. A. Combo of Clinton weed. - ed in the Methodist church here on Sunday evening, Rev. Mr. Fair 'being in Kinbum. • • ... Mr. E. Walker Moviid cne of ,his houses down on to his lot on Main street last week. • Rev. • Mr. ,Ferguson will preach to the Sons of England on the 26th. .„ Mr. Webb took he service in , the • Methodist church at .Aubuea on Sun- day. • •• Misses Nellie and Gertie Van Ed- ger of, Clinton, spent Sunday in the village with their uncle,' Mr. W. L. Ouimette. „ Last' Tuesday evening the following officers were elected in the 1. 0. G. TI: di C. T. Wni. Longman ; P. C. T., Addle Crisp ; V. T., Ida Riley ; Sec- retary, Find Jciinston ; Pin Secret- ary, Robte • Reid ; Treasurer, Eva Moggridge ; Chaplain,, Albert Mce Gregoe; M., Frank Longman ; 'G., Lavine Brigham;.S., Thos. Sampson; S. 3. P,, Aggie Ritidel ; Organist, Aggie SOOtt. • Myth, May Belie 1895. ' On Tuesday P. W. Tanner and wife • left here (or their new home in St. Thonias, On Sunday mixt Rev. Mr. Teirney, rector of a parish in Devenshire, Eng., who is hereon a ViSit la his beothet, Mr. James 'Verney, will • preach in Trinity church. Howard and Sono ate put- ting up a 'Oriels kitchen in the rear of ikfr J. Wilford's •bre* residence. •• Grey Township Chas, Love, 11 con., has returie• ed to the West. He came home ow- ing to the Mimi of his daughter. ' Miss McArthur, nurse, of Gait, le here on a visit ashe brothei's, Councilloi McArthur, 8th con. Miss Maggie Love, who was so ser- iously ill, is improving nicely froM her severe atiiack of pneumonia. . Frank Davidson, of the Metroplitan Bank, Brighten, has been on the dick list•arid hasp cense home for a- good. • tea is the result of care and experience in blending —must be • the combination of fine flavor, smooth strength and richnese. 'Because all these elements .are so generously included in .Red. Rose Tea it , well merits the.term 4 • „"gopd tea." • circle of acquaintances of any farmer for many miler; around. Mr. Duncan has not been in good health for some time and has been confined to bed since October, and at times -was a great sufferen. He passed peace- fully away on March 23rd. The children were all home except A. E. and Mrs. C, J. McConkey, of Swift Curreati; Sask. Deceased was • a lifelong member of the L. 0. L. and it was largely through his energy that a local lodge was formed at Stalwart. The funeral was in change of that body. The funeral was very • laneele attended by friends from. De Tour, Pickford, Stalwart and form all over the country. The floral tee: - butes were also, numerous and beaut- iful."' The following is the April monthly report of S. S. No. 14; Stanley. Na tees are in order of merit Fifth :--Ada lleBeath, Lola Rath - well, Allan Fitter, • Sr. Fourth—J. MeOlyanont, MeOlyinont, W. MeBeath. Jr. Fourth—A. Hood, Jessie Col - fins, J. Collins. Sr,-*Third—A.. Ross. N..1.1ood, 1.. Jr. Third...4C. Johnston, Anna Fish- er, Louisa McClyment, Jr. Secondra. Maleins, Bella Collins • Maggie Cooper, Second' Part—Gracie Cooper, Nor- ma Hood. , ' Sr. First Part—W. J. Harvey W. Jr. First. Part—Ella 'Fisher G-racie Fairbairn, R.V.McOlyment., • The best spellers in the monthly spelling matches were :— • Fifth—Allan Fisher. Sr. Fourth—Ida P. Rathwell. Jr. Fourth—Anna Hood. , Jr. & Third--Ceeil Cooper. SecOnd—IVIaggie Cooper. Presbyterian church. Hensell. Miss Florence Laporto of Drysdale, for her home, near Orediton. The bank at the Lake will shortly • be cut down, so teams can gain ae- crone to the dock and shore. Hon. Senator Roy has been appoint- ed Canadian High Cormmissioner at Paris, in succession to the late Mr. Fabre. SURE SIGNS That you Have Ktrleee If your back is coasts, and if you. experience di pains. if your Urine- IS t cloudysevity oarndyouprainPlualil,snAcyno :ttlgit 'Negl brim eneti es lu ney atic- • Bc gua sieve or your money bac 'the world's greaftst a tney and bladder tro gists, Wee box; or p proprieters, 'The Liniiplii,catFormrtp.. Eri on a Booth's idne ills R. St week, savin pany equal with millio and d REDROSE TEA7ed' • NEVER SOLD IN ONUS Your Grocer Will Recommend It * 84 Zurich A meeting of the beekeepers of Hur- on will be held at Clinton, on . Tugs - day May 16th at 11 a.m., 1.80 and 7.30 p. xn. Mr. Morley Pettit pro- vincial ailiarist -will he, the principal spdaker. ' Mr. Jacob }laborer is the secretary of the Huron County assoc- iation. Rev, and Mrs. A. D. Gishier and family left, • on Thursday morsiong for their new home at Milverton, The assessment of the village tote als the respostabe suns of S170,000,00.. • Mils Mildred Either left last week for her home, near Credition. OVER 13 . MILLIONS OF ASSETS RELIABLE FURNISHING AT CHEL Trivitt church.= Sunday week. Rev. Mr.' preaohed an excelleitt ser- mon which was niuch.: appreciated by the brethren. Ms. John Walper has gone to Har- row to take a position. Hitter is to have an all-night tele- phone service commencing June 1st. reit. His many friends hope the 'At the close of tee choir practice vacation on the farm will do ,hint of. James street church fast week the good and put him in as good health members. presented 'Mr, .S. W. Rowe as ever, and his daughter, Miss Viola, each • with a leather bound' hymn book and tune book, and an address expressive of 'their high appreciation of the val- uable assistance given in connection with the choir and regret at their. in- tended departure feint town. old and respeotel resident of town died last week in the person. Of Mr, James. Gould. He had been a resideut for about thirty-eight years. He eras in his se,ventiebh year. 4..**.•••4•0•Ar•ki*.o., IT GROWS HAIR But Not After the Hair Root Is Dead. W. S. R. Holmee will tell you that lie sells a great many bottles of Parisian Sage because it gives satls- faellon. Ile guarantees it to eradicate dan- druff, stop falling and splitting hair and itching scalp, or money back. 'Parisian Sage will make hair grow if' the hair root is not dead; it puts life and lustre into dull and faded hair, and is the mcee., delighblui hair dressing in the, world. Only 60 cents a large bottle. Parisian Sage is the 'hese bait grow- er and beautifier, dandruff cure and scalp cleaner known. Try it on our, money back plan. The 13ritiSh Commons adjourned at - ter disposing of the veto hill in the committee stage, with. the exception of the preamble. • ormariar.i.arirri.rr Senoftila, cured by Miller's COM - Pound Iron Pills, locei sale by J, E. Hovey Druggist, Mr. J. P. Wiser, the well-known Presecitt distiller, is dead. Grass and bush firm have' done ser- ious damage iii Northumberland coun- ty. Crawford 13celq, illtderly at • the 44b Guelph hospitbl, waqound dead in 6ung R, PAINTMt AND his room. PAPER'llettn. All work guar - The reorganization 4,f the military satin!' tory. Prices reasen- ereintiands of eastern Canada has able. flesidenee nearly olipesite been announced. Collegiate Insioltuta. A Good Defence Against, 'the White Plague No one can afford to lessen their pro thicket power to -day, and to have power you must have good machinery. The human body is the greatest ma- chine ever produced—the most wonder- ful mechanism in theeyorld. It is sheer economic waste not to keep. your body in the best condition. • There 'is he valid recipe for allowing the tissues to become attacked by the (-elite plaque. You need your health and eetneda needs you. Insure against it by building up your reserve forces and bodily defences. The best defence you can get is Nyal's Cod Liver Compound. It builds up the tissues and prevents disease. A delicious tonic and a splendid vital- izer' puts on good, solid flesh, and makes you feel fit for any task. e *lot' the puny and backward child there is noth)ng better. Nyal's Cod Liver COM' pound will soon bring the roses back to the cheek and give vigor and vitality. Your own Druggist cheerfully guaran, tees Nyal's Cod Liver Compound. Sold and Guaranteed by W. S. it. Holmes,J. E. Hovey, W. A. McConnell, Cation. We are very particular abot tations in every line Fleece° our goods as represented. Genuine Brussels Carp " 3 ply wool " " Scotch Linole Kitchen Cabinete, Couches, Hall Stands Moulding, Brass Rods, Et 3E31.1rl'13 Penalties end Undertaking eeeeevveo eanAreovveoteesvveanienne Our flotto This Year You Ca ON A COUNT No 'matter how necessary the precise,exact time tot hod the Counter Watch en day or night. In all the better, few it any equ and .f.,)5 year cases fitted wit went from $15 up. • We sell understanding that it will d you or you get another watc safe for us to do this as a Ci disappocnts. One for each everyday ailment W. R. CO Jeweler Issuer 4,4ovvvAmovokrovvvetAAAAAANi leie44010111611k,