HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-05-11, Page 1nton News- Reord. Year f A a ere i$ 10I 10i ask for goat,leivelerq ' 5.u�ine&s tes CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY Ilth,19!! eves -Record to any address in Canada to and of 1911 for 50 cents. THE HOME PAPE' It's an aft,toici-tale, but it should never glow uninteresting to the buyer. who would be economical. prices Are right. Prove it for yourself by comparison .others. Our selections are large, giving yon a large ety to choose from—again the proof is by comparison. goods are of fine quality. We back this statement with guarantee. Dont these things give us a right to ex- pect from you a fair consideration of our goods? and Optician 'ILe11iar to - R .t BANK of CANADA INCORPORATED 1869. - $6,2oo,o00. "Ided Profits - $6,900,000. - . - $92,000,000 FFICE, MONTREAL. t.-. s ondents throughout the World. • accounts. Courteous treat - to all customers. er ; - Clinton Branch. FOOT/MT-IL MATCH. The first football match to be played here this season will take place in the park" this:.evening, the competing teams to be the famous Rovers' of Brucefleld and. the C.C.I. septt',tte. Betting is even but the Rovers: are assure as can be that they Will win. The ladies are es- pecially invited to witness the game and for them there : will be no ad - mission fee. D WFH OF MRS. W. COWAN. THE SEASON OPENS. The bowling steasod will `Officially • open in Clinton on the 24th; when a bournamen0 will be held. A• series of Scotch doubles will be played for a pair of cut glass jugs donated last year by Mr. A. J. Taylor of Toron.• to. The devotees of the game are hoping for fine weather and are trying to get in a little practice fn the meantime. ;On the 30th tilt, there passedaway .at Bad Axe, Mich., a member sof , a pioneer family of the 2nd con. of Stanley in the person of Mrs. ; Wm. Cowan, daughter of .the late John McQueen Sr., who subsequently lived he ° Clinton, and t sister of Willfaur McQueen of Snover, Mich. The de-' ceased was a. coue n of Mrs, Frank O'Neil of Clinton and Messrs. Wm. and Ed. Glen of Stanley. GOOD HENS PAY. NS BANK I TED 1855. Rest Fund - $4,400,000 • s in Canada is in all the principal cities arld. 1.1 S 1 T I S S TRANSACTED. DEPARTMENT . NCHES. hest Current Rate. • . Dowding, Manager • By experience Mr. W. V. Brown knows that it pays to keep hens, FUNERAL OF MRS. PARTELLO. The Several of the late Mrs. C, C. Pantelld of Detroit took place on Thursday afternoon lash from the rea:dencs of Mr. A. I•I. 'Goodwin, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Ford. The pallbearers were : A. J. STyndall, J. G. Medd,. Burt Mur - Pine W. ''IL Lobb, S. Merrill and.W. Teblvitt. Many old friends of the family were present at .the obsequies. ES CHANGE. N BUSINESS C A G ANOTHER BU In the. past couple of years them have been a number , of ,business changes in Clinton, but it is alto- gether likely another will take place that is gopd ones, fox ;his sixteen this week, one .of our oldest and birds averaged twelve eggs a day from most respected merchants having de- Dec. est to April 30th and their output cided to retire: He wr 'les to be rid netted Irina nineteen dollars, nott taking of trade Cares and • worries that be into account the eggs used by the may enjoy. at ease the fruits of THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 80e. Oats 28e to 303. Peas 680 to 73c, - Barley sec to 550. Butter 150 to 160. t Eggs loo to 17c. Live Hogs $5.60. SPRAYERS HAVE ARRIVED, The gaso'.fne sprayers have arrived for' the National Land, Fruit and Packing Company and one will be operated at each of the following centres : Exeter, Clinton, and Goder- soh.. Two have been cent to Eimer - dine. The pruning, scraping and spraying operations. of the Company are bound to prove of immense Ilene- flit tb the orchards of this county. fierily.' many active years, ,'The name, which One of the secttionmen at Londes- is a household one with purchasers of baro has estimated that the 'year's certain lines of merchundi:ri in this feed for his fourteen. hent will cast Part' of the county will not, .howev; him twelve dol?ars ' and the eggs for er, by any means disappear from the the first three months has paid the business directory 'of Clinton, bill.:AN EARLIER MAH.. Bo* these railway men are quite convinced that the busy hen when • The 4. T. B.• , 'is sending a fast given proper attention is a money; train out of Toronto West every maker and they have half a motion morning, carrying newspapers and to go into poultry raising on a large marl only • and arriving . at scale. Stratford at 6.55. This will LOCAL BASEBALL. enable the city . publishers to place their a. In. editions on thea The prospects for a good season breakfast table of Weetern Ontario for our,basebalt club are excellent instead of .having them arrive at The diamond is teem shape, Dick lunch hour. In mann places this will Tasker, the pitcher, seeing to that be appreciated, but itdoes net an - Dick has been taking daily "try -outs" • pear . as. if the towns along the B. for some time end the local "know- es G. are to have any better service ■ ing ones" are confident than..not on- than they have heretofore enjoyed; ly will he make a new record. in the It' will be noticed that the Globe County League but that for Merit he and Mail • and amain' make .• use ' of will before the season •. is much ' ad- our :czolumns this week to draw atter vanced In entitled• to a place in tie tion oto this new train. Canadian League. • ` WILLIS CHURCH, The team will in all probability be composed as follows : The Young People'sGuild held a Ed: • John am, este base,; ,• devotional meeting after the preaching Carl Draper, 2nd base. ' service on Sunday evening villein. Mr. Fra tfir McCaughey, 3rd .base. R. Irwin gave an address. which was Dick ``Tasker, pitcher. much appreciated. . Will. Johnson,' catcher. A business meeting will be held on Murray McEwan, left field. Monday evening next. • Harty Twitchell,, shortstop.. Miss Cameron, a graduaEa of the Morley Counter;` right field. Presbyterian • Deaconess • Training The team will be managed by ': a School, Toronto, addressed the mem- committee consisting of Dr. Shaw, hers • of the W.F.M.S. and their J. B. Hoover and Will. Harland, friends iii • the lecture room of the church' on Thursday •:evening , last on the subject of missions. She told of the : work of the . Training School which includes • en its course • soh pracitical.mission work as. can be found. in a• city,. of Toronto's ::. size. Miss Cameron • ' °has . offered herself for the.•foreign field,- and Ist.enthusias tic'.dn the , causes and her earneeil talk was listened to with pleasure and profit: •: r' Miss 'Cameron ,is a daughter of Mr. R. D `Cameron who . addre'ised a couple of •meetings he town • during,' the winter on Government . Annuities,: MEETING OF SCHOOL 'BOARD, WARDEN GEIGER IN TOWN. Warden Geiger, Hensall, was in twin Tuesday on his way home from head- ing a deputtation •t'o Toronto in the in- terests of the Maitland Power soheatie. :The Warden is personally not much in love with the project and does not con- sider it should be financed by the County, hue as to ittr feasiti lity quite ' willing to abide by the report of the Hydro -Electric Coumiission ex- perts. xperts. MICHIGAN CATTLE IN TORONTO The. •drovers—which included at least one from Clinton --who had cat- tle on the Toronto market on Mon- day, had to competes with stock from +Pae United States, several carloads from Michigan being: on sale; This competition, has • set our drover a thinking and- as the result he is not so. confident as he was . a month ago that • Reciprociey would be an unmixed blessing for thefarm- ers armers of Ontario. LAYING HEAVY STEEL,. During the past week one mile of 80 -pound * rails was laid. on ' the Clinton section of • the L., H. & B. As the 30 -foot . rails weighed 800 pounds each, the laying of them was heavy. work even for so muscular a lot of men asthe section men along the line,'" The intention, The Newsy Record understands. is to lay new steel. to Kincardine. • The rails being taken up are 5'7 pounds and were placed when the L.. H. 8e B., ` was built .thirty-seven years. ago. • with Harry Twitchell as seicreiJary. PASSING OF. A. OSBALDESTON. On Sunday., last the death occurred ' HA TS of Mr. Audrey Osbaldeston. Do-, ceased was in his thirty-eighth year and was the second 'son of the ' fate. • Alex'ander Osbaldeston, of God L_ich township, . and of. Mrs. Oa'ialdeston now oe town, and ' was born on the homestead on the Huron Road east of Holmesville. He mar- igh time to consign your weather-beaten winter to the attic and crown self with something mod - and Springlike. There's no stand - rd shape of face, so o one shape of fiat ill suit all men. desir'• oung r suit to $5 "to 7i .L: IC -eGO''��RCD your ' suit for May 24th er Early 11 GthilliNg'00, Clothiers r�e�t c r Man" ids Every i Tied Miss Adelaide Ferguson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson, who with her three little boys are left to mourn the loss of husband and father. • For several years Mr. Osbaldeston has been a great sufferer from .rheu- matism. Some time ago he went . to California thinking that the warmer climate there wauld.•benefit him, and remained nearly three years at Red- lands. "Me benefit, however, was only a temporary . one, no permanent cure having been effected. Since his return from California Mr. Osbald esten has resided in Clinton and for the past few months, since. the ani tumn, he has seemed . to be a little better and was unhil Easter .in charge of a machine in the factory et the. Jackson Mfg. Co. . At Easter he visited his 'brother in Goderich and while there took a turn for the worse, ` since which time he has been confined to the house, mont of huts time to bed and bas been a grit' ' sufferer. Death a as a re- lealle on Sunday evens Mr. Osbaldeston ' lea't;es his wife, three little sons, his mother and e'ic sister, Miss Mary, who live in r wn, ' . and two breetherSr Herbert on the homestead, Gederich township, . and rich. ' inG Alex.de.o The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon Seem the residence of bit ntotkern Orange street, to Clinton tenet',, ,The services at ,lbouse and grraveeii e were conducted. by Rev. Writ. Reithhy of St. Mary's, a cousin of deceased, assisted by Rev.. Mr. Wiley of the Baptist church, of Whieh deceased was a memheii!• There were niaey beautiful . floral offerings. 'A wreath was sent by tee Jackson Co ; Mr. and Mrs. C. ' J. Wallis sent a spray, as did also Mr. and Mrs. Cottle, Miss Lillian Rouse, Mrs. Horton of Goderich and Miss Minnie Ker. The fondly also sunt floviera. The pallbearers were : Messes. Mark Horton. Goderich ; Hil- lary, Horton, Dunlop' ; Albert and. Isaac Rapson, Constance, and James and George. Raithbv of Aubu .,,,,,5 all cousins of deceau:d. Th .neral ' rl`atiO largely attended by feids and Tele - tires 'from the surr&unding towns and townships. Mien Nona Ferguson Of Hayfield .was among the :relatives present. EARLY CLOSING, The three meat a erchantti, ' R. Fitz:Amiens 8i Son. J. Scrutan and S. G. Castle, will Close their places of business each evening except Sat- urdays and before holidays' at 7 o'clock and, 'the following in other lines of business will close at 6.30 each evening except Wednesdays and Saturdays and before hon:days : J. Morrish, Fred. Jackson, J. Twit - are chell Se Son, R. J. Clu f1 d C. Hoare, Harland Bros., W. H. Hellyar, ' W. R. Counter, A, J. Grigg, R. Row- land, Plumsteel. Bros., A. J. Hollo- way, Tozer & Brown. DISTRICT MEETING ' .• . The annual meeting , of the' Goderich District will tee held .iii North street church, Goderich, on, Thursday and Friday of_ next week. The minister- ial sessions will' be held on Thursday, morning and afternoon. In the even- ing there will be an open meeting, when ' ' the subject of church union will be, discussed. The 'speakers will be' Rev. J. ' E.: Ford of C.li:.tsn • and Rev. Mr. Conway of Nile The gen- eral sleeting, of ministers and , lay delegates will be on Friday; when the genet:al business of the • district will come up for discussion. The lay delegates from Clinton will The Public school board .met . on Thursday last when routine business was gone through. - 'The following resolution 'was also .•moved• by Mr. Cotitle and. Dr: Evans and carried un- animously :' ' `Rdsa:ved, , that the thanks of this board be extended to the. Principal and teachers 'of the Public same' for the time and labor they expended in bringing to so sue- cesreuR a result the recent concert Inane School Fair, Be` it further renelved that this board place on record an expression of hearty satisfaction and approval of the staff as at ' present constituted, : and that a copy of this the life of Gideon and was taken by resolution be sent to each teacher." Mrs. R. B. i Carter.. Miss Lawson. The following communication, from Principal 'Hartley commxendingmanual training, which was laid. before the board, will be of much interest to the ratepaye s "I desire to lay .before, you, and through. you the, ratepayers of Clin- ton, the question of establishing a department of Manual! Training fn conneetion with our Public school, The, ground floor of the frame schoo Would Earn ish a suitable room fo the purpote The room would have to be etlefpped with ten or a dozen work' benches and .a set of tools for each. These the Government,' would pay for in five equal annual pay- meats. It would cost too much to secure a• special teacher for the work, but the Principal could give instruction each day from 3,30 to 5 or from 4 to 5 p.m,. This being work for the hands rather than the brain would not In a sestse be add - beg to an already large carriculum of studies. Boys should be taught to do as well ' as to know. 'The boys would, I believe, find it an added pleasure to school life. It would be taught Ito boys of thirteen or four- teen years of age, an ago when boys who are not smart at school studies 'become anxious to; drop out of school.. This would, I believe hold them a year or two longer at school. Since it could be established with peac- tiratly no expense to the town I think it would be a wine move in the right direction,' a Personals. Mrs. Ross. of ' Goderich was the guest of Mrs. Emanerten on Friday last. Mrs. '(Dr:) Smith and Mrs. Ed. El- liott, Bayfield, were in town yes- terday. Rev. and' Mrs. Fear of Blyth` were guests at Wesley parsonage Friday and' Saturday. Messrs. Town O'Connor and Erne Reynolds Sundayed at the former's Aflame in Blyth. Miss Florence Cuninghame was.. in. Toronto over the week end, return- ing on Tuesday. evening: • Mr. David . Tiplady returnedlast week . from a visit among . old friends • at. Oshawa and othen places. Mrs. A. 0. Pattie -eon has returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Buffalo, Port Huron and Teton - Rev: and Mrs. Osearhoue of .,Londes- bore were the guests on Friday of Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley, having come in' lib attend . the convention. Mr. C. J. Wallis shipped a fine car of horses to the .west on Monday and followed them it couple of days .lat- ter. He expects to dispose of diem" in Winnipeg, Mrs. (Rev.) Swann and Mists Baker of, Fullerton were' in •Clinton for the convention' on Fridayand stayed A Prosperous Pastoral Year. Rev. W. T. Pearcy.. Last week Rev. W. T. Pearcy com- pleted his first' year as pastor of the Londesboro and Burns Presbyterian churches,• and on Sunday he preached. anniversary sermons, in the morning at Londesboroand in the:afternoon. at Burns'. The work of each con- gregation has prospered during : the year and pastor and people have be-' come better acquainted and are in a fair way of accomplishing even bet- ter workinthe future, until Saturday . the guests of Rev: be from Ontario street eengregatton J. and Miss.: Greene.- Mr. reene. Mr. Lorne Tyndall, and from Wesley Mrs. J: Wf:r'nan returned on Friday Mr. R. E. Manning. WESLEY CHURCII : Quarterly _ services we_e held . on Sunday, ec'men'union following the preaching. in the Morning. Rev. Mr. "Cosens ` occupied the • pulpit in the evening The Literary committee, had' charge of the program at Monday's meeting. The president, :.;Mr.. 'Cigar East, oc- cupied the .chair, the i.eripture les - .son was 'read by Miss • Irwin and, three excellent pa pp ers "were : given ca the life and. works • of ' "The Blind Poet- ess," Fanny. Crosby; byMisses Beat- rice •Greene, Dorothy . Canitelon' ' and Elizabeth Reed..' ' Mr: Murray Jack- son sang "The Veteran's Song" in a manner 'which delighted every one and =prised many who were not' aware that Murray is one of Clintoii's. crime ing soloists. ' He was obliged to re- spond to re?Dated encores. Next Mon- day will: be the missionary meeting. ONT. ST. CHURCH. The services ' on Sunday morning were well attended,both the ..early fellowship meeting and the preaching service which was followed. .by :the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper: Rev.. ' Mr. Ford preached in the even- ing.• • The League 'held their ;.itiomthiy roll call and consecrattinn meeting on Monday evening, The topic was on r • Bayfield • Mrs. Harry Falconer left' last week for Port Huron to join her husband' who is sailing on the lakes. She ex- pects to be away ' a month. Mrs. John Toms and son, Master Norman, are tbisiting friends : at St, Thomas at present. Mr. Harold Pollock ' left. on Tuesday] for 'Detroit; to join his boat -and., ex- pects : to sail on the lakes this seas- on. Miss Cartesand Masters Jack and ' Granville Atkinson of Detroit arrived• lase week and - shave taken possession of their ,summer -residence; for 'the season. after spending a month wt:th her mether, Mrs. Grant of St. Mary's, who h'as' been (suite ill and is still In charge of a nurs,. Misses Ida and Laura 'Veilken, Camp- bell, Maud Pinning and Jean Ross composed an auto party which' visited Goderich Monday evening. Mr. Bert Langford ' was the chauf- feur. Miss Katie Ross, who has spent the past- fix months• or so` visiting friends in the ' western. states and in. the Canadian west,. returned Past week and isvisiting her aunt, 'Miss Ross . of . town. ' Mrs. John Jackson, iMiss Johns, Mr. Fred'. Jackson and Murray, Mr.. and' Mrs. Alii4ert S'celey,Mrs: A. Turner, Mr. and' Mrs. B. J. Gibbings • and Miss Marion Gibbings allate.unded the funeral: of the late Mrs. Sid - nee Johns in .Seaforth oai Frt day gave an instrutmenra,l which was much enjoyed. Next .Monday even- ing • •tto an already large currictiluin ing will be held the literary meet= coin willbe studied. . A very satisfactory .meeting of the quarterly, board was held on Mon- day evening.. Mr. Lorne Tyndall wan elected delegate ' to the district meet- ing and Mr. C. S. II'awke was , ap- pointed alternate, -At ' the close of the meeting the members of the board were invited to the parsonage where refreshments were served. MMI WAFIa As it is impossible' tu' hold the mail trains at any station, at ally rats, not in Mates, ' it is/neces- sary s;neces-sary for The News -Record to go to prelss ON-TIME so as to reach the outt.'aying postoffices that day. In order that this may be done it is requited that cor- respondence, etc.. etc,, reach this office at the earliest possifble mo►rn'- entt. This Etc. includes advertis- ing matter. All display ads must be in this office not later than one o'clock Tuetday if a change for • the current week is desired. It is in the interests of the Advertis- ere as Well as the `Publisher that this rule, het mimed. last. • Miss Forbes, principal of the Pub-: lie school- spent Saturday last at her home in Clinton. Mr. and. , Mrs. • John Elliott of Seattle, Wash., arrived last week and will spend a few weeks with f riendo. Mr: Benjamin Spencer • Jr, and. Miss Clara Parker left on Wednesday, of this week for •Sdskatchewan, • the former to Corinne and the' latter Ito Watson. Miss Nellie .,,liiggart ' of this . village and Mr. Angus Welsh, of Goderich were marxiied in Toronto on Monday, Rev. D. ' Cameron of Brussels occu- pied the pulpit ' of Trinity church ''on. Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Davidson of Mt. Forest • occupied St. Andrew's pulpit ea Sunday. . Mr:,: John Macdonald has bought a driver from. Mr. Walter Stevens . of the Browneon Line:. Henceforth the. other fellow will have to take .trite: • . dust. Mrs. Geo. Ervin and Miss . CIara' visited • in London this week.- ' Mr. John Stevens of Seafortth was in Bayfield a few days recently The death occurred at St. Joseph/s: hospital, London, yesterday morning. of Annie. Donaldson,• wife of James; Carney' of the Bronson Line. ' , The. Iate Mrs. Carney had gone t'o London • to undergo an operation.. The re- mains were brought' home .for inter mens, 'the funeral taking place this. (Thursday) 'afternoon from the' home of her father, Mr. Jas, Donaldson in the village, to Bayfield cemetery. The induction of ' Rev. Mr. McFare ' lane into the pastorate of St. 'An- drew's church took place oil Tuesdays . evening. The ceremonies were presid- ed. over by Rev. Mi+. Johnston of Varna, as moderator, Rev. Mr.. Small of Blyth co dttcted• the induce' tion, Rev. Geo. E. Boss . of Knot c h, " r church; Goderich, addressed the minister and Rev. W. T. •Pearcy of Londesboro `•addressed tlae congrega- tion. There were present 'Rev. Mr. Carriere of ' G gird Band, Rev. anti Mrs. Sewers of'rfrucefield, Rev. Mr Hamilton of Goderich and a vers large number of the members, ad herantts and friends, so many in fact 'Pleat the church was taxed to ftn ut- most to accommodate ' the crowd. ' crit n induction n the ceremony After the y In of ladies of .the congregation served ice cream and cakeand a pleasant somd. hoer was spent. The new pastor comes from Ilapku,, in the Baste Presbytery. He comes: well recommended by his brethren and' begins his pastorate here under fon amble circumstances. We bespeak for him a successful ministory, in Rayfield.. Mir%% Nona Ferguson was in Clinton. on Tuesday abtaidink the funeral of the late Audrey Osbaldeston. The annual meetingof the Women's D�iritute will be held nor* Thure lay afternoon at the home of Miss Cant - eon. SOUQ BE ANOTHEfi WM • Something has:gone.wrong with the big -pump at the waterworks . and the casing is now being drawn: Fortunately the reserveir was full when the :shut , down c'ccurr:d and there is yet a strong standpipe pres- sure, but citizens should draw on it. as sparingly as possible for a few days. This tie up emphasizes the need • of another' well. t• Hullett Township. The following table of statistics is taken from the assessment roll of I-Julietb and will prove of interest to many : Total acreage 5346$ 25, clear- ed leared land 46342, bush land 3267.25,' swamp. 3859,value, of land $1.4690.50e value of buildings' $510, 250, business tax $3,709 ; total assessment $9.83,- 000. No..of children from 5 lb 21, 775',no. of children from 5 to 16, 531. Population 2392. Males between • 21 and 60, 664. Days statute lab- or ' 2803. No' of births 89. No. of deaths 15. No of dogs in the township 250. .The roll was re- turned on April 27th. The court of revision will meet on May 27th tto date there are no appeals. Thom who have visited Mr. Theis. Livingstone's farm of late will bare noticed, a fine foal which Mr. Living- stone ivingstone says is the best he has ever raised. The core is Glenrae, owned by T. ItteMichael 8c, Sons. Null mid. Mr. Frank Reyncids left on Monday in charge of a car of horses, ler Mr. C..: J. Wallis of Clinton, for Winni- peg. Frank intends going on as far as Edmonton wham he will probably re- ria,in for a time. New Advertisements.. For Sale—T. Laws -5' New Laundry—Lee fling -5 Seed Corn—Suitter Co. -5 C. of R: -•Fi'. L. Maephertnn--5 • For Saturday Tozer tt Brawn -8 Good Intentions -Prod. Jacksotr-8'