HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1911-05-04, Page 44
Clinton News -Record
Goderich Township 1 Summerhill.
Me. George Cantelon Jr. sold his
05 acre lot on the 9th con. to Mr.
Christie Gray who iso now in posses-
sion and is putting in the spring
crap. In a week or so he will
move down his fatuity. Mr Gray is,
a Tory and a Methodist so will leo!
quite at' home on elle 9th. The handl
of fellowship is exti'aded to him.
Wait'J Ratbwell and William lI i
(ole left on Tuesday fcr Edmonton,
Alberti. This will be their smelt
trip to that country.
We are all pleased to know ;eat
Mn 5. 1f. Pluntnu':, who was pain-
ful?), ill for some weeks, and Mr:
Robf. 'l'hompsu•u Sr.. who has also
been critically ill, have both im-
pw ved much in health. A wide circle
of Friends has been u:uch c, ncorned
about th''.L' two worthy residents of
tho 16th cin.
Mr. ('has.
as the guest
Miss Katie
at hie home
Thu Ladies'
home of Miss
Clifton spent Sunday
of his father, Mr. J.
The Question
Is Easy
E shall i
myWall ')
is Spring •
aeon is we
e r e and
y for your
(levier spent Sunday
Guild will nit at the
Watkins on Friday af-
M.'. and Mrz:,. W. l'tiggin and family
of Clinton spent' Sunday in the vil-
Mrs. E. Carte'' and little sons
visited at Mr. J. Jolueeence s.
Mr. H. Mayes has purchased a
handsome driver from Jenkins Bros.
Sunday school will re -open for the
summer on Sunday at, half past ten.
Thu sewices of St. Peter's church
have bee's changed to 7.30 instead of
7 during the summer months.
Miss M. Beacom of Clinton i?ent
last week under the parental roof.
Mr. H. Hayes secured second prize
for his' two -yeas old colt at Bruce -
field Fair.
Mr. John Wright, has returned
home after, a lengthy stay in Lou-
Me. T. Scarlett' of Clinton Bu:i:ness
College spent Sunday at Mr. Geo.
Messrs. (levier and Jordan have
been imp.+tving their premises by er-
ecting a wire fence. Mr. J. Johnsen
Jr. of Londeisboro doing the words.
Mrs. Crow, who has been visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Freitt.'a, this past
two months, has returned to her
home at Wiar'.lon.
The. Q. oderich• Township
Rural' Will Makes 1$ Big
Addition to Its
The Goderich Township Rural Tele-
phone System will make a big. ad-
dition to its mileage this season.and
has already decided upon forty Utiles
made up as follows:
Trunk line Clinton to Gcderi.eh
which John Cantelon and George Hul-
ler are now cross -arming. 19 miles
in the western part of the township,
with Godo:rich connection. 10.', utiles
in the southwest Part of the town-
ship with Clinton connection. And
in all probability up the Base Line
and through the western part of Rule
The Company has made a new
agreemen'.' with the 'Bell whereby at
a $2.50 rate the eastern pant' of the
township gets connection through
Clinton Centralwith celery subscrib-
er in the township and also those in
Wen' End Tuckersmith, East
End Stanley, Brueefteld, Varna
and Bayfio:d. For connection'
with the Bell subscribers in Goderieh
theta is a five -cent rate.
The western pa le of the township
will pay $4.00 per annum for centime -
tion th:iiaughout the township and al-
so with (ioderich town and the God-
erich and Colborne Rui'als. To.
reach Bell subscribers in Whiten
there is a five -cent tariff.
The ratepayers on the wets!`, side Of
the Base Lino having waited upon,
the council asking for connection,
Presidents George HollaAd and Gov
,'.clock of the Goderich Township and
McKiflop Systems made a jcint can-
vas of beat district on Monday to
ascertain which System the majority
preferred. The arrangement was an
amicable one so as' to avoid the
building of any unnecessary lines.
Tuckersmith Township.
The annual:' elections held in Turn-
er's church during the last couple of
weeks resulted as follows :
Sunday School.
Supc'rntendent, Ili';bert Crich.
Assistant!, Ira Johns.
Stcret.ary, Miss Hattie Turner.
Assistant, Miss Ru'h Switzer.
Treasurer, Howard ('rich.
Organists, Miss Mn..;+Walfers
Miss Lucy ('rich.
Epworth I.e'ague.
IIon .-Presiden,', Roe. T. W.
President, ira Johns.
1st Vice, Miss Tena Townsend.
end Vice, Mrs. Levi Stong.
3rd Vice, Miss Flossie TownsLnd.
4th Vice, Harold Turner.
Treasurer, Roy Pepper.
Auditors, Miss T. Townsend z.n.l
Mrs. Gt'erge Turner.
Rec.-Secretary, Howard Crich.
C'c,r.-Sccretai';, Miss Lucy Crich.
Librarian, Miss, Rut'•t Switeer.
Organists, Miss F. Townseatl, tier.•.
F. Plewes, Miss Mary N alto:.,,
Miss Rose Pepper, Miee L.t cy
('rich and Mrs. C, N. Turner.
The Quarterly Love, Fcuee and
Communion service will oe he'd at
the close of the regular lire.tehing
service next Sunday afternoon.
The News -Record to any address in
taneatc,da to Jun 1912 for 50 cents.
uch & Co.
IN p W rJs,
Mr. James Wallis is wending the
week with his daughter, Mui. J.
Garrett of near Londesboro.
Mr. and Mrs. William; Ferguson and
son of Soafortsh spent a few days
last week in the village the guests
of itis. pae.'nts, Mr. and Mrs. John ;
Ferguson. .
Mr. Isaac Richards of Brussels
spent Tuesday in the village. '
Mrs. Richards ana daughter, Miss
Ellen Richards, who have spent 4'ae
winter with her son at Brussels, re-
turned to the village on Tuesday.
Mr. :J: Rockwell of London returned
to the village this week.
Dr. Smith spent a few days this!
week ;at Barrie.
Mrs. Lawrence left this week for
Brantford to visit friends.
Rev. D. E. . Cami;i e. of Brussels
will take the services in Trinity
church next Sunday in the interests
of the Foreign Missions and Chinese
Famine Fund. Service at Bayfield 11
a, in.,. as Goshet at 3 p. m. and
Varna at 7 p.1111.
Rev. MI Davidson of, Mt. Forest
occupied the pulpit cf. St, Ande.tw'n
church on Sunday last.
Rev. Mr. Rogers of Seafortli oc-
cupied the Methodist pulpit on Sun-
day evening last'.
The feAlowtng is .t'he result of the
Eaa''ar examination in the Bayfield
Public school
Roo ' L
Promoted from Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th—
Dorothy Fowlie, Fred. Fowlie, Har-
old Brandon, Flee Edwards, Dollie
Ross, Kenneth Smith, Kathleen El-
l_liott',Russell Erwin.
Sr. 3rd to ,J:i.. 4th-aWillard St'ni.
geon, Ji .in . Ferguson. Della 'Parker,
Isabe'i Weeds, Willard Dresser.
Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd—Kenneth Currie,
13ussie Elliott, Ernest McGee, Kate.
Little, Ethel Fowlie, Jack Jowett,
Lulu Baker, Irene Currie, Abe Bran-
don, Lillian Catling.
From. Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd—Florence
Elliott, Frank King, Wilfred Tom,
Wilmer Blair, .Lorne Wormsley, Agnes
McDonald, Sidncsv` Castle, Lola Blair,
Muriel' King, Russell Hemel, Susan
Westlake, Don Murray, Bertha West-
lake. '
-Miss Forbes, Towhee
Room IL . .
From, Jr. 2nd to Sr. '2nd—Beatrice
Brown, Alexandc:' Brown, Rea Tip-
pet, Beulah Parker, Lulu Davison,
Nina Heard, Irene Catling, Hales
Droner, Melvin Davison, Mary Cur-
rie, Ruby Elliott.
Jr: 2nd—Willie Sanderson, Ethel
Dr,'ltman, Izeta Menet, George Blair.
Paef., 2nd Si'.—Lucy Woods, Greta
Baker,. Leslie Elliott. Shirley King.
Part 2nd Jr.. —Ruth McDonald, May
Fields, 'Harry •Baker. Willie' Brown,
Harold Weston, Russell Davison, Nor-
ville Oeminhardt, Roland Reid:
.Part. lst•-Willie •Parker, Jean
Woods, ` Glad} s Condole, Mary Gal-
hraith, Ethel Geminhardt, Lola El-
liott, Jami .' Drehman. Robbie ' Blaie,..
Norman Toms, Willie! Heard, Charlie
Mrs. James Ferguson, Teacher.
WE put cn sale Saturday
five dozen Ladies' White
Lawn Waists, extra good
quality lawn, prettily trimm-
ed with embroidery and each,
it bought in the regular way,
could not be sold for less than
$1.50 and $1.75. We put
these on sale fcr one week
only for 79c each.
Now is the time to buy a
cheap summer waist.
Finger -tipped Silk
f you find the name Kayser
e—ths kind with the tips
es. The kind that combines
y. The kind that is sold
ee that guarantees. We have
grey and tan. Prices 75c up.
lette Silk 98c
;i ' Qt .r bu ting silk. In
)3 a beautiful
Mrs. Ileacs and Mrs. Mitchell of
Souris, Man., visited f ;ends. hero
Saturday and Sundae.
Mr. Win. Keys and Mr. (i,.. R. Keys,
Clinton, the latter the C.O.F. organ-
izer, visited at Mr. W. Stanley's on
Sunday. .
Misses Eveline and May McCartney
of Gederich >_icnt Sunday with friends
The cheese factory started . the
season's work last Monday.
Thi townr;cip council met on ;Mon-
day. Messrs. Chas, Williams .5a , C:.
W. Sturdy and Alex. Welch were .ap-
pointed sheep yaleators, each to, re-
ceive $2 per day - whoa investigating
claims. `
Two petitions reetiesit;ng telephone
extension were received and granted.
The clerk was instructed to, wa:t'e
Mr. W. T. Mu.rney tit personally pre-
sent' his claim at. next meetiing of.
council for damage done .his sheep by
The council agt'aed .in a body to.
inspect the . fence on the 7th con..
which is said to cause' mow blockade
Mr. Govenlock, reeve of MoK,illop,
was present to interview the cpuncil
with regard to an extension 'of the
telri hcne line on the ' Base• Line,
with the m>sult that ie. was. agreed
thee he and Mr. Holland should
see the rate'?ayers and ' ar';ertein
Which system -they, would •;prefer. -N.
W. Trewartha, Clerk.
The rig .busincf„ in connection
with the Poultry Stilton here is in-
creasing rapidly. Last week the shit-.
ments amounted to over ., • hunire:d
cases. It • is the intention •fie. graft
wally branch out and ship f rem a
number of centres in .the county. Tile
outlook is good foe a. 'r lmper• crop of
young poultry this season : and au
rangement's are being . made to ere.
large the fattening station here. The
farmers seem to be. awakening 'to the
fact that the poultry industry is one
of the most valuables assets of the,
farm. They are paving more atten-
tion to it and the Station is help-
ing along the good work in tteis conc-
StanieR Township
510. and Mrs. Sherritt of near
Greenway, Stephen township, spent
Saturday and Sunday at the borne •
of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys.
Rey. Mr. and hiss. Eckert, returned
missionaries, left on Monday to visit
friends in Michigan. They expect ua
return about July 1st to the home
of Mr. George Kennedy of the Goshen.. '
Miss Sarah Tito. spent Sunday
with her friend, Miss Emma Peck.
Miss Tit'a intends leaving this week
for Rochester, New' York.
Mrs. J. W. Reid stunt Sunday with
heir father, Mr. G. Elliott, Goderich.
Miss Mabel Seinson spent Sunday
at her home on the Sauble Lino.
Mr. and Mrs. John. Sherritt , of
Stephen township visited Stanley,
friends over Sunday.
Mr. John Johnston, who at'eended
Durham Model school last term and
'qualified for a teacher, secured. a
school in the neighborhood of Exet-
er, but owing' "to illness could not
take charge. He hoped to be able to
do so after Easter, but a relapse
prevented him and he has resi►ofned, the
Mr. and Mrs. John Keys attended
the funeral of the latb;lr's coueen,
Mary Parke, who was buried in Bay-
field cemetery on Friday.
Miss Francis Sharp has improved
the appearance of h!z farm by a new
wire fence. along ,'lie road.
Mr. Angus. Murere of Saublei Line
is making preparation for the eerectt-
ion of a barn. -
Farmers, throughout the township.
are . hustling along with their seed-
ing. The rain has helped consider-
ably as the land was getting hard.
• Mr. Norman R. Boyce, who .success-
fully passed the Normal Examination
is taking a course at Guelph to beih-
t';,r . prepare himself for . flee teaching.
profession. • :1
The following 'shows the standing.
of the . pupils : of L. S. S. No. 9,
Stanley, for April: .
4th—Emma Bechler. Pearl McBride,
Mary J. Meytcs:
Sr.. 3rd—Lorne Manson, Rachel
Ga:scho, Jakie Moyer. , .
Jr. 3rd -Nancy Brenneman, Menno
Gesell, Alberta Finlay.
Sr. 2nd—Gladys Douglas, . • Pearl,.
Moyer, Abtir,ham, Zapfe.
Jr. 2nd—Lillie Meyer, Lydia (Un-
gerich, Ada Kennel.
.Pt 2hd :5r.—Ada Meyersi, ,Harvey
Meyer, :Sara Erb. ' •
• Pt. 2nd Jr.—Laura. Desch, IIerbiet,.
Moyer,. Gordon. lirk. .
'Pt. 1st, Sr.—Carl McClinehey, John,
Oe`sch, Mary. Giugerich.
• Pt. 1st ,Jr, -Florence Boyce, Ruth,.
Sehrag, Edmund Bechler..
—G: S. Howard., Teacher.
McKillop Township
Messrs. Wm. Neal- and Geoeee Hol
land,, have been shipping pots,!+sets, the
former from Walton and the. latter
from Dublin.
Se:ding will be about completed
this week. A few have finished al-
Quarterly meeting services. will • be
conducted on Walton circuit next
Sabbath ; the business meca3:ng to be
held the previous evening. • .
Miss Emma Lockhart, who .has. been
ill with fever, is we are pleased tel
hear, on the mend.
Walter Davidson has purchased ., a
nice new hop buggy.
The Walsh brothers lost a good
working horse from, distemper and
Wm. Duffy lost a brood marl teem
The "Rovers" are kept busy prac-
tising for elle coming season. In
all. pro'babilit'y .' they will : ,play, a
friendly, game: with . the ' Ilensall
sportsmen the lather ' end of this
McKillop Township
'The fall wheat is •poorand a • lot'
of ie. is -being ploughed up, but af-
ter having . two or ' three good crops
of • Wheat, farmers • should not com-
plain too much over ' one failure.
Miss. Maggie', Serial has, been en-
gaged tb teach the school at Harlock
and commenced after Easter. ,
Third Term'Examination at
The Clinton Collegiate
Only the names of pupils obtaining
fifty per. cent.. or over are published
here.' The' r'ietorts of all pupils have
been sent to tie parents: or quare
diens for therir examination
Part I. Faculty Entrance.
D. ` Cosens 78.6, W. Doherty . 71.3,
E. Willis 70.8, II. Reid 68,6, V.
Welsh 68.3, R. i)enholuc, 68.1..
Part .I.I. Faculty Entrance.
'C. Copp 85,3, N. Welsh 80, W.
Doherty 70.3, T. Smitiders 68, W.
Tamblyn -66:5, Fie Willis 61.6, F.
Tamblyn 53.8..
Honor Matriculation
J. Scott 66.8, J. O'Neil .61.6.
Partial honor Mntelculatiou.
'N. C1uff 64.
Normal School Entrance
L. Smillie 87.4, M: Brown 81, I.
Taylor 70.4, • M. Taylont 71.9, J.
Buchanan 66.5, M. Lamont 65.6, J',
Sturdy 64, L. Wasman 63, S. Copp
61.7, R. Cantelon 57, I. Glen 56.3,
E. Levis 56.2, V. Barge 54.4, L.
Drainage Demonstrations Beaton 53.5, E. 'Turner 52, 13. den 51.7, Brown50. ,
1'.. .
The Ontario Agricultural College is FIi,
emphasizing the value of drainage G. Welt+ 81.0,
orI';m.. Holland 77.1, J.
again this sunthnct', for which purpose Aikenhead 73.5, H. Lyon 72.2, . II.
drainage demonstrations are. being Turner 71.3, M. Shipley 68.9, F. Sin -
held in many parts rt the province. man 68.8, E. Kelly 66.7, R. Dewar
The following demonstrations are 66.2, M. Chown '61.6, G. Walker 60;1,
announced for this county : V. Lobb 58.1, b. Copp 55.7, F.
At Chas. . J. i)olmage's, Ilurcn Brown 55.6, N. Garrett:, 56.1, A, Mo;
township, on Thursday, May 11th, at Connell 54,9, M. Paterson 54.7, Ci.
2 o'clock in the afternoon. Draper 54.7, M. Reynolds 54.2, C.
At E. A. Murr's, . MoKillop town- Nicholson 53.0, 11. Cantelon 53,5, 1..
ship, en 1M1otiday, May 15th at 2 Ford 61.8, W..Wallis 50.1, 6t. Mc::1-
o'clock hi the afit:rnoctn. lister 50., 0. Ball 50.
These meetings should of spetcial Form I,
intexedt as some difficult places to E. Ileaconi 72, W. McGregor 71.8,
are involved. Resides the 'diva- Ii. MacArthur 60.8. I. Elliott 68.0,
the particular r, problems G. McTaggart 68.7; W. Sundercook
re' wick,�y Moe. 185 .2, A. Ik, at'a • 65.1, M. Mc'Jowan
c5 .13.1, 0. . Cole 61.7, I'.' Wilkiin 60.7,
td's vied' Co& 60.2,. W. Walker 66, S.
th 59.2,, • V. x''ord' 58.2,• V. Hviins
t' W. McNattghtott 618.5, . P.
54.6, S. ITenel 53.11,
, S8'.0', M. Yates 68.7, E. eau -
'...Harland 54..5, 51. l)aq•:
cKillop and Brussels .
Companies Havea Dispute.
There was a warm dispute between
representatives of two. rural telephone
systems before the. Ontario Railway
and Municipal Board alt Toronto last
Friday.. Application was . made' by
to:ze•Brussels ' Telephone ' System, .
which, 'connects • several . small towns.
between Stratford and Soa,forth,- to
have . long-distance connection wit''.i.
the Bedl Telephone' Company. Their.
application was .contested by `the Mc-
o-Killop. Telephone System, which Op-
: over practically the, same ..
country, and which 'already, etas con-
nection. with the Bell Company: The
latter 'systoca',_was ;represcented by MA.
M. K. Cowan. The °.board reserved
their judgment. .
East Huron Asso-
ciation" Officers.
Brussels, . April 28.—Thu East Hur-
on Liberal Association held 'its an-
nual meeting herethis afternoon and
elected the following officers Presi-
dent, Alex. McLaughlin of Howick ;
\'ice -Presidents, Win.. Elston of Mor-
ris and John Gillespie of. 'East' Wa-
wanosh ; Sec:tatary-Treasurer, F. S.
Scott of 'Bruest+"s.., . Addt'asses were
delivered by Hon. A. G. MacKay, Mr:
W. ,Proudfoot, 'M,P,P... and Mr. Ar-
chie 'Hyslop, ex -M P.P.•
Banish Pimples
and Eruptons.
it Su, want the boat .of 'health and
new strength in the spring you must
build .up your blood with a tonic'
medicine. Following. the long,, in-
door winter months most people feel.
depressed and easily tir:d. This,
means that the blood is impure and
watery. It is this stellae of the blood
that . causes pimples. and unttighttly
eruptions. To this same condition is
due attacks of, rheumatism and luau'
bago ; the sharp, stabbing pains• of
sciatica and neuralgia ; poor appe-
tite, fre6uene headaches and a desire
to avoid exertion. Von cannot cu'e
there ttcoubles by the use of purga-
tive medicines—you need a tante, and
a tonic only, and among all nidi-
einem there in none can equal Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for their tonic,
life-giving, nerve -restoring powers.
Every dose of this medicine. maker;
new, rich blood which drives out im-
purities, stimulates every organ and
brings a feeling of new health and
energy to weak, tired putt, ailing
Men, women and children. If you are
feeling out of sorts give this Medi-
cine a tidal and see how quickly It
will restore the appetite, z1avive'
drooping spiritsand. fill ,your vying
with new, health -giving blood.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are . sold
by all dealers t ii medicine or will be
sent+ by •., it to 50 remits a box ofil
six boxe or $2.50 by addressing
'Dhe tit. illiams' Medicine Co.,
'13r+ooekv Onto